Daniel Bo*ero
About the Ar5st
Ar5st’s Statement
Daniel Bo*ero, graduated from the Na5onal School of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires. He earned his Master’s Degree at the Academia Italiana di Belle Ar5, Lucca, Italy. From 1986 to 1990 Bo*ero resided and worked in Paris. Since 1990 he has lived and worked in New York. Bo*ero’s work has been shown throughout the world. His pain5ngs are featured in the corporate collec5ons of Ci5bank, Xerox, Avon, Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan Chase Bank. His artwork is featured in many private collec5ons including those of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dan Marino, Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Al Pacino, Steven Segal and Oscar de la Hoya. The ar5st has exhibited at Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Museum of La5n American Art, Laguna Beach, CA, Museo de Arte de Ponce, Ponce, Puerto Rico and Cultural Center Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argen5na, Museo de Arte Moderno de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,Time Warner,New York City. Bo*ero’s pain5ngs are also featured at both Sotheby’s and Chris5e’sauc5on houses, New York. NY.
It is a divine privilege to slip into the moments of unpremeditated crea5on that bring me face to face with the unknown. When I am pain5ng, my brush strokes against the canvas are searching for an answer between unconscious and rhythmical movements. I step back for air and space. The essence of crea5on runs for my arms... my en5re body... my soul… In the background, there is the music... the dancing light... darkness... sensa5ons that run through my flesh... spaces... scents... instruments of my passion. All these blend in an enchan5ng symphony. When it is over, I am leZ with no recollec5ons of how it happened. And yet, I find myself confronted with a finished crea5on, wai5ng to be shared so that it might become the source of new and deeper inspira5on. My restless longing for all that is crea5ve, intui5ve, sincere and harmonious leads me to a place that transcends conven5onal reality.
"A Tribute" Mixed Media on Canvas 38" x 48”
”Creating Your Own Atmosphere" Mixed Media on Canvas 66" x 66”
"The Strong Bond Of Love" Mixed Media on Canvas 34" x 32”
" Dreams" Mixed Media on Canvas 50" x 60”
“See$You$in$The$Other$Side”$ Mixed$Medias$on$Canvas$ 66”$x$66”$
"Sharing Our Time" Mixed Media on Canvas 86" x 70”
“xy” Mixed Media on Canvas 66” x 54”
“Travelling To You” Mixed Media on Canvas 50” x 60”
“Poder Escondido” Mixed Media On Canvas 52" x 66" “Travelling+To+You”+ Mixed+Medias+on+Canvas+ 50”+x+62”+ +
“Eternal Space” Mixed Media on Canvas 54” x 60” “Eternal)Space”) Mixed)Medias)on)Canvas) 54”)x)60”) )
“Mystical Birth” Mixed Media on Canvas 55” X 66”
“Astral Wave” Mixed Media on Canvas 54" x 66”
“Offering My Support To You” Mixed Media on Canvas 56” x 66”
“Reaching to share” Mixed Media on Canvas 96” x 70”
Oleo on Canvas 18” x 12”
Mixed Media on free Acid Paper 20” x 16”
"Sharing The Journey" Mixed Media on Canvas 86" x 92”
Oleo on Canvas 18” x 12”
Mixed Media on free Acid Paper 20” x 16”
“Bo$ero, then, is what Baudelaire called a poet painter, that is, a painter who uses the medium to convey the poetry of his emo9ons, indeed, of his temperament.” -‐Donald Kuspit Buenos Aires
New York
Bo*ero’s Art Collectors
Daniel Bottero graduated from the National School of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires. He earned his Master’s Degree at the Academia Italiana di Belle Arti, Lucca, Italy. From 1986 to 1990 Bottero resided and worked in Paris. Since 1990 he has lived and worked in New York. Bottero’s work has been shown throughout the world. His paintings
are featured in the corporate collections of Citibank, Xerox, Avon, Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan Chase Bank. His artwork is featured in many private collections. The artist has exhibited at Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Museum of Latin American Art, Laguna Beach, CA, Museo de Arte de Ponce, Ponce, Puerto Rico and Cultural Center Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bottero’s paintings are also featured at both Sotheby's and Christie's auction houses, New York, NY. Read more about the artist at www.DanielBottero.com
Artist’s Statement
Sharing the Vision, 86” x 82”
It is a divine privilege to slip into the moments of unpremeditated creation that bring me face to face with the unknown. When I am painting, my brush strokes against the canvas are searching for an answer between Daniel Bottero book available at Amazon.com unconscious and rhythmical movements. I step back for air and space. The essence of creation runs for my arms… my entire body… my soul…. In the background, there is the music… the dancing light… darkness… sensations that run through my flesh… spaces… scents… instruments of my passion. All these blend in an enchanting symphony. When it is over, I am left with no recollections of how it happened. And yet, I find myself confronted with a finished creation, waiting to be shared so that it might become the source of new and deeper inspiration. Our past, our present and our future all influence my paintings. Yesterday, today, my life, New York, new encounters, loves, dreams, loneliness, strange noises and sorrows. Each painting I create is an essential part of my inner being. My work speaks many languages, communicates on several levels at the same time. A unique psychological interaction between reality and fantasy, one that transports the observer into a dreamlike encounter with the sublime. And on these journeys, I am with them always! It is just me and this is my world! Welcome! — Daniel For information visit www.BotteroCollector.com or www.DanielBottero.com. For acquisition information email: info@BotteroCollector.com
Society PALM
DANIEL BOTTERO: Painting A New Picture In Palm Beach
JULY / AUGUST 2011 Five Dollars
The Ann Norton Sculpture Garden & Gallery October 1-25 "The Love of the Poet" Opening Reception Thursday, October 6, 2011 www.BotteroCollector.com
Sharing the Journey, 86” x 82”