The Executive Magazine Issue 1

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CONTENTS MANAGING DIRECTOR Zanele Guma CONTRIBUTORS Busisiwe Mthetwa Tshepiso Olopeng Ogone Makwati Michelle Marumo Mompati Nage William Burger Mphoentle Motswagae PHOTOGRAPHY Tafadzwa Nazare COVER PHOTOGRAPH Bornaking Photography

Welcome to the first issue of The Executive Magazine, a publication focused on business and lifestyle. This first issue gives a whole new readership the

opportunity to enjoy a glimpse into a part of our business and lifestyle world

that was previously inaccessible to them until now. Every issue, we feature at

least one entrepreneur locally who is doing well by Botswana standards. This will come along with pointers which aspiring and current business owners or

executives can learn from. Our magazine serves to address and be informative

to both the younger and older generation of business people, as well as offering them entertainment through fashion, events, the motoring industry, technology,

travel features, a health and well-being piece and a home décor section inspired by local homes and havens.

As 2013 comes towards its end, I hope that many of you have made significant positive progress in your personal and business lives; starting to eat healthy,

EDITOR Sipho Moyo

exercising, quiting bad habits, not procrastinating, tied the knot, started

SUB EDITOR Janet Mudongo

of progression in life that should be celebrated and commended. If you haven’t


successful companies, expanded your current ones, networked with successful

individuals, bought your first house, plot or car. All these are signs and milestones got to that point yet, don’t despair, your time will come. Keep in mind; two of the most important aspects about being successful are patience and persistence. The key point in life is to work hard and smart not just at your workplace but in starting and growing your own business. “No company will make you a

millionaire, maybe just employee of the year and by the time you retire you will have no savings at all.” However it is also important to recognize that you can

THE EXECUTIVE (PVT) LTD Plot 22714 Phase 4 Gaborone

save the little that you get from your work and invest it into something that can

MAIL: P.O. Box 404583 Gaborone, Botswana

is the magazine for you.

Call: (+267) 72580607 (+267) 76333419

dreams, even if you are the only one… and I will believe with you.

Design & Layout: The Brand Group



The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

generate significant profits for yourself. I strongly believe that almost everyone

wants to be wealthy, have their dream home, drive the most luxurious cars, have a happy family, go for splendid holidays, go for daily dinners and throw lovely

parties at any time to celebrate life and prosperity. If this describes you then this

I like to call this the season of progression and I wish u strength to face that

old rusted bulldozer in your life that has been pulling you back. Believe in your

Sipho Moyo Editor



18 8

A legacy to last: Mustafa Hussain


5 secrets to motivating your staff


How to hire the best people for your small business


7 ways to stay productive when you are exhausted


Business owner burnout

Fashion & Trends 17 24

The Left Shoe Company Blends Tradition and Technology for Custom Bespoke Shoes Fashion for the up and trendy




Eating in secret


I have a confession: I love chocolate


Whats in the chilli


Chef Xtra-ordinarie


Wearable Technology


Top five movies all entrepreneurs should watch

Launches New 37 Mercedes-AMG Performance Luxury Automobiles


Cars & Auto


Men’s Grooming Resolutions: 2014

Drnks & Cocktails


Technology & Entertainment

The Residence Zanzibar: Exotic Luxury in The Indian Ocean

Health & Wellness


Food & Nutrition

Mercedes-AMG Launches New Performance Luxury Automobiles


House & Home


Living the Dream





Airport Junction Motorshow

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Secrets to motivating your staff


If your staff has hit a rut and lacks enthusiasm, it’s time to step in and turn things around. These 5 motivational tricks can help.

unning a small business

to follow up periodically and see how each

meeting with clients. The result is a team

means relying on others to

team member is making progress toward

that works the way they work best, instead

make your dreams come

her part of the goal. If she’s on or ahead of

of all conforming to an arbitrary norm.

true, and the quality of your team’s

schedule, it’s an opportunity to praise good

work will match the quality of how you

work and solid motivation. If she’s behind,

motivate them. The following five secrets

you have a chance to give the kind of one-

3. Give all the perks you can, especially the free ones.

for motivating staff are the same ones

on-one mentorship that fosters inspiration

Benefits and perks are part of every strong

used by pros throughout the business

and loyalty.

compensation package, and you should

world. Don’t use them like a checklist,

can afford. If you don’t, employees will

personalized motivation that will best fit

2. Define the mission, then set staff free.

the personalities of your workforce.

Setting up clear parameters for success,

But that’s not the most important aspect of

expectations of behavior and a schedule of

motivation. It turns out employees count on

1. Set clear goals and follow up.

production is important when delegating

health insurance, but love small, inexpensive

tasks to your staff. The clearer and more

perks like bring-your-dog-to-work days,

“Lack of clear direction” is among the

specific you are about these points, the

discount programs and company-bought

most common complaints in a dissatisfied

closer the final result will be to what you

lunches. Even something as simple as casual

workforce. They don’t understand the

want.But once you’ve defined the mission,

Friday’s results in a happier, better motivated

context or value of their assignments, so

give individual team members as much


they can’t get excited about them. For each

latitude as possible when it comes to how

project in your business, set a clearly defined

they complete their tasks. For example, this

goal, then show exactly how each team

gives Dan, the father of four, freedom to

member’s contribution makes that goal

come in early and leave after lunch on days

4. Focus on communication— even when that’s not the problem.


he needs to watch a soccer game. It lets

Half of program failures in a company

But don’t stop there. It’s equally important

Jenny wear casual clothes on days she isn’t

boil down to a collapse in communication.

though. Consider them springboards for


offer as broad a range as your company

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

ultimately leave for a competitor who can.


“Lack of clear direction” is among the most common complaints in a dissatisfied workforce. They don’t understand the context or value of their assignments, so they can’t get excited about them.

your specific missions, you will attract and keep a team that’s already highly motivated to turn your visions into reality. But it’s not enough to simply list the values like a new kind of mission statement. You, as the leader, must embody those values with

Your team might not be motivated because

terms of communication makes it nobody’s

your every decision and action. You can’t

you’ve failed to communicate how much

fault. Your team member will appreciate

drive to work in a gas-guzzling truck if you

you value them. They might be highly

your leniency, and you’ll still be addressing

say you value green commerce, nor can you

motivated to produce the wrong results

the fact that a problem happened.

go home early on days you’ve instructed

because of a poorly communicated mission

your team to stay late.

communication, the better things will go.

5. Define the company values ... and live them.

But focusing on communication can be even

Employees work best for companies that

more important when communication isn’t

share their values, just as they get along best

the problem. If a valued employee makes an

with people with congruent priorities. If

honest mistake, discussing the problem in

you define your company values as clearly as

statement. The more accurate and clear your

What are ways you can apply these concepts, or tweak them to meet the needs of your team? Tell us about them in the comments section and join the conversation!

