The Campaign for the University of St. Michael’s College
Every St. Michael’s student knows that the College is a special place. From the throngs of students attending their first classes in Teefy Hall to the splendour and pageantry of Convocation, St. Michael’s distinguishes itself not only by the quality of the student experience but as a unique centre where Christian commitment to community finds vibrant expression in everything we do. “We are a place steeped in rich traditions,” says Vice-President (Academic) and Principal Domenico Pietropaolo. “Traditions that inform our choices and shape who we are.” For 160 years, St. Michael’s College has been preparing men and women in mind, body and spirit for careers of successful enterprise and lives of character, service and accomplishment. As we embark on a major campaign, St. Michael’s is determined to build on its past and assure its future. The key is our commitment to building community. “We care about the journey, not just the destination,” explains Professor Pietropaolo. “We are training minds and hearts as well as teaching content. We are shaping worldviews and habits, and encouraging the traits of good character which last a lifetime.” Teach me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge: This is the motto of the Basilian Fathers. This is the trinity of tradition at the core of the St. Michael’s College experience. This is where we begin.
Our Beginnings The University of St. Michael’s College, founded by Fr. Pierre Tourvieille, CSB, in 1852, belongs to tradition of St. Basil the Great, whose steadfast pursuit of truth, charity and justice, combined with openness to the beauties of all cultures, informs the philosophy of the College to this day. St. Michael’s became affiliated with the University of Toronto in 1883 and a federated college in 1910, by which time it was a leading institution for Catholics seeking higher learning. In the following year St. Joseph’s College and Loretto College affiliated with St. Michael’s, continuing their leadership in women’s education and enabling their students to receive University of Toronto degrees. St. Michael’s expanded its mandate as a graduate research centre in 1929 with the opening of the Institute of Mediaeval Studies—renamed the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in 1939—under the guidance of the great French philosopher Etienne Gilson and with Fr. Henry Carr as founding president. The Institute’s library, including many priceless manuscripts, is internationally renowned.
Empowered to grant theology degrees in 1954, St. Michael’s College named His Eminence James C. McGuigan, Canada’s first English-speaking Cardinal, as founding Chancellor. This position is held today by His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins. Since its inception St. Michael’s has been home to scholars as great as the media theorist Marshall McLuhan and the theologian Jacques Maritain. Among the more than 50,000 St. Michael’s alumni are such distinguished Canadians as former Prime Minister Paul Martin, Bank of Montreal immediate past president Tony Comper, novelist and playwright Morley Callaghan and Olympic gold medalist Lori Dupuis. With its diverse and welcoming community of outstanding students and faculty, St. Michael’s College remains a distinctive locus of scholarly discipline and innovative teaching within the University of Toronto.
Faculty of the Institute of Mediaeval Studies in 1930-31. Standing: G.B. Phelan CSB, Etienne Gilson, B.F. Sullivan CSB, H.S. Bellisle CSB Seated: M.D. Chenu OP, E.J. McCorkell CSB
With its diverse and welcoming community of outstanding students and faculty, St. Michael’s College remains a distinctive locus of scholarly discipline and innovative teaching.
OUR PRESENT The University of St. Michael’s College is the largest federated college at the University of Toronto, by virtue both of its area—12 acres in a picturesque downtown setting—and its undergraduate enrolment of more than 4,800 students. With one of the largest theology schools in North America, and the internationally acclaimed Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, we are also home to more than 350 graduate students. More than 500 students are in residence, making St. Michael’s a bustling social centre with an unparalleled esprit de corps. Many choose St. Michael’s for its reputation as a caring community where students have a rich array of social, academic and athletic experiences with which to fulfill their university experience. St. Michael’s also enjoys the advantage of heritage buildings, gracious green space, the renowned John M. Kelly Library, historic St. Basil’s Church and several large, co-ed residence halls, all configured neatly in a clustered community just east of Queen’s Park. A University rooted in liberal arts education, St. Michael’s is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the Christian tradition that engages the widest range of academic disciplines and cultural perspectives.
The College welcomes faculty and students from every background who want to participate in a community where the pursuit of social justice, the development of personal character and the enrichment of community life are vital components of teaching and learning. The University of St. Michael’s College has four distinct academic areas: the Undergraduate College, whose students and faculty are part of the University of Toronto; the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (PIMS), whose mandate is to foster awareness of the Middle Ages through research, teaching and publication; the Faculty of Theology, which offers graduate theological education; and the Continuing Education Division, which collaborates with community partners to offer lifelong learning and personal development.
