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in La bohème. This spring, she will be covering the role of Morgana in Alcina with the Opera Institute.

Addison Pattillo (Beth March), soprano, is from Flower Mound, Texas. She is a second year Master of Vocal Performance student and is studying with Dr. Lynn Eustis. Her previous roles at BU include Diana (If I Were YouHeggie,) Beatriz (La Hija de RappacciniCatàn,) and covering Fiordiligi (Così fan tutte - Mozart.) Addison is making her Boston Symphony Hall debut as the soprano soloist in the Boston University Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Mahler’s Symphony no. 2.

Alexis Peart (Jo), mezzo-soprano, from Titusville, NJ is a second-year MM student studying under Penelope Bitzas. Featured Opera Institute roles include Brittomara in If I Were You, and Taller Daughter in Proving Up. Professional credits include Ada Lovelace in Ruehr’s The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage (Guerilla Opera) and The Voice of Israel Dett’s The Ordering of Moses (Rochester Oratorio Society). Alexis is a two-time alumna of the Wolf Trap Opera Studio Artist Program, and a winner of BU’s Carnegie Hall Competition. Upcoming performances with BU include Ruggiero in Alcina, Mezzo Soloist in Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, and Carmen (cover) in Bizet/ Brook’s La tragédie de Carmen (Chautauqua Opera Company).

Olivia Pellegrino (Quartet), soprano, is originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is a first year

Master of Voice student studying under Dr. Jennifer Sgroe. Olivia has previously performed in the chorus of Our Town with the Opera Institute in the fall. In the past, she has performed the role of Emma Woodhouse in The Loathly Lady by Paul Richards and Wendy Steiner. In 2019, Olivia came in second place in the NATS Boston vocal competition.

Anthony Pilcher (Gideon March/ Mr. Dashwood), baritone, from Buffalo, New York, is a second-year masters student under the tutelage of James Demler. Anthony earned a Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance and Music Education from Ithaca College. With the Opera Institute, Anthony has performed the roles of Dr. Rappaccini in La hija de Rappaccini, Jonathan in If I Were You, and The Butler in The Infinite Energy of Ada Lovelace. Previously, Anthony has performed the roles of Marcello in La bohème, Papageno in Die Zauberflöte, and Dr Malatesta in Don Pasquale. Later this season, Anthony will be covering the role of Melisso in Alcina with the Opera Institute.

Sarah Rogers (Beth), soprano and Florida native, is in her second year with the Boston University Opera Institute, in the studio of Professor Penelope Bitzas. With BU, she has sung the role of Selena in Heggie’s If I Were You and performed Berg’s Sieben frühe Lieder with the BU Symphony Orchestra. Past highlights include performances as Erste Dame in North Carolina Opera’s production of Die Zauberflöte and Countess Almaviva in Le nozze di Figaro. This year, she can be seen as The Woman in Erwartung, Eliza Brock in Goble’s Whaling Women, and covering Micaëla in La tragédie de Carmen.

Annabrett Ruggiero (Cecelia March), mezzo-soprano, is from Orlando, Florida, and is a first-year Master of Voice Student studying under Matthew DiBattista. This is Annabrett’s

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