Borovets Competition Rules EN

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4 © Borosport, 2017 г.





1.1. INTRODUCTION This document shall present the competition program of the International architectural competition for Borovets Resort’s new public centre. The competition shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Public Procurement Act and Ordinance 4 for conducting competitions in the investment design for the purposes of subsequent direct assignment of a preparation phase of the investment project to the winner of the competition on the basis of his/her competition project. This document also shall include terms of references, a legal framework and all the annexes listed in this document. The competition program shall be organised in five main chapters - general description of the competition, conditions of participation, schedule, introduction to Borovets territory and, last but not least, information about the specific territory subject to the competition - the so-called Golden Triangle of Borovets, located in the southern part of the resort and in close proximity to the beginning of the ski area, the lifts and the tourist routes. The information in this last part covers the results of terrain analysis and theoretical studies commissioned by the municipality of Samokov and conducted specifically for the competition by a multidisciplinary team.

1.2. CONTRACTING AUTHORITY AND ORGANISERS Contracting authority shall be the Municipality of Samokov with the support of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, the Union of Architects in Bulgaria and the Union of Urban Planners in Bulgaria. Organiser on behalf of the Contracting Authority shall be the Platform for Urban Culture and Projects Urbanistas. Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Ministry of Tourism, the Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents (BATA), the National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Forum, the Department of History and Theory of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, the Coalition For the Nature in Bulgaria, bringing together non-governmental organisations to protect the environment and biodiversity as well as representatives of the Borovets Association, representing the residents and tenants in the Golden Triangle, have been invited to take part in the working group on the competition assignment.

1.3. VISION The competition shall be held in support of the Vision of Samokov Municipality for the development of Borovets as an innovative, sustainable and attractive European leader in yearround family mountain tourism and sports, as well as its popularisation on a regional and international scale. The aim shall be to establish Borovets as a green resort, aimed at an ever-increasing number of visitors, who may prefer a longer stay due to the variety of activities, performed on spot - nature and mountains enthusiasts, lovers of extreme activities such as mountain running, climbing, cycling and freestyle in the summer, free ride in winter. The aim is also to ensure variety, both during the day and at night, ranging from a quiet and cosy atmosphere to an active yet family-friendly night life in accordance with the new dining and entertainment style and a large part of the accommodation facilities. The Samokov Municipality team hopes that the successful project will contribute to a better understanding of the local culture, sports and nature by attracting more family visits and providing a higher quality of life to both visitors and local residents.



1.4. MOTIVES The main motivation for this competition is the desire of the Municipality of Samokov to stimulate the development of Borovets and the region through the introduction of new attractive features and activities at the resort. In general, the necessary new infrastructure must provide attractive year-round conditions for tourism and recreation - high level of customer service and eateries, recreational activities and attractions, administrative and information services and public recreation. The renovation of the Golden Triangle territory allows intervention in some existing topics of the modern built environment on the territory, which currently include functional, aesthetic, financial and image-related problems as well as solving existing communication problems related mainly to the pedestrian access to key sites within the territory and their surroundings, highlighting and providing access to the two cultural and historical heritage sites, basic maintenance of the existing vegetation and other activities, presented in detail in this competition program. The current architectural competition is an opportunity, through a transparent and democratic procedure, to improve the resort’s international image as a tourist leader in the region and to make a long-term investment in its sustainable, environmentally friendly and innovative development. MAIN OBJECTIVE The main objective of the competition shall be to collect a wide range of high-level conceptual designs for the spatial development and the architectural appearance of the territory, from which to select a project, suitable for the Municipality Vision for the resort’s development, realised in stages. SOCIAL JUSTIFICATION The Contracting authority wishes to provide the opportunity for a democratic and transparent procedure for the selection of tenants of the newly created rental areas for commercial and public services, entertainment and recreation. The choice of tenants will be based on the principle of free competition and on the basis of their proven capacities, experience and success in the respective activity, as well as on a proposed vision for the respective rented site. The choice of tenants will be carried out through deliberate and timely announced public tenders.

1.5. SUBJECT Subject of the competition is the selection and realisation of a conceptual project for the Golden Triangle territory in Borovets mountain resort, Samokov Municipality, Bulgaria. The area is located in the most lively and attractive part of the resort, next to the finish line of the ski runs and the initial stations of the cabin and chairlift as well as to some of the largest and most important hotel complexes. The location of the area determines the importance of this space for the operation of the resort and for the overall architectural and aesthetic formation.



1.6. FORMAT The competition format is determined by its objectives. The competition is: •

international – so as to gather as many ideas and suggestions as possible, as well as to increase the possibility of obtaining high quality projects;

anonymous – to ensure a transparent and fair process of judging and evaluation and as a result to choose a winner of the competition;

one-stage – the Municipality of Samokov and the organising team of the competition insist that the selection of the winning project is based solely on the qualities of the project and the ability of its author to design a working draft;

with prizes – those projects ranked first, second and third, as well as two other projects nominated by the jury will be rewarded with the cash prizes described in Chapter 2 of the General Conditions, item 2.6 Prizes and assignment based on this competition. The project ranked first shall receive as an award a direct right for a contract for a technical and preliminary investment project.

1.7. VALUE The total value for realisation of the investment intention is envisaged to be up to BGN 60 million excluding VAT, upon realisation of maximum permissible: •

built-up area up to 5,285 m2 ;

unfolded built-up area up to 22,019 m2 ;

underground built-up area with possibility of two underground floors with a total built-up area up to 14,092 m2

vertical planning up to 5,285 m2 ;

landscaping up to 7,046 m2 ;

The total realisation value includes: •

construction works Including labour and materials for realisation of the investment project and infrastructure, finishing works, equipment and furnishing;

urban development of the territory included in the scope of the competition;

the value of the project for the full package of specialities of the investment project of BGN 28 per square meter excluding VAT for the built-up area and underground design.

other types of activities ( preparation of a Detailed Site Development Plan - Amendment of the Plan for Regulation and Construction and schemes, Conformity assessment report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Construction and author supervision, state fees for coordination and commissioning).

1.8. ADMISSIBILITY Individual architects and designers with full designer’s capacity from the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria (CAB) or an equivalent organisation in the respective country of professional registration as well as teams with at least one such member are eligible to participate in the competition. In the case of a team winner of the competition, a contract for the assignment of a technical and preliminary project will be made with the respective representative designated by the team. 10

© Samokov Municipality, 2017 г.



2.1. SCOPE OF THE COMPETITION The scope of the competition includes the so-called Golden Triangle territory in the central part of the oldest Bulgarian mountain resort Borovets. The exact geographic coordinates of the territory, subject to the competition, are: INTRODUCTION The architectural development environment in the Golden Triangle region was built mainly in 1992 when as a result of the socio-economic changes that have occurred, the private initiative has been launched and the building of small restaurants, cafes, bars, shops and stalls started. All of this happened without the implementation of the architectural and development predictions of the 1986 plan and without observing the Scheme of movable and temporary premises approved by the Chief Architect, which has envisaged only 24 premises with limited area and single-storey volume. Later on their number continued to increase and they were expanded without the necessary building permits. Today the result is visible - they are different in style, with chaotic volumes, without the necessary distances between them, observing the sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards and fire safety regulations. The unclear lifespan of the buildings and their temporary status demoralises their owners and most movable and temporary premises generate environment pollution, impede the flow of traffic and especially the pedestrian traffic and create a sense of chaos and lack of control. All this shows clearly that new buildings should be built in the area, appropriately shaped and with modern functions and purpose. TERRITORIAL SCOPE The territorial scope of the competition includes a part of the so-called Golden Triangle in the central part of Borovets, located in the triangular space between the streets: •

to the north the street connecting hotel Rila and the initial station of the Cabin Ropeway,

to the west, the main road between Samokov and Borovets and the initial station of the Cabin Ropeway

to the south-east the street between Flora Hotel, along the Martini Baraki ski runs and Rila Hotel.

The territory thus described includes two municipal properties No: 65231.919.433 and No: 65231.919.354 with a total area of 23 decares which are subject of the competition and 3 private properties - No: 65231.919.389, No: 65231.919.390 and No: 65231.919.432, with an area of 4.5 decares, which are not subject of the present competition and for which a Detailed Development Plan has entered into force. A current Detailed Development Plan for the territory - subject of the competition will be developed as a result of the competition and on the basis of the winning project. The participants are required to comply with the Detailed Development Plan, approved by the Expert Council and coordinated by the Municipal Council Samokov - a plan for street regulation and the public sector sites. It is not necessary to take into account the current regulatory and development plan of the resort, except for the plans for private properties in the triangle. The Contracting Authority provides information on previous such plans for information - Chapter 4. Borovets, in Item 4.6 Architecture and in the annexes of this assignment. 13


CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS The construction parameters of the territory are set out in the General Development Plan of the tourist resort localisation Samokov - Borovets - Beli Iskar since 2005, headed by arch. Petko Evrev. •

development zone - Public service area - according to the General Development Plan, GDP;

Maximum building density – up to 30%;

Maximum building intensity * - up to 1.25;

*the ratio of the unfolded built-up area to the area of the regulated plot, expressed in absolute terms;

Minimum green spaces - up to 40%, half of which will be intended for planting trees;

Additional considerations according to the current Spatial Development Act: •

Minimum area of the property – 13 m;

Necessary building distances from the property boundary – 3m. From the side property lines, 3 or 5 meters from the bottom of the property;

Minimum area of zoned land – 400 square meters;

Maximum building height - not limited.

Building distance from street regulation at the discretion of the designer.

MUNICIPAL PROPERTIES And more specifically the scope of the competition shall include the following properties, also marked on Scheme 12 - Golden Triangle - Scope, ownership and building: •

property No: 65231.919.433 with total area of 22,714 m2, owner Samokov Municipality, designed for recreation resort. The property includes a total of 65 buildings and structures, three of which are planned to be preserved - No.12, 14 and 57 (buildings with permanent status) as illustrated on Scheme 12 – Golden Triangle – Scope, ownership and building. Scheme 11 “Golden Triangle” - Functions and Purpose of Chapter 5 “Golden Triangle” illustrates the buildings by type of functions in the territory of the competition and in the border territories. A detailed list of function, area, number of floors and type of building ownership is attached in the appendices to this assignment. This information is also included in Appendix 2. Drawing of plot of land No 65231.919.433. Extract from the Land Register. File containing cadastral map, regulatory lines within the scope of the competition, infrastructure sites and vegetation map.

property No: 65231.919.354 with total area of 300 m2, owner Samokov Municipality. Initially this property was designated for the building of a switchyard of the power distribution company. For the purposes of the competition, the territory of a property 354 shall be included in the total territory of the development site, and the participants can use it freely in a way appropriate to their project proposal. More detailed instructions about the possible scope of the infrastructure required for power supply is described in the Tasks section of this chapter of the Competition Programme.



PRIVATE PROPERTIES The Golden Triangle also includes three private properties that are situated between the three streets described above and are not the subject of this competition. These properties are as follows: •

property No: 65231.919.389 with an area of 3,381 m2, on which three buildings are situated - two dwellings for temporary occupation (No.1 and 2 of the same scheme, respectively 78 m2 and 22 m2) and one service building (No.3, 15 m2);

property No: 65231.919.390 with an area of 800 m2, on which a mixed-use building is located (No.1, 168 m2) and service buildings (No 2, 9 m2 and No 3, 21 m2)

property No: 65231.919.432 with an area of 2,382 m2, owned by the Bulgarian Red Cross where a health facility is located (Building No.1, 85 m2), a service building (No.2, 54 m2) and a mixed-use building - a base for accommodation and a training centre (No.3, 503 m2).

Participants are invited to take into account the nature and purpose of these properties and buildings, although they are not included in the scope of the competition. SPECIFIC SCOPE THEMES Participants are invited to pay special attention to several topics specific to the territory: •

Border territories. - because the “Golden Triangle” can not function without its surrounding space, the Contracting Authority requires that the adjoining municipal properties around the finishing lines of the ski runs at the South eastern end of the Golden Triangle, as well as the square space before the initial station of the Cabin Ropeway at its Northwest end should be taken into account in the competition proposals by proposing current and future spatial and functional links between the proposed architectural solution and the existing context.

