2 minute read

Brigadier Errold Frederick (Fred) Pfitzner AM


Errold Frederick (Fred) Pfitzner was born on 9 September 1939, at Lameroo.

He attended primary schools in Lameroo, Bordertown, Tarlee and Eudunda. In 1952 the family moved to Adelaide and Fred attended Woodville High. Fred and his brother John sang in the choir at St Peter’s Cathedral and in 1953 he was awarded a scholarship to Pulteney. In 1954 he was Head Chorister at St Peter’s Cathedral and sang at a festival in St Paul’s Cathedral, London. While at Pulteney Fred played football (1st XVIII 1955-56), cricket (2nd XI 1955-57) and was awarded a Blue for athletics in 1956. He was a School Cadet from 1953-1957, rising to Warrant Officer II and the unit’s first CSM in 1957. In 1956 and 1957 he completed four Leaving Honours subjects in each year, was a School Prefect and Captain of Miller House in 1957.

In 1959 Fred attended the Royal Military College, Duntroon and in 1961 was posted to 3RAR in Brisbane. He was deployed for two years in Malaya, and was made Captain in 1964. He was then involved in the BorneoIndonesia conflict for six months. As a member of the 1st Australian Taskforce in Vietnam in 1967 he was Captain responsible for Battalion operations.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, postings included Duntroon as Company Commander instructing leadership, military geography, military history, social etiquette and current affairs; as Major to AHQ to be personal staff officer for Adj General AL McDonald; seconded to General Hassett’ s reorganisation of the Army in 1970; Company Commander of 9th Battalion; Canberra as Lt Col planning future army development; Joint Services Staff College to learn Tri Service operations; Command 8/9 RAR Battalion in Brisbane. In 1981-2 he was posted to the United Kingdom to the British Staff College with responsibility for counter revolutionary warfare instruction.

Fred was promoted to Colonel in 1983 and Brigadier in 1985 and commanded 6th Brigade in Brisbane. Later he was on Joint Exercise Planning Staff to coordinate and run National Tri Service training exercises. In 1989 he was involved with Kangaroo 89 and was Director General of Operations and Plans.

In 1990 Fred was made a Member of the Order of Australia for service to the Australian Army as the Chief of Staff, Joint Exercise Planning Staff. He retired from the Army in 1992.

Brigadier Fred Pfitzner died in Adelaide on 9 March 2015. LEGENDS PULTENEY

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