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BSc (Hons) Medical Science
Medical Science focuses on the cutting-edge science that underpins modern medicine, fostering new discoveries and technologies that improve healthcare. You’ll study a wide range of topics, and gain an in-depth understanding of how our bodies work, how disease is diagnosed, treated and prevented, and how new technology is evolving in this exciting field.
Develop a wide range of skills
BSc Medical Science at BU will prepare you for working in many different professional environments and/or the healthcare sector and make contributions within the areas of diagnosis, and treatment and prevention of diseases. Our undergraduate programme here at BU takes a broad approach to Medical Science which will provide an overarching view of the current landscape in terms of medical/healthcare practices and research associated with medical science.
Career ready
The programme fuses aspects of healthcare sciences such as functional anatomy, immunology, cell biology, and pharmacology with topics in psychology such as biological psychology and neuroimaging. This combination provides you with a unique opportunity for either further study in areas such as neuropsychology, medical imaging or enrolment onto a scientific training programme (STP) through the National School of Health Sciences (NHS). Once you’ve graduated you may also apply for postgraduate entry into medicine or dentistry.
You can spend a minimum 30-week placement in a practical setting in industry in your third year, ensuring you graduate with demonstrable scientific skills, the ability to disseminate them and the knowledge needed to undertake original research for the benefit of medical science. You also have the option of undertaking a short placement in the summer between your second and third year.
Your degree will be centred around developing the skills you need to work in professional practice, as well as equipping you with a variety of transferable skills that will give you a range of career options. We expect our graduates will find work in scientific, technical or research fields such as bioinformatics, biopsychosocial – further research into the understanding of the human condition, Graduate Entry Medicine, Biomedical Science, Radiography and Physician Associate.
UCAS code B100
A Foundation Year is available on this course. See page 64 for more information
Key Information
Duration and delivery: 3 years full-time with optional 2-week placement, or 4 years full-time with a minimum 30-week placement
Entry requirements: 104 - 120 tariff points
Required subjects: None
If English is not your first language: IELTS (Academic) 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each component or equivalent
See website for latest details of: Entry requirements, contact hours and course costs
Key areas of study
Introduction to Medical Science | Functional Anatomy | Cell Biology | Neuroimaging | Medical Science Project | Introduction to Immunology, Biological and Cognitive Psychology