Natural environment and habitats – Borovets owes its name to the characteristic local natural environment, among which it is situated and borders with Rila National Park. As manager of the resort, the Municipality of Samokov is proud of the preserved natural environment and wants to continue and further develop the environmentally friendly way of developing the territory. Therefore an important topic within the scope of the competition territory is the coniferous forest located in it and the preservation of the habitat characteristic of the area. The design solutions should take into account and preserve to a large extent the available woody vegetation, which is in good condition and compensatory afforestation is foreseen for each removed plant in good condition.

Immovable cultural valuables – on the territory of the competition are located two buildings, registered as Immovable Cultural Valuables (ICV) of the Republic of Bulgaria, which should be included in the future building ensemble. Detailed information about them and prescriptions for their conservation are included in Chapter 5 “The Golden Triangle”, Item 5.2 Sites of National Cultural Value and conservation regimes from this competition assignment.

The requirements for the competition tasks related to these specific topics are described in more detail in Section 2.3 Tasks of this Chapter 2 General Conditions. Information about the state of the vegetation and habitats as well as about the immovable cultural valuables on the territory of the competition is included in Chapter 5 “Golden Triangle” Item 5.7 Environmental and Impact Assessment, as well as in the annexes to the assignment.



Additional information about the scope and characteristics of the territory - subject of the competition is included in Chapter 5 “The Golden Triangle” and the annexes to the competition. Documents: Scheme 12 - “Golden Triangle” - Scope, ownership and construction


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2.2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the competition are a direct follow-up to the motives for conducting the competition. The main objective of the competition shall be to collect a wide range of high-level conceptual designs for the spatial development and the architectural appearance of the territory, from which to select a project, suitable for the Municipality Vision for the resort’s development, realised in stages.

The following complementary objectives support this key objective: •

creating an attractive, innovative and sustainable public space;

creating a built environment that complements the existing trade function with other new functions, relevant to the existing context, proposed by the participants in the competition;

reconstruction of the existing commercial area into an attractive commercial zone, aesthetically suited and functionally suitable for family, business and extreme tourism;

providing the necessary information for an international mountain resort in an innovative and modern way - aesthetic, technical and functional;

providing adequate tourism infrastructure; setting up a starting point for the walking and cycling routes;

facilitated access to the attractive places on the territory as well as to the surrounding sites of interest;

strengthening the location image of a resort moderately built, tailored to the guests needs and highlighting the exceptional natural environment as well as an attractive leader for family mountain tourism;

providing aesthetically durable, sustainable, environmentally friendly, innovative and socially inclusive resort environment;

regulation of the territory - development of an up-to-date Detailed Development Plan on the basis of the award winning project, including the subdivision of the land plots of the three preserved privately owned buildings in accordance with the order quoted in Item А. Development Concept;

preservation to a large extent the existing coniferous forest and the park character of the territory;

ensuring a return on investment for the Municipality of Samokov and its citizens and stimulating local businesses - through the possibility of renting space and collecting entry fees as well as through a general increase in tourism flows and transition to middle and high class accommodation.

2.3. TASKS The location of the Golden Triangle at a key communication point - between the cabin and chairlift stations, some of the oldest and most significant hotels in Borovets such as Samokov and Rila, as well as its proximity to the main motorway approach to the resort, determines the 19


significance of the territory for the formation of the overall architectural appearance of the resort, as well as for solving general development problems not only for Borovets but also for the region. Indeed, it would be too ambitious to think that within the “Golden Triangle” all existing problems could be solved or all options could be realised. Samokov Municipality, however, hopes that the current competition will launch a project that achieves a good balance between solving urgent problems and realising innovative, environmentally friendly and attractive opportunities for local residents and tourists. The overall framework of the assigned tasks is flexible and deliberately does not set specific functional, spatial and building requirements outside the mandatory requirements according to the resort General Plan, to enable participants to present and justify the proposed solutions within the assigned objectives and tasks.

In general, the competition requires from the participants to propose a spatial and architectural concept for the territory, subject of the competition, on the basis of which a Detailed Development Plan (DDP) on the part of the Municipality, on the one hand, and the assignment of all mandatory parts of a working investment project (in compliance with Ordinance № 4 of the Spatial Development Act – architecture; constructive; geodesy; heating, ventilation and air conditioning; water and sanitation; electrical, including low-voltage installations; technological; energy efficiency; park development and public works; organization and traffic safety; fire safety, fire alarm system) to the winner of the competition, on the other hand. The inseparable connection between the development and design concepts and the assurance of the Contracting Authority that it is in the interest of the successful and fast realisation of the project that its author be part of a team, is the reason why the competition requires participants to come up with complex proposals that include both levels of design concept. And more specifically the Contracting Authority shall identify and assign the following task groups: DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Each of the proposed projects shall solve the following tasks: 1. To submit a proposal for a development concept for the territory subject to the competition as follows: •

Motivated development indicators of the territory;

Construction - mandatory construction lines and number of floors;

General functional framework of the territory - landscaping and alley network, public use, trade and others proposed by the designers;

2. Participants shall provide a full set of relevant drawings. The technical requirements for the necessary documentation are described in Title III.Technical Terms; 3. To meet the objectives set by the Contracting Authority; 4. To fit into the context - natural, cultural, developmental and architectural;



5. To provide the necessary access to all existing and proposed sites; 6. To provide the necessary sanitation and hygiene standards and rules for fire safety in relation to the Bulgarian normative requirements; 7. To prepare a motivated proposal for development indicators, taking into account the objective set by the Contracting Authority to strengthen the image of the resort as moderately built, consistent and highlighting the preserved natural environment, typical for the region. 8. To grant subdivision of four zoned lands according to those listed in Chapter 2.1 Scope and the following additional requirements: •

three new zoned lands for the three sites in the territory with sustainable development status, as follows: •

Building No: 65231.919.433.12 – Single-family residential building, immovable cultural property. •

development zone – Ps (Public service) according to the General Development Plan, GDP;

area of zoned land – 400 m2;

maximum building density - 13%;

maximum coefficient for building intensity – 0.30;

maximum green spaces - 40%;

minimum distances of the existing building from the regulation lines - 3m from the side lines, 5m from the bottom line of the property;

built-up area of the building - 52 square meters;

limit to the number of floors - 2;

minimum area of zoned land - 13 m;

maximum height of building - height of the existing building;

compliance with the conservation regime of immovable cultural property (Item 5.2 Sites of National Cultural Value and conservation regimes) and preservation of the woody vegetation (Item 5.7.2 Dendrology and physical condition) as defined in Item 2.2 Objectives;

Building No: 65231.919.433.14 – administrative building of Borosport AD •

development zone – Ps (Public service) according to the General Development Plan, GDP;

area of zoned land – 600 m2;

maximum building density - 32%;

maximum coefficient for building intensity – 0.70;

maximum green spaces - 40%;

minimum distances of the existing building from the regulation lines - 3m from the side lines, 5m from the bottom line of the property;

built-up area of the building - 191 square meters;

limit of the number of floors - 2; 21


minimum area of zoned land - 13 m;

maximum height of building - height of the existing building;

Building No: 65231.919.433.12 – Single-family residential building, immovable cultural property – Beckerle villa: •

development zone – Ps (Public service) according to the General Development Plan, GDP;

area of zoned land – 645 m2;

maximum building density - 30 %;

maximum coefficient for building intensity – 0.65;

maximum green spaces - 40%;

minimum distances of the existing building from the regulation lines - 3m from the side lines, 5m from the bottom line of the property;

built-up area of the building - 193 square meters;

limit to the number of floors - 2;

minimum area of zoned land - 13 m;

maximum height of building - height of the existing building.

compliance with the conservation regime of immovable cultural property (Item 5.2 Sites of National Cultural Value and conservation regimes) and preservation of the woody vegetation (Item 5.7.2 Dendrology and physical condition) as defined in Item 2.2 Objectives;

a new area of zoned land, which includes the entire territory subject to the competition except for the above-mentioned new three properties and corresponds to those defined in Item 2.1. Scope of the competition construction parameters according to the Master Plan.

The proposed development and design concepts should offer development and spatial and functional solutions in accordance with the prescriptions of the immovable cultural properties for the three newly subdivided private properties and the implementation of these proposals within the boundaries of both new properties of immovable cultural heritage will depend on the good will and agreement between the Contracting Authority and the respective owners of the buildings. All properties shall comply with the structural and other regulatory requirements specified in the Scope section of this assignment, not exceeding the minimum required distances, the front and the area of each property. FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMME Due to the exceptional importance of the functional programme of the territory for its successful and sustainable development over time and its importance for the future development of Borovets and the region as a whole, the competition pays special attention to the proposed functions, both in clarifying the tasks and evaluating the submitted projects. Each of the projects participating in the competition shall offer at least one building, indoor or outdoor space, facility, urban design element or other element of the project in each of the following functional groups:



SHOPS AND EATERIES – 60% OF THE UNFOLDED BUILT-UP AREA. Provide a new design for multiple individual buildings or bulk volumes as far as the territory (construction parameters, alignment with the existing landscaping) allows this; proposal for catering establishments and types of retail outlets according to the context - for example souvenirs connected to Borovets and Rila, bio shops, modern Bulgarian design, sale and repair of ski equipment, combination of shop and workshop and the like; Proposal of higher class dining and entertainment facilities, with accommodation for VIP guests (up to 3 studios for accommodation) and creating a VIP zone. Modular and/or prefabricated solutions are possible for these types of sites to be applied outside of the competition and thus to create an unified architectural appearance of the resort; ADMINISTRATIVE, HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES – 20% OF THE UNFOLDED BUILT-UP AREA. As follows: •

Administrative service - shall include areas for administrative services in Borovets; may include: bank branches, an Internet centre and/or wi fi zone, free charging area and the like;

Public events – an obligatory element of each project is the establishment of an open public space, either in whole or in part throughout the territory, allowing recreation and public gatherings and events - squares, playgrounds,outdoor recreation and gathering places and the like. Other possible elements are hall and/or separate space for indoor and/or outdoor public events; seasonal gathering places for large groups of people;

Health services to the resort visitors– Doctors’ practices and other facilities, suggested by the participants.

SPORTS AND RECREATION – 10% OF THE UNFOLDED BUILT-UP AREA. Possible sites are buildings and/or outdoor and/or temporary facilities and infrastructure for example, but not necessarily and not only: ice rink, rope facilities, climbing walls, playground, interactive elements of urban design. It is possible to offer a multifunctional hall, dimensionally suited for the territory, which provides simultaneously the opportunity for the required public events as well as sporting events described in this Item. INFORMATION SERVICES, CULTURE AND ARTS, EDUCATION – 10% OF THE UNFOLDED BUILTUP AREA. •

Information services - the Contracting Authority shall require a reasoned proposal about an information centre - a building, premise or other year-round useful space and/or elements of urban design to provide information in a modern way about the tourist services offered in Borovets, Samokov and the surrounding area; the Golden Triangle area is the starting point for many of the pedestrian winter and summer hiking trails, including the gondola and chairlift stations located at its periphery;

Culture and arts – exhibition spaces related to the regional history, mountain tourism etc.; galleries, craft centres and workshops, library and/or cultural centre, outdoor or indoor temporary or permanent cinema;

Education – facilities and infrastructure for conducting educational activities, lectures, workshops, children’s entertainments, games and other similar activities related to mountain tourism, Borovets and Rila - flora, fauna, geology, history, culture,


© Samokov Municipality, 2017 г.


architecture etc., as well as the sustainable way of construction, living and tourism in general terms; All the points mentioned above may include outdoor facilities on an area that is not built up with massive and/or temporary buildings and is not part of the unfolded built-up area. LANDSCAPE Appropriate terrain modelling; preservation and enrichment of the existing landscaping and completing it with new elements for the purpose of an aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly and sustainable park environment. The compulsory design elements that should be offered are elements suitable for public gatherings and seating (benches or the like) and trash cans. Detailed requirements for landscaping are included in part “ARCHITECTURAL SOLUTION’’. ЕNERGY SUPPLY SYSTEMS For the purpose of this competition, participants should foresee the construction of infrastructure required for the energy supply in the projects at the proposed location of properties 65231.919.433 and 65231.919.354 in a manner appropriate to the proposed design solution and without taking into account the location of the property 65231.919.354, originally planned for switchyard. Instructions for building voltage converters for the purposes of the proposed design solutions: one transformer station serves a power of 720 KW, and for the purpose of the site it can provide a total power of up to 2100 kW or three typical transformer stations. If powers higher than this are needed, the designers should provide sources of energy alternative to the national grid sources. Servitudes shall be required according to Ordinance 16 of 9 June 2004 on the easements rights of the energy facilities - easement strips shall be provided around the outer walls of the switchyard with a width: •

toward a wall where the service entrance of the switchyard is located - 4.5 m;

toward walls with doors for medium and low voltage installations - 2.5 m;

toward walls without service doors - 1.5 m.

