2023/24 Season | Stile Antico

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Stile Antico
/24 SEASON BEMF.ORG InternatIonal Baroque opera • CeleBrated ConCerts • World-Famous exhIBItIon
APRIL 19, 2024 8PM | St. Paul Church, Cambridge, MA 2023

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Adriano in Siria, by John A. Rice

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Seen Together: Acquisitions in Photography

January 26 May 26, 2024

Beatrix Potter: Drawn to Nature

February 23

June 9, 2024

Walton Ford: Birds and Beasts of the Studio

April 12 October 20, 2024

Liberty to the Imagination: Drawings from the Eveillard Gift

June 7 October 6, 2024

Far and Away: Drawings from the Clement C. Moore Collection

June 28

September 22, 2024

Crafting the Ballet Russes: The Robert Owen Lehman Collection

June 28

September 22, 2024

Music at the Morgan

Lun, Li, violin

Young Concert Artists Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 12-1 PM

Blake Denson, baritone

Kevin Miller, piano

George & Nora London Foundation for Singers Sunday, April 28, 2024, 4-5:30 PM

Don’t Look Back featuring Anthony Roth Costanzo

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 7-8:30 PM

Loeffler’s Forgotten Octet

Unpublished, Unrecorded, Unheard Since 1897 Thursday, May 23, 2024, 7:30-9:30 PM

For information visit themorgan.org/programs

The Morgan Library & Museum

225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street New York, NY 10016

The concert program is made possible by assistance from Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon B. Polsky, the Joan and Alan Ades-Taub Family Foundation, the Esther Simon Charitable Trust, the Witherspoon Fund of the New York Community Trust, the Theodore H. Barth Foundation, and the following endowed funds: the Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon B. Polsky Fund for Concerts and Lectures; and the Celia Ascher Endowment Fund.

St. Luke’s Chamber Ensemble Upper: Anthony Roth Costanzo photographed by Matthew Placek. Lower: Léon Bakst (1866–1924), “Firebird and the Prince (Tsarevitch),” poster design for Firebird, 1915. Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Howard D. Rothschild Collection. Used by kind permission of European American Music Distributors Company, sole U.S. and Canadian agent for Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, Mainz, Germany, publisher and copyright


Dear Friends,

This evening we are thrilled to welcome back the luminous British vocal ensemble Stile Antico for their eleventh appearance on the BEMF annual concert series. One of the most accomplished and sought-after Renaissance vocal groups in the world, with impeccable blend, intonation, and musicianship, this dynamic, self-directed ensemble of twelve singers made their North American début nearly fifteen years ago at the 2009 Boston Early Music Festival to great critical acclaim. They return once again for our season finale in a program that takes us on a musical journey inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy through Inferno and Purgatory into Paradise itself—featuring works by Renaissance titans including Palestrina, Guerrero, Morales, and Lassus, culminating in Tomás Luis de Victoria’s glorious 12-part Magnificat sexti toni.

With tonight’s concert, our 2023/24 Season of live performances is brought to a satisfying and inspiring close. We are pleased to share the enclosed early announcement of our 2024/25 Boston Early Music Festival Season, which includes the return of Stile Antico in March 2025. A full brochure with in-depth descriptions of all nine programs will be released in late spring. Please visit BEMF.org for the latest updates and information.

Our virtual season continues for another four weeks: Jordi Savall & Hespèrion XXI’s spectacular program, “Le Nuove Musiche: The Baroque Revolution (1550–1650),” premieres tomorrow evening, April 20, at 8pm, and will be available for viewing for two weeks, and those of you attending Stile Antico’s performance in person will be able to watch it again online from May 3 to 17.

Thank you for joining us for tonight’s performance, whether live or virtually, and most especially for your patronage and support during this past season. Please accept our warmest wishes for health and prosperity in the spring and summer months ahead!

2023/2024 SEASON 1
Concert Program 9 Program Notes 13 Artist Profile 15 Texts & Translations 19 About BEMF 29 Friends of BEMF 33


Kathleen Fay, Executive Director

Carla Chrisfield, General Manager

Maria van Kalken, Assistant to the Executive Director

Brian Stuart, Director of Marketing and Publicity

Elizabeth Hardy, Marketing and Development Associate & Exhibition Manager

Perry Emerson, Operations Manager

Corey King, Box Office and Patron Services Manager

Andrew Sigel, Publications Editor

Nina Stern, Director of Community Engagement


Paul O’Dette and Stephen Stubbs, Artistic Directors

Gilbert Blin, Opera Director

Robert Mealy, Orchestra Director

Melinda Sullivan, Lucy Graham Dance Director


Bernice K. Chen, Chairman | David Halstead, President

Brit d’Arbeloff, Vice President | Susan L. Robinson, Vice President

Adrian C. Touw, Treasurer | Peter L. Faber, Clerk

Michael Ellmann | George L. Hardman | Ellen T. Harris | Glenn A. KnicKrehm

Robert E. Kulp, Jr. | Miles Morgan | Bettina A. Norton

Lee S. Ridgway | Ganesh Sundaram | Christoph Wolff


Diane Britton | Gregory E. Bulger | James S. Nicolson

Amanda Pond | Robert Strassler | Donald E. Vaughan


Marty Gottron & John Felton, Co-Chairs

Deborah Ferro Burke | Mary Deissler | James A. Glazier

Edward B. Kellogg | Douglas M. Robbe | Jacob Skowronek

43 Thorndike Street, Suite 302, Cambridge, MA 02141-1764

2023/2024 SEASON 3
Telephone: 617-661-1812 | Email: bemf@bemf.org | BEMF.org Boson Early Music Fesival


Jon Aaron

Debra K.S. Anderson

Kathryn Bertelli

Mary Briggs

Diane Britton

Douglas M. Brooks

Gregory E. Bulger

Julian G. Bullitt

Deborah Ferro Burke

John A. Carey

Anne P. Chalmers

Bernice K. Chen

Joel I. Cohen

Brit d’Arbeloff

Vivian Day

Mary Deissler

Peter L. DeWolf

JoAnne W. Dickinson

Richard J. Dix

Alan Durfee

Michael Ellmann

Peter L. Faber

Emily C. Farnsworth

Kathleen Fay

Lori Fay

John Felton

Frances C. Fitch

Claire Fontijn

James A. Glazier

Marty Gottron

Carol A. Haber

David Halstead

George L. Hardman

Ellen T. Harris

Rebecca Harris-Warrick

Richard Hester

Jessica Honigberg

Jennifer Ritvo Hughes

Edward B. Kellogg

Thomas F. Kelly

Glenn A. KnicKrehm

Christine Kodis

John Krzywicki

Kathryn Kucharski

Robert E. Kulp, Jr.

Ellen Kushner

Christopher Laconi

Thomas G. MacCracken

William Magretta

Bill McJohn

Miles Morgan

Nancy Netzer

Amy H. Nicholls

James S. Nicolson

Bettina A. Norton

Scott Offen

Lorna E. Oleck

Henry P.M. Paap

James M. Perrin

Bici Pettit-Barron

Amanda Pond

Melvyn Pond

Paul Rabin

Christa Rakich

Lee S. Ridgway

Michael Rigsby

Douglas M. Robbe

Michael Robbins

Susan L. Robinson

Patsy Rogers

Wendy Rolfe-Dunham

Loretto Roney

Thomas Roney†

Ellen Rosand

Valerie Sarles

David W. Scudder

Andrew Sigel

Jacob Skowronek

Arlene Snyder

Jon Solins

Robert Strassler

Ganesh Sundaram

Adrian C. Touw

Peggy Ueda

Donald E. Vaughan

Ingeborg von Huene†

Nikolaus von Huene

Howard J. Wagner

Benjamin D. Weiss

Ruth S. Westheimer

Allan Winkler

Hal Winslow

Christoph Wolff

Arnold B. Zetcher

Ellen Zetcher

† deceased

2023/2024 SEASON 5
2023/2024 SEASON 7

Boson Early Music Fesival

2023/24 Named Gift Sponsorships

Boston Early Music Festival extends sincere thanks to the following individuals for their leadership support of our 2023/24 Season:

David Halstead and Jay Santos

Sponsors of the October 2023 performance by Le Poème Harmonique

Sponsors of the April 2024 performance by Stile Antico

Glenn A. KnicKrehm and Constellation Charitable Foundation

Sponsors of the March 2024 performance by the BEMF Vocal & Chamber Ensembles

Bernice K. Chen

Sponsor of the April 2024 performance by Hespèrion XXI and Jordi Savall, Director

Sponsor of the Virtual performance by Hespèrion XXI

David M. Kozak and Anne Pistell

Sponsors of the December 2023 performance by The Tallis Scholars and Peter Phillips, Director

Susan L. Robinson

Sponsor of the November 2023 performance by I Gemelli

Andrew Sigel

Sponsor of James Reese, tenor, and Jesse Blumberg, baritone, for the March 2024 performance by the BEMF Vocal & Chamber Ensembles

Sponsor of the Virtual performance by Stile Antico

Diane and John Paul Britton

Sponsors of Amanda Forsythe, soprano, for her February 2024 performance with Opera Prima

Donald E. Vaughan and Lee S. Ridgway

Sponsors of Zachary Wilder, tenor, for his November 2023 performance with I Gemelli

You can help make this list grow. For more information about investing in BEMF performances with a Named Gift, please email Kathleen Fay at kathy@bemf.org, or call the BEMF office at 617-661-1812. Your support makes a difference. Thank you.


