Borys Kozlowski architecture portfolio 2015

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Bor ys Kozłowski B e l l s t ra a t 1 2 A 3112 ZB Sch ied a m, N e t he rl a nd s na t i o na l i ty : Po l i s h Mo bile: + 3 1 6 8 4 0 5 3 0 3 7 Em ail: bo r ys. ko zl ows ki @ g ma i l .c o m


D e lf t U n ive rsi t y of Te chnol og y Master ’s degr ee i n A R CH I T ECT U R E

2007 - 2011

Po z n a ń U n ive rsi t y of Te chnol og y Bach elo r ’s degr ee in A RC H ITE C T U R E & U R BA N I S M

2014. 10 – 2015. 10

G l ob a l A r chi t e ct s In te rn / Doub le Dutch fa m ily h ouse , Th e F i l te r c o m pe t i t i o n / Den H a a g , N e t he rl a nd s

2010. 07 – 2010. 10

2009. 03 – 2011. 05

09. 2010

B a r cod e A r chi t e ct s Jun ior Arch ite ct / WH 6 9 Re sid e n t ia l Towe r, E SL La b ora tor y, M u s e u m & m o r e / Ro t ter d a m, N e t he rl a nd s

Ro b e r t G zyl A t e l i e r Full Tim e / dwe l l i n g pr o j e c ts / Po z na n, Po l a nd 3r d p r i ze Arq uite ct um . com Rom e com p e t i t i o n c o o pe r at i o n / team wo r k o f 5 peo ple, G l o b a l A rc hi te c ts

06. 2010

Honor a b l e m e nt i on X X X e d it ion of p rof. Wła d ysła w C za rn e ck i st ud e n t works com p e t i t i o n / ow n wo rk

05. 2010

Honor a b l e m e nt i on Poz n a ń In te rn a t ion a l Fa ir com p e t it io n fo r pav i l l i o n 1 1 / co o per at io n w it h M a rc i n D wo rz y ns ki

02. 2010

3r d p r i ze Kon in ’s urb a n p la n n in g com p e t i t i o n / ow n wo rk

2009. 07

U rba n pla n n in g pra c t ic e w it h pro f. D im i t r i j e M l a d e novi c 2 weeks, Po dgori c a , M o nte ne g ro

2008. 07

Ope n a ir p a i nt i ng p r a ct i ce 2 weeks , Pni e w y, Po l a nd

2005. 05

En glish l a ng u a g e cou rs e 2 m o n t h s, Rich ar d Lan gu age C o llege, Th e UK Bo urne mo u t h Eng l i s h

advan ced begin n er begin n er

Graphisoft Archicad

Eng l i s h Italian German


Autodesk Autocad


Adobe Photoshop

Maxwell / VRAY

Adobe Illustrator

Autodesk Revit

Adobe indesign


OPEN WALL SYSTEM A m ster dam , Net h er lan ds

CONNECTION THEATRE Ro t ter dam , Net h er lan ds

ONE TO ONE PROTOTYPES Ro t ter dam , Net h er lan ds

THE FILTER Ro m e, It aly




TU Delft MASTE R’S P ROJE C T 2011/2012

TU Delft MASTE R’S P ROJE C T 2012

G lo bal A r ch itects 3r d P RIZE C OMP E TITION WINNE R 2010

Team wo r k 2014


/ mas ter degree graduation project

Existing typologies as used in their current form cannot cope with an upraise of the new alternative demands in modes of production and material labour... Production today is generated not by concentration and isolation but by the constant possibility of relationships. The new working class are those who deal with the unstable conditions of production in today’s culture, service and knowledge economies. Since late XX century we have started to enter the times of Post-Fordism production mode, where social relationships within the operating strategy of companies are of utter importance. The subject of the research - Zeeburgerpad island in Amsterdam is emblematic to material labour and remains a barrier be-


tween two contrastive neighbourhoods. Condition of the island suggests that its emblematic to material labour. As one starts to precisly determine the character of the workspaces within the island, it becomes clear that majority of the building stock is arranged in a manner that only encourages relation to the street. The perpendicular connection between neighbouring buildings is not present. Therefore, condition is perceived as a continuum of enclosed working cells with no relation to each-other.



