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Energy summary
The estate was 97,160m2 by the end of the reporting year; this is 14% larger than 2005/6 and 5% larger than the CECAP baseline year of 18/19. However the estate is smaller than it was in the last reporting year; during 2021/22 the university exited both Melbury House and Royal London House, following relocation of staff and student spaces allowed by the construction of Bournemouth Gateway Building (see table below).
The energy consumption per square meter of GIA (gross internal area) in 2021/22 is 195kWh/m2, a reduction since 2005/06 (235kWh/m2) and an increase from the baseline year (182.5kWh/m2). The increase is likely due to the changes to the HVAC settings during the pandemic and also due to the estate size changes throughout the year.
Scope 3
Electricity transmission and distribution
Data management:
The BU Sustainability Team (Energy Manager/ Sustainability and Energy Analyst) is responsible for recording the electricity data. This is recorded in the SystemsLink Energy Manager software as part of the ISO50001 certified Environment and Energy Management System (EEMS).
Data sources:
The kWh total will be recorded as per the purchased electricity in Scope 2.
The kWh total for the year is converted to tCO2e using carbon factors from DEFRA (the kgCO2e conversion factor for electricity transmission and distribution). The version of the DEFRA carbon factors to be used is the last version published before the start of the reporting year.
Results in 2021/22:
175 tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (227 tCO2e). Similar to the consumption emissions for electricity in Scope 2, the reduction in emissions from transport and distribution are due to lower DEFRA carbon factors, increased on-site renewable generation and slightly lower activity on campus following the pandemic.
UNIBUS travel
Data sources:
1. Provided by UNIBUS (litres of fuel)
2. DEFRA carbon factors, published July 2021.
Results in 2021/22:
129tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (391tCO2e).
Passenger numbers are still slightly down when compared to pre-pandemic operations. When full commuting data is included in scope 3, a more accurate and holistic accounting of staff and student commuting will be reported on.
Flights business travel
Data sources:
1. Provided by Select Travel (miles)
2. DEFRA carbon factors, published July 2021.
Results in 2021/21: 308 tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (1,426tCO2e). The number of flights taken for business travel are still below the base year amounts but have increased postpandemic again. This highlights the need to continue using online meetings and conferencing where possible.
Rail business travel
Data sources:
1. Provided by Select Travel (miles)
2. DEFRA carbon factors, published July 2021
Results in 2021/21: 6tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (31.8tCO2e). Rail travel has also increased compared to last year, but the number of journeys are still lower than before the pandemic.
Water and wastewater
Data sources:
1. Manual meter reads (m3), where manual reads are unavailable, financial data is used.
2. DEFRA carbon factors, published July 2021.
Results in 2021/22:
13.44 tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (49.35 tCO2e).
Water and wastewater emissions have decreased compared to the baseline amounts due to a reduction in DEFRA carbon factors (down around 60% since the base year) and also to the slightly lower activity on campus after to the pandemic.
Operational waste
Data sources:
1. Provided by waste contractor
2. DEFRA carbon factors, published July 2021.
Results in 2021/22: 4.32 tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (8.9 tCO2e). Lower activity on campus due to the pandemic has decreased the operational waste emissions.
Construction waste
Data sources:
1. Provided by construction contractor
2. DEFRA carbon factors, published July 2021.
Results in 2021/22: 0.9tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (3.3tCO2e).
Construction waste, including that of BGB has increased compared to the baseline year and is likely to reduce again in the new reporting year due to less capital development activity.
Open Day travel
Data management:
The BU Sustainability Team (Sustainability Support Officer/ Travel & Transport Manager) is responsible for recording the commuting data for Open Days. This is recorded in an internal I-drive folder.
Data sources:
The data is collated by the UK Recruitment and Outreach team using information voluntarily provided by attendees for this purpose.
1. An algorithm is used to convert postcode data into distance travelled (km) using a linear estimate. The mode of transport (e.g. car, public transport) is then converted to tCO2e using carbon factors from DEFRA (the kgCO2e conversion factor for Passenger Vehicles) using their average type figures. The version of the DEFRA carbon factors to be used is the last version published before the start of the reporting year.
2. Where mode of transport is not included, it is assumed the attendee travelled by car. Where the postcode is not included, an average emissions figure is assumed.
Results in 2021/22: 0.9tCO2e, a decrease from the baseline year (3.3tCO2e). The increase compared to the base year is small and indicates that open day attendance is at similar levels to the year before the pandemic.