Welcome Guide 2014-15
Preparing you for your course
About this Guide
About this Guide Welcome to Bournemouth University (BU) This guide will give you a summary of the information you need to start your student journey on a BU franchised course at one of our partner colleges. As a student on a BU franchised course, the partner college where you are based will deliver your course. However, BU as the awarding institution is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the learning opportunities offered through the partner college are adequate, to enable you to achieve the academic standard required for the award. As a student on a BU franchised course, you will be enrolled as a BU student and will therefore be able to access a whole range of resources and facilities. Some of our partners are based locally to BU and therefore students can access BU campus based facilities easily, whilst others who are based further afield, but will be able to access the excellent electronic resources available. As a student on a franchised course you will be entitled to: • A BU student ID card providing you access to most BU facilities (you will get this at enrolment) • Students’ Union at BU (SUBU) membership • Membership of the BU Library, including access to electronic learning resources • Access to myBU (our virtual learning environment) • Access to BU IT facilities • Access to sportBU • Eligibility for BU Bursaries • BU Placements and Careers Advice • A Bournemouth University award, on successful completion of your course • BU Alumni membership. 2 | Welcome Guide 2014
Throughout this guide there are lots of weblinks to direct you to the pages of our website where you can find more information, so you’ll always have accurate, up-to-date information when you need it. You’ll also find a lot of this information on our website: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/partner-students We’ve included a Glossary on page 18 which explains any words or phrases that you might not understand. We hope that you will enjoy your course and make use of some of the BU resources available to you.
How do I contact BU? This guide should provide you with all of the information you need about BU and the services available to you, however, if you have any queries which you can’t find the answer to, BU appoints an academic Link Tutor to all courses delivered at partner colleges who you can contact if necessary. You will normally meet the Link Tutor for your course during your induction, at the start of term.
About BU BU is home to over 18,000 students, including international students from 100 different countries. There are around 350 students studying at partners. BU is split into a variety of Academic Schools and Faculties covering the following subject areas: Science & Technology, Business, Tourism, Media and Health & Social Care. All BU programmes delivered at partners are linked to a School or Faculty and Link tutors based at the University will provide an academic link between your course and BU.
Get ready!
Introduction to your college
Living arrangements
Fess and your finances
BU academic facilities and study support
BU Student Support Services
Social and extra-curricular activities
Rules and Regulations
Useful contacts
Glossary 18
Welcome Guide 2014 | 3
Get ready
Us e th
e su re yo u are re is ch ec kl ist to m ak
ad y to st art yo ur st
udies .
Be f o re yo u a r r ivible :e start, there are a fe w things to conside r e be st po ss To gi ve yo urse lf th be fo re yo u ar ri ve .
Th ing s t o do
iti on s of u have met th e co nd yo n he w us ll Te . on yo ur co urse Co nfirm yo ur place ne ce ss ar y. yo ur re su lts to us if rm nfi co d an r fe th e applicatio n yo ur of en se nt th ro ugho ut be ve ha u yo ce en es po nd y sp ec ia l Re ad al l of th e co rr yo ur ar ri va l an d an t ou ab ion at rm fo nt ai n in proc es s. Th is w ill co ne ed . eq uipmen t yo u m ay me, pa ss word an d ce ived yo ur us er na re ve ha ld ou sh u Yo : On line Re gis trat ion is Welc ome Gu ide . th e let te r w ith th in ge pa eb w ion at gis tr be payi ng lin k to th e on line re te lli ng us w ho w ill (or e fe ur yo ng yi pa in clu de s yo u ca n On line re gis trat ion ion proc es s be fo re at tr gis re e lin on e t com ple te th u yo ur fe e). Yo u mus yo u w ill co nfirm yo on line re gis trat ion u yo of rt pa As . se . en ro l on yo ur co ur les an d Re gu latio ns ag re ed to th e BU Ru d an od to rs de un , 8 fo r more have re ad yo ur fe es (se e page ng yi pa r fo ts en ra ngem Yo u sh ou ld m ak e ar
). in fo rm at ion ). 9 fo r more de ta ils gible fo r (se e page eli e ar u yo at th Appl y fo r bu rs ar ies th e co nt ract an d re yo u have sig ne d su en d an ion at od mm Orga ni se yo ur ac co qu ire d date . ur de po sit by th e re . re tu rned it w ith yo fo r th e first mon th th at yo u m ay ne ed s ne ici ed m y an g Orga ni se to br in to co lle ge . are go ing to travel u yo w ho t ou ab k Th in Re ad th is Gu ide !