Within the thesis project I tried to answer the question of if and how it is possible to combine best of both worlds - seemingly irreconcilable notions of openness and enclosure... My project primarily addresses the condition of production within the intense spectrum of social relationships. The project takes this condition to the extreme in order to critically test its spatial consequences. This involves removing the corridor as the primary organisational mechanism of the plan within the building and establishing a sequence of rooms linked by the spaces defined by the articulation of the walls. Usable space and a cor-

ridor become one element, as there is no strict division between the two. Space defined by the walls is open to interpret and allows for a free movement of people and therefore a transfer of ideas, knowledge, workforce etc. In larger scale the intervention becomes a series of seemingly endless narratives, defined by the specificity of the rooms - the spaces between the walls.


/ mas ter degree graduation project





/ mas ter degree graduation project



“Tree is leaf and leaf is tree ... House is city and city is house. A tree is tree but it is also a huge leaf. A leaf is a leaf but it is also a tiny tree. A city is not a city unless it is a huge house. A house is a house only if it is also a tiny city.� Aldo van Eyck

Reconciliation of architecture and urbanism... Masterplan in its essence is contradictory to the words that characterize the very substance of the city - movement, diversity, adaptability, exchangeability and so forth. Masterplan is an isolated action developed before the actual realisation of it. To acquire its completion status, it usually takes too much time considering the economic situation after 2008. Therefore masterplan is no longer a vital solution to serve the constantly changing conditions. As condition changes, the masterplan has limited capacity to accept it. In this context, a flexible scheme that could be arranged to the wishes of investors is proposed. The scheme accepts the coexistence of old and newly added fabric - therefore is able to adapt due to the unforeseen social and economical conditions. The proposal is implemented in the area where two districts of polarized character clash togather. Once, the two parts were dependant on each-other, but after the changes in the zoning plan, have started to develop a repelling characteristics. The goal of the design was to reinvent a way to bring those parts of the city together, by proposing a programme where the polarities could be reconciled again.



/ mas ter degree graduation project



The scheme is developed on the basis of 3,3 m grid and enables possible prefabrication of the elements... As my proposal suggests, it is possible that with a use of one element - in this case - the ‘Open Wall’, together with the clear scheme, that describes the interrelation between elements, certain economic limitations could be minimized through potential flexibility of the scheme. As a direct follow-up to that thesis, I propose a modular, prefabricated units that are to be build faster and cheaper then traditional method.



/ mas ter degree graduation project



Merging notions of similarity and diversity... Even though the project is composed with the elements of a similar character, their use and positioning provides an extensive amount of diversity within the building. The shifting manner in which facing units are positioned, creates a spectrum of enriched spatial relations throughout the length of the building. The diversity also appears in the section of the building. Every floor has a different usage of privacy. This has been accomplished by applying different types of enclosures. On the ground level, the spaces are open, in the middle floor are semi enclosed, while on the top floor the condition of the spaces is enclosed. The roof is an open structure of wooden cross laminated beams combined with layered glazing. The way how the light enters the building can be controlled by the means of automatically operated shutters located underneath the glass planes. The roof works as a unified factor of blocks with different functions. The scheme extends the notion of connectivity also in terms of climate handling. The openness of the structure in lengthwise direction is used for cross ventilation through the building. The modules, which the building is constructed of, contain services needed to provide proper climate handling and rainwater collection. The openings within the wall can be ‘filled’ with proper equipment dependent on specific programme and could be swappable with others if conditions change. Therefore through similarity of the elements, a notion of flexibility is infused into the scheme. A system of water cooling, has also been implemented into the design of the wall.


/ mas ter degree graduation project

re f l e c t i o n r oom

e xh i b i t i o n r oom

e n t ra n c e r oom

p ro d uc t i o n r oom

wo rh sh o p r oom

p re pwo rk r oom

The rooms are then arranged in a way to show the art creation as a linear process. One that travels across the building is ‘filtered’ by different programme blocks while he moves into another open space of the room. The roof is a transparent structure that brings natural daylight inside the building. Therefore the inside space becomes extension of a street and inherent part of the city. At the same time roof becomes a unifing feature that one can experience constantly in all of the spaces within the building.


k n ow l e d g e r oom

Programme of artist village is organised into rooms of different character.



