L 14TH - 1 6TH
@Cam YMCA bridge , $15 d All Ages ay p ass $35 w eeke es nd pass es
ueer: Q d e k c Wi nnual A d r 3 3 The T Film B G L n o Bost l Festiva
2017 J am Audre es and y Prize Foster Exhib tion iFEB 15TH - JULY 9T H @ICA
- a p r il March 30th 9th
The James and Audrey rd 33 its r Foster Prize Exhibition is the ICA’s is back fo New England in e t Th . en ts ev tis ia ar ed r biennial showcase of exceptional Bosk of quee nning LGBT m Literally EVERYONE’s taste is represented this month but I e ton-area artists. The ICA established the James m and the wor th fil g in The longest ru in ity ud cl rs in ve , di tions ating want to draw y’alls attention to one of the best events out of the ston area loca year of celebr es and Audrey Foster Prize (formerly the ICA Artist Prize) a number of Bo MFA. It featur e th d an r, te whole year—LADYFEST. The 2017 iteration promises to be bigger festival will be held at ea Th g in 1999 to nurture and recognize Boston-area artists of tle in at ud Br cl ter, the creators, in of ty rie and better than ever, spread over three full days at the Cambridge va a Somerville Thea rec- exceptional promise. the globe from mers, female di YMCA, where an incredible group of multi-talented women and individ- films from around ent work, first-ti ’s The 2017 prize and exhibition will feature the work of ud 17 st 20 to is d e te ur ca Night feat ng uals are ready to facilitate a fest for ALL underrepresented artists, musi- showcases dedi ni n Castaing-Taype O e ld Th . artists Sonia Almeida, Jennifer Bornstein, Lucie and will be he ) er ed Re cians, and people in general. In their own words: “Our goal is to create an tors, and trans r ife ly lor and Véréna Paravel, and Lucy Kim, who are all women e (dir. Jenn rt. I’m personal A Signature Mov ry ra inclusive, safer space for people of all backgrounds/identities to enjoy music but po m te of Con series artists working at a national and international level at the Institute ood: Youth,” a M on. The and the arts. We will strive to ensure that none of the events surrounding LadyBost nt in re here sure ur expo d “C limite rward to ern LGBT whose work has received od m of es and liv fest Boston support or promote violence and hatred.” This year’s event, benefitting looking fo film, e ng, th ting, sculpture, printmaki ts focusing on rated festival exhibition includes pain cu ly All ab cts. the Rosie Project and Girls Rock Camp Boston, features 3 full days of lectures, pan- of shor subje cc and es pe them e video works, and it explores a range of h. This is an im d a new favorit fin the of els, discussions, workshops, and performances designed to draw attention to all those yout es to them re with ge su enga e ent re you ar informa- the artworks that the artists pres in the music and art scene who struggle to have their voices heard. The musical lineup is whe art. Find more to its cultural, psychological, LGBT work of human body, with a tactile approach ue dQ ke ic major off the charts, featuring Shepherdess, Longings, Human People, Sad13, HeartbreakW at n tio ances. Each of the artists will present a —Kyle Amato and historical reson er, Phantom Rides, Marge, Pill, Fleabite, Blau Blau, didi, Amanda X, Palberta, on. Bost in time first the work, or group of works, on view for Knife Pleats, Gauche, Bedbug, Judy Chong, Palehound, Imaginary Pants, program, The Foster This year, the exhibition will feature a new Colleen Green, Gravel, Birthing Hips, Ursula, and Loone. There will deeply in the work and Talks, enabling audiences to engage more also be a flea market where you can purchase handmade goods and of the exhibition, each se practice of the Prize winners. Over the cour wares. Part show, part learning opportunity, part rtant writer, artist, perimpo an invite artist will present their work and demonstration, all community. Be has influenced their who ucer prod ral cultu r othe former, researcher, or cool, be kind, be open, all are t’s. The conversations artis the artwork, or whose own work resonates with welcome. The Foster Talks ic. publ the to will be followed by a free reception, open —Michael Achille d range of culbroa a to art orary emp cont will connect questions around ips ting relationsh between the tural, intellectual, and political issues, crea art world and the world at large. —Maryam Yoon
