Bournville College student funding guide 2013 and 2014

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1 Contents • Introduction


Application Guidance Notes


What Support is Available?


16-18 Vulnerable Bursary




19+ Hardship Bursary


20+ Childcare


Other Sources of Childcare Funding - Care to Learn


24+ Advanced Learning Loans


Additional Support Bursary for 24+ Loans Advanced Learning Loans


Professional & Career Development Loans


Derwent Bursary


Higher Education Finance


Helpful Tips & Important Contact Numbers


Policies being followed in the processing of Further Education funding applications include: •

College’s Finance Fees Policy 2013/14

National Policy: The 16-19 Bursary Fund Guide for 2013/14

National Policy: SFA - The Funding Rules 2013 (19+ learners)

These documents can be referred at: Copies for reference can be obtained from the Student Funding Office. Disclaimer: All of the published information in the booklet is current and correct at the time of going to print (August 2013). However, all of the information provided may be subject to change for unforeseen reasons at the College’s absolute discretion. The information printed reflects the College’s understanding at this time but learners should check the current position and their personal circumstances before committing to a College course

2 Introduction Bournville College is dedicated to helping you get the very best from your studies. We understand that starting a course can be daunting and indeed costly. However money needn’t be a barrier to you participating in education. The aim of the Student Funding Team is to reduce these financial barriers by ensuring that everyone who is eligible for funding can access and receive the appropriate level of support to enable them to successfully achieve their education/ training goals and realise their ambitions. This booklet provides information about the help that is available. You can get more information from the Student Funding Team at the Advice Zone, by email or phone

0121 477 1722/23. The team provides a comprehensive service five days a week and is available to deal with enquiries between 8.30am - 4.30pm (3.30pm Fridays). All client contact is confidential, impartial and the service operates in accordance with all relevant legislative requirements and codes of practice, which adheres to national, professional and organisational policies and procedures, ensuring that all work is carried out within an ethical code of practice.

3 Application Guidance Notes Prior to starting your course you will need to consider how you will afford some of the following costs: tuition fees, examination/registration fees, travel costs, equipment/materials, uniform/specialist kit and childcare costs if you have a young child(ren) who need(s) to be looked after whilst you study. For students studying on a further education course there are lots of different sources of funding to help you on your course. Some of these are managed at the discretion of the College and others via external bodies. This guide tells you what funds are available, and who may be able to apply for those funds. (Please note all information detailed is subject to change).

How Do I Apply For Funding? Here at Bournville College we manage many of those funds through one application form. We will ask you for information to ensure you are assessed for the maximum funds available to you, fairly and equally. A Further Education Funding Application is enclosed with this guide. Alternatively application forms can be collected from main reception. It is necessary for you to complete this application if you are intending to acquire financial support. Funding is available for full-time and part-time study, although amounts may vary. Further details are included within the individual fund information summaries. It is vitally important that you budget your money for coming to college carefully, as generally, the college will delay payment of the first instalment until 7th October (Approx. 3 weeks after courses have begun).

How Do You Assess My Application? Due to the limited funds available, all of our funds are allocated on a first come first serve basis. Please treat sending in your application and supporting paperwork as a matter of real importance. The timing of your application with all of the supporting paperwork is really important to when your funding begins and can even decide if you receive any funding at all. (REMEMBER FUNDS ARE LIMITED AND NOT ALL APPLICATIONS CAN BE GUARANTEED!) The College encourages application forms from all students who meet the criteria listed below: •

If you receive income related benefits

If you are living at home as a dependent and your parent(s)/guardian(s) receive income related benefits

If your household income is less than £30,800 per year before tax for the year 06/04/13 – 05/04/14

When we assess students for the various Further Education funds we take a number of different things into consideration. We will ask questions about where you live, who you live with, household income, previous courses studied, etc. You will be asked to provide photocopied evidence of your income alongside your application. The college has a legal duty to protect the public funds it looks after and so must be satisfied that the information you provide is accurate and correct.

