The Campaign for the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
A New Era of Pharmacy Education & Practice
The Campaign for the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Shaping Student Life & Learning
Advancing Groundbreaking Pharmaceutical Research
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Boundless Legacy: Generations
Annual Giving
Funding Priorities
A NEW ERA OF PHARMACY EDUCATION & PRACTICE Pharmacists have always been an essential part of health care in Canada. Today they are more vital than ever to the health of individuals and families. As experts in medication, they are the most accessible health professionals, called on daily to manage Canadians’ health and well-being. This is an exceptional time for pharmacy. Regulations recently passed by the Ontario government and governments in other parts of Canada have expanded the scope of pharmacy practice. Along with medication consultations, counselling and participation in family health care teams, pharmacists in some jurisdictions have been given the authority to prescribe certain medications and administer immunizations, such as flu shots. This new scope of practice has a significant impact on how we educate tomorrow’s pharmacist. Curricula must keep pace with regulatory changes to ensure that future pharmacists are equipped with the theoretical and practical skills they need to meet the present and future demands of the profession. The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto is ideally positioned to adapt to the new era of pharmacy. We are Canada’s largest and oldest Faculty of Pharmacy. The Faculty has evolved with the
profession. Our first role in pharmacy education was as examiners for apprentice pharmacists. Then, in 1948, we became the first Canadian university to offer a baccalaureate in pharmacy. Today we are a world leader in pharmacy education and research. Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Leslie Dan and many others, we are housed in a landmark Toronto building— a magnificent gateway linking the city’s Discovery District and core health care institutions to the University of Toronto’s historic St. George Campus. More remarkable is what goes on inside the building: world-class teaching, research and innovation that prepares leaders and reshapes pharmacy education and research in Canada. Our challenge today is to position the Faculty for success in the midst of the rapid evolution of our profession. To do this, we are launching a fundraising campaign as a part of Boundless: The Campaign for the University of Toronto. We invite you to read more about how we will meet our goals and how, together, we can make a difference to the future of our Faculty, as well as the health and prosperity of our communities.
“ We are committed to offering the best pharmacy education programs in the nation while maintaining our international reputation for innovation and discovery in pharmaceutical sciences.” Dr. Heather Boon (BScPhm 1991, PhD 1996) is the Dean of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy.
Our Faculty of Pharmacy has grown from a small village into a vibrant city since Dr. Leslie Dan’s transformational gift. Undergraduate enrolment has doubled and graduate enrolment has tripled. We educate 20 per cent of the pharmacists in Canada—and an even larger proportion of graduate students and researchers. The number of Faculty members has doubled. Together with colleagues in pharmacology, our Faculty members out-publish every university in Canada and all public universities in North America. Only Harvard, a private university, publishes more. This output is remarkable not just for its volume, but for its excellence: We also have the second-highest citation rate in North America next to Harvard. These statistics are impressive, but there is no margin for stasis in a changing pharmacy environment. As universities across the world have found, philanthropy is the key. That is why we are launching a fundraising campaign as a part of Boundless: The Campaign for the University of Toronto.
Our campaign will ensure that the Faculty can respond quickly to industry, student demand and opportunities for innovation. It will enhance our already cutting-edge educational programs; advance research that addresses issues relevant to modern drug therapy, discovery and delivery; examine the role of pharmacists in the health care system, and build on our commitment to life-long learning that improves professional competency. Our campaign will also develop programs and services that support the enhanced scope of practice for pharmacists. Our vision is to be one of the top pharmacy faculties in the world. To do this, we will look to our community of alumni and friends to secure the future of the Faculty in two areas: shaping student life and learning, and advancing groundbreaking pharmaceutical research.
“ This building is a symbol of accomplishment telling us how far the educational standards of the profession of pharmacy have evolved and what it will become in the future.” Dr. Leslie L. Dan (BScPharm 1954, MBA 1959, DSc 1997) provided a landmark gift in 2001 that transformed pharmacy education in Canada. His generosity resulted in the state-of-the-art Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building, which serves as a gateway between Toronto’s core health care institutions and the St. George campus.
PHARMACY FACTS & FIGURES With more than 8,000 alumni, 1,400 students and 150 faculty and staff, the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy is Canada’s largest and oldest pharmacy school. Leader in research relevant to modern drug therapy, including: • the discovery of new medicinal agents, diagnostic tools and drug delivery systems • evaluating the efficacy and adverse effects of new and existing drugs • exploring the economic, social and ethical impact of drugs in the health care system Research includes: • development of a cost-effective nanomaterial-based diagnostic tool used to identify cancer and infectious diseases • development of a novel drug delivery system to aid wound healing in diabetic patients • leveraging health care databases to examine the effects of drugs on patient health and how resources are used
Office of Continuous Professional Development delivers leading-edge educational programs to improve and expand the competency of pharmacy professionals, researchers, scientists and allied professionals involved in pharmacy policy and practice.
