Bowen Island Undercurrent January 13 2017

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FRIDAY JAN 13, 2016 VOL. 43, NO. 02


including GST



To Bowen Islander Haig Farris, appointee to the Order of Canada

Life saving technology

Smart Growth

To tackle emissions, transportation, affordability and diversity on Bowen

Islander’s work aims to reduce postpartum mortality

Council addresses severe weather and emergency planning MERIBETH DEEN EDITOR

The rink at Josephine Lake on the weekend of January 6, 2017.

Rafal Izdebski, photo

Staying put, and offering a warm welcome at Seaside Cottage #1 MERIBETH DEEN EDITOR

Crippen Park’s Seaside Cottage #1, located at the entrance to the park trail on Cardena Road is sparse but not empty. Former caretaker Michael Chapman received a letter in September from Metro Vancouver Parks asking him to move out at the end of his contract, on December 31. Chapman, however, has not only not moved out but is also opening his doors to anyone who needs a place to warm-up. “If Metro wants to evict me, I think it is only fair to respect the law,” says Chapman, citing organization failure to correct-

ly follow the Residential Tenancy Act as legal rationale for not abiding by their request to move-out of the building. Chapman, who is well known as an advocate for affordable housing on Bowen, says the termination of his contract and tenancy without explanation is unreasonable. Having requested and failed to get an explanation from Metro Vancouver Parks on the termination, Chapman filed a Freedom of Information request on any communications that pertain to him. At the end of December, that request was fulfilled and he was offered a number of heavily redacted letters and twenty pages of completely redacted documents. continued, PAGE 3

Didn’t get last week’s Undercurrent? For $45 a year (island addresses) you can have the news delivered to your mailbox every Friday morning.

Call 604-947-2442

The city of Vancouver has opened up community centres as a place for people to take refuge from the cold in response to a prolonged cold snap this winter. The Municipality on Bowen Island has not taken any comparable action but at Monday’s council meeting, Maureen Nicholson and Sue-Ellen Fast assured their fellow councillors that “severe weather” is being discussed as a part of the development of the community’s Emergency Management Plan. Councillor Melanie Mason brought up the discussion by highlighting a comment made by the municipality’s Emergency Social Services Co-ordinator Carolyn McDonald at a meeting on December 14. She advised that assisting the homeless in severely cold weather does not fall under the auspices of either Emergency Social Services (ESS) or Emergency Management BC (EMBC). Councillor Fast said that in a meeting last week, members of the Task Force learned that this is in fact the responsibility of the RCMP. Councillor Maureen Nicholson added that when the issue came up, she did her own research into what was being done in other municipalities. “The claim had been made that all other municipalities had established extreme weather warming stations, which in fact is not the case,” said Nicholson. “For Bowen, it’s essentially the facilities that are run by the Lookout on the North Shore not only for shelter but also for warming.” She added that council needs to have a discussion ensuring that when the municipality’s Emergency Management Plan policy is adopted, it addresses extreme weather. She asked that this topic be put on the agenda again for the next emergency planning meeting. The municipality has hired Jen McGowan as an Emergency Services Co-ordinator, and municipal Chief Administrative Officer Kathy Lalonde said she will be tasked with coming up with a long-term plan to address extreme weather and situations like New Year’s Day, when people were stranded on Bowen because the ferry was canceled. Councillor Melanie Mason asked what would happen if people found themselves stranded tomorrow. Nicholson responded that there was no immediate plan as staff had looked into whether there were sites on-island that could be used but no appropriate venues were found. While two individuals have come forward and asked that the municipality take action on these issues, Councillor Fast says that the local community groups who normally deal with these issues have made no mention of requiring assistance.


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2 • FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017

Meeting Calendar January 17, 2017


Fire department recruiting new members The Bowen Island Volunteer Fire Department is recruiting new members. Applicants must:

Climate Conversation: Community Energy and Emissions Plan

7:00 pm

be 19 years of age or older

Parks, Trails and Greenways

live and work on Bowen Island

As part of our ongoing commitment to climate action, Council and municipal staff, with support from the Community Energy Association and interested community members, have developed the Bowen Island Community Energy and Emissions Plan.

have a valid BC driver’s license

Are you interested in learning more about the Plan?