Boson Early Music Fesival PRESENTS

Stile Antico

A Divine Hope

Dante’s journey from inferno to paradise

Media vita in morte sumus

Nicolas Gombert (ca. 1495–ca. 1560)


“Abandon all hope, ye who enter in”

Extract from Inferno I Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)

Peccantem me quotidie

Quivi sospiri pianti ed alti guai

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/26–1594)

Luzzasco Luzzaschi (1545–1607)

Extract from Inferno XXXIV Dante Alighieri

Vexilla regis Francisco Guerrero (1528–1599)


“To course on fairer waters now hoists sail my imagination’s little ship...”

Extract from Purgatorio VIII

Te lucis ante terminum

Dante Alighieri

Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611)

Salve regina a 5 Palestrina

Extract from Purgatorio IX

Salvum fac populum tuum a 12


Dante Alighieri

Claudio Merulo (1533–1604)

Agnus Dei III from Missa Mille regretz Cristóbal de Morales (ca. 1500–1553)

Extract from Inferno II Dante Alighieri

Beati pauperes spiritu Orlande de Lassus (1530/32–1594)

Asperges me Morales

Extract from Purgatorio XXXI

The Boston Early Music Festival thanks DAVID HALSTEAD and JAY SANTOS

Dante Alighieri

for their leadership support of tonight’s performance by Stile Antico and ANDREW SIGEL

for his support of the virtual performance by Stile Antico

2023/2024 SEASON 9


“High in heaven a lady o’er us,” said she, “by whose rule down in your world they vest and veil themselves.”

Venite a laudere Anonymous (13th c.)

Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio Merulo

Extract from Paradiso XXIII Dante Alighieri

Regina caeli a 5 Vicente Lusitano (d. after 1561)

Magnificat sexti toni a 12 Victoria


Friday, April 19, 2024 at 8pm

St. Paul Church in Harvard Square Bow and Arrow Streets, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Friday, May 3, 2024 – Friday, May 17, 2024 BEMF.org


Helen Ashby, Kate Ashby, Rebecca Hickey, soprano

Emma Ashby, Cara Curran, Rosie Parker, alto

Jonathan Hanley, Matthew Howard, Benedict Hymas, tenor

James Arthur, Nathan Harrison, Gareth Thomas, bass

Program subject to change.

Ball Square Films & Kathy Wittman, Video Production

Antonio Oliart Ros, Recording Engineer

This concert is organized with the cooperation of Knudsen Productions, LLC, exclusive North American artist representative of Stile Antico.

Stile Antico records for Decca.


Boson Early Music Fesival

2023 Chamber Opera Series Named Gift Sponsorships

Boston Early Music Festival extends sincere thanks to the following individuals and institutions for their leadership support of the November 2023 performances of The Dragon of Wantley: o

Glenn A. KnicKrehm and Constellation Charitable Foundation Principal Production Sponsors

Lorna E. Oleck

Sponsor of Robert Mealy, Concertmaster, Melinda Sullivan, Choreographer, and Teresa Wakim, Margery

Andrew Sigel

Sponsor of Hannah De Priest, Mauxalinda, Aaron Sheehan, Moore, and John Taylor Ward, The Dragon

Bernice K. Chen

Sponsor of Gilbert Blin, Stage Director

Tony Elitcher and Andrea Taras

Sponsors of Kathleen Fay, Executive Producer

James A. Glazier

Sponsor of Stephen Stubbs, Musical Co-Director

David Halstead and Jay Santos

Sponsors of Paul O’Dette, Musical Co-Director

George L. Hardman

Sponsor of Gonzalo X. Ruiz, oboe

Harriet Lindblom

Sponsor of Michael Sponseller, harpsichord

Harold I. Pratt

Sponsor of Sarah Darling, viola

Donald E. Vaughan and Lee S. Ridgway

Sponsors of Douglas Williams, Gubbins

Kenneth C. Ritchie and Paul T. Schmidt

Sponsors of the pre-opera talks by Ellen T. Harris

2023/2024 SEASON 11


Dante Alighieri’s Commedia (‘The Divine Comedy’) is widely considered one of the greatest works of literature ever written. It helped to establish vernacular Italian as a literary language at a time when most serious writing was in Latin, and to ensure that Dante’s native Tuscan dialect would become its preeminent form. Its remarkable imagery has shaped Western understanding of the afterlife for more than seven centuries, and inspired an immense body of scholarship, philosophy, art, and music. Our program traces Dante’s epic journey in a sequence of Renaissance motets which reflect the music heard within the Commedia, and madrigals which set Dante’s words directly.

Born in Florence in 1265, Dante was a prominent figure in civic life, and became embroiled in disputes about the extent of Papal authority in the city’s affairs. He travelled to Rome as a delegate, but in his absence a change of government in Florence saw him declared an absconder, and he was eventually sentenced to perpetual exile, dying in Ravenna in 1321. It was during his exile that Dante began to write the Commedia, which contains many references to both his friends and enemies in Florence. The work is divided into three sections: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, each consisting of thirty-three cantos. The poet is guided through the first two realms by the

shade of the Roman poet Virgil; in the third, it is his muse Beatrice who leads him through the spheres of Heaven. Throughout Dante’s pilgrimage, music abounds—most particularly in Purgatorio, where hymns and psalms appear as a structure for the soul’s ascent of Mount Purgatory. Only in Hell is there no music, but only cacophonous sound, reflecting the disorder of the souls found imprisoned there.

Inferno begins on Maundy Thursday, when Dante finds himself lost in an obscure wood representing sin, and so begins his great journey. His immortal opening line, “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita,” references the Christian text Media vita in morte sumus (‘in the midst of life, we are in death’), particularly apt during Lent and Holy Week. We sing these words in an appropriately gloomy setting by the early sixteenth-century Franco-Flemish composer Nicolas Gombert, employed as a singer at the court of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Then we descend with Dante and Virgil into the hopelessness of Hell to the strains of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s penitential motet Peccantem me quotidie, written in the Phrygian mode, often associated with intensity and darkness.

Luzzasco Luzzaschi’s breathtaking madrigal Quivi sospiri pianti ed alti guai sets text taken

2023/2024 SEASON 13
DANTE ALIGHIERI Posthumous Painting by Andrea del Castagno (ca. 1450)

directly from the Commedia, describing the sighing and wailing of those that the poet encounters in Hell. Luzzaschi, employed by the d’Este family in Ferrara in the second half of the sixteenth century, conjures a harmonic language every bit as tortured as the poor souls which Dante describes. At the climax of Inferno, Dante glimpses the icebound figure of Satan, the “Emperor of Hell,” who is introduced by Virgil with the Latin words “Vexilla regis prodeunt inferni.” This is a deliberate corruption of the famous Holy Week hymn Vexilla regis, which we sing in a setting by Francisco Guerrero, alternating robust plainchant with expansive polyphony built over a cantus firmus

We now move into Purgatory, where the exhausted Dante, deprived of sleep for three nights, finally rests after hearing the Compline hymn Te lucis ante terminum, sung here in a gentle setting by Tomás Luis de Victoria. It is here too that the poet hears the Marian antiphon Salve regina, which alludes aptly to “mourning and weeping in this valley of tears”; Palestrina’s fervent five-voiced setting is particularly fine. As Dante passes through the gates to begin his ascent of Mount Purgatory, the Te Deum is sung: we perform its final verses, Salvum fac populum tuum, rendered in grand style for twelve voices by Claudio Merulo, one of Monteverdi’s predecessors at St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice.

Each of the terraces of Mount Purgatory corresponds to one of the seven deadly sins. Passing through the Terrace of the Wrathful, Dante hears the Agnus Dei. We choose here to pay homage to Beatrice, the object of Dante’s courtly love, by singing the third and final


Stile Antico is firmly established as one of the world’s most accomplished and innovative vocal ensembles. Working without a conductor, its twelve members have thrilled audiences on four continents with their fresh, vibrant, and moving performances of Renaissance polyphony. Its bestselling recordings have

section of a setting from Cristóbal de Morales’s Missa Mille regretz, based on Josquin’s celebrated lovesick chanson, “a thousand regrets at leaving you.” When Dante hears the Beatitudes being sung—one for each of the seven terraces—we are surely intended to recall Beatrice’s name; we perform these words in a setting by Orlande de Lassus, Beati pauperes spiritu. At the conclusion of Purgatorio, Dante is reunited with Beatrice. At her urging he bathes in the River Lethe, receiving final absolution for his sin to the accompaniment of the Asperges me, clothed here in sonorous fivepart polyphony by Morales.