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Lights, , a r e Cam

JOBS! How to Hire the Best People for Your Small Business...

g r o B m By To


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



our business is only as good as the people you employ. It has been

said that when your customers or clients come into contact with

two and one-half times the person’s salary. That means a poor hiring decision for a candidate earning $100,000 per year could cost, on average, $250,000, and that expense comes right off the bottom line.”

your employees, they represent your business. In fact in the customer’s mind, they are the business. As far as the customer’s purchase of your product or service is concerned, your team provides the most important part of the transaction. The business relationship your team has with the people they serve can literally make or break the desire for them to be a loyal client. In other words, your business will be only as profitable as the people you employ.With that said, it makes excellent business sense to hire the very best people. Unfortunately in many businesses and organizations today, the process of hiring is not as well thought out or executed as it should be. The Harvard Business Review points out that as much as 80 percent of employee turnover is due to bad hiring decisions. In the long run it can cost you plenty. Fred Yager, reports that “Recruiters I spoke with said that if you make a mistake in hiring and you recognize and rectify the mistake within six months, the cost of replacing that employee is still going to cost you

In this article I will discuss the first part of a process that is designed to help you make better decisions when it comes to hiring the right people to represent your company or organization. These tips can help you make smarter hiring decisions. The first place to begin is creating the ad that describes the job qualifications and competencies of the individual you want to hire. This description should be worded in such a way that it clearly describes the job requirements. The job ad should be designed in such a way that it actually eliminates people who would not be a good fit. The more detailed the job ad is, the more clear it makes it to potential job applicants that they would be a good candidate. The next step is to make sure you have a clear, detailed description of the ideal candidate for the position. If you don’t have one, it would be wise to list the personal and job related qualities the ideal person for this position should possess. Check with some of your other employees and get their feedback on what qualities they think this person should have. Once you have that, you are ready to go to the next

step: the places to look for excellent potential job applicants. There are many places to look for new job applicants who can fill your empty position. One good place to begin is by asking your outstanding employees who else they know that might be interested in applying for the position. Typically, people associate with other people much like them. So, it stands to reason that they would have friends who could be perfect for the job. It helps if you could provide some kind of incentive or bonus to the employee, if the person they recommend actually gets hired. Another place to look for new applicants is to use your personal and business contacts. Many times they know of someone who could be perfect for the job you are looking to fill. Another place that is proving to be a good source for potential job applicants is online. Use Internet ads, through sources like, Craig’s List,, Careerbuilder. com and other specialized websites for specialized jobs.

So in summary: •

Hiring the right people will save you lots of money and prevent you from experiencing the headaches of hiring the wrong kind of employees.

• Create job ads that accurately describe the requirements of the position. •

Have a detailed description of the ideal job candidate.

Look for employees in the right places.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Ways to stay

productive when you are


Pulling an all-nighter to meet a deadline? Don’t worry. Put on the coffee, take a deep breath and follow these tips to stay sharp and get the work done.


ou can barely keep your eyes open, yet you need to meet that critical deadline. You had no idea it was going to take this long, be this difficult or that so many things were going to go wrong. It doesn’t matter, though, because sometimes you just need to push through. You can blame it on poor planning, ridiculous demands or both. Whatever the reason is, it’s irrelevant now because no excuse in the world is going to change things. You need to do the work now! If you’re running on no sleep, try these seven tips to stay awake, focused and on task.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


5. Exercise. Push-ups and sit-ups will wake you up. Do them hard and do them fast to get the blood pumping and your metabolism up. If you can’t do push ups and hate the idea of a sit-up, then find some stairs and go up and down them a few times. Run in place. Put your back to the wall and do squats. Whatever you do, get your heart rate up.

6. Stand up. When you’re sitting, it’s easy to slump. If you can, stand while you’re working. Find a counter

1. Disable all computer distractions.

mind doesn’t focus on singing).

sleep will give you more energy

Secondly, make sure the music

than a cup of coffee and loud

Our ability to concentrate and

rocks. You want it to have lots

tunes. Set the alarm to very loud

stay on task becomes ex-

of energy. Listening to lullabies,

and go lie down for 20 to 25

tremely diminished when we’re

or music that makes you want to

minutes. You’ll be groggy when

exhausted. Drifting around the

cry in your beer (you should not

you wake up, and you may feel

Web and checking your email

be drinking beer if you’re that

the urge to suck your thumb,

for the 100th time will keep you

exhausted), does not help at this

but start pushing forward. After

from getting the work done.

critical time.

a few minutes you’ll be cranking

Simply turning off email won’t

away again, and even feeling

on. Disable your email and the

3. Take a short nap.

Web altogether. The best way?

Napping may sound counterin-

Disable your wireless connec-

tuitive, but trust me, naps work.

tion, or pull the data cable.

If you have kids, you know what

4. Ingest coffee, Coke, sugar and caffeine.

20 minutes of snooze time can

Do I need to say more? Knock

2. Turn up the tunes that you don’t know.

do. It works for adults too. Yeah,

back some double espressos,

you have a critical deadline ...

Mountain Dew, Red Bull or

every minute counts, right? Yet

whatever it takes to keep you

Music helps ... but it needs to be

I’m telling you that you need to

going for the short haul or for

instrumental or music with lyrics

get some sleep, even a little bit.

that last push.

that you don’t know (so your

It’s true. Even 25 minutes of

work, since you will turn it back

pretty refreshed.

or build up a low counter by putting a box or something on it to create a counter you can work at. If you have something you can do while walking around and talking into a tape recorder, or writing on a pad of paper, do it.

7. Slice and dice it. If you ask people who are drunk to say the alphabet, they will mess up every time. If you ask them to repeat one letter at a time, after you say it, they will nail it. It’s the same with your work. If you have to work on a full-length report for example, break it down into very small chunks. Just think about the one sentence you need to do. When it’s done, put all the focus on the next sentence.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Eating in


ou’ve already had dinner and that second serving you should have passed on. It’s almost midnight and while you should be getting your z’s, you head to the freezer and grab the carton of ice cream and dig in. Exhausted and stressed from work, family and relationships, it seems far too often women, and even men, are finding thatfood is the best way to cope with our emotions. Maybe you head to the vending machine when bored at work or eat that entire bag of potato chips when you’re upset, and it’s only shortly after, you depressingly realize what you have done. You feel unhealthy and disgusted with yourself so you say screw it, and reach for the cookies that you have strategically stashed away, out of site, for this very reason 10

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

secret Far too many of us struggle with this cycle of emotional eating. It’s a crutch we all fall back on at some point in our life for

whatever stress we may be dealing with. While some of us may have the occasional chocolate binge after a break up, this type of coping mechanism can turn into a habitual way of dealing with your emotions. Emotional eating occurs in the absence of physical hunger and is an “avoidance coping” strategy. Often time’s emotional eaters will typically eat food they enjoyed during their childhood or foods that are high in fat and sugar, which triggers a serotonin response in the brain.

