Boundless Vision

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The Campaign for the

University of Toronto Scarborough

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The UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH is at an exciting threshold. high-performing students and faculty in greater numbers, novel programming and new state-of-the-art facilities have transformed UTSC into a comprehensive research-intensive university in its own right. from a one-building campus launched in 1964, we have flourished and offer exceptional undergraduate and graduate programs, a robust research environment, premier cooperative educational opportunities, outstanding physical spaces and a vibrant international perspective. Building upon such growth, UTSC approaches its 50th anniversary with a sense of tremendous momentum and possibility. The Campaign for the University of Toronto Scarborough is an integral part of the $2-billion Boundless Campaign for the University of Toronto and its bold vision for Canada’s leading university. UTSC’s campaign will focus on the distinct strengths and attributes that make this campus unique and will leverage our transformational growth to accelerate our emergence as an international centre of learning and discovery. We invite our community of generous alumni, friends, faculty, staff and other supporters to join us in this historic campaign. With your support, the University of Toronto Scarborough will dedicate the next 50 years to realizing our boundless potential as an engine of innovation and prosperity across our region and beyond.

CONTENTS tHe utsc community pRepARinG GloBAl citiZens meetinG GloBAl cHAllenGes BounDless vision

thE UtSc cOMMUNity:

BUiLDiNg thE fUtUrE tOgEthEr

a great university brings about transformational change in its surrounding regions. The University of Toronto Scarborough is no exception, boasting a powerful combination of strengths that makes it the intellectual and cultural hub of one of the fastest-growing regions in north america. our critical mass of exceptional scholars, researchers and cutting-edge infrastructure exists within a culture of active partnership with the community that is integral to initiatives ranging from research partnerships to co-op and internship programs. We are poised to do much more. growth and development at UTSC are at the core of our strategic, academic and operational plans with UTSC’s master plan and the north Campus expansion leading the way to strategic investments in key areas. We are enhancing our recruitment process to attract greater numbers of outstanding students. The recent addition of six academic departments and two new centres has been supported by a growing slate of world-class scholars and teachers. perhaps most gratifyingly, our own students have generously voted to contribute $54 million over the next 25 years toward a new aquatics Centre and field house Complex. it is in the midst of this environment of excitement and possibility that we launch the campaign for the University of Toronto Scarborough, an integral component of Boundless: The Campaign for the


University of Toronto. The two central pillars of Boundless are preparing global citizens and meeting global challenges. as part of a tri-campus teaching and research powerhouse, UTSC is uniquely positioned to advance the priorities of U of T and our standing as one of the finest public universities in the world. The sense of anticipation with which we embark upon the campaign for the University of Toronto Scarborough cannot be overstated. With the generosity of visionary philanthropic leaders, we will expand and deepen our research offerings; increase our undergraduate and graduate capacity; and fully equip our beautiful campus with the necessary facilities and infrastructure to ensure a legacy of excellence now and for future generations. as always, we remain committed, first and foremost, to the academic success and personal fulfillment of our students. Thank you for joining us as we build our remarkable future together. professor franco J. vaccarino Principal, University of Toronto Scarborough Vice-President, University of Toronto

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“UTSC’s transformation is about much more than new forward-looking and cutting-edge facilities. it is about the students, staff, educators and researchers who inhabit these buildings and bring them to life.” professor fraNcO J. vaccariNO’s (BSc 1978) research into the neurobiology of stress and motivation is considered a model for bridging the neural and behavioral sciences.

rEMarKaBLE grOwth originally, UTSC was home to 500 students and 16 faculty. Today, our campus community includes close to 11,000 students and more than 800 faculty and staff. To accommodate this growth, transform the student experience and elevate our entire teaching and research enterprise, our master plan calls for a suite of cutting-edge facilities for our north Campus. progress toward completion of these facilities, in partnership with government and others, sets the stage for the next phase of our transformation. The campaign for the University of Toronto Scarborough will engage the entire community to maximize these investments and fully realize our vision for UTSC. Completed The airy, light-filled instructional Centre increases space for academic life on campus by 25 per cent. This much-needed expansion includes lecture halls, a finance lab that permits trading simulations and other activities, a microprocessor lab and a new home for our co-op programs and the Department of management and Department of Computer & mathematical Sciences. Under Construction The aquatics Centre and field house Complex—a glittering multi-purpose athletic facility—will host events of the 2015 pan am/parapan am games and stand as a lasting legacy for UTSC, the surrounding community, and for elite Canadian athletes. Planned The advanced Science institute will provide cutting-edge, innovative spaces to accommodate our growing volume of research and its translation into processes, treatments and products that improve quality of life. Proposed future developments will focus on providing welcoming spaces for students and visitors. for example, new residences would add immeasurably to the UTSC student experience, allowing us to expand programming in experiential education and assist in housing our growing complement of international students. a hotel and conference facility would create opportunities for UTSC to convene world-leading scholars and host student orientation events and other large gatherings. This signature space will also provide a showcase for our Doris mcCarthy art collection and other important works.


