Bowen Island Undercurrent December 9 2016

Page 1

FRIDAY DEC 9, 2016

VOL. 42, NO. 50


including GST


Light up Bowen

A night of magic to start the holiday season

Concrete frog

Bowen sculptor’s work unveiled at TransLink station in Coquitlam

Constituents speak: Letters to our MP

Lot 3: Competing interests come to the fore Islanders comment on proposed location of new fire hall, parking lot for Lot 3 would necessarily exclude housing, but the topography of the land also makes new firehall construction and road access to Miller Road easier and less expensive for taxpayers. Taxpayers should benefit from community lands first and not just tax payers,” said Freeman. “Second he argues that the area proposed for the fire hall is excessive, at least in comparison to other communities. The fire hall site, as Peter mentioned, may go on to house our other community services, and so comparing our community Community Lands Lot 3, stretching along Miller Road and onto part of Bowen to others is like comparing Island Trunk Road was purchased by the Municipality in the year 2000 for $5 apples and oranges…” million. The proposal for this land is to amend the Official Community Plan to Freeman went on to urge allow for 1 acre at the northern portion of the land to be used as a fire hall and Mayor and Council to move emergency services operations centre. This location was chosen after a previous ahead quickly rezoning in location would have put many Hood Point residents outside of the 8km zone that order to get the construction allows for cheaper insurance rates. of the fire hall underway as The remainder of Lot 3 is envisioned as a parking lot and as a mixed-use quickly as possible. commercial and residential. In Hocking’s letter to council, he points to stateMERIBETH DEEN ments from the Official Community Plan urging council to EDITOR use community lands for housing, and to create a walkable village in Snug Cove, to back up his argument. Last Wednesday at a public hearing on plans to develop the Finding a good location for the fire hall is challenging. But portion of Bowen Island Community lands Lot 3, there was the scarcity of available land in Snug Cove, with Crippen Park one thing that most islanders seemed to agree on – that the on the sides and ferry access in the middle, makes finding site is not appropriate for a parking lot. However, plans to ded- locations for housing even more challenging… We need a new icate 1 acre of that land to a new fire hall brought the support fire hall, but it does not need to be in the walkable Cove; housof Hood Point residents, who see this as essential to ensuring ing does. greater fire safety to the North end of the island, in opposition Alison Nixon chimed in to support the plea for affordable to others who see the land as ideal for creating much needed housing with a slightly different tack, speaking to the need for housing, and affordable housing in particular. low-cost rental housing for people with disabilities. Hood Point resident Hugh Freeman told council that he “I understand that for many people, probably in this room, essentially agreed with comments made by Peter Frinton, who rental housing is not a priority,” she said. “But there are many said the chosen site for the new fire hall is better than any of people on this island for whom rental housing is a priority and the earlier proposed sites, but strongly opposed zoning the for whom it’s their only way of surviving. As you consider the land to have a primary use of parking. Freeman, however, went needs of our diverse community for adequate units, you also on to oppose three specific points in a letter written to council consider this community who are also suffering from a disabilby David Hocking, who was unable to attend the meeting. ity, these people are also valuable members of our community. “He argues that Lot 3 is relatively flat and therefore easier As you are well aware, there is a wide variety of disabilities for affordable housing development. I don’t think the plan

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ranging from physical to psychiatric and we have members of all of these groups amongst our population. People living with have a disability have a highly restrictive monthly income, the current monthly allowance is roughly $900 per month. Clearly, rental units which are more than $700 per month, which most are, are entirely out of reach for people on such income restrictions.” In an interview following the meeting, Nixon told The Undercurrent, that her plea for rental housing with subsidized units was a way of stating her belief that Lot 3 would be the ideal spot for such housing on Bowen. “The whole lot should be housing, not a firehall,” she says. “Environmentally speaking we need a village that is walkable to the Cove, and I know that working with BC Housing there is a way to get rental units subsidized.” The OCP and bylaw amendments that would allow the proposed changes to take place were passed through second reading by council on October 11. Public comments on the plan are now officially closed, but will be taken into consideration by council before moving forward.