January 18, 2017

be willing to undergo a criminal background check

7:00 pm

be available and willing to be called out at any time

Recreation and Community

be willing to undergo training for first responder medical situations, in addition to firefighting

Advisory Committee

Services Commission

January 19, 2017 9:30 am Economic Development Committee

All meetings are held in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall unless otherwise noted.

If you are interested in joining our team and serving the community, please download an application form from our website at or pick one up from Municipal Hall, then submit your application to or drop it off at Municipal Hall. The closing date for applications is Friday, February 3 at 4:30 pm.

Down. Danger. Dial. A downed power line is a danger. Stay back and call 911.

What steps towards greenhouse gas reduction would you like to see undertaken in 2017? Join Councillors Maureen Nicholson and Sue Ellen Fast to discuss the next steps in the implementation of the Bowen Island Community Energy and Emissions Plan. Wednesday, January 25, 2017 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Council Chambers Municipal Hall 981 Artisan Lane For more information, and to review the Bowen Island Community Energy and Emissions Plan, please visit If you would like to attend, please RSVP to

Always assume that downed or damaged power lines are live, even if they’re not sparking or making any sound. If you come across a downed or damaged line, follow these steps: 1. Stay back at least 10 metres. That’s about the length of a city bus. 2. Dial 911 and let them know that a power line has fallen or is damaged. 3. Keep others in the vicinity at least 10 metres away.

In order to determine which water craft are actively being used for recreation, kayaks and canoes must be stored in the community-use storage racks and labelled with the owner’s name and telephone number. Effective February 15, 2017, any self-propelled water craft left on the beach or in the racks unlabelled will be removed at the owner’s expense. Questions? Please contact Parks & Environment at 604-947-4255 or

We are launching a new website in 2017 and we need some fresh new photos. How would you like to see your best shots of Bowen featured online or in one of our upcoming publications? Read more at

Emergency Program Coordinator We are pleased to announce that Jennifer McGowan has been appointed to the position of Emergency Program Coordinator for Bowen Island Municipality. This is a new position which will assist in developing an Emergency Management Plan for Bowen Island. Ms. McGowan has been involved with Bowen Island Emergency Social Services in the past, and in her post-secondary education, has also been involved with emergency management planning. We are excited to have Jennifer back on the island and part of our team.

General Enquiries

Contact Us

Phone: Fax: Email:

Bowen Island Municipal Hall 981 Artisan Lane Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2

604-947-4255 604-947-0193

Find us on Facebook Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday, excluding statutory holidays

Bowen Island Municipality

Join our mailing list


Community boat rack at Tunstall Beach


FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017 • 3

Affordable housing advocate Do you know someone in tenancy dispute with with the Courage To Metro Vancouver Parks Come Back?

from PAGE 1

“It seems there is some fundamental issue they are unwilling to share with me, but I will do whatever I can to get answers,” says Chapman. In response to an interview request by The Undercurrent, media relations manager Don Bradley stated that the Metro Vancouver Parks is not at liberty to discuss the particulars of this situation, however, they intend to use the building for other park-related purposes. “I plan on staying here and working with Metro to find a mutually agreeable resolution,” says Chapman. “I hand delivered my rent cheque to the Metro Parks office-mailbox on January 1.

Fearing I would have to move out, I liquidated most of my belongings and furniture. That leaves me with a simple, open space that also happens to be warm and centrally located. Between January 1 and January 10, I had 26 visits as well as a number of donations of soup and food to offer. At this point, I won’t turn anyone away, but I am still hoping council will open one of their buildings in the Cove for this purpose.” Chapman says that from his perspective as a social justice advocate, this situation points to an opportunity to discuss Metro’s un-occupied residential properties on Bowen and ways of bringing them back into community use.

