When you support BU Law, you support the communities we serve.

When you support BU Law, you support the communities we serve.
Dear Friends of BU Law,
I could not be more grateful. The law school would not be the institution it is today without each of you and your continued commitment and generous support.
Throughout the last academic year, we celebrated our 150th anniversary. Together, we looked back on our remarkable history, commemorated our myriad accomplishments and proud moments, and recognized the distinguished individuals who have made a lasting impact on our law school community and our society. As we look toward the future and our next 150 years, I am excited about the path that lies ahead, the path toward continued excellence, equity, and innovation, thanks to you.
It is because of you, and your belief in the incredible value of a BU Law education, that we are able to fund scholarships for deserving students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a world-class law degree, that we attract the high-caliber faculty our students and our alumni expect, that we are able to launch the innovative programs and initiatives which prepare our students for the ever-evolving legal profession, and that we continue to do the important work of serving our communities through public service.
In the pages ahead, we are proud to share the stories that highlight the profound impact your contributions are making on our students, our faculty, our communities, and our world. We hope you feel a sense of great pride as you read them.
Thank you for all that you do to support Boston University School of Law. Every gift you make, every student you mentor, and every opportunity for learning and growth you help provide makes us stronger and better able to provide the best legal education and experience possible.
With gratitude,
Angela Onwuachi-Willig Dean and Ryan Roth Gallo Professor of Law
One hallmark of a distinguished professional school is a strong sense of commitment to a shared purpose—in other words, a sense of community.
Thanks in large part to your generous support, 2023 has been a banner year for building community at BU LAW. It’s an effort that includes not only fostering on-campus activities but also forging new ties between our students and faculty and the school’s off-campus supporters. Here’s just a sampling of the initiatives that are under way.
Endowed scholarships are forever. Each year, a new group of deserving young people benefits from the generosity of those who have gone before them.
One such fund is the Samuel H. Sugarman Memorial Scholarship. Created by brothers Paul Sugarman (’54) and Neil Sugarman (’65), the scholarship honors their father, Samuel, who never went to college but encouraged his sons to pursue their educations.
A recent Sugarman Scholar was Jimena Mohedas (’20). The daughter of first-generation parents from Argentina didn’t want to take on more debt than she could handle on the relatively low salary she expected to earn as a public defender, and making a 10-year commitment to public service in exchange for student loan forgiveness also felt daunting.
“So the admissions team told me, ‘OK, stay tuned, you’re going to get a letter soon with our proposed solution to help you be able to go to BU,’” Mohedas says. “And next thing I
knew, I had an email with a scholarship that amounted to about half of my tuition, which was gigantic.
“It was pretty much the only reason I was able to choose BU,” she adds. “And if you’re lucky enough to receive financial help, it can take away a little bit of that stress and allow you to focus on studying and building relationships. You’re likely to meet a lot of people that will help you later in your career, and that will teach you what kind of lawyer you want to be.”
Paul Sugarman’s reaction? “My father would have been very pleased,” he says, “to see this outstanding young woman benefit from the fund we set up in his memory.”
See a video about Jimena Mohedas, careers, and community here
Samantha Ligori (’25) tells a story with a similar first chapter. When she set out to become the first person in her extended family to attend law school, she faced a difficult choice. She could stay in Georgia with her family, comfortably commuting to a nearby law school. Or she could come to Boston University School of Law and try a new school in a new city, sight unseen, where she didn’t know anyone.
Ligori took a leap of faith.
“I chose Boston just having a gut feeling … this is where I should go,” she says. A significant factor tipping the scales toward BU Law was the support of the Mary T. & John J. O’Rourke Scholarship. The scholarship was created to honor BU Law Dean Emerita and current Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs Maureen O’Rourke, a first-generation legal professional, and bears the name of her parents, who supported her journey.
Ligori’s parents have also supported her decision, but Ligori credits her two closest friends for helping her adjust to law school life in a new city. She met Burak Sirrik (’25) of New Jersey and Sharon Mamuya (’25) of Iowa on the first or second day of Professor David Webber’s civil procedure class. The three bonded over their shared experiences being first-generation law students.
“We all had no idea what was going on,” Ligory says, “so we kind of just stuck to each other and figured it out together.”
Another working definition of “community-building”—and a good one.
It takes more than scholarships to help our students find their way to a career. Support for clerkships can also make a real difference.
Clerking for a judge on the state or federal level has not always ranked high on the list of aspirations for BU law students as they looked toward their early postgraduate years. The reasons are obscure, but may grow out of the fact that many BU grads-in-the-making saw a clerkship as a detour away from their intended careers in corporate law.
And that’s simply wrong, says Jessica M. Silbey, who’s in a position to know. Silbey—Law professor, Yanakakis Faculty Research Scholar, and co-chair (with Assistant Dean Mandie LeBeau) of the Clerkship Committee since 2021—was herself a clerk to Judge Levin H. Campbell, US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (2000–2001) and Judge Robert E. Keeton, US District Court (1999–2000). Silbey joined the BU Law faculty in 2020, after stints at Suffolk’s and Northeastern’s schools of law.
“When I got here,” she recalls, “ I took on the task of mythbusting around clerkships. First, there was that myth that being a clerk is not good for being a transactional attorney. Not true. There was the myth that you have to be in the top 10 percent of your class to apply for a clerkship. Also not true. ‘The only good clerkships are federal clerkships.’ Also not true. ‘You take a huge cut in pay when you become a clerk.’ Well, it’s true that clerks get paid less at the beginning of their careers—but on the other hand, many firms give you a bonus and pay you like a second- or third-year associate when you sign on. So as it turns out, a clerkship can be a very, very good investment.”
And then there are the intangibles. “Clerking for me was just exhilarating,” Silbey emphasizes. “You get exposed to an incredibly diverse range of cases, and you go really deep in many of them. It’s unlike almost any other kind of practice at the very beginning of one’s career. You’re put into this job which has a huge amount of responsibility and power—actually advising judges on their decision-making. Meanwhile, the judge is there to help you do really good work. So just because you’re inexperienced doesn’t mean you’re not going to do excellent work and learn a lot. It’s an outstanding kind of apprenticeship.”
So how do you go about shifting a culture? Both through serious, one-on-one discussions—of which Silbey had many—and through nuts-and-bolts training sessions in how to apply through OSCAR, the online database used to apply for federal clerkships. And then there’s the annual “Oscar Party”: a costume ball that takes a lighthearted approach to OSCAR and its outcomes. Meanwhile, Silbey and her team have found support through the school’s Access Fund for 1L summer internships, which include a sort of “mini-clerkship” and have enabled more students to pursue these opportunities.
“My goal?” Silbey asks. “I want to see 20 percent of our students clerking, which is more or less double what it is today.”
Alumni support—whether through mentorship, networking, or contributions to the Access Fund—will help make that goal a reality.
Cesar A. Lopez-Morales (’14) was attending Mass on a Sunday night this past January when an unknown number flashed across his cellphone screen. Because he had completed an important interview the day before, he ran outside to take the call.
Sure enough, his potential employer—US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor—was on the other end of the line, joined by her four current clerks on speakerphone.
“I wasn’t sure if she was calling to say I was selected or not,” Lopez-Morales says, “so I just listened very closely.”
Eventually Sotomayor told him he’d been chosen for a clerkship, and “everything after that was sort of a blur,” he says with a laugh.
For Lopez-Morales, who started his clerkship with the justice in July, the position is the latest—and highest—honor in a career full of honors. Since graduating cum laude in 2014, Lopez-Morales has clerked for three federal judges, spent three years working as a trial attorney in the US Department
of Justice’s Civil Division, and worked as a senior associate at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe in Washington, DC. He’s also published several articles, including a piece in the Columbia Human Rights Law Review arguing that Congress lacks the constitutional authority to govern US territories indefinitely as federal possessions.
“I’ve taken it one step at a time,” Lopez-Morales says. “And I allowed myself to be sufficiently open minded that I could learn about new paths I would enjoy based on other things I’ve done.”
“For me,” notes Professor Jessica Silbey, “two things stand out about Cesar’s career path. First, he’s been persistent over time in building on his clerkship experiences. So he’s had three clerkships, but not all in a row.
“And second, Cesar is a networker. He’s incredibly affable, easy to talk to, and very, very bright. And so much of getting a clerkship, and getting ahead in law, is about being approachable and open, as well as smart. Yes, so much in life is about who you know. But it’s also about how you treat people. Cesar understands that, and it has gotten him far.”
Clerkships are just one example of the kinds of public service and public interest law that BU Law encourages and supports—as one more way of serving the greater community, as well as our students. Our support for students who seek to pursue careers in the public interest begins during the admissions process and extends well beyond graduation.
The life cycle of the school’s public interest community starts with the Public Interest Scholarship, which provides awards from $40,000 up to full tuition for students with a demonstrated interest and commitment. Public Interest Scholars are also guaranteed a $6,000 stipend for summer work. “I often like to tell prospective students that we support what we believe is important, and for public interest–minded applicants, that is helping to make law school affordable,” says Anne Taylor, director of JD admissions.
And the support continues throughout their BU Law studies. Thanks to funding both from donors and from the dean, as of this year the Public Interest Scholars benefit from a more formal support structure, with a faculty advisor and a slate of events and other programming. “It’s just sort of the first year of building community,” says Senior Lecturer Claire Bishop Abely, the group’s advisor.
“I really feel like this group needs validation,” Abely says, “that what they’re doing is right and doable.” Partly that’s because students know their public careers will pay less than working at a big firm. But it’s also because, unlike those big firms, nonprofits and government organizations can’t offer jobs as far in advance, so students face far more uncertainty than their peers heading for private practice.
“It’s so stressful, and it’s a little bit unfair,” Abely says. “But it’s just the way the job market is.”
The student-led Public Interest Law Society (PILS) also works hard to alleviate some of that stress. “We’ve been thinking about how we as an organization can support these students,” says current president Tyler Henry (’25), “and make those paths that don’t seem easy to navigate become if not easy, then possible.” PILS holds events, including an annual retreat, that connect current students with alumni, “so that a student can see ‘There are so many things I could do with this degree that I didn’t even know existed.’”
The school’s Career Development Office, too, works to inform students about the many ways to work in public interest and public service. “ We’re helping students to see that these are viable pathways into becoming a practicing attorney,” says Eron Hackshaw, the office’s director of public service & pro bono. This year, the office launched two job fairs for public interest and government employers.
Hackshaw sees his work as helping both students and employers. “We’re trying to have the double impact,” he says. “We’re trying to support students who want to do it, but we also want to support an organization that needs the support.”
Even after students earn their degrees, the support for public interest continues through two long-standing programs. Since 2010, the school has awarded yearlong Public Service Fellowships to graduating JD students working in nonprofits and government organizations. And for more than 25 years, the BU Law Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) has helped public-interest graduates manage their debt. JD graduates working in the sector can apply for up to 10 years after graduating and may receive up to $60,000 over 10 years.
In a sense, LRAP brings the public-interest life cycle full circle.
“It’s a great tool to talk to students about when I’m recruiting,” says Anne Taylor, “because many of the public interest–minded students are really fearful—they know that law school’s expensive, and they’re not coming out with the same salaries as their classmates. So when an applicant comes up to my table at a recruiting event, and they’re kind of nervous about pursuing public interest, and they say, ‘What resources does BU Law have for me?’ right off the bat, I have so much good news to tell them!”
And, at every stage, donor support helps keep those resources strong.
Sometimes “building community” means drawing on the time and talents of members of the Boston legal community. That’s what happened back in 2010, when Professor Kevin Outterson sent an email to a downtown lawyer named Robert M. Thomas, Jr. The school was looking for someone who could teach a course in healthcare fraud and abuse, Outterson wrote; would Thomas be interested in doing something like that?
Thomas was certainly qualified. A member of the Harvard Law School class of 1985, he had served eight years as an assistant US attorney for the District of Maryland (1989–97), where he focused on white-collar fraud and environmental crimes and learned the trial-lawyer ropes. He then spent several years as a member of a private-sector team focused on eradicating mob corruption in labor unions. In 2003, he joined forces with Suzanne Durrell to form the Bostonbased Whistleblower Law Collaborative, where many of the cases they handled involved healthcare fraud. Their practice involved representing whistleblowers in “qui tam” or False Claims Act cases, bringing to the attention of government prosecutors specific instances of how the taxpayers had been defrauded. As former prosecutors themselves, Thomas and Durrell were in a unique position to understand the kinds of fraud patterns that government prosecutors would be most interested in.
Even today, 20 years later, representing whistleblowers is a specialized legal realm. “I’ll make a wild guess and say that there are only a couple of hundred lawyers nationwide who do this work full time on the whistleblower side,” Thomas ventures. “It’s a complicated niche, and it’s very difficult to do this work from the platform of a traditional law firm.”
Thomas was intrigued by Outterson’s inquiry. Years earlier, he had briefly been a high school history teacher—and now, nearly two decades into his career, he was ready to share what he had learned with law students. “I’ve had an interesting and unpredictable career,” he explains, “and so I’ve got lots of—well, I don’t want to say wisdom, but I’ve got lots of free advice to give people about how to navigate this complicated profession. And I find this age group inspiring to work with because, yes, they’re adults, but they’re still
I’ll make a wild guess and say that there are only a couple of hundred lawyers nationwide who do this work full time on the whistleblower side.
young enough that they’ve not gotten jaded. Their sense of idealism is still intact.”