Innovative degree programs include: • Doctor of Pharmacy • Joint PharmD-MBA Program offered in conjunction with the Rotman School of Management • PharmD for Pharmacist Program that provides for those with a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy, the ability to upgrade their skills and knowledge to obtain a PharmD degree
International Pharmacy Graduate (IPG) program is a unique best-practices bridging program designed to assist pharmacists educated and trained in countries outside Canada to meet Canadian entry-to-practice standards.
To continue to attract the best students and ensure that the most talented are not turned away because of need, increased financial assistance is a top priority at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. With rising tuition fees and increased living expenses, the cost of a pharmacy education is well in excess of $30,000 annually.
At the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, life beyond the classroom is a crucial element of the student experience. The Faculty has a long history of supporting student-led initiatives and activities designed to help put learning into action.
The assistance available through scholarships, meritbased awards and bursaries has failed to keep pace with the growth in student enrolment over the past decade. The inability of our awards program to grow in concert with enrolment means the vast majority of students do not receive assistance in the form of student awards. For those who do, the average amount per recipient is low—about $700 per academic year. As a result, many students struggle to continue their studies without financial assistance. By significantly increasing the size and number of scholarships, merit-based awards and bursaries, the Faculty can attract the best students, ensuring that they receive a premium education from leaders in the pharmacy profession.
The Faculty is committed to enhancing students’ knowledge, skills and networks both inside and outside the University. Students must have opportunities to intern in developing nations, to attend international conferences and symposia, and present at a variety of seminars, conferences and student congresses. A dedicated Undergraduate Student Activities Fund will ensure that students participate in these activities, further building on the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom. The Faculty will also provide funds in support of student-led initiatives that are designed to expand social networks within the student body, not only within the Faculty, but University-wide. These initiatives strengthen the bonds among classmates and allow students to become involved in professional associations and activities long before graduation.
“ I have the opportunity to work with world-renowned professors. I have also been fortunate to receive a number of scholarships to support my studies and funding to attend conferences and symposiums, broadening my networks and enhancing my development.� Karen Lam is a PhD student at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. Her research focuses on translating radiolabelled molecular imaging probes to the clinic for monitoring response to breast cancer therapy.
Graduate students play a critical role in our researchbased Faculty, generating new ideas that foster better collaboration among professors, undergraduates and other graduate students. Endowed fellowships allow the Faculty to attract the best graduate students and provide them with the flexibility to explore new areas of study. The Faculty seeks new fellowship funds that may be used for students studying in the areas of biomolecular sciences; clinical, social and administrative pharmacy; pharmacy practice; or in interdisciplinary areas.
As graduate students pursue advanced studies, they require opportunities to expand their horizons, network with peers and place their research in a larger context. The Graduate Student Activities Fund will facilitate collaborations with other graduate students and researchers at academic conferences and symposia across North America and abroad. Participating in these events can significantly influence a young researcher’s career development and research focus. It is important that the Faculty support extra-curricular development by providing graduate students with the opportunities to showcase their research and learn from internationally recognized peers.
GRADUATE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM & SEMINARS The Graduate Research in Progress Symposium (GRIP) allows students to showcase their research findings while honing their presentation skills to fellow students, faculty and members of industry. GRIP consists of both oral and poster presentations and encompasses the entire spectrum of Faculty research, including pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutics, drug metabolism and delivery, toxicology, physical biochemistry and social and administrative pharmacy. The event also features a keynote address from a leading scientist and expert researcher. As student participation in GRIP is a requirement for graduation, securing funds to support it is critical.
Pharmaceutical research outside the Faculty is of tremendous value to our graduate students. Plans are in place to develop a regular seminar series where graduate students discuss current research and emerging trends within the pharmaceutical research community at large. With support, the Faculty will enhance such offerings by developing a more robust program of presentations by leading Canadian and international scientists.