a ces yo u
In a still surreal turn of events, we have received a $15,000 Live Arts Boston grant from the Boston FounWinter's gone on long enough—it's time to break out, dation! The grant will be funding the Hassle’s Cultural with Jay Morgan and thaw out, and rock out! The best place to start is by watch- Exchange Program, bringing together exceptional artists Food not Bombs ing the Hassle 24 Hour Telethon & Performance Marathon from near and far. Look out for our first funded show on on Somerville Community Access Television on April 7-8. 4/15—Xiu Xiu from San Jose, California with Harocaz, Sidy of struggling the uncertaint we've all been Each year, the telethon features comedians, short ney Gish and Funeral Advantage at the Cambridge Elks mething" and so real a This past year do d to an , ve al rn-out is re g of "We ha bu in films, performance artists, an overnight drone session, Lodge! Also, the Compass held in your hands is now being el ist fe iv to e ct d A th le . with daily , I strugg and drains us rappers, drag queens, poets, and music acts of all kinds, printed in part through a $3,375 grant from the Boston Early last year e. e nc sir ta de sis e re m what frustrates ained ” he sa we need sust and all donations go toward raising money for Boston Cultural Council. “volunteering. oof pe al e go th e d danger when gu an va elping" n under the Hassle to sign a lease for an all inclusive, all ages art marthe people "h ring. For some of us BRAIN Arts volunteers who have find satisfactio ort between pp efforts voluntee k su y m ity of un m ct ket/community center/performance space in Somerville! dedicated 10+ years to the cultural betterment of New m pa co im or to w te ild re ist nc bu to for activ some co There will be a viewing party at Aeronaut from England this is truly a new beginning. We organize over lped,” to see my strengths td as w an be its lim ise ple "being he ould otherw e with my w ac at pe 4:30pm-midnight, or drop by SCATv in Union 150 events a year, produce and distribute a monthly th y od m od Fo d fo r free. I've foun ho rescue community fo Square and get the vibe of the madness firsthand! cultural periodical, and provide a daily webzine for inNot Bombs, w pplies to the su t unlike tod no through Food an n ls tio ea ua If you're a Somerville resident you can become a mem- dependent artists and art fans. We have reached this , in a sit es public m 80 id 19 ov necesin pr d ge id d an ed Cambr prioritize un ber of SCATv for as little as $50 per year and take ad- level of hyperactivity over many years with an entirely as founded in budget, that fight. l to na ed tio ne na e Not Bombs w organize; w sappointing di vantage of their intern programs such as producing a volunteer run staff, and we’re extremely proud of to a ed ne ng ci e day's, fa all else. W radio show on Boston Free Radio, working in the video the standard we’ve set for ourselves, but those high to eat. ending above ry military sp sa most, we needfor 150+ people and serve re fo nd a archive, producing stories for Somerville Neighborhood standards take every volunteer hour we have to st fir But meal iate impact of help make a News, or even producing your own television show (such maintain. That is why support from groups like TBF see the immed show up and e e w w , g; in ay lp p where rd he tu Every Sa who we're a social grou as award-winning cultural show Fallon's Daily Toast)! and BCC are such a big deal - we can finally grow gets, having uare. We see going. s Sq w ep al ne tr