So Thomas accepted BU’s offer and dove into designing a course called Health Care Fraud and Abuse. It was an immediate success—Thomas has consistently earned high student ratings—and it satisfied his teaching instincts for a full decade. In 2020, he handed the course off to a younger partner in his firm and then designed a new course: Whistleblower Law & Practice, which goes beyond healthcare fraud to include many other types of whistleblower laws and protections.
In the new course, Thomas decided against including a traditional exam; instead, he asked his students to research and write about a whistleblower whose story they found personally intriguing. “ I want people to understand the journey of a whistleblower, or a whistleblower lawyer,” he explains. “So after we cover the relevant laws, I invite them to do a paper in which they either interview the whistleblower, or the lawyer for the whistleblower, or both. I want them to ask questions like, ‘What happened that got you started on this journey? How did it happen? What surprises or repercussions did you encounter? What are your reflections as you look back on it?’”
Thomas soon got some surprises of his own. One student, Andrew Tran (‘22), said that he wanted to do his whistleblower paper on Daniel Ellsberg, the legendary leaker of the Pentagon Papers whom many consider the first whistleblower of the modern era. Tran had an existing connection with Ellsberg and wondered if Thomas would approve of the idea and might possibly want to sit in on an interview with him?
“I laughed,” Thomas recalls. “I said, ‘Uh, Andrew, I’m not going to say no to that!’ And the next thing I know, I’m on a Zoom call with Daniel Ellsberg. It was one of the highlights of my professional career.”
Over the course of his long relationship with BU, Thomas has also sought out ways to provide opportunities to his law students. For example: the Whistleblowers Law Collaborative has offered both summer jobs and externships to those students. “And the fit there is very good,” he says, “particularly for the alums of either the whistleblower course or the healthcare fraud and abuse course, because the course material overlaps with our work, and we’ve had a chance to get to know the students before they apply.”
Thomas and his wife, Polly Hoppin, are also active donors, including to BU Law School. “We like to give money in a fairly unrestricted way,” says Thomas. “ We don’t want to be the kinds of donors who are demanding a lot in return. We’d rather trust the donee to know what’s best to do with the money.”
One cause that appealed to the couple recently was the School of Law’s Access Fund, which ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in career-building programs and activities, regardless of any associated outof-pocket costs that may be barriers for some students. “Setting up an Access Fund seemed like a way that we could level the playing field a bit. Whether it’s airline tickets to interviews, or clothing needs, or the opportunity to pursue a clerkship—these are dollars that become available to people separate from the tuition assistance of the school’s financial aid package. The hope is that this might actually help young people in concrete ways by meeting specific needs that they don’t have the means to address. And we just trust the school to know where best to allocate the funds.”
Thomas says he feels grateful for the ways in which the connection to BU Law has evolved, organically and incrementally. “It started as an opportunity to pursue my interest in teaching, but it has evolved to include mentoring and philanthropy as well. There’s definitely a sense of community and a sense of connection as this continues to evolve. My wife and I are happy to be a part of it all.”
Published seven times per year, the prestigious Boston University Law Review provides analysis and commentary on all areas of the law. It contains articles contributed by law professors and practicing attorneys from all over the world, along with notes written by Law Review staff.
Close to two-thirds of the first-year class compete for a slot on the Law Review —through a writing competition sponsored each spring by Ropes & Gray—with an average of 15 percent succeeding in their bids. Why so much interest? In part, because the magazine is entirely student-run and therefore provides an on-campus leadership opportunity. In addition, it enables students to really dig into ideas that law professors and practitioners around the world are grappling with. Finally, work on the Law Review is seen as both a feather in one’s cap and good training for the kind of jobs that graduates take early in their careers—litigating, clerking for judges, and academic pursuits.
Julian Burlando-Salazar (LAW’23, Questrom’20) served as executive editor this past school year. He ran the writing competition and—along with then editor-in-chief Lisa
Richmond (’23)—participated in the last round of edits for all the articles included in the Law Review. After graduating, he began working at WilmerHale, and he anticipates moving to Guam to clerk for US District Court Judge Frances Tydingco-Gatewood.
Burlando-Salazar enjoyed being exposed to cutting-edge legal scholarship through his work on the Law Review. “ It’s an excellent way for students to work out the intellectual ‘muscle’ that lets you jump from subject to subject and understand and immerse yourself in the work.”
And that, Burlando-Salazar says, was only part of a bigger picture: “I’ve met some of my best friends in law school, particularly on Law Review and in the Latin American Law Students Association. It’s nice to find your community and be able to give back to others. I found a ton of joy in that.”
Last year, Richmond, Burlando-Salazar, and their team decided to start building bridges to the BU Law alumni community—with special attention to graduates who had close ties to the Law Review. In that spirit, they hosted the inaugural Law Review Alumni Reception in April. The 100 or so attendees were equally divided between current Review staffers and alumni who had served on the magazine’s staff. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of awards: the Best Editor Award to Tobi Henzer (’23) for her excellent editing, teamwork, and leadership as a managing editor, and the first Alumni Award to Donald F. Simone. A member of the Class of ’81, Simone served as the Law Review ’s managing editor, and the note that he wrote for the magazine— ”Associational Standing and Due Process: The Need for an Adequate Representation Scrutiny,” published during his 3L year—was later cited by the Supreme Court.
Simone’s Alumni Award also pointed to his generous financial support of the magazine. Several years ago, he made a $50,000 gift to establish the Law Review Fund to offset costs and avoid imposing dues on the publication’s hard-working members. As the award citation phrased it, “ Don’s support has inspired us to expand our alumni presence in Boston and increase our fundraising efforts. Because of Don’s generosity, editors can focus on their work of publishing seven issues a year without sacrificing the amazing sense of community that marks all of our experience on the Law Review.”
met some of my best friends in law school, particularly on Law Review and in the Latin American Law Students Association. It’s nice to find your community and be able to give back to others. I found a ton of joy in that.
Last year, an anonymous alumna established the Women’s Leadership Giving Fund to honor the school’s 150th anniversary and celebrate the long history of alumnae achievement and women’s leadership at the law school.
During this year’s Giving Day—April 11—six generous alumnae offered a $25,000 dollar-for-dollar challenge for the Women’s Leadership Giving Fund: Susan Alexander (’81), Ellen Flannery (’78), Maria Green (’77), Cindy Michel (’00), Melissa Rones (’06), and an anonymous donor. With support from 67 donors, the challenge was a huge success, underscoring the power of women’s philanthropy across the BU Law community. Because of this support, the fund is now endowed and will be put to use for the first time this academic year, starting a tradition of impact that will last for generations.
In addition to the success of the Women’s Leadership Giving Fund Challenge, the 150 donors to the Public Interest Project Fund helped unlock a $75,000 challenge gift from Steve Kay (‘87) and Susan Bloch (Sargent’81, Wheelock’88). Those funds provide critical support to the school’s Public Service Summer Fellowship program, which provides stipends to students working at nonprofits and government agencies nationwide. Because of the generosity of alumni on Giving Day and throughout the year, we supported more than 130 students, which is up over 50 percent from just a few years ago.
Law’s commitment to building community goes beyond the school’s walls, as one student’s experience with a Boston-based organization makes clear.
When Madeline Comer (’25) was working as an intern on the legal advocacy team at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) this summer, she appreciated every opportunity she had to speak with survivors of sexual violence about their legal options. But she was struck overall by the lack of support services available to them at the state and federal levels.
“I know from experience that sometimes service work is telling people ‘no’ because you just don’t have the capacity to help them,” she says, “but I was really floored by the lack of resources in the space in general.”
Comer’s work at BARCC was supported by the new BU Program on Reproductive Justice (BUPRJ), an interdisciplinary initiative that launched this fall to foster efforts to advance reproductive health and to safeguard medical treatments, including abortion. She was the program’s inaugural summer fellow, a position made possible by the first gift to BUPRJ from Margaret (Peggy) Daley (’87) and Deborah E. Barnard (’87).
Comer was already familiar with the challenges that come with efforts to address and eradicate sexual assault and intimate partner violence. As a student at Barnard College, where she studied political science; government; and
women’s, gender, and sexuality studies, she protested the university’s handling of such cases under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. She also interned at Planned Parenthood and in the office of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, whom she admired for her commitment to the issues.
Comer first became interested in women’s rights and reproductive justice in high school, but she has a personal connection to the work as well: As a freshman at Barnard, a fellow student raped her. She decided not to report the crime—a decision she later wrote about for the student newspaper.
“ The system seems purposefully adversarial toward victims,” she says. But “I felt a lot of guilt…what kind of precedent am I setting for other people if I’m not willing to do this?”
Working at BARCC, she says, was a way to come “full circle” in her own life and work.
“It never occurred to me to call a rape crisis center,” she says. “At least I could be the person that I really needed for somebody else.”
Comer says she is “really grateful” for the financial support of her work at BARCC and of BUPRJ’s support for reproductive justice more broadly.
“This is a really important area to be focusing on right now,” she says, noting that the US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization to overturn Roe v. Wade came just before she started at BU Law. “A lot of really awful things are happening right now, and it’s on people with resources and power—like BU alumni—to make concrete action happen.”
Daley and Barnard, who are members of the BU Law Executive Committee, say they were motivated to step up their advocacy after the Dobbs ruling and other recent attacks on reproductive freedoms. They had been discussing how to fund such an effort at their alma mater when they learned BUPRJ was in the works.
The program “matched perfectly our interests and vision,” Barnard says.
Daley agrees.
“We could not have been more thrilled,” says Daley. “This is about giving students the opportunity to put their passion in this area to work—to learn and help advocate for others.”
“A lot of really awful things are happening right now, and it’s on people with resources and power— like BU alumni—to make concrete action happen.
”Generous annual support, endowed scholarships and creative approaches to financial aid, an expanded push into clerkships, course innovations, a stronger Law Review, and programs responding to timely social issues: These are only a few examples of how the students, staff, and faculty of BU Law are working together to build an ever stronger intellectual community. And these efforts are intensified, broadened, and accelerated through YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS OF TIME, ENERGY, AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT.
The School of Law is grateful for the support of alumni, faculty members, staff, friends, corporations, foundations, and matching gift companies that made a gift to the school between July 1, 2022 , and June 30, 2023. These gifts help us advance our global reputation as a premier law school. Gifts this past year helped the school increase financial aid, fund student organizations, and support faculty scholarship.
For more information about how you can join our growing list of supporters, please contact us at 617-353-3118 or make a donation online at We would love to welcome you to our donor community!
We strive to recognize all donors appropriately and will do our best to correct any error quickly. Please let us know if you have any questions about your listing by emailing
President’s Circle: $25,000 or more
President’s Associate: $10,000–$24,999
Dean’s Club: $5,000–$9,999
Fellow: $2,500–$4,999
Barrister: $1,000–$2,499
Friend: $500–$999
Donor: $1–$499
Class of 1948
Stella H. Sims
Class of 1949
Sumner S. Fanger
Linwood M. Erskine, Jr.