Coast Mental Health’s Courage To Come Back Awards nominations process kicked off in Vancouver on Friday, January 6 with media, previous honorees and sponsors in attendance. Presented by Silver Wheaton, the Courage Awards celebrate everyday heroes in communities all across British Columbia including Queensland, Campbell River, Kelowna, Fort St John, Prince Rupert, just to name a few. These extraordinary people have ‘come back to give back’ – overcoming tremendous adversity or illness to selflessly give back to others. They are our loved ones, our neighbors, our friends, who have faced seemingly insurmountable odds and who have come through with courage, strength and a drive to help make a difference in the lives of others. Their inspiring achievements are celebrated at a fundraising event every May in support of Coast Mental Health. Nomination categories include addiction, medical, mental health, physical rehabilitation, social adversity and youth. To find out how to nominate someone in your community, visit Coast Mental Health is an independent non-profit that has been helping people with mental illness realize their potential for more than 40 years. For more information, visit

Dr. Christian Kastrup photo submitted

Local researcher developing new Islander appointed Officer to the Order of Canada technology to stop post-partum bleeding


One day following the official announcement of his appointment to the Order of Canada, Bowen Island based lawyer, venture capitalist, entrepreneur and business professor Haig Farris escaped to Hawaii and missed one of the worst winter storms in decades. In a brief phone interview with, The Undercurrent, Farris says he learned of his appointment to the Order of Canada a few weeks before Christmas.

A career highlight: Order of Canada appointee Haig Farris says his role in helping to bring the musical Billy Bishop Goes to War was a career highlight. In the above photo, Farris is seen with Lewis Allen and Eric Petersen to his left and John Gray on his right, circa 1978.

“I found out that I was nominated by a former student of mine, Jay Agrawal at the University of Toronto,” says Ferris. “However I am not privy to the details of the nomination.” Officially, Farris has been nominated for his contributions to the development of the venture capital industry and technology sector in Western Canada. As former Undercurrent editor Louis Loik explained in a profile of Harris published in May of 2016, Farris is a co-founder of D-Wave, the first company in the world to sell “commercially

available quantum computers.” Farris says that his role in bringing the musical Billy Bishop goes to War is one aspect of his career that he would like to highlight. He explained how this came about in an email: I introduced Lewis Allen, a good friend of mine and a well known Broadway producer to the Billy Bishop show in Vancouver, circa 1978. He loved it and we arranged to see the show in Listowell in Ontario a few weeks later with his partner Mike Nichols. At the time Lewis and Mike owned the Broadway Annie show. Mike Nichols loved it and at the after-party in discussion with John Grey, Eric Peterson and Chris Wootten it was decided that Lewis and I would raise the money to finance a Broadway production and Lewis and Mike would work with John and Eric to open a Broadway production. All of that happened and it was a thrill to see such a great and brilliant Canadian show hit the big time. Eric Petersen won the best new Broadway actor award that year and the show has been continually produced many times in various locations everywhere . Farris says this, and everything he’s done in his career, “has been a lot of fun.”


Here in Canada, when a woman starts to bleed heavily following birth, she is often the recipient of a life-saving blood transfusion. This is not an option for women in in low-resource settings and without affordable and effective alternatives, many women die from post-partum hemorrhaging. Bowen Island resident and UBC researcher Dr. Christian Kastrup is working to change that by developing “self-propelling treatments” that travel against the flow of blood and act at the source of the bleeding. “There are lots of drugs out there that help to create blood clots, but severe internal bleeding tends to push those agents out with the flow of blood,” says Dr. Kastrup. “We’ve been developing different products to solve this problem. For example we’ve created a gauze that could be put near the affected area that has an agent on it that would bubble and fizz like an antacid tablet, and propel the clotting mechanism to the source of the bleeding.” Dr. Kastrup says that he has had a longstanding interest in blood coagulation, but this project began roughly five years ago after he learned about the problem of post-partum hemmorage in low-resource settings. He points to South Sudan, where the post-partum mortality rate is 1 in 20, largely because of hemorrhaging. Supported by a funding award from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, Dr. Kastrup and his team team at UBC’s Michael Smith Laboratories are testing the feasibility and safety of their ideas and working towards developing a clinical trial. He says he hopes to these products are available to help women around the world within two years time.


Spring Registration

photo submitted

hdown Photo: Lorraine As

Coffee House March 4th Concert May 6th

Jan. 11th - Registration and Social Jan. 18th - Registration/First Practice 7 p.m. at Cates Hill Chapel Welcoming sopranos, altos, tenors and basses No experience or audition required. Cost $90 Check us out on

Join our choir and celebrate “Community” in Canada’s 150th DIRECTOR: Ellen MacIntosh • ACCOMPANIST: Sheilagh Sparks

Since 1992

4 • FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017

viewpoint The Write Stuff. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper. You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Here’s how. To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@ National NewsMedia Council. The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ or call 604-947-2442. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.