The colonnade takes the role of creating a clear threshold ... ...between the building and space of the street The same structure serves as an interface for the water-taxis that distribute people over the lenght of the island - a 1.6 km piece of land. At the same time, the backbone becomes a docking mechanism for existing boat houses and clearly defines the private and semi private spaces belonging to owners of the boathouses. Pitched roof building seen on the right is an existing warehouse and becomes both - a symbolic gesture of leaving it as a piece of resistance and a showcase of how can existing fabric of the island interrelate with the proposed addition.



/ mas ter degree graduation project



Similar spatial conditions reflects upon the notion that labour today is generic. Similar kind of spaces could serve small companies, student workspaces, informal community gatherings, offices etc. Three levels of the building allow for multiple use in the terms of different handling of variables like climate, air pollution, acoustics etc. The building breathes in and out, in a sense that a specific and consistent sequence of open and closed spaces is created within the scheme.

The proposal clearly defines the relation to the neighbouring banks of the canal. The connection between two oposite sides of the canal is mediated with the combination of open square and a tower. While tower acts as an visial attractor for the people passing by in the neighbourhood, the square becomes a way to host people and transform island into a place to stay rather then pass through. Proposal suggests a serie of event spaces that could become a cultural catalyser. The tower holds the artist residencies. Its placement and height is an derrived from the context of the site - a certain scheme of residential towers of similar height could be found in the in the area. Therefore the building involves also indirect context, and marks itself on the skyline of the Amsterdam.



/ mas ter degree graduation project





/ academic proje ct



Diagonal shape of the building is developed as a backdrop for the relation between water and build enviroment. Volumes cutting through two walls open up the views into Maashaven on one side and Nieuwe Maas on the other. This creates a speculative connection of the waterways; in this sense exploring the possibilites of how buildings of waterfront could interact with the waterways of Rotterdam - the essential part of city’s economy. Position of the building within its urban sur-


rounding had a major impact on the method chosen to design the building. Two major urban axies present in the area dictate the shape of the building. In this sense the design tries to answer the question if formal speculation could solve problems present on the urban level.


/ academic proje ct

Existing typologies as used in their current form cannot cope with an upraise of the new alternative demands in modes of production and material labour. Production today is generated not by concentration and isolation but by the constant possibility of relationships. The new working class are those who deal


with the unstable conditions of production in today’s culture, service and knowledge economies. Since late XX century we have started to enter the times of Post-Fordism production mode, where social relationships within the operating strategy of companies are of utter importance. Existing typologies as



Existing typologies as used in their current form cannot cope with an upraise of the new alternative demands in modes of production and material labour. Production today is generated not by concentration and isolation but by the constant possibility of relationships. The new working class are those who deal

with the unstable conditions of production in today’s culture, service and knowledge economies. Since late XX century we have started to enter the times of Post-Fordism production mode, where social relationships within the operating strategy of companies are of utter importance. Existing typologies as


/ academic proje ct



Openings in the facade are precisly positioned in order to frame specific views towards the harbour... In order to enrich the transparency of the building, as well as to reveal the inner mechanism of the building to the pedestrians passing by on neighbouring streets, the facade is designed to be semi transparent - the inner layer of facade is glass, the outer one - a steel mesh. With that solution the double facade improves the climate handling within the volume and regulates the required sunlight levels.. Additionally it provides a visual filtration between inside and outside.



/ academic proje ct





/ academic proje ct



tytulowa projektu

Architectural design is no longer dictated by form with structure following. Structures have become an integral part of the form-finding process and the same can be said for materiality... group members: Monika Augaityte, Suzan Daalmeijer, Lucas ter Hall, Jayson Johnstone, Borys Kozlowski, Anna Marcassoli, Pietro Pizzi, Ioli


Plastira, Allesandro Rossi, Mikolaj Schwartz, Bianca Tamasan, Matas Ubarevicius, Paul Van den Hof, Laura Vester, Dezhang Zhou, Manuel Zucchi