Blasters on Bowen Island Trunk Road widening the ferry lane. Depending on the weather, this project will be completed by early next week. Meribeth Deen, photo

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Meeting Calendar December 12, 2016 7:15 pm Regular Council Meeting

December 14, 2016 9:00 am Finance Advisory Committee

Seeking Public Comment for DVP-08-2016 (Area 1 of Lot 2) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted for municipally owned Area 1 of Lot 2 (shown on map) to reduce the required setback from Senior Road.

Transportation Guide The Bowen Transportation Guide - a project brought to life by the Transportation Advisory Committee - has been updated and is now available for download from our website at Look for the link under the Transportation menu on the front page. We are pleased to have added the contact info for Bowen’s brand new Taxi service: Bowen Land and Sea Taxi - BLAST!

Current Land Use Bylaw requires a 3 metre setback from Senior Road. An active subdivision application would increase the width of Senior Road from 6 metres to 12 metres. If issued, the permit would reduce the required setback to 0 metres from the widened Senior Road.

December 14, 2016 7:00 pm Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee

All meetings are held in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall unless otherwise noted.

Community Events

MORE INFORMATION AT MUNICIPAL HALL: The application may be viewed at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays) or on the Municipal website at YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME: Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall (contact information below): • • • •

In person By mail By fax By email to

Submissions may also be made to Mayor and Council at the meeting:

7:15 PM on Monday, December 12, 2016 in Council Chambers Municipal Hall PAID ADVERTISEMENT

To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted once the meeting has ended.

Questions? Please contact Daniel Martin, Island Community Planner at 604-947-4255 or

General Enquiries

Contact Us

Phone: Fax: Email:

Bowen Island Municipal Hall 981 Artisan Lane Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2

604-947-4255 604-947-0193

Find us on Facebook Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday, excluding statutory holidays

Bowen Island Municipality

Join our mailing list


Public art piece nudges Bowen sculptor toward artistic goals


See the lights, support the Food Bank The Legion and the Orchard Recovery Center are focusing their efforts to support the Bowen Food Bank over the holiday season. In that vein, the Christmas light display will be running from Dec 5 to Jan 2 - 4:30pm to 8:30 pm with special nights of music and hot chocolate for folks to come and visit. We will have a donation box available for people to support the Food Bank with cash donations. In addition, on Friday Dec 16 from 2 pm to 7pm we are asking folks to come to the legion with cases of food. With all the love Bowen has we are looking to fill a truck with much needed food. The event will be filled with much fun including; carol singers, music and an incredible Friday night dinner roast beef, yorkshire pudding and all the trimmings. Bring an outdoor ornament that you can place on our 20 foot tree of giving and help us celebrate the gift of giving by supporting those residents of Bowen who are struggling and need some big TLC.

Susanne and Alan Armstrong-Bates donned snowshoes to get around on Monday. Meribeth Deen, photo

The TransLake sculpture at Coquitlam’s new Lafarge Lake-Douglas station at left and Bowen Island sculptor Trent Hutton at right. MERIBETH DEEN EDITOR

For Trent Hutton, work as a sculptor has always been a balance between creativity and paying the bills. With his first job as a sculptor, technicially speaking, at a mascot studio in Toronto and then a shift to the world of artificial rock when he moved West, Hutton says he hopes the completion of his first piece of public art helps to launch his career into more purely creative work. Last Friday, Hutton’s 21 foot, ground-level sculpture of a frog emerging from a lake was unveiled last Friday at the opening of the new Lafarge Lake-Douglas Station in Coquitlam. The work was one of four pieces commissioned for various skytrain stations. “TransLink, the province and the City of Coquitlam had objectives they wanted to meet about connecting to the communities and their histories,” says Hutton. “Lafarge Lake jumped out at me immediately, in part because they are a

