2 minute read
Our Family

Our staff are truly dedicated to the students. Once a month, after eight hour work days our staff stay longer for professional development inservices. These allow our staff to always be learning of better ways to serve our students!

It's not just our staff that put in the extra time. We also host Parent Training events after school. We take the time to teach parents the same thing we are teaching our staff. It’s important for us to all be on the same page, as we are a family working together to make our kids live their best lives!

The Kid’s Picture Show is a Youtube Channel that happens to be owned and run by two parents of a Higashi student! They started their educational videos as a way to help their autistic son which evolved into their popular Youtube Channel. They recently published books including images from their videos. We are lucky to now have two signed original copies in our library inventory! Thanks for including us in this exciting journey!

The Older High School Division has a new partner that they’ve been working with. Students have been taking trips to a local gym, CoreBox Training Center, for regular visits. They plan on returning weekly for PE classes where they can train with new equipment and expand their exercising opportunities. They’ll be lifting weights, flipping tires, jump roping and more! Our Higashi students will be training like true athletes!