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Spring 2022 PlantingScience Session Recap
Spring 2022 PlantingScience Session Recap
If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we work with some amazing teachers and scientists. Despite the fact that many K-12 schools are still working through a regrouping phase, we had a solid spring session that served nearly 700 students. All together, they completed 190 investigations with nearly every available Investigation Theme represented! Interestingly, the theme that drew the most attention from teachers and students this session was our Agronomy Feeds the World theme, perhaps reflecting the Next Generation Science Standards’ emphasis on human reliance on the environment and effects on biodiversity. In the end, 30 projects received nominations for Star Project awards, of which 10 were selected to receive honors. Check out the winning projects in our new Star Project gallery at: https://plantingscience. org/psprojects/starprojectssp22.
Of course, none of this could have happened without the generous support of our wonderful donors, mentors, and Master Plant Science Team (MPST) members. Our thanks go out to those who willingly gave their resources, time, and attention to our student teams, giving them the opportunity to discover firsthand what wonderful people you are! We hear regularly from our teachers how much they and their students love PlantingScience, and how effective the program has been in capturing students’ interest in plants. Thank you for being a part of this effort!
By Dr. Catrina Adams, Education Director
Jennifer Hartley,
Education Programs Supervisor
As we close out the 2021-22 school year, we’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the following BSA-sponsored PlantingScience MPST members:
Claudia Anca Barcu
Israel Borokini
Yanni Chen
Dani Davis
Kelsey Fisher Ana Flores
Sara Johnson Brooke Kern
Josh Kraft Guadalupe Maldonado Andrade Jill Marzolino Chelsea Pretz
Lydia Tressel Renate Wuersig Shan Wong Aleena Xavier
These PlantingScience participants not only mentor student groups directly; they also serve as our teachers’ guides by assisting with mentor recruitment, monitoring student project progress, and ensuring that communication is flowing smoothly. Please join us in applauding the contributions of these important PlantingScience members and thanking them for playing a vital role in the program’s success. Recruitment is now underway for the 2022-23 Master Plant Science Team! If you or someone you know could benefit from an opportunity to grow as a mentor and leader, visit https:// plantingscience.org/mentorjoin/mpstinfo to learn more about this unique and meaningful experience.
As the PlantingScience team looks forward to the coming school year, we’re seeking input from our past participants to ensure we’re prioritizing features and improvements that make the program the best it can be for all. If you’ve served as a PlantingScience MPST member or mentor (or both!), we’d love to hear more about what aspects of the program worked well for you and where you encountered challenges. Consider completing our Participant Feedback survey—this survey is completely anonymous, and takes about 5 minutes to complete: https://bit.ly/PSSurvey-2022.
Attending Botany2022 in Anchorage (either in person or virtually)? Consider joining us for our PlantingScience discussion session, or come visit our table.