“Father Finlay, a Basilian priest, was a regular presence in our daily lives. I admired his vocation and integrity. It was a profound experience to live in a community where people were dedicated to the service of others. This helped shape my world view.� Dr. Andrew Pierre completed his MD (9T3) and MSc (9T7) in Lung Transplantation at the University of Toronto. Now assistant professor and the designate chair in minimally invasive surgery in the Faculty of Medicine, he is a leading expert and practitioner of lung transplantation.
For 160 years, St. Michael’s has been preparing men and women in mind, body and spirit for careers of successful enterprise and lives of character, service and accomplishment.
OUR FUTURE “We drive into the future,” said Marshall McLuhan, “using only our rearview mirror.” No one can predict the future, but St. Michael’s has many advantages as the new century unfolds: a vibrant Catholic tradition that informs our operating principles, the legacy of engaged and supportive alumni, generations strong, a committed faculty and staff and a loyal community of students whose allegiance to St. Michael’s College is steadfast. All this strengthens us as we embark on a strategic plan to affirm our vision of life and learning in the 21st century. We are determined to be responsive to the present and prepared for the future by being true to our founding principles.
The Campaign for the University of St. Michael’s College will seek support in three vital areas:
PEOPLE We must attract the best to become the best. With a stable cohort of distinguished faculty and the resources to nurture the brightest students with scholarship and bursary support, we will ensure the preservation of the St. Michael’s heritage of scholastic excellence.
PLACE We are stewards of a beautiful campus, which we must revitalize and preserve. We will update residences to contemporary standards and create modern learning spaces while refurbishing Elmsley Place and other historic landmarks.
PROGRAM By enriching our hallmark undergraduate programs (Book & Media Studies, Celtic Studies, Mediaeval Studies and Christianity & Culture) we will reaffirm our international leadership in these areas. More investment will expand SMC One Cornerstone, a revolutionary program for firstyear students that combines academic study with community service and internships.
“I grew up in a small town, Welland, Ontario. When I arrived at St. Mike’s I learned how people of many different backgrounds and views live and work together. The aspect of St. Michael’s that stands out most to me is that sense of community, the esprit de corps of the place; there’s nowhere like it.” Anthony Lacavera (BASc 9T7) is chairman and CEO of Globalive Communications as well as WIND Mobile. He was awarded the designation of Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity by the Italian government and named CEO of the year by Report on Business Magazine in 2010.
THE OPPORTUNITY Boundless Community, the Campaign for the University of St. Michael’s College, is an historic opportunity to advance our standing as a great centre of undergraduate liberal arts education with a unique community spirit and an array of specialized academic programs that can be found at no other university. “Boundless Community will create a new platform for academic achievement and excellence,” says President and Vice-Chancellor Anne Anderson, CSJ, “and further establish St. Michael’s College as a locus of innovation and collaboration.” Our plan will increase the number of permanent faculty positions by attracting outstanding national and international scholars, attract high-calibre undergraduates with more scholarships and refurbish and enhance our historic campus to create an environment for living and learning that is suited to a thriving academic community.
To accomplish this goal we seek $50 million in both capital and endowment funding, which amounts to the largest fundraising effort in history of St. Michael’s College. We are confident that our alumni and friends will support this great endeavour to honour the spirit and vision of our founders by transforming the students of today into citizens of the world.
THE GOALS Infrastructure Revitalization $10 Million St. Michael’s College is home to some of the most distinctive structures and spaces on the St. George campus. From the sandstone corridor of Soldier’s Memorial Slype, etched with the names of the fallen, to the iconic Archangel sculpture in the collegiate Gothic quad, we are custodians of a great place that is part of the St. Michael’s College experience. Our Campaign will address our most immediate requirements for physical revitalization. Residences will be modernized and expanded to accommodate our more than 500 resident students. The remaining unrenovated stately 19th-century homes that adorn the “Flower Pot Lane” of Elmsley Place will be carefully restored to meet contemporary standards.
