1 minute read
The inauguration of Safa Zaki, Bowdoin’s sixteenth president and the first woman to hold that post, will be held during Homecoming Weekend, October 13–15, 2023. Currently dean of faculty at Williams College, where she has been a member of the faculty for nearly two decades, Zaki is an accomplished scholar, educator, and leader. Read more about her in the story in this issue, page 26. Information about the event and how to stream it live will be forthcoming.
Classmates Twice Over
And the envelope goes to—three outstanding seniors who’ve been down that road before.
AT THE PRESIDENT’S AWARD LUNCHEON at the end of the academic year, three prize winners found themselves in familiar company. Margot Ngo ’23, recipient of the Michael F. Micciche III Award, given to the student who “embodies the entire Bowdoin experience” by engaging the College community, achieving academic excellence, and earning the respect of their peers and professors; Souleman Toure ’23, winner of this year’s Andrew Allison Haldane Cup, recognizing outstanding qualities of leadership and character; and Zoë Wilson ’23, who as winner of the DeAlva Stanwood Alexander Second Prize was an alternate student Commencement speaker, all attended the same school before coming to Bowdoin. Ngo, Toure, and Wilson went to The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut. Another small-world connection with Hotchkiss: Craig W. Bradley, head of school, was Bowdoin’s dean of student affairs from 1996 to 2006.