Christmas Advent Art Zine

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Art Zine

It’s Christmas! Hello! Welcome to our Christmas Advent Art Zine. We LOVE Christmas. So, we wanted to make an advent calendar. However, we wanted to make one inspired by the things we think about best about Christmas – kindness, care, and togetherness. We know chocolate and presents are nice, but kindness is priceless, and its impact can sometimes last much longer. It can cost very little and still change the world. 2020 has shown us how important kindness is. There are so many

Check out Collagism’s templates here. Colour them in and think about other things you could do. Make them for the people you love. Write a special message on them to tell someone why they matter to you. Cut them out, put a small hole at the top, find some thread and turn them into decorations for the tree.

kind, incredible people out there – from the people who work in the NHS to the people who clear up your rubbish, to your teachers who turned up to school or learnt to use Zoom! Kindness is cool. Work your way through these pages & then design your own advent using Collagism’s art work on pages 5 and 6. Get creative, get festive, have fun and spread kindness for Christmas. See what comes back to you! Bounce Theatre and Collagism

Cut them out and make a window art scene in your bedroom to spread some joy to passers-by. Write wishes on them for the world in 2021. Cut them out and stick them onto paper. Make a special Christmas Card.

HAVE YOURSELF A VERY KIND CHRISTMAS Here are 48 ways to countdown to Christmas. You only need 24 of course! Start by having a look at our list. You might do some of these already and not want to repeat them. Pick the ones you’d like to try. Write them on the baubles on the next page – either before Christmas and tick them off as you go, or choose them one day at time so you can pick a number from the list and add it to your advent. Or, you could decorate the baubles with words about how it felt to be kind. So, when you get to Christmas, before you open any presents, you can remember how much kindness you spread and how it made you feel. Family Game Turn this into a game and each day you have to pick a number at random and try it out. Maybe everyone in your house can do it!

1. Write funny notes for each family member and hide them in the home for them to find them. 2. Use your recycling to make Christmas decorations. 3. Call someone up or stand outside their door and sing them a Christmas song. 4. Arrange a seasonal trip/walk with family. 5. Wear a festive outfit. 6. Invent a joke. 7. Collage a Christmas card. 8. Write a Christmas story in five words. 9. Make a list of everything you are thankful for. 10. Make a picture for someone. 11. Smile at everyone you meet today. 12. Watch your favourite Christmas movie. 13. Watch someone else’s favourite Christmas movie. 14. Go for a winter walk. 15. Do something nice for yourself today. 16. Sing songs. 17. Laugh. 18. Make a Christmas card with a positive message and hide it for a stranger to find.

19. Make a Christmas card for your teacher and tell them you appreciate how hard they’ve worked this year. 20. Get up in time to wish the postman a happy Christmas. 21. Sing a carol to your postal worker/ bin collectors / milk deliverer a carol. 22. Wear something that makes you feel Christmassy. 23. Wear something that makes you smile. 24. Say thank you when people do something nice for you. 25. Write a list of wishes for things you want for 2021. 26. Notice when someone might need you to ask them if they are ok. 27. Dance for 10 minutes 28. Sit still with your eyes closed and relax for five minutes. 29. Make a treat for someone else. 30. Wish everyone a peaceful new year. 31. Clear out your old toys for the charity shop. 32. Make a card to say thank you to the police / the local hospital. 33. Choose a time to ask someone “Do you need any help today?”

34. Make the snowflakes in this zine and hang them on your tree, or give them as gifts – write a lovely message on them. 35. Let someone go in front of you in a queue. 36. Tell someone why they are special. 37. Make a list of kind people you know. 38. Draw your family. 39. Turn this zine into a paper chain. 40. Turn this zine into a set of hats. 41. Turn this zine into a Christmas cracker. 42. Make a wish for someone else. 43. Write a message to yourself about how you’ll change the world. Keep it for 2021. 44. Write a thank you note to Santa for all his hard work. 45. Go for a walk and notice three beautiful things. 46. Go for a walk and collect fallen leave, pines cones and sticks. Turn them into a piece of art when you get home. 47. Look at the stars. 48. Tell someone you love them. Turn over and build your advent calendar

LET IT SNOW Make your own snowflakes!

Step 5: Fold again.

How to Make 6-Pointed Paper Snowflakes.

Step 1: Start with a square. First, begin with a square piece of copy paper.

Step 2: Fold in half diagonally. Fold the square of paper diagonally to make a triangle.

Step 6: Cut the “top” off at an angle.

Step 7: Shape it!

Step 3: Fold in half again. Step 8: Unfold to Reveal!

Step 4: Fold one third.

Don’t worry if your snowflake isn’t exact: no two snowflakes are ever alike. • What could you do with your snowflakes once you’ve made them? • Turn them into tree decorations? • Hang them in a window?

PLAY Christmas is a time for fun and games. Here’s a few ideas to get your ideas going during December and over the festive season. 10 Second Objects You will need paper and pens/ pencils. One person is the judge – they call out an object that everyone has to draw in 10 seconds e.g. a mince pie. Count down from 10 and draw quickly! The judge picks their favourite and they become the next judge, etc. Try to make the doodles more complicated as you go, e.g. Rudolph eating a carrot / Santa stuck in a chimney / a Christmas cake with decorations. Charades Pick a topic – it’s could be famous people, movies, or places. Split into teams. You have to act out your idea without speaking. If your team get it, they win a point. If they don’t, the other team can have a guess. If they get it, they get the point. Play for as long as you like! Musical Statues Play music or sing and have everyone dance. When the music stops, everyone freezes apart from the musician who gets to call people out. Make the music Christmas themed or the dances e.g. dance like you are Santa, dance like you are Santa on your way home to the North Pole, dance like you are a reindeer after a carrot.

Dress-Ups Any time is a good time for dressups. Look around the house for fun items to dress in e.g. wrap Christmas tinsel around your head and neck, hang Christmas decorations on a hat, wear something shiny, put on some makeup, have fun! Sculpture Challenge Take old paper and tape if you have it. Everyone who is playing has to make a sculpture that can stand up out of paper. Try making a snowman or a reindeer. You can have a judge or just decide between yourself at the end, who made the most secure! Spread some love... Write a series of notes that will make people’s heart ping and smile widely when they read it. Maybe it’s someone in your family, your teacher, someone you admire or your best friend? • Why are they special to you? • What have they done that has made you happy’? • Have they made you proud? • Do you admire them? • Hide them in your home, on your teachers desk, in your friends desk. Ask them to carry this on, spread some love and leave their own notes for people around them.

HAVE YOURSELF A COLLAGISM-STYLE We’ve provided you with a set of cut-outs to make a Collagism-inspired Christmas card. Can you come up with a unique and special Christmas message to go inside it? MAKE AN ACROSTIC POEM FOR INSIDE YOUR CARD An acrostic poem is where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message. See if you can write an acrostic poem for Christmas, or something you love about Christmas. Here’s mine! Put away everything Relish doing nothing Envelop the people who matter Share time End of the year New beginnings Togetherness

WRITE YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS MESSAGE IN SIX WORDS Santa is coming to say hello Stop rushing, slow down, enjoy today IN FIVE WORDS May your heart be full Sing, dance, fill your socks Hearts are full, enjoy Christmas IN FOUR WORDS Joyful times be had Santa is coming soon Love your time together IN THREE WORDS Happy happy holidays IN TWO WORDS Love you Warm wishes Christmas kisses


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