Class of 1950
Estelle Parsons
Class of 1951
Gerald H. Lepler
Class of 1952
Henry B. Dewey ∞ and Jane K. Dewey
Richard S. Milstein
Class of 1953
Norman Davidson
Class of 1954
President’s Circle
Paul R. Sugarman and Susan J. Sugarman
Marvin M. Horwitz
Claire A. Archambault
Class of 1955
Rudolph T. Pelletier and Lillian L. Pelletier
Class of 1956
Jules W. Breslow and Judith R. Breslow
Jack B. Middleton
Class of 1957
Nathan T. Wolk and Barbara I. Wolk
H. Alfred Casassa and Clarice M. Casassa
Alfred Legelis and Despina H. Legelis
Alan C. Pease
Alan D. Tobin and Judith Tobin
Class of 1958
Allan J. Landau and Paula T. Landau Friend
Joseph R. Standell and Donna J. Standell
Arnold I. Zaltas and Brenda J. Zaltas Donor
Carol J. Muller and Robert Gulinello
Class of 1959
President’s Associate
Oscar A. Wasserman and Elaine Wasserman Friend
Morton H. Aronson and Ellen K. Aronson
Bertram S. Patkin and Judith K. Patkin
Dwain B. Smith and Carol C. Smith
Class of 1960
Richard S. Hanki and Evelyn K. Hanki Donor
Robert J. Bagdasarian and Marilyn Bagdasarian
Frederick C. Cohen and Sorrell D. Cohen
Katherine L. Izzo
R. Joseph O’Rourke and Magill E. O’Rourke
Julie R. Perkins and Dwight H. Perkins
Neill W. Schoonmaker, Jr. and Joyce F. Schoonmaker
David A. Shrair and Michelle S. Shrair
Robert P. Weintraub and Sandra C. Weintraub
Class of 1961
President’s Associate
Stephen V. Dubin and Paula L. Dubin
Dean’s Club
George H. Stephenson and Jane H. Stephenson
E. Whitney Drake and Marie A. Drake
Eugene L. Rubin
Stephen L. Saltzman and Mary B. Saltzman
Leslie Srager and Joan Srager Friend
Evandro R. Radoccia, Jr. and Marie D. Radoccia
Robert M. Schacht and Joanne M. Schacht
Douglas S. Hatfield, Sr. and Judith I. Hatfield
Leonard I. Shapiro and Judith B. Shapiro
Class of 1962
President’s Circle
Gerard H. Cohen and Sherryl W. Cohen
Dean’s Club
Edward D. McCarthy and Christel McCarthy
Alan B. Fodeman and Alana F. Fodeman
Howard M. Miller and Elaine T. Miller
Robert D. Myers and Judith D. Myers
Joseph P. Nadeau and Catherine L. Nadeau
Robert J. Pleshaw and Martha Pleshaw
Richard S. Scipione
Irving J. Waldman and Lorraine B. Waldman
Class of 1963
Martin J. Cohen and Paula B. Cohen
Matthew S. Goldfarb Friend
Louis P. Massaro, Jr. and Ann M. Massaro
M. Robert Queler and Judith F. Queler
John F. Atwood
Avram N. Cohen and Maxine E. Cohen
Jerome H. Fletcher and Holly P. Fletcher
Karen Hersey
Lewis A. McMahon and Deborah A. McMahon
Class of 1964
President’s Circle
Ernest M. Haddad
Carl B. Israel and Joyce E. Israel
Frank J. Santangelo
Charles B. Swartwood, III ∞ Friend
Andrew E. Aloisi
Donald H. Marden
Edward B. Coyne and Linda Coyne
John E. Higgins, Jr. and Rosemary Pye
Bernard A. Kansky and Gail R. Kansky
Paul A. Lietar and Pamela Young-Lietar
Carl B. Lisa and Maryann Lisa
David J. Palmer and Anne K. Palmer
Charles A. Roover
Class of 1965
President’s Associate
Martin Lobel and Geralyn K. Lobel Barrister
Victor J. Garo
Frances H. Miller □ and Hugh Miller
Robert S. Toyofuku and Lynne T. Toyofuku Friend
Richard S. Mittleman and Linda W. Mittleman
Edward A. Shapiro ∞ and Deborah D. Benik
Saul D. Behr
Paul Constantino
Lloyd S. French and Joyce L. Green French
Arthur W. Havey and Virginia A. Havey
George F. Killgoar, Jr. and Victoria M. Killgoar
Philip R. LeVine and Sheri E. Ross
Maurice McWalter, Jr. and Patricia T. McWalter
Michael C. Moschos
John J. Ryan, III
J. Howard Solomon and Ann R. Solomon
Michael L. Widland and Louise C. Widland
Class of 1966
President’s Circle
Irving H. Picard and Sharon M. Picard
President’s Associate
Michael S. Field and Roxanne Field Barrister
Sumner H. Lipman and Dawn B. Lieb
Steven J. Schwartz and Rita R. Schwartz
Marvin L. Berenson and Gloria Berenson
Stanley A. Bleecker
Richard I. Burstein
Samuel H. Chorches
John M. Downer
Richard A. Finke
Mary E. McCabe
Sylvia S. Paxton and William D. Paxton
Barbara S. Santos and Everett Santos
Sheldron Seplowitz and Helen K. Seplowitz
Class of 1967
President’s Circle
Robert B. Goldfarb and Francine L. Goldfarb
Dean’s Club
Harley M. Smith and Veronica Hilyard Barrister
Mark N. Busch and Frances J. Busch
Joseph D. Cronin
Arthur W. Hughes, III and Jane Greenhood
Patrick J. King and Sandra L. Moody
Stanley J. Krieger
Dudley H. Willis and Sally S. Willis Friend
Michaele S. Battles, III
James D. Latham and Diane M. Allenberg
Ralph E. Lerner
Richard J. Talbot and Gail S. Talbot
John L. Vecchiolla and Sharon B. Vecchiolla
Anthony J. Aftuck and Anne G. Aftuck
Joseph S. Alen
Robert B. Dalton and Barbara B. Dalton
Ernest E. Falbo, Jr. and Karen S. Lundsgaard
Carmine A. Greco and Kathleen M. Young
Dennis E. Harrington and Mary Smith
Robert V. Johnson, II
Howard B. Lane, Jr. and Eliane H. Lane
Michael Magruder
Donald E. Quigley and Linda D. Quigley
William J. Salisbury and Catherine L. Salisbury
Charles J. Speleotis
Marshall D. Stein and Helene W. Stein
Class of 1968 Barrister
Robert G. Anderson and Judith P. Anderson
Judith Hale Norris
Kernan F. King and M. Christine King
Peter W. Segal and Carole Segal Friend
Ellen Flatley
Dean B. Pineles and Kristina Stahlbrand
Stephen S. Young
Jeffrey S. Cates and Myra D. Cates
Peter W. Culley
Kenneth C. Cummins
Robert Droker and Carmie Droker
Malvin B. Eisenberg
Richard M. Gaberman and Elizabeth H. Gaberman
Morton E. Grosz and Judith A. Grosz
John A. Karpinski and Nancy B. Karpinski
William F. Malloy and Fidele A. Malloy
John T. Purves and Susan Purves
Andrew Radding
Paul A. Roberts
Lawrence Rosenbluth and Laurel A. Rosenbluth
Sara-Ann Sanders and Robert D. Sanders
Sheldon C. Schulman and Sharon E. Schulman
Joseph M. Weitzman and Carol E. Weitzman
Class of 1969
President’s Associate
Barbara B. Creed and Christopher D. Creed
Marvin M. Goldstein and Linda S. Goldstein
Dean’s Club
James C. Pizzagalli and Judith R. Pizzagalli
Thomas A. Cox
Michael E. Faden and Janice N. Faden
Brainard L. Patton □ and Marsan Patton
Bruce J. Wein and Penny K. Wein Friend
Neil F. Hulbert and Martha W. Hulbert
Kenneth M. Nelson and Mary P. Nelson
Stephen M. Randels and Sandra P. Randels
Gerald P. Berns
Roland Gray, III
Kenneth M. Nelson and Mary P. Nelson
David E. Putnam
Joseph S. Radovsky and Nancy M. Radovsky
David M. Singer and Adrianne C. Singer
Eric Street
Harold M. Unger
Michael A. Wheeler and Candace Wheeler
Class of 1970
President’s Associate
Michael T. Putziger
Thomas R. Smith and Sharon L. Smith
Dean’s Club
Richard A. Soden and Marcia M. Soden
Lansing E. Crane and Katharine Crane
Donald Forte, Jr. and Marjorie S. Forte
Elizabeth H. Gemmill and Douglas B. Richardson
George E. Ross and Phyllis Ross Friend
Frank J. Williams and Virginia E. Williams
Cornelia C. Adams
Karen M. Allen
Kenneth A. Behar and Linda L. Behar
Bruce W. Bergen and Carolyn E. Bergen
Susan M. Cooke
Richard K. Greenberg and Sandra Greenberg
Clayton F. Harrington, Jr. and Marianne C. Harrington
Peter J. Herrick and Norma M. Herrick
Robert L. Hollingshead and Charlene Hollingshead
Peter A. Janus and Nancy M. Janus
Thaddeus J. Keefe, III
Mary S. Leahy
Walter L. Mitchell, III and Carol N. Mitchell
Alan M. Parness and Enid K. Parness
Isabelle K. Pinzler and James Brook
Joseph A. Prim, Jr.
H. James Wilson and Betsy R. Wilson
Willard P. Yeats and Delores W. Yeats
Class of 1971
President’s Circle
William H. Kleh and Patricia M. Kleh Fellow
Herbert M. Jacobs
Paul E. George and Helen D. George
Gladys J. George and Stuart Orsher Friend
Peter B. Benfield
Richard C. MacKenzie and Emily M. MacKenzie
William M. Pinzler
Milton L. Wright
William S. Botwick and Ruth M. Botwick
Lawrence H. Bruce, Jr.
Jane Wolf W. Frances and Andrew Francis
Richard W. Grant and Mary H. Grant
Martha J. Koster
Thomas R. Lebach and Linda W. Lebach
Robert D. Lewin and Donna M. Lewin
Carol Lilienfeld
Kenneth D. Lipman
E. Christopher Livesay and Susan S. Livesay
Claude L. Lowen
Russell I. Lynn and Katherine L. Lynn
Pliny Norcross, III
Harry P. Photopoulos and Barbara M. Photopoulos
Erica L. Powers
Mary L. Sanderson and Robert C. Sanderson
Richard H. Saxe and Julie A. Saxe
Peter H. Sutton
Class of 1972
Mary E. Masulla
Sandra L. Moody and Patrick J. King
Robert L. Weiss, Jr. and Ellyn Weiss
Richard B. Weitzen and Sally L. Weitzen Friend
David F. Grunebaum and Linda L. Grunebaum
Peter E. Hewitt and Aileen Hewitt
Kay H. Hodge and Philip J. Hodge
Kenneth I. Wirfel and June A. Eichbaum
Patricia A. Cantor and Jeffrey P. Petrucelly
Michael S. Davis and Madelyn O. Davis
Michael C. Denny and Christel Schaefers
Andrew D. Epstein
Paul V. Freeman, Jr.
Christopher H. Hartenau and Vivian K. Hartenau
F. Robert Houlihan and Susan M. Forti
Arthur H. Johnson
A. Anthony Kilkuskie and Kathleen K. Kilkuskie
Dane R. Kostin and Michele G. Kostin
Robert W. Langlois and Mary D. Langlois
Helen I. Lom
Colleen P. MacLean
Winfield W. Major, Jr. and Susan E. Starkweather
Suzanne K. Nusbaum
Kevin D. O’Connell and Sally S. O’Connell
David W. Paulson
Frederick M. Pryor and Barbara Pryor
John R. Staffier and Bonnie K. Staffier
Edward M. Stern and Ann S. Stern
Allen W. Stokes, Jr.
Mark L. Sullivan
Lawrence A. Weiner and Susan J. Weiner
Class of 1973
President’s Circle
Hugh R. McCombs, Jr. and Katrina Veerhusen
Bruce J. Rakay and Pamela Rakay
President’s Associate
Wayne B. Bardsley and Catherine S. Bardsley Fellow
Paul A. Schott
Joseph J. Sweeney and Nancy Handel Barrister
Dean G. Chimples and Kathleen N. Chimples
David H. Lee and Stacey S. Lee
Richard E. Savoy and Geraldine S. Savoy
Catherine Shavell and Stephen Hluchan
Marcus S. Weiss and Sara Weiss Friend
Joan W. Cavanagh and Joseph M. Cavanagh
Hilary S. Dalin
Donald P. Edwards and Jo R. Edwards
Robert C. Kessner
Kathleen G. Miller
Clifford B. Olson and Suzanne P. Olson
Robert H. Beck
David W. Brown and Pat R. Brown
Catherine Clement
Jeffrey T. Demerath and Holly Demerath
David J. DeMoss and Kathryn E. DeMoss
William J. Donahue and Katherine C. Donahue
Norman A. Erlich and Ellen S. Erlich
Warner S. Fletcher and Mary F. Fletcher
W. John Funk and Deborah F. Chase
Leora Harpaz
Anne Hoffman and Philip C. Myers
Robert L. Holloway, Jr. and Margaret H. Holloway
Katherine W. Keane and John B. Keane
David C. King and Miriam J. King
Ann-Louise Kleper and Dennis Kleper
Phillip C. Koutsogiane and Joyce A. Hindle Koutsogiane
Jane Michaels
Kristen C. Nelson
Lyle F. Nyberg and Kathleen Nyberg
Jonathan T. Parkhurst and Judy S. Parkhust
Charles F. Shaw, III and Nancy H. Shaw
Richard W. Smith
William J. Snell, III and Joan M. Snell
Roger C. Stanford and Irene B. Schall
Kenneth H. Tatarian and Carolyn A. Tatarian
Joe N. Wright and Lola H. Wright
Jon A. Wu and Xiang Q. Wu
Richard L. Yospin and Joan M. Yospin
Class of 1974
President’s Associate
Catherine S. Bardsley and Wayne B. Bardsley
Dean’s Club
John J. Carroll, Jr. and Frances W. Lipson
Glenn Lau-Kee and Rita E. Lau-Kee
Richard A. Karelitz and Virginia H. Karelitz
Rhoda E. Schneider and Kim Marshall
Stephen D. Tom and Diane Y. Tom
James G. Wheeler and Catherine D. Wheeler
Benjamin S. Bilus and Elizabeth N. Bilus
Richard P. Jaffe and Jeanne E. Jaffe
Benjamin L. Jung
Richard W. Killion and Lynn C. Killion
Michael B. Nulman
Allan W. Ziman
Howard S. Altarescu and Carol B. Altarescu
Steven H. Bowen and Susan E. Stein
Elsa K. Cole and Roland J. Cole
John H. Cross
Henry H. Dearing
Robert J. Gordon and Barbara L. Gordon
Stanley D. Katz and Marcia N. Katz
Edward M. Kuba and Barbara Kuba
Warren R. Leiden and Tiana G. Wimmer
Stephen M. Mason and Ann N. Mason
Frank A. Mickelson
Harold M. Pressberg and Ellen K. Pressman
Telisport W. Putsavage, Jr.