Classrooms, including those in landmark properties, will be modernized to ensure that our faculty and students can study and learn in comfortable, well-appointed spaces with access to appropriate technology. These improvements are not luxuries but essential components of a great centre of learning.
The Library of the Future $5 Million The history of the John M. Kelly Library is rooted in the origins of the College itself. Gifts of books from Fr. Jean Mathieu Soulerin, CSB, the first Superior of the College in the mid-1850s, form the early core of the collection. The library remains the heart of St. Michael’s College campus and an emblem of its dedication to scholarship. It is the only library in the U of T system that has a full-time librarian available to counsel undergraduates one-on-one in their pursuit of research.
As St. Michael’s continues to grow, the Kelly Library also must grow. An extensive addition to the south side of the building will include: ·· A bright, spacious and modern information commons. ·· A lounge, additional study carrels and banks of computer terminals. ·· Wireless access throughout the building.
·· Improved access to the archives and special The Kelly Library provides access to more collections. than 500,000 books, periodicals, microfilm and audio-visual materials as well as a large ·· Enhanced space for important collections bank of computers. Collections are particularly to ensure greater access and utility. distinguished in the areas of theology, philosophy, Celtic languages and literature, Canadian history ·· Facilities that will welcome people with and literature, English, French and Slavic mobility challenges. literature, and the history of the Middle Ages. More than a thousand visitors enter the John M. Kelly Library each day from across the University of Toronto and beyond. It was the first library at U of T to make facilities available 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the last week of term and through exam periods. It is bustling day and night with students and has more digital holdings than any library in Toronto other than Robarts.
These will be the first significant expansions or renovations since the opening of the Kelly Library in 1969. It remains a hub of activity, a central artery through which students and visitors pass daily. Improving space and accessibility while maintaining progress in digital technology are vital to the future of St. Michael’s College.
“As the Kelly Library morphs from a physical storehouse of books into a digital hub for sharing information of all kinds, it becomes part of the global landscape of knowledge dissemination. The Kelly Library is one more reason for great hope in our future.” Hugh McKinnon (BA 8T1), Chairman and CEO of Bennett Jones LLP, is chair of the Collegium of the University of St. Michael’s College. He also serves as a board member of or advisor to the C.D. Howe Institute, PIMS, the Canadian International Council, the Foundation of Bethlehem University, the Woodrow Wilson Institute, the CEO Global Network and the Walrus Magazine Foundation.
The Cornerstone Fund $5 Million As the largest federated college of U of T, St. Michael’s College is home to more than 4,800 undergraduates. SMC One Cornerstone is an innovative program designed to provide a framework—academic, extracurricular and societal—for students entering their first year. Cornerstone differs from other “One” programs in its openness to all St. Michael’s students and its specific dedication to community and social justice. The Cornerstone credit course in Justice, Culture and Community examines social justice in the context of history, theology, politics, philosophy, psychology and sociology. Students also enroll in servicelearning projects in one in four areas: Life and Health, Environment and Earth, Politics and Society or Thought and Culture. Cornerstone will make a difference in many ways. Students will learn about human interconnectedness, how best to collaborate, how to work effectively in teams. They will reflect on the major questions of today in the context of their academic studies and their community life as citizens of the University.
The goals of SMC One Cornerstone are: ·· To provide an engaging, small-group learning experience. ·· To encourage critical reflection on the relationship between theory and practice by integrating academic studies with community service. ·· To introduce students to the core mission of St. Michael’s College, including its institutional commitment to social justice. ·· To cultivate lasting relationships between St. Michael’s College and other community partners, including Catholic care providers and other non-profit organizations committed to social justice. The investment of $5 million reflects both our status as U of T’s largest federated college and our firm belief that Cornerstone will have a transformational effect on the learning experience of undergraduates and the good work done by St. Michael’s College as a pillar of the community.
“The ethos of St. Michael’s College can be found in our new Cornerstone program, with its unique focus on social justice. Cornerstone will give enrolled students a platform upon which to ask this question: “How is who I am and what I do significant to the world?” Domenico Pietropaolo (BSc 7T1, MA 7T3, PhD 8T1) is the Vice President (Academic) and Principal of St. Michael’s. Former Chair of the Italian Studies Department, Professor Pietropaolo is a specialist in Dante studies, dramaturgy and Italian literary history, including the relationship between science and the arts.