OTHER It is permissible for the project proposals to include other functional groups on the basis of a reasoned proposal by the participants. It is permissible and advisable that two or more of these functions are combined in one facility, space or building. The transport service on the territory will be provided by municipal transport and municipal parking lots outside it. Sites related to transport services can be offered at the participant’s request in a motivated way, including underground parking lots, whose location is in compliance with the protection area of the well cared for woody vegetation.



It is imperative that the service of the sites in the territory (refuelling and parking) be solved underground, in the most environmentally friendly and convenient way for pedestrians and cyclists. Each of the competition projects should propose and justify zoning of the proposed functional program. ARCHITECTURAL SOLUTION TASKS Each of the proposed competition projects should solve the following tasks: •

To give a conceptual proposal for a volumetric and spatial solution and conceptual architectural appearance of the proposed structural and functional programme by providing a complete set of relevant drawings and visualisations. The technical requirements for the necessary documentation are described in Title III.Technical Terms;

To meet the objectives set by the Contracting Authority;

To fit into the natural, cultural, developmental and architectural context as well as to be suitable for the local mountain climate;

To fit in the parameters set by the assignment and specified by the respective participant and the proposed structural concept;

To provide a physically sustainable and durable environment through the quality of architectural solution, architectural design and proposed materials;

To provide accessible and safe architectural environment;

To provide the necessary sanitation and hygiene standards and rules for fire safety in relation to the Bulgarian normative requirements;

To address project solutions to families by including architectural and design elements targeted to children;

To provide elements for visual orientation in the territory, the resort and major tourist destinations and routes;

To provide a landscape solution and landscaping, appropriate by type and organisation to the context and the proposed general development concept, functional programme and architectural solution;

To comply with the prescriptions of the phytosanitary assessment to preserve the woody vegetation - it is advisable to preserve the healthy and relatively healthy tree species in the area. The highly damaged tree species shall be removed from the territory of the Municipality of Samokov. A description of the evaluation results is included in Chapter 5 “Golden Triangle”, Part Analysis of the Environment and Impact, and in Appendix 10, Schemes 25 and 26.

STAGES Each of the competition projects must propose and justify implementation stages of the proposed architectural concept in accordance with the proposed structural concept and functional programme. The Contracting Authority’s wish is that the first realisation stage includes priority sites that will contribute to a return on investment (such as stores, restaurants, sports and recreation facilities), but other reasoned proposals are also acceptable. 26


The underground sites of the relevant buildings and facilities and the necessary infrastructure are a mandatory part of the first stage. DESIRABLE FEATURES OF THE PROJECT PROPOSALS: The following tasks are not mandatory for the participants, but when successfully addressed in projects, they will be considered as part of the assessment of an architectural solution: Innovation and new technologies, interactivity - use of innovative systems, products and solutions; opportunity to get feedback, civic participation, construction and a changeable environment for its inhabitants - movable elements of urban design, opportunities for civic participation in the formation of the environment, including participation and influence on the different stages of the project; Inclusive (universal) urban design - elements of architecture and urban design for different social and age groups, socially, mentally and physically disadvantaged groups (socially disadvantaged, with hearing problems, blind); Show respect to public opinion - addressing topics that are not included in the mandatory requirements of the competition but are mentioned in the public debates and polls. Information about the collected feedback is included in Chapter 5. “The Golden Triangle”. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY The following tasks are not mandatory for the participants, but when successfully addressed in projects, they will be considered as part of the assessment of an architectural solution: •

Planning for alternative energy sources for the energy service purposes of the proposed design solution;

Reducing the total project consumption compared to a project with similar volume and functions;

Planning for environmentally friendly and sustainable materials - materials containing high recycled content (steel, recycled glass, waste wood materials, low-emission materials and products (with a volatile organic compounds content low for their category) and the like;

Planning for local materials or produced on the territory of Bulgaria;

Rainwater management - storage, reuse, green roofs, landscape elements for retention and purification of surface water runoff;

Landscape solutions and landscaping with reduced water consumption and irrigation, possibly with native species that do not require additional irrigation;

Reducing the percentage of waterproof flooring and horizontal surfaces;

Including light roofing materials and floor coverings, as well as materials with high Solar Reflectance Index (SRI);

Flexible design that allows change of functions and/or their distribution in the architectural design with low cost and construction waste;

Excellent daylighting of the built environment and open public spaces, providing and highlighting views of the natural environment and typical surrounding architectural sites.



VALUE An obligatory condition for participation in the competition is to calculate the project proposal in BGN and within the budget set by the Contracting Authority - BGN 60 million excluding VAT. The budget should include prices for: •

construction works Including labour and materials for realisation of the investment project and infrastructure, finishing works, equipment and furnishing;

urban development of the territory included in the scope of the competition;

the indicative design value for the full package of specialities included in the investment project;

other types of activities ( preparation of a Detailed Site Development Plan - Amendment of the Plan for Regulation and Construction and schemes, Conformity assessment report, Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Construction and author supervision, state fees for coordination and commissioning).

Projects that do not include project cost estimate or have not complied with the budget framework will not be admitted to the competition.


© Samokov Municipality, 2017 г.


2.4. EVALUATION CRITERIA In response to the objectives and tasks thus set, as well as the requirements of the legal framework and the competition programme of this competition, the submitted projects will be evaluated by scoring the following indicators as follows: C1 SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT– UP TO 30 SCORES. •

Provides a well-grounded, balanced, feasible, original and context-sensitive proposal for spatial development concept of the territory subject to the competition;

Fully meets and is in full compliance with the structural objectives set by the Contracting Authority;

Fully meets and is in full compliance with the spatial development concept tasks set by the Contracting Authority;


Provides a well-founded, balanced, original and context-oriented functional programme and zoning of the territory subject to the competition, responding fully to the functional programme tasks assigned by the Contracting Authority;

Fully meets and is in full compliance with the objectives of the competition’s functional program set by the Contracting Authority;


Provides a well-grounded, balanced, feasible, original and context-sensitive proposal for architectural concept carried out in stages of the territory subject to the competition;

Fully meets and is in full compliance with the objectives set by the Contracting Authority of the competition;

Fully meets and is in full compliance with the architectural solution and landscape tasks set by the Contracting Authority;

Provides a well-grounded, balanced, feasible, original and context-sensitive proposal for the sustainable development of the territory in relation to the highlighted possible tasks;


This criterion is mandatory under the Public Procurement Act. The evaluation on this indicator will be carried out as follows: PV= 10*t(Сmin/С) where: Сmin – the minimum proposed value among the projects admitted to evaluation process С – The total value offered in the evaluated bid by the participant

Projects that do not include valuation or with an estimated value exceeding the maximum allowed by the Contracting Authority will not be admitted to the competition.

Comprehensive evaluation of projects CE = C1 + C2 + C3 + PV, CEmax=100 scores. 31


2.5. JURY The evaluation process will be conducted by a jury of seven members and on the basis of the compliance of the submitted competitive projects with the tasks included in the present assignment. COMPOSITION OF THE JURY The composition of the 7-member International Jury will be announced publicly by the Contracting Authority at the announcement of the competition. An obligatory member of the jury shall be a legal professional from the municipal administration in accordance with the requirements of the Public Procurement Act. The organisers reserve the right to change the composition of the jury in compelling circumstances, in which case the new composition shall be promptly and publicly disclosed. The current composition of the jury will be available on the competition website METHODOLOGY AND SCHEDULE The jury meets in closed session, held on the premises of the Contracting Authority - Samokov Municipality within 3 days. During the evaluation process the jury members shall get acquainted with the recommendations of the Technical Commission, after that make a decision whether or not to accept them, review all the admitted projects and evaluate them according to the announced methodology and criteria. STAGE 1 The projects are ranked on the basis of the aggregated assessments of all jury members. The top 30 ranked projects shall be discussed and each member of the jury could complete the final selection with up to 3 optional projects. When multiple projects have an equal number of points, all of them shall be included in the final list, although the total number of projects may exceed 30. When up to 30 projects participate in the competition, this stage is omitted. STAGE 2 Review and discussion of the top 30 and additional projects, if any, scoring on the basis of the evaluation criteria, selection of up to 10 projects for further discussion and evaluation. STAGE 3 Review and discussion of the ten selected projects, revote, selection of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked projects and 2 honourable prizes, formulation of jury’s recommendations for the first ranked three projects and comments on the two projects, receiving honourable prizes. The Contracting Authority shall schedule and hold a public meeting to announce the results of the competition and shall do everything necessary to promote them within seven days of the final ranking. All participants and stakeholders are invited to attend.



STAGE 4 Public meeting. At a pre-announced date and time, a public meeting shall be held to announce the results of the evaluation and ranking by opening the envelope in which the secret information about the matches of the project numbers with the names of the participants is kept. Samokov Municipality’s intention is to hold a public presentation of the ranked projects and the winner after the announcement of the ranking and to invite the public to provide feedback and comments aimed at developing a detailed preliminary project based on the selected conceptual design.

2.6. AWARDS AND ASSIGNMENT The competition intends to award a total of five prizes to the projects ranked by the jury as follows:

I place - BGN 20,000 and the right to negotiate directly the preparation phase of the investment project II place - BGN 12,000 III place - BGN 8,000 Two cash prizes of BGN 5,000 for projects awarded by the jury.

Part of the winner’s prize is the right of direct assignment by the municipality of Samokov of the preparation phase of the investment project. The value of the project for the full package of specialities of the investment project is BGN 28 per square meter excluding VAT for the built-up area and underground design. When the investment project is assigned the responsibility of the winner is to form a design team on all project parts and to ensure compliance with the Bulgarian legislation. By participating in the competition the authors of the submitted projects agree to cede to the Contracting Authority the copyright of the respective awarded project, ranked 1st, 2nd or 3rd. The intellectual property rights on the project are preserved. A detailed description of the competition’s legal framework is included in Title IV. Legal Framework in the Detailed competition programme. 33


2.7. CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION Designers with full designer license for Part Architecture can take part in the competition or those with equivalent capacity in the respective country where they practice architecture. Participants shall certify their competence by providing the appropriate certificate as part of the tender documentation. Eligible are those teams which have at least one member meeting the above condition. Participants in such teams may also be school pupils and university students, who have come of age. The eligibility and technical requirements criteria for participation and submission of projects are detailed in Title II. Terms of References and in Appendix 1 - Detailed Competition Programme.

2.8. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Questions shall be accepted and published together with the response of the Contracting Authority and the organisers on the competition web page www.borovetscompetition. com,, on the e-mail address info@borovetscompetition. com and the address of Samokov Municipality - 34 Macedonia, 2000 Samokov, Bulgaria, tel.: 0722/66030, 0722/66631, 0722/66632; 0889 199 230, Contact person: arch. Nadezhda Klincheva, Chief Architect.