James E. Rooks, Jr. and Corry V. Rooks
Susan C. Shalhoub
Melinda S. Sherer
Drew Spalding and Jane R. Spalding
Arthur J. Spector and Kayla Spector
David C. Steelman and Virginia Theo-Steelman
Steven H. Bowen and Susan E. Stein
Walker F. Todd and Edith M. Todd
Deborah Jackson Weiss
Winston K. Wong and Monica L. Wong
Jeffrey D. Woolf
Class of 1975
President’s Circle
Anonymous Dean’s Club
Jeffrey H. Lane and Patricia J. Lane
Rikki J. Klieman and William J. Bratton
Gary F. Locke
Susan MacEachron
Alan E. Reider and Linda D. Reider
James M. Sack Friend
Martin J. Bregman and Nancy S. Bregman
Laurence E. Hardoon and Janet E. Fine
Richard J. Levin and Arlene W. Levin
Richard C. Sammis and Sarah R. Sammis
Steven J. Weinstein and Sydna B. Weinstein
Felix V. Baxter and Jacqueline I. Baxter
Kenneth J. Berk and Jane H. Berk
F. Walter Bistline, Jr. and Rabun H. Bistline
John D. Burke and Maureen G. Burke
Michael E. Chubrich and Donna P. Saunders
John N. Datesh, Jr.
Sandra Y. Dick and David Ben-Asher
Ralph E. Duerre and Ramona N. Suetopka-Duerre
Daniel F. Egan, Jr. and Kathleen A. Egan
Richard D. Eisenberg
Marc A. Elfman and Margaret T. Black
Jay D. Gayner and Claudia M. Gropper
Steven J. Goldstein and Shelley S. Goldstein
Michael C. Harvell and Cynthia H. Harvell
Scott P. Kallman
Douglas O. Kant and Joy S. Kant
Howard C. Lem and Dorothy E. Lem
Leslie W. Lewkow and Victor I. Lewkow
Carol B. Liebman and Lance M. Liebman
Kathryn R. Lunney and Frederick D. Barton
Peggy L. Maisel □
Robert M. Pu and Sen P. Pu
Alan I. Raylesberg and Caren T. Raylesberg
Harris J. Samuels and Mary T. Samuels
Geoffrey A. Wilson
Jeffrey M. Winik □ and Robyn K. Winik
Class of 1976
President’s Circle
Linda S. Peterson
Nancy G. Shor and Charles Binder
President’s Associate
Jack A. Rovner and Kathryn A. Roe
J. Michael Schell and Kathleen O. Schell
Dean’s Club
Charles L. Babcock and Nancy W. Hamilton
Jerry S. Goldman
Denzil D. McKenzie Barrister
Guy R. Eigenbrode and Patricia Nicholas
Gary H. Glaser and Lorraine S. Glaser
Hugh H. Mo and Maria Y. Cheung
Oliver W. Stalter and Ellen J. Stalter
Robert N. Brown and Barbara S. Brown
John K. Dunleavy
George J. Felos
John W. Fieldsteel and Margaret T. Fieldsteel
Carolyn J. Gabbay and Solomon A. Gabbay
Samuel P. Moulthrop and Joyce E. Moulthrop
Eric P. Rothenberg and Pamela E. Rothenberg
Ojetta R. Thompson and William C. Clifton
John Ward □ and Alain Balseiro
Michael S. Albert
Anne M. Atherton ∞ and John J. Atherton
Marc P. Ayotte
Frank W. Barrie
Virginia D. Benjamin and Philip L. Woodcock
William J. Bloomer and Margery E. Bloomer
Richard P. Bourgeois
Spencer M. Cowan and Joy T. Cowan
Brian J. Coyne and Fumiko H. Coyne
David A. DiMuzio and Pamela DiMuzio
Ross N. Driver
John E. Edison
Richard J. Eisenberg
Thomas J. Engellenner
Scott A. Forsyth
Steven D. Greif and Frann Greif
Carol A. Griffin
Katherine A. Hesse
David R. Hodas and Judy O. Hodas
Gregory E. Hudson
Laurence J. Hyman
Dale R. Johnson and Gail L. Johnson
Mary L. Kennedy
Susan L. Kurland
Richard M. Lipsman
James H. Maloney
Anne H. McAndrews
Donald Rotfort
Michael O. Sheehan and Denise M. Saldana
James E. Sheldon and Linda S. Sheldon
Sharyn T. Sooho
Edward M. Spiro
Joel A. Stein and Catherine L. Stein
John C. Sullivan and Molly S. Mugler
James G. White, Jr. and Marybeth White
Alexander Whiteside ∞
Robert P. Yeaton and Joline M. Yeaton
Gary D. Zanercik
Class of 1977
President’s Circle
Maria C. Green and Oswald G. Lewis Fellow
James F. Crowley, Jr.
James B. Daniels and Cheryl Lambert
Michael E. Haglund and Melissa L. Haglund
Kenneth A. Krems and Carol W. Krems
Robin B. Matlin
Kirk C. Rascoe
Thomas G. Robinson and Johanna D.
Gaylen K. Baxter and Jeffrey C. Baxter
Ann L. Darke
Allen N. David and Catherine D. David
Amy L. Mower
Michael B. Nulman
Judith S. Yogman and Robert Sartini
Elissa G. Baly and Michael Baly, III
Robert C. Barber
Stephen R. Bosworth
Warren A. Brown and Linette Brown
Frank Campbell, Jr.
Dorothy A. Darrah and Bruce R. Weddle
John F. DeBartolo and Carol G. DeBartolo
Scott L. Fredericksen and Dana Fredericksen
Marshall A. Gallop, Jr. and Martha C. Gallop
David M. Goldstein and Judith E. Goldstein
David B. Grahek
Norman S. Heller and Donna N. Heller
Jeffrey A. Lester and Laurie N. Lester
David E. Levine
Sharen Litwin
Joanne M. Neale and William H. Eichhold
James T. Owens, III and Jossie E. Owens
Ross C. Owens, III and Margaret N. Owens
Toby K. Rodman and Dean J. Rodman
Marvin S. Silver and Laura M. Black
Richard W. Stern and Theresa Stern
Clifford A. Wright
of 1978
Dean’s Club
Ellen J. Flannery Fellow
Joan B. Gozonsky Chamberlain and Park Chamberlain
Daniel C. Walden and June C. Walden
Paul H. Friedman and Ann K. Friedman
Marc M. Gaelen and Nina Fondillon
Russel T. Hamilton
Gary E. Hicks and Patricia G. Hicks
Joseph A. Levitt and Barbara S. Levitt
Eugenie C. Gavenchak and Harvey Horowitz
Ronald Schouten
Jeffrey C. Baxter and Gaylen K. Baxter
Eugenie C. Gavenchak and Harvey Horowitz
William M. Berenson and Lorena Herrera
Wendy M. Bittner and Kevin Murray
James Blakey and Joanne M. Blakey
Sam I. Blumenstyk and Michelle Blumenstyk
Eric B. Brenman and Sandra Brenman
Nancy L. Conlin □
Daniel F. Crowley
Robert W. Cunningham and Jean N. Cunningham
Jessica G. DeKoninck
James R. Freeman and Carla Jimenez
Joe L. Hegel and Marielaine Hegel
Bruce A. Langer and Bobbi A. Langer
David M. Mindlin and Lauren T. Mindlin
Ruth E. O’Rourke
John S. Rodman and Pamela T. Rodman
Howard A. Salk and Doreen E. Salk
David E. Schaffer
Linda F. Spiegel and Paul Duboff
Pamela R. Stirrat and Craig R. Stirrat
Gary F. Thomas
Robert Volk □ ∞ and Kit C. Mui
Debra A. Weiner and Hillel Weinberg
Nancy E. Yanofsky
Class of 1979
President’s Associate
Martha M. Coakley and Thomas F. O’Connor
Dean’s Club
Richard C. Godfrey and Alice B. Godfrey
Mary A. Akerson and Steven A. Cohen
Randall A. Constantine
Bruce P. Keller and Janell Keller
H. Fay Peters
Edward G. Coss and Lori L. Coss
Michael D. Gayda and Patricia J. Gayda
Paul E. Nemser ∞ and Rebecca Nemser Friend
Gary A. Alexion and Maureen C. Healy
Eliza W. Fraser and Dean S. Travalino
Samuel Abloeser and Marcey L. Abloeser
Robert A. Axelrod and Katrina S. Axelrod
James M. Beslity and Sandy Beslity
Bruce T. Block and Melissa J. Block
David S. Brown and Teresa L. Brown
V. Douglas Errico and Lisa F. Errico
Jonathan P. Feltner and Carol A. Feltner
Scott A. Fisher and Marcy A. Bass
Andrea K. Grodin and William A. Grodin
Carla Jimenez and James R. Freeman
Susan F. Kelley
Eric M. Kraus and Marjory Fisher
Barry C. Laboda
Craig D. Mills and Carol Mills
John G. Neylon and Diane E. Neylon
John L. Perticone and Merry A. Harris
Lisa R. Pomerantz and Lance R. Pomerantz
Joseph Prokop
Donald V. Romanik and Margaret F. Romanik
Roger M. Ross
Irene B. Schall and Roger C. Stanford
Stephen E. Socha
Jacqueline F. Stein
Robert L. Swanson and Mary F. Swanson
Christie E. Webb
Class of 1980 Fellow
Margaret C. Mazzone Barrister
Scott E. Cooper and Elizabeth N. Cooper
James A. Normand and Lynn M. Normand
Dawn C. Ryan
Jonathan S. Cole and Sarah A. Strickler
Rosemary C. Meyers and Alan G. Meyers
Harvey C. Silverstein
Christopher N. Ames and Joann E. Manson
Jason R. R. Baron
Marcy A. Bass and Scott A. Fisher
Arnold Baum and Shari B. Baum
Diane G. Berliner and James E. Berliner
Nancy V. Brown
Bernard H. Campbell and Veralyn K. Campbell
Judith A. Clark and Richard D. Clark
Robert J. Coughlin
Richard A. Dennett and Andrea Stulman
Floralynn Einesman
Kenneth J. Eisner
Marshall D. Feiring and Pamela D. Feiring
John J. Finn and Alexis Stevens
Arthur H. Forman and Carol F. Forman
Michael K. Golub and Charlene A. Golub
Scott M. Green
Joan B. Hass and Michael S. Hass
Stewart M. Hirsch and Thelma Newberger-Hirsch
Barbara R. Kapnick
Stefanie Kessler-Larson and Gregory Larson
Richard D. LeBlanc
Karen J. Levitt
Ann F. Lomeli
Emily A. Maitin and Donald S. Shepard
Carol Miller and Richard Levy
Molly S. Mugler and John C. Sullivan
Timothy A. Ngau and Terryleen K. Dement
Robert O. O’Bannon and Karen M. O’Bannon
Richard H. Otto
David B. Picker and Ann C. Trail
Russell D. Pollock and Laurie Campbell
James M. Ramlow and Alma L. Ramlow
Jennifer S. Roberts
Dana J. Roszkiewicz and Margaret M. Melozzi
Steven C. Smiley
David S. Szabo □ and Melodie A. Wing
Laura E. Udis
Lincoln D. Weed and Margarette S. Weed
Neal L. Wolkoff
Class of 1981
President’s Associate
Susan H. Alexander and James F. Gammill, Jr.
Donald F. Simone
Dean’s Club
Richard J. DeSanti and Susan S. DeSanti
Michael A. Tanenbaum and Jill B. Tanenbaum
Lance D. Cassak and Lance E. Cassak
H. Joseph Hameline and Lisa Conway
Karen Mathiasen and Martin Schrage
James J. Rigos and Doreen Rigos
Sarah A. Rothermel
Daniel M. Schwartz and Yanan Schwartz
David C. Wright Friend
Ronald M. Davids and Nancy M. Davids
Leonard M. Davidson and Laurie Katzman
Diana L. Wainrib and Alfred C. Hamilton Donor
Adah Rose R. Bitterbaum
Carol Boorstein
Stacey L. Channing and Robert B. Portney
Luis E. Cintron
Shelah T. Feiss and Mark H. Likoff
Daniel C. Finbury
Mark G. Hanson
Mary H. Johnson and Richard A. Johnson
Joel D. Levinson
Alexander G. Nossiff and Stephanie P. Nossiff
John C. Phelan and Laurie J. Phelan
Lance R. Pomerantz and Lisa R. Pomerantz
Keith E. Reich and Audrey M. Reich
James H. Rotondo and Anne Rotondo
Wendy H. Smith
Gerri L. Sperling and David Slesnick
Robert E. Ward
Carl N. Weiner and Terri F. Weiner
Andrew L. Winder and Malinda A. Winder
Randolph L. Worth and Salli P. Worth
Class of 1982
President’s Circle
John K. Skrypak
President’s Associate
Kevin T. Van Wart and Ellen G. Van Wart
Dean’s Club
Joseph A. Colagiovanni and Mary J. Colagiovanni
Alexander A. Randall and Virginia C. Randall
Lawrence J. Reilly and Shannon L. Reilly
Glenn E. Siegel and Sandra G. Siegel
Brant K. Maller and Sheryl A. Odentz
Steven C. Altschuler
David P. Angueira and Julie A. Angueira
Paul Cherecwich, Jr. and Ruth A. Cherecwich
Robert L. Cook and Gail L. Cook
John A. Dougherty
Gabriel W. Falbo
John G. Fioretta
Joan B. Gross and Stuart J. Gross
Sandra L. Hautanen
Timothy J. Hufman and Cheryl A. Hufman
Michael H. Hurwitz and Marla Hurwitz
Philip D. Murphy and Kathleen M. Murphy
Harvey Shapiro and Vera J. Shapiro
Roman M. Sheer and Carol A. Sheer
Steven B. Stein and Lisa P. Stein
David S. Vogel
Class of 1983
Dean’s Club
Arlin S. Green and Paula F. Yudenfriend
Laura S. Peabody and Robert L. Peabody
Susan A. Yashar
Roger Theodoredis
Seth I. Truwit and Susan J. Katz Barrister
Timothy B. Bancroft and Julie C. Baer
Sharon G. Coghlan and Kevin J. Coghlan
Mark L. Morris and Denise C. Morris
Kenneth P. Morrison and Susan K. Morrison
Martha A. Toll and Daniel F. Becker Friend
Bruce A. Adams
Mary A. Duffey
Arthur E. Hoffmann, Jr.