This causes the individual to feel pleasure while eating. Many emotional eaters want to avoid or escape unpleasant emotions such as sadness or stress and instead of dealing with those emotions food becomes the solution to the underlying issues. Although this may seem like a quick fix, our emotions and problems still resonate and using food as a solution to those problems will only give you some type of relief for a couple of

nutrition minutes. We often feel even worse after

take a deep breath and relax! We all have

of the best and easiest ways to increase

because nothing productive has been

indulged in something to relieve stress or

your overall health is to drink water!

done to alleviate the original source

an emotion, sometimes without even re-

Often times we feel hungry, but we are

of stress, and guilty feelings from this

alizing it. This may not mean you are an

just simply dehydrated and thirsty. Keep

unhealthy eating pattern adds additional

emotional eater, but this article should

a water bottle with you at all times and


help you to think about why you chose to

keep it filled. Lastly, let your emotions

eat what you ate, and to be more aware

out and find comfort in human interac-

This habit often leads to nutrition

of your feelings and the actions you are

tions. Feeling angry or upset? Forgo the

deficiencies, weight gain and an unbal-

taking to solve those issues in your life.

popcorn and call a friend to chat.

to bigger problems such as developing

Next time your about to head to the

As always, exercise and maintaining a

type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease

vending machine at work, go for a walk

healthy and nutritious diet is one of the

and hypertension. Emotional eating is

instead and get some fresh air (walking

best things we can do for ourselves. Food

also one of the biggest triggers for binge

to the vending machine doesn’t count!)

and exercise affect how we feel and how

eating and for developing other serious

If you like music, plug in your head-

we function. Find foods that are nutri-

eating disorders such as bulimia.

phones and close your eyes for a couple

tious and that you really enjoy. Listen

of minutes. Buy some aromatherapy oil

to your body and your mind and get in

Now, if you are reading this and think-

and keep it at your desk. Having some-

touch with your emotions!

ing, “ Oh no, I ate that entire pint of

thing that smells good can be calming

ice cream last night after work!” Please

and release those happy hormones. One

anced, varied diet. These issues can lead

“Often time’s emotional eaters will typically eat food they enjoyed during their childhood or foods that are high in fat and sugar, which triggers a serotonin response in the brain.”

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



I have a confession-

i luurrrrrvvv chocolate 12

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

nutrition Flavanols found in cocoa can help thin

of chocolate. It has been shown that dark

blood and relax our blood vessels. If high

chocolate can lessen cravings for sweet, salty,

blood pressure runs in your family or you

and other fatty foods. A little goes a long

are at risk yourself, even just incorporating a


little bit of cocoa every day can help. If dark

Prevent Diabetes

chocolate doesn’t sound appealing to you

Yep! It’s true. Some studies have shown

try to add it to some of your favorite foods

eating a small amount of dark chocolate


so the taste is not as bitter. Sprinkle some

a day can have the potential for insulin

cocoa powder on top of some low-fat Greek

resistance to lower by nearly half.

yogurt or add a spoonful to your favorite

Flavanoids* increase nitric oxide production,


which can help control insulin sensativity.

sweetness can make your day all the better.

Improve Your Mood

Glowing Skin

If you’re like me I seem to feel instantly

Not only can cocao help reduce stress

better after I take that first bite of chocolate.

hormones, preventing fewer collegen

This superfood contains elements that boost

breakdown in the skin (fewer wrinkles!), but

our endorphins and serotonin. These two

flavanols can help your skin look its best.

chemicals are best known for making us feel

They serve as a skin protectant from UV

happy. If you need a quick pick me up have

damange, fight free radicals and increase

a couple of dark Hershey kisses. You can

blood flow, giving you that glow that every

have four for fewer than 100 calories!

woman wants!

Think Smarter

So treat yourself to life’s sweetness! Find

have a confession. I have an obsession with chocolate. There, I said it. I LOVE chocolate. After all, we are

only human and sometimes a little bit of

We all try and makehealthy choices for ourselves and it is important to continue to do so. Well there is good news for all the chocolate lovers out there. It can be healthy! Dark chocolate has loads of benefits for you. However, before you get too excited about all the great benefits of chocolate do remember that chocolate is chocolate. It is high in fat, but with moderation we can all enjoy a little bit of the good stuff. Read on to find out what this sweet can do for you!

Dark has More Antioxidants Dark chocolate has loads of antioxidants. Antioxidants eat up free radicals, molecules that are found in heart disease and other illnesses. Make sure it’s dark though! Research shows that milk may interfere with how our bodies absorb those antioxidants,

ways in which you like to incorporate this Dark Chocolate can increase blood flow to

superfood into your diet and don’t be scared

the brain improving your cognitive function.

to love a little bit of chocolate every now

Cocoa contains theobromine, which

and then.

increases heart rate and can increase brain function, focus and concentration. Research has shown that people who consumed flavanol-rich chocolate scored significantly

Flavanoids are plant-based compounds with

higher on cognitive tests than those who

antioxidants that help reduce inflamation,

didn’t. No studying needed here!

promote healthy arteries, and can repair

opposing all the health benefits that we want in the first place.

Lower My Blood Pressure, Please!

*What’s a Flavanoid?

cellular damage to help fight aging. They

Drop a Jean Size

also help prevent certain diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and some

Okay, maybe not a whole jean size, but

cancers. Like dark chocolate, look for foods

dark chocolate has been found to be far

rich in these!

more filling compared with other kinds

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



What’s in the

chilli? The Chilli : Dynamite in a small package.....

We all know that chilli’s are hot but not all chilli’s are equal. Did you know that there are many different varieties and although India is currently the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of chilli’s, they actually originated in the Americas.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



o what is it about chilli’s that make them so popular? Chilli’s are mostly known for their culinary purpose, as they are versatile

and add spice to dishes. However, they have also been used for medicinal purposes throughout the centuries, therefore able to relieve many conditions. The intense heat factor is caused byCapsaicin, a chemical found mostly around the seeds. It is this chemical that holds much of the nutritional and medicinal benefit for the chilli.

What then does Capsaicin do?

Capsaicin is well known for its pain relieving benefits. Chillis stimulate endorphins (the feel good chemical) thus relieving pain and promoting a sense of well being, so the hotter the chilli the better! You can even get topical capsaicin as it is used as a natural painkiller!! The heat felt takes energy and calories to produce and speeds up the metabolism, therefore chilli’s are also great for burning fat. Red chilli peppers like cayenne help to reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and spicing up with chilli peppers may also protect the fats in your blood from damaging free radicals.

It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (which may help rheumatoid and arthritis sufferers), helps clear congestion by immediately opening the nasal passages (think of the immediate kick you get after eating a really hot curry!) and it may reduce the risk of prostate and stomach cancer.

It lowers blood sugar levels by controlling insulin levels after eating a meal, as your body doesnt need as much insulin to break down the food. (Great for diabetics). Chillis also improve the health of your heart as it helps to thin the blood, thus preventing clotting. They boost blood circulation and help protect against strokes.

Something that is relatively unknown about the chilli is that they are great immune boosters! They are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C (both powerful anti-oxidants), as well as Beta-carotene (the pigment that gives the chilli its bright red colour). Chilli’s also contain other vitamins such as Vitamin B’s and Vitamin E and are also packed with potassium, magnesium and iron.

The good news: just ‘a chilli a day’ is more than enough!

