Business consultant stephen r ventre discusses online reputation management

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Orange county business owner and nationally recognized business consultant Stephen R. Ventre discusses online Reputation Management and its unfavorable effects on business, business development and business owners. This article highlights the challenges small, medium and even large sized companies endure when somebody decides they didn’t like how you interacted with them in a business transaction. Ventre stated, “Every day we work hard to grow our companies, deliver exceptional products and services while meeting the growing demands of the public. We are proud of what we have developed, grateful the public is interested in buying our products or services and do all we can to insure their experience with us is pleasant and professional.

Unfortunately, there are those times when problems occur, we do our best or train our employees to do their best representing us nevertheless you will an unhappy customer. Our policy is the same as most companies, “The customer is right”, and we do just about any and everything possible to make a dissatisfied customer happy again. As we all know there are those customers that for whatever the reason cannot be satisfied. I understand, may not agree but I do understand some people have other life issues that get in the way of everything. This is where the system fails and businesses or individuals can get stained for life. We have a long list of great testimonials, happy smiling customers and clients. Now enter companies like, Pissed Consumer or Rip Off Report. This unhappy customer fills out a form on their website about how badly they were treated and pretty much without any real evidence or proof these companies post the complaint. Because these companies call themselves consumer advocates they get power on the internet and normally this negative report shows up on page one of the

companies or your personal name search on all the search engines. When you contact these consumer advocates and explain what happened and it did not happen the way the person said it did they respond with, “You can answer the complaint, there is space for you to share your side of the story�. Ok, that seems fair but wait, I filled out our side of what happened and this ugly comment (stain) is still on page one of Google or other search engines. These companies DO NOT put our side up and show it for all to see. You have to click on the negative comment read everything and then there is a place where you can click that shows our side of the story. This is totally unfair and unprofessional. Our description of what happened is just as powerful and the individuals who filed the complaint. The post should not continue to read on the link that shows up on the pages or search engines the company has ripped off a person. This is the real story, true or false this claim will continue to show up for years. I will not come down and will stain your reputation for the life of our business or if it is personal for the balance of your life time. It will cost the average business many thousands of dollars in business losses and the individual will spend the rest of his life dealing with this statement. Under any circumstance it will damage a reputation for a life time.

do I deal with negative information about me or my company on the search engines”. In most cases these negative post are from years ago but show up on the initial web page of Google, Yahoo or Bing and if the individuals viewing them don't take the time to check the dates they think it's present. “These are severe challenges”, quoted Turkin saying private lenders as well as banks do research individuals and business seeking additional funding and these frivolous post can have a negative effect on a loan choice. Sharing he as well has had negative comments show up on his search engine results from customers that visit one of these websites like and just say the worst of things without any assistance or documentation. Turkin shared, “These unfavorable report websites seem to get pleasure in posting these mostly non truthful reports”. It is time we challenge these businesses and their capability to damage a business or individual on all levels”. Turkin’s 5 articles series will be available at and online at most stores. If you happen to be affected by one of those reports and find it near impossible to get anybody at those web sites to listen for your side of the full real story please forward your story to . Turkin plans on gathering these stories and produce articles to bring attention to these businesses and hopefully some political powerhouses will get involved and help bring some guidelines to these businesses and their ability to damage business and people with the stroke of a pen and not need and assistance documentation. It's unfair a person or business has to fight to get the truth heard when somebody post unfavorable information and frequently times very one sided or not completely accurate comments on the internet. Companies that offer services that allow individuals to post unfavorable comments on the internet have no governed guidelines. They're a window to the world where unhappy individuals can damage a

person or businesses image according to hearsay. It should be the duty of these companies to study all negative comments and reach out to the person or business accused of some unprofessional interaction for their comments before being able to post these damaging comments. We want to work to change that procedure and shield the business person You will also discover further information on our website at Accessible Business happen to be assisting individuals and business with business loans, loan documentation preparaton, business plans, business coaching and long-term projections for 38 years. Dave Turkin the founder and owner has been the recipient of unfavorable information posted on the internet that does not resemble the truth and has been working with new and past clients to change what the public and business see when researching an individual or company on any of the significant search engines like google. These days still is one of the leaders in securing affordable business loans for new and seasoned businesses but additionally is fighting to become a leader in business reputation management clarity. For additional information contact: Gary Monroe MERG Digital 310 945.7414. MERG Digital making little companies look large and big companies look better‌

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