ke e e en th w C it in Let this year's Telethon be your entry point to a towards true sustainability and keep our mission essing as rm impact, pr te de ng s A lo ies, d g. in an ct t the shor ort term vi or what we're do whole new world of networking and creativity at SCATv, going for years to come. tually in both veling in the sh re ec ise, eff ep ke om ne it, pr t do I d ou g up, an social ab e get stuff or just have a drink at Aeronaut and take in the Teleing and showin Sustainability for us will come in the form of w community, be ht ur fig yo in ep t Ke ou u. lp go he thon craziness, or snuggle up at home and stream the t-if's get to yo a physical space in which to anchor our efforts. So the long off wha snacks. Telethon live at, or watch That's why we are so thrilled to be able to focus and don't let we'll bring the M THE NT FRO A it on channel 3 and enjoy a taste of the area's most on opening an all ages venue in Greater Boston R G A PART BY IL, creative and provocative talent—most of all, just feel in 2017! To kick off fundraising for this initiative URAL TED IN R O P TS CULT URE OUNC P T C U E S S L good donating to support our local arts community! A U IS R H T is the 24hr Hassle Telethon on April 7th-8th. OGRAM OSTON CULTU MASSAC F ARTS + CUL THIS PR B O BY THE E Tune in for the madness, donate if you can, D E IC F D F N O U AYOR'S ICH IS F and share with your friends! Our space will CY WH TED BY THE M N E G A L A act as a community center for the Greater A LOCA AS ADMINSTR , Boston area, and finally our nonprofit (and IL C N U CO you, Compass reader) will Unless otherwise indicated, the Compass is licensed under have a place to call home. a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY) —Saritha, Sam and Molly
Sat 4/15 Elizabeth Colour Wheel~Mint Green~Rogozo~Dingo Babies~Missing the Action~Hand Grenade Job @Track Shack 6pm All Ages $ome Cost
Sat 4/8 Vundabar, Horse Jumper of Love, Mini Dresses @Middle East Downstairs 8pm 18+ $12
Sat 4/8 Black Beach, Evolfo, Zip-Tie Handcuffs, Skinny Pigeons @Track Shack 7:30pm All Ages $5 Sat 4/15 KYOTY, SEA, Courage Cloak, Big Mess @Democracy Center 6:30pm All Ages $7 Sat 4/8 Stolen Jars, Sidney Gish, Du Vide @Plough and Stars 10pm 21+ $5 Sun 4/16 The Wedding Present, Colleen Green
endar ull cal f e h t view onhassl at bost
Sun 4/9 Ladies Rock Camp Boston April 2017 Showcase! @ONCE 8:30pm All Ages $Donate$ Sun 4/2 Underwear, Birthing Hips, Hanging Out is Spending Money @Deep Thoughts 8pm All Ages $5 Mon 4/3 Eye Design Presents: The Silver Mirrors, Psychic Dog, Birdgangs @ZuZu 10pm 21+ Free
Sat 4/1 ENTRAIL SOUP #2 with/ Chill City Icon (Travis Hagan & Kevin Dacey), Alaina Stamatis, Taquari Patterson, Joanna Boool, C. Benefield, Fat Shuggy @Yer Tummy (ask for address) 1pm All Ages Sat 4/1 Evil Sword, Ursula, New Fries, Old Maybe, Peach Ring @Ask for Address 7pm All Ages $10
Mon 4/3 Park Slug Presents: Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Bulletin, Furanimal, Gold Muse @Charlie’s Kitchen 8:30pm 21+ $5 Tue 4/4 WZBC Spring Concert featuring Sad13, Lina Tullgren, Gull Boy @Great Scott 8pm 18+ $10
Wed 4/5 Selector Dub Narcotic (Calvin Johnson) and This Saxophone Kills Fascists (Arrington De Dionyso), Alec K Redfearn & The Sat 4/1 A Mouth is A Mouth Noise Fest Part Eyesores and JOSS @Studio 550 9pm All Ages III w/ Fat Shuggy, Sam Rog, Picniclunch, Tom Ashton, April & The Foolmasters @Black Lodge $10 adv $12 dos. *A Boston Hassle Effort* 7pm All Ages $5 Thu 4/6 JESUS DRINKS FREE 1950-70s Country, Gospel, Soul and RnB spun by 2 atheists @ Sat 4/1 Ordinary Affects performs Ryoko Akama, Sarah Hughes and Eva-Maria Houben The Jeanie Johnston in JP 9pm-close FREE *A @Washington Street Art Center 8pm All Ages DJ NIGHT* w/ vinyl and everything $Donate$ Sat 4/1 Ensemble Inédit @Chailey Mansion (Newburyport, MA) 6pm All Ages $ome Cost Sat 4/1 Fool's Fest featuring: Mint Green, Flamingo Club, Nick Owen, The Hannas (NJ), Skunk Days (NJ) @Democracy Center 6pm All Ages $Donate$