manufacturer of concrete which is connected to my medium. In the 1980s, the company gave a gravel pit to the city that was successfully redeveloped into a hundred acres of public parkland that’s now home to many wildlife species, including frogs.” Hutton says his piece is a celebration of humans, nature and transformation. It took more than 120 hours to complete, and Hutton has named it, TransLake. He adds that it is meant to be playful, even if that means people climbing all over it. Hutton’s other work can be found in and around private residences on Bowen Island and the lower mainland, as well as at the Vancouver Aquarium, Science World and YVR. “Yes, this is creative work but it tends to involve other designers, artists and fabricators. What I really enjoyed about this project is the opportunity to start creating from my own concept,” says Hutton. “Since my idea was chosen, I’ve had the chance to speak with many artist doing this kind of work. It is very competitive, and I feel lucky to have this kind of exposure.”

Bowen Island FC’s Co-Ed League’s fall season is officially over, with Team White winning over Team Green in the final Game. From the front: Patrick Veenstra, Thomas Bement and Finn Corrigan Frost. Susan Geist, photo

On the Calendar SATURDAY DECEMBER 10 Bowen Island Community Choir’s Winter Celebration performances at 2pm and 7:30pm, tickets available at Cates Hill Pharmacy and at the door Winter Farmers and Craft Market BICS inside and out, 10am -12pm

SUNDAY DECEMBER 11 “Peace on Earth” Exhibition at the Museum & Archives opens 2 – 4pm Holiday Shopping for the Kids at the Knick Knack Nook 12 – 3pm

MONDAY DECEMBER 12 Seniors Keeping Young, Bowen Court Exercises start at 9:45 Yoga with Diana Kaile at 11:15, and our potluck Christmas Lunch at 12:15. TUESDAY DECEMBER 13 Special Christmas Lunch at the Legion, 11:30 am Beef Bourguignon, followed by tea/coffee and dessert, cost $10.00. To reserve, please call Caring Circle @ 604-947-9100. Adult event SUNDAY DECEMBER 18 A Christmas Carol, at Collins Hall Starts at 7:30. Tickets $20 at Phoenix Celebrate the season with Aubin and David Van Berkel We will toast the orchard and share the bounty of the garden. Dress for the weather. All ages welcome. 609 Cates Hill Rd. between 2 - 6 pm

FRIDAY DECEMBER 16 Legion Food Bank drive 2pm - 7pm WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 21 Celebrate Winter Sostice with music, spoken word, yuletide refreshments, yule logs and candles at Collins Hall. Admission free. Starts at 7:30


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viewpoint The Write Stuff. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper. You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Here’s how. To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@ National NewsMedia Council. The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ or call 604-947-2442. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.

All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper. All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. The undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


Snow Day Thank you snow… for bringing it all to a grinding halt on Monday. Well not all of it. There were commuters who still got on boats and buses, and endured upwards of 2 hours travel just to get to work and back. There was everyone working at the General Store – who showed up just to ensure that if anyone needed cilantro, they could get it; and there were the municipal workers and private contractors diligently driving the snowplow up and down Bowen’s main roads all day long. For many of us though, all that white falling from the sky and piling up behind the wheels of our car tires was a good indicator that it was meant to be a “home day,” a

break from obligations. I spent my day taking snow suits on and off, explaining that snow is an outside toy not an inside one. Which might have been quite dull if not for the enthusiasm and beauty of the whole thing. For me the snow was like a bright spot in a season of seemingly endless rain. On Monday, I even found a moment of optimism in the news cycle: Al Gore apparently had a productive conversation with Donald Trump on climate change. This goes to show that even as the world seems to become more polarized on a daily basis, common ground can be found in the most unlikely places. But the snow will be gone before we know it. Back to work, people.