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4.1. LOCATION Borovets is the largest mountain resort in Bulgaria, situated in the south western part of the country, among centuries-old coniferous forests, at an altitude of 1,230 - 1,390 m. The resort is the closest to the Bulgarian capital Sofia, located at the foot of Musala Peak (2925m), the highest mountain peak on the Balkan Peninsula on the northern slopes of Rila Mountain. A great advantage of Borovets is its easy accessibility by ground and air transport, thanks to its proximity to some of the biggest cities in Bulgaria (70 km from Sofia, 83 km from Blagoevgrad and 125 km from Plovdiv), the main roads (Trakia Highway - A1, part of Pan-European Transport Corridor 8 and Struma Motorway, part of Pan-European Transport Corridor 4), the border checkpoints and respectively the two international airports in Sofia and Plovdiv. These favourable factors contribute to the attraction of tourists all year round on the territory of the Municipality of Samokov and in particular in the resort

4.2. HISTORY - 120 YEARS BOROVETS Borovets, known until the middle of the 20th century as “Chamkoria” (translated from Turkish means “pine forest”), is the first mountain resort in Bulgaria and on the Balkans. Samokov residents used the fresh air of the pine forest to save themselves from tuberculosis and a number of other diseases. Its history began in 1896 when the Bulgarian ruler, Prince Ferdinand, built his summer residence and several hunting lodges here. Following the example of the Bulgarian prince, a number of other wealthier Bulgarians (bankers and entrepreneurs) from the capital and the big cities started to build vacation and recreation villas in Borovets. In 1942 the resort was renamed to Borovets - a literal translation of the Turkish word Chamkoria. In the 1960s and 1970s the resort grew as the largest winter sports centre in the Balkans - ski lifts and lift facilities are built, wide ski runs are formed, many alpine-style hotels are built. Today Borovets is a modern resort with a superb network of ski runs and ski lifts, comfortable hotels, various restaurants and bars and countless opportunities for active pursuits and entertainment.

4.3. NATURAL CONDITIONS - CLIMATE, SOIL AND VEGETATION Borovets is located in close proximity to the largest protected area within Bulgaria, representing a major approach to it - the National Park Rila. The territory of the 81,046 hectare park covers the Rila Mountain, characterised by its sharp peaks and jagged rocky ridges, extensive pastures, pine forests, numerous cirque lakes that go back to the ice age and give the mountain an alpine look. CLIMATE The climate in the resort is temperate with a clear four-season pattern. Winter is mild and with a lot of snow with an average temperature in January (the coldest month) around minus 5 ° C. The ski season usually stretches from mid-December to April. The summer is cool and sunny and during the warmest months of July and August the average temperature is around 16 ° C. HYDROLOGY Rila is an important hydrological unit for the country with extremely large hydropower potential, representing about 1/4 of the total potential of the country. Rila has over 200 lakes and



numerous mineral springs. At the foot of peak Musala springs one of the longest and deepest rivers on the Balkan Peninsula - Maritsa. The most expressive valley in the country, formed as a result of the glacial activity in whose bed today runs the Beli Iskar River, is a major natural element in the region. The Beli Iskar River is considered to be the beginning of the Iskar River, providing drinking water for the capital. SOILS The soil cover in the area has well-expressed vertical zonation. In the low mountainous parts at 800-1000 m above sea level there are mainly cinnamon forest soils - a type of soil that occupies the largest area in Bulgaria, and in the middle mountainous parts at 1000-1700 m yellow-brown and dark-brown forest soils typical of the mountainous forest territories. They have large stocks of nutrients and high capacity of active moisture. This makes them in most cases soils with high forestry properties, on which successfully grow beech, fir, spruce, white pine and other tree species. VEGETATION The area is characterized by centuries-old forests of spruce, white fir and white pine, as well as vast areas of meadows and lawns, grassy and rocky slopes. The rich species composition includes 57 species of limited geographic distribution, 105 species, remnants of past geological eras, 98 higher plants, entered in the Red Book of Bulgaria and 141 species of medicinal plants. Rila National Park is a “promised land� for rare and endangered plants. In this way of all the species of higher plants found in the Park territory, in the Red Book of Bulgaria are included 8 endangered species and 90 rare species or about 13% of all species in the Red Book. The area can be defined as a valuable gene pool protecting different plant groups. This fact shows the great conservation significance of the park territory around Borovets. *A more detailed description of the vegetation and its status within the scope of the competition is included in Annex 2. FAUNA The Rila National Park, which is located in the immediate vicinity of Borovets, is one of the most important for the fauna protected areas in Bulgaria and Europe. Its territory is an extremely rich mosaic of different habitat types, most of which remain essentially unchanged from human activity and preserve samples of diverse natural animal habitats. The fauna of the Park is extremely rich and includes 2934 invertebrate and 172 vertebrate animal species. Most of them are represented with numerous and vital populations. In the forests around Borovets could be seen representatives of species such as chamois (Rupicarpa rupicarpa balcanica), brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus), wild cat (Felis silvestris), red deer (Cervus elaphus), European roe deer Capreolus), red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), the only alpine population of gopher in Bulgaria and others. A total of 24 vertebrate animal species are in the global Red List of Threatened Species, threatened with extinction The bird kingdom is also rich - 99 species. The park is among the territories in Europe with the most viable populations of predatory birds. At the same time it is a major ecological corridor between the European, Mediterranean and Pre-Asian fauna. One species - the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) is recorded in the Red List of World Threatened Species. Among the most valuable bird species are also the Aquila chrysaetos, the Little Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus), the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) and others.



Due to the prevailing pine forests, the climate and the ecological environment, Borovets is wellknown for its favourable and healthy climate, suitable for year-round recreation and tourism.

4.4. TOURISM AND SPORTS Borovets has a rich palette of features that promote the year-round tourist activity for 120 years. In summer the resort attracts tourists with the beauty of the mountain, the silence and tranquillity of the centuries-old pine forest, cool temperatures and fresh air. During the winter season Borovets is a preferred recreational destination for lovers of winter sports and hiking. Thanks to the numerous hotels, restaurants and other shopping facilities, the guests of the mountain resort can enjoy complete relaxation during the holidays. The resort offers its visitors various activities - recreation in nature, practising winter sports and tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism, cultural and historical tourism, spa and wellness tourism, conference tourism, cycling, ski lifts, Jeep safari, sleigh rides or carriage rides, horseback riding, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering, etc. SPORTS HISTORY OF BOROVETS | SAMOKOV SKI SCHOOL Skiing in Bulgaria has more than 95 years of history, and the Samokov ski school is one of the oldest in Bulgaria, whose bright representatives are the epitome of Bulgarian skiing on a national and international scale. The history of skiing in Samokov has preserved the names of many eminent and talented skiers from all disciplines, many of whom have represented Bulgaria at the biggest ski forums during the years, as well as at the Winter Olympic Games. The Samokov ski club “Rilski skier” has been founded in October 1931 and the Bulgarian Ski Union (BSU) has been established in December the same year. Ten years later “Rilski skier” already was at the top of Bulgarian skiing and Samokov became a powerful snow sports centre. The first ski run in Borovets was cut for the first time in 1938 and was 40-50 m long and 10-15 m wide. In 1946 the ski jumping hill was built in Borovets as well as the downhill slope from the Sitnyakovska Rock to the already cut Red Flag Ski Track, representing a clearing in the forest 5-8 meters wide. Borovets has hosted a number of prestigious competitions of the International Ski Federation calendar. The alpine skiing competitions European Cup, held there are 12. The last one, held in 2016, was the first for the women in the resort. SKI RUNS AND LIFTS The slopes around Borovets are of varying degrees of difficulty and are suitable for both beginners and advanced skiers. Borovets is one of the biggest Bulgarian ski centres in terms of ski runs length and capacity of the ski facilities The well-developed lift network serves up to 15,400 tourists per hour and provides access to all ski runs. The ski runs in the resort are varied - 24 in total with a total length of 58km, grouped in 3 regions: Sitnyakovo-Martini baraki, Yastrebets and Markudjik. The tracks for ski running are 35 km long and the ski jumping hill is 70 meters high. The longest ski run is 12 km. The initial stations of the main ski lifts of Borovets - the Yastrebets Gondola lift, the Sitnyakovo Express chairlift and the Martini Baraki chairlift are located in close proximity to the location of the competition.


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ACCOMMODATION AND ENTERTAINMENT In Borovets there are over 30 hotels, 4 holiday homes, 15 villas and villa villages, numerous bungalows, holiday clubs, chalets and campsites with a total capacity of 7000 beds. Borovets is among the mountain resorts with the most developed night-life, with many restaurants, taverns, bars and discos. Most hotels in the resort have indoor swimming pools, saunas, beauty and spa centres and also offer fitness facilities, yoga and tennis. In the area of the competition - the Golden Triangle and the contact area there are 7 hotels (two of which are the largest in the resort - Samokov Hotel and Rila Hotel), as well as apartment hotels with a combined capacity of 2629 beds, representing 39% of the total accommodation capacity in the resort. Also, some of the most popular dining and entertainment venues are located within the boundaries of the Golden Triangle. MOUNTAIN TOURISM AND TREKKING Borovets is a real paradise for the fans of hiking, as it offers some of the most beautiful mountain landscapes in Europe. Thousands of kilometres of mountain trails with the corresponding markings lead to many sites in Rila. Tourist routes and trails are of varying length and difficulty, many of them departing from Borovets itself. The mountain tours in the area include both natural sites such as Musala Peak and the Seven Rila Lakes, as well as cultural attractions such as the Rila Monastery and the Sitnyakovo Palace. Due to the fact that a large part of the mountain is a protected area, tourists can enjoy the natural landscape, practically untouched by a human presence. The best time for hiking in the mountains during the summer is June, July, August and September. In winter the most suitable for mountaineering tourism are February and March. EVENTS Borovets hosts competitions for the Alpine Ski World Cup, the World Biathlon Championship, as well as a number of national competitions. In February 2016 Borovets hosts two starts for the European Alpine Skiing Cup for Women. Today, the resort’s calendar is full of year-round festivals, holidays and skiing, cycling, motorcycle racing. Among the more popular sporting events of the last few years can be mentioned: •

European championships - Alpine skiing disciplines for men and women, giant slalom, motocross, cross-country skiing, mountain running, karate and sumo;

The state championships in winter sports, ski and snowboarding in various disciplines, cycling, mountain running and cross-country skiing, mountaineering, orienteering, basketball, wrestling, aerobics, Rally Bulgaria etc.



4.5. CULTURE Along with the natural features, the area is rich in cultural and historical sights and offers the opportunity to present the local lifestyle and culture. CULTURAL HERITAGE The town of Samokov is famous for its traditions in education, art and culture. One of the things Samokov has been most proud of since the Renaissance was Samokov’s art school from the end of the 18th century. The master-painters from Samokov, engravers, icon-painters and woodcarvers left the mark of high-level art on the walls of dozens of churches and monasteries, and the most prominent of Samokov icon-painters - Zachary Zograf, Stanislav Dospevski, Ivan and Nikola Obrazopisov are founders of the secular art in Bulgaria. The talented works of Samokov craftsmen from the Renaissance - ceramics, carving, wrought iron, jewellery, local costumes are national treasures. IMMOVABLE CULTURAL HERITAGE 120 immovable cultural properties have been declared in Samokov, of which 7 are of national importance. Of great importance for the culture and tourism of the region are the Historical Museum in Samokov,, the Sarafsky House, numerous churches and monasteries, the Bayrakli Mosque, the Synagogue, the Late Antique and Medieval Fortress Shishman Kale near Dospei, and others. In 1828 Nikola Karastoyanov, bookseller and publisher, opened the first Bulgarian printing works in Samokov. The hunting palaces of Ferdinand in Borovets and some local villas of the elite at the time were known as immovable cultural valuables from the beginning of the twentieth century. CULTURAL CALENDAR AND INSTITUTIONS The following traditional holidays attract the tourists: The Holiday of Samokov - Assumption of St. Simeon Samokovski, Pokladi, celebrated on Sirni Zagovesni with traditional fires and processions, the Rila Festival on August 7-8, which has already a 78-year tradition, Cultural holidays of Chakarovi poliani, Roma holiday on 6th May at the royal wells of the river Iskar. Among the popular events are the Magic of Rila Mountain folklore festival, the Feast of the Rila zelnik in Beli Iskar, The International Festival of Rock Music “Rock in Rila”, Plein air painting, the International Folklore Festival “Bob Fest – Raduil”. The following cultural institutions operate in the municipality: Chitalishte “Otets Paisiy”, Graphics base with a permanent seminar, Children’s Theater “Veselushko”, the TV channel “Rila TV”. Two newspapers are published: Priatel (Friend) - coming out on Tuesday and Friday and Sedmitsa (Week) - coming out every day except Sunday and Monday.



