Story Club

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Hello! Welcome to Story Club. Story Club is for anyone who loves stories! Using the power of our imagination, we take ourselves on wild adventures and travel the world! This week we are celebrating jokes and comedy. We’re inventing funny restaurants and making stories through games.

passes on - third person draws the legs folds over and passes on

As always, we’d love to hear your amazing stories or see pictures of your work. However, mostly, we want you to have fun and get creative! Happy Holidays, Bounce Theatre

W RIT E What is comedy? Comedy is a type of story, play, TV programme, or film with the aim of making people laugh! There are also comedians who make comic routines, telling jokes and stories designed to be funny for their audiences.

Comedy Consequences Consequences is a game that has traditionally been played indoors, it may have even been played as far back as the Victorian times! It’s very easy to play, you could play it with your family or even (at a social distance) with your friends!

How to Play: Each player is given a sheet of paper. In response to each number (below) players write down a word or phrase. For example, instruction number 1 is an adjective (a describing word). The player just needs to write down one word. For example: foolish, hungry, silly, nervous, arrogant etc. Sit in a circle. Each player is given a sheet of paper, and follows the writing instructions below. After each turn, fold your piece of paper over to hide what you’ve just written (so that nobody can see what you’ve written) and pass it on to the person on your left. Take the piece of paper from the person on your right. Follow the next writing instruction. And repeat! When you get to the last instruction unfold your pieces of paper, put the whole story together and read it out!

Instructions (Write down something after each of the instructions below): 1. An adjective (a describing word) 2. A man’s name 3. The word met followed by an adjective 4. A woman’s name 5. The word at followed by where they met 6. The word to followed by what they went there for 7. The words he wore followed by what he wore 8. The words she wore followed by what she wore 9. What he did 10. What she did 11. And the consequence was (what happened as a result) 12. He said 13. She said 14. The world said Then the story is read!


Here is an example of some of the answers my family and I came up with which I’ve turned into a story! You can add details to your story too to make it more interesting and funny:

djective (A describing word) - Shy a n A . 1 2. A man’s name - Sid

y an adjective - Boastful b d e w o l l o f t rd me o w e lla e Th 4 n . u r . P A woman’s name 3 5. The word at followed by where they met - A Sewage Works

! A H


6. The word to followed by what they went there for - Play a game of golf


The words he wore followed by what he wore - A costume impersonating the Queen

8. The words she wore followed by what she wore - Roller blades ne i 9. t u ro s What he c i t s a n did - A gym 10. What she did - Gave him a haircut


11. And the consequence was (What happened as a result) - The Olympic Games were cancelled 12. He said: I know we’ve only just met, but could you lend me fifty pounds?

! A H


on’t we make this into a Tik Tok? d y h W : d i a s e 13. Sh 14. The world said: We’ve always wondered if there might be life on Mars. Now we know.

: Sharo y r o n’s Comedy Consequence St


There was once a shy boy named Sid. One day he met a boastful girl named Prunella at a sewage works to play a game of golf. Sid wore a costume that made him look like the Queen with a tiara, dress, and a wig. Prunella was wearing roller blades. Sid did a gymnastics routine, which was difficult whilst dressed as the Queen. Prunella gave Sid a haircut that even very good-looking people would find difficult to pull off. As a result of all of this, the Olympic

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Games were cancelled. Forever. ‘I know we’ve only just met, but could you lend me fifty pounds?’ Sid asked Prunella. ‘Why don’t we make this into a Tik Tok?’, she replied.

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The world was shocked and said: ‘We’ve always wondered if there might be life on Mars. Now we know.’




This week you are going to make a brand new holiday restaurant for people to come and visit. Your restaurant is going to have a comedy theme. Take a look at the front cover of Story Club for inspiration! Collagism has opened her own icecream restaurant. We don’t want cat ice-cream but we do want you to let your imagination run wild :-) Think about a spot in your house that would make a good restaurant. Maybe it’s by the window? Or is it an outdoor restaurant? Is there a theme to your restaurant? What is your restaurant called? What can you put on the menu? Ask the adults in your house if they will give you up to five ingredients to use. How could you make a fun and interesting menu? Could you make a cheese sandwich a bit more interesting by cutting it up and turning it into a face? Does your restaurant have waiters and waitresses? Or do people help themselves? What entertainment will you put on?



a poster to advertise it, which I hung over the table. I also made a menu. I put jam sandwiches on the menu, and juice. I was the waitress and I served my family their jam sandwiches and juice. When they were eating, I changed costumes and told jokes. Then I changed back to being a waitress so I could thank them for coming. It was tiring but fun. Here are some of my jokes! What did the big flower say to the little flower? Answer: “High bud” Where do cows go on a Friday night? Answer: To the moo-vies Why did the banana go to the doctor? Answer: Because it was not peeling well. What time do ducks wake up? Answer: The quack of dawn.

My restaurant went like this!

How do you make a tissue dance? Answer: Put a boogie in it.

My restaurant was in our kitchen. I moved the table near the window so everyone would get a nice view.

You could add your own jokes to my list. Do you know any or can you make any up?

I decided to theme it by the letter J for Jokes. I called the restaurant Jammin. I made

CREATIVE CHALLENGES This week, our creative challenges are themed by jokes and joy

Make your own joke book er to Spread some joy and write a lett while someone you haven’t seen for a




Take a photo or draw your family in the summer of 2020

Eat something really it ste ta y ll a re u o y o s ly w slo

Find five things in your house an d sculpt them into something that makes you think of joy


hide d n a n w o d s e k Write jo ouse for h r u o y d n u o r a them people to find

Smile at everyone


Don’t forget to send us your stories and pictures so we can see your wonderful work! email: Whatsapp: 07980210705 We read out all the stories & show the pictures online every Friday to celebrate StoryClub

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