The Aquatics Centre and Field House Complex (under construction)

Advanced Science Institute (planned site)

Instructional Centre (completed)

New UTSC facilities incorporate the latest design features and are appointed with cutting-edge technology and delightful amenities. These buildings herald a new era of excellence for UTSC across research, teaching and student life.

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(BA 1988, Hon BA 2003)



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The new Instructional Centre, which conforms to prestigious Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver Standards.

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rtSideOut is a day-long festival using unconventional outdoor A spaces to stage arts events, exhibits, performances and more.


The Instructional Centre features a four-storey skylight atrium animated with balconies, rooftop gardens and other features.


The Student Centre is a hub of campus life, housing services including the student union and clubs as well as food outlets and lounges.


Architectural rendering of the Aquatics Centre and Field House Complex.

prEpariNg gLOBaL citizENS

Through a volunteer program run by the World University Service of Canada, UTSC student Tiana Rodrigue (Hon BA 2010) consulted on primary education in Burkina Faso.

During her placement in Tanzania, Sarah Klassen learned Swahili and worked with World Vision on a project involving community groups.

Preparing global citizens, the first pillar of the Boundless campaign, will foster international fluency and leadership skills among our undergraduate and graduate students. We will accomplish this by enhancing learning environments, strengthening educational opportunities outside the classroom, increasing international experiences for our students and ensuring access and opportunity for all students through merit- and needs-based financial awards.

as a leader in experiential, collaborative and globalized education with a vibrant international student cohort, UTSC is uniquely positioned to educate and inspire the next generation of leaders. We provide educational platforms, supported by active research on topics of global concern, that give our students new knowledge and novel ways of thinking that prepare them to navigate today’s global reality.


The UTSC focus on experiential learning opportunities resulted in one of the first post-secondary co-op programs in Canada. This emphasis on hands-on learning combined with rigorous theoretical education continues to grow, enabling our students to graduate with the experience, skills and self-confidence to succeed in a rapidly changing interconnected world.

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“We have to remember that our students are preparing for an environment that is remarkably different from the world that we trained their parents for—or even their brothers and sisters, for that matter.” professor ricK haLpErN, Dean and Vice-principal (academic), is a specialist in modern U.S. history who has written extensively on race and labour in national and transnational contexts.

prEpariNg gLOBaL citizENS

BUiLDiNg gLOBaL fLUENcy The University of Toronto Scarborough has a diverse student body, distinguished faculty and research collaborations that span the globe. The campaign for UTSC will enhance our international perspective by expanding and enhancing key initiatives. our agship program in Critical Development Studies (formerly international Development Studies) provides students with a critical understanding of international development issues across social sciences, humanities and environmental science. philanthropic giving will support entrance scholarships, international internships and a visiting development activist program. another innovative offering at UTSC is the specialist program in the management of international Business, which educates future business leaders who will anchor Canada’s productivity and prosperity in the global economy. Students acquire knowledge of the world’s cultures, values and languages through study and international work experience while honing their critical and original thinking. giving will support scholarships, study abroad opportunities and international work placements. in the field of applied science, UTSC will leverage its graduate platform in environmental science to train future leaders who will address many of the urgent challenges of our time concerning sustainability. across the humanities, which encompass areas of fundamental scholarship, we will make bold inquiries into the global human condition through disciplines of particular strength: our Centre for french and Linguistics; our Department of arts, Culture and media; and our Department of historical and Cultural Studies.


Preparing Global Citizens

“ A lot of people have invested in me and taught me things that inform the person I am today.” Beulah Erhiawarien (Hon BA 2012), an international development student at UTSC, is a coordinator for the Imani Mentorship Program, which encourages Toronto’s youth to pursue post-secondary education.