In the past, the feasibility of a certain type of geometry or form was restricted at the output by the most suitable material. In our particular case one of the main purposes of the research was to experiment with new techniques combined with unexpected materials: here the EPS foam represents the backbone of the design. Architecture has always relied on craftsmanship as an integral part of their knowledge. Now, innovation has demanded a reflection on past techniques. Today, the range of possibilities that we are faced with has become so vast that we cannot ignore the possibility to reverse the current trend in design process. Architecture has always relied on craftsmanship as an integral part of their knowledge. Now, innovation has demanded a reflection on past techniques. Today, the range of

possibilities that we are faced with has become so vast that we cannot ignore the possibility to reverse the current trend in design process. Architecture has always relied on craftsmanship as an integral part of their knowledge. Now, innovation has demanded a reflection on past techniques. Today, the range of possibilities that we are faced with has become so vast that we cannot ignore the possibility to reverse the current trend in design process. Architecture has always relied on craftsmanship as an integral part of their knowledge. Now, innovation has demanded a reflection on past techniques. Today, the range of possibilities that we are faced with has become so vast that we cannot ignore the possibility to reverse the current trend in design process.


/ academic proje ct

The whole structure works fully in compression... if we imagine it built with blocks of stone the compression forces generated by the weight of each component should be enough to make it structurally stable. Part of the final design had to be placed on top of two containers, so additional calculations had been made in order to optimize the structure.




Precisely developed with the use of RhinoVault software...

To create the pieces on the vault, a flat quadrangular grid was on an X-Y oriented plane. This grid was then fitted with a pattern designed in the last days of the workshop to account for inter-locking of each piece to be assembled. This pattern was then projected from the X-Y plane onto the vault.


/ academic proje ct



For the FABstudio 1:1 prototypes, one of different ways of using the robots was... fit them with a hot-wire - uncommon technique regarding 1:1 architecture. This way of cutting allows the creation of smooth surfaces by restricting the choice of materials and usable geometries limited to ruled surfaces. The machine constraints can be integrated into the dynamic design allowing a maximum of manufacturing and aesthetic design control.



/ competitio n



The building filters the perception of the urban context of Rome. The organisation of the program works as a purification-filter of the human body and mind. Arquitectum and the Istituto Nazionale di Architettura wanted to bring a new element to the city’s debate and enigma: a hundred meter high tower, next to the Coliseum, which would present itself as an “important” element, but not necessarily monumental, which would expose Rome’s complexity by being a “vertical” Rome, which would assemble the facts and the enigmas lived and surviving in the Eternal City. The challenge was to discover this “belonging” to Rome, the hidden beauty and exposed all over the city as a mendicant spirit, wandering lost, waiting for the architect willing and able to capture it. Therefore the suggested tower will serve as an element demonstrative of this


spirit, projecting it in the present time and the uncertain future of a city which has survived every kind of buildings and can always take in a new one: refreshing, renewing and exposing of the constant rebirth of its vital structure. The project consists in developing a 100mt high SPA but not necessarily with a repetitive historicism but instead innovative and daring, harmonizing with Roman architecture, in addition serving as a landmark for Rome. The development consists in achieving a language vglobal identity, so that the building and its touring become an interest target and necessary visit for the city visitors.


/ competitio n



The building filters the perception of the urban context of Rome. The organisation of the program works as a purification-filter of the human body and mind. Sta r t en t r an ce sky bar sk y bar Wa r mi ng up h eated po o ls h o t t u bs r est ar eas

urban balconies

G etti ng b us y sh o r t co u rse po o l ter r aces

urban balconies

C ool d ow n sau n as m assage r est ar eas ter r aces Ent er

cafeteria w r ist ban d dist r ibu t io n

lo ckers/dr essin g r o o m s cafeter ia adm in ist r at io n Ser v i c e


The journey of the spa-experience starts at the top of the building. The first level of purification is to get elevated from the chaotic urban life. Through the filtering planes, users descend the building like water dripping down and get filtered by the different spa functions. The space generated between the filtering planes, acts as a connecting voids in which one program infiltrates into the other. In these voids one moves through the building and is constantly exposed to different “framed” views on the city of Rome. building. The first level of purification is to get elevated from the chaotic urban life. Through the filtering planes, users descend the building like water dripping down and get filtered by the different spa functions. The space generated between the filtering planes, acts as a connecting voids in which one program infiltrates into the other. In these voids one moves through the building and is constantly exposed to different “framed” views on the city of Rome.