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Business Owner Burnout: 5 Ways to Nip it Now


nyone who has ever launched

If you burn out in a corporate environ-

a business knows that stress

ment, you can fix it by switching jobs. It’s

goes with the territory; long

disappointing, but there’s significantly less at

hours, insufficient family time, and endless

stake than for a business owner who has his

decision-making create a pressure cooker

or her heart, soul and resources tied up in a

environment, even for those with nerves of


steel. Unchecked, the strain can easily lead to burnout, not to mention business failure.

If you burn out in a business venture, it’s typically the result of intense pressure built

One owner I know, three years after opening

up over time. It’s infinitely harder to walk

his business was so frazzled that he was

away because that would mean abandoning

ready to close up for good. He was working

your dream, leaving your employees jobless,

70 hours a week, pouring his own money

and facing sometimes dire financial and

into the company every month to make up

psychological consequences.

for cash shortfalls, having difficulty keeping employees, and struggling to cope with the

That’s why it’s important to take preventive

toll it was taking on his marriage. Burnout

measures to avoid letting your business drive

had struck with a vengeance.

you to burnout. Here are a few simple ways to nip burnout in the bud:


.Build a knowledge base. You may know everything about plumbing, but that doesn’t mean you know how to run a plumbing business. Learn the financial and marketing basics before you open your doors and continue educating yourself as you go along.



.Have a plan. Your initial business model may have looked good on paper, but it may not work precisely as planned and now you may be feeling unfocused, without a clear direction. The best path is to create an action plan every 90 days based on the lessons you’re learning along the way.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


.Connect with other business owners and share ideas. As business owners, we often carry the weight of our business on our shoulders. Simply having someone in business but outside of “your” business, to collaborate and share with can invigorate you as well as help to alleviate stress.


.Celebrate your accomplishments. Take time to review what has gone right in your business. Too often we just stay on the hamster wheel with our eye on what’s next. Stopping to “smell the roses” and focusing on the positive can have a huge impact on reenergizing the company.


.Get a coach. When you own a business, it’s often difficult to see things clearly, especially when the going gets tough. You’re too close to the situation, you’re stuck in a rut, and you may not have the business background to know how to climb out. Turning to personal mentors, coaching businesses such as my company, ClearVision, or volunteer organizations like SCORE can give you a fresh perspective, as well as the benefit of their broader experience.

5 Sure Ways of Killing Employee Morale


The Left Shoe Company Blends Tradition and Technology for Custom Bespoke Shoes

Men’s shoe designers are really stepping it up a notch; gone are the days when the only options consisted of dress shoes or sneakers. There is now casual footwear that gives men a polished look without having to jump into their Sunday best. Even better—they’ll be made just for you. The Left Shoe Company offers made-to-measure shoes using a blend of technology and traditional craftsmanship to give men a way to create their own perfect shoe.

Founded in 1998 in Finland, the Left Shoe Company now has locations worldwide including Dubai, Naples and Kobe. They opened their first American flagship store earlier this summer on Melrose in Los Angeles, CA. The 1,700 square foot store was designed to bring impeccable quality stateside, with a shopping experience to match a gentleman’s lifestyle. At its opening the company offered twenty-three different styles in at least ten color pallets and materials, with six different sole options. That’s a lot of mix and match.

To create your perfect made-to-measure shoe, they start by taking a photo of your foot (it’s much fancier than it sounds) in a 3D scanner creating a perfect 360 degree image. This way your shoe can be made to your exact specifications not only in length, but also in height and width. Once they have your measurements you can choose which style of shoe you want; they range from oxfords to boots to golf shoes, so you’ll easily find more than one you love. After that it’s just a matter of colors and fabrics. If you prefer a traditional look you may want to try a cognac leather, but if you’re more of a rock ’n’ roller they have some pretty awesome red and electric blue suedes. Elvis wasn’t singing about those shoes for nothing.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Mustafa Hussain By Busisiwe Mthethwa


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



We take time out to talk to Tyre Experts’ Mustafa Hussain and learn what drives him and how he’s turned Tyre Experts into an auto-powerhouse...


here is a saying that goes, “Once you follow your

passion in life, success surely

follows you”- Anonymous. This indeed is true and quite liberating.

The world is full of stories of both failures and success; depending on which angle you choose to view life from, both have pretty good examples to derive


Born on the 14th of November, 1989,

travelled, adding five different continents

in Rawalpindi Northern Pakistan; his

to his passport resume which include;

heritage takes him back to Bureli in

United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,

India where his father’s (born from a

Botswana, South Africa, New Zealand,

family of merchants) roots are and also

Italy, Germany, Holland, Norway,

to Afghanistan where his mother is from

Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom,

the royal family (a grandchild of the

United States of America, Canada,

king of Afghanistan).

Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and China.

from. However, I choose to look into the latter and focus on a young man who has a lot of success to his name right here in Botswana.

A mixer of rich cultures infused with a prestige bloodline. Surely his stars were

When asked who his heroes are, he

aligned for success.

didn’t shy away from telling us that both his mother and father take that

Mustafa Hussain, a very bold and intriguing sound to his name. At only 23 years old, our young entrepreneur of the month has a lot tied to him that would best define the words flourishing and truly blessed. He may be in his early twenties, but he has done what most of us can only dream of doing. As the Managing Director of Tyre Experts, despite it being a family business, he is also a skilled pilot.

He is not an only child, he has a brother

position. In his own words, “I saw my

and a sister aged 19 and 21. Mustaff

father starting his life on a very small

(nickname) is very fortunate and well

level. I watched him grow, personally, in

“I saw my father starting his life on a very small level. I watched him grow, personally, in business, mentally and also as a parent and achieving levels that others wish to be at.” The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


Profile business, mentally and also as a parent and achieving levels that others wish to be at. Secondly, my mother, during the tough times, my mother would help out my father morally. I saw that statement in reality that “behind every successful man is a woman.”

Still on that topic we asked whether he himself is married, after all he is “a successful man.” He said he is not married but he gladly gave an insight on his ideal woman saying. “When you speak to her, you must be able to relate to her, I don’t neccesarily go for looks but when she is beautiful, it’s an appreciated bonus.” The young gentleman also states how attracted he is to shyness in a girl.

Fascinatingly, after completing his A

formalities, makes sure everything is

among the best in the industry. Having

levels, Mustaff went on to pursue his

right and calls it a day.

noted this, they don’t just trade tyres; they are experts when it comes to rubber.

dream of being a pilot which he quickly accomplished.

One would think this is a lot of pressure on a 23 year old young man, but clearly

They sell brand new car and truck tyres,

However, the young entrepreneur sees

it takes a focused individual who has his

offer services like diagnosis, alignment,

piloting more of a hobby than a career

mind right and knows what he wants in

fitting and balancing. Some of the

path for himself. He loves to fly for a

life. Mustaff boasts having his father as

major milestones on their international

few hours but evidently prefers his daily

his best friend. “My father is my closest

track record include being the biggest

routine of being at work by 7.30am. On

friend, we spend most of our time

supplier of tyres to the Pakistan Army

arrival at work, he recites some religious

together in the office from 7.30am up

and also servicing mines in Europe and

verses, prays for a good successful day

until we go home. My dad understands

the Scandanavian regions with Mine

then goes on to check and reply his

me more than anyone. He is without no

Tyre Reconstruction services. Mine Tyre

emails over a very strong cup of coffee.

doubt my best friend.”