As we arrive at the gates of Heaven, we are greeted by the sounds of Venite a laudere, a thirteenth-century Florentine hymn to the Virgin which Dante himself could well have known. The music which Dante hears in Paradise is almost exclusively in praise of Mary. Merulo’s madrigal Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio paraphrases the opening line of Dante’s last canto a prayer offered to the Virgin by Dante’s final guide, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, as the poet encounters God in a mystical vision of circles of light. Mary is often called Queen of Heaven; we reflect this with a five-part setting of Regina caeli by Vicente Lusitano, the Portuguese musician now believed to have been Europe’s first black composer. Here too Dante witnesses a reenactment of the Annunciation, and so it is fitting that we celebrate the end of his pilgrimage with a setting of Mary’s response to the Angel Gabriel. Victoria’s Magnificat sexti toni is an opulent, triple-choir setting of the canticle, concluding our own journey in a rich tapestry of choral color. n

earned accolades including the Gramophone Award for Early Music, Diapason d’Or de l’Année, Edison Klassiek Award, and Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik. The group has received three Grammy nominations, and performed live at the 60th Grammy Awards at Madison Square Garden.

2023/2024 SEASON 15

Based in London, Stile Antico has appeared at many of the world’s most prestigious venues and festivals. The group enjoys a particularly close association with Wigmore Hall, and has performed at the BBC Proms, Buckingham Palace, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Cité de la Musique, Luxembourg Philharmonie, Leipzig Gewandhaus, and Madrid’s Auditorio Nacional. Stile Antico is frequently invited to appear at Europe’s leading festivals: highlights include the Antwerp, Bruges, Utrecht, and York Early Music Festivals, the Lucerne Easter Festival, and the SchleswigHolstein Music Festival.

Since its 2009 North American début at the Boston Early Music Festival, Stile Antico has enjoyed frequent tours to the U.S. and Canada. The group performs regularly in Boston and New York, and has appeared at the Ravinia Festival, Washington’s National Cathedral and Library of Congress, Vancouver’s Chan Centre, and in concert series spanning twentyfive U.S. states. Stile Antico has also appeared in Mexico and Colombia, and in 2018 visited East Asia for the first time, performing in South Korea, Macau, and Hong Kong.

Stile Antico’s performances are often praised for their immediacy, expressive commitment, and their sensitive and imaginative response to text. These qualities arise from the group’s collaborative working style: members rehearse and perform as chamber musicians, each contributing artistically to the musical

results. The group is also noted for its compelling programming, which often draws out thematic connections between works to shine new light on Renaissance music. In addition to its core repertoire, Stile Antico has premiered works by Joanna Marsh, John McCabe, Nico Muhly, Giles Swayne, and Huw Watkins. The group’s diverse range of collaborators includes Fretwork, Folger Consort, Marino Formenti, Lemn Sissay, B’Rock, Rihab Azar, and Sting.

Alongside its concert and recording work, Stile Antico is passionate about sharing its repertoire and working style with the widest possible audience. As well as leading courses at the Dartington International Summer School, the group has been resident at Zenobia Música, is often invited to coach university ensembles, and regularly holds Come and Sing days open to all. The support of the charitable Stile Antico Foundation has enabled the group to offer bursaries to talented young professional singers and ensembles, and to run an annual Youth Consort course.

Stile Antico’s 2024 engagements include a début at La folle journée in Nantes, major European tours marking Holy Week and Christmas, a return to the U.S., performances at Wigmore Hall and the Louvre, and a complete cycle of the Divine Office for Martin Randall Travel. The group will also record an album of works by Palestrina to be released by Decca in 2025, the year when Stile Antico celebrates its 20th anniversary. n

2023/2024 SEASON 17


Media vita in morte sumus — Nicolas Gombert

Media vita in morte sumus: quem quaerimus adiutorem, nisi te, Domine?

Qui pro peccatis nostris juste irasceris.

Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis, Sancte et misericors Salvator noster, amarae morti ne tradas nos.

—Compline antiphon during Lent

In the midst of life we are in death: Whom shall we seek as a help if not Thee, O Lord?

Who for our sins rightly grows wrathful.

Holy God, Holy Almighty One and merciful savior, do not hand us over to a bitter death.

Inferno I: 1–9 (Dante Alighieri)

Midway upon the journey of our life

I found myself within a shadowed forest, For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

Ah me! how hard a thing it is to say What was this forest savage, rough, and stern, Which in the very thought renews the fear.

So bitter is it, death is little more; But of the good to treat, which there I found, Speak will I of the other things I saw there.

Peccantem me quotidie — Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Peccantem me quotidie et non paenitentem, timor mortis conturbat me.

Quia in inferno nulla est redemptio. Miserere mei, Deus, et salva me.

—Responsory for the Office of the Dead

Quivi sospiri pianti ed alti guai — Luzzasco Luzzaschi

Quivi sospiri pianti ed alti guai, risonavan per l’aer senza stelle, perche io al cominciar ne lagrimai, Diverse lingue horribili favelle, Parole di dolore accenti d’ira, Voci alte e fioche e suon di man con elle.

Inferno III: 22–27

I who sin every day and am not penitent, the fear of death troubles me: For in hell there is no redemption. Have mercy upon me, O God, and save me. There sighs, complaints, and ululations loud resounded through the air without a star, whence I, at the beginning, wept thereat.

Languages diverse, horrible dialects, accents of anger, words of agony, and voices high and hoarse, with sound of hands.

—Translation by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

2023/2024 SEASON 19

Inferno XXXIV: 1–3, 28–36 (Dante Alighieri)

“The banners of the infernal king advance Toward us; so firmly fix your eyes ahead,” My master said, “to see if you discern him.”…

The emperor of that tortured realm Arose from the ice about his breast; And I compare more to a giant

Than any giant his arm did match: So know how great the rest must be Of him whom these make but a part.

If once he was fair as now he is foul, When against his maker he raised his brow, Then rightly all sorrows must flow from him.

Vexilla regis — Francisco Guerrero

Vexilla Regis prodeunt:

Fulget Crucis mysterium

Quo carne carnis conditor

Suspensus est patibulo.

Quo vulneratus insuper

Mucrone diro lanceae

Ut nos lavaret crimine, Manavit unda sanguine.

Impleta sunt quae concinit

David fideli carmine, Dicendo nationibus:

Regnavit a ligno Deus.

Arbor decora et fulgida, Ornata Regis purpura, Electa digno stipite

Tam sancta membra tangere.

Beata cuius brachiis

Saecli pependit pretium, Statera facta corporis, Praedamque tulit tartari.

O Crux, ave, spes unica, Hoc passionis tempore

Auge piis iustitiam, Reisque dona veniam.

Te summa, Deus, Trinitas, Collaudet omnis spiritus:

Quos per Crucis mysterium

Salvas, rege per saecula. Amen. —Venantius Fortunatus

The banners of the King advance: The mystery of the Cross shines forth; He, the creator of all flesh, Flesh himself, was hanged.

He, whose side was wounded By the cruel point of the spear, That he might wash away our sins, Gave forth water and blood.

That which the prophet-king of old Hath in mysterious verse foretold, Is now accomplished, whilst we see God ruling the nations from a Tree.

O lovely and refulgent Tree, Adorned with purpled majesty; Culled from a worthy stock, to bear Those limbs which sanctified were.

The blessed tree, upon whose branches Hung the ransom of the world, Was made the balance for his body, And bore away the spoils of hell.

Hail, O Cross, our only hope; In this Passiontide Increase justice to the pious, Grant forgiveness to sinners.

God, most high Trinity, May every soul praise you: Forever reign over those you save Through the mystery of the Cross. Amen.


Purgatorio VIII: 8–18 (Dante Alighieri) I looked toward a soul who’d arisen And with a sign implored us to listen.

He then joined his hands and held them up, Fixating his eyes towards the East, As if saying to God: “For naught I care but thou.”

“Te lucis ante” came from his mouth With such sweet notes and much devotion That from my mind I was wholly moved.

The others then, so sweetly, so devoutly, Followed with him the entire hymn, And their eyes upon the heavenly spheres.

Te lucis ante terminum — Tomás Luis de Victoria

Te lucis ante terminum, Rerum Creator, poscimus, Ut solita clementia, Sis praesul et custodia.

Procul recedant somnia, Et noctium phantasmata: Hostemque nostrum comprime, Ne polluantur corpora.

Praesta, Pater piissime, Patrique compar unice, Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Regnans per omne saeculum. Amen. —Compline hymn

To thee before the close of day, Creator of the world, we pray That, with thy wonted favor, thou Wouldst be our guard and keeper now.

From all ill dreams defend our sight, From fears and terrors of the night; Withhold from us our ghostly foe, That spot of sin we may not know.

O Father, that we ask be done, Through Jesus Christ, thine only Son, Who, with the Holy Ghost and thee, Doth live and reign eternally. Amen.

—Translation by John

Salve regina a 5 — Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Salve Regina, Mater Misericordiae, Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, Salve!

Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae, Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes, In hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, Illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, Nobis, post hoc exilium, ostende, O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.

—Compline antiphon

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, Our life, our sweetness and our hope!

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.

Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

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Inferno XXXIV: 1–3, 28–36 (Dante Alighieri)

“Be not afeared,” my master said, “but assured, For we have arrived at a place of good. Do not be tense, but release your strength,

For already thou art come to Purgatory; Behold here the cliff that bounds it round; See there the gateway, which riven appears.”