4 Therefore the evidence you provide in support of your application must relate to any earned income and/or benefits, investment income etc. that the household you live in receives. This evidence can be any one of the following: •

Jobseekers Allowance/Income Support/Universal Credit/Pension Credit award letter

Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments award letter

Working Tax Credit Statement (8 Pages)

3 months wage slips


Care order or letter from your local authority

Letter from your LEA proving entitlement to free school meals for 2012/13


Successful Applications Successful applicants will receive a ‘Notice of Entitlement’ letter confirming the amount you have been allocated and expected payment dates as well as how the fund operates, required attendance and conduct expectations etc. However, please note that no money will be paid to you until you have completed the enrolment process. We aim to contact all successful applications with confirmation within ten working days.

5 Unsuccessful Applications Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified in writing. An unsuccessful application means you will be responsible for all of the costs associated with your chosen course. You will then have to decide whether or not you are able to continue on your course without financial support from the College. We aim to contact all unsuccessful applications with confirmation within ten working days.

Appeals And Complaints We ask that appeals or complaints be made in writing. Please mark clearly on your letter “Student Funding Appeal” or “Student Funding Complaint” and submit it to the Student Funding Team. We will aim to reply to you within ten working days. We monitor and review appeals and complaints regularly to assist in improving our service. This booklet offers a general guidance only and is not binding, as each applicant must be assessed on their individual circumstances in accordance with the full information they provide in a completed application.

I’ve been granted funding, what happens next? Payments for course fees, equipment and trips will be paid directly to the college by internal transfer during your first term. Payments for the Vulnerable Bursary will be made by BACS on a weekly basis. Payments for BEMA/19+ Bursary/Travel will be made by BACS monthly (On the 7th of each month). A BACS payment is an electronic method of transferring money directly from the College to your bank account. To set up a payment you will need to declare your bank details on your application form. You must have a valid bank account in your own name to receive payment.

The Assessment? Your application will generally be assessed upon your personal circumstances if working or living independently. For dependant students being supported by parent/guardians you will be assessed on the level of total household income.

What Support Is Available? Before making an award your specific financial hardship needs must be identified within the following areas: •

Course Fees

16-18 Vulnerable Bursary

• BEMA •

19+ Bursary Fund

20+ Childcare

Care to Learn

24+ Advanced Learning Loans

Additional Support Bursary for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans

Professional Career Development Loan

Derwent Bursary

Before we get into the details of the financial support currently available, the College would recommend that any learners who are in receipt of any benefits check with the Department for Work and Pensions / Job Centre to see if you can continue to claim benefits whilst you are studying. You will also need to tell them about any money you receive from College.

6 If your application is successful, you will receive support with 50% of the fee. However, we do not pay fees to professional bodies for memberships, except in cases where membership is directly linked to taking the exams you need in order to complete your course.

Course Fees Please note that the amount of financial assistance provided by the College towards course fees is limited. You will only be charged fees if you are over 19 on 31st August 2013 and cannot claim any other form of remission due to being in receipt of benefits or eligible for a Level 2 or Level 3 waiver (see below).

Level 2 Course Funding The College is funded to support the Government policy of increasing the number of adults with full Level 2 qualifications. If you are over 19 and do not already have a full level 2 qualification, (e.g. NVQ2, 5 GCSEs grades A - C) and you are enrolling on a full level 2 qualification, you may be able to get a significant reduction in the costs of your course. Please note: •

Applies to ‘home’ fee status learners only

Does not apply to all Level 2 courses

Level 3 course funding The College also supports the scheme to increase the number of adults with full Level 3 qualifications. If you are aged 19 - 23 and do not already have a full level 3 qualification (e.g. NVQ3, 2 A-level subjects) and you are enrolling on a full level 3 qualification, you may be able to get a significant reduction in the costs of your course. Please note: •

Applies to ‘home’ fee status learners only

Does not apply to all Level 3 courses

16-19 Vulnerable Bursary What Is It? A bursary of up to £1,200 a year to assist young students aged 16-18. The funds can help contribute towards course related items such as travel, food, books and study costs. The award is paid weekly in arrears (Usually every Friday approx. £33.33 per week).