Shining start to festive season on Bowen Island

How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it! ~George Elliston

Despite the rain early in the evening, Light Up Bowen was not only shiny and bright but a huge success thanks to our sponsors, donors and everyone who volunteered. Tourism Bowen Island would like to extend their gratitude to the financial sponsors of Light Up. Thank you: Irly Bird Building Centre, Dean Kensley (Clearline Plumbing), Metro Blasting, Ross McCorquodale (Edward Jones Investing), David Bellringer, the Cowper Family, First Credit Union & the Bowfest Committee. Your contributions helped make this event happen! Our donors were very generous and we are grateful to: Margaret Miller, owner of Artisan Office Services, for donating posters and signs, Kirsten Degner, for her fantastic graphics, Dee Elliot & Frazer Elliot of MacDonald Realty, who supplied mulled wine for the Santa Party, the Undercurrent ran weekly ads, the Ruddy Potato, the Bowen Barber, Out of the Blue and Nature Encounter Tours provided us with open houses, Bowen Pet Supply and Tuscany handed out sweets, Cates Pharmacy supplied us with candy canes for Santa and the Snug Cafe donated yummy

#102–495 Bowen Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC, V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 Deadline for all advertising and editorial: Monday, 4:00p.m.

hot chocolate. Cormorant Tug & Barge delivered Santa safely to the USSC Marina. Doc Morgan’s Inn was an awesome Santa Party venue and loaded us down with more sweets! We also want to express our appreciation to BI Community Recreation for providing Santa’s Cookie Workshop, the Knick Knack Nook for donating Christmas lights, Bowen Island Family Place for creating the Festival of Trees, Tammy Brockmeyer for providing a lantern workshop, the Black Sheep Dancers and the Men on the Rock Choir for enter-

taining us and all our mascots: Sadie (Sugar Plum Fairy), Matthew Redekopp (Rudolph), Matthew Harrison (Irly Bird Elf0, Allan Mills (Frostt) and Jeremy Cooper (Gingerbread Man). We also want to thank the children that helped pass out all the glow sticks donated by the Bowfest Committee and the men that helped Paul Lieske with tents for keeping some of us dry. The elves that helped Santa are greatly appreciated. Thank you Ellen Nickle, Maia Grundy, Gracie Quarry and Hunter Scarf. A big thumbs up for those

who kept us safe: Bowen Island Fire Department, RCMP, Anne Smitten and Jewal Maxwell (our local flaggers). Peter King had his bus to help people get back to their cars and that was greatly appreciated. This year we were very lucky to have Emmett Sparling take photos and Robert Torok shoot videos. These images will be posted on the Tourism Bowen Island Facebook page and our website. These young men are very talented. We also would like to thank all those who donated lights ... very appreciated! And - at the

Sadie Rose and Gerald Morriseau helped to Light Up Bowen.

photo Emmett Sparling

11th hour we had a great team help us put up lights, decorate Doc Morgan’s, distribute cookies, plug in extension cords and organize all those last minute details. Big thanks to David Wrinch, Nich Purcell, Murray Atherton, Rebecca Henderson, Maureen Sawasy, Annie O’dea, Jessica Mitts, Drake Nickle and Aiden Maxwell. The only problem is that you did such a great job I’ll probably end up asking you to help again next year! Last, but not least, actually most important, I would like to just say we could not have pulled this off without Jewal Maxwell. To thank you adequately is impossible. You spent long hours helping co-ordinate the event, sacrificing personal time. Thank you so much, Jewal. This event was a huge success, largely due to your help and dedication to this great Bowen Island Christmas party. Of course I need to thank my dear husband, Paul. Every year he says “leave me out of it” but then he dives in, without complaining, and helps me all along the way. A dear friend called him the “ever-ready Paul.” He truly is a gift to me. Of course I would like to thank Santa (you know who you are) and all those from Cates Hill Chapel who put on a Live Nativity program. It was so very beautiful and brought the spirit of Christmas to us all! Basia Lieske





Meribeth Deen

Maureen Sawasy

Ron Woodall

Peter Kvarnstrom

Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $45, including GST. Within Canada: $65 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy)$1 per copy, including GST