I saw there set a portal, and below three stairs Which led towards it in different colors, And too a gatekeeper who was then yet to speak.

As more and more my eye gained sight I perceived he sat upon the utmost step, So fair of face that I could hardly cope.

At a roar of thunder I came to my senses, And “Te Deum laudamus!” it seemed to me I heard in song, blended to sweet music.

Salvum fac populum tuum a 12 — Claudio Merulo

Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, et benedic hereditati tuae.

Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in aeternum. Per singulos dies benedicimus te: et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum, et in saeculum saeculi.

O Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Govern them, and lift them up for ever. Day by day we magnify thee: and we worship thy Name, ever world without end.

—Extract from Te Deum, canticle for morning prayer m INTERMISSION n

Agnus Dei III from Missa Mille regretz — Cristóbal de Morales

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

—Mass ordinary

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Inferno II: 49–72 (Dante Alighieri)

Virgil said, “So you may absolve yourself of fear

I’ll tell you why I came to you and what I heard When first I felt compassion for you.

I was among those who hang suspended When a maiden called, so beautiful and blessed That I begged to have her me command.

So brightly her eyes outshone the stars As she spoke to me, so soft and gently, And with angelic tones she made this speech:


‘Lo! Soul of the courteous Mantuan, Whose glory yet thrives through the world And so shall endure as long as the Earth,

A friend to me, but not to fortune, Is lost adrift on a desolate shore, Diverging, for fear, from the rightful path.

Already, I fear, he may have strayed too far

For any good that my aid might do, Such tidings of him in Heaven I’ve heard.

So go now forth and with your ornate words And what crafts you bear to keep him alive Help him, so that I may be consoled.

For I am Beatrice, who implore you go, And I come from whence I long to return; Love moved me, and love compelled me speak.’ ”

Beati pauperes spiritu — Orlande de Lassus

Beati pauperes spiritu

quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum.

Beati mites

quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram.

Beati qui lugent

quoniam ipsi consolabuntur.

Beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt

iustitiam quoniam ipsi saturabuntur.

Beati misericordes

quia ipsi misericordiam consequentur.

Beati mundo corde

quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt.

—Matthew 5:3–8

Asperges me — Cristóbal de Morales

Asperges me Domine ysopo et mundabor: lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor.

Miserere mei Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.

Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

—Antiphon at high mass

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

2023/2024 SEASON 23

Purgatorio XXXI: 91–108 (Dante Alighieri)

Having slept, my heart restored my outward sense, And Matilda, whom first I meant when all alone, Appeared above and said, “Hold me, hold me!”

She drew me thence into the Lethe Up to my throat, and moved, whilst leading me, As light as a shuttle upon the waters.

And then when I approached that blessed shore I heard “Asperges me,” so sweetly sung That I cannot recall, still less write of it.

The beautiful lady opened her arms, Embraced my head and submerged me fully, So I was obliged to swallow the water.

Then she drew me out and offered me, dripping, Into the midst of four dancing beauties; And of their arms they made me a mantle.

“Here we are Nymphs, and in Heaven we are stars; Ere Beatrice descended upon to the world, We were appointed to be her maidens.”

Venite a laudare — Anonymous

Venite a laudare per amore cantare l’amorosa vergene Maria.

Maria gloriosa biata, sempre si’ molto laudata; preghiam ke ne si’ avocata al tuo filiol, virgo pia.

Pietosa regina sovrana, conforta la mente ch’è vana; grande medicina ke sana, aiutane per tua cortisia.

Cortese ke fai grandi doni, l’amor tuo mai non ci abandoni: pregánte che tu ne perdoni tutta la nostra villania.

Vigorosa potente biata, per te e questa laude cantata, tu se’la nostra avocata, la piu fedel ke mai sia.

—Hymn from the Laudario de Cortona codex

Come to praise for love to sing the lovely virgin Mary.

Mary, glorious, blessed, always so praised we pray you to be our advocate to your son, kind Virgin.

Merciful queen sovereign, comfort the mind without purpose, great medicine that heals, we beg you help us.

Courteous one, who does great deeds, your love shall never abandon us: we pray that you will forgive all our evildoing.

Full of life and strength, blessed lady, for you this song of praise is sung; you are our advocate, the most faithful there could ever be.


Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio — Claudio Merulo

Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio, Reparatrice de l’umana gente, Eletta ne l’eterno alto consiglio

Fra quant’esser dovean eternamente.

Tu sola hai posto fine al lungo esiglio

Al qual già ne dannò ’l primo parente.

Tu, se dir lice, Dea, tu chiara luce

Ne mostrasti la via ch’al ciel conduce.

—Paraphrase of Paradiso XXXIII

Virgin mother, daughter of your son, Reparatrix of the human people, Chosen in the eternal high council

Among those who were eternally destined to be.

You alone have put an end to the long exile To which the first relative already gave. You, if it’s right to say, Goddess, your clear light

Showed us the path that leads to heaven.

Paradiso XXIII: 79–84, 88–96, 118–129

Like a ray of sun, that shines purely down

Through a broken cloud and lights to my eyes, Ere under cloud, a meadow of flowers, Thus then I saw a host of splendors, Lit from above by blazing rays, The source of which I could not then see.

The name of that fair flower which oft I invoke In morn and eve completely compelled

My soul to look upon that greatest flame.

And when in both my eyes there been painted The form and the greatness of the living star, Victorious here and victorious below,

A little light came down through the air Shaped in a circle, formed like a crown, And it encircled her, rotating around her.

My eyes, at that time, had not the strength To follow behind that flame thus crowned As it rose above to be with her son.

In manner like a child that raises its arm Towards its mother when it’s taken the milk For the soul which inflames like nothing besides,

Each of those white lights then raised its head In such a way that the love they bore For Mary was fully revealed to me.

They remained there thus in front of me and “Regina caeli” they sang so sweetly The delight of it has never left me.

2023/2024 SEASON 25

Regina caeli a 5 — Vicente Lusitano

Regina caeli laetare, Alleluia.

Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia.

Resurrexit sicut dixit, Alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia.

—Antiphon for Eastertide

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. For He whom you were worthy to bear, alleluia.

He has risen, as He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia.

Magnificat sexti toni a 12 — Tomás Luis de Victoria

Magnificat anima mea Dominum

Et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo.

Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae:

Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.

Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius.

Et misericordia eius a progenie in progenies timentibus eum.

Fecit potentiam in bracchio suo, dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.

Deposuit potentes de sede et exaltavit humiles.

Esurientes implevit bonis et divites dimisit inanes, Suscepit Israel puerum suum recordatus misericordiae suae, Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros, Abraham et semini eius in saecula.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto: Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

—Luke 1:46–55

My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior. For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.

For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is his Name.

And his mercy is on them that fear him throughout all generations. He hath showed strength with his arm, he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

He hath put down the mighty from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meek. He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent empty away. He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed, forever.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

2023/2024 SEASON 27

Make a Difference Boson Early Music Fesival PLANNED GIVING

Play a vital and permanent role in BEMF’s future with a planned gift. Your generous support will create unforgettable musical experiences for years to come, and may provide you and your loved ones with considerable tax benefits.

Join the BEMF ORPHEUS SOCIETY by investing in the future of the Boston Early Music Festival through a charitable annuity, bequest, or other planned gift. With many ways to give and to direct your gift, our staff will work together with you and your advisors to create a legacy that is personally meaningful to you.

To learn more, please call us at 617-661-1812, email us at kathy@bemf.org, or visit us online at BEMF.org/plannedgiving.

The Dragon of Wantley



InternatIonal Baroque opera

The Boston Early Music Festival (BEMF) is universally recognized as a leader in the field of early music. Since its founding in 1980 by leading practitioners of historical performance in the United States and abroad, BEMF has promoted early music through a variety of diverse programs and activities, including an annual concert series that brings early music’s brightest stars to the Boston and New York concert stages, and the biennial weeklong Festival and Exhibition, recognized as “the world’s leading festival of early music” (The Times, London). Through its programs BEMF has earned its place as North America’s premier presenting organization for music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods and has secured Boston’s reputation as “America’s early music capital” (Boston Globe).


One of BEMF’s main goals is to unearth and present lesser-known Baroque operas performed by the world’s leading musicians armed with the latest information on period singing, orchestral performance, scenic design, costuming, dance, and staging. BEMF operas reproduce the Baroque’s stunning palette of sound by bringing together today’s leading operatic superstars and a wealth of instrumental talent from across the globe to one stage for historic presentations, all zestfully led from the pit by the BEMF Artistic Directors Paul O’Dette and Stephen Stubbs, and creatively reimagined for the stage by BEMF Opera Director Gilbert Blin.

The twenty-second biennial Boston Early Music Festival, A Celebration of Women,

was held in June 2023 and featured Henry Desmarest’s 1694 opera Circé from a libretto by Louise-Geneviève Gillot de Saintonge, which saw the return of the Boston Early Music Festival Dance Company, a troupe of dancers under the guidance of BEMF Dance Director Melinda Sullivan. The twenty-third Festival, in June 2025, will have as its centerpiece Reinhard Keiser’s 1705 opera Octavia.