Eligibility? You must be aged 16 or over and under 19 on 31st August 2013: •

In one of the following defined vulnerable groups: young people who are looked after (in care); care leavers; young

people in receipt of income support (or Universal Credit) in their own name; and disabled young people in receipt of

both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payments)

Enrolled on an EFA funded course

Satisfy the residency criteria in the EFA Funding Guidance for 2013/14

7 BEMA (Bournville Education Maintenance Allowance) What Is It? A bursary of up to £900 over two years to assist young students aged 16-18. The funds can help contribute towards course related items such as travel, food, books and study costs etc. The award is broken down into monthly payments which are issued in arrears (approx. £45 per month). Payment amounts may vary based on attendance and length of course.

Eligibility? You must be; •

Aged 16 or over and under 19 on 31st August 2013

Not be receiving the ‘16-19 Vulnerable Bursary’

`From a low-income household:

1. If you or your parent(s)/guardian(s) receive income related benefits


2. If your household income is less than £30,800 per year before tax

Enrolled on an EFA funded course

Satisfy the residency criteria in the EFA Funding Guidance for 2013/14

19+ Hardship Bursary What Is It? A bursary of up to £900 over two years to assist students aged 19+. The funds can help contribute towards course related items such as travel, food, book and study costs. The award is broken down into monthly payments which are issued in arrears (approx. £45 per month). Payment amounts may vary based on attendance and length of course.

Eligibility? Residency and previous study initially determine eligibility. Other criteria: •

Aged 19 or over on 31st August 2013. There is no upper age limit

From a low-income household;

1. If you or your parent(s)/guardian(s) receive income related benefits


2. If your household income is less than £30,800 per year before tax

Enrolled on an SFA funded course

8 20+ Childcare If you are under 20 and require childcare, please refer to “Care to Learn” (see page 9):

What Is It? A very limited fund for students aged 20 or over after 31/08/13, which can either:

1. Assist in funding registered childcare provision for children aged under 5 years of age (pre-school)


2. Assist in funding registered out of school care for children aged 5-12 years of age

Eligibility? Initially assessed upon age, residency and previous study. Then means tested for all applicants – an upper threshold of £30,800 household income is in place. You must be in receipt of child benefit and child tax credits for the child. Childcare shall not be considered if there is a non-working partner at home.

How Is It Paid? Your childcare provider will be asked to invoice the College on a monthly basis. We will be writing to your childcare provider to explain the rules surrounding your payments. Payments will be made directly to the childcare provider’s bank account. The College will contribute a maximum of £140 per week, per student (regardless of number of children). If the cost of your childcare is above the maximum, you will be expected to cover the difference.

How Is It Awarded? A childcare award shall be posted directly to you, normally within 4 weeks of applying. The childcare provider will be notified under separate cover. Childcare is only available for the time you spend in timetabled classes at college or required placement. Therefore, over the Christmas and Easter breaks we will not pay for your child’s place. We may pay a retainer amount for these periods if required by the childcare provider, but this will only be for the purpose of keeping your child’s place open, please see below: •

In addition to ticking the childcare box on the front of the financial assistance form you should ask your childcare

provider to fill in the section on Childcare support

Your childcare provider may ask for a retainer to save your child’s place in the nursery over the Christmas and

Easter breaks. If there is such a charge you should discuss it with your childcare provider and make sure that they

let the College know

If your child is aged 3 or over you may be eligible for a Nursery Education Grant (NEG). Speak to your childcare

provider regarding this

If your nursery is registered as a NEG-funded nursery you could claim for up to two sessions per day and up to five

sessions each week. If you claim childcare for a child aged 3 or over then we will assess your application,

deducting your NEG. If your nursery is not registered you will need to inform us

9 It is your responsibility to inform us if: •

Your timetable changes (you must also let your childcare provider know)

Your weekly rate changes

The amount of days/hours your child attends the nursery changes (if you do not inform us your childcare support

may be withdrawn)

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet any increases in costs and this will depend on the funds we have available at the time. If you withdraw from the course we are funding you for, the College will take no responsibility for payment of outstanding fees to childcare providers.

Responsibilities? Conditions of the award will be issued to you. These conditions detail attendance requirements, contractual obligations, etc.

Other Sources of Childcare Funding - Care to Learn What Is It? Childcare support for students aged under 20 at the start of your course.