2011 CCNA




Liberals breaking their campaign promise on electoral reform

Dear Pamela GoldsmithJones, I am writing you this letter to express my deep dismay and anger with the way the Liberal Party of Canada is handling the electoral reform file. I am asking you to stand up for electoral reform and ensure that the all-party committee for electoral reform will be in charge, not the Minister who has effectively disqualified herself. The Liberal Party of Canada made electoral reform part of its 2015 election campaign and platform. Liberal candidates, including Prime Minister Trudeau,

exclaimed numerous times that 2015 would be the last election to use first past the post. The commitments were part of the speech from the throne on Dec. 4, 2015. After years of Conservative government with Mr. Harper at its helm, many Canadians voted for hope, a message the Liberal Party had embraced, which was reflected in the commitment to change the way we elect the Canadian government. Electoral reform is serious stuff. It is about the ultimate cornerstone of a democracy: how we elect our governments. It is about making sure that every vote counts,

which absolutely is not the case at present. The firstpast-the-post system is about exclusion to power and nothing else. With the experience of being born and bred in the Netherlands, a country that since 1917 has used proportional representation to elect its governments, I am appalled by the way the Canadian government, the Minister of Democratic Institutions and individual Liberal MPs have sabotaged the process that was underway. Over the last few months, we have seen the Liberal preventatives undermin-

ing the work of the allparty committee. And recently, we have seen the minister insulting the allparty Electoral Reform Committee. Followed by an apology that was simply not at all credible. Minister Monsef has shown to have no commitment to democratic reform and it looks like Monsef has joined ranks with former minister Mr. Poilievre, who was also a total embarrassment. The minister must resign. Pamela, you represent the federal government in our riding and you represent our riding in Ottawa. You also represent the Liberal Party.

Both Liberal Party and the government have committed to electoral reform. You committed yourself to electoral reform as candidate, and we the people in your riding elected you to become our MP, not in small part because of the commitments to change the way we elect our federal government. I hope that the Liberal Party of Canada, a colonial party that has never been interested in sharing power, will be able to throw off its colonial roots and cut the umbilical cord with the colonial elite. Otherwise, I foresee the party’s last ‘win’ to be nothing more than an anom-

aly in a process of fading into obscurity. I am probably asking too much, the future of the party lays in its past. If you now chose to follow the minister and the Liberal Party in their sabotage of electoral reform, you are betraying the trust of the people in this riding. I am not sure what role would be left for you if you were to do so. Let’s not ponder over you following the Liberal Party into obscurity, I know you can do better and I want you to show us. Awaiting your reply. Sincerely, Anton van Walraven

Friends to the rescue in case of sunken keys could make out my key chain (attached to a beige circular AUM symbol, which looked maddeningly similar to a sand dollar) on the ocean floor. It was my only set of keys. To make matters worse, my computer was in the vehicle, and my two dogs were stuck on the outside with me. What to do? First I phoned Peter DuPlessis (947-HELP), our always-dependable tow-truck driver, who rushed over, on the way to another job, to get my car out of the ferry lineup. He didn’t have his kit to open my car

door, so I phoned Dave Pinner, longtime friend and first-class locksmith, to help me get into my vehicle. It turned out that it was Dave’s birthday, and he was just sitting down to a family lunch; he said he could help me once he’d finished his meal. In the meantime, my friend Jens Diercks drove across the island with a rod, line and magnet to try to retrieve my key chain. After an hour of fishing around vainly for it, Jens had to leave: it was time for his daily run up Mt. Gardner, and given that this was the first sunny

MP should cross floor, join Greens To our Member of Parliament Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, We all breathed a sigh of relief to have Harper gone. But it seems that the men in short pants still run the show behind the scenes and the Liberals, true to form, campaign to Canadians’ goodwill from the left and govern from the right. How can you stand behind Kinder Morgan’s plans for pipeline expansion that will bring massive shipments of crude oil through our waters on a daily basis, and an LNG project led by a proponent with a history of tax evasion and

mass environmental destruction? The only ethical thing for you to do in this case is to stand up for your constituents and cross the floor to the Green Party, as it seems that Elizabeth May is the only politician left in Ottawa with any integrity. We rely on our representatives to represent us, NOT your bosses in Ottawa. Take a stand for your constituents now, and move with like-minded Liberals into a position where you can make a difference. Sincerely, Jayeson Hendyrsan

Places of Worship Welcome You BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH Rev. Shelagh MacKinnon


BOWEN ISLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Clinton Neal 1070 1070 Miller Road 604-947-0384 604-947-0441 Service 10:30Service a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. 10:30 School a.m.