BEMF introduced its Chamber Opera Series during its annual concert season in November 2008, with a performance of John Blow’s Venus and Adonis and MarcAntoine Charpentier’s Actéon. The series focuses on the wealth of chamber operas composed during the Baroque period, while providing an increasing number of local

2023/2024 SEASON 29
Boson Early Music
CeleBrated ConCerts
World-Famous exhIBItIon



opera aficionados the opportunity to attend one of BEMF’s superb offerings. Subsequent annual productions include George Frideric Handel’s Acis and Galatea, Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, combined performances of Charpentier’s La Descente d’Orphée aux Enfers and La Couronne de Fleurs, Monteverdi’s Orfeo, a double bill of Pergolesi’s La serva padrona and Livietta e Tracollo, a production titled “Versailles” featuring Les Plaisirs de Versailles by Charpentier, Les Fontaines de Versailles by Michel-Richard de Lalande, and divertissements from Atys by Jean-Baptiste Lully, Francesca Caccini’s Alcina, the first opera written by a woman, a combination of Telemann’s Pimpinone and Ino, joint performances of Lully’s Idylle sur la Paix and Charpentier’s La Fête de Rueil, and most recently John Frederick Lampe’s The Dragon of Wantley. Acis and Galatea was revived and presented on a four-city North American Tour in early 2011, which included a performance at the American Handel Festival



in Seattle, and in 2014, BEMF’s second North American Tour featured the Charpentier double bill from 2011.

BEMF has a well-established and highly successful project to record some of its groundbreaking work in the field of Baroque opera. The first three recordings in this series were all nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Opera Recording, in 2005, 2007, and 2008: the 2003 Festival centerpiece Ariadne, by Johann Georg Conradi; Lully’s Thésée; and the 2007 Festival opera, Lully’s Psyché, which was hailed by BBC Music Magazine as “superbly realized…magnificent.” In addition, the BEMF recordings of Lully’s Thésée and Psyché received Gramophone Award Nominations in the Baroque Vocal category in 2008 and 2009, respectively. BEMF’s next three recordings on the German CPO label were drawn from its Chamber Opera Series: Charpentier’s Actéon, Blow’s Venus and Adonis, and a release of Charpentier’s La Descente d’Orphée aux Enfers and La Couronne de Fleurs, which won the 2015 Grammy Award for Best Opera Recording and the 2015 Echo Klassik Opera Recording of the Year (17th/18th Century Opera). Agostino Steffani’s Niobe, Regina di Tebe, featuring Philippe Jaroussky and Karina Gauvin, which was released in January 2015 on the Erato/ Warner Classics label in conjunction with a seven-city, four-country European concert tour of the opera, has been nominated for a Grammy Award, was named Gramophone’s Recording of the Month for March 2015, is the 2015 Echo Klassik World Premiere Recording of the Year, and has received a 2015 Diapason d’Or de l’Année and a 2015 Preis


der deutschen Schallplattenkritik. Handel’s Acis and Galatea was released in November 2015. In 2017, while maintaining the focus on Baroque opera, BEMF expanded the recording project to include other select Baroque vocal works: a new Steffani disc, Duets of Love and Passion, was released in September 2017 in conjunction with a six-city North American tour, and a recording of Johann Sebastiani’s St. Matthew Passion was released in March 2018. Four Baroque opera releases followed in 2019 and 2020: a disc of Charpentier’s chamber operas Les Plaisirs de Versailles and Les Arts Florissants was released at the June 2019 Festival, and has been nominated for a Grammy Award; the 2013 Festival opera, Handel’s Almira, was released in late 2019, and received a Diapason d’Or. Lalande’s chamber opera Les Fontaines de Versailles was featured on a September 2020 release of the composer’s works; Christoph Graupner’s opera Antiochus und Stratonica was released in December 2020. BEMF’s recording of Desmarest’s Circé, the 2023 Festival opera, was released concurrently with the opera’s North American premiere, and the newest recording, Pergolesi’s La serva padrona and Livietta e Tracollo, was released in December 2023.


Some of the most thrilling musical moments at the biennial Festival occur during one of the dozen or more concerts presented around the clock, which always include the acclaimed Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra led by Orchestra Director Robert Mealy, and which often feature unique, once-in-a-lifetime collaborations and programs by the spectacular

array of talent assembled for the Festival week’s events. In 1989, BEMF established an annual concert series bringing early music’s leading soloists and ensembles to the Boston concert stage to meet the growing demand for regular world-class performances of early music’s beloved classics and newly discovered works. BEMF then expanded its concert series in 2006, when it extended its performances to New York City’s Gilder Lehrman Hall at the Morgan Library & Museum, providing “a shot in the arm for New York’s relatively modest early-music scene” (New York Times).


The nerve center of the biennial Festival, the Exhibition is the largest event of its kind in the United States, showcasing nearly one hundred early instrument makers, music publishers, service organizations, schools and universities, and associated colleagues. In 2013, Mozart’s own violin and viola were displayed at the Exhibition, in their first-ever visit to the United States. Every other June, hundreds of professional musicians, students, and enthusiasts come from around the world to purchase instruments, restock their libraries, learn about recent musicological developments, and renew old friendships. For four days, they visit the Exhibition booths to browse, discover, and purchase, and attend the dozens of symposia, masterclasses, and demonstration recitals, all of which encourage a deeper appreciation of early music, and strengthen relationships between musicians, participants, and audiences. n

2023/2024 SEASON 31


Boson Early Music Fesival

Revenue from ticket sales, even from a sold-out performance, accounts for less than half of the total cost of producing BEMF’s operas and concerts; the remainder is derived almost entirely from generous friends like you. With your help, we will be able to build upon the triumphs of the past, and continue to bring you thrilling performances by today’s finest Early Music artists.

Our membership organization, the FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL, includes donors from around the world. These individuals recognize the Festival’s need for further financial support in order to fulfill its aim of serving as a showcase for the finest talent in the field.


• Friend $45

• Partner $100

• Associate $250

• Patron $500

• Guarantor $1,000

• Benefactor $2,500

• Leadership Circle $5,000

• Artistic Director’s Circle $10,000

• Festival Angel $25,000


• Visit BEMF.org and click on “Give Now”.

• Call BEMF at 617-661-1812 to donate by telephone using your credit card

• Mail your credit card information or a check (payable to BEMF) to Boston Early Music Festival, 43 Thorndike Street, Suite 302, Cambridge, MA 02141-1764


• Increase your philanthropic impact with a Matching Gift from your employer.

• Make a gift of appreciated stocks or bonds to BEMF.

• Planned Giving allows you to support BEMF in perpetuity while achieving your financial goals.

• Direct your gift to a particular area that interests you with a Named Gift.

QUESTIONS? Please e-mail Kathleen Fay at kathy@bemf.org, or call the BEMF office at 617-661-1812. Thank you for your support!


FRIENDS OF THE Boson Early Music Fesival

This list reflects donations received from June 1, 2022 to April 2, 2024


($25,000 or more)

Anonymous (3)

Bernice K. Chen

Brit d’Arbeloff

Peter L. & Joan S.† Faber

Dorothy Ryan Fay†

David Halstead & Jay Santos

George L. Hardman

Glenn A. KnicKrehm

David M. Kozak & Anne Pistell, in memory of their parents

Miles Morgan

Lorna E. Oleck

Susan L. Robinson

Andrew Sigel

Joan Margot Smith

Piroska Soos†

Donald E. Vaughan & Lee S. Ridgway


($10,000 or more)


Diane & John Paul Britton

Katie & Paul Buttenwieser

Susan Denison

Susan Donaldson

Tony Elitcher & Andrea Taras

Marie-Pierre & Michael Ellmann

Jean Fuller Farrington

Lori Fay & Christopher Cherry, in memory of Dorothy Ryan Fay

Clare M. S. Fewtrell†

James A. Glazier

Donald Peter Goldstein, M.D., in memory of Constance Kellert Goldstein

Ellen T. & John T. Harris

Barbara & Amos Hostetter

Robert E. Kulp, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. MacCracken

Heather Mac Donald & Erich Eichman

Bill McJohn

Kenneth C. Ritchie & Paul T. Schmidt

David Scudder, in memory of Marie Louise Scudder

Karen Tenney & Thomas Loring

Christoph Wolff


($5,000 or more)

Anonymous (3)

Mary Briggs & John Krzywicki

Douglas M. & Aviva A. Brooks

Gregory E. Bulger & Richard Dix

Kathleen Fay, in memory of Dorothy Ryan Fay

John Felton & Marty Gottron

Mei-Fung Kerley, in memory of Ted Chen

Harriet Lindblom, in memory of Daniel Lindblom

Marianne & Terry Louderback

Victor & Ruth McElheny

Ruth McKay & Don Campbell

Harold I. Pratt

Joanne Zervas Sattley

Maria van Kalken & Hal Winslow, in memory of Adrian van Kalken


($2,500 or more)

Anonymous (3)