Eligibility? You can get Care to Learn if: •

you’re a parent under 20 at the start of your course

you’re the main carer for your child

you live in England

you’re either a British citizen or a national of a European Economic Area (EEA) country

your course is publicly funded (check with college)

your childcare provider is registered with Ofsted or the Care Quality Commission


you’re an apprentice who gets a salary

you’re doing a higher education course at university

How Is It Paid? You can get up to £160 per child per week to help with the cost of: childcare, including deposit and registration fees, a childcare ‘taster’ session (up to 5 days), keeping your childcare place over the summer holidays, taking your child to the childcare provider. Childcare payments go directly to your childcare provider. Payments for travel costs go to the college - we’ll then pay you via BACS each term.

10 Responsibilities? Details of how the fund operates, required attendance, and conduct expectations etc. will be issued with successful awards.

The Assessment? Assessments will be based upon the information you provide in your application You must apply within 28 days of starting your course so that your childcare provider is paid from the beginning of your course. If you apply after that, your childcare provider will only be paid from the beginning of the week that your application was received. To get an application form and guidance notes call the Learner Support helpline – 0800 121 8989 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Local Funding Some local authorities may have secured funding to offer assistance to parents with childcare costs to enable them to study or undertake volunteering with a long-term aim of returning to work. You should contact your Family Information Service for further information.

24+ Advanced Learning Loans What Is It? A national loan scheme introduced for the start of the 2013/14 academic year for students aged 24 and over undertaking courses at level 3 and above. Under new government rules, all funding for these learners has been removed so you will be required to pay for your own fees. (This is regardless of income status or previous educational history). Visit to apply online or download an application form. The amount of money you can borrow depends on your course. The minimum amount you can borrow is £300. The availability of the 24+ Loan means that you can improve your knowledge and skills without needing to pay the course fees upfront. However, there is no obligation to take out a 24+ Loans and indeed you may wish to fund your course yourself, through an employer or an alternative means. Therefore before taking out any loan, you should consider all your options. If you want advice on managing your finances, you can get impartial money advice from the Money Advice Service at

Eligibility Initially assessed upon age, residency and level of course being studied. Eligible courses must be SFA funded and include; A levels, QAA Access to HE Diploma, QCF Level 3 & 4 Diploma or Certificate, Advanced/Higher Apprenticeships. There is no credit check and household income isn’t taken into account. Loan repayments are linked to what you earn when you’ve finished your course, not how much you borrowed. You only need to start paying back your 24+ Advanced Learning Loan when you’ve finished your course and you’re earning more than £21,000 a year (which is £404 a week/ £1,750 a month). You pay back 9% of the money you earn over £21,000.

11 How Is It Paid? The loan is paid direct to the College in monthly instalments once we have confirmed your attendance on the course.

How Is It Awarded? An award notice will be issued to you by the SLC.

Responsibilities? Conditions of the award will be issued to you. These conditions detail attendance requirements, contractual obligations, etc.

The Assessment? Assessment will be carried out by the SLC based on the information you provide on your application. It is important to note that you will not be able to complete your application without the following vital pieces of information: Learning and Funding Information Letter showing your course and college’s details; i.e. course fee, start/end date, course reference number. This will be provided to you by the college when your course offer has been confirmed.

Additional Support Bursary for 24+ Advanced Learning Loans Will there be any additional support on top of my 24+ Advanced Learning Loan? YES! •

The College will be providing additional support for students who have applied for the 24+ Loan. This support will

be used to contribute towards on course costs including, childcare, travel, equipment, meals etc

To qualify for financial support you must be receiving income related benefits or have a household income of less

than £30,800 a year before tax

Similar to the 19+ Hardship Fund (See fund summary) the Additional Support Bursary will be £450 per annum paid.