Fri 4/7 Boston Hassle Telethon 2! featuring films, stories, performances, demonstrations, comedy, and music by Andy California, Sprectramotiv, Andrea Pensado & Andreita, Prone, Chris Konopka, Midisexual, Squelcher, Joe Mygan, Disembowelment Choir, Chris Strunk, Above Ground Basement, Gary War, Plunge Into Death (REUNION), Transpiler, Woolly Mammoths, Solo Sexx, Marianne Toilet, Ed Balloon, Hands and Knees, and more! @SCATV All Ages 10am - 10am FREE! Fri 4/7 Illegally Blind Presents: Mannequin Pussy, Dazey and the Scouts, The Cavemen @ Lilypad 10pm All Ages $10 Fri 4/7 Boy Harsher, Sofia Reta, Creature Hole, Boydjibouti @Deep Thoughts 8:30pm All Ages $5-$10
Sun 4/2 Illegally Blind Presents: King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard, ORB, Stonefield @ Royale 7pm 18+ $20 Sun 4/2 Pile, Gnarwhal, The Kominas, Kal Marks @Sinclair 7pm 18+ $12 Sun 4/2 Six Organs of Admittance, Minibeast, Alosi Den @Great Scott 9pm 18+ $12
Mon 4/10 Boytoy, CreaturoS @Great Scott 9pm 18+ $10
@Great Scott 8pm 18+ $20
Sun 4/16 Ladyfest Boston 2017 Day 3 featuring Bedbug, Judy Chong Palehound (solo), Imaginary Pants, Colleen Green, Gravel, Birthing Hips, Ursula, Loone @Cambridge YMCA
Mon 4/10 Adam PC, Leafcutter, Ryan From Long Sun 4/16 Pillow Talk, Superbody, Teenender, Bad Gone @Zuzu 10pm 21+ Dreams, Burglary Years @Mid East Up 8pm 18+ $12 Mon 4/10 California X Siamese Twins DAME Laika's Orbit Strange Passage @Mid East Up 7pm Mon 4/17 Non-Event presents Ben Owen & Jason 18+ $10 Kahn @SMFA Library 8pm All Ages $8-10 Tue 4/11 Non-Event presents Wendy Eisenberg @ Mon 4/17 Sister, Banana, Wedding Camp, Peach Cafe Fixe 7pm All Ages $5 Fuzz @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $5 Tue 4/11 Minibeast, Insect Factory, Violet Nox @ OOTB2 8pm All Ages $ Tue 4/11 Days N Daze with Opposition Rising, Neighborhood Shit, Troll 2 @Hardcore Stadium 7pm All Ages $10 Wed 4/12 Fully Celebrated Orchestra, Wax And Gold (mems of Debo Band) @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $10
Mon 4/17 DUETS: Missdick Vibrocis (Forced Into Femininity/Bouboushian), Rogich/Filipczak, Shen/Dacey @Deep Thoughts 8PM All Ages $5-$10
Thu 4/13 Talea Ensemble performs music by Gerard Grisey, Joshua Fineberg & Tristan Murail @ Boston ICA 8pm All Ages $ome Cost Mon 4/17 Abadabad, All Talk, Be You Me @Zuzu 10pm 21+ Thu 4/13 Anarquía Vertical (Spain), Dirty & His Fists (LA), Hardware, Security @Hardcore Stadium Mon 4/17 Wendy Eisenberg, Canker Blos6pm All Ages $11 som(MD), Superjerk @George’s Coney Island (Worcester) 6pm All Ages $5 Thu 4/13 Frank Hurricane, Glenn Jones, Jewel Eye (Philly) and Allysen Callery @Blue Bag Records Tue 4/18 Karman Voh, Department of Everything, 8-11pm All Ages $10 suggested donation…*A Bos- Arrot To, Ozlo @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $5 ton Hassle Joint Effort* Fri 4/14 Ladyfest Boston 2017 Day 1 featuring Shepherdess, Longings, Human People, Sad13 @ Cambridge YMCA
Tue 4/18 Birthing Hips, Drool, Pendejo, Strange Mangers @Middle East Upstairs 7pm 18+ $10
Tue 4/18 Dealer, St. Ripper, Eastern Bloc, D-Sagawa @ZuZu 10pm 21+ $7
Fri 4/14 ResisDance featuring DJs LUNAMARIPOSA, BLAC ROSE, MATT MCNEILL (CSC), DEV/ Thu 4/20 FUZZFEST featuring Ligament, NULL (Shake! / Blog to the Oldskool) @CambridgeCarnival, Snot Rocket, Feedback Psychosis, Elks 9:45pm All Ages $5-15 Goon Planet, M3RK, Double Dragon, Sex Orgy
Fri 4/7 Feminist Fiber Art Craft Night @Democracy Center 7pm All Ages
Death Crash, The Paraplegics, Creative Healing, Sat 4/15 Bonnie Whiting (album release party) Custon Drummer @Hex Museum of Dark Arts with Maria Finkelmeier and Greg Jukes @Lilypad (Woonsocket, RI) 4pm 18+ $13 7:30pm All Ages $ome Cost
Fri 4/7 Open Sound presents: The City of Tomorrow, Marti Epstein, & Variant State @Third Life Studio 8pm All Ages $ome Cost