Anonymous, in honor of Bernice K. Chen

Annemarie Altman

Pamela & Lee Bromberg

Beth Brown, in memory of Walter R.J. Brown

John A. Carey

Carla Chrisfield & Benjamin D. Weiss

Elizabeth Davidson, in honor of David Morris

Jeffrey Del Papa

Peter & Katie DeWolf

David Emery & Olimpia Velez

Alan M. King

Dr. Peter Libby, in memory of Dr. Beryl Benacerraf

John S. Major & Valerie Steele

Keith Ohmart & Helen Chen

Nina & Timothy Rose

Catherine & Phil Saines, in honor of Barbara K. Wheaton

Raymond A. & Marilyn Smith

Richard K. & Kerala J. Snyder

Keith S. Tóth & John B. Herrington III

Adrian & Michelle Touw

Will & Alexandra Watkins

Allan & Joann Winkler

Ellen & Arnold Zetcher


($1,000 or more)

Anonymous (10)

Eric Hall Anderson, in memory of William Wolk

Susan Bromley

Amy Brown & Brian Carr

David L. Brown, in memory of Larry Phillips

James Burr

Betty Canick

Robert & Elizabeth Carroll

Bernice Chen & Mimi Kerley, in memory of Ted Chen

Dr. & Mrs. Franklyn Commisso

Joseph Connors

Joseph E. Coppola

Richard & Constance Culley

Belden & Pamela Daniels

Ross Duffin & Beverly Simmons, in honor of Kathleen Fay

Alan Durfee

Henk Elderhorst

Peter L. Faber, in memory of Joan S. Faber

Michael E. Fay

Bruce A. Garetz

Sarah M. Gates

David & Harriet Griesinger

Phillip Hanvy

Dr. Robert L. Harris

Rebecca & Ronald Harris-Warrick

Michael Herz & Jean Roiphe

2023/2024 SEASON 33

James & Ina Heup

Sally Hodges

Jessica Honigberg

Jane Hoover

Thomas M. Hout & Sonja Ellingson Hout, in honor of Kathy Fay for her hard work

Barry Kernfeld & Sally McMurry

Art & Linda Kingdon

Fran & Tom Knight

Kathryn Mary Kucharski

Robert & Mary La Porte

Frederick V. Lawrence, in memory of Rosemarie Lawrence

Amelia J. LeClair & Garrow Throop

John Leen & Eileen Koven

Lawrence & Susan Liden

Mark & Mary Lunsford


William & Joan Magretta

Carol Marsh

David McCarthy & John Kolody

Amy & Brian McCreath

Michael P. McDonald

Marilyn Miller

Stephen Moody

Jeffrey G. Mora, in memory of Wendy Fuller-Mora

Alan & Kathy Muirhead

Sheila A. Murphy

Robert Neer & Ann Eldridge

Rebecca Nemser, in memory of Paul Nemser

John M.† & Bettina A. Norton

Louise Oremland

Richard & Julia Osborne

Richard† & Lois Pace, in honor of Peter Faber

Brian Pfeiffer

Neal J. Plotkin & Deborah Malamud

Gene & Margaret Pokorny

Amanda & Melvyn Pond

Tracy Powers

Susan Pundt

Paul Rabin & Arlene Snyder

Christa Rakich & Janis Milroy

Alice Robbins & Walter Denny, in honor of Kathy Fay

Michael Robbins

Sue Robinson

Jose M. Rodriguez & Richard A. Duffy

Patsy Rogers

Ellen Rosand

Michael & Karen Rotenberg

Carlton & Lorna Russell

Kevin Ryan & Ozerk Gogus, in memory of Dorothy Fay

Lynne & Ralph Schatz

Susan Schuur

Wendy Shattuck & Sam Plimpton

Laila Awar Shouhayib

Cynthia Siebert

Alexander & Kathy Silbiger

Elizabeth Snow

Catherine & Keith Stevenson

David & Jean Stout, in honor of Kathy Fay

Carl Swanson

Lisa Teot

Paula & Peter Tyack

Reed & Peggy Ueda

Peter J. Wender


($500 or more)

Anonymous (10)

Morton Abromson & Joan Nissman

Nicholas Altenbernd

Brian P. & Debra K. S. Anderson, in honor of Kathleen M. Fay

Tom & Judy Anderson Allen, in memory of Dorothy Fay

Tom & Judy Anderson Allen, in memory of Adrian van Kalken

Julie Andrijeski & J. Tracy Mortimore

Louise Basbas

William & Ann Bein

Michael & Sheila Berke

Dee Dee & John Brinkema, in memory of Bobby Brinkema

Robert Burger

Robert Burton & Karen Peterson

Frederick Byron

Anne Chalmers & Holly Gunner

Mary Chamberlain

David J. Chavolla

JoAnne Chernow

Sherryl & Gerard Cohen

Linzee Coolidge

Geoffrey Craddock

Eric & Margaret Darling

Leigh Deacon

Carl E. Dettman

Kathryn Disney

Helen Edwards

Gabriel Ellsworth

Charles & Elizabeth Emerson

Thomas G. Evans

Austin & Eileen Farrar

Nicole Faulkner

Daniel & Paula Fay

Mary Fillman & Mary Otis Stevens

Charles Fisk

Martin & Kathleen Fogle

Claire Fontijn, in memory of Arthur Fontijn & Sylvia Elvin

Elizabeth French

Jonathan Friedes & Qian Huang

Fred & Barbara Gable

Sandy Gadsby & Nancy Brown

Christopher K. Gaffney, in memory of Bill Crocker

Alexander Garthwaite

George & Marla Gearhart

Elizabeth B. Hardy, in memory of Renate Wolter-Seevers

David J. Harris, MD

Joan E. Hartman

Linda Hodgkinson

Phyllis Hoffman

Charles Bowditch Hunter

Jean Jackson, in memory of Louis Kampf

Laura Jeppesen & Daniel Stepner

Paul & Alice Johnson

Robert L. Kleinberg

Neal & Catherine Konstantin

Jasper Lawson

William Leitch

Rob & Mary Joan Leith

Susan Lewinnek

Catherine Liddell

Roger & Susan Lipsey

James Liu & Alexandra Bowers

Quinn MacKenzie

Jeffrey & Barbara Mandula

Marietta Marchitelli

Carol & Pedro Martinez

Anne H. Matthews

June Matthews

Sally Mayer

Ray Mitzel

Clara M. & John S. O’Shea

John R. Palys

William J. Pananos

Joseph L. Pennacchio


Phillip Petree

Susan Pettee & Michael Wise

Hon. W. Glen Pierson & Hon. Charles P. Reed

Pamela Posey

Mahadev & Ambika Raman

Sandy Reismann & Dr. Nanu Brates

Rusty Russell, in honor of Kathy Fay

Cheryl K. Ryder

Susan Sargent

Richard Schroeder & Dr. Jane Burns

Charles & Mary Ann Schultz

Harvey A. Silverglate, in memory of Elsa Dorfman

Mark Slotkin

Lynne Spencer

Louisa C. Spottswood

Campbell Steward

Ronald W. Stoia

Paola Stone, in memory of Edmondo Malanotte

Theresa & Charles Stone

Ralph & Jeanine Swick, in memory of Alan & Judie Kotok

Douglas L. Teich, M.D.

Lonice Thomas

Mark S. Thurber & Susan M. Galli

Richard Urena

Robert Viarengo

Louella Krueger Ward, in memory of Dr. Alan J. Ward, PhD, ABPP

Thomas & LeRose Weikert

John C. Wiecking

Kathleen Wittman & Melanie Andrade, in memory of John Wittman

The Zucker Family

ASSOCIATES ($250 or more)

Anonymous (5)

Anonymous, in memory of Dorothy Ryan Fay

Anonymous, in honor of Marco Horvat & Faenza

Anonymous, in honor of Nancy Olson

Joseph Aieta III

Elizabeth Alexander

Margaret Angelini & John McLeod†

Barry & Sarita Ashar

Carl Baker & Susan Haynes

Noel & Paula Berggren

Deborah Boldin & Gabriel Rice

Todd A. Breitbart

David Breitman & Kathryn Stuart

David C. Brown

Elizabeth A.R. Brown & Ralph S. Brown, Jr., in honor of Kathleen Fay

Darcy Lynn Campbell

Joseph Cantey

Floyd & Aleeta Christian

Priscilla H. Claman

John K. Clark & Judith M. Stoughton

Christopher Curdo

Warren R. Cutler

Carl & May Daw

Michael DiSabatino, in honor of Nancy Olson

Ellen Dokton & Stephen Schmidt

Charles & Sheila Donahue

Tamar & Jeremy Kaim Doniger

Chuck Epstein & Melia Bensussen

Lila M. Farrar

Gregg, Abby & Max Feigelson

Grace A. Feldman, in honor of Bernice Chen

Gisela & Ronald Geiger

Joseph Glenmullen, M.D.