The Hallmark Fund $20 Million St. Michael’s College is home to four academic programs that, individually and collectively, are vital components of our reputation. They are offerings no other university can match. By creating a fund dedicated to these hallmark programs, we will be able to energize recruitment, improve program delivery and heighten the international profile of St. Michael’s College. Book & Media Studies Inspired by the legacy of Marshall McLuhan, Book & Media Studies (BMS) was the first program in the English-speaking world to offer undergraduates the opportunity to undertake studies in the history of book culture (both manuscript and print), broadcast communications and web-focused media. We live in an information era, a world that is more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. The advent of the Internet and the digitization of media have changed how we read, write and relay information. These are the complexities the students of today must navigate. An interdisciplinary investigation of the role of printing and reading in cultures past and present, the Book & Media Studies program covers manuscript and book production, Internet publishing, the digitization of information,
illustration, advertising, censorship, the fabrication of propaganda and the ways in which readers in different cultures use books. Students frequently choose careers in journalism, publishing, editing, communications, marketing and information and library science. The program expands on the work of Marshall McLuhan, the St. Michael’s Professor of English who became internationally famous in the 1960s and 1970s as a communications theorist. Starting with the insights of Harold Innis, another great U of T scholar, McLuhan popularized the idea that our technologies have a profound effect on our lives, culture and history.
“We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror.” Marshall McLuhan, a professor of English at St. Michael’s College, pointed out that the medium of communication conveys as much meaning as the content. His insights are more relevant today than when he introduced them to a startled world.
“Celtic Studies examines how cultures evolve and transform as a result of the geopolitical forces acting in the world around them. It is a very relevant and robust way of engaging students in critical thinking about history, the world today and how culture itself is part of the evolution of our species.” ANNE DOOLEY, professor emerita with the Celtic Studies Program at St. Michael’s College and the Centre for Medieval Studies.
Celtic Studies Celtic Studies offers a wide array of courses in the language, history, music, literature, folklore, art and archaeology of the peoples of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Students examine Celtic identity in both modern and ancient contexts and explore the transmission of these traditions to North America. Courses range from Scottish Gaelic and Middle Welsh Language and Literature to Celtic Spirituality, the Poetry of Seamus Heaney and the Great Irish Famine in an International Context. The Philip and Linda Armstrong Visiting Scholar fellowship brings a visiting professor annually from Ireland. There is an annual conference on a Celtic subject with guest speakers. The Ireland Fund of Canada sponsors an artist in residence who is available to consult with students and give lectures and workshops while the St. Andrew’s Society of Toronto sponsors an annual lecture on a Scottish subject. Students are free to contribute articles, poetry and artwork to the Garm Lu journal. There is no more fitting place for this program than Canada: scholars estimate that 250,000 people in Canada spoke Gaelic in the late century. St. Michael’s College has one of the few Celtic Studies program in North America, and is one of the few universities to offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees in this discipline.
Mediaeval Studies
Christianity & Culture
St. Michael’s College has a long tradition of teaching and research in mediaeval disciplines and its library has some of the richest resources in the field.
St. Michael’s College provides undergraduate students with a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between religion and contemporary and historical culture. Only at St. Michael’s College are ethics and philosophy integrated with science and technology so that students can make sense of the spirit as well as the substance of things.
Through courses in history, thought, literature and art, the Mediaeval Studies program offers students the opportunity to study subjects which are not only of value in their own right but also sources of many things familiar to us in a context sufficiently unfamiliar to expand our mental horizons and suggest new perspectives. Mediaeval Studies is an interdisciplinary program encompassing all aspects of European culture from the fall of Rome to the fall of Constantinople – from approximately 450 to 1450 AD.
As a centre of Christian teaching and learning that embraces both the U of T Faculty of Theology and the Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies, St. Michael’s College is firmly dedicated to the study of how Christianity and culture intersect and influence our world. The Christianity & Culture program examines Christianity from a variety of perspectives, including art, literature, science, philosophy, ritual, law, psychology and social and institutional history. Hundreds of students, faculty, alumni and friends attend the annual Christianity & Culture Lecture. Speakers have included former Toronto Poet Laureate Fr. Pier Giorgio di Cicco, art and architecture critic John Bentley Mays, literary critic Philip Marchand, the late Canadian Opera Company general director Richard Bradshaw, sculptor Ted Rettig, Scottish composer James MacMillan, stained glass artist Sarah Hall, Irish writer Claire Keegan and Canadian musician and broadcaster Peter Togni.