Matthew E. Van Tine
William T. Whelan
Marc J. Becker and Leslie Tamarkin
Anthony M. Brizzolara and Becky Brizzolara
Catherine L. Campbell
Alison M. Clark
John D. Craven and Janet D. Craven
Timothy S. Egan and Kathy Y. Egan
Jonathan D. Fink
Anne-Marie Finn
Lawrence E. Fleder
William N. Friedler and Michele G. Friedler
Aida A. Gennis and Thomas G. Gennis
Steven R. Goldberg and Mary E. Goldberg
Jeff M. Goldstein
W. Robb Graham
Paul S. Horn
Richard M. Kallman and Ellen M. Kallman
Elisa S. Koenderman and Kevin R. Koenderman
Robert P. Landau and Lesley B. Landau
Timothy J. Langella and Kolleen J. Rask
Winifred K. Maloney and David Canova
John H. McCann, III and Wendy R. Lapides
Elizabeth C. O’Neil □
Dena E. Palermo
Jeannette L. Rossoff and Mack F. Rossoff
Wayne E. Southward and Deborah P. Southward
Philip Tabas and Helen D. Hooper
Sandra L. Tanen and Ronald Hirschberg
Susan B. Tuchman and Howard Homonoff
David E. Wilson
Class of 1984
President’s Circle
Susan M. Banks and Matthew H. Lynch
Michael D. Fricklas and Donna J. Astion
President’s Associate
Patricia J. Smith □ and Wayne E. Smith□
Dean’s Club
Charles C. Cornelio and Nancy L. Cornelio Fellow
Susan J. Katz and Seth I. Truwit Barrister
Emily M. Cross
Jonathan W. Haddon and Rumiko Sakai
Peter S. Linden and Debra R. Weinberger
Adrian N. Roe and Susan A. Apel
Bonnie G. Ross and Jordan D. Eth Friend
Howard M. Cooper and Jane M. Karol
Robert S. Molloy and Kathleen M. Way
Michael A. Schlesinger and Carin J. Sigel
David S. Zimble and Donna B. Zimble
Marie P. Buckley and Charles F. Goodrich
Mary F. Connelly
Paul R. Cortes-Rexach and Marielena Ruiz
Steven J. Fisher and Fail G. Fisher
William H. Gordon and Sally B. Gordon
Sheryl Gross-Glaser and Richard A. Glaser
Jonathan N. Halpern
Peter P. Harrington, Jr. and Ann M. Harrington
A. Neil Hartzell and Jill M. Hartzell
John T. Lu
Terry Marvin and Lori J. Lefferts
John R. Michaud and Caroline H. Wehling
Robert C. Pasciuto
Lawrence J. Profeta
Allison Rock
Nicholas R. Scola
Dennis B. Sullivan
Robert B. Teitelman and Reesa Olins
M. La Vonne Thompson
Edward Waldman
Kevin F. Wall □
Stanley W. Wheatley and Sigrid Wheatley
Robyn K. Winik and Jeffrey M. Winik □
Class of 1985
Dean’s Club
Steven V. Napolitano and Karen Drozd Fellow
Adrienne M. Baker
Anthony R. Callobre
Edward M. Fox and Sonya Brouner
David M. Henkoff and Randy Stevens
Ronald J. Katter and Karen J. Lager Katter
Craig S. Arnson
Anthony W. Caporizzo and Carol L. Caporizzo
Ricardo F. Casellas and Merchy Santana
Jonathan R. Rod and Helene S. Rod
David J. Shladovsky and Azadeh Shladovsky
Peter Bennett and Cheryl Bennett
Joel E. Rappoport
Carin J. Sigel and Michael A. Schlesinger
Paul J. Alfano and Debra A. Alfano
Theodore P. Augustinos
Samuel L. Bolinger
Thomas A. Cohn
Nancy A. Daly and Kevin P. Cavanaugh
Amanda D. Darwin and Dana A. Cetlin
Simon Dixon and Ann Marie Errico
Stacey O. Gallant and Mitchell C. Gallant
Jay S. Geller and Cathy Breen
Nathan S. Gibson and Ellen T. Gibson
Stuart J. Goldberg and Jo-Jo Goldberg
Steven H. Goldman
Ronald M. Gootzeit
Jay S. Gregory and Patricia Gregory
Jeffrey Hurwitz
Ronald P. Jones and Mary Beth La Munyon-Jones
Gerald K. Kelley
Dennis L. Kern and Linda A. Kern
Debra B. Korman and Jack M. Beermann □
Robert B. Labe and Mary L. Budman Labe
Aurelle S. Locke and Arthur S. Locke
Jeffrey A. McCurdy and Barbara C. McCurdy
John J. Monaghan and Judith F. Monaghan
Laura H. Nash
Charles S. Rich and Jayme L. Rich
James A. Schragger
Bryna W. Steinberg and Scott L. Steinberg
Catalina J. Sugayan and William H. Hrabak, Jr.
Mark D. Swartz
Deborah M. Tate
George W. Tetler, III and Sheila L. Tetler
Daniel Van Doren and Susan Van Doren
Mark H. Vanger and Eileen M. Span
Theodore D. Winokur
Class of 1986
President’s Circle
Stephen M. Zide and Janet B. Zide
President’s Associate
Wayne E. Smith □ and Patricia J. Smith □
Martin A. Hall and Sarita U. Hall
Edgardo E. Colon
Daniel W. Halston and Liliane R. Wong Friend
John E. Arbab and Nora M. Heimann
Bill A. Bogdan and Isabelle A. Bogdan
Charles “Lee” L. Davis
Beth Haroules
Steven Masters and Beulah Trey
Pennie K. McLaughlin and Marc Carlos
Tracy A. Sykes
Neal S. Winneg □ and Clea T. Winneg
Jana M. Cayne and Jonathan F. Cayne
Kevin G. Chapman and Sharon L. Chapman
Kelly K. Cline and Sharon S. Cline
Elizabeth K. D’Orazio
John N. Edozie
Carolyn L. Federoff and Janice Philpot
Thomas F. Ginnerty
Ramon R. Gonzalez and Roxanne Mayol
Alexandra B. Harvey
James E. Jones, Jr.
Paul B. Kaplan and Maureen F. Kaplan
Helene Kazanjian
Jay S. Kogan
Robert A. Lavenberg
Mark H. Likoff and Shelah T. Feiss
Steven F. Lincoln
John S. McMasters
Felicia Miller and Benjamin J. Leeman
Rose Claire C. Palermo and Antonio D. Castro
Wm. G. Prescott and MaryEllen Prescott
Sharman T. Propp
Marina Rabinovich and Igor Goshchinsky
Scott A. Ritch and Christine P. Ritch
Rosalind R. Rossi and Angelo R. Rossi
Martin L. Shindler and Ruth Shindler
Jeffrey L. Van Hoosear
Jordan Yospe
Class of 1987
President’s Circle
Stephen H. Kay and Susan R. Bloch
Gary M. Tischler
Dean’s Club
Deborah E. Barnard
Margaret Daley
Anastasios Parafestas and Georgia Parafestas
Susan M. Boudrot
Laurence R. Bronska and Ellen B. Bronska
Irwin A. Kishner and Janet Kishner
Diane M. Morgenthaler and Jay H. Dembsky
Avis M. Caravello
Edward L. Corbosiero
John H. Corcoran
Steven M. Kornblau
David A. Lowy □
Michael I. Rothstein and Doreen M. Rothstein
Timothy S. Sinnott
Robin L. Bergman Minkow and Gregg B. Minkow
Robert W. Boich
Tracey C. Kammerer and Brian Stelben
Todd A. Mayman
Thomas J. Phillips and Sharon D. Gillis
Steven D. Schwartz and Madeline Schwartz
David S. Zimble and Donna B. Zimble Donor
Frederick S. Armstrong and Lisa B. Armstrong
Deborah D. Carlson and John J. Carlson
Jonathan F. Cayne and Jana M. Cayne
Oliver C. Colburn and Cecily B. Colburn
James E. Gibbons
Elizabeth L. Gibbs
Merrick L. Gross and Rosa S. Gross
Brian E. Heffernan and Joan E. Heffernan
Frank W. Hogan, III and Kim A. Hogan
James D. Houston and Christianna Houston
David R. Kerrigan and Mary B. Kerrigan
Carolyn R. Kopans
Jennifer L. Lauro and John D. Phillips
Danforth F. Lincoln
Mary A. Lowney and Matthew Mahoney
Daniel M. Marposon
Lisa A. Scales
Peter A. Silverman
D. Craig Story
Walter G. Van Dorn, Jr. and Marija A. Willen
Gwynne G. Zisko and Charles V. Zisko
Class of 1988
President’s Associate
Steven D. Zoll and Ronna Zoll
Dean’s Club
Kenneth I. Rosh and Meredith S. Rosh
Sonya Brouner and Edward M. Fox
Jonathan I. Mishara and Wendy W. Mishara
Robert P. Nault and Meredith A. Nault
Kim M. Rubin
Veronica Serrato
Elizabeth N. Cooper and Scott E. Cooper
Linda R. Kurtz and Glenn M. Kurtz
Rosemarie Mullin and Thomas H. Friedman
Judith V. Scherzer and Martin H. Scherzer
Howard M. Singer and Suellen K. Singer
Lynne T. Toyofuku and Robert S. Toyofuku
Amy B. Abramowitz and Ethan D. Corey
Peter M. Appleton and Deanna Cherrone
Jeffrey D. Dintzer
Alan A. Greenberg and Gina M. Eastham
Karen L. Ling
Fred A. Robustelli and Jill Robustelli
Mark W. Bixby and Jennifer S. Bixby
Raina H. Fishbane and Charles F. Walker
Jonathan D. Forstot and Rochelle Forstot
Amy Boyle B. Geisel and Karl E. Geisel
Kenneth J. Goldberg
Linda F. Goldwyn
Lynn I. Goodman
Monika K. Griffis and Glenn A. Griffis
Beverly E. Hjorth
Ross A. Honig and Michelle S. Honig
John C. Petrella
Bradd S. Robbins and Syrene C. Robbins
Susan L. Smotrich and Gary A. Smotrich
Jean S. Thaiss
Pamela H. Worstell and William A. Worstell
Stephen Ziobrowski
Class of 1989
President’s Circle
President’s Associate Anonymous Fellow
Daniel O. Offner and Mayumi Ijiri
William B. Brentani and Julia Brentani
Frederick B. Hnat and Jody L. Irwin
Karen L. Katz
Glenn M. Kurtz and Linda R. Kurtz
Arthur B. Laby and Rachel Landau
Randy L. Shapiro and Daniel Ripp Friend
Anthony A. Bongiorno and Mary D. Bongiorno
David B. Goodman
Katherine L. Parks
Richard I. Shakter
Robert J. Ahearn
Peter C. Anastos
Diane E. Barry
Russell Beck □ and Jill A. Beck
Richard A. Brown
Lisbeth M. Bulmash and Mark G. Bulmash
Stephen Cesso □ and Sheila F. Cesso
Nicholas Gorham and Roseanna
Kathryn A. Piffat
Patricia D. Popov and Christopher N. Popov
Barbara L. Shycoff
Michael B. Siller
Alexandra E. Trinkoff and Jeffrey Schor
Michael E. Tucker and Janet H. Tucker
Class of 1990 Fellow
Rachel Kaplan
Kenton L. Ball
Leiv H. Blad, Jr. and Karyn S. Blad
Christina A. Cotton and Brian M. Clarkson Friend
David J. Breen and Michael R. Harrington
Gina M. Eastham and Alan A. Greenberg
Matthew P. Harrington
Christopher A. Kenney and Patricia Kenney
Kay L. Lackey
Marc R. Benson and Charles Sullivan
Constance E. Boukidis
Barbara L. Cullen
Jonathan J. Hass
Shannon M. Heilman and Dominic Lazara
Arlene M. Holtzman and Daniel Holtzman
Judith A. Hyatt and Fred Goldstein
Donnalyn L. Kahn and Jeffrey N. Kahn □
Jacqueline G. Kelley and David Krekorian
Patrice S. Kester and Robert G. Kester
Theodore A. Lund and Norah K. Hass
Muriel Makharine-Toppazzini
H. David Megaw
Michael J. O’Connor and Judy O’Connor
Frank E. Pasquesi and Victoria L. Pasquesi
David E. Russell
Lee Zimmerman and Michele Zimmerman
Class of 1991 Fellow
Kenneth J. Gordon and Dina M. Ciarimboli
Ross W. Baker
Anna T. Green and George W. Stairs
Glenn R. Pollner and Ayelet T. Pollner
Joanne R. Soslow and Anthony W. Soslow
David G. Yu and Lily Yu
John A. Grossman and Katharine H. Olmsted
Andrew Kyriacou and Lisa Kyriacou
John N. Riccardi and Victoria A. Riccardi
Christopher P. Stief and Hally Stief
John A. Yannis
Evan H. Ackiron and Rowena R. Manlapaz
David Benfield and Elaine Benfield
Emilie A. Benoit
Bradley H. Cohen and Tina L. Cohen
John J. Jones and Marie-Claude Jones
Robert A. Kelly
Patty S. Ko
Jeffrey N. Lavine and Jennifer Lavine
Michael M. Malihi
Kimon Manolius and Lisa-Ann Wong
James McDowell and Caryn B. McDowell
Bruce C. Nelson
Eunhae Park and George S. Park
Beth S. Persky
Limor Schafman
William M. Schrier
Gwendolyn H. Yip and Santa J. Ono
Class of 1992
President’s Associate
Josh A. Krevitt and Marcy N. Krevitt
Paul L. Robinson and Jennifer Robinson Fellow
Peter Y. Flynn
Beth Pennington and Carvel B. Tefft, Jr.