4.6. ARCHITECTURE At the beginning of 20th century, Prince Ferdinand began building three palaces - Tsarska Bistritsa palace, Sitnyakovo and Sarageol, as well as the Yastrebets Chalet, which started the development of the attractive mountain resort. Here the prince comes with his family and entourage to hunt and rest in the summer residence. In the 1960s and 1970s under the Socialist regime in Bulgaria, the resort grew as the largest winter sports centre in the Balkans with the building of ski lifts, wide ski slopes, numerous alpine-style hotels, following the model of the French resort Les Arcs in the Alpine Savoie region, also planned and built in the late 1960s and early 1970s. During the last decade of the 20th century and after the end of the regime both the ownership and the tourist base were restructured and partially privatized. This lead to diversification of the functioning of the resort, but also to fragmentation, which created conditions for the appearance of many unregulated territories. Thus the previous general and detailed development plans of the Municipality become partially or totally inapplicable. This all lead to partial changes in some properties as well as to the appearance of many temporary buildings. The latter have high concentration in the area of the Golden Triangle, as a result of a process which started back in 1992. Some characteristics of the architecture in Borovets and on the territory of the competition are: •

low-rise buildings, except for several large hotel complexes;

low intensity and density of construction;

limited utilization of the forests at the resort;

traditional Bulgarian and mountain architecture’s characteristics: •

natural materials - wood and stone;

cantilever overhangs;

pitched roofs.

HISTORY AND HERITAGE 126 immovable cultural properties have been declared in Samokov, (of which 71 in the town of Samokov, 36 in the resort complex of Borovets and 19 in the villages), 13 of them are with national significance (11 in the town of Samokov and 2 in Borovets resort). From 2013 the historical area “Old Borovets” on the territory of the resort complex Borovets has the status of a group architectural and constructive cultural property of national importance. TSARSKA BISTRITSA PALACE “Tsarska Bistritsa” is a former palace of the rulers of the Third Bulgarian Kingdom. It is located above the Borovets resort in Rila. It was built between 1898 and 1914 and performed the functions of a hunting lodge for Kings Ferdinand I and Boris III. The architectural appearance is influenced by the traditional Bulgarian Renaissance style, but it also shows European architectural influences. SUMMER RESIDENCE “SITNYAKOVO” AND SARAGEOL HUNTING LODGE Near the resort of Borovets and next to “Tsarska Bistritsa” palace there are two other sites of cultural and historical heritage - “Sitnyakovo Summer Residence”, built by architect Georgi


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Fingov in 1904 and Sarageol Hunting Lodge. Designed at the same time by one author, these sites are definitely similar to the architecture of the hunting house in Tsarska Bistritsa, the well-known utilitarian high-mountain construction, consecutively shaped with cosy secession decoration and furnishings. THE WOODEN CHURCH PREOBRAJENIE GOSPODNE (THE TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS) IN BOROVETS RESORT COMPLEX The temple is the only wooden church in our country. It is built on the idea of famous and influential public figures, scientists and owners of villas in former Chamkoria. The funds for its construction were collected as voluntary contributions and donations and in 1933 the construction began. The architect of the wooden church was an Austrian, so it was created in a typical Gothic Alpine style. SITES OF CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE IN THE “GOLDEN TRIANGLE” Within the Golden Triangle there are two villas of immovable cultural heritage - the Villa of Beckerle and the villa of Prof. Markov. Detailed information about them is included in the next assignment title.

4.7. STRATEGIC PLANS AND PROJECTS GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, (GDP) The current General Development Plan of the tourist resort localisation Samokov - Borovets Beli Iskar, headed by arch. Petko Evrev, has been approved in 2005. According to the data from the General Development Plan related to the winter regime of use and the capacity of the existing ski-tracks at the moment of the adoption of the plan, it became clear that the ski slopes in Borovets have a capacity which is extremely insufficient to satisfy the needs of the tourists in the resort - over 6000 people, not to mention the short term visits at the end of the week. The need to open up new ski runs and increase the ski capacity in a project of the plan is in line with the proximity of Rila National Park and the conservation regimes of its territory. The plan has received a positive environmental assessment with the following general characteristics: •

With minimum entry into the territory of Rila National Park;

The total length of the ski runs is 58 km;

The capacity of the cableways reaches 15,400 tourists per hour.

The summer mode of use according to the provisions of the General Development Plan is ensured through various tourist activities, including activities carried out on the territory of Rila National Park in accordance with its preservation regimes such as hiking tours on hiking routes and eco paths, photo safari tours, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing, paragliding, amateur fishing, herbs, wild fruits and mushrooms gathering. In addition the construction of swimming pools, toboggan chutes, tennis courts and other sports grounds is planned, as well as horse-riding facilities in Beli Iskar and Byalata Polyana, and golf courses near Low Borovets and Byalata Polyana. Attention is paid to cultural and historical monuments and to events related to the lifestyle and traditions of the local population. UP-TO-DATE PRELIMINARY DETAILED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (DDP).



In the current development of the Plan for street regulation and for properties of public ownership of the resort complex Borovets, the routes of the streets and adjacent pavement spaces, the configuration of public parking lots with public access to the resort (the existing and significant amount of the newly planned at the beginning of the resort on the side of Samokov and around Yastrebets Cabin Ropeway) have been identified. For the property, object of the competition, will be provided a wide pavement from the north-eastern side, a continuation of the pedestrian section of the street in front of the Rila Hotel, as well as the provision of a north pavement in the street on the south-eastern side. The Detailed Development Plan - the Plan for street regulations envisages the construction of a parking lot in the area of the gondola lift with a capacity of 300 parking spaces. Participants in the competition are not required to comply with the current Detailed Development Plan for the current territory. As the territory of the competition and the surrounding area are among the most important for the development of the resort in short and and medium term, an updated DDP for them will be developed as a result of the competition and the selected winning project. The information about strategic documents and previous plans has been provided by the Contracting Authority for information only. SUPER BOROVETS PROJECT The ambitious ski project “Super Borovets� was developed in 2004 with the aim to preserve and develop Borovets. This project, as an investment intention, is the largest project of its kind in Eastern Europe. Its purpose is to expand the current ski resort of Borovets through the construction of the Samokov - Borovets - Beli Iskar complex and in turn to make it attractive all year round. According to the plans it envisages to divide the resort into three zones and to realise three different types of construction. The project envisages the expansion and improvement of the existing facilities and the existing ski runs will be extended by a further 100 km. The project is currently frozen without a deadline.


© Samokov Municipality, 2017 г.



This part of the competition assignment includes the results of a series of surveys of the territory included in the competition, as well as Borovets and the location Samokov - Borovets - Beli Iskar, ordered by the Municipality of Samokov between June and August 2016. In the different parts and phases of the study have been used the following methods, corresponding to the complex theme: •

review of archive documents

digitization, processing and transformation of spatial data

processing of databases and attributes

investigation and mapping of spatial phenomena

monitoring and counting flows

interviewing experts

analysis of public discussions

content analysis of the thematic portals and information systems

statistical analysis of data

information gap analysis

conducting geospatial analyses

calculation of constructive parameters

The results of the activity are based on the data provided by the Municipality of Samokov, other competent institutions and specialised organisations, as well as intensive desk and field studies conducted from June to August 2016. The scope of the studies is mainly the territory of the so called “Golden Triangle” (respectively the Triangle) and its contact area in the resort centre Borovets (respectively the resort, the resort complex) and the resort-tourist location Samokov - Borovets - Beli Iskar (respectively the localisation).

5.1. STRUCTURE OF THE TERRITORY The spatial configuration within the “Golden Triangle” area and the contact area have been complicated over time due to the saturation with multiple individual sites and temporary infrastructure. The town-planning is traditional and dynamic due to granted property rights and imposed restrictions, accepted and terminated procedures, as well as the ongoing procedure for elaboration of the Detailed Development Plan - the Plan for street regulation and properties of public ownership of the resort complex “Borovets”. The territory of this contest includes properties No 65231.919.433 and 65231.919.354, which are municipal property. BUILDINGS Typical for the territory of Borovets, as well as for the competitive location is the ow rise building construction with a few exceptions for the big hotel complexes. Two sites are directly connected to the “Golden triangle” to the west, namely the Samokov Hotel and the Rila Hotel, exceeding in some parts 30 m in height. At present within the competition there are 65 existing buildings and many of them have up to two above-ground floors and height up to 10 meters. The total above-ground built-up area, the total built-up area of the buildings on the territory of the competition is 3,759 m2, 32 of which are private and 33 are municipal.



Three buildings are to be preserved, namely No.12, 14 and 57. Other existing buildings may also be partially or fully preserved by the contestants. A detailed list of function, area, number of floors and type of building ownership of the buildings is attached in the Appendix 3 of this assignment. REGULATION In the current development of the Plan for street regulation and properties of public ownership of the resort complex Borovets, are determined the routes of the streets and adjacent pavement spaces of the resort. For the property, object of the competition, will be provided a wide pavement from the north-eastern side, a continuation of the pedestrian section of the street in front of the Rila Hotel, as well as the provision of a north pavement in the street on the south-eastern side. (Scheme 12). The Plan for street regulation is included inAnnex 3 – of this assignment. DENSITY At the moment for the property No:65231.919.433, main subject of the competition, the density is a little over 50% of established parameters. Documents: Annex 2 - provides an information basis for the structure of the territory, the current cadastre, the regulatory lines within the scope of the competition, infrastructure sites and woody vegetation. Annex 3 - a detailed list of function, area, number of floors and type of building ownership of the buildings in the Golden Triangle.

5.2. IMMOVABLE CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES AND PRESERVATION Within the Triangle there are two villas, which are declared immovable cultural heritage. These are the so called Villa of Beckerle and Villa of Prof. Markov. Despite their status, the villas do not fall within the boundaries of the group immovable cultural property Historic Area “Old Borovets”. THE VILLA OF BECKERLE А former villa of the Central Council of the Bulgarian Union for Physical Culture and Sports, is a three-storey villa building in good physical condition situated at the north-eastern corner of the competition territory. The building was built in the 1930s. Today the building has the status “cultural property of national significance with category for information”. In the file of the immovable cultural property is written: “Massive building with a stone basement and a high stone external staircase, coated metal roofing, stone veneer on the first floor. The building has undergone some reconstructions - one ladder has been demolished, the main façade terrace has been closed, a covering of the side terrace on the 3rd level has been made, part of the window frames have been replaced with aluminium frames. The building is situated in a completely changed environment - large-scale hotels, cut trees. The numerous barracks around the building with their back facing its façade, impede its perception.“ 52


The file shall include also the following conservation prescriptions with which the project proposals for the competition should be in accordance with: “The following activities are allowed: • Constructive interference with the monument of culture with the possibility of partial changes of the volume-space composition and the planning scheme. It is recommended to restore the authentic features of the building based on the existing archival documentation. • Building activities in the property taking into consideration the architectural and artistic appearance of the monument of culture. • Enclosing the property with openwork wooden fence up to 1 m high. • Change of function It is required: • All installations and other technical facilities in the exterior of the building - a monument of culture, should be adapted to its architectural and artistic appearance. • Aestheticizing the environment of the monument of culture and providing the opportunity for its visual perception from the streets. • Keeping the high vegetation” THE VILLA OF PROF. MARKOV Is a two-storey villa building in good physical condition, situated inside the competition territory near its southern corner. The date of its construction is absent in the documentation of the building but it corresponds stylistically to the architecture during the first steps of the resort at the beginning of the 20th century. Today the building has the status “architectural monument of culture with category “local significance”. In the file of the immovable cultural property Is recorded verbatim: The building has stone foundations and a visible “post-and-beam” construction of the floors, a wooden inter-storey and roofing construction and¬Marseilles tiles. It’s exterior has preserved its authenticity. The immediate environment has been completely changed with the construction of many pavilions, which impede the perception and disfigure the environment. The file shall include also the following conservation prescriptions with which the project proposals for the competition should be in accordance with: “The following is not allowed: • To change the volumetric-spatial composition, architectural and artistic appearance and materials in the exterior of the building. •

Installation of advertisements on the monument of culture.

The following activities are allowed: •

Replacement of worn parts and elements of the building or partial rebuilding.

Partial changes in the interior. 53


Change of function

Enclosing the property with openwork wooden fence up to 1 m high.