4 | Welcome Guide 2014
Get ready
Af te r yo u ar rive:
En ro lmen t
Atte nd your enro lmen t sess ion. Your
colle ge will cont act you in adv anc e to tell you whe re and whe n this is. If you don’t kno w, cont act your colle ge (see page 17 for deta ils). You will need to bring: • Yo ur educ atio nal cert ificates (orig inal s only plea se) • Ev iden ce that you mee t any othe r condition s of entr y for your course • Yo ur pass port
• Any addi tion al items you may need
It’s real ly imp orta nt that you bring
that have been requeste d by your colle
all the rele van t documen ts wit h you
because you won’t be able to enro l wit
At your enro lmen t sess ion, you will be
hou t them .
prov ided wit h the info rmation and documen ts you need to start your stud ies. This will inclu de the follo wing: • Yo ur Prog ramme Han dboo k and othe r documen ts as appropri ate, inclu ding a reading list for your course. You don’ t need to buy all of the book s on your reading list, you will be able to borrow them from the BU/c ollege libra ry or acce ss them onli ne. • Yo ur time table
• Your BU ID card (which is also your BU
Library and SUBU Membership card) • Yo ur Coun cil Tax Exem ptio n Cert ifica te.
St uden t Lo an
You won’t rece ive your Student Loan
unti l 3-5 days afte r you’ve enro lled on your course, so it’s imp orta nt that you com plete the onli ne regi stration AND enro lmen t. We also sugg est that you mak e sure you have enough money to last a few wee ks unti l your Student Loan has clea red. That’s it! You’re a fully enrolled student
and ready to start your studies.
Welcome Guide 2014 | 5
Introduction to your college
our Introduction to y
BU has links with a range of partners including Bournemouth and Poole College, Kingston Maurward College, The BRIT School, University Centre Yeovil at Yeovil College, Weymouth College and Wiltshire College Salisbury. See page 17 for each of the partners contact details. Students study a range of subjects at partners including Finance, Public Services, Media, Marketing, Popular Music, Tourism Management, Film Production and Photography. To help you adapt to life at your college you will have the opportunity to be involved in a range of both social and academic activities at the start of term. Your college and Students’ Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU) work together to create a fantastic programme for you. Some of it is serious, lots of it is fun but all of it is important to ensure that you have all the information that you need – and most importantly, to be happy on your course! Your college will contact you during the summer with more information about all these activities.
6 | Welcome Guide 2014
Living arrangements
Living Arrangemen I’ve confirmed I’m coming. Where am I going to live? If you are moving away from home or to a new area, please arrange your accommodation through your college before you arrive.
Location It is important that you consider the location of your accommodation in relation to your place of study. Some accommodation may be within walking distance; in other cases you may wish to buy a bike or take a bus. In order to help you choose your accommodation you can find its location on various websites including www.multimap.com (type the postcode in the search box).
You should also consider the following: • TV Licence If you intend to bring your television make sure you buy a TV Licence. Information about obtaining a TV Licence can be found at www.tvlicencing.co.uk/ students • Insurance Ensure you have insurance cover for your personal possessions, especially valuable items such as your mobile phone, tablet, laptop and camera.
Transport and parking Details of transport and parking arrangements will be available on your college website.
Welcome Guide 2014 | 7
Fees and your finances
Fees and your fina
nces Now is the time to organise payment of your tuition fees, research any funding opportunities you may be eligible for and think about how you are going to budget your spending. Fees and how to pay them During your online registration you are required to specify who will be paying your fees and the method of payment. You remain ultimately liable for your tuition fees, regardless of whether or not someone else is paying for them. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that your fees are paid, no matter what the source of the funds – your parents, Student Loans Company, employer or any other sponsor. Depending on your course it may be possible to pay your fees in instalments. However, if you do not pay your fees by the agreed payment dates, then you may have your BU IT access and Library borrowing rights suspended and ultimately be withdrawn from the university. You will not be issued with your degree certificates until all outstanding fees and academic charges have been paid. Please note that the university has a published policy for refunds (normally fees are
8 | Welcome Guide 2014
Fees and your finances
only refunded up to 60 days from the start of the course for full-time courses). Full details can be found at www.bournemouth.ac.uk/ student/financial-rules For full details of tuition fees, how to pay and funding opportunities, please visit www.bournemouth.ac.uk/funding Full-time undergraduate UK students (including foundation degree students) may defer payment of their tuition fees until after they complete their course by taking out a Tuition Fee Loan. This does not need to be repaid until after you graduate and your earnings are over the income threshold (which was £21,000 in January 2014). Interest is charged on Tuition Fee Loans which will vary according to how much you earn after study. We recommend that you visit the GOV.UK website for up-to-date information on interest charged: www.gov.uk/student-finance
Scholarships and bursaries BU offer bursary funding for students who come from a low income background. This support is offered to applicants whose household income is £25,000 or below. The number of awards available is limited so if you meet the income criteria, we recommend that you apply as soon as possible. Full details including how to apply can be found on our website at www.bournemouth.ac.uk/funding. Please contact your college for details of any Scholarships that they may offer.