Ensuring Access And Opportunity As one of the world’s leading public universities, U of T has a longstanding commitment to the complementary ideals of excellence and access. We are determined that none of the talented and deserving students offered admission to a program at U of T should be unable to enter or complete it due to inadequate financial means. UTSC shares this pledge with consideration for the particular socio-economic constraints of portions of our surrounding communities as well as those of many in our student body who are the first in their family to pursue post-secondary education. These commitments, along with an expected burgeoning demand for post-secondary education in the coming years, will challenge our resources. Support from alumni and friends of the University is essential to our continuing ability to fund both merit- and needsbased student financial awards and to ensure that we


continue to attract and nurture outstanding students, regardless of their economic situation. UTSC also recognizes that post-secondary education is one of the primary means to shape leaders who will power our institutions and our knowledge economy. Ensuring access and opportunity encompasses funding to provide students with educational experiences that nurture leadership capacity, skills development, social responsibility and the ability to navigate global contexts.

the campaign for the university of toronto scarborough

prEpariNg gLOBaL citizENS

“UTSC was a very rich learning experience for me. The programs were wonderful and I appreciated the intimate campus setting. Faculty doors were always open.” While an undergraduate, Stian Håklev (hon Ba 2008), completed a one-year placement with Care international in indonesia. from there, håklev embarked on an ma in education from oiSe, which focused on higher education in China. now a phD student, his research examines methods to enable collaborative peer-based learning around open educational resources.

ShapiNg StUDENt LifE aND LEarNiNg UTSC is renowned for its commitment to experiential education that prepares globally adept, well-rounded and knowledgeable leaders. Building on this legacy, we are expanding three exciting initiatives that will educate and inspire future generations of leading citizens. The Leader to Leader banner supports scholarships for outstanding incoming and current UTSC students. given in recognition of strong academic achievements, this banner also offers additional support for experiential learning such as internships and research opportunities. This area includes the global Leaders program, based on peer learning, which develops students’ strengths and abilities as educators and their leadership and presentation skills. 14

for first-year students, UTSC one: iexplore is a suite of innovative courses in small group settings that emphasize experiential learning, novel pedagogy, and the practical application of academic themes. accomplished instructors lead unique seminars, fieldwork and even travels abroad, opening students’ minds to a wide range of academic possibilities. options include conducting geological fieldwork, designing and executing public opinion surveys, or mapping one’s own genome sequence.

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“Students who want to experience the rich diversity of a university with a global perspective in an intimate yet vibrant community setting, excel at UTSC. i am helping to ensure that access to that opportunity is available.” Mary aNNE chaMBErS (Ba 1988, hon Ba 2003) held senior roles in banking before serving as an ontario cabinet minister. active on several volunteer boards, she was a member of U of T’s governing Council from 1993 to 2001 and helped author the University’s policy that no student be prevented from studying due to financial constraints.

For more than 20 years, the annual Mosaic Celebration—a student-run initiative— has showcased talented students through performances that include spoken word, singing, belly dancing, South Asian dancing, soca performers and rap.



Many UTSC labs employ undergraduates who work alongside graduate students and principal investigators.

Meeting global challenges, the second pillar of the Boundless campaign, will harness our research and teaching enterprise to address the defining challenges of our time. one of our key responsibilities, interwoven with UTSC’s strength in environmental and biological science, is to help monitor, analyze and heal the interwoven fabric of human and planetary health. Whether it is studying fluctuations in animal populations in Canada’s troubled boreal forest or partnering with government agencies to develop new methods of carbon capture, UTSC’s acknowledged research and education leadership in this area represents an important way forward for more ecologically sustainable practices. Scientists and clinicians recognize that mental health is a medical priority demanding significant investment. UTSC is responding to this global challenge by launching a concerted effort to become a world leader in the diverse field of brain science. as always, our teaching and research mandates are informed by an international perspective, with faculty working on the cutting edge of subjects ranging from


world hunger and international development to urban geography, post-colonial literature and global trade policy. With the support of philanthropic leaders, the UTSC community will play a leading role in the global dialogue that seeks new knowledge, nurtures the ideas that drive discoveries, and promotes human progress and health in a manner that is compatible with the goal of environmental sustainability.

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“UTSC has moved well beyond its historical role as a teaching campus to a full-fledged, powerful research and teaching hub. We now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with any research-intensive university of comparable size.” professor and Vice-principal, research MaLcOLM caMpBELL leads a team exploring the mechanisms used by plants to optimize growth and development in response to prevailing environmental conditions.