It is required: • All installations and other technical facilities in the exterior of the building - a monument of culture, should be adapted to its architectural and artistic appearance and not violate the authentic material substance. •

Preserving the high vegetation and aestheticizing the environment of the monument of culture

Documents: Annex 4 - boundaries of the group immovable cultural property Historic Area “Old Borovets”. Annex 5 - a scanned file of Villa Beckerle at the National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage, (only in Bulgarian). Annex 6 - a scanned file of The Villa of Prof. Markov at the National Institute of Immovable Cultural Heritage, (only in Bulgarian).

5.3. TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE The communal services in the Triangle and the contact area include basic elements of the whole spectrum of the technical infrastructure set in place in the resort: •

Water supply and sewerage network;

Medium and low voltage power supply and transformers;

Gas pipeline;

Telephone cable.

Recently completed projects are available for the reconstruction of existing and building of new water connections, sewerage connections and collectors. For property 65231.919.354 with total area of 300 m2, owned by the Municipality of Samokov, ceded rights of construction have been granted for building a switchyard to the Electricity Distribution Company, which have expired. Instead, in the immediate vicinity of the property 65231.919.433 was built a facility 65231.919.433.61 with the same purpose.



5.4. OTHER TERRITORY RELATED SITES Key sites in the territory of the Golden Triangle and Borovets, some of which are mentioned as part of the assignment, are listed on the interactive electronic map available on the web page of the competition. An analogue copy of a map screen is also included as an appendix to this competition. Documents: Annex 7 - “Other territory related sites”, the interactive map is available online at the web page of the competition

5.5. FUNCTIONAL-SPATIAL ANALYSIS The significance of the tourist resort localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar is complex both in terms of tourism development in the country and in terms of regional and spatial development of the Sofia region. Besides being one of the oldest resorts, Borovets is among the three most established winter ski centres in the country with a resort environment preserved from overbuilding and major resort resources. The other two settlements in the localisation are also important from the point of view of tourism. These are the largest city in the Sofia region - Samokov and the village of Beli Iskar. The predominant territory type in the localisation is forestland, with the agricultural territory concentrated mainly on the land of Samokov - to the east of the town and to a lesser extent to the land of Beli Iskar - to the east of the village. The urbanized territory of the city is the most significant area of this type of territory, and much of the territory of the resort is still a forest area. The functions in the resort centre (resort complex) Borovets are the result of the long-term saturation with places of accommodation of different kind, providing access to the mountain and sports facilities through the built infrastructure and the development and transformation of social infrastructure related to public services, commerce, catering and entertainment. According to the provisions of the General Development Plan, the Borovets resort centre is designed for a capacity of 8,000 - 9,000 beds given that currently 7,000 beds have been reached. A slight increase in the existing bed base is envisaged, focusing on improving the infrastructure and offering various tourist activities besides skiing. The area around the Triangle is one of the most important intersection of the resort’s decisions in short and medium term. COMMERCIAL SERVICES The commercial services and more specifically the services typical for the market are strongly represented within the competition territory. Within the localisation activities are carried out such as the sale of maps for the lifts in the resort, outpatient medical services maintained by private medical practices and the specialised rescue activities of the Mountain Rescue Service, many restaurants offer food and drinks, ski wardrobes rent sports equipment, souvenirs, clothes and sports goods are sold and other common activities, that accompany the tourist flows, are carried out. It is typical of the sites that are oriented towards the mass visitors during the active winter season, that they do not function during the summer season, and that there are travelling merchants around them. This implies that the future solutions should foresee the need for flexibility and adaptation of spaces for alternating commercial activities and joint use by several 55


entities during the year as well as optimal opportunities to generate revenue from pavement law (the right to trade on a public pavement), preserving and/or improving the passability and attractiveness of the public space in the territory of the competition. SOCIAL SERVICES In the immediate vicinity of the Triangle there is a bus stop for the long-distance transport, which exhausts the functions of public interest. It can be concluded that there is no significant and common function. This lack has not gone unnoticed and has been set in the General Development Plan in the form of the recommendation “to design a site and to build a visitor centre of the National Park and Tourist Information Centre�. Around such a fundamental function could be added additional functions with wide public access such as open public space and indoor spaces for public events and games, arts and culture, administrative activities of the state and the municipality in the form of outsourced jobs, public services such as libraries and/or multimedia libraries, post office and other functions, related to public health and security, crisis management, travel and international relations. HABITATION There are 7 hotels in the Triangle area and the contact area, including apartment hotels with a combined capacity of 2,629 beds, representing 39% of the total accommodation capacity in the resort centre. LEISURE AND ELEMENTS OF THE GREEN SYSTEM A well organised environment and elements of the green system are present in the adjacent areas of the competition - for example, the forest park in the resort, located north-east of the Triangle. Despite the natural features however, the territory inside the Triangle is almost of no use for recreation and short holidays. It is not recognised as a possible environment for such activity, and there are no favourable conditions for access to it, except for the well-trodden roads and paths toward the interior parts of the neighbourhood, which do not seem attractive to the visitors. Ensuring favourable ecological status of these parts, preserving them as islands of biodiversity, providing appropriate forms of access and socialising them as part of the actively used resort resources and recreational environment, is of great importance for the appearance and attractiveness of Borovets and should be a leading feature of the competition TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM The territories, part of the transport and communication system around the Triangle and in the contact area, provide the key internal and regional connectivity of Borovets. This circumstance, coupled with the fact that in the immediate vicinity there are places for parking of individual and specialised transport, as well as the particularly important point of mixed-mode commuting in the Yastrebets Gondola lift area, strengthen the significance of the competition territory in its role of a unifying space in the resort. For the property, object of the competition, will be provided a wide pavement from the north-eastern side, a continuation of the pedestrian section of the street in front of the Rila Hotel, as well as the provision of a north pavement in the street on the south-eastern side.



In the future, it is planned to relocate the initial station of Yastrebets cabin ropeway to the south, not far from the existing one. This would lead to a shift of the active point of transfer, as is the space around Yastrebets cabin ropeway. As a result, some of the activities that supply the Triangle will shift in the west direction. This in turn will unburden the neighbourhood of part of the commercial activities serving the transit flow of tourists. A freer and better internally-bound space for pedestrians, cyclists and skiers should be sought, which also increases the overall quality of the environment in the resort core. The type of territory and the specific features of the surrounding properties and the buildings in the “Golden Triangle” are mapped in details in the Schemes attached to this assignment. The main characteristics of the land properties in the Triangle - the type of territory and specific features of the properties and buildings in the “Golden Triangle” are presented. Documents: Annex 10 – Schemes: Scheme 1 - Localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar Scheme 4 - Functions in the Borovets tourist core (current moment) Scheme 5 - Functions in the Borovets tourist core (development according to the 2005 General Development Plan) Scheme 10 - “Golden Triangle”- Functions and Usage Scheme 11 - “Golden Triangle”- Functions and Purpose








5.6. FLOW OF USERS, ANNUAL MODE The flows and the most general behaviour of the users of the recreation and tourism environment related to visiting and staying in the resort complex Borovets, as well as the use of the main tourist infrastructure and spaces, is traced to the respective levels through: •

the ways of reaching the resort complex and the total number of nights spent at the destination (Samokov municipality, tourist resort localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar);

the capacity of the parking spaces, accommodation and the facilities for transportation of tourists, the places of interest (attractions), the periods with organised events, as well as the permanent observation of experts (Borovets core);

counting the specific tourist flows and mapping the behaviour of users of the environment around and in the Triangle.

FLOWS, VISITORS AND USERS - REGIONAL LOCALISATION LEVEL The main way to reach the destination and localisation is with individual or public road transport, which is of key importance for the second-class Republican road II-82. The distribution of the flows in the scope of the resort localisation is a complex issue whose main factors are related to the attractiveness of the natural and anthropogenic conditions, the resort resources and tourist infrastructure and sites. ROAD TRANSPORT The monthly average daily traffic according to the results of the three last major censuses is as follows: •

4609 motor vehicles* in August 2005;

8127 motor vehicles in January 2010;

7448 motor vehicles in November 2015;

The results have shown high intensity, which is probably due to both day-to-day work trips and holiday trips. Monthly data show increase in traffic related to recreational trips in the active summer and winter season with peak season respectively in August and January, PUBLIC TRANSPORT BUS SERVICES The bus transport, which is the only possible public or specialized and occasional form of passenger transport to Borovets, shows a characteristic trend of a decrease of 25% compared to the light traffic in 2005 to below 6% in 2010 and 2015, and the total capacity of the passenger transport per day between Samokov and Borovets is 352 passengers in one direction. VISITORS AND CONSUMERS - BOROVETS There are two types of visitors in the resort - long term visitors and one-day visitors. Not all visitors use the lifts every day. The one-day visitors on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays increase by 30% the number of visitors staying in the resort. According to the observations of the lift operator in Borovets, during the winter season from 15 December to 15 April there are an average of 6-7 thousand visitors per day. The busiest weeks are the penultimate and the last of December, the first and the second of January, the entire month of February and the first three weeks of March with an average of 8-10 thou63


sand visitors per day. During the summer season from 15 June to 15 September, there are an average of between 80 and 100 thousand visitors, with an average of 7-9 thousand visitors on the weekends. The busiest weeks are in the second half of July, August and the first week of September. The way of establishing the number of visitors for this information is based on the information about the number of purchased maps for the facilities increased by a coefficient, counting the number of guests who do not use the lift. The project proposals in the competition should also take into account: •

the Sitnyakovo express lift is equipped with special bicycle seats, which provides access for cyclists to the Borovets Mountain Bike Park trails.

the use of the dining and entertainment establishments in the Triangle area and in the snow area is linked to the provision of lunch meals not included in the tourist packages and, to a lesser extent, to the nightlife. A significant part of the users of the dining and entertainment establishments are not tourists staying in the accommodation facilities, but mostly one-day visitors, as many sites do not operate in summer when this type of visitors is less.

VISITORS AND CONSUMERS – THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE The potential concentration of visitors and users of different types of tourist infrastructure (accommodation, parking lots, lifts and ski tows) is presented in the heat maps documentation. The territory with the highest concentration of the various flows of visitors is the area around the Golden Triangle, around which, in a different order from its three sides and three peaks, overlap flows of: •

short-term visitors aiming at the higher parts of the mountain during all seasons using parking lots and lifts;

tourists residing in larger and smaller accommodation facilities.

For the purpose of the competition, a one-day field survey was conducted on a holiday day in the summer season to count passers-by and identify consumer and visitor behaviour within the competition through Jan Gehl’s established methodology for auditing public spaces and life between buildings. Census is not meant to be comprehensive but to track the main trends. On the day of the survey over 3,000 tickets and maps for the lifts operating in the summer were purchased. It is evident from the monitoring of the flow that the stretch between the junction of Yastrebets cabin ropeway and the Royal Plaza Hotel is the busiest one and generates almost constantly the biggest pedestrian traffic combined with an intense car movement. The section between the junction of the Yastrebets cabin ropeway and the Mountain Rescue Service base, also generates the greatest car traffic with longer periods of intensive pedestrian traffic. In the territory of Rila Hotel, which is closed to traffic, there is an intensive pedestrian flow. From the observation of the activities, it is possible to say that the most crowded area with various activities is the area in front of the Rila Hotel, where the largest number of sites are located, as well as traders applying the so called “pavement law” (the right to trade on a public pavement). The most intensively visited restaurants are right there. Large part of the more permanent residents in the whole area are the traders themselves and the employees of the catering establishments. Their concentration is more visible around the western end of Rila Hotel.