Reconstruction is a very lucrative service since mine tyres can easily go up to a


He insists that he likes doing sales and

The company Mustaffa manages, Tyre

million pula for a single tyre and can get

dealing with clients himself, as their

Experts, is a very successful innovative

damaged easily.

company is a very customer focused

international tyre company which has hit

organization. When closing, he sits with

Botswana by storm in the last year and

The art of reconstruction has been

the accounts clerk, covers up all the

has fast risen among the ranks to stand

developed by his father over the years

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

Profile “Never let anybody take you down, life is not easy, you have to go through a lot, stay motivated and never give up. The time you are about to give up is usually the time that determines if you are going to enter the gates of success or remain an average Joe”. and is new to the region. Mustaff has

started with a spam email. As we all

Like any young man out there, Mustafa

held the position of Managing Director

know well enough, most spams come

loves a good meal. He adds that his

diligently since 2012 when the company

from con artists, despite this, Mustaff ’s

favorite foods include Biryani rice and

was first formed in Botswana. So far so

curiosity got the best of him and led

Chinese cuisine.

good, he has proved that age surely is

to him carrying out an investigation

merely a number.

and googling Botswana. He was very

His biggest fear in life is not failure

impressed by what he saw in terms of

because of his strong faith in God but

We asked the young magnate whether

development for such a small country in

rather losing his family.

he had a life changing experience that

such a short period of time.

led him on to this path and his response

Advice to his admires especially young

was that a spark in him that defines

In the beginning, he had imagined

people, “People should become serious

who he is put him there. He describes

Africa in the typical sense with wild

in their teenage years because it’s a

it as being ‘Dependently Independent’

animals everywhere and poverty stricken

phase that determines your later life. If

(his own personal term). “I wanted to

people as a norm due to how the media

you control yourself and are serious in

be independent when it came to my

sadly portrays it. To his amazement, he

that phase, it helps you a lot.

work and finances and be able to make

was overwhelmed by the activities and

business decisions, family decisions

growth that is happening all around.

and personal ones but at the same time

A genius in his own right, he humbly wants to be remembered as a tyre expert.

I have never wanted to be independent

“Settling has its own difficulties.

“When people mention tyres they should

from my family by separating my life

Standing out as a good investor

mention Mustafa Hussain.” He wants

from theirs.”

bringing in new services and products

to be remembered as a good person

into a country is difficult because

because in the end its all we take with us.

Before migrating to Botswana, Mustaff

generally people are very skeptical.”

was living in Northern Europe in

He has however grown very fond of the

His motto in life states, “Nothing is

the Scandinavian region doing tyre

Batswana and their diversity in culture.

impossible if your intentions are right,

management solutions for mines,

He feels right at home and doesn’t see

all will go right”.

which involved tyre reconstruction and

himself going back to Pakistan anytime

repair. His moving to Botswana all


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013




Technology Why you are gonna love it so much... Most of the criticism about wearable computing technology is about social acceptability. “Nobody wears a watch anymore.” “I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing Google Glass.” The rest is about utility. “Smartwatches and Google Glass can’t do anything that a smartphone can’t do.” These arguments are based on a misunderstanding of what the wearable computing revolution is all about. It’s not about devices. And it’s not about the convenience of leaving your phone in your pocket.Wearable computing is nothing less than a fundamental shift in our relationship to computers and the Internet.

Here comes a world of new gadgets The wearable movement will be dominated in early days by health, fitness and “ quantified self ” applications. The reason is simple: It’s less complicated.

spend big for new devices.

clip-on device that relays audio

Some wearable devices will be

to and from any Bluetooth

built into clothing, including

Over time, however, fitness and

device. You can use it like a

shirts, shoes, socks and hats.

health will take a backseat to

phone (as in hold it up to your

Under Armour even has a vision

personal information manage-

ear and talk). It also has an FM

video showing what it looks like

ment and interaction with every-

radio. Think of this device as a

when clothes are wearable touch

thing on the Internet through a

halfway technology between a


voice-based virtual assistant.

Bluetooth headset and a clip-on wearable device.

Health monitoring involves measuring things like heart rate and activity level from a wristwatch or chest strap and uploading that data to a central

Right now, people associate wearable computing with smartwatches, fitness bands and Google Glass. But wearable devices will be worn all over.

place where changes can be tracked over time. Fitness fans, doctors and patients are all highly motivated to embrace this kind of self-monitoring, and are therefore already willing to


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

We’ll see a wide variety of wearable devices that clip onto clothing. Sony, as an early example, will soon ship its Sony Smart Bluetooth Handset SBH52, a

technology Other wearable devices will wrap around various body parts, including the neck, arm or chest. One leading chest-wrapping fitness wearable is called the Armour39 from Under Armour. The device measures athletic performance, which you can view and use in the product’s mobile app.

Giving wearable computing a voice One of the biggest trends driving wearable computing is the rise of voice, and the age of interactive artificial intelligence virtual assistants. Siri and Google Now are early examples of what’s possible.

The Misfit Shine wearable fitness gadget is interesting because the device itself is a quarter-size disk. You pick the accessory that enables you to wear it on your wrist, around your neck or clipped to your clothing.

We’ll also see “facetop” devices beyond Google Glass. Already

Your smartphone as traffic cop The biggest challenge yet to be solved before we reach wearable WPAN nirvana is the management of functions, features and data.

glass-type wearables have been announced or shipped by Epiphany Eyewear, GlassUp, Oakley, and Recon Instruments.

Your smartphone will have to act as an air traffic control tower for all the apps and messages and notifications flying around. For example, you say a Google Now command—who’s going to take that? The

Why we’ll all be wearing wearables They will be heavily embraced by various professions. Police will wear head-mounted cams. Doctors will embrace Google Glass. Industry will put Google Glass on workers who need Internet connectivity while they use both hands.


Google Glasses on your face, the wristwatch on your arm or the Of course, there will be wristwatches galore from companies

smartphone itself ? And where does the result come in—on the

Cookoo, Dell, EmoPulse, Foxconn, GEAK, Google, Hyetis, I’m Watch, Intel, Kreyos, LG,

Thousands of apps will each want to take over as the main interface and will demand to be given priority. You don’t want to be interrupted 10 times a minute, so your phone will have to decide which

Rearden Technology, Samsung, Sonostar, Sony, Toshiba, Vachen and others.

They will be heavily embraced by pro athletes.


Technology fans, geeks and others will embrace them fully.

notifications are green-lighted and which are stopped. Wearable computing is about

Martian Metawatch, Microsoft, Pebble, PHTL Qualcomm


watch screen or as a voice answer?

large and small, including Acer, AGENT, Androidly, Apple,


They will become instantly widespread among the blind, deaf and disabled.