Susan F. DiCicco and Robert C. Fermann
Charles S. Eberhardt, II and Darlene M. Eberhardt
Steven B. Gould and Jill Gould
Vincent I. Hsieh and Huei-Lurn H. Yang
John S. Nitao and Kristin Nitao
David H. Pawlik and Susan L. Albertine
Ramon Noyola and Carmelita P. Escalante
Michael S. Perlstein and Michele S. Perlstein
Cynthia J. Warren Donor
David N. Abramowitz
Nikos D. Andreadis
Eric W. Becker
Mary I. Estabil
Silvia P. Glick and Constance A.
Browne □
Kenneth B. Goldberg
Elizabeth L. Greene and James B. Greene
Henry L. Grossman and Susan Covitz
Margaret R. Guzman
Michael S. Isikow
Michael B. Kanef and Gail O. Kanef
Catherine W. Koziol and Dennis Koziol
Suzanne M. Lachelier
Rakel M. Meir and Brian Bell
Jaime R. Roman and Diane E. Roman
Jeanne Solomon and Adam Sohmer
Jeremy S. Westin
Raymond Wu and Sharon Juhn
Class of 1993
President’s Circle
Peter K. Levitt and Adriana Levitt
Dean’s Club
David M. McPherson and Gail L. Gugel Fellow
James B. Goldstein and Dawn L. Goldstein
Suzanne Q. Feldman and Lee S. Feldman
Dwinette E. Johnson Feemster and Mike Feemster
Michael W. McTigue, Jr. and Diane E. McTigue
Ann Marie C. Beaudoin
Sheri L. Rosen and Andrew S. Rosen
Alana B. Sharenow and William J. Graham
Sarah C. Baskin and William C. Baskin, III
Thomas W. Casparian
Adaora C. Chukudebelu
Joan E. Cirillo
Jennifer E. Clarke and Charlotte Fox
Stephen M. Edwards and Lorraine G. Edwards
Tim Futrell
Lisa G. Heller
Ron I. Honig and Joanna D. Honig
Ellyn H. Lazar
Simon J. Miller
William G. Ortner and Lynda Ortner
David A. Pappalardo
Aaron J. Polak and Karyn S. Polak
Douglas M. Press and Diana M. Press
Marc J. Rachman and Andrea Rachman
Edwin H. Raynor and Douglas B. Walter
Heather A. Russell-Loux
Kenichi Takarada
Seth R. Weissman
Karin E. Wilinski
Class of 1994
President’s Associate
Taci R. Darnell
Dawn L. Goldstein and James B. Goldstein
Robert W. Russo
Andrew P. Strehle and Julie M. Strehle
Loyda R. Torres and Fidel A. Colon
Lawrence T. Weiss and Charlene Weiss
Jamie C. Whitney and Greg Whitney
George A. Casey and Ellen N. Casey
Matthew John Gardella
William J. Graham and Alana B. Sharenow
Paul D. Tutun and Cheryl D. Tutun
Marcella A. Boelhouwer
Rita L. Brickman and David M. Brickman
Cecille B. Cargill
Linda K. Carter and Michael Carter
Joseph R. Ganley and Erin C. Ganley
Lynn D. Goldsmith and Richard L. Alfred
Andrew R. Gower
David Hammarstrom
Melanie B. Jacobs and Shane A. Broyles
Damon A. Katz and Marni Katz
Lance A. Kawesch and Anne R. Exter
D. Paul Koch, Jr. and Catherine A. Koch
Dana R. Kulvin
Matthew A. Lee-Renert and Patricia Lee
Andrew G. Liu
Caryn B. McDowell and James McDowell
Lawrence R. Moon
Karyn S. Polak and Aaron J. Polak
Babak A. Pooya
Jill M. Sapphire
Linda R. Sloan and Jeffrey R. Sloan
Frank R. Virnelli, Jr. and Carol G. Pinkston
Kenneth T. Willis and Amy H. Willis
Class of 1995
President’s Circle
Michael J. O’Connor
Carla M. Moynihan □ and James J. Moynihan
Kumi Y. Baruffi and Anthony L. Baruffi
Peter D. Rosenthal Friend
Patrick R. Jones and Kimberly A. Stone
Bradford E. Steiner
Christopher R. Bush and Christine K. Bush
Kathleen M. Conlon
David R. Feniger and Chigusa Saotome
Alfred Gordon O’Connell and Nathaniel C. O’Connell
Abigail H. Gross and Robert Gross
Daniel J. Harding
Andrea P. Hellman
Orrit Hershkovitz
Eugene M. Holmes
Glenn M. Johnson
Chunlin Leonhard and Christoph L. Leonhard
Boyce F. Martin III, III and Melea East
Frank Martinez
Dragica M. Mijailovic and Srboljub Mijailovic
Moy N. Ogilvie
Cynthia M. Selya and Bruce M. Selya
Ralph N. Sianni
Steven H. Silverman and Marsha F. Silverman
Laura Stephens □
Henry A. Zangara and Deborah E. Zangara
Class of 1996
President’s Circle
Antonio G. Gomes and Maria Cristina
Dos Santos De Souza
President’s Associate
Christi J. Offutt
Dean’s Club
Yolanda Y. Seals-Coffield and Eric Coffield
Scott A. Anthony and Christine M. DeSanze
Victoria Brewster and Kent Brewster
Jason D. Oxman and Annemarie Oxman Barrister
Clare F. Saperstein
Angelo Evangelou
John T. McKenna and Elizabeth A. McKenna
Brian A. Wilson □ and Katherine A. Wilson
Stephen G. Baron and Beth J. Larkin
Jeffrey W. Barringer and Andrea Barringer
Jessica S. Batsevitsky
John M. Blumers
Laura B. Crosby and Philip C. Crosby
Lauren G. Dome
Michael A. Forero and Michael A. De Lucia
Lisa A. Gomez and Eric Rogers
John Kelliher and Juliana F. Kelliher
Matthew T. Levy
Robert A. Maynez
Shirin Philipp and John M. Higgins
Andrea G. Re and Paul Re
Nina M. Sas and Ira Dorfman
Moorari K. Shah and Rina Shah
Joshua J. Wells
Class of 1997
President’s Associate
Eric P. Stine and Neil P. Markman
Dean’s Club
Kapil Munjal Fellow
Marisa J. Beeney
Zachary D. Beim and Lisa Bebchick
Heather A. Hoyle and Shawn Ambwani
Jennifer E. Lawrence Barrister
Michael T. Dougherty and Antonia Merzon
Christian C. Petersen and Reyhane Mostofi Friend
Richard C. Farley, Jr.
Adam D. Janoff and Jamie Janoff Donor
Scott K. Attaway
Thane E. Benson and Robin J. Johnson
Michael S. Branley and Anne Branley
Philip C. Crosby and Laura B. Crosby
Andrea L. Hillier and Craig Hillier
Tara L. Johnson and C. John DeSimone, III
Robert G. Kester and Patrice S. Kester
Phillip J. Lartigue and Osula E. Rushing
Ronald M. Leshnower
Rafael E. Martin Ponte and Fernanda Carabano
Deborah S. Mayer
Ethlyn M. O’Garro
Myrna E. Roure
Heather J. Schmidli-Coleopy
Kimberly Straker and David A. Straker
Catherine V. Tannen and David F. Schink
Class of 1998
President’s Circle
Alexander H. Bopp and Mindy S. Bopp
Sandra K. Davis and Scott Ragaglia
Robert B. Dixon and Tashwanda Dixon
Diane L. Matt Ohl and Christopher P. Ohl
William F. Meehan
Jacqueline A. Parker Friend
Craig P. Druehl and Claudette R. Druehl
Tracy Evans-Moyer and James W. Moyer
Stacey Hiller-Moss and Raymond Moss
Eric D. Levin and Julie L. Kahaner
Richard P. Palermo and Stephen Mazza
James R. Ravitz and Amanda L. Ravitz
Gregg A. Rubenstein and Bonnie G. Rubenstein
Michelle A. Zamarin Donor
Denise Adamucci
Theonie J. Alicandro
Benjamin Bejar and Mary A. Bejar
Randall P. Berdan
Mark S. Katz and Lisa Katz
Joseph M. Landolfi, Jr. and Maria E. Landolfi
Christopher T. Meier
Melissa Myers
Hope S. Olds
Michael S. Portnoy
Eric Rogers and Lisa A. Gomez
Mark E. Schamel and Deborah Ritter
David F. Schink and Catherine V. Tannen
Amanda P. Strachan
Edith S. Wun and Andrew Conahan
Class of 1999
President’s Circle
Gene Boxer and Molly J. MacDermot
Ryan K. Gallo
President’s Associate
Robin A. Walker and Geoffrey Talvola
Sandy Choi
John P. Floom and Kristen B. Floom
Timothy C. Hogan
Carrie E. Carbone and David G. Carbone
Jeremy A. Colby and Kimberly E. Colby
Delmas A. Costin, Jr.
Michaeleen E. Crowell and James A. Crowell, IV
Adam J. Falcone
Marilyn Z. Fayock
Leann M. Foley
Noah A. Hochstadt and Malka D. Hochstadt
Sharon L. Holden and Matthew S. Holden
Edward P. Kelly and Rebecca Kelly
David E. Morris and Deborah A. Morris
Carl J. Ricci
Jeremy Robert
Susan M. Seitz
Joanna M. Silva
Class of 2000
President’s Circle
Cindy Z. Michel and Lee K. Michel
President’s Associate
Jeremy N. Kudon and Greer Kudon Fellow
Nur-ul- Haq
Jeffrey R. Katz and Ellen Katz Barrister
Christopher C. Miller and Jennifer J. Miller
Julian A. Stapleford and Stephanie Kim Friend
Panda L. Kroll
Tae-Hoon C. Won
Franya G. Barnett
Katherine Bartell
Tara B. Burdman and Brett S. Stecker
Christine M. Fitzgerald and Joshua A. Stein
Marianne S. Geula
Shera G. Golder and David R. Golder
Jacqueline M. Granados
Brad E. Harrigan and Letty S. DiGiulio
Timothy P. Heaton
Scott W. Kroll
Julianna T. McCabe
Rachel B. Selby
Travis K. Smith
Daniel P. Yen
Class of 2001
President’s Associate
Daniel Marinberg and Carlos Canasi Fellow
Lisa Bebchick and Zachary D. Beim
Karl Gross
Euripides Dalmanieras Friend
Daniel P. Schafer Donor
Amy J. Berks
Joseph L. Devaney, III and Megan M. Devaney
Bryan E. Fecteau
Andrea Goldbarg
Ryan S. Luft
Mark A. Mongelluzzo and Jill Mongelluzzo
Thomas C. Orvald and Laura S. Orvald
A. Michael Primo
Savitha Reddy and Raoul Bhavnani
Jeremy E. Shulman
Robert G. Young and Michelle Apuzzio
Class of 2002
President’s Associate
Maria F. De Armas B and Gianluca Fanti
Tamarah L. Belczyk
Mark R. Curiel and Ashley Curiel
Felix Dashevsky
Laura J. Maechtlen and Monique
Melinda Mason
Lior J. Ohayon
Samuel B. Pollack
Jutta E. Bosch and Christian Thiele
Obert H. Chu
Edward F. Dombroski, Jr.