ST. GERARD’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. GERARD’SROMAN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass: 10:30 Sunday a.m. Priest: James Comey Mass:Father 10:30 a.m.

604-988-6304 Administration Office: 604-682-6774

CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260

(661 Carter Rd.)

10:00 a.m. Worship • Sunday School: Tots to Teens Phil James Adkins B. Krohn Pastor: Dr.

Looking for Branch Office Administrator on Bowen Island. Grow your career while building relationships with our clients and supporting day-to-day operations. Submit your resume to

REGULAR SCHEDULE BC Ferries REGULAR SCHEDULE Oct 11 21, 2016 In Effect Mayto 15Dec to October 13, 2014


^ 5:30 am** 5:30 am 6:30 am 6:30 am 7:30 am*^* 7:30 am 8:30 am 8:35 am 9:30 am# 9:35 am # 10:30 am 10:35 am 11:30 am 11:40 am 12:30 pm 12:45 pm 3:00 pm 3:10 pm 4:15 pm 4:00 pm†† 5:15 pm 5:00 pm * 6:20 pm 6:00 pm 7:20 pm 7:00 pm** 8:15 pm # 8:00 pm# 9:10 pm 9:00 pm 10:05 pm 10:00 pm

VANCOUVER Horseshoe Bay

6:00am am 6:00 **^ 7:00am am 7:00 8:00 8:00am am 9:05 9:00am# am††# 10:05 10:00am am 11:05 am 11:00 am 12:10 pm 12:00 pm 2:35 pm 2:25 pm 3:45 pm 3:30 pm 4:45 pm 4:30pm pm 5:50 * 5:30pm pm 6:50 6:30pm pm 7:50 * 8:40 7:30pm pm#* 9:40 8:30pm pm# 9:30 pm

Distance: 3 NAUTICAL MILES Crossing Time: 20 MINUTES

Leave Horseshoe Bay

Service and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Collins Hall Bookings: Helen Wallwork Minister of Music: Lynn Williams

day in two months (years?), he had to abandon his attempt to help me. On his way home, he dropped me off at Dave’s place. Dave and his son Jesse drove down to the dock with me. Eagle-eyed Dave was sure he could make out my key chain on the sea floor and started making a new attempt to retrieve it with a line and magnet. Just then, I got a call from another friend, John Jerman, whom I had contacted earlier that afternoon. He came over to meet us at the dock with his son, Birch, who was in his swimming trunks. Birch dove into the water and appeared ten seconds later with the keys in his hand. Nothing like having a young, brave and foolish man around when you need one! As this all unfolded, three tourists watched in amazement. One of them asked: “How’s all this happening?” I replied: “This is Bowen Island.” A big thank you to all of my wonderful friends for helping me in my time of need! Matt Maxwell

Leave Snug Cove

Dear Editor, How many Bowen Islanders does it take to find a set of keys? In my case, this first Sunday in December, it took quite a few. My adventure started around 11 a.m. While waiting to catch the 11:30 ferry, I was putting up some posters. I had just finished putting up my last one – at the covered area west of the ferry dock – when my keys slipped out of my hand and fell through a waiting crack in the dock into the water below. I was pretty sure I