Cost of living and studying How much money you spend will depend on your personal lifestyle. To give you an idea of costs, here is a list of things you are likely to need to pay for (all prices are approximate and based on a single person): • Rent: £430 per month • Food: £173 per month • Utility bills (electicity, gas etc): £33 per month (if you are in university-managed accommodation, bills are normally included in your rent) • Mobile phone bill: £40 per month (if you use international calling cards) • Books/printing: £53 per month • Washing/laundry: £26 per month • Travel: between £21 and £150 per month, depending on where you live and how you choose to travel • Leisure costs: between £40 and £172 per month, depending on your lifestyle. In order to help you budget for the year we have included a costs sheet on the next page.
Welcome Guide 2014 | 9
Fees and your finances
Managing your money Coming to university may be the first time that you have been financially independent. It may mean that there is a significant change in your financial situation. Many students find it difficult to manage their finances and balance studying with part-time work. You can find an excellent tool designed to help students budget at www.studentcalculator.org.uk You can find more information and tips on budgeting and saving money on our website: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/budget
10 | Welcome Guide 2014
Fees and your finances
Estimated costs for studying for one year: Study costs Tuition fees Expenses relating to producing photos/films Dissertation/thesis (binding costs) Field trips Lab/bench costs IT costs Travel costs to and from campus Travel costs related to research Books Stationery (pens and paper) Graduation (clothes, photos, travel, accommodation) Subsistence Monthly costs Rent Bills:
Estimated annual cost
Estimated annual cost
Electricity Gas Water rates TV licence Council Tax* Telephone rental/internet provider Telephone/mobile Personal insurance Food Laundry Medicines Leisure activities: Sports card Membership of clubs and societies Eating out/social activities Leisure travel (visa fees/travel costs) Other Registration with the Police Visa extension charges Totals ** If applicable.
Welcome Guide 2014 | 11
BU academic facilities and study support
udy support t s d n a s ie it il ac f BU Academic
Your college will provide appropriate academic and learning resources including access to a library and access to an online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Some partners use the BU VLE (myBU) and others have their own. To access BU services and resources you will usually need your BU login/BU student ID card. Your BU login details are included in your welcome letter and your BU ID card will be provided when you enrol on your course at your college.
Libraries The university will provide access (via a standard BU student login) to electronic learning resources, myBU and BU open access
12 | Welcome Guide 2014
IT facilities and (via your BU student ID cards) to the BU library. The Sir Michael Cobham Library is on the Talbot Campus and on the Lansdowne Campus you will find the Bournemouth House Library. Subject librarians can provide advice on information resources for assignments, dissertations and research as well as guidance on referencing and avoiding plagiarism. Staff also offer one-to-one appointments and group information skills sessions. The Library tab and Academic Skills tab in myBU (the university VLE) provide help and guidance on library and study skills related topics that you can access online. www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library
myBU myBU is the University Virtual Learning Environment which you can access anytime, anywhere, by using your university username and password.
BU academic facilities and study support
You will be able to access myBU even if your college uses another VLE. The Library tab on myBU provides access to our chat enquiry service, catalogue, help sheets and the e-resources. The Academic Skills Community contains materials designed to help you improve your study skills. You can telephone +44 (0)1202 965959 or chat to us online for help and advice during normal working hours or use the resources in myBU at any time.
Bournemouth University Information Technology (IT) support and facilities BU has Open Access Centres on both Talbot and Lansdowne campuses which provide access to computers and printers 24 hours, seven days a week. Most learning and teaching areas and key BU buildings have Wi-Fi.