Philip Glynn

The Goldsmith Family

Lisa Goldstein

Nancy L. Graham

Mary Greer

Laury Gutierrez & Elsa Gelin

Eric Haas, in memory of Janet Haas

Dr. Joanna Haas

Eric & Dee Hansen

Rebecca & Richard Hawkins

Catherine & John Henn

Mary Hepburn, in honor of Laura Jeppesen

Katherine A. Hesse

David Hoglund

Amy & Seamus Hourihan

Wayne & Laurell Huber

Keith L. & Catherine B. Hughes

Brian Hussey

Francesco Iachello

Robin Johnson

Patrick G. Jordan

David Keating

Thomas F. Kelly & Peggy Badenhausen

David P. Kiaunis

Forrest Knowles

George Kocur

Katharine & Tom Kush, in honor of Michael Ellmann

Robert & Janice Locke

William Loutrel & Thomas Fynan

Kenneth S. Loveday

Mary Maarbjerg

Rodolfo Machado & Jorge Silvetti

James McBride

Lee McClelland

John & Marianne Nelson

Patricia T. Owen

Henry & Judy Paap

Eugene Papa

Cosmo & Jane P. Papa

Henry Paulus

Kitty Pell

David & Beth Pendery

Elizabeth V. Phillips

Stephen Poteet

Anne & François Poulet

Lawrence Pratt & Rosalind Forber

Rodney J. Regier

Hadley & Jeannette Reynolds

Marge Roberts

Arthur & Elaine Robins

Michael Rogan & Hugh Wilburn

Lois Rosow

Nancy & Ronald Rucker

Paul Rutz

David Sears

Mr. Terry Shea & Dr. Seigo Nakao

David Snead & Kate Prescott

Ann Stewart

Victoria Sujata

Melinda Sullivan & Larry Friedman

Kenneth P. Taylor

Nancy M. Tooney

John & Dorothy Truman

Peter & Kathleen Van Demark

Mark Vangel, in memory of Monica Strauss

Barbara & John VanScoyoc

Richard & Virginia von Rueden

Patrick Wallace & Laurie McNeil

Scott & Barbara Winkler

Beverly Woodward & Paul Monsky

Michael Wyatt

2023/2024 SEASON 35

Susan Wyatt

Ellen L. Ziskind


($100 or more)

Anonymous (19)

Anonymous, in memory of Dorothy Ryan Fay

Anonymous, in honor of Kathy Fay

Anonymous, in memory of Thomas Roney

Anonymous, in memory of Adrian van Kalken

Vilde Aaslid

Anne Acker

Maria Adams

Mr. Neale Ainsfield & Dr. Donna Sieckmann

Druid Errant D.T. Allan-Gorey

Ken Allen

Cathy & William Anderson

Margarete Arndt

Neil R. Ayer, Jr. & Linda Ayer

Antonia L. Banducci

Eric & Rebecca Bank

Dr. David Barnert & Julie Raskin

Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Bassett

Alan Bates & Michele Mandrioli

George Beach

Lawrence Bell

Alan Benenfeld

Susan Benua

Judith Bergson

Larry & Sara Mae Berman

Ann & Richard Bingham, in honor of Kathy Udall

John Birks

Sarah Bixler & Christopher Tonkin

Katharine C. Black

Moisha Blechman

Wes Bockley & Amy Markus

Patricia Boyd

Sally & Charlie Boynton

Joel Bresler

Catherine & Hillel Shahan Bromberg

Lawrence Brown

Margaret H. Brown

Robert Brown

Caroline A. Bruzelius, in memory of Kristin Mortimer

John H. Burkhalter III

Judi Burten, in memory of Phoebe Larkey

Kevin J. Bylsma

John Campbell

Eleanor Carlson

William Carroll

Bonnie & Walter Carter

Richard & Lois Case

Peter Charig & Amy Briemer

Robert B. Christian

Daniel Church & Roger Cuevas

Deborah J. Cohen

Joel I. Cohen, in honor of Anne Azéma

Dr. Martin Cohen & Dr. Rae Jacobs Cohen

Saul B. & Naomi R. Cohen

Carol & Alex Collier

Lois Evelyn Conley

Anne Conner

Peter B. Cook

David Cooke

Derek Cottier & Lauren Tilly

Robert B. Crane

Martina Crocker

Katherine Crosier, in memory of Carl C. Crosier

Gray F. Crouse

Donna Cubit-Swoyer

Alicia Curtis & Kathy Pratt

Ruta Daugela

Mary Deissler

Kate Delaney

William Depeter

Deborah & Forrest Dillon

Paul Doerr

Ben Dunham & Wendy Rolfe-Dunham

John Dunton & Carol McKeen

Mark Elenko

Anne Engelhart & Douglas Durant

Jake Esher

Richard Fabian

Marilyn Farwell

Margot Fassler

Ellen Feingold, in memory of Judith Davidoff

Henry & Judith Feldman

Hans & Ruth Fisher

Carol L. Fishman

Dr. Jonathan Florman

Howard C. Floyd

Deborah Fox & Ron Epstein

Gary Freeman

Robert Freeman

Cameron Freer

Marica & Jeff Freyman

Michael Gannon

R. Andrew Garthwaite

Stephen L. Gencarello

Monica & David Gerber

David & Susan Gerstein

William Glenn

Barbara Godard

Michael Goldberg

Joseph Grafwallner

The Graver Family

Lorraine & William Graves

Winifred Gray

Thomas H. & Lori B. Griswold

Deborah Grose

John Gruver & Lynn Tilley

Peter F. Gustafson

Sonia Guterman

Richard & Les Hadsell

Judy & Wayne Hall

Suzanne & Easley Hamner

Judith & Patrick Hanlon

Sam & Barbara Hayes

Donatus Hayes

Diane Hellens

Karin Hemmingsen

Marie C. Henderson, in memory of A. Brandt Henderson

Carole Hilton

Raymond Hirschkop

John & Olivann Hobbie

Roderick J. Holland

Jackie Horne

Valerie Horst & Benjamin Peck

John Hsia

Judith & Alan Hudson

Constance Huff

Joe Hunter & Esther Schlorholtz

Susan L. Jackson

Chris & Klavs Jensen

Michele Jerison

Robert & Selina Johnson

Tim Johnson, in memory of Bill Gasperini

Marietta B. Joseph

Dian Kahn

Elizabeth Kaplan

Kathleen Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Seamus C. Kelly

Louis & Susan Kern


Joseph J. Kesselman, Jr.

Holly Ketron

Leslie & Kimberly King

Maryanne King

Rebecca Klein

Pat Kline

Valerie & Karl KnicKrehm

Sara M. Knight

Jason Knutson

Leslie Kooyman

Valerie Krall

Ellen Kranzer

Benjamin Krepp & Virginia Webb

Barbara & Paul Krieger

Jay Carlton Kuhn, Jr.

Carol LaFontaine

Peter A. Lans

Claire Laporte

Bruce Larkin & Donna Jarlenski

Charles E. Larmore

Diana Larsen

David A. Leach & Laurie J. LaChapelle

Joanne & Carl Leaman

William Lebow

Alison Leslie

Drs. Sidney & Lynne Levitsky

Ellen R. Lewis

Dr. Gary Ljungquist

Laura Loehr

Sandra & David Lyons

Ted MacDonald & Yuan Wang

Patrick Macey

Dr. Bruce C. MacIntyre

Louise Malcolm, in memory of W. David Malcolm, Jr.

Peter G. Manson & Peter A. Durfee

Sarah P. Marsh

Timothy Masters

Dr. Arnold Matlin & Dr. Margaret Matlin, Ph.D.

Donna McCampbell

Anne McCants

Heidi & George McEvoy

Dave & Jeannette McLellan

Gerald & Susan Metz

Eiji Miki†

Ruth Milburn

Marg Miller

Deborah Mintz

David Montanari & Sara Rubin

Michael J. Moran, in memory of

Francis D. & Marcella A. Moran

Jennifer Moxley & Steve Evans

Gene Murrow

Myrna Nachman

Nancy Nicholson

Jeffrey Nicolich

Caroline Niemira

Lee Nunley

Nancy Nuzzo

Leslie Nyman

Nancy Olson & Charles DiSabatino

Michael & Jan Orlansky

Ruth & Ted Parent

Beth Parkhurst, in memory of Cheryl M. Parkhurst

Susan Patrick, in memory of Don Partridge

Jonah Pearl

Elizabeth Pearson-Griffiths

John Percy

John Petrowsky

Bici Pettit-Barron

Susan Porter & Robert Kauffman

Charles & Elizabeth Possidente

Sheila Reese

Norm Rehn

Deborah M. Reisman

Melissa Rice

Douglas Riis

Professor Julia Williams Robinson

Dennis & Anne Rogers

Sherry & William Rogers

Stephanie L. Rosenbaum

Philip W. Rosenkranz

Peter & Linda Rubenstein, in memory of Malcolm Cole

Patricia & Roger Samuel

Mike Scanlon

David Schneider & Klára Móricz

Melbert Schwartz

Alison M. Scott

Jean Seiler

David Seitz & Katie Manty

Aaron Sheehan & Adam Pearl

Chuck Sheehan

Michael Sherer

Susan Shimp

Dr. Glenn Sigl & Mr. John Self

Rena & Michael Silevitch

Hana Sittler

Jacob & Lisa Skowronek

Elliott Smith & Wendy Gilmore

Jennifer Farley Smith & Sam Rubin

Richard Snow

Jon Solins

Scott Sprinzen

Ted St. Antoine

Gail St. Onge

Kathryn Steely

Esther & Daniel Steinhauer

John Strasswimmer

Barbara & Elliott Strizhak

Richard Stumpf

Robert G. Sullivan & Meriem Pages

Jonathan Swartz

Lois Swirnoff

Lee & Judith Talner

Richard Tarrant

Lisa Terry

Meghan K. Titzer

Janet Todaro

Peter Townsend

Pierre Trepagnier & Louise Mundinger

Donald & Elizabeth Trumpler

Lynette Tsiang

John & Anne Turtle

Lee Vorderer & Robert Bass

Robert & Therese Wagenknecht

John Wand

Robert Warren

Janice & Ty Waterman

Cheryl S. Weinstein

The Westner Family

Juanita H. Wetherell

The Rev. Roger B. White, in memory of Joseph P. Hough

Marina & Robert Whitman

Sarah Whittaker

Susan & Thomas Wilkes

David L. Williamson

Phyllis S. Wilner

John Wolff & Helen Berger

Jerome Yavarkovsky & Catherine Lowe

Paulette York & Richard Borts

Lawrence Zukof & Pamela Carley


($45 or more)