SUppOrtiNg NEw KNOwLEDgE aND piONEEriNg rESEarch as UTSC embarks on an era of unprecedented growth, our need to recruit exemplary scholars and to facilitate outstanding scholarship continues apace. new faculty who are leaders in their field and the addition of supporting infrastructure will propel our research agenda, which will benefit our educational programs and increase our national and international scientific reputation. UTSC’s particular areas of research strength align with those areas identified by the federal government as key to advancing Canada’s knowledge advantage: environmental science and technologies; natural resources and energy; health and related life sciences and technologies; and information and communications technologies.

The proposed Visiting Scholars program will be a key means of recruiting outstanding faculty to the UTSC campus. Community support will enable us to attract senior scholars who will teach and conduct research in various departments at UTSC for one-year terms on a rotating basis. With a focus on research, these visiting scholars, complemented by a set of postdoctoral positions, will develop new understanding, theories and methods that will deepen our knowledge and increase our capacity for innovation. The research produced by these scholars, in concert with their faculty colleagues and graduate students, will reverberate across UTSC’s multiple platforms. it will create foundations for future discoveries, illuminate concepts for students and furnish commercial possibilities with private sector partners, among many other benefits.

accelerating the work of our faculty using all the tools of the information age is the focus of our Digital Scholarship Unit, the flag bearer for UTSC’s leadership in digital scholarship. following an extensive scan of digital scholarship and digital collections within the academic environment, the unit has been mandated to create, preserve, and give access to digital collections that will inspire and facilitate research and knowledge creation for the purposes of teaching and learning. our capacity for groundbreaking research will advance still further following completion of the advanced Science institute. This interdisciplinary facility will be a catalyst for research. The institute will bring top minds together from across disciplines to work on common problems and will collaborate with private and public partners to mobilize research findings into broad-based knowledge that will benefit Canadians and people around the world. X-ray of Heliotrygon gomesi, preadult male.


Biology Professor Nathan Lovejoy (BSc 1991, MSc 1993) helped discover a new genus of tropical stingray in the upper Amazon, the first new genus discovered in the region in more than two decades.


fOStEriNg prOSpErity thrOUgh iNvENtiON aND iNNOvatiON many of the persistent, seemingly intractable problems across both the developing and developed worlds stem from inadequate governance, policy and systems. These issues find expression in everything from spiralling health costs in Canada to persistent hunger in many areas of the developing world. UTSC’s Department of management trains tomorrow’s leaders to understand and address such issues through critical thinking and management expertise together with confident leadership and adept communication skills. from its location in the new state-of-the-art instructional Centre, UTSC management offers a curriculum grounded in core business fundamentals and innovative thinking with emphasis on case-based learning, idea incubators, business simulations and the co-op experience. our graduates go on to senior roles across business, government, non-governmental organizations and other institutions responsible for safeguarding prosperity and quality of life.


Through the new Canadian Centre for World hunger, UTSC will bring together advanced management knowledge with health professionals, research scientists and experts in the social sciences to create a unique interdisciplinary opportunity to address the crises of world hunger. With generous support for chairs, scholarships and experiential learning, the centre will engage biologists to examine the genetics, genomics and breeding of crop plants, as well as environmental issues of agro-ecosystems. We will also carry out detailed studies of food policy; enlist medical scientists who study the deleterious health effects from deficiencies in iron, vitamin a, iodine and zinc; and enlist social scientists to help us understand the socio-economics of hunger.

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“We believe that a higher education is something that should be accessible to anyone who wishes to pursue it. By donating to scholarship awards at UTSC, we make it that much more accessible to deserving students and help fulfill one of the institution’s missions to cultivate and nurture great minds.” aDaM and yiEN ha watSON (Ba 2003) were student leaders while attending UTSC. as successful entrepreneurs, they continue to inspire through volunteering and philanthropy.

Pediatric resident Sarangan Uthalingam (BSc ’05) was inspired by his UTSC mentor, Professor Herbert Kronzucker, who focuses on alleviating famine in Asia. Uthalingam went to work in a remote medical clinic in Central America and plans to join an organization such as Doctors Without Borders following his residency.

DriviNg BrEaKthrOUghS iN hUMaN DEvELOpMENt aND hEaLth The study of human health is one of the great interdisciplinary challenges. The causes of wellness or illness can be vastly complex, encompassing everything from socio-economic status to hereditary traits. UTSC advances understanding of human health through a suite of health studies programming and research initiatives. our multiple but interconnected approaches include biological processes; social determinants of health such as income and housing; and public health issues that include health care systems and government responses to epidemics.