Ultimately, phone operating systems will have to learn how to learn—watch what you do, how you respond to notifications—and figure out how to manage the various devices, multiple apps and notifications coming from every direction.

augmenting your whole life and taking advantage of fastimproving Internet services without being glued to a screen all day.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Your choice of accessories is very important. Accessories can transform any outfit to fit any particular occasion. To turn this day look into a night look, trade in the boots for a pair of heels, untuck the shirt and accessorize with a chunky gold chain. If need be, throw in a blazer or leather jacket depending on the occasion.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


Add some colour this spring. Long flowy dresses, such as this high-low dress, are perfect and effortless chic. If you’re bold, pair contrasting colours together. Be careful not to over-do it, choose only one contrasting item.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Break some fashion rules this spring: Who said fur can only be worn in winter? If sceptical opt for a neutral colour dress such as black, or a pair of dark jeans with a white top. Keep accessories to a minimal.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


Black and White has and will always be a perfect duo. It resonates with elegance, class, sophistication and chic. Add a pop of colour (via accessories/shoes) to create a slight edge.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



There’s nothing sexier than a man who oozes confidence in a suit. It’s important that it is well-fitted for a more polished look. Pair with a slim fit tie for a sleeker look.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Eleganza- the name itself is self-explanatory. It’s a high-end store situated in Square Mart Mall at the new CBD. It stocks high quality, timeless, classical and exquisite pieces which cater to a variety of people of different ages or different styles. Herein are some of the many looks compiled together to create an array of outfits to suit many different occasions.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013





Movies all entreprenuers

should watch

Movies are a great way to learn from others as stories, fiction and non fiction, are taught to the viewer in an easy to understand way. There’s a lot to be learnt from these stories as they show you how exceptional people who have come before you have done it. This month we profile the top five movies that all enterpreneurs can learn business ethics from.

The Godfather An offer you can’t refuse. One of the greatest films in the world based on the best book I’ve

and asked to do something you can’t or won’t do? Suddenly everything comes to a head when Fox is asked to help do something, not only illegal, but morally reprehensible.

ever read. The Godfather is the story about the growth of a small family business as it becomes the largest organised crime family in New York, fighting off opposition at any expense. The Godfather and his son Michael Corleone are the brains behind the family and this film gives you an insight into what it takes to become one of the most powerful family businesses in the country.

The Game There are no rules in The Game. What do you get the guy who has everything? Nicholas Van Orton (played by Michael Douglas) is a wealthy San Francisco banker who’s life is wrapped up in his business, which has left him as somewhat

Glengary Glen Ross Lie. Cheat. Steal. All In A Day’s Work. In the fast paced world of Chicago real estate, competition and incentive is what decides who’s the best. That’s why they’re having a little sales competition – First prize is a Cadillac El Dorado, second prize is a set of steak knives, third prize is you’re fired. With stakes that high, and the pressure on, the salesmen show that they’re willing to do anything it takes to succeed in business, but the most interesting part of this is film, is what exactly that is.

of a loner. His brother Conrad gives him the gift of a lifetime, which would prove to change his perspective on the world and the way that he’s going to live it. When bad things start to happen to you, you start to question what’s really important in live, business, success and money, or actually living?

Boiler Room Motion creates Emotion! After entering the stockbroking profession to impress his father, Seth Davis, a Queens College dropout, soon realizes the huge earning

Wall Street Every dream has its price. In the life of an ambitious young stockbroker, Bud Fox will do just about anything it takes to succeed, and for him, that includes a little bit of insider trading. See what happens when the desire to succeed takes over your life and the motto of ‘Greed is good’ directs how you do business. But what happens when you’re pushed to your limits


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

potential ahead of him. But with commissions much larger than any other company, Seth soon learns that not everything is what it’s cracked up to be and he’s forced to face the dilemma of money and greed vs. morals and legality. For any young entrepreneur starting out in business, it’s a very real possibility that you’re going to face moral dilemmas and the way that they’re dealt with in this film is very eye opening.


The Residence Zanzibar: Exotic Luxury in The Indian Ocean

Escape to a serene get-away heaven


or those dreaming of distant and exotic adventures, The Residence

Zanzibar is a new luxurious destination located on a remote southwest corner of the island of Zanzibar. Hospitality design firm HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates recently completed the design of this property which is the only member of the leading Hotels of the World in Tanzania.

The property stretches over 80 acres and the 66 villas designed by HBA have a colonial theme combining inspirations from the Swahili, Omani, British and Indian cultures which are all part of the history of Zanzibar. Each villa has a private terrace and swimming pool. All pieces of furniture at The Residence Zanzibar are a mix of cultures.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



The four poster beds in the villas are

commissioned photographs of Dhows - the

serves exotic Mediterranean cuisine of

reminiscent of British style while the

Arab sailing vessel. Other local treasures

Turkey and the Middle East. There is also a

nightstands are inspired by Indian forms

scattered throughout the property include

Beach Club restaurant that draws inspiration

and materials such as beaten metal. In the

carved trunks in the Lobby, oversized

from a Bedouin tent and a Dining Room

bathroom, the vanity counter integrates

Omani tea and coffee kettles in the Pavilion

Bar made with local woods and a hammered

simplified Swahili patterns while the wall

Restaurant, traditional Stonetown doors in

copper bar. Rates start at 500 euros for a

sconces were drawn from traditional Omani

the Dining Room and local handmade vases

garden villa for two during the low season


in The Spa.

while the two-bedroom Presidential villa rents for 2500 euros per night during high


David T’Kint and Hazlin Ahmad, HBA

The Residence has a wellness center and

Associates sourced many of the artifacts and

spa set in five acres of tropical gardens with

furnishings in the villas from local markets

six treatment pavilions each with its own

and shops such as hand-painted artwork

private garden, outdoor shower, bathtub

with various scenes of Zanzibar as well as

and relaxation area. The Pavilion restaurant

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



Living the Dream

By Busisiwe Mthethwa Phakalane is a location situated in the north western part of Gaborone. It is generally perceived as a sophisticated residential as well as corporate place for the wealthiest people in Botswana. These perceptions are not

by gorgeous lawn and double

too far-fetched from reality as

storey houses with so much

most of the houses built in this

modern architectural influence.

area are remarkably huge and glamorous and without a doubt

One house that caught our

would trigger envy and leave

attention is this incredibly

most in awe. One region of

self designed and remodeled

this astounding place that stands

residence located within the

out and is popularly known for

estate, which is owned by a

having amazing houses is ‘The

creative small family with a taste

Phakalane Golf Estate’.

of the African couture feel.

