2 minute read
Hot To Identify A Chick Flick
by borov665
HOW TO IDENTIFY A CHICK FLICK You know you’re watching a Chick Flick when…

You see a pretty lead actress like Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz or Sandra Bullock, and they don’t take their clothes off.
The lead actress is in love with someone who isn’t in love with her; however, she gets her man (or some man) in the end. ...................................................................................
The star of the film spends the entire movie trying to get some guy’s attention. If the movie’s a comedy, she’ll try to get him by spying on him or falling down in silly ways. In a drama, she’ll cry, and if necessary, contract a fatal disease and then he’ll feel sorry for her. ...................................................................................
The lead actress is madly in love with either: A jerk who treats her badly. A wonderful guy who hasn’t noticed her yet. ...................................................................................
The star eventually learns the value of judging people on their personality and not on their looks (which only works if the guy looks like Johnny Depp). ...................................................................................
The film ends with the lead man pledging his eternal love to her, usually after running through the rain to find her, or during a party where all of her friends and neighbors can watch with envy. ...................................................................................
The villains are husbands or boyfriends who cheat on their wives or girlfriends, or mean bosses who smoke “evil” cigarettes. The main chick is surrounded by a group of loyal, but definitely less attractive, girlfriends. These girls help the lead actress plot her victory, often while getting their hair done. ...................................................................................
The star’s best male friend is a gay man, just to prove how politically correct she is. ...................................................................................
The chick’s mother makes an appearance to say something clever about love. Then they usually hug and cry together. ...................................................................................
There is a dance scene, and the lead actress sings a classic rock such as “Brown-Eyed Girl,” by Van Morrison or “Respect” by Soul Queen Aretha Franklin.
So now you know!
a jerk n US offens an idiot to pledge eternal love exp to promise to love someone forever to cheat on someone exp to be unfaithful to your partner/ husband/wife and to have a relationship with another person to plot vb to plan - normally to do something bad to get your hair done exp if you “get your hair done”, you go to a hairdresser’s and they arrange and cut your hair politically correct adj someone who is like this, has liberal and left-wing attitudes concerning social issues to hug vb to hold someone in your arms and to press them against you in an emotional way