IT telephone support is available to students at BU 24 hours, seven days a week by calling +44 (0)1202 965515 or alternatively you can log your request or fault online at http://servicedesk.bournemouth.ac.uk BU IT services offer a ‘knowledge base’ and workshops. For details about workshops, help sheets and other services, please visit the IT Services homepage at www.bournemouth.ac.uk/student/it
Learning a Language The Languages@BU community on myBU gives you access to a range of resources in six languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and Mandarin Chinese. Book-based resources are available from the library. In addition to the independent language learning resources, you can also use the Languages@BU community to sign up to join the Conversation Clubs for various languages and levels. These are organised and run by students who are native speakers of the languages we offer. If you are interested please go to the registration section of the Languages@BU community and sign up for the language(s) and levels you require. You will be invited to an induction or to make an appointment with Paul Barnes, the Language Adviser.
Additional Learning Support If you have a disability, specific learning difference, medical or mental health condition, support will be provided by staff at your college. As everyone’s needs are different we would encourage you to contact learning support staff at your college as soon as possible. If, because of a disability, you need personal support such as bathing, dressing or moving around, you must be able to pay for this or access UK Social Services for support. The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) offers financial support for your learning and you should apply for this as soon as possible. Welcome Guide 2014 | 13
BU Student Support Services
BU Student suppo
rt services
Sometimes you may have issues you wish to discuss with somebody in private. You may feel homesick or stressed; you may have a question about money, health or relationships; you may just want to chat. The support services listed below are here to help you. askBU Student Services Our friendly, professional advisers are available to help you with information and advice throughout your studies. You can come and see us to:
Counselling Service Information on counselling and support is available through your college. Please contact your College Administrator or your Programme Leader who will be able to advise you about the support available.
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy There are four Chaplains available to all students whether religious or not, they offer a service to all BU students including those on franchised programmes at partner colleges. All students (whatever their faith, if any) are welcome to contact the Chaplaincy to: • Talk to a Chaplain in confidence about personal matters
• Get a letter to confirm you are a student • Get a replacement ID card (an administrative fee will apply) • Get a replacement Council Tax Exemption Certificate (an administrative fee will apply) • Reset or unlock your BU IT account • Find out how to submit appeals and mitigating circumstances and complaints askBU Students Service is located at both BU campuses (Lansdowne and Talbot) and you are welcome to visit if you are based locally. You are also welcome to call or email: Telephone +44 (0)1202 969696 Email: askBU@bournemouth.ac.uk Website: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/ student/askbu
14 | Welcome Guide 2014
• Be put in touch with local faith communities and places of worship Please see www.bournemouth.ac.uk/ chaplaincy for further details.
Social and extra-curricular activities
ul ar activities
urric Social and extra-c An important way of building networks of friends and having fun is making sure you develop an active social life. Even when you are busy it is very important to take a break from time to time! SUBU Societies The Students’ Union at BU (SUBU) supports a variety of very active clubs and societies run by students for students. There are opportunities to get involved in everything from performing arts and photography to rowing, cheerleading and skydiving. If there isn’t a club you want to join, it’s really easy to start your own. Getting involved in a club or society is a great way to meet new people and get to know students who share a common interest or hobby with you. To find out more information, and for a full list of societies, visit www.subu.org.uk/societies More information is also available in the Students’ Union guide provided in your welcome pack.
Membership to our facilities is in the form of a sport pass which entitles you access to our Gym Training Zone, fitness classes, social sports sessions and pay and play table tennis, badminton and basketball court hire. You can also access any of these activities on a pay-asyou-go basis and you can book online, please see www.bournemouth.ac.uk/sportBU
Visual Arts at BU The Atrium Art Gallery (opposite the bookshop in Poole House, Talbot Campus) showcases a diverse programme of quality exhibitions that are educational as well as visual. See the BU Arts Web pages for full details of exhibition listings. For any further information about visual arts at BU, please see www.bournemouth.ac.uk/student/art
Music Centre at BU BU Music offers students, staff and members of the local community the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of ensembles. BU ensembles regularly perform within the university and at venues throughout the South of England; the majority do not require auditions and yearly memberships are free for BU students.
sportBU Getting involved in sport and exercise is not only good for your health and wellbeing – which in turn will help your studies – but is a great way of meeting people and socialising. sportBU provides a wide range of facilities catering for both recreational, performance and academic requirements. As a student on a franchised programme you are entitled to access sportBU facilities at student prices. Welcome Guide 2014 | 15
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations When you accept your offer from BU, you are agreeing to abide by all our rules, regulations, policies and procedures during your studies. When you complete your online Registration you will need to tick a box to say that you have read, understood and agreed to the rules and regulations. You can read them in full at: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/student/rules Our rules outline how certain decisions are made, for example, your progression on your course. They also include details about what you should do if you are unable to submit a piece of coursework and the consequences of handing in a piece of work late. It’s important that you know about this, so please read the information carefully.