The Golf Estate is a gated

It is eye catching from a distance

residential area where mostly if

and we just had to have a closer

not all “the elite” people who

look. The house has a sense

can actually afford it, live and

of a villa type design with a

call home. It is very pricy and

sophisticated touch and yet very

not for any Jim and Jack. It’s a

African in detail.

marvelous location surrounded

TheBotswana BotswanaExecutive Executive- -August Dec 2013 The 2013

33 33


The house is not near the golf course itself but is almost hidden with

The house has both a sitting room and a TV room. The sitting

a jungle like feel to it, surrounded by massive bougainvilleas. When

room is classy and refined, mostly used for reading or meetings with

the owners first found and bought the house it was not as big and

guests when the weather isn’t suitable for the outdoors. It is quiet

incredible as it is now. A lot of renovation and creativity went into

and peaceful, rarely used. Everything has its place- there are a lot of

the transformation. For example, both the patio and the upstairs

things but it’s not clustered. Every object in the house has its own

had to have extensions. The bar area by the patio was an extension

unique detail yet it all still flows.

which was done for the sake of convenience as the family love being outdoors, and found it more appropriate to have it outside rather

So much adorable African craft décor surrounding the house all

than walking in and out of the house when entertaining guests. The

locally sourced. Outside, a fountain was made which creates a feeling

patio itself is lovely with an eight seat glass dining table in one end

of tranquility and serenity. Before the renovations, the fountain used

and comfortable garden chairs with a coffee table on the other end;

to be bare, just a structure and tiles. The owners added the statue

all facing the amazing view of their huge swimming pool. The bar

which symbolizes “family”, which is what a home is all about. The

is fully stocked with various drinks and wines for people’s different

water can be heard from upstairs. The sound of water is beautiful


and calming. It can be used for mediation and suitably so.

Across the rest of the house 99% of the furniture was locally bought

The mini library area is so chic having the cabinet made from

(CTM, Builders Warehouse, Mr. Price, and Cori craft). Looking

dark wood. They decided to have a ladder which makes it elegant

around we could spot Depotwani (Setswana pots) plus those baskets

and stylish. The shelves are nicely arranged with books and family

on top of the cupboards and shelves. The owners love earthy colours

portraits creating a personalized touch.

and natural stone and made sure they incorporated those colours. Downstairs the couple opted to mainly used greens and browns

Office with his and hers matching desks are part of the awesome

making sure all rooms flow an have continuity. Whereas in the

aspects of the casa. Again, this is another symbol of unity in the

upstairs areas a lot of red (influenced by the couple’s son).


The Kitchen which is fantastic could possibly be any cooks dream

Everything about this house is of sheer elegance and top notch

place. It has so many shelves and an amazing gas stove. The only

quality. Without a doubt the perfect self designed palace. All it takes

thing there that was not purchased or made in Botswana is the door.

to mold a house into a home is attention to detail and a love of art

Some Extensions were also made in the kitchen area. The owners

and erudition, the absolute sanctuary to call home.

wanted to be able to go outside from the kitchen.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


Mercedes-AMG Launches New Performance Luxury Automobiles


here are some letters that,

some of the most venerable performance

sedan. Under the hood smoulders a 5.5-liter

when combined, carry a certain

luxury automobiles ever to speed along

twin-turbo V8 engine with 557 horsepower

significance. Say the letters AMG

road or track. Now the Affalterbach-based

for a 4.2-second 0-62 time, or (for the first

to anyone who’s ever driven (or for that

speed demons have released a series of new

time) a new S-Model with 585 horsepower

matter even seen) a performance-oriented

products. First up we have the new E63

that propels it to 62 in a quoted 3.7 seconds.

Mercedes-Benz and you’re bound to elicit

AMG. Based on the latest update to the

Another first is the availability of 4Matic

shivers. Founded as an independent custom-

Mercedes-Benz E-Class, the new E63 offers

all-wheel drive. European buyers will also be

izing company, but part of the German

unsurpassed levels of power and pace with

able to specify a wagon version in addition

automaker since the 1990s, AMG crafts

the versatility and luxury of a four-door

to the four-door sedan. Along with the new E63, AMG has performed similar updates to its even sexier counterpart, the CLS63. The fourdoor performance coupe has been treated to the same 5.5-liter twin-turbo V8 in 557- and 585-horsepower guised as the

Eyecatching Sporty Look.

Available in Sedan and Hatchback

aforementioned E63, but propelling an even sleeker four-door coupe or five-door Shooting Brake body-st.

AMG’s credentials extend beyond its V8 engine, though. With buyers clamoring for smaller, more nimble and more environmentally-conscious forms of Mint Interior with AMG labels

Maintains Elegance and Class

transportation that don’t skimp on the

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013



muscle, Mercedes-AMG is launching a fresh

all-wheel drive, will be the new A45 AMG, a

One of those will be the CLA45 AMG, a

line of performance models packing a new

premium hot hatchback that looks poised to

smaller take on the CLS in four-door coupe

2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine

redefine the segment.

form. A CLA Shooting Brake is slated

that, with 360 horsepower and 332 lb-ft of

to follow, a new GLA crossover is being

torque, is claimed to be the most potent

While the A45 won’t be making the

developed by Mercedes-Benz that’s expected

of its kind. The first model to receive the

transatlantic journey to American

to receive the same treatment, and an SLA

new engine, which is mated to a seven-

showrooms, the developments that make

roadster is also said to be in the work.

speed dual-clutch transmission and 4Matic

it as fast as it is will appear in other forms.

Sheer steeri ng elegan for th ce e elite

Combined with the SLS supercar and AMG versions of the C, S, SL, SLK, ML, GL, G and CL-Class models, these new high-speed luxury automobiles promise to deliver everything that the automotive enthusiast of means could possibly desire Sportier look for new A class AMG


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


Celebrate Life With These Summer Tequila Sippers

Hornitos “Not Just Any”

Hornitos Iron Clad

Sauza Fresh Melon

VeeV Superfruit





(Serves 6)

(Serves 6)

(Serves 4)

(Serves 1)





6 Parts Hornitos® Plata Tequila

2 parts Hornitos® Plata Tequila

2/3 cup Sauza Blue Silver 100%

1 oz. VeeV Acai Spirit

5 Parts Tomato Juice

3/4 part Lime Juice

Agave Tequila

1 oz. Blanco Tequila

5 Parts Pineapple Juice

1 part Grapefruit Juice

2 parts JDK & Sons™ O3

1 oz. Fresh Lime Juice

1 Part Fresh-Squeezed Lime

1/2 part Agave Nectar

Premium Orange Liqueur

1 oz. Agave Nectar or Simple


3 Raspberries

2 cups cubed fresh melon (use a


Teaspoon of Hot Sauce

Soda Water

mix of honeydew and canta-

.5 oz POM juice (optional)

loupe or whatever is fresh and

Lime wheel for garnish

1 Pinch of Salt 4 Mexican Worcestershire Sauce


smells ripe at the market)

1/2 Teaspoon Crushed Garlic

Pour all ingredients, except the

1/3 cup lime juice


soda water, into a shaker with

3 parts simple syrup

Shake all ingredients well with


ice. Shake and double strain into

ice and strain into an ice-filled

Mix ingredients 2-8 well; chill

a pilsner glass filled with ice.


rocks glass. Garnish with a lime

in the fridge. Serve in a tall shot

Top with soda and garnish with

Combine all ingredients in a


glass. For best flavor, make a

a salted rim and lime wedge.

blender and puree until smooth.

day before serving. Serve your

Serve in glasses and garnish with

freshly-made Sangrita with a

a wedge of melon.

smooth shot of Hornitos® Plata Tequila. Sip alternately.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013





The beginning of the month of October was graced with 1st annual Airport Junction Motor Show which was held at the pristine Airport Junction Mall. The event engaged the office of the Ministry of Transport and Communications to have the Motor Show officially opened by the Honourable Nonofo Molefhi M.P, Minister of Transport and Communications.