Thu 4/20 SHEA’S LOUNGE: A Punk Night (April Sat 4/15 Xiu Xiu, Harocaz, Sidney Gish, Funeral theme: Japanese Punk!) @Jeanie Johnston 9pm Advantage @Cambridge Elks Lodge 7pm All Ages 21+ Free $12…*A Boston Hassle Joint Effort*
Fri 4/7 Halfsour, Brat Curse, Boston Cream, Notches @Teacher’s Lounge 8pm All Ages $5-10
Fri 4/21 Wolf Eyes, Finished, Albert Demuth @ Sat 4/15 Ladyfest Boston 2017 Day 2 featuring AS220 (Providence) 9pm All Ages $10 Heartbreaker, Phantom Rides, Marge, Pill, Fleabite, Blau Blau, didi, Amanda X, Palberta, Knife Pleats, Fri 4/21 Pucker Up, Custom Drummer, Period Gauche @Cambridge YMCA Bomb, -1, Creative Healing @Deep Thoughts 8pm
Sat 4/8 The JP Music Festival presents: Persisting – Songs Written By Women @Midway Cafe 9pm 21+ $10
Sun 4/2 Spring Time Black Market!! @CamSat 4/8 Beeef (release show) Andy Sadoway, bridge Elks Lodge 11am-5pm All Ages $1 Entry…*A Boston Hassle and Ignore Rock n Roll The Owens @Lilypad 10pm All Ages $10 Heroes Joint Effort* Sat 4/8 Neolibz, Nice Guys, Mack Enemy, Haag @Deep Thoughts 8pm All Ages $5-$10
All Ages $5 Sat 4/15 A. Campbell Payne, Prone, Joe Mygan, Midisexual, Echinacea @Teacher’s Lounge 8PM All Fri 4/21 Record Hospital Fest Day 1 featuring Ages $5 Birthing Hips, Tiffany's House, Today Junior, Dead Elect, Kave Kraft, Dazey and the Scouts @ Sat 4/15 Performance Lab: Gestures, Tyto Alba, Holden Chapel (Cambridge) 6:30pm All Ages Koetsch, Egregoros @The Hearing Room (Lowell) $Donate$ 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Fri 4/21 Dungeoness, Slim Jim & The Mad Cows, Lost Lake, Frollicking Lamb @Midway Cafe 8:30pm 21+ $7
4/4 Arrington De Dionyso, Selector Dub Narcotic, Alec K Redfearn & the Eyesores, Suicide Magnets @Machines with Magnets (RI) 8pm All W E ST E RN M A S S Ages $10 4/6 Siamese Twins, Rogue Trooper, Futuro, 4/10 Hand Grenade Job, Gauche, Funeral Strange Passage, Dirt Devil @Flywheel Arts Cone, Iris Creamer @AS220 (Providence) 8pm Collective 7:30pm All Ages $8-10 All Ages Free 4/7 Zine Fest Eve! with readings, performances, 4/13 Sheer Mag, Hairspray Queen @AS220 and Q+A featuring JD Samson, Julie Cafritz, (Providence) 9pm All Ages $10 Carolyn Innes, Sam Chaplin, Jenna Weingarten, 4/16 Final Boss (NY), FRKSE (MA), Power MonAlexis Salas, Patricia Montoya, Vick Quezada ster (RI), Tovarish (R, + a special guest @Dusk @Flywheel Arts Collective 8pm All Ages (PVD) 10pm $ome Cost 4/18 Eternal Slumber Party Presents: Sheer C O NNEC TICU T Mag, Longings, Laika's Orbit @Flywheel Arts 4/8 Max Lyman, Sam Moth, Alexander @Best Collective 8pm All Ages $10-12 Video (Hamden, CT) 8pm All Ages $5 4/22 Big Fuzzy, Wendy Eisenberg, Olivia WB, 4/12 Xiu Xiu, Headroom, Reduction Plan @BAR and Creative Healing @Brick House (Turners (New Haven, CT) 9pm Free Fall) 8pm All Ages $Donate$ 4/14 Fully Glazed, Headroom, Gun Shy, Time R HO D E I S LA N D Expert @Three Sheets (New Haven) 9pm Free 4/1 The Providence Garage Fest presents The Atlantic Thrills, Mad Doctors (NYC), Andy NEW H A M PSHI RE 4/14 Xiu Xiu, Lilith @3S Artspace (Portsmouth, California (Boston), The Worried (PVD) plus special surprise guest @News Cafe (Pawtucket, NH) 8pm All Ages $ome Cost 4/14 Fleabite, Heavy Pockets, Drug Dogs, Rick RI) 7pm $ome Cost
Rude & more @Sue’s (Rollinsford, NH) 8pm All Ages $5-10 4/21 Bedroom Eyes, Wei Zhongle, Super Dude, Shifty @Sue’s (Rollinsford, NH) 8:30pm All Ages $5-10 4/28 Mono (from Japan) & Holy Sons @3S Artspace (Portsmouth, NH) 8pm All Ages $ome Cost
4/7 Stillman, Krimsky, Weisman & Weisman with Tom Kovacevic @Space Gallery (Portland, ME) 8:30pm All Ages $10-12 4/20 Wolf Eyes, Wei Zhongle, Lingua Ignota @ Space Gallery (Portland, ME) 8pm All Ages $10-12 4/29 The Dance Catel with DJ CHE ROS @Space Gallery (Portland, ME) 8pm 18+ $10-12