PROBLEMS In the current situation there are many problems related to the safety of the resort visitors and its employees, especially in the section between the junction of Yastrebets cabin ropeway and the Royal Plaza Hotel. The cycling conditions are not suitable especially in the territory of the Rila Hotel, where they are mainly concentrated due to the proximity of the bicycle rental in Rila Hotel and the location of the lift which allows them to be transported - Sitnyakovo express. Conflicts arise between cyclists and pedestrians in the narrow pedestrian section of this street. The lack of organised taxi stops near the Yastrebets cabin ropeway is another problem of the transport organisation and the safety of the participants in it. ANNUAL MODE OF USE The annual mode of use of the resort environment is determined both by the traditions of practising various forms of recreation and tourism, as well as by new fashion and events that provoke demand. Apart from the mentioned trends regarding the tourists behaviour and the rhythm of visits to the resort, the whole calendar of events, including festive, cultural and sports events and festivals, is becoming more and more important. As part of the field studies, the seasonal mode of operation of the two types of restaurants for food and entertainment - was reviewed within the competition territory. Of the 17 catering establishments operating during the winter season, 9 do not operate during the summer. Of the 7 entertainment establishments operating during the winter season, only 1 operates during the summer. Documents: Annex 10 – Schemes: Scheme 3 – Localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar - Average annual daily traffic for 2015 Scheme 6 – Capacity of accommodation in Borovets resort Scheme 7 – Capacity of the parking lots in Borovets resort Scheme 8 – Capacity of the lists in Borovets resort - summer season Scheme 9 – Capacity of the lists in Borovets resort - winter season Scheme 13 – Fluxes - Tourists for mountain tourism Scheme 14 – Fluxes - Resort visitors Scheme 15 – Fluxes - Other visitors to the resort Scheme 16 – Fluxes - Bicycles Scheme 17 – Fluxes - Cars Scheme 18 – Fluxes - Other motor vehicles














5.7. ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACTS The territories around the old and the new centre of Borovets as well as many peripheral districts have survived and some still experience a decline of their physical, ecological and biological condition. Some of the reasons are the depreciation and amortization of the environment, reinforced by the changes of ownership and use over the last 25 years and the transition from state to private ownership. Another reason is the lack of sufficient sanctions and incentives to control and/or prevent pollution, drought and illegal construction. One of the most characteristic territories in this regard is the Triangle district and in particular the municipal landed property 65231.919.433. Linear and point sources of effects on the water and soil components, the atmospheric air and the noise factor are noted in Scheme 19, Scheme 20 and Scheme 21. DESTROYED BUILDINGS AND TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Scheme 24 includes areas and sites in an unfavourable physical condition, including depreciated or underdeveloped infrastructure, demolished buildings, and those with outstanding building permits, relevant to the state of the landscape component. DENDROLOGY AND PHYSICAL CONDITION Afforestation in the Golden Triangle has a clear forest character. A large part of its territory, as well as significant parts of some of the properties in the contact territory, are predominantly covered with spruce forests with an average age of the trees between 110 and 130 years. There are 356 coniferous and deciduous trees within the competition territory. The dominant tree species in the competition is the common fir, which represents 70% of the total number of trees. This woody species is characterised by well-crowned trees, with only 3% dried fir. The spruce occupied the second place, which accounts for 17% of the total number of trees. Its crown is in a slightly worse condition and the dried trees of this species are considerably more (11%), while the other coniferous species (white pine, white fir, false cypress) are very small, of which the white pine is in the worst condition. The deciduous trees (beech, sycamore, lime and rowan) are separate trees, and many of them, due to negative anthropogenic impacts, are withered. The vegetation data presented in Schemes 25 and 26 are also relevant to the state of the landscape. The studies show the disturbing state of the vegetation in the competition territory, as 70% of the coniferous and deciduous trees are sick and/or their root systems are damaged. The damaged trees are extremely dangerous and must be cut off if they are at a distance less than their height from buildings, roads, parking lots, etc. Proof of this is the presence of buildings damaged by fallen trees. In addition to the dendrological assessment for the orientation of the participants in the competition a buffer analysis has been carried out, which showed the range of protection zones within a radius of 15 m around the relatively healthy and medium damaged trees. The area is 17,581 m2. The reason for determining such an area stems from the unfavourable state of the vegetation as a result of many years of environmental exhaustion. The distance is determined on the basis of the proportional ratio between the average tree height and the range of its root system.



TERRITORIES WITH PARTICULAR SPATIAL PLANNING PROTECTION Within the scope of the localisation and the resort core fall territories with particular spatial planning protection: •

The water sources - Beli Iskar Dam;

Natural sites - Rila National Park, Central Rila Reserve;

Natural landmark “Black Rock”;

Priority habitats - a multitude within the protected area Rila;

Group immovable cultural property - Historic Area “Old Borovets”.

These natural features make Borovets a complex territory. This is due to the characteristic ancient forests inside and around the resort Most of them are over 100 years old and have social significance as resort forests and ecological importance as an old-growth forest (offering shelter to many plant and animal species and mushrooms). WATERS The water component is negatively affected by the underdeveloped or rehabilitated sewerage network. SOILS The soils and the landscape in the resort are negatively affected during the intensive construction in the middle and at the end of the previous decade due to the additional soil sealing and the inappropriate introduction of part of the newly built hotels and apartment complexes into the cultural and natural landscape of the resort. There have been cases of increased density, intensity of construction and lack of landscaping in the respective properties, as well as lack of actions undertaken for cleaning and rehabilitation of the affected areas during the construction. In connection with the sealing of the soils, a terrain survey has been included, which presents the picture of covering and trampling the soil in the competition territory in the form of car and pedestrian access to the interior of the neighbourhood. ATMOSPHERIC AIR The atmospheric air component is negatively impacted by individual road traffic, which so far remains poorly organised and without adequate substitutes toward and within the localization. NOISE The noise levels depend on the intensity of the road traffic as well as the main sources of noise, such as nightlife establishments . In these zones the noise exceeds the noise limits specified in the regulations in force in Bulgaria - the amount during the day is up to 45 dB; in the evening - up to 40 dB and at night up to 35 dB.



CONCLUSIONS To sum up, it can be concluded that the main problems that are to be addressed by the participants in the competition in relation to the status of the Golden Triangle environment identified in the field studies can be summarized in the following categories: •

The trees - 70% of them are diseased and/or with damaged roots, presence of buildings affected by fallen trees, which is a signal of serious risk;

The technical infrastructure (sewerage and electricity) - Drainage, snow/rainwater channels are to be built, securing (channels) of power cables, choice of location for transformer, etc .;

Functional groups suitable for the territory, minimisation of the negative influence on the soil and the sound environment, compliance with the protected areas;

Waste - provision of pockets for garbage containers, presence of unregulated “small landfills”.

Documents: Annex 10 – Schemes: Scheme 2 – Localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar - Impacts and state of the physical environment Scheme19 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - soils Scheme 20 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - air pollution from cars Scheme 21 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - Noise from linear and point sources Scheme 22 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - Destroyed buildings and buildings with unclear status Scheme 23 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - State of the woody vegetation Scheme 24 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - Species composition










5.8. MARKET ANALYSIS Borovets, Bulgaria (as a tourist destination) is increasing its popularity both on the Bulgarian and the international market. the offering in Borovets resort and the localisation gradually adapts to the world trends in tourism, including a variety of options in the following four segments: •

adventures and physical challenges;

culture and identity;

health and physical well-being;


The competitiveness of the resort and the localisation depend on the demand in the North-western, Eastern and South-eastern Europe and the offer in the Balkan region, where destinations with similar characteristics, such as potential accessibility, skiing conditions and service prices are easy to find. The vast majority of resorts in the region have a small scale of ski infrastructure and accommodation capacity. In some regions of Romania and Greece there is a dense network of resorts of regional and national significance. Many of these resorts have competitive features such as location and level of construction, as well as a diverse resource base in terms of cultural heritage, nature landmarks and infrastructure for access to larger nearby towns. This is the case with the well-established resorts in Bulgaria - Borovets, Pamporovo and Bansko, with Borovets having an advantage with its close proximity (70 km) to the capital Sofia and its international airport. Statistics show a steady increase in the number of visitors in Borovets by 29%, in the overnight accommodations by 17%, as well as in revenues, which have increased by nearly 44% from 2011 to 2015. The ratio between foreign and Bulgarian citizens is almost equal, with minor changes over the years and a certain preponderance of the revenues from foreign citizens. Foreigners prevail during the winter in January, February and March, reaching 71% of the total accommodation in January 2016, with the most nights spent in that period. Bulgarian citizens prevail during the rest of the year and reach 93% in November. The lowest number of visits is in May and October when the overnight accommodations are over 10 times less than the accommodation during the peak period. Over the years, Borovets has attracted a range of traditional visitors - low budgets groups from England, families, couples and individual visitors, as well as average budget visitors from Serbia, Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine, Greece and Turkey. The prevailing one-day visitors are from Sofia and Plovdiv and other cities in the region. The purpose of this competition and the Municipality of Samokov is to attract to a greater extent the middle and high class tourists from Bulgaria and abroad.



THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE The beneficial effects of the renovation of the hotels on the periphery of the territory are not proportional to the restaurants, some of which undermine the new marketing image of some of the sites in this part of Borovets. The alternative functions could provide a beneficial effect on the local economy. This is made clear in the analysis of the visitors’ opinions published on Trip Advisor website about a proposal from the public deliberations on the competition and attached to this assignment. Documents: Scheme 25 - Location of ski resorts in the Balkan region Scheme 26 - Consumers’ rating of the restaurants in the Triangle Scheme 27 - Consumers’ rating of the hotels around the Triangle - position and reviews






5.9. PUBLIC OPINION PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS During the preparation of the assignment two public discussions were held about the intention to organise a competition - on 29 June 2016 in Samokov and on 7 July 2016 in Sofia. In both discussions took part the Mayor of Samokov, the Chief Architect and the leaders of the teams, preparing the assignment and conducting the surveys of the territory. SAMOKOV The discussion in Samokov was aimed at sharing the intentions of the Municipality and to get feedback mainly from the local residents of the region, as well as from the local businesses, tenants and people working in the territory of Borovets and the Golden Triangle. A summary of the views expressed in relation to the project proposals is presented in this assignment: •

There is a need to renovate and modernise the territory, to improve the quality of the built and unbuilt environment and to create conditions for public activities, recreation and entertainment to attract higher class Bulgarian and foreign tourists, corresponding to the goals of many hotels in the resort.

Availability of middle and high class Bulgarian tourists who choose foreign resorts due to their better organisation and conditions for recreation.

An opening of a workshop is planned for the repair of ski equipment that is currently lacking.

Searching and providing access through the interior of the territory;

To create a public space with the possibility of organising cultural events throughout the year.

SOFIA The discussion in Sofia was aimed at sharing the intentions of the Municipality and get feedback mainly from the design community - architects, landscape architects, urban architects and engineers, as well as the citizens of Sofia who, at least due to the proximity of the capital to Borovets, represent most of the Bulgarian visitors. In this discussion took part also the chairmen of the professional organisations Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, KAB, and the Union of Architects in Bulgaria, UAB as partners of the competition and members of the task force. The summary of the expressed views include: •

To explore the territory in the wider context of the contact zone, the resort, the Samokov-Beli Iskar-Borovets localisation, the Bulgarian, regional and European context, as well as the general vision for the development of the resort in the context of the regional development.

To address primarily the family tourism, which is more common in summer and more profitable than in winter. Provide relevant attractions, including for children.

Provide access and use the interior of the site while maximising the conservation of the vegetation.

The videos of the discussions are publicly available on the competition website, the facebook page and the Borovets Competition channel on



PUBLIC SURVEY At the announcement of the intentions to organise an architectural competition in the framework of the discussions, publications and media participations, the broad and professional public were invited to fill in a questionnaire in analogue and electronic format (on the web page of the competition). The results were summarized and periodically shared, in general: •

Considerations were expressed what was needed - road infrastructure and parking lots, orientation, unique vision, preservation and emphasis on local nature and culture, family-oriented entertainment

Considerations on what must be absent - less and more modern and stylish commercial buildings and advertising signs; concerns about overbuilding and nature;

There is a vacant niche for a mountain resort of high class and Borovets, as a place not yet built is suitable for such a purpose;

The use only of natural materials, clearly marked roads and pedestrian zones, separate parking spaces.

Other considerations that were taken into account when organising the competition were the necessity to provide sufficiently long deadlines, comprehensive background information, motivating prizes, realisation of the winning project, interdisciplinary task team, expert jury, transparency and anonymity. TOUR OPERATORS In connection with the monitoring of the market trends related to Borovets in the period 04-15 August 2016, an electronic survey was conducted among a sample of 18 Bulgarian and foreign tour operators offering tourist packages for Borovets with 28% of respondents. The sample includes mainly men aged between 25 and 48, most of whom have more than 5 years of experience in working with Borovets and have held positions of sales manager, booking and accommodation and manager of companies for which Borovets represents small, average or large market share of the offered services. SUMMARIZING THE SURVEY RESULTS: •

The quality of the overall tourist product in the resort is improving. One of the respondents stresses the negative significance of the Golden Triangle with regard to the overall product of the resort, commenting that changes are needed if Borovets aims to be one of the leading resorts in this part of Europe.