The event presented an excellent opportunity for Botswana’s automotive industry and associated businesses to showcase the best they had to offer to our local market through this new platform.

The Motor Show also provided a unique window for our local motor industry to meet, network, appreciate and discuss issues that affect the industry as a whole while also making for a good weekend out to appreciate cars and have fun for families and individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The theme for the event was ‘Putting the spot light on our local Motor Industry.’

At the core of the Airport Junction Motor Show`s objectives was the need to influence consumer trends in order to boost new car sales while at the same time demonstrating the importance of purchasing cars locally. The setup of the event was designed to improve brand exposure for all automotive and corporate brands repre¬sented by allowing all exhibitors to have a more interactive engagement with their consumers. The Motor Show also pro¬vided a unique opportunity for exhibitors to get first hand feedback on their products and services from our local market.

It also made it easy for the public to experience, appreciate, compare and buy into the products and services offered at the show. The consumer had the convenience of exploring options for all their automotive require¬ments in one location. Some of the most impressive exotic cars that were sighted at the event included the likes of a Ferrari, Aston Martin, Maserati, Corvette and Porsche.


The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


The Botswana Executive - August Dec 2013 2013




Xtra-ordinarie Mompati Nage 40

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


ROASTED DRUMSTICKS AND HAPPY SALAD This meal should take about 45 minutes Ingredients: For the chicken: • • • • • • • • •

2 chicken drumsticks 1 onion 2 tablespoons of ginger powder 2 tablespoons of coriander 1 tablespoon of mustard 1 spring rosemary Pinch of salt Pinch of mint Pinch of coconut shavings and sugar

For the happy salad: • • • • • • • • • •

Spinach Beetroot Red cabbage Ginger root Tomato Vinegar ¼ cup (4 table spoons) Olive oil (2 tablespoons) Pinch of sugar Pinch of salt Mozzarella cheese

Directions: 1. Clean chicken bones 2. Boil chicken (with salt if preferred ) until half cooked with rosemary 3. In a bowl add all your dry ingredients (seasonings) together with the mustard and marinate your chicken for 20 minutes 4. Pre-heat oven to 190 degrees then proceed to then make the salad. 5. Chop spinach, shave beetroot and red cabbage thinly, and cut ginger into thin juliennes, dice tomatoes (remove seeds) and mix well together. 6. In a separate bowl mix together the vinegar, olive oil, sugar and salt. Use this as your dressing. Sprinkle cheese on top.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


MEN’S GROOMING RESOLUTIONS 2014 Be More ‘Cruelty Free’ Aware


With the legislation for banning the sales and marketing of all products containing ingredients tested on animal up for debate in European Parliament this year, 2014 is set to be a defining one for cruelty free beauty products. The fact that many products (or the ingredients within them) are tested on animals is something that the general public are becoming increasingly wise to, and this

by including the official cruelty free logo on

fragrance during our teens, it’s very much a ‘special occasion’. Whether it’s attracting the attention of that someone special or sprucing up for a night out, fragrances are treated as an ‘attention grabber’. However, in 2014 we urge you all to adopt a two-pronged

impresses and provides you with your ‘signature’. But save it for moments when it’s really required. Don’t go wasting it on strangers on the bus or the man behind the counter in the newsagents – make it your pièce de résistance. What we would

Why not do some research into your

fragrance that doesn’t necessarily break the

favourite brand (or product) and see how their ethical credentials match up? Below are some of the top performing products currently on the market that take a stand against animal testing.

encourage all guys to do is find a day-to-day bank, still smells great and gives you room to up your game when you need to. Notana Pharmacy do a fantastic range of affordable scents that are perfect for daytime wear (Terre de Hermes being our favourite) so definitely check those out, but we would


urge you all to spend some time at your local

On The Go Grooming

Perfecting your look isn’t just about what you use in the morning in front of the mirror. In 2013, more than ever, it’s about maintaining your good work when you’re on

fragrance counter in order to find your nine to five scent for 2014.


Skincare While You Sleep

More than anything, taking care of your skin

the go.

before you hit the sack just makes sense.

Whether it’s between meetings, after the

after 12 hours on the go this wears off, so

gym, on your way out after work or while you’re travelling, it’s vital for you to be able

You apply moisturiser every morning, but it’s logical to top up in the evenings as well.

to top up your look anytime, anywhere.

Not only that, but research shows that the

Forget the bathroom cabinet, these products

between 11pm and 3am, which means that

can be easily stored in your bag, your desk your skin on the move. There are big wins

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013

When we take our first tentative steps into

all their products.

drawer or your glove box and help energise


The Nine To Five Fragrance

Still have your fragrance that dazzles,

Nutrients (among others), who make it easy

We can’t help you give up smoking, but we can provide you with a few helpful hints that will improve your grooming credentials. Here are top five grooming resolutions…


That being said, it’s still a confusing area

guys at brands like Bulldog and Intelligent

With the rest of the country aiming to improve their lives in all manner of ways in 2014, everyone will lean towards the world of men’s grooming and the tweaks we can make to improve our daily routines in the year ahead.

approach to fragrances.

– which is why I take my hat off to the


effective grooming products.

can only be a good thing.

if you don’t have the right information

ike fad diets, selling unwanted Christmas gifts and the FA Cup 3rd Round, Men’s Grooming Resolutions articles are becoming a permanent fixture in January.

to be had with small, discreet and highly

best time for your skin to repair itself is applying a top quality moisturiser – or, even better, a specific night cream before you go to bed will leave your skin in the best

E UR F UT HE DI ST ME OO LLGR WE BE I NG possible condition. While we sleep, our skin’s blood flow increases and moves to repair any damage sustained during the day. It may not be as cheesy as needing your ‘beauty sleep’, but adding this step into your routine will ensure you wake up looking like you’ve had a good 12 hours sleep (even if you haven’t).


Spread The (Well Groomed) Word In our social media and technology obsessed age, it is so easy to give our opinion on products and services that we like and dislike. Grooming products aren’t immune from this – and all the better for it. We wouldn’t know about our favourite hair product were it not for the brand in question having such an active twitter account. We wouldn’t have used the moisturiser that changed our winter skin routine if it wasn’t for our friends recommending it. By passing on our top products and tips to you guys, the cycle continues. In 2014, we want everyone to do their bit to encourage a well groomed nation – helping top quality men’s grooming products reach


the masses. You don’t have to have a pamper


party with all your mates, just recommend the odd product, barber or cologne store and help give other guys a foot up onto the


Advertising & Design Solution

grooming ladder.

The Botswana Executive - Dec 2013


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