Howard P. Goldberg
Deena Hausner
John G. Hofmann and Sophie E. Barratt
Joshua P. Levy
Shaun P. Montana and Shannon A. Montana
Christopher P. Mooradian
Roxana V. Muro
Catherine O. Neijstrom and Kevin E. Neijstrom
Laura S. Orvald and Thomas C. Orvald
George B. Pauta
Kevin A. Reiss
Jodie A. Sadowsky and Scott Sadowsky
Lori W. Sievers and Eric W. Sievers
Sarah A. Smegal
Lois S. Suruki
Agnes L. Sym and Jon H. Sym
Jeremy Turk
Class of 2003
Dean’s Club
Kimberly Stein and Michael D. Leslie
Michael D. Tauer and Sarah A. Tauer
Erik K. Brue and Hannah L. Brue
Wendy L. Fritz
Namita E. Mani
Stephanie R. Richardson and Reginald A. Nepaul
Gaston de los Reyes, Jr. and Alexa de Los Reyes
Michael Feldman and Trisha J. Havasy
Amy L. Meese and Robert Meese
Sheila M. Pozon
Heather R. Zuzenak
Paolo S. Barbanti Silva
Stacie L. Boomstra
Danielle M. Drissel
Marla S. Grant
Virginia A. Greiman □ and C. Steve Bergstrom
Stephanie L. Ives and Yehuda L. Kurtzer
Cristina M. Lopez
Emily S. Miller and James A. Miller
Jill G. O’Malley
Geoffrey Sherman
Suzanne M. Smith
Andrew M. Yang
President’s Associate
Joseph A. Frasca
Dean’s Club
Russell J. Stein and Sandra Sloane Fellow
Jun Qi and Jing Jia
Luciana Aquino-Hagedorn □ and Charles Hagedorn
Jing Ma and Jing Zhang
Erick Marin
Margaret Weir Westby Friend
Farhad R. Alavi
Christopher M. Boundy
Cara E. Bradley
Hugh L. Brady
Miller B. Brownstein and Katharine A. Brownstein
Peter J. Cuomo
Petros F. Fatouros
Rebecca M. Ginzburg and Paul C. Chen
Melissa D. Kirkel and Dean M. Kirkel
Brent M. McDonald
William S. Norton
John Okray and Kelly Okray
Anthony J. Picchione
Class of 2005
Dean’s Club
Siddesh Bale and Kari Johnson Fellow
Susannah V. Howieson and Devlin Howieson
Colin G. Van Dyke and Olivia Van Dyke
Zachary N. Coseglia
Angela Gomes
Mitchell E. Hochberg
John B. Koss and Charles Compton
Christina Ronan □ and Daniel E. Ronan
Brook L. Ames □
Katherine M. Sikora Nelson
Jason P. Abbott
Nevin Boparai and Anita J. Pancholi
Katharine A. Brownstein and Miller B. Brownstein
Craig A. Buschmann
Padma Choudry
Adrienne S. Domey
Alexandra M. Gorman
Elizabeth A. Gross
David P. Loughnot
Jennifer T. McCloskey □ and Matthew D. McCloskey
Kerri L. McNulty
Paul S. Mistovich
Whitney F. Seeburg and Daniel P. Seeburg
Ramin J. Taheri and Sarah M. Taheri
Stephen J. Weaver
Class of 2006
President’s Associate
Melissa S. Rones
Terence L. Rozier-Byrd
Alexandra D. Thaler and Jesse Thaler
Sophia K. Yen and Andrew Sperry Friend
Kelly A. Gabos
Lucia V. Amiri Talesh Ramirez
Sean Chao and Yi-Pyne Ooi
Erika C. Farrell and Jason W. Farrell
Margot M. Hammond and Michael Hammond, Jr.
Nowles H. Heinrich
Clifford M. Johnson
Christopher J. Kiyan and Jolene Kiyan
James J. Kossuth
Joshua E. Levit
Jeffrey A. Loesel and Raegan B. Olone
Ryan M. Louvar and Kara Louvar
Matthew D. McCloskey and Jennifer T. McCloskey
Nolan J. Mitchell
Denise R. Rosenhaft
Joshua D. Roth and Lauren R. Roth
Nicholas A. Semanko and Holly C. Lincoln
Erika L. Skoff
Stacie A. Sobosik
Penny M. Williams
Class of 2007 Fellow
Lauren E. Reznick and Eric Nielsen
Kevin M. Saunders and Alyssa Saunders
Ross E. Linzer and Lindsey Linzer
John Paul Mello
Sonia M. Bednarowski and K. Paul Bednarowski
Jonathan H. Feiler and Erica Woltz
Matthew Rymer
Jacob Alzamora
Benjamin J. Armour
Daniel D. Bahls
Sheila Z. Collins
Kate L. Constantino
Alexandra S. Davidson
Tracie M. Dorfman
Christopher R. Freeman and Rebecca L. Freeman
Peter B. Hadler
Sarah P. Harris
Amanda S. Mooradian and Peter Mooradian
Wolf P. Mueller-Hillebrand and Chie Mueller-Hillebrand
Kimberly S. Nick
Alynn C. Perl and Benjamin B. Perl
Rebecca H. Phillips
Christina R. Rice □ and Jonathan A. Burnim
Alessandro J. Sacerdoti
Joybell Silverman and Joel Silverman
Ena S. Suh
Vikas Varma
Jeffrey H. Zaiger
Class of 2008
Dean’s Club
Karim Z. Oussayef and Melynda Barnes
Jonathan E. Anderman and Erin M. Anderman
Anna A. Kuznetsova-Schafer and Ronald Schafer
Stacey L. Pietrowicz-Dellolio and Joseph N. Dellolio
Ricardo Ganitsky
Bruce R. Kessler and Hristiyaniya Kessler
Jenna Ventorino Donor
David J. Brill
Carissa W. Brown and Mark W. Brown
Tracy S. Dowling and Sean Dowling
Jesse A. Fecker
Karen I. Gold and Ian Gold
Alon Hacohen
Charles A. Hunter and Pamela Hunter
Rachel M. Irving Pitts and Anthony Pitts
Clare Karabarinde
Timothy M. Kirby
Geoffrey J. Klimas and Rebecca A. Hermanowicz
Rebecca L. Kurowski and Brian K. Kurowski
Maia M. Larsson
Isaac Mamaysky
Rashi N. Mittal
Anna M. Richardson
Jesse Roisin
Alison L. Ross
Benjamin B. Strawn and Colleen Morey
Seth W. Thomson
Claudia F. Torres
Shanta A. Trivedi and Somil Trivedi
Class of 2009
Dean’s Club
Daniel E. Levin and Alfredo Csibi-Levin Fellow
Brenda C. Carr
Katherine A. Proctor Barrister
Jessica L. Falk
Adrianne Ortega and Abraham R. George Donor
Mario R. Andino Bernhard
Azad Assadipour
Christopher M. Barlow and Erica M. Barlow
Cristian Casanova Dominguez
David R. Chen
Mark A. Douglas
Sara B. Hanson
Carlos E. Mainero Ruiz
Loretta M. McClary and Richard E. McClary
Octavio Moura Andrade
Katelyn R. O’Brien
Kaitlin R. O’Donnell Kirkeby
Seth M. Pavsner and Rachel Pavsner
Carissa L. Rodrigue
Jacob W. Schneider and Claire S. Schneider
Adaline Strumolo
Somil Trivedi and Shanta A. Trivedi
Sarah M. Unger
Jeffrey L. Vigliotti
Mingyue Zheng
Class of 2010
Darren M. Goldman and Marci Goldman
Jessica R. Lisak Friend
Sarah J. Kitchell
Erica L. Rice
Samantha Rothaus Donor
Mohammad H. Ali
Marc N. Aspis and Sharon Aspis
Jeremy M. Denlea and Steven J. Denlea
James Ernstmeyer
Erik W. Hansen and Kimberly L. Hansen
Matthew S. Hyner
Anuj K. Khetarpal □ and Joanna Sandman
Tera S. Lally
Cristina M. Matsushima and Tomoyuki S. Matsushima
Costantino Panayides
Hector H. Sarcos Castro
Claire S. Schneider and Jacob W. Schneider
Joshua Segal and Jennifer R. Segal
Robin L. Shulman and Andrew Shulman
Class of 2011
Dean’s Club
Alana F. Montas and Rami Husseini
Taylor F. Jerri and Garrett Kosel
Christopher A. Fanelli and Jessie B. Brown
John G. MacVane
Molly E. Carter
Joel Crespo
Lian Duan and Dong Yu
Thomas B. Ferrante
Beth A. Goldstein
Patrick L. Marinaro
Tomoyuki S. Matsushima and Cristina M. Matsushima
Caitlin J. Monjeau
Lauren Ottaway Johnson
Sanil G. Padiyedathu
Katerina S. Papacosma
Nancy L. Schroeder
Shoshana S. Speiser
Shingo Yamada
Yun Zou
Class of 2012
Laura B. Kirshenbaum and Daniel S. Kirshenbaum
Alexander H. Modell and Gila K. Belsky
Ephraim J. Pierre and Crystal A. Pierre Friend
William D. Becker and Jenna Becker Donor
Gary P. Bagnall and Laura Halloran
James E. Bobseine
Renee E. Burgher
Robert F. Callahan, Jr.
Andrea Carrillo and Kevin Rhoads
John C. Godfrey and Orly Shoham
Emerich F. Gutter
Peter C. Herbst, Jr. and Kathryn Herbst
Stephanie Holding
Kelly M. Horein
Robert A. Killip and Avi Killip
Michael C. Lezaja and Lauren Rosapep
Elaine A. Martel
Melissa B. Nasson and Amory Thorndike, III
Emma R. Peckinpaugh
Megumi Watanabe
Class of 2013
Wanli Ye
Amber M. Charles
John P. Rearick and Taryn Laor
Brian M. Balduzzi
Caitlin L. Bearce and Joe Lind
Jared B. Cohen
Jacqueline R. Connor and Joseph Connor
Andrew R. Egan
Sean R. Locke
Christopher F. Lyon and Jessica Kincer
Julia C. Peyton
Andrew P. Salzman and Xiujuan Y. Salzman
Ryan D. Very
Shaojun Xu
Class of 2014
E. Peter Alvarez and Marisa Alvarez
Eric F. Christianson
Ned J. Nakles, III
Frank Ren
Leah B. Segal
Kyle T. Brekke and Sarah M. Damerville
Nicolas N. Carhart
Charlotte D. Drew
Daniel H. Jeng and Julie R. Fogarty
Grant R. Gendron
Yasmin Ghassab □
Michelle Goldberg
Lyra C. Haas
Elizabeth M. Hasse and Francisco Pagola
Rebecca W. Hollander
Daniel H. Jeng and Julie R. Fogarty
Maria Kimijima
Maksim Nemtsev
Michelle R. Pascucci □ and David Marshak
Shigeru Sasaki
Theodore Serra
Jared L. Shwartz
Taku Yamashita
Cong Yao
Jillian R. Zvolensky
Class of 2015
Dean’s Club
Alex Mooradian
Julia Sternman and Andrew Giocondi Friend
Lisa A. Bothwell
Natalie M. Burns
Candice J. Debray
Gianluca Esposito and Gisella Gori
Brendan A. Evans
Thomas F. Foley and Christina A. Foley
Danielle V. Holland and Ryan Holland
Jared S. Iverson
Arthur Langford, III
Chunhui Li and Jieqiong Zhu
Kate R. McMorrow and Jack J. McMorrow
Eileen L. Morrison and Mark A. Capansky, Jr.
Marisa K. Roman
Thomas J. Ryan
Caroline P. Samp
Andrea N. Sorrentino
Class of 2016
Caroline Galiatsos
Omar M. Aniff
Jade Brown □
Hannah Chapel
William T. Cushing and Holly Ovington
Shaun M. Filiault
Benjamin M. Greene and Leora Kimmel
Scott H. Kerr
Christina T. Lau and Michael Schiavo
Kingsley Osei and Golda Osei
Mark J. Rapisarda and Alexandra M. Rapisarda
Tyler L. Spunaugle
Michael P. Whittington
Ryan B. Yoo
Yixiang Yuan
Class of 2017
Erin M. Bruynell
Jeffrey D. Butensky
Christina Duszlak
Sari A. El-Abboud
Shaelyn Gambino Morrison
Rio J. Gonzalez
Matthew B. Hilowitz
Insung Kim
Evelyn Limon
Duo Liu
Greggory B. Oberg
Jason W. Roche
Natalie Rowles
Valerie N. Russell
Jessica Yang
Caitlin A. Zeytoonian and John Hall
Class of 2018
Danielle M. Simard
Kian L. T. Koh
Aude S. Peden
Ya-Chun Yu
Evan M. Bailey
Ying Chen
Michael J. Clark
Brynn E. Felix
Lucas L. Fortier
Rodrigo Garnica Soberanes
Alex T. Katsulis
Yun-Chen Lee
Gechen Meng
Kenneth J. Moy
Merissa B. Pico
Brandan E. Ray
Ashley A. Satterlee
Michal Shany
Michelle Shortsleeve
Kevin M. Smith and Kristen Bryant
Wenfeng Su
Michael J. Torruella
Oscar Urcisichi Arellano and Patricia E.