^ **


AUG 4, SEPT 1 & † 13 OCT





Bowen’s youth imagine their future on the Rock NEIL BOYD


On the afternoon of Nov. 18, a little more than 30 Bowen Island students, aged 12 to 14, gathered at the youth centre, responding to an invitation to imagine the future for young people on our island. The event was sponsored by the municipality, the Bowen Island Community Foundation, the Community School Association and First Credit Union. Those in attendance were treated to refreshments and asked a number of questions about living on Bowen; questions about where they

are most likely to spend time, where they feel most safe, what they’d like to see in the future, what they are most passionate about, and how they could contribute their talents to both the youth of Bowen and the community as a whole. Where do they like to hang out? The most common responses were in the Cove, Mount Gardner, at home, at the beach or on the water, and in the forest (clearly a strong interest in engaging with our natural environment). Where do they feel safe? Responses were pretty much the same locations: the Cove, Pebbly Beach, Grafton Lake, Mount Gardner, and at home.

What does their ideal Bowen Island look like? The youth offered more varied responses to this question, but greater engagement in a range of activities was the key: a skate park, a rugby team, a public pool, a hospital, a movie theatre, an indoor trampoline, a recreation centre, and a skating rink were the most popular choices. We asked what it is that makes Bowen Island a special place to live, what separates us from many other communities? The answers to this one were quite varied: our many public areas, our deer, our soccer field, lots of water access, trails and trees, mountains and beaches, a




$10 per child

Children under 5 must have a parent or guardian present Crafts Cookie decorating Writing letters with elves Visits with Santa

close and safe community, the dock dance, movies under the stars, the best baseball team ever, musicians, a boring winter, nature, a chocolatier and, of course, a ferry that connects us to the mainland. And what do our youth really care about? What do they want to focus on for both youth and the community more generally? Again, we heard many different responses, but there was a very strong emphasis on developing recreational options: more facilities for play, a skating rink, more options for horses and better safety for them, an indoor pool and recreation centre, and a skateboard park. Family, friends, education and nature are also critical, they said, along with a movie theatre, having fun and lead-

ing a well-balanced life, and contributing to public safety – keeping our crime rate low. What are the next steps? In the new year, an open house will be held, with an invitation to all youth to both plan and build upon some of these ideas, to put together

youth projects, learning how they can work with a range of community organizations to accomplish some of the changes that they would like to see. As the headline of the poster for the Nov. 18 event noted, “Bowen Youth Matter.”

Kids Christmas shopping at the Nook This Sunday at the Nook the store will open its doors to well over a hundred shoppers. What will be different about them? They will be between the ages of three and 12. Inside, the store will have been transformed: shelves and counters will overflow with goods chosen to appeal to children with pocket-money budgets. Volunteers will be standing by to take each child

by the hand and be of assistance in choosing gifts. At the till other volunteers will package each child’s gifts before being returned, packages in hand, to their waiting parents, stamping their feet in the cold. Outside, despite wind, rain or snow, there will be shelter for parents, heat from a fire, and hot coffee, drinks and cookies for sustenance. Our congratulations to the

KKN volunteers for putting on such a great event for the children. Thanks to our many donors whose gifts made it all possible. When: Sunday, Dec. 11, noon-3 p.m. For kids ages three to 12. Parents are advised to have the children arrive with a shopping list and take a deep breath before handing children over to a volunteer at the door.



LIGHT UP BOWEN was a huge success thanks to our sponsors, donors & partners.

Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.~ G.B Stern wrote

We would like to extend our gratitude to our Sponsors. THANK YOU: Irly Bird Building Centre, Dean Kensley (Clearline Plumbing), Metro Blasting, Ross McCorquodale (Edward Jones Investing), David Bellringer, The Cowper Family, First Credit Union & The Bowfest Committee.