4/7 Vundabar, Horse Jumper of Love @Silent Barn (Brooklyn) 8pm All Ages $12 4/9 Nine of Swords, Kal Marks, Jackal Onasis & Bethlehem Steel @Sunnyvale (Brooklyn) 8pm All Ages $10 4/14 Palberta, Dent, Beth Israel, Truck Stanley's Night Dreams @Some spot (Brooklyn) 8pm All Ages $8-10 4/16 Lithics, Pucker Up, Bodega, Giggly Boys @ Alphaville (Brooklyn) 8pm 21+ $10 4/17 Creative Healing, Custom Drummer, Kate Mohanty @The Glove (Brooklyn) 8pm All Ages $8
4/21 Unicorn Hard-On, Golden Poussey, DJ Organic Mommy @Speaking Volumes (Burlington) 9pm All Ages $ome Cost 4/22 Bromp Treb, Ouzkxqlzn, Staples, State Vector Collapse, Wren Kitz and Lydia Kern, Throat of the Loon, Jessie Owens, and more! @ Burlington City Arts (Burlington, VT) 2pm All Ages $ome Cost 4/30 Banny Grove, Joey Pizza Slice, What's Tricks @TBA (Burlington, VT) 9pm All Ages $ome Cost
4/3 Six Organs of Admittance with Asa Irons @SPACE Gallery (Portland, ME) 8pm All Ages $10-12
Fri 4/21, Sat 4/22 Dance: Maureen Fleming @ICA Boston, 8pm
Fri 4/21 Dreamscape #10 w/ Substrates, Solei, Cloth & Aly Pierce Ominous Descent, Meta Mora, Midisexual @85 Seaverns Ave JP 7:30pm All Ages $3
Sat 4/22 Opening Reception: The Split @GRIN, 6-9pm (Providence, RI)
Fri 4/21 Yankee Power, The Jeanies(NYC) and Sat 4/1 Performance and exhibition: Dirk Adams: Sat 4/22 Artist Talk: Boriana Kantcheva and AnThe Freedom Brothers (Ween tribute band) @ the sensation of moving slowly back in time @ Distillery Gallery, 3pm (Exhibition closes: 4/8) drea Tishman @13FOREST Gallery, 4-6pm Lilypad 9:30pm All Ages $ome Cost
Sat 4/22 Record Hospital Fest Day 2 featuring Nine of Swords, Peaer, TRIM, Bad History Month, A Deer A Horse, Pucker Up, Big Man, Sour Spirit @Holden Chapel (Cambridge) y 6:30pm All Ages $Donate$
Sat 4/1 Ninth Annual Harvard Student Art Show @Harvard Ed Portal. Opening Reception 6-9pm (Exhibition closes: 4/20) Ongoing Exhibition: Steve McQueen: Ashes @ ICA Boston
Wed 4/26 Artist Talk: Nari Ward and Tania Bruguera @ICA Boston, 7-8pm Wed 4/26 Exhibition Opening: Nari Ward: Sun Splashed @ICA Boston
Ongoing Exhibition: Listen Hear: The Art of Sound Sat 4/22 MT & Codex Obscurum Present: @Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Scorched, Sentient Horror, Incontinence, Bac- Wed 4/5 Panel Discussion and Closing Recepterial Husk, Boarcorpse @Ralphs Rock Diner tion: Political Discourse @University Hall Gallery, UMass Boston, 6-8pm Ongoing Exhibition: 2017 James and Audrey Fos(Worcester) 9pm 21+ $10 ter Prize @ICA Boston Sun 4/23 Illegally Blind Presents: Bat House, Ongoing Exhibition: Diago: The Pasts of This n Afro-Cuban Present @Cooper Gallery Black Beach, Twen @Great Scott 9pm 18+ $10-12 Fri 4/7 Opening Reception: Beverly Semmes @ Samson Projects, 6-8pm Mon 4/24 RIPS, Midriffs, Atlantic Thrills @ AS220 (Providence) 8:30pm All Ages Managing Editor: Oscar Goff Fri 4/7 Opening Reception: Belly: work by Ross Contributing Writers: Kyle Amato, Kyle Brunet, Normandin & Roger Buttles @Lens Gallery, Mon 4/24 Helltrap Nightmare featuring Anders Croft, W. Logan Freeman, Oscar Goff, Shrimp Boys, Ruby McCollister, Angela Sawyer, 6-8pm Matthew Martens, Nick Perry Scott Egleston, Jamie Loftus + Alaina Stamatis & The Jazz Massagers@Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ Fri 4/7 Pop Up Exhibition: Bean Slots and Spread CALENDAR BLURBS: @Dorchester Art Projects, 6-9 $ome Cost Sat 4/1 THE ORNITHOLOGIST (2016) dir. João Mon 4/24 28 Degrees Taurus, Spectramotiv @ Fri 4/7, Sat 4/8 Performance: 4th annual: We Pedro Rodrigues @BRATTLE Create! Celebrating Women in the Arts @Hiber- A birdwatching trip takes some sexual, spiritual Zuzu 10pm 21+ Free nian Hall, 7pm turns. Tue 4/25 Rogozo, VAT, AdapterAdapter, ModiSat 4/8 Exhibition Closing: Ria Brodell: Butch fied Behavior @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $5 Sat 4/1 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (BLACK AND Heroes @Gallery Kayafas CHROME CUT) (2015) dir. George Miller @ Fri 4/28 Steep Leans, Rick Rude, Dead Trains, COOLIDGE Idle Pilot, Drug Dogs @Great Scott 10pm 21+ Sun 4/9 Exhibition Opening: Matisse in the Stu- A modern action classic repackaged. dio @MFA Boston $10 Mon 4/3 NOTES ON BLINDNESS (2016) dir. Peter Tue 4/11 Artist Talk: Leslie Hewitt @MassArt, Fri 4/28 Jeff Parker (guitarist of Tortoise), Middleton & James Spinney @BRATTLE 2-4pm Video Nasties (Maine), more TBA @Deep A loss of sight reveals new tricks of light Thoughts JP 8:30pm All Ages $uggested w/ Directors’ Skype Q&A Ongoing Exhibition: Steffani Jemison: Plant you donation now, dig you later @MASS MoCA (Western, MA) Tue 4/4 1984 (1984) dir. Michael Radford @ Sat 4/29 Boston En Masse featuring Gem COOLIDGE Ongoing Exhibition: Evelyn Rydz: Floating ArtiClub, What Cheer? Brigade, Lina Tullgren, A story that feels a little too familiar... Birthing Hips, Roz & The Ricecakes, OOMPA , facts @Tufts University Galleries People Like You, Beeef, Haasan Barclay + tba Wed 4/5 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925) dir. SerFri 4/14 Opening Reception: School of Visual Arts gei Eisenstein @ROCKWELL @ ONCE 5pm All Ages $12-15 MFA Thesis Exhibition @Boston University The steps scene that birthed modern editing. Sat 4/29 Casanovas In Heat, BLISS, Keepers, Galleries, 6pm Live musical accompaniment! Reasons @Uncharted Gallery (Lowell) 8pm Fri 4/14 Opening Reception: Alida Cervantes: 21+ Free Wed 4/5 V FOR VENDETTA (2005) dir. James Majas, cambujas y virreinacas @Mills Gallery at McTeigue @SOMERVILLE Boston Center for the Arts, 6-8pm Sat 4/29 Gamma Pope, Trim, Dead Tenants Kind of cool before fedoras became so cringey. (NYC), Scum @ask a punk 8pm All Ages Sat 4/15 Exhibition Closes: Listen to the Whales Fri 4/7 THE VOID (2017) dir. Jeremy Gillespie & $Donate$ @Gallery 263 Steven Kostanski @COOLIDGE Sat 4/29 Now Denial (15 Year Anniv.) with Visually opulent new horror release. Sat 4/15 Living Room Project: Arthur Grau @ Weak Teeth and Sneeze @Great Scott 9pm Also screens Sat 4/8 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 1-3pm 21+ $10 Sat 4/8 MARY POPPINS (1964) dir. Robert StevenSun 4/30 Open Sound presents Wendy Roich- Sun 4/16 Exhibition Closing: Futurefarmers: son @HFA man, Inedit, & Rested Field @Third Life Studio Errata—Brief Interruptions @Carpenter Center, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah classic family musical. Harvard University 8pm All Ages $ome Cost Sun 4/9 THE WIND (1928) dir. Victor Sjöström @ Sun 4/30 Standing Waves # 7 featuring Bon- Tue 4/18 Exhibition Opening: List Projects: Ken- SOMERVILLE m nie Jones @East Meets West Bookstore 7pm neth Tam @MIT List Visual Arts Center *GASP* Classic silent melodrama. All Ages $ome Cost Live musical accompaniment! Thu 4/20 Artist Talk: Lucy Kim @ICA Boston, 7pm Mon 4/10 HERMIA AND HELENA (2016) dir. Mathias Piñeiro @HFA Thu 4/20 Third Thursday: Performance by Ana Argentine auteur re-dreams Shakespeare in New Prvački and more @Isabella Stewart Gardner York. Museum, 5:30-9pm Director in person! Ongoing Exhibition: Matt Williams: Everything Happens (1976) @Proof Gallery
Mon 4/10 TAMPOPO (1985) dir. Jûzô Itami @ COOLIDGE Japanese outlaw “noodle western.” Tue 4/11 CHRISTINE (2016) dir. Antonio Campos @EMERSON Depressing character piece with ice cream. Free! Tue 4/11 THE RED TURTLE (2016) dir. Michaël Dudok de Wit @LUNA Miyazaki-inspired French animated movie. Fri 4/14 TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME (1992) dir. David Lynch @COOLIDGE Prepare for the new season. Fri 4/14 ARRIVAL (2016) dir. Denis Villeneuve @BRATTLE New acme for sci-fi. Fri 4/14 RUMBA CLAV BLEN BLEN BLEN (2013) dir. Aristides Falcon Paradi @Harvard Ed Portal Screening and live rumba performance! Sat 4/15 LOST HIGHWAY (1997) dir. David Lynch @COOLIDGE Overlooked Lynch mindscrew. Sat 4/15 THE IRON GIANT (1999) dir. Brad Bird @BRATTLE A classic tale of boy meets robot. Sat 4/15 FIRE AT SEA (2016) dir. Gianfranco Rosi @MFA Sicilian islanders meet a tide of refugees. Sun 4/16 THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951) dir. Robert Wise @BRATTLE They come in peace.
