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Abled 11 Art Show
We had students from Boston Higashi share a gallery space in Massasoit Community College with students from Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children for the Abled 11 Art Show. Students from both schools worked hard on both individual and group pieces to be added to the walls in the gallery space. The art alone was worth the visit to the gallery but on the day of the reception students from both schools had the opportunity to meet each other and that was truly something special. There was nothing but joy in the air as students ran right over to meet and greet, taking cues right from their communication lessons. Conversations were had entirely on assisted devices paired with smiles, laughs, and great high fives! After mingling together and sharing stories, we were graced by the artists themselves speaking about their art to the large group in attendance. We had students get up and explain the thought process that went into their creations. Thank you to the team over at Pappas and to our BHS staff that put this together. A truly incredible experience! We are very proud of our BHS students and family!