16 | Welcome Guide 2014
Our rules are in place to make sure that the university treats all students fairly. Often, when students break the rules and are penalised, they claim that they didn’t know about that rule. Unfortunately, this is not an acceptable defence.
Data Protection The university holds all students’ personal information securely in hard copy format and electronically, and in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. For more information about this, see: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/dpa
Useful contacts
useful contacts askBU
Residential Services
Website: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/ student/askbu Telephone: + 44 (0)1202 969696 Fax: + 44 (0)1202 961623 Email: askbustudents@bournemouth.ac.uk
Telephone: + 44 (0)1202 961671 Fax: + 44 (0)1202 965025 Email: askBUhome@bournemouth.ac.uk
College Contacts Bournemouth and Poole College Telephone: +44 (0)1202 205205 Email: heunit@bpc.ac.uk The BRIT School Director of Interactive Media and FdA Digital Media Practice Telephone: +44 (0)208 6655242 Email: apembert@brit.croydon.sch.uk Kingston Maurward College Telephone: +44 (0)1305 215177 HE Admissions: lillian.mone@kmc.ac.uk HE Coordinator: susan.scott@kmc.ac.uk Weymouth College HE Registrar Telephone: +44 (0) 1305 76473 Email: roz_osbourne@weymouth.ac.uk Wiltshire College Salisbury HE Student Support Telephone: +44 (0)1722 344344 Email: sallie.lloyd@wiltshire.ac.uk
Multifaith Chaplaincy, Centre for Spirituality, Belief and Religion Telephone: +44 (0)1202 965383 Email: chaplaincy@bournemouth.ac.uk
sportBU Telephone: +44 (0)1202 965012 Website: www.bournemouth.ac.uk/ student/sports
Students’ Union at BU (SUBU) Telephone: +44 (0)1202 965765
SUBU Advice Telephone: + 44 (0)1202 965779/965764/965778 Fax: + 44 (0)1202 535990 Email: studentadvice@bournemouth.ac.uk
Welcome Guide 2014 | 17
Glossary Academic offence
Bachelor’s degree
Gaining an unfair advantage in your studies by using someone else’s work or ideas without crediting them.
Undergraduate degree or first degree.
askBU Students Service
When you officially become registered as a BU student.
BU’s centralised information service for students.
Assessment The tasks that you need to undertake to demonstrate whether you have met the intended learning outcomes (see below right). Most commonly assessment takes the form of an assignment or exam, but it could also be a presentation, the production of a portfolio or some other task.
Foundation Degree Foundation Degrees have a minimum of 120 credits per level and a minimum of 240 credits for an award.
Lecture Lectures are an effective way of presenting information to a large group of students simultaneously. Although not as participative as seminars, students are still encouraged to actively participate in lectures.
Levels C, I, H These are different levels of higher education qualifications. Level C and I make up the two years of a foundation degree, whilst a full undergraduate degree is made up of the three levels, C, I and H. Level C is taught in the first year and Level I in the second. Level H is either taught in the third year or the fourth year if a placement year is taken.
myBU The University’s Virtual Learning Environment which provides access to a range of learning resources.
Programme Your course of study.
18 | Welcome Guide 2014
Programme/College or HE Administrator The person who will be responsible for the administration of your course.
Programme Leader The academic who leads a programme.
Programme Team The tutors and administrators who teach and administer a programme.
Seminar Comprising a smaller group of students than a lecture, seminars allow the opportunity for greater interaction and participation between students and their tutors.
Students’ Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU) The organisation that is responsible for representing and supporting students (academically and socially) during their studies. SUBU is independent from the university.
Unit Each level of study is broken down into related topics. Each different topic is a unit. Units normally attract between 10 and 40 credits at undergraduate level.
Welcome Guide 2014 | 19
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Š Bournemouth University, 2014 Every effort has be en made to ensure the accuracy of the inf ormation containe d in this guide, but the University can ac cept no responsibility for errors and omission s. The University res erves the right to introduce change s to the informati on given.