Admissions Timeline For Early Acceptance: Completed For Regular Acceptance: By Feb 17, 2017 Financial Aid: Jan 29, 2017


For 2017/18 Academic Year Small by design and distinctly different, IPS is a grade 6-9 middle school with one class for each grade, and 16-18 students in each class. Spaces fill quickly; families are encouraged to apply for the grade 6 entry year well in advance. Book a personal tour Mon, Wed, Thur 8:30 – 10:00 604-947-9311

Our donors were very generous this year! We are so grateful to:

Margaret Miller (Artisan Office Services), Kirsten Degner, Dee Elliot & Frazer Elliot (MacDonald Realty), The Ruddy Potato, The Snug Cafe, Undercurrent, Cormorant Tug & Barge, Doc Morgans Inn, Bowen Pet Supply, Out of the Blue, The Bowen Barber, Cates Hill Pharmacy, Tuscany, Nature Encounters Tours, Bowen Island Community Recreation, Knick Knack Nook and The Union Steamship Co. Marina.



BOWEN BULLETIN BOARD Bowen Butcher Shop For all of your Holiday needs

Sign up for your free-range

n of Alderwood Appetizer Platter- a delicious combinatio ble by pre-order Farm Treats beautifully displayed and availa get togethers... for upcoming Dinner Parties and Christmas $65 a platter (feeds 8-10) “Edible Stocking Sutffers” & “Host Gifts” Spicy Rosemary Almonds Festive Packaged Garlic Sausage Alderwood Farm Beef Jerky Tea Blends & Salad Toppers (all good for shipping)

Christmas Turkey

at the Bowen Butcher Shop at Alderwood Farm. Open Wed - Sun 10am - 5pm We will be open Mon. Dec. 19 & Tues. Dec. 20. 1351 Adams Rd. 604-947-9434

1351 Adams Rd. • 604-947-9434

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Your Community

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Phone Hours: Mon to Fri 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Office Hours: 9 am to 5 pm


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50-50 draw to raise funds for BICS playground CAROLINE PARKER CONTRIBUTOR

This holiday season, the Bowen Island Community School’s Parent Advisory Council is sponsoring a 50/50 raffle to help raise money for new playground equipment for our community playground. The timing of the raffle conveniently coincides with shopping for stocking stuffers, Hanukkah presents, and other festive gift exchanges. So while you’re in the Cove or Artisan Square this holiday season, please stop by one of the businesses supporting this fun and easy fundraiser and buy a ticket or a few. The draw for the grand prize of up to $5,000 will be held on New Year’s Day, at the Polar Bear Swim. You can purchase your tickets for $5 each from the Building Centre, Cate’s Pharmacy, Doc Morgan’s, Fabulous Finds, Moss Hair Studio, Phoenix Photo, the Pub, or Rustique. Several parents of BICS students will also be selling

HEALTH & WELLNESS Dr. Susanne Schloegl

NexGen Hearing

Open Mon.Wed. Thurs. Fri. Now accepting Bowen patients. Artisan Square



604-947-9986 Bowen Island Chiropractic

Dr. Tracy Leach, D.C.

Bowen Island Naturopathic & Acupuncture Clinic #201 - 566 Artisan Square

Certified provider of Active Release Techniques

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Artisan Square Tues. & Fri.


BODY VITALITY MASSAGE THERAPY James Goldfarb RMT BC#05279 Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon Call 604-288-2860 text 250-726-8080

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Dr. Dana Barton

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tickets. Thanks to the extraordinary fundraising efforts of the Community School Association, as well as other island organizations and individuals, we are just months away from completion of this multi-year fundraising project that will benefit our island’s residents and visitors for many years to come. Your participation in this 50/50 raffle is a small but meaningful way to lend support and play a role. With your help, the community playground will have a new all-ages slide, new climbing equipment, and a new play-spectrum, cosy dome in place by spring 2017. Any questions? Please contact Sasha Buchanan at With thanks, Bowen Island Community School Parent Advisory Council (BICS PAC) Chances are 1/1,999 to win grand prize. Gaming License #90391. Know your limit and play within it. Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-888-795-6111;

At entrance to Artisan Square Suite #597

CATHERINE SHAW Dr. Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncturist


Registered Massage Therapist

SANDY LOGAN Registered Physiotherapist

Psychologist Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt PhD, R.Psych #1484


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