The main market segments are the same - ski tourism and holidays, especially low-budget beginner skiers.

Proposals related to changes such as organising a larger number of events, both in summer and in winter, a recommendation for developing spa services, cleaning and better organisation of the resort.

The tourists feedback regarding public spaces such as the “Golden Triangle” suggests the need for a good and moderately good experience, but couples and families do not approve of the resort’s overall appearance, while the youngest generations do not mind the presence of night bars.

The specific recommendations for the development and functions in the public spaces and in the “Golden Triangle” are to improve the appearance of the territory as a mountain resort and to benefit from the investments made in the ski area and in some hotels, to remove the “go-go” bars and the related shops that make the resort inappropriate for families and high-class tourists. 93


The profile of the current tourists visiting Borovets, who use the services of the respondents. is described as “middle class - Russian speaking”, “regional market” from Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Greece and “less charter” from Ukraine and Russia, as well as “All profiles”, including groups, families and couples from the UK.

A desire was expressed to preserve the markets as well as to put emphasis on skiers, beginners skiers and families who will spend their first ski holiday in Borovets as it offers a good price-quality ratio.

Documents: Annex 8 - Excerpt from the survey conducted within the public discussions and online




PANELS The competition projects must be placed on 6 A0 (84/119 cm) format panels. The orientation of the panels must be horizontal. It is imperative that all submitted graphics panels (2-6) should include linear scale. For Panel 1, a scale is included, depending on the presented materials. PANEL 1 - OVERALL CONCEPT Materials clarifying the overall concept of the project: •

3D visualization (s) (required),

Schemes and other illustrative materials - pictures of scale models, perspective/ axonometric drawings or other illustrative materials at the discretion of the participants.

The unfolded built-up area and the total value in BGN of the proposed investment project, together with total unfolded built-up area and sub-values in BGN, as required in Chapter I. Competition Programme, Item 2.3.2 Functional Programme Functional Groups (mandatory) and Sub-value and built-up area of the underground areas. Indicate clearly the scope by area, functions and value of the planned stages of the investment project.

The necessary for the understanding explanatory text and justification needed in Bulgarian or in English (the bilingualism of the text is recommended for the purposes of the jury).

Document name in case of electronic submission: 1.pdf PANEL 2 - SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT Materials clarifying the spatial development concept of the project: •

Situation - scale 1: 500 (mandatory),

Spatial development characteristics of the territory - total built-up area, roof base elevation and roof summit elevation, total green area, (mandatory),

Number and condition of the damaged trees in relation to the submitted scheme of the woody vegetation state,

Number of the stipulated parking spaces.

accompanying schemes clarifying the concept (at the discretion of the participants),

Section/view through the territory (at the discretion of the participants),

The necessary for the understanding explanatory text in Bulgarian or in English (the bilingualism of the text is recommended for the purposes of the jury).

Name of the document in case of electronic submission: 2.pdf



PANEL 3 - FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMME Materials clarifying the functional programme of the project: •

Functional scheme (s) - schemes, axonometry, situation and/or segments of it in a scale at the discretion of the participants (mandatory);

The necessary for the understanding of the functional programme text in Bulgarian or in English (the bilingualism of the text is recommended for the purposes of the jury).

Name of the document in case of electronic submission: 3.pdf PANEL 4 - 6 - ARCHITECTURAL SOLUTION Materials clarifying the architectural solution of the project: •

Characteristic plans, incisions, façades, silhouettes, details, axonometries, perspectives and other illustrative materials on a scale at the discretion of the participants, clarifying the architectural appearance of each of the functional groups or a combination of functional groups included in the competition (see Assignment - Functional Program): •

Functional groups Shops and Eateries, Administrative Health and Public Service and Information Service, Culture, Arts and Education should be presented with plans, incisions, façades, silhouettes in scale 1:50 and/or 1:20 and details in scale 1:10, 1:5 and/or 1:1.

Functional group Landscape and Urban Design is shown with a 1: 500 situational plan, details and at least 3 elements of urban design - recreation elements, litter bins and lighting, and so on.

Mandatory presentation of the functional group Shops and Eateries in scale and content at the discretion of the participants;

The necessary for the understanding of the architectural solution text in Bulgarian or in English (the bilingualism of the text is recommended for the purposes of the jury).

Other explanatory materials and visualisations at the discretion of the participants

Name of the documents in case of electronic submission respectively: 4.pdf, 5.pdf and 6.pdf VALUE OF THE PROPOSED DESIGN SOLUTION The value of the project proposal is to be submitted in the bilingual budget template provided by the organisers as well as a text in a graphic file 1.pdf according to the requirements of the Terms of References of the competition. The value must include also a description in functional groups and anticipated stages of realisation of the investment project. Name of the document in case of electronic submission: Annex 1.6 Budget.docx



ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION In case of electronic submission of the dosumentation at: a link to download the documents shall be sent, NOT the documents themselves None of the sent files should exceed 10 MB. A detailed clarification of the order of electronic submission of projects is included in the detailed programme of this competition. LARGE SIZE CHARACTERISTIC IMAGE (COVER IMAGE) JPEG file size 1440x900 px (72dpi, RGB colour mode). It will be used on the competition website (on a separate project page) after the jury has completed its work. It’s purpose is to show the most impressive aspect of the project to people who would not view the panels or read drawings. It may contain a 3D visualisation or scheme from the project. In case of analogue submission the characteristic images must be attached in the required flash drive or computer disk. Name of the document in case of electronic submission: cover.jpg LANGUAGE AND METRIC SYSTEM The official language of the competition is Bulgarian. The explanatory text as well as all the inscriptions in the drawings may be in Bulgarian or English, bilingualism (Bulgarian and English) is recommended for the purposes of the jury and the publication of the projects. In order to allow the participation of non-residents, it is only possible to present the graphic part (s) in English, and in this case, where appropriate, bilingualism is also recommended. Project proposals must be submitted in the International system of units, SI. The project documentation except the graphic materials described above shall be submitted to bilingual forms provided by the Contracting Authority and described in the Detailed competition programme. ANONYMITY The names of the authors or teams, their photos, initials or logos should not be present in the graphic and text materials described above. The names will be entered in the Competition participation form and will not be visible for the members of the jury. The anonymity of the participants is guaranteed.



PROJECTS SUBMISSION The submission of the projects shall take place in electronic form at address in the order described in the Detailed competition programme of this competition and with the title “Borovets Competition� or in analogue form at: Bulgaria 2000 Samokov, 34 Macedonia str. Tel.: 0722/66030, 0722/66631, 0722/66632; 0889 199 230 Contact person: Nadezhda Klincheva, Chief Architect of Samokov Municipality ABOUT THE ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION BOROVETS

After a successfully sent project, the participant receives an incoming number and a confirmation of acceptance - according to the submission method - analogue or digital. The jury will accept for evaluation only projects received from the contracting authority and the organisers at the above addresses before 17:30 on 10th of January 2017, submitted in either analogue or digital form.


© Samokov Municipality, 2017 г.




TYPE OF THE COMPETITION LEGAL FRAMEWORK The competition shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 18, Paragraph 8, Article 80 of the Public Procurement Act, Article 82 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Public Procurement Law and Article 5, item 1; Article 6, paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Ordinance for Conducting Competitions in Urban Planning and Investment Design. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPETITION •

The competition is organised as part of a public procurement procedure for a service (elaboration of future investment projects);

The competition delivers prizes;

The purpose of the competition is to acquire a project in a pre-investment phase - the basis for the development of a future project;

Type of the competition: •

Open - all interested individuals can submit projects;

One stage according to the Ordinance for Conducting Competitions in Urban Planning and Investment Design;

Secret (anonymous) -the anonymity of the participants is preserved until the evaluation of the projects by the jury;

With prizes - the awarded projects will receive cash prizes;

The results of the evaluation shall be announced at a public meeting in accordance with Article 91, Paragraph 3 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Public Procurement Act.




1.1. Annex No 1.1 - Application for participation 1.2. Annex No 1.2 - Single European Procurement Document 1.3. Annex No 1.3 - A model declaration confirming the actuality of the data and the authenticity of the signatures in the published Single European Procurement Document and the address at which an access to the document has been provided (if applicable) 1.4. Annex No 1.4 - Declarations under Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance for Conducting Competitions in Urban Planning and Investment Design and Article 91, Paragraph 3 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Public Procurement Act. 1.5. Annex No 1.5 - Contract-Project 1.6. Annex No 1.6 - Total Project Value 2.

Drawing of plot of land No 65231.919.433. Extract from the Land Register. File containing cadastral map, regulatory lines within the scope of the competition, infrastructure sites and vegetation map


List of buildings in the territory of the competition by type, number of floors and property


Borders of Historic Area “Old Borovets”


File of immovable cultural property Beckerle villa


File of immovable cultural property Villa of Prof. Markov


Other territory related sites


Results and excerpts from the public discussions and surveys


Folder with photo materials

10. Folder with results and excerpts from the surveys conducted on the territory: •

Scheme 1 - Localisation Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar

Scheme 2 – Localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar - Impacts and state of the physical environment

Scheme 3 – Localization Samokov-Borovets-Beli Iskar - Average annual daily car traffic for 2015

Scheme 4 - Functions in the Borovets tourist core (current moment)

Scheme 5 - Functions in the Borovets tourist core (development according to the 2005 General Development Plan)

Scheme 6 – Capacity of accommodation facilities in Borovets resort

Scheme 7 – Capacity of the parking lots in Borovets resort

Scheme 8 – Capacity of the lifts in Borovets resort - summer season

Scheme 9 – Capacity of the lifts in Borovets resort - winter season

Scheme 10 - “Golden Triangle”- Functions and Usage

Scheme 11 - “Golden Triangle”- Functions and Purpose

Scheme 12 - “Golden Triangle” - Scope, ownership and construction

Scheme 13 – Fluxes - Tourists for mountain tourism

Scheme 14 – Fluxes - Resort visitors

Scheme 15 – Fluxes - Other resort visitors

Scheme 16 – Fluxes - Bicycles

Scheme 17 – Fluxes - Cars

Scheme 18 – Fluxes - Other motor vehicles

Scheme19 - Impact and state of the physical environment - soils

Scheme 20 - Impact and state of the physical environment - air pollution from cars

Scheme 21 - Functional programme - Impact and state of the physical environment – noise Scheme 22 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - Destroyed buildings and buildings with unclear status

Scheme 23 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - State of the woody vegetation

Scheme 24 - Impacts and state of the physical environment - Species composition

Scheme 25 - Location of ski resorts in the Balkan region

Scheme 26 - Rating of the restaurants in the Triangle by consumers

Scheme 27 - Consumers’ rating of the hotels around the Triangle - position and reviews 104



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The competition team expresses its gratitude to its institutional partners, to all participants, partners and volunteers for the public debates and polls; to The Task Force, the Technical Commission and to all mentioned and not mentioned project consultants; to the whole municipality of Samokov, which made the competition possible; to the citizens, workers and visitors of Samokov and Borovets for their solidarity, support and critical opinion. Last but not least we thank the jury of the competition and all the participants for investing their experience and skills for the better future of Borovets and the region.

TEAM In the organisation of the competition took part: Contracting authority - Municipality of Samokov: Vladimir Georgiev - Mayor of Samokov Municipality Chief Architect Nadezhda Klincheva-Koleva Eng. Evelina Perfanova, Director of Territorial Settlement and European Programs Architect Stoyanka Kassabova, Senior expert at Territorial Settlement and European Programs As well as all the departments and experts of Samokov municipality, involved in the project. Organisation and assignment – Urbanistas.: Architect Boyka Ognyanova Urban planner Mila Yolova Architect Kremena Mouskourova Urban studies: Urban planner Angel Burov Urban planner Dimitar Trifonov Urban planner Vasil Madjirski Phytosanitary Assessment: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Mirchev Senior Assistant Dr. Nikolai Zafirov Master Ecologist Rashid Rashid Legal Framework and Public Procurement: Solicitor Tsveta Stoeva-Yotsova Design: Architect Simona Kabadova 106

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