Payments will be issued directly into your bank account via BACS

An award notice will be issued to you which details monthly amount awarded & expected payment dates

Details of how the fund operates, required attendance and conduct expectations etc. will be issued with successful awards. For details on childcare support please see refer to - 20+ Childcare summary. (see page 8)

Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDLs) Professional and Career Development Loans are bank loans that can be used to help pay for work related learning. You can borrow between £300 and £10,000 to help support the cost of up to two years of learning (or three years if it includes one year’s relevant unpaid practical work). The Government will pay the interest on the loan while you are learning and for one month afterwards. The loan can be used to pay course fees or other costs such as travel and living expenses. You can also use the loan to supplement other forms of support such as grants or bursaries. Because the Professional and Career Development Loan is a commercial loan product, they should only be considered as an option once all other student funding options have been investigated. For advice on your application, call the National Careers Service on 0800 100 900 or go to Please note students must be over 18 and have lived in the UK for 3 years. Applicants will be credit checked.

12 The Derwent Bursary The Derwent Bursary provides exceptional IT support for single parents enrolled on the Access programme preparing their progression route into HE at University. The College has purchased some equipment that can be borrowed out for overnight use. Please enquire via the Money Zone. For a more in-depth look at the details and the eligibility criteria for all of these schemes, please refer to the College website

Case Study - Charlene Brown Student Comments: I’m really grateful for the Derwent Bursary available at Bournville College which has allowed me to stay on top of my coursework despite my family commitments. Without the laptop loan facility I don’t know how I would’ve managed to keep it all together as I don’t have a computer at home and don’t have the finances to be able to buy one. Being a single parent and having to pick up my young daughter from nursery, I found it impossible to stay late after lessons to do my work. Thanks to the support from the Student Finance Team, the loan of the college laptop and other student support staff working at Bournville College, I have been able to make it through the hard times. I have accepted a place at Coventry University and am now well on my way to realising my ambition of becoming a fully qualified nurse’.

13 Higher Education Finance For those who have the potential to benefit from studying HE at Bournville College, there should be no financial barriers. There are a range of financial support packages available to help meet the costs associated with your study. The main student finance package includes a: •

Tuition Fee Loan

Maintenance Loan - full-time students only

Maintenance Grant - full-time students only

Special Support Grant – full-time students only

Tuition Fee Loans are used to pay for your course. Maintenance Loans and Grants help with living costs (e.g. accommodation, books, bills). You have to pay back loans but not grants.

Tuition fees – no upfront costs As a full-time or part-time student you can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan subject to conditions. Applications are made via the Student Loans Company who will pay the fee for you directly to your university or college. You will have to eventually repay the loan but only after you have graduated and are earning at least £21,000 per year. Tuition Fee Loans are capped at £9,000 for full-time students and £6,750 for part-time students subject to conditions.

Funding for living costs You will be able to apply for loans for living costs, of up to £5,500 if living away from home, and also non-repayable grants of up to £3,250, where the household income is less than £42,600 or the Special Support Grant if you qualify for Income Support or Housing Benefit.

All applications are subject to conditions. More information about the main student finance package, the extra support available repayments can be found at: You can get an estimate of the amount of student finance you would be entitled to, before you actually apply, by using the Student Finance calculator at


Apply as soon as you possibly can

Submit your application form in person to the Student Funding Office where possible

Bring original documents which we shall photocopy and return to you

Provide supporting documentation promptly

Direct any questions you have regarding student funding to the Student Funding Office

Budget your money for starting college

Ensure you keep your payment schedule for reference


If you change address

If you change bank details

If your financial circumstances change

If you change or leave your course

If you change your contact telephone number

IMPORTANT NUMBERS Student funding Officers Bournville College: Main Switch Board

0121 477 1300

Jerome Boothe: Learner Support Fund Co-ordinator

0121 477 1302

Angela Elson: Student Funding Advisor

0121 477 1722

Christine Eccleston: Student Funding Advisor

0121 477 1723

Warren Evans: Welfare Advisor

0121 477 1306

Ellen Pugsley: Student Loan Administrator

0121 477 1965


(0845) 606 0234

Care to Learn Helpline

0800 121 8989

Child Benefit

0845 302 1444

Centre One P.A.Y.E.

0845 300 0627

HMRC Tax Credits

0345 300 3900

Money Advice Service

0300 500 5000

National Careers Service

0800 100 900

Student Loans Company

0845 240 2040

Talk. 0121 477 1300 | Write. | See. Visit. 1 Longbridge Lane, Birmingham B31 2AJ | Sat Nav Ref. B31 2TW

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