ADVANCING GROUNDBREAKING PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH At the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, research is broad and multidisciplinary and encompasses all aspects of drug therapy and its impact on both the molecular level and entire populations. This includes disease biology, discovery of new medicinal agents, diagnostic tools and drug delivery systems and evaluating the efficacy and adverse effects of new and existing drugs. It also includes understanding the use of drugs in the health care system and their economic, social and ethical impact. Innovative research at the Faculty includes: the development of a cost-effective nano-material-based diagnostic tool used to identify cancer and infectious diseases; the development of a novel drug delivery system to aid wound healing in diabetic patients; and leveraging health care databases to examine the effects of drugs on patient health and how resources are used. Faculty research also includes some of the most innovative methods of cancer detection and treatment, new drug discovery, clinical trials and policy research pertaining to complementary and alternative medicines as well as business, health administration, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology and health outcomes. With support, we will build three world class research centres: one for complementary and alternative medicine, one for pharmaceutical oncology, and one that focuses on practice excellence. 12
CENTRE FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE More than 70 per cent of Canadians use healthrelated products and therapies often referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that are not part of the Canadian health care system. There is growing recognition of the importance of evidenceinformed integration of safe and effective CAM products and therapies into conventional health care systems in order to optimize patient health outcomes. In response to this, U of T is establishing a Centre for Integrative Medicine (CIM). Co-led by the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine, the CIM will engage in natural health products molecular discovery science, clinically-oriented research, and health professions education that blends evidence-informed CAM and Western Medicine to improve health outcomes. This activity will include: basic science discovery in natural health products; clinical and health systems research focused on testing the effectiveness of products and therapies in real-world conditions with complex patients; and analyzing how blending evidence-informed CAM and Western medicine alters cost of health care.
“ Once I saw the kind of work being done in the Faculty, I knew I would fit right in.” Professor Shana Kelley’s work developing technology to detect and diagnose prostate cancer in 30 minutes was called one of the top 10 research discoveries made in Toronto over the past decade.
CENTRE FOR PHARMACEUTICAL ONCOLOGY Ontario has a world-class cancer research and clinical trials infrastructure, but less than optimal resources in pharmaceutical oncology. To create a continuous pipeline of new treatments for cancer patients that can advance from discovery, through preclinical testing to clinical trials and ultimately to clinical use, this gap must be filled. Pharmaceutical oncology comprises skills and expertise that are uniquely situated in the pharmaceutical sciences and generally not found in cancer research institutes. These skills include formulation of anti-cancer drug delivery systems, pharmacogenomics for targeted and personalized cancer treatments, molecular pharmacology of existing and new cancer therapeutics, and clinical trial design and development.
The Centre for Pharmaceutical Oncology will house a team of pharmaceutical scientists who have the skills and expertise to address these areas of research. The Centre will also include pharmaceutical scientists at other universities and institutes interested in pharmaceutical oncology as well as industry and national and provincial cancer research institutes and organizations. The Centre will also have an educational mandate to provide research training to graduate students, post-doctoral and clinical fellows and summer undergraduate students.
CENTRE FOR PRACTICE EXCELLENCE This is a time of tremendous change for the profession of pharmacy. New opportunities exist for pharmacists to have a greater impact on patient care. New practice models and responsibilities have been introduced to optimize medication use at the patient and population levels. New funding streams and models prioritize the delivery of high-quality patient-focused services over volume-driven dispensing. New opportunities exist to engage directly and more meaningfully with patients, caregivers, and communities. As a result of these changes, pharmacists have an exceptional opportunity to play an even larger role in promoting health care and leading change forward by advancing health literacy and redesigning services to improve patient access to medications and medication information. This is also a time of considerable uncertainty within the profession. To seize these opportunities, pharmacists must embrace the change necessary to advance practice. To do so, they must manage expectations, translate skills into sustainable business practices, and motivate pharmacy staff to overcome any fears or apprehensions to assume new roles and responsibilities. The Centre for Practice Excellence at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy is in a unique position to address the issues impacting the future of health care. Built on the core objective of patient-focused care, the Centre will unleash the potential of pharmacy by equipping students and practitioners with the skills to maximize their clinical expertise, enhance quality of care, and improve patient outcomes in a cost-effective manner. The Centre has three key foci: Management Education, Transformational Research, and Practice Innovation. Working together, the branches of the Centre for Practice Excellence will generate leading-edge research about pharmacy practice and medication use and utilize these discoveries to develop educational programs and practice
innovations that will revolutionize patient care. Working collaboratively across professions, disciplines, institutions, and sectors, the Centre will bring together researchers, educators, practitioners, managers, and innovators who are committed to transforming evidence into practice to benefit students, practitioners, and patients. Focusing on the management and implementation of practice innovation at the community level, the Centre will help everyday pharmacists and pharmacy managers incorporate evidence-informed, cutting-edge practices into their daily work. The Centre will assemble individuals from finance, human resources, operations management, clinical skills training, organizational development, information technology, marketing, outcomes research, and communications to implement sustainable, financially viable solutions for practice excellence. Leveraging research to understand the barriers and enablers to practice change, the Centre will develop educational programs and practice innovations for pharmacists and pharmacy managers that will transform patient care. The Centre for Practice Excellence will strengthen the Faculty’s pharmacy practice research activities and create a robust community pharmacy research network. This network will support existing leaders and create leadership development programs to empower students and practitioners with the skills and confidence to take leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams. Ultimately, the Centre will enable real world research, ensure that best practices become new standards, and establish community pharmacies as a primary source of health care in communities across Canada.