Thurs 4/20 PINK FLOYD: THE WALL (1982) dir. Alan Parker @COOLIDGE One of the greatest albums turns into one of the greatest musicals of all time. FRI 4/21 SE7EN (1995) dir. David Fincher @ COOLIDGE The Classic ”What’s In The Box” Mystery! Sat 4/22 THE GAME (1997) dir. David Fincher @COOLIDGE Overlooked intense Fincher gem. Wed 4/26 Singin’ in the Rain (1952) dir. Stanley Donen @BRATTLE Classic campy musical about the birth of the ‘talkies.’ Wed 4/26 Postcards from the Edge (1990) dir. Mike Nichols @BRATTLE Novel Carrie Fisher adaptation. Fri 4/28 NEAR DARK (1987) dir. Kathryn Bigelow @COOLIDGE Peak Paxton Americana. Lick it up off the bar, meatball. LISTINGS NOTE: Below is the venue abbreviation key: Brattle Theatre - BRATTLE Coolidge Corner Theatre - COOLIDGE Bright Lights Emerson – EMERSON Harvard Film Archive - HFA Luna Theatre (Lowell) - LUNA Museum of Fine Arts Boston - MFA Rockwell (Davis Sq) - ROCKWELL Somerville Theatre – SOMERVILLE Please see our sister website BostonHassle. com/Film-Flam for our full listings w/ showtimes and other info. FILM FLAM SEEKS VOLUNTEERS!!! If you would like to get involved with our film section or submit listings, shoot us an email at
drawing by jake ursino
you can find the compass every month in the followin g locations:
Cambridge Please sup1369 Coffee House, Lilypad, Out of port the businesses the Blue that support Jamaica Plain TresGatos, Midway Cafe, City Feed the Compass! We thank Somerville Boca Studio s them!
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llyme -a-s and not llegeas E llyo me NC om n-c ht-i @ O ot-a-s r ro e n er? you oug ng you-b rigad m as ght-in t Che o B u uisi isg ooks eer? our ro ou-bo : Wha b yd " tr rs-of- hat Ch sing y oks-y Show ing a :W ui of-bo ucky der rwe isg L "Tin ppe how ry d ars ke. but tic-tu ucky S ing" t erwe -smo le" s L uld der upp sing -pla ke. Tin tic-t r-wo " mo ells re " ou' skin-c uld-s le" but ls-plas -fathe o If y l -a INI: bs-old ther-w e "sing kin-ce -only GEM crum -a-fa you'r -old-s weed -of- only R: If umbs -andpile eedCE f-cr llege w CAN pile-o co TAURUS:Who needs expensive drugs and special edition research chemicals to get jacked out of their mind and babble the truth when America's Food Basket sells maca powder for $5.99. One tablespoon and you'll be unlocking passages of your mind that you had hoped were sealed in a tremendous avalanche, leaving its inhabitants lifeless but fully preserved. Lucky Show: Xiu Xiu @ Elk's Lodge ARIES: You struggle with the concept that another person could be more appealing than you are, either in word or deed or with significantly more likes on their selfies. People are drawn to those who amuse them, sure, but they are even more interested in a person about whom the very act of appreciation speaks to their own sophistication. So make smarter jokes, and get your mind outta the worm-crawling fecal lumps! Lucky Show: Boy Harsher @ DT JP
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Generally "seeing" "the good side" of a "situation" is as easy as not ignoring its blatant existence in order to furnish your selfvictimizing k-hole of despair! If it isn't that easy there probably is no good side. Lucky Show: Jeff Parker (of Tortoise) @ Deep Thoughts JP virgo: Cheating? Fist fights? These are basically premeditated acts that alcohol gives you the gall to go through with. But excessive growths of yeast? Flabby midriffs? Poops the color of honey mustard? Blame it on the al-a-a-al-a-alcohol. Lucky Show: Helltrap Nightmare @ Midway Cafe LIBRA: If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a wonderful Christmas. If you're arguing with someone C about a specific topic, bringing up analogous circums A te how PRI stances with (what you believe to be) one aspect rs C s changed from the situation at hand may serve to bu . Th is a OR N t f er w n bring down your faulty view. Lucky Show: TRIM ot utu e a ast : S be re re e o oc @ Holden Chapel Sagittarius: Nobody's ejaculate on inte ple f p ial e o ra nty er an is pee. If you want your face to be peed on that's an fe x c Ki f the tion of th ctly iety entirely different request that needs to be formally lls s s m Fa . L wit ings goo urro submitted for consideration. Lucky Show: Missdick uc h s d t c o : ist ky ine fe ne und pisces Vibrocis @ Deep Thoughts JP s @ Sh br e ur ing tricting ns co o l d y ic ze si sp tSometime en St ow: iate une tra DIY walls like s you with a es of differ to se ri ri in se rp ud Th d ps a su m as nsm e or bu d ng s ba di an ar d t n ol bo i ea o 5 is e y i ke water g is a gr on a blindf new kink (li 50 Sax rds abo te just puts rius: Vapin y smog to ne ut metimes ba averns aqua rr o so Se be t 5 w 8 bu ra s) @ st p i lt be : Sole ho ed , k cloud of out Lucky Show ne ear in a thic learned ab a roomba. rt. *and* disapp tic partners who just ea g /h in ar ok /c er sm e ow an tt sh m re d/ ro ga l o be ci your tw in your : Midisexua way to curb existences nfronted by Lucky ShowTeacher's Lounge each other's avoid being co
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