2 minute read
720 Front St., Louisville, 720-485-3129
Longmont Winner: Once Upon a Child
Lafayette Winner: Sister Carmen Community Center Thrift Store
Pitter Patter is a family-owned boutique in historic downtown Louisville with a carefully curated collection of products and unique gifts for youngsters. Its specialty is clothing for babies (newborn to 2 years) and children (2 to 8 years), which is why it ran away with our Best Clothing Store - Children’s category. Pro tip: Look for the “Purple Peacock Pant.”
Jax Outdoor Gear
900 S. Highway 287, Lafayette, 720-266-6160
Louisville Winner: Acme Fine Goods
Longmont Winner: Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply
JAX started in Ames, Iowa, under the name Ames Surplus in 1955, mainly selling items purchased from government surplus sales. Fast forward nearly 70 years and you have a business that provides functional gear — including footwear, clothing, hunting equipment and hardware — for an outdoor and active lifestyle. With the plethora of access to natural areas we have in Boulder County, it’s no wonder the fellas around here choose JAX.
Clothing Storeused
Arc Thrift Stores
1349 E. South Boulder Road, Louisville, 303-666-8060
Longmont Winner: Fabulous Finds Upscale Consignment
Lafayette Winner: Treasure’s Upscale Consignment
Everybody loves a good thrift. In fact, I’m wearing a thrifted flannel as I write this blurb. Arc Thrift Stores is our readers’ go-to for some of the best selection and prices around, including a deal every Saturday where “most items” are half off. And, better yet, Arc is one of Colorado’s largest employers of people with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. A purchase from Arc supports your community in so many ways.
802 S. Public Road A, Lafayette, 720-638-4047
Longmont Winner: Ivy Rose
Louisville Winner: Eleanor and Hobbs
After collecting antiques with her mother for more than 30 years, Due South Founder Noel DeVries decided to open a boutique in downtown Lafayette. The family-run clothing with Southern roots has a wide assortment of clothing, furniture and antiques, along with drinks and snacks from the coffee bar in the same building. From bottoms and dresses to jumpsuits and sweaters, Due South is a top destination for women looking to upgrade their wardrobe.
75 Waneka Parkway, Lafayette, 720-427-6628
Longmont Winner: Longmont Mac Repair
It didn’t surprise us when we saw Shawn’s Computer Repair took home the Best Computer Repair category. The local technical support company has won every year since 2017, meaning it’s taken the cake seven years in a row, an impressive feat not many other businesses in Boulder County can claim. But it’s not just repairs: The father-and-son team at the helm of this beloved business helps our readers with viruses, backups, data recovery and more — at a great price.
Dry Cleaner Art Cleaners
Multiple locations, 303-447-8700
Louisville Winner: Continental Cleaners
Lafayette Winner: John’s Dry Cleaners