Anonymous (7)

Anonymous, in memory of Dorothy Ryan Fay

Joanne Algarin

2023/2024 SEASON 37

Gene Arnould

Morgana Asselin

Lois Banta

Iris Bass

Leslie Becker & William Loomis

Elaine Beilin

Nadine Berenguier & Bernd Widdig

Lawrence Berman

Martha Birnbaum

Thomas N. Bisson, in memory of Carroll Bisson

Matthew Bliziotes

Judith Mary Bloomgarden

Robert J. Bobrow

Janet Bouldin

Dr. Emile L. Boulpaep, in memory of Elisabeth Boulpaep

Rhys Bowen & Rebecca Snow

Andrew Brethauer

Margaret Brewer

Edgar Bridwell

Derick & Jennifer Brinkerhoff

Nevin C. Brown

Martine Bruel

Carolyn Bryant-Sarles

Shannon Canavin & Kevin Goodrich

Nancy L. Cantelmo

R. Cassels-Brown

Maria A. Cervone

Virginia Hammond Conmy & Family, in memory of Thomas Kemper Roney

Jeanne Conner

Jane Connolly

Marjorie & Andrew Cooke

Steve & Suzanne Cooper

David Cronin

Mary & Jeremy Curtis

William David Curtis

Ms. Ann Daiber

Robert Dennis

Nichalas A. Deutsch

Jim Diamond

Mary Dill

Sarah Dillon & Peter Kantor

David Doolittle

Duane R. Downey

Diane L. Droste

Michael Durgin, in honor of Dorothy, Lori & Kathy Fay

Jan Elliott

John Empey

Jane & Robert Evans

Noel, in honor of Amy Fagan

Russel Feldman & Anne Kane

Martha Ferko

Robert & Janeth Filgate

Janet G. Fink

Paul Finnegan

Frances Conover Fitch

Virginia Fitzgerald

Louise Forrest-Bowes

Christopher Fox

Peter Frick

Joseph Gaken

Hans Gesell

Rebecca Gifford

Edward Ginsberg & Alice Adler

John & Nancy Hammond

Margaret Hanley

Laurence Hannan

Joseph & Elizabeth Hare

Charles Haverty & Alexandra Glucksmann

Paula Henderson

Rebecca Henderson

Martin Herbordt

Peter & Peg Hewitt

Patricia G. Hoffman

Kay Holloway

Ellsworth Hood, in memory of Margaret Hood

Margaret Hornick

Russell Houldin

Beth F. Houston

Deborah L. Jameson

Gayle Johnson

Robert & Mary Johnson

Rosemary S. Kean

Kevin Kellogg

Suzanne Berger Keniston

David & Alice Kidder

Jim & Claudette Klimes, in memory of Tom Roney

Donna Knoll

Jane Knowles

Christine Kodis

Betty Landesman

Jane Lappin

Stephen J. Leahy

Ky Lowenhaupt & Daniel Sullivan

Barbara McGuire

Elizabeth McNab

Dr. Eugene Milone

Rosalind Mohnsen

Kathleen Moore

Timothy Moran

Stefanie Moritz

Martha Morton

Peter & Mary Muncie

Rodney & Barbara Myrvaagnes

Debra Nagy

Leo Naughton & Bee Cremieux

Laurie Nussdorfer

Ms. Florence Nye-Clement

David & Claire Oxtoby

Robert Parker

Dr. Lewis J. Patsavos

Carol Patterson

Ruth Peacock

Rebecca Pechefsky & Erik Ryding

Andrea Phan

Giacomo Ponzetto

Virginia Raguin

Marian Rambelle

Barbara Roberge & Alexander McCargar

Nancy Roberts

Barbara Roth

Kate Salfelder

Gregory Salzman

Brian Sands, in honor of James Glazier

Richard L. Schmeidler

Lynn & Mary Schultz

Peter Schulz

Kathryn Scott

Catherine Shavell

Craig D. Shaw

Ann Shedd & Mark Meess

Deborah Shulman

Susan & Joseph Silverman

John & Carolyn Skelton

Ruth L. Smith

William & Barbara Sommerfield

David Stein

Katie Stewart, in memory of Thomas K. Roney

William Stewart

David & Linda Still

Mary Stokey

Rita Teusch

John Thier, in honor of Essential Workers

Viola Thomas

Michael Thompson

J.S. Tulchin, in memory of Kate Henry Tulchin


JoAnn Udovich

Sonia Wallenberg

Tracy & Rich Weeks, in honor of Kathy Udall

Prof. Eldon L. Wegner

Fred Weihs

Bob & Binney Wells

Joe Winn

Mary Beth Winn

David Yutzler

Robin Zora

† deceased


Anonymous (2)

Aequa Foundation

American Endowment Foundation

Applied Technology Investors

BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

The Barrington Foundation, Inc.

The Bel-Ami Foundation

The Boston Foundation

Boston Private Bank & Trust Company

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.

Gregory E. Bulger Foundation

Burns & Levinson LLP

The Catherine and Paul Buttenwieser Foundation

Cabot Family Charitable Trust

Cambridge Community Foundation

Cambridge Trust Company

Cedar Tree Foundation

Cembaloworks of Washington

City of Cambridge

The Columbus Foundation

Combined Jewish Philanthropies

Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

Connecticut Community Foundation

Constellation Charitable Foundation

The Fannie Cox Foundation

The Crawford Foundation

CRB Classical 99.5, a GBH station

The Dusky Fund at Essex County Community Foundation

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation

Fidelity Charitable

Fiduciary Trust Charitable

French Cultural Center /

Alliance Française of Boston

Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation

GlaxoSmithKline Foundation

Goethe-Institut Boston

The Goldman Sachs

Philanthropy Fund

The Florence Gould Foundation

GTC Law Group

Haber Family Charitable Foundation

Hausman Family Charitable Trust

The High Meadow Foundation

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

The Isaacson-Draper Foundation

The Richard and Natalie Jacoff Foundation, Inc.

Jewish Communal Fund

Key Biscayne Community Foundation

Konstantin Family Foundation

Maine Community Foundation

Makromed, Inc.

Massachusetts Cultural Council

Mastwood Foundation

Morgan Stanley

National Endowment for the Arts

Newstead Foundation

Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation

The Packard Humanities Institute

Plimpton-Shattuck Fund at The Boston Foundation

The Mattina R. Proctor Foundation

REALOGY Corporation

Renaissance Charitable

The Saffeir Family Fund of the Maine Community Foundation

David Schneider & Klára Móricz Fund at Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

Schwab Charitable

Scofield Auctions, Inc.

The Seattle Foundation

Shalon Fund

TIAA Charitable Giving Fund Program

The Trust for Mutual Understanding

The Tzedekah Fund at Combined Jewish Philanthropies

The Upland Farm Fund

U.S. Small Business Administration

U.S. Trust/Bank of America

Private Wealth Management

Vanguard Charitable

Walker Family Trust at Fidelity Charitable

Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation

Marian M. Warden Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities

The Windover Foundation

Women On The Move LLC


21st Century Fox

Allegro MicroSystems

Amazon Smile


Analog Devices

Aspect Global

Automatic Data Processing, Inc.


Carrier Global

Dell, Inc.

Exelon Foundation

FleetBoston Financial Corporation

Genentech, Inc.


Grantham, Mayo, van Otterloo & Co. LLC

John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.

Community Gifts Through Harvard University

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

IBM Corporation

Intel Foundation

Investment Technology Group, Inc. (ITG)

Microsoft Corporation

MLE Foundation, Inc.

Natixis Global Asset Management

Novartis US Foundation



Pitney Bowes


Silicon Valley Community Foundation


Tetra Tech

United Technologies Corporation

Verizon Foundation

Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Xerox Foundation

2023/2024 SEASON 39

“One of the finest performances of a French Baroque opera to be encountered anywhere.”

“One of the finest performances of a French Baroque opera to be encountered anywhere.”

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