1 minute read

About us

The PIER partnership is a collaboration between people with lived experience, academics and students at Bournemouth University. As experts by experience, we bring unique perspectives, knowledge and insight to health and social science education, research and practice, leading to improved outcomes for all involved.

Our goal

For those who are most affected by health and social inequalities to lead the way in shaping responses and improving outcomes.

Our shared values

The BU PIER partnership is underpinned by our shared values and goals of humanised and relationship based models of collaboration. Our work is based on respect and meaningful engagement where everyone involved feels valued and respected.

Our approach

To involve people with lived experience as consultants; reviewers; researchers; facilitators and assessors due to the expertise they have and the perspectives they can share. To develop inclusive models of collaboration in education, research and practice which are based on parity of involvement; giving people a voice; and enabling a wide range of people to participate in ways which work best for them. To broaden the range of voices collaborating in research, education and practice; in particular, marginalised and seldom heard groups.

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