/ competitio n





/ competitio n



The visitors enters the linear progression through the planes of symbolic objects superimposed. Apparent similarity in treating two museums, brings familiarity in a way of navigating through them. Although they are a subject to the same language, they form different complexes with different qualities. One cannot exist without another, not a compromise between separate parts but rather convergence of potential similarities. The design is a result of the system. Its iterations have been informed by four main elements: vertical position of the ground, walls as a circulation device, roof as a canopy hovering above gardens. Four bands define a plan of the building. From the city side, the programmatic band of the offices, services and artifact handling is defining a clear border. Long internal street acts a mediator

between the offices and exposition and learning programme. Last one is defined by the gardens which extend the border of the park. Our solution have seeked the most qualtitive arrangement of those elements. However, the variations are endless. Two museums respond to the system according to the functional and spatial requirements. Their identities are defined by the symbolic forms located at the entrance to the museums. Moreover, they operate within polarized conditions of open and closed. Photo museum opens up the connection to the park (extending the ground and creating green terrace) and at the same time it separates from the street. The garden there forms a patio confined within the building. Architecture museum separates itself form the park by the sunken garden, and simultaneously extending it into the building.

They were left with the decision to make, which path to follow which way to choose. Three perfectly abstract, ideal geometries, striped of any intention other then their form, raise in front of visitor eye to embrace a confusion caused by two competing edifices. The brief asking for two museums flanking a monument as one competition entry poses a fundamental dilemma. Is there a hierarchy or not between those two programmes? Where one enters and where the importance is placed? Our solution of flanking the monument with two symbolic forms, creates the unity through the diversity of objects. In the City of The Captive Globe Koolhaas have challenged the limits of the city by the potentially infinite series of plots, each placed on a stone podium. The potential conflict between the presences of different identities was resolved through the unifying urban order. The aim of our project is to resolve the inevitable schism between the permanency of the monument with a historical promenade leading into the park, and proposed programmes. The linear intervention prolong the unifying system between two


museums and potentially extends to include the ethnography museum. This organizational device responds to the variables of the programme, context and the narratives. Lowered ground throughout the intervention acts as an inverted podium. It creates a clear distinction without obstructing the presence of the park in the background. People are not excluded from the exploration of the space. On the contrary, they are invited for a stroll through the building without the need to actually enter it. The space supports the social and functional differences of the city. It becomes an extension of the urban environment. At the same time the intervention creates a threshold between the park and the city. It reintegrates qualities from both conditions in order to create a complex and rich environment acting as a destination in its own right.


/ competitio n





/ competitio n





/ profes s ional wor k

/involvment: drawings, concept, 3d visuals bookcase + kitchen design Double Dutch has an open floor plan and a playful threaded open staircase which creates an interesting spatial experience throughout the whole height of the house.At the same




time staircase becomes a core of the house. The sloping roof combined with the large window openings is experienced from double-height living space. Abstract square window openings and the large number of skylights allow for a very interesting play of light inside the space of the house.


/ profes s ional wor k

The task was to transform one of the narrow spaces of the apartment into a bathroom. Surplus space in the bathroom had been reclaimed by introducing niches within the wall, where the largest niche accomodates part of the shower area. Due to the poor light condition of the encountered space, a matrix of glass blocks had been placed in order to provide a dimmed, intimate light inside the bathroom. The use of glass




doors enriches the condition of the natural light inside the bathroom as well. The ceiling is a semi transparent metal mesh that provides additional layer in the perception of the space. The ‘rich’ materials such as mosaic, stainless steel and a stonware are clashed with the rawness of the concrete block wall, so a constant tension of reading the space is created in order to propose an alternative perception of such narrow space.


/ profes s ional wor k





/ profes s ional wor k

The residential tower ‘WH 69’ is designed in the area of instense urban growth and densification in the city of Rotterdam at Stadsdriehoek. The programme consists of residential units and commercial space at the ground floor. The roof garden of the 5th floor




becomes an extension of the public space from which one could observe the city at different viewpoint. The striking double fold signature of the volume is an outcome of the strict zoning rules of the area. The tower is planned to be finished in the late 2016.





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/ profes s ional wor k
















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