Vincent S. Uy
William E. Wilson
Rizky Wirastomo
Class of 2019
Nana A. Ankamah
Meghan M. Hayes
Kathleen Lenox
Molly A. MacDougall
Daniel D. Marks
Bruce M. Mwauluka
Brittany L. Nyovanie
Jayvee G. Rhoda
Luke W. Schafer
Marianne Strassle
Brigitte A. Swift
Markus R. Willert
Class of 2020
Bradley M. Baranowski
Gloria Donati
Laura C. Drohan
Ryan C. Finn
Luis S. Guerrero
Caroline A. Hopland
Max Jiusto and Kristin Jiusto
Zach Lawrence
Hillary A. Leffue
Emmylou N. Manwill
Joseph W. Markel
James M. Mcleod
Catherine M. McManus
Maxwell T. Robidoux
Bria M. Stephens
Norman M. Vigil
Chenghuai Xu
Jesus D. Zelaya
Class of 2021
Zahraa M. Badat
Jennifer K. Bentley
Isabel Burlingame
Kevin G. Day
John E. Dugger
Derek H. Farquhar
David Gagne
Dominique B. Gale-Mcclean
Olivia Griffin
Rebecca N. Gutterman
Brendan J. Harrington
Haley E. Hohensee
Muryum Khalid
Na’imah J. Lafferty
David Lamorte
Ellen C. Miller
Justine E. Morris
David M. Olio
Kimberley A. Scimeca
Class of 2022
Savannah R. Arguello
Alina J. Cathcart
Mark Cotton
Kalyn M. Garner
Aaron B. Gordon
Luke T. Joyner
Luke Monbouquette
Seth E. Montgomery
Rachel G. Ngo Ntomp □
Li Pan
Nash K. Simpson
Jiayuan Tian
Class of 2023
Bahram Ahmadli
Mutaz M. Alamri
Lucas Amodio
Margaux J. Arntson
Paloma G. Bagby
Jonas C. Bahceci
Tomas G. Ballester
Anna G. Bottrell
Walter O. Bourdaghs
Bryan Dickerson
Michael A. Fine
Ayako Furumura
Ysabel A. Gomez-Gonzalez
Ye E. Huang
Chisara V. Ibezim
Geoffrey Kazlow
Jeremy G. Lister-Perlman
Joseph E. Long
Carson P. Martinez
Daniel P. McMonagle
Sheridan A. Organ
Melissa A. Pereira
Lisa M. Richmond
Lee I. Usiskin
Eric P. Zenzerovich
President’s Circle
$25,000 or more
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Nancy E. Barton Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Climateworks Foundation
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Department of Health and Social Care
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The Estate of Samuel M. Fineman
Michael D. Fricklas & Donna J. Astion Foundation
The German Federal Ministry of Education & Research
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Innovators Network Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Trust of Saul Kurlat
Latham & Watkins LLP
Law School Admission Council
National Philanthropic Trust
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.
Vanbarton Group LLC
Vanguard Charitable
The Wellcome Trust
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
President’s Associates
American Endowment Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Boston Foundation
Constangy, Brooks, Smith, and Prophete LLP
Cooley LLP
Ashley Craig and Rob D. Craig Fair Work PC
Goodwin Procter LLP
J.P. Morgan Charitable Trust
John McCarthy and Birgitta McCarthy
Microsoft Corporation
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
Eric S. Pettit and Teri M. Stein
Ropes & Gray LLP
The Estate of Stuart M. Shotwell
David M. Stern and Kathleen S. Stern
Donald A. Stern
Robert M. Thomas, Jr. □ and Polly Hoppin
Dean’s Club
American University of Beirut (Open Society Foundations)
Baupost Group
Choate Hall & Stewart, LLP
Fidelity Foundation
James E. Fleming □ and Linda C. McClain □
Law Offices of Jerry S. Goldman & Associates, PC
Daniel B. and Florence E. Green Foundation
McDermott Will & Emery
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Angela Onwuachi-Willig □ and Jacob Willig-Onwuachi □
The Pizzagalli Foundation
Kenneth A. Plevan
The Profesta Foundation
Matthew S. Robinson and Emily S. Robinson
Sidley Austin LLP
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Judith W. Torruella
TRG International LLC
University of Miami
University Of Washington
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Shawn Ambwani and Heather Hoyle Charitable Trust
Burns & Levinson LLP
Brian Cuddeback and Jennifer Cuddeback
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation
Foley Hoag LLP
Goulston & Storrs PC
Holland & Knight LLP
K&L Gates, LLP
National Women’s Law Center
Case Nieboer
Nutter, McClennen & Fish LLP
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
David J. Seipp □ and Carol Lee
Al Stonitsch and Helen Witt
Barry Winston and Brenda Winston
Mehr P. Akbar and Adel Dasmah
Justo Arenas, Jr. and Andragale Arenas
Baker Botts LLP
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Jane M. Burdick
Casellas Alcover & Burgos PSC
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Vincent Chiao
Dechert LLP
Anna M. di Robilant □
Stacey L. Dogan □ and Gregg Shapiro
Stephen M. Donweber □
Zachary P. Dubin □
Fiduciary Trust Company
Tamar Frankel □ and Raymond Atkins
Kristoffer Garin and Semra A. Mesulam
Law Offices of Victor J. Garo
The Gayda Family Foundation
Edward & Verna Gerbic Family Foundation
Greenberg Traurig LLP
Hanki Family Trust
John B. Hobby and Wendy A. Hobby
Peter Honig and Susan Flamm-Honig
Jewish Communal Fund
The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Wendy J. Kaplan □ and Tim Armour
Rita J. & Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation Inc.
Trust of Luke F. Kelley
Adam Krueckeberg □
Alissa R. Leonard □
Gerry F. Leonard □
Mona L. Locke
Metlife Inc. Charity Custodial Account
Michael Miller
Timothy M. Pettit and Jennifer M. Pettit
Renuka A. Rangappa
Ruth R. Rubin
Salt, Inc
Wendy R. Sherman and Bruce Stokes
David R. St. Germain and Ann M. St. Germain
Stifel Charitable Inc.
The T. Rowe Price Program For Charitable Giving
David I. Walker □ and Lauren Walker
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
The Clara Weiss Fund Trust
Ronald E. Wheeler, Jr. □
Marlene H. Alderman
Asian-American Lawyers Association Massachusetts, Inc.
Boston College
Bright Funds Foundation
Brown Rudnick LLP
Charles Carlson and Anna Carlson
J. D. Clinton and Mary S. Clinton
Beth G. Davis
Mary E. Ehrenreich and Stephen G. Marks □
Felos & Felos PA
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
Goodman Law LLC
Eric Gritz and Tami Gritz
Deborah Ho
Jones Day
Gary S. Lawson □ and Patricia B. Lawson
Thomas Lincoln
Locke Lord LLP
Aditya Manaktala and Ridhi Bagga
Manuel Menendez Marin
Kevin Outterson □ and Marya Outterson
Proskauer Rose LLP
Robinson & Cole LLP
Andrew & Sheri Rosen Family Foundation
Elizabeth Ryan-Catalano □
Eugene P. Schwartz Family Foundation
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Sid’s Carpet Barn Inc.
Bernard Stewart and Alice Stewart
Michael A. Tomasulo
Wolf Greenfield & Sacks P.C.
Claire B. Abely □
Cathy Ackerson
Neil Aldin and Mary Lou Lacek
Jill Alpert
Brooke Arlington □
Atlanta Jewish Foundation
Gabriela G. Ballester
Cecily V. Banks □ and Jonathan P. Banks
Angela Bauer
Lillian F. Bicchieri
Joseph P. Blankinship, Jr.
Gina A. Bottrell
Braverman and Lester
Brockton Animal Hospital LLC
Carlyn E. Burdick and Allan Sobon
Juditra Burgess □
Law Offices of Richard I. Burstein
John P. Cahill □
California Community Foundation
Marni G. Caputo □
Adriana Castanon Moreira da Silva
Arcangelo Cella
Su Chiang □
Clifford Wright PC
Kent A. Coit □ and Gail P. Mazzara
Jill Collins □
Antonio Jose J. Colorado
Christopher Conley □
Jessie Curtis
Liz Davis
Steven Dean □
Tara L. Johnson and C. John DeSimone, III
Michela M. Doherty □
Catherine Dorsey
Whitney M. Dowdy
Claire Drigotas
Barry Dubin
Deborah Dublin
James Duda and Gillian Duda
Bradley Dunkin
Lauren D. Eckenroth □
Marc A. Elfman LLC
Vivian Etter □
William Fang □
Alan L. Feld □ and Marcia Feld
Brenton J. Fergusson and Cori Fergusson
Kenneth G. Fettig
Elizabeth H. Field
Claire Fielder □
Kalen Fletcher and Elias Tapley
Alan B Fodeman Atty at Law
Luke J. Ford and Kathleen Ford
Ellen M. Frentzen □
Lara Fuenmayor □ and Billy Fuenmayor
Fiona Garda
Todd Goldberg and Amy Goldberg
Donald E. Griffith □ and Anna J. Griffith
Andrew Guzman
Danielle Hamilton
Justin Hancock and Sidonie E. Hancock
Mary H. Hancock
Woodrow Hartzog □
Mohammed M. Hasnat
Arvin N. Hedayaty
Rafael Hernandez
Scott Hirst □
Erica Hitchings □
Susan E. Hoaglund
Moira Hogan
Chester D. Hooper □
Andrew T. Horgan □ and Andrea Horgan
Nicole Huberfeld □
Abigail D. Ingalls
Jerome H. Fletcher Revocable Trust
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford, Inc.
Jewish Endowment Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Kathleen D. Joyce □ and Michael Joyce
Daniel H. Jurayj and Katharine B. Silbaugh □
Lorraine E. Kaplan □
Zachary D. Kaufman □
Katherine W. Kean Rev. Trust
Daniel L. Kleinman □
Paul Knothe and Brandy Gros
Joseph Kolankowski and Elizabeth M. Kolankowski
Phillip C. Koutsogiane, Esq.
Lane & Bentley PC
Chris LaPlaca
Lauro-Phillips Revocable Living Trust
Hugh J. Lavery and Meredith H. Lavery
Mandie A. Lebeau □
Claire Lee □
Maureen Leo □
Stephen Leo
Minna G. Levin
Levitt Family Law and Mediation, LLC
Judith Lieberman & Lester Lieberman FDNJ Non-Profit
Cesar M. Linares Estevez
Becks A. Loo
Priscilla M. Louie □
The Claude L. Lowen Trust
Kathleen Luz □
David B. Lyons □ and Sandra N. Lyons
Diane MacDonald □
Santina Liliana Mangiafico □
Naomi M. Mann □
Anna Maria Masi
Stuart W. McDonald
Mary C. Meehan
Shira Megerman □
Michael J. Meurer □ and Miyuki Yamaguchi
Colin Miller and Jennifer Miller
Howard M. Miller Law Offices
Kimberly F. Miragliuolo □
Sandra N. Mitchell
Kevin M. Mitchell, Jr. □
Nancy J. Moore □
Ramiro Morales, Jr. and Martha Garzon
Severin Mueldner
Geraldine M. Muir □
A. K. Nandakumar and Jyothi Nandakumar □
Monroe and Florence Nash Foundation, Inc.
Susan Novick
Robert T. O’Day
Brent C. Parrish
Portia Pedro □
Danielle Pelfrey Duryea □ and Eric Pelfrey Duryea
Rebecca Pendleton □
Javier J. Perez-Andreu and Marta J. Perez
Peter Perlman
The Prim Law Firm PC
Martin Quintana and Susie Quintana
Alexa Ramer □
Eric Rantelili
Martha Redding
Angela Reeve
Juan C. Reyes-Ramos and Amarilis De Soto-Cordero
Frank Riddick, III and Carol Riddick
Michal Riley and Sara Riley
Jennifer L. Robble □
Christopher Robertson □ and Jamie Robertson
Jacabed Rodriguez-Coss
Zachary S. Rossetti □ and Laura E. D’Amato □
Lynne N. Rossman and David B. Rossman □
Joellen Saunders
Ed Schmidt and Kelley Schmidt
Elizabeth A. Schultz and Robert G. Bone
Sanjeev Seereeram and Cecilia Mercado
Andrew F. Sellars □
Sarah R. Sherman-Stokes □
Sharon Shriver
Jed Shugerman □
Amy Siegel □
Jessica Silbey □ and Keith Dresser
Robert D. Sloane □
Sobosik Law
D. Craig Story Attorney at Law
Lexa I. Sullivan and Brian K. Sullivan
Kellie Sullivan □
Jack Sullivan
Aida Ten □
Alan D. and Judith Tobin Charitable Foundation
Annie Tong
Mary Tracy
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Michael Ullian and Karen Ullian
Veronica Valdivieso
David H. Webber □ and Irit Tau-Webber
Stefanie B. Weigmann □
Nancy M. Weir
Pamela Weisberg
Jay D. Wexler □
YHB Charitable Endowment
Kathryn M. Zeiler □
Qin Zhang and Jiang Ding