demand. As well as leading regular courses at the Dartington International Summer School, the group has been resident at Zenobia Música, and is often invited to work alongside ensembles at universities, festivals, and early music forums. The support of the charitable Stile Antico Foundation has enabled Stile Antico to expand its work with younger people, and to offer bursaries to talented young professional singers and ensembles. The COVID-19 pandemic saw Stile Antico throw its energies into digital projects, producing a “virtual choir” recording of Tallis’s Spem in alium, a music film to mark the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage, and two series of lecture-recitals. The group also gave live-streamed concerts from Wigmore Hall and York Early Music Festival, created filmed recitals for Boston Early Music Festival, Live from London, St Martin-in-the-Fields, and Laus Polyphoniae (Antwerp), and recorded and released its first recording for Decca Classics, marking 500 years since the death of Josquin. Stile Antico celebrated the return of live audiences by touring the UK with its new program Toward the Dawn, and looks forward to visiting Belgium, Finland, France, Holland, Ireland, Spain, and the United States during the 2021–2022 season. n
TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS Draw on, sweet night — Wilbye Draw on, sweet night, best friend unto those cares That do arise from painful melancholy. My life so ill through want of comfort fares, That unto thee I consecrate it wholly. Sweet night, draw on! My griefs when they be told To shades and darkness find some ease from paining, And while thou all in silence dost enfold, I then shall have best time for my complaining. —Anonymous
Te lucis ante terminum — Tallis Te lucis ante terminum, Rerum Creator poscimus, Ut solita clementia Sis praesul ad custodiam.
Before the ending of the day, Creator of the world, we pray, that with thy wonted favor thou wouldst be our guard and keeper now.
Procul recedant somnia, Et noctium phantasmata: Hostemque nostrum comprime, Ne polluantur corpora.
From all ill dreams defend our eyes, from nightly fears and fantasies; tread under foot our ghostly foe, that no pollution we may know.
Praesta pater omnipotens Per Jesum Christum Dominum Qui tecum in perpetuum Regnat cum Sancto Spiritu. Amen. —Compline hymn
O Father, that we ask be done, through Jesus Christ thine only Son, who, with the Holy Ghost and thee, doth live and reign eternally. Amen.
2 0 21–20 22 Seaso n