“The support of St. Michael’s College donors has been invaluable in allowing students like myself the freedom from financial stress as well as the ability and encouragement to participate fully in the University.” JESSICA BIGELOW (BA 1T1)
Scholarship and Bursary Endowment $10 Million St. Michael’s maintains the largest undergraduate enrolment of any college at U of T. We welcome students regardless of religious denomination. We are committed to accessibility: No qualified student who chooses St. Michael’s is turned away. This means enrolment increases each year— as must tuition. It is vital for us to ensure we can support those undergraduate and graduate students who encounter financial pressures while completing their studies. It is important also to offer merit-based scholarships to the outstanding students who grace our community each year and honour the College with their superlative achievements. Our Campaign will make possible new endowed scholarships for merit- and needs-based awards at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
“My time at St. Michael’s was extraordinarily happy; many of my friends from that era remain friends today. To roam the broader campus, to take organic chemistry or study at Robarts and then, at the end of the day, to cross Queen’s Park and return to the warmth and camaraderie of Elmsley Place, that is a great gift.” Tony Comper (BA 6T6) is the immediate past president of the Bank of Montreal. He served the University of Toronto as chair of Governing Council from 1995 to 1998 and was chair of the Great Minds campaign from 1995 to 2004. This former vice-chair of St. Michael’s Hospital is the co-founder, with his wife Elizabeth, of FAST – Fighting Against Anti-Semitism Together.
Campaign Priorities The Boundless Community Campaign will pursue the following objectives: 1. Provide enhanced infrastructure to the most important teaching and learning spaces and create additional residential facilities for a growing student population. 2. Revitalize the John M. Kelly Library to meet the demands of the 21st century by broadening access to resources, services and collections for the benefit of both St. Michael’s students and the broader U of T community. 3. Reaffirm the foundational St. Michael’s commitment to Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge for every first-year student through the creation of SMC One Cornerstone. This program will build character, enhance the pursuit of social justice and create a platform for greater dedication to community.
4. Establish core funding and support for Book & Media Studies, Celtic Studies, Mediaeval Studies and Christianity & Culture. By affirming the international status of these hallmark programs we will enable St. Michael’s to pursue advancement opportunities in years to come. 5. Increase scholarship and bursary support so that we can attract and maintain the top echelon of undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarships and bursaries strengthen the very fabric of St. Michael’s and work to the benefit of all.
20 %
50 %
Campaign Priority Infrastructure Revitalization
Cost $10 million
Library of the Future
$5 million
Cornerstone Fund
$5 million
Hallmark Fund
$20 million
Scholarships & Bursaries
$10 million
$50 million
This is an extraordinary moment in the history of the University of St. Michael’s College. Our goals are ambitious. To achieve them will require the dedication of our academic and volunteer leaders and transformational philanthropy from our loyal alumni and friends. We are convinced that this is a pivotal time— and the right time—to invest in this distinctive and caring place. By working now we will honour our glorious past and secure our even greater future. “What makes St. Michael’s College unique,” says Professor Anne Anderson, CSJ, the first female President of St. Michael’s College, “is the attention we pay as a community of scholars to the heart as well as the mind. “We must redouble our efforts to build a platform to pursue ‘Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge’ through the 21st century and beyond. This evolution must be grounded by prudent strategies and exact deployment of resources. We will grow where we stand to gain the most and plant the seeds that yield the greatest fruit.
“With our students, faculty, alumni and friends, we will succeed. For the power of our engaged and loyal community is surely like no other.” The Campaign will do more than imbue the past achievements of St. Michael’s with quiet lustre. The Campaign will illuminate a brilliant new path into the future. Now is the time to invest in the University of St. Michael’s College and the people who make it a great community. We invite you to support our Campaign. Through your generosity and commitment, the University of St. Michael’s College will reach these ambitious goals. Let us begin this essential journey.
“With our students, faculty, alumni and friends, we will succeed.” PROFESSOR ANNE ANDERSON, CSJ
UNIVERSITY OF ST. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE Office of Alumni Affairs and Development 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1J4 tel: 416-926-2331 or 1-866-238-3339