“ The Faculty is at the forefront of unprecedented change and opportunity, providing the education, training, research and innovation to drive the profession forward.� Professor Zubin Austin, (BScPhm 1988, MBA 1994, MISt 1997, MEd 1998, PhD 2002) The Murray B. Koffler Chair in Pharmacy Management, is an award-winning educator and researcher dedicated to innovation in the field of pharmacy practice.
In addition to our cutting-edge educational offerings, groundbreaking pharmaceutical research and innovative programs, what continues to set the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy apart from other faculties and colleges is our outstanding alumni. Our more than 8,000 graduates have been the bedrock of our Faculty. Whether it is providing critical financial support for students, research and programs, volunteering as mentors, preceptors and instructors, or serving as valued and trusted advisors, we could not have achieved all that we have without the commitment and support of our alumni. This commitment and dedication is so deep that it spans generations. We have a history that dates back to the late 1800s, during which time we progressed from serving as examiners for apprentice pharmacists, to being the first Canadian university to offer a baccalaureate in pharmacy, to where we stand today, as the leading pharmacy faculty in Canada. Throughout this illustrious history, generations
of pharmacists have known us as their alma mater. Our alumni family has grown to be more than a group of peers—in fact, it is common for many of our graduates to call each other mother, father, sister or brother. For more than 140 years, the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy has been an international leader in the noble profession of pharmacy, and because of this, over the generations, we have produced entire families of innovative and creative pharmacists who have guided the profession forward. These individuals have, and continue to be, at the forefront of the health care system in Canada and around the world.
Tom Brown (BScPhm 1988) (right), is Director of the PostBaccalaureate Doctor of Pharmacy program at the Faculty. Tom followed in the footsteps of his mother, Hilda Brown, a 1957 graduate (centre) and his paternal grandfather Aubrey Brown, who graduated in 1920 (pictured in the portrait held by Tom), as well as his great-uncle Fred Carter, a 1935 alumnus. Tom’s wife (left), Heather Kertland (BScPhm 1987 and holding the portrait of Fred Carter) is a clinical pharmacist specializing in cardiology and an Associate Professor at the Faculty.
Throughout the Boundless Campaign, gifts to the Faculty’s Annual Fund are essential. Annual support enables the Faculty to address immediate needs including valuable student financial assistance and student-led initiatives and activities designed to help put learning into action. There are a number of ways to contribute to the Annual Fund including: monthly donations, payroll deductions, gifts of securities or one-time annual gifts. Whatever method and amount you choose, you can be assured that your donation today and for years to come will do more than simply support a student award or update a laboratory. Your gift will support a dedicated group of dedicated individuals, providing them with the skills, knowledge and experience to meet the present and future needs of today’s complex health care system, ensuring the health and prosperity of our communities. Every gift truly makes a difference. Without the support of our Boundless Annual Fund donors, we would not be able to provide pharmacy students with the opportunity to excel and become the future leaders of our profession.
“ I am excited to apply what I have learned in the classroom to real life practice settings and enhance the care of patients in my community.� Tiana Tilli, Class of 2017, is a young leader who is actively involved in student government and numerous extracurricular activities.
BOUNDLESS OPPORTUNITY As the health sciences advance and our health care system evolves, pharmacists will be called on to meet the challenges of a dramatically changing landscape. As Canada’s top pharmacy school, the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy can provide the leadership necessary to excel in this environment. To do so, we require the support and generosity of our worldwide community of alumni and friends. Together, we can prepare the pharmacists of tomorrow with the scientific knowledge and practical skills necessary to deliver the new standard of health care. By expanding opportunities for students and researchers, we will accelerate the ability of our Faculty to make meaningful contributions within the health care system, drive innovation in science and business, and advance pharmaceutical research. Your support will help us to attract the most productive and imaginative students and empower our entire community of scholars to reach their full potential.
FUNDING PRIORITIES To achieve our vision to be one of the top pharmacy faculties in the world, the Boundless Campaign will seek to support two key priorities: Shaping Student Life and Learning
$8 million
Advancing Groundbreaking Research
$32 million
$40 million
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: DAVID WHITE Assistant Dean, Advancement 144 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3M2 (416) 978-6749 dm.white@utoronto.ca