UTSC has particular teaching and research strengths in the area of mental illness, which is a leading cause of disability in Canada and around the world. The World health organization estimates that by 2020, mental and behavioural disorders will account for 15 per cent of the entire global burden of disease. as a vital component of the tri-campus U of T and its extensive health science network, UTSC is in a strong position to help address the challenges posed by mental illness. at our Clinical neurosciences Laboratory and at the Centre for the neurobiology of Stress, UTSC faculty and students are making substantial contributions to the global scientific conversation in this crisis area.


in addition, the Department of psychology plans to introduce a phD program in clinical psychology with a focus on the translation of cutting-edge intervention techniques. This program will build on a well-respected undergraduate program in mental health studies that includes a co-op option to work in leading mental health institutions. The proposed doctoral program directly addresses tremendous demand across north america for clinical programs at this level. To bridge this educational gap and to elevate our program, we seek funding for a named chair, scholarships for doctoral students and cooperative work placements.

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“as graduates, members of the community and especially as part of the global family of today’s and tomorrow’s students of higher education, i believe that it is our responsibility to support the great work at UTSC and participate in creating a brighter future.” entrepreneur DaviD LUcatch (Ba 1985) has been a mentor, advisor and participant at UTSC for 10 years. he and his wife Jana generously donated $1.25 million to create clinical practicum placements at UTSC in the field of mental health.




Professor Marney Isaac (PhD 2008) takes her students into the field to learn about nutrient cycles and plant-soil interactions.

aDDrESSiNg ENErgy, SUStaiNaBiLity aND thE ENvirONMENt The intricate interdependencies that underlie earth’s capacity to produce food, water, materials and fuel are vast but not unlimited and are increasingly challenged by human activity. To drive comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of these complex issues, UTSC is creating Can-Change, a research centre devoted to the science of environmental change and adaptation. it will bring together the distinct strengths of the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of physical and environmental Sciences to shed light on how our planet and its living systems are adapting to environmental change.


The centre will study issues and trends from local settings to a global context, tackling fundamental questions, including the impact of environmental stressors on biodiversity and crop yields; how plants adapt to changing environments; and the impact of environmental change on weather patterns. To achieve this ambitious vision, philanthropic funding will be sought for endowed chairs, graduate scholarships, undergraduate research opportunities and academic seminars.

The Campaign for The UniVerSiTY of ToronTo SCarBoroUgh

“UTSC has played a pivotal role in my life,introducing me to Canada and to my passion, climate change.” hOppa LaU (BSc 1999) is the Directorate planner for environment Canada, helping shape government policy and new environmental initiatives.

BOUNDLESS VISION The University of Toronto Scarborough is a catalyst for positive change, both within our region and for the world at large. We are a community of active learners drawn from around the globe, determined to use what we discover—through investigation, collaboration and experience—to make our world a better place. This is our mission. With our growing student population, strategic hiring, promising new research partnerships and strong planning at all leadership levels, UTSC has come into its own. Looking forward, we need a sustainable platform of resources that will allow us to continue providing ideal teaching, learning and research environments for our students, our faculty and our community. Demand for university student spaces will continue to grow in Ontario and particularly in the Greater Toronto Area. Projections hold that the population of 18- to 24-year-olds in the GTA will have risen by 24 per cent between 2005 and 2030—a potential increase of 126,000 students. A large part of this projected growth will occur in the eastern GTA municipalities and UTSC must be positioned

to respond proactively. To do so, we will seek the vision, commitment and financial support of philanthropic leaders in the private sector. Our campaign will help us to fully realize our tremendous potential through a critical mass of infrastructure and expertise. These assets will strengthen the comprehensive educational programs we offer, augment the depth and breadth of our research agenda and enhance our identity as a leading centre of thought and innovation. Now is the time to seize the opportunities presented by the exciting transformation underway on our campus. Thank you for supporting the campaign for the University of Toronto Scarborough.

FUNDING PRIORITIES Preparing Global Citizens

$12 million

Key priorities: student scholarships, international study and work placements, Leader to Leader initiatives, UTSC One: iExplore


Meeting Global Challenges

$23 million

Key priorities: Visiting Scholars program, Canadian Centre for World Hunger, CAN-Change centre, mental health initiatives


Development & Alumni Relations Instructional Centre, 1095 Military Trail, Toronto ON M1C 1A4 Tel: 416-208-5104

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