2 minute read
The Machine of superiority

a. A Tribune is a symbol of power and authority, as the person who stands on it commands attention and can influence the thoughts and emotions of those listening. b. The use of the tribune can also represent the democratic ideal of giving voice to the people. Each can speak and be heard c. We want to break the totalitarity of a tribune, by dissolving place for one and creating places to many d. The platform allows speakers to address each other and share their messages, allowing free exchange of ideas and opinions
In architecture, a tribune is a raised platform or stage that is typically used for public speaking or for people to address a gathering or an audience. The term “tribune” has its roots in ancient Rome, where it referred to an elevated platform from which public officials or leaders addressed the citizens of Rome..
In totalitarian regimes, the tribune was often used as a propaganda tool to manipulate public opinion and maintain control over the population. It was usually located in prominent public spaces such as city squares, government buildings, or public halls, and was used for public speeches, rallies, and other political events. The layout of the tribune was also carefully designed to emphasize the authority of the speaker and the importance of the event. It was usually elevated above the audience, creating a sense of superiority and dominance.
However, the use of the tribune can also represent the democratic ideal of giving voice to the people. The platform allows a speaker to address a large crowd and share their message, allowing for a free exchange of ideas and opinions. In this way, the tribune can be seen as a tool for empowering the people and promoting democracy.

Our concept for the tribune challenges the traditional perception of this architectural element as a grand, imposing structure. Instead, we focus on creating an interactive and engaging space that encourages discussion and participation.
We keep the focus on the upper platform for the speeches but make the way to it much more important. Each new level is essentially the same platform for the talks, but more in the form of a discussion than a monologue. However, as visitors make their way up the platform, the path becomes more complex, and the proportions become distorted. This creates a sense of challenge and intrigue that encourages visitors to engage with the space.
The whole structure of the podium tilts slightly, about 95 degrees, towards its highest point, one might think it was blown away by an imaginary wind, or it was a deliberate effort to emphasise the upper platform, but something went wrong and everything was left “as it was”.
Instead of the durable and imposing materials usually used for this type of building we use old timber, and in place of the featured and in place of the featured grandiose architectural elements, the accent railing of the upper platform is made of corroded sheet metal. Only the steps of the podium are made of new wood and coated with white paint, emphasising the cleanliness and mono-materiality

The entire structure of the tribune is assembled from old, used timber. In our example, these are beams of similar cross-sections, but as shown in the examples, the beams can be almost any kind of wood stapled together. You can create your own glued wood counterpart using construction staples and bolts. You can also use other materials such as used metal or cardboard, the latter being quite strong and durable for this type of construction.
The entire structure is collapsible, allowing for easy transportation and reassembly in different locations..Large elements are attached using threaded rods and nuts for wood inserts.