All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper. All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. The undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


Council proceeds on ‘shaky ground’ Dear Editor, Council’s decision on Monday night to give further readings to Bylaws #422/425 is unfortunate on a number of fronts. 1. I disagree with consent agendas except for truly ‘housekeeping’ items. The intent of a consent agenda is to streamline council business and save valuable staff/meeting time. It is NOT intended to replace discourse around the table. The Mayor and CAO have considerable discretion in agenda setting, so consent agendas are an easy way to hide dust under the rug. Surely, after a hearing at which diverse views were stated, plus having received commentary from referral agencies, there would be a proper Council discussion of the points raised, and questions to the planner as to mitigations or alternatives. 2. It really does reflect ‘one set of rules for them, another for us.’ I would think any developer would be outraged that they have to go through any number of hoops while the municipality blanket rezones its own land with impunity, not even stipulating what is to be built. Make no mistake, the rezoning creates the

greatest flexibility possible - to enhance the potential values of land sold, and to allow diverse uses without specifying them in advance. When it comes to the actual developments, there will be no requirement for further public input. 3. It makes a mockery of the central tenets of the OCP, the process of public consultation, and the entire previous planning efforts pertaining to Snug Cove. It potentially perverts the process and hierarchy by which the Islands Trust Executive committee reviews and either approves or denies the OCP changes, and determines compliance with the I.T. Policy Statement. Because the actual OCP changes look so benign on paper- e.g. adding ‘Village Civic’ to a designation, the Trust will have very little grounds on which to query them critically. 4. It erodes democracy on an island that has prided itself in civic involvement. Nothing like this ever happened before or under the Trust, nor after incorporation – at least not until the Adelaar Council passed the rezoning for parts of Community Lot 2 (in the vicinity of the school). I asked Mayor Skeels about the triangle lot adja-

cent to Seniors’ Lane, and he said with undisguised glee how convenient it was that it was pre-zoned, and that the municipality could now entertain development proposals at will. They have now relaxed setbacks to further enhance the financial value of this land. Doing the same for Lot 3 compounds the sin by a magnitude. Not many people really cared about a sliver of land below an embankment, but many people do care about a sizable chunk in the heart of the Cove, adjacent to Crippen, and with good coniferous forest cover, a history of park and cottage use, and subject to innumer-

able studies identifying it as the kingpin for Snug Cove, and by extension, the whole island. Very clearly there are more values at stake than simply the best dollar return or to create a few parking spaces that could have happened on road allowance. To me, this is a game changer gambit. That the vote was unanimous, and that the concerns were not debated, nor even the fire Hall portion hived off, indicates either a collective laziness or that there is something already in the works. A note on process under the Adelaar Council. They convened what was known as

the ‘Temporary Committee’, which met in camera for all but its first meeting, I recall, and presented its findings for Lot 2 to Council which were then acted upon. This was a highly dubious process (as committee members were not sworn in for confidentiality purposes). As well, two Councillors, as we well know, had expressed an interest in developing the property and one actually led discussion (having by then resigned from Council) at the hearing. This is the shaky ground on which the current Council now places its procedural protocols. Peter Frinton

Another perspective on Woodfibre’s promises Dear Editor, Woodfibre LNG has spoken, but again it seems to be seriously out of touch with reality. The economic reality is that LNG prices are at an all-time low due to a global glut in LNG as well as stiff competition of the fast and vast build-up of renewable energy projects around the world. This competition will only grow. China is investing US$360 billion renewable energy in the next three years! Last week, we heard a promise of jobs from Woodfibre. Here in Atl’Kitsem/Howe Sound, we have no use for jobs that will negatively impact our currently thriving tourism industry.

#102–495 Bowen Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC, V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 Deadline for all advertising and editorial: Monday, 4:00p.m.

What we want are jobs that support a healthy and clean future for our children, not jobs that are tied to the fossil fuel and fracking industry. The (natural) gas fracking industry uses and contaminates vast amounts of our greatest resource: fresh water. And, it has been calculated that by the time B.C.’s supposed “clean LNG” gets to its point of use in Asia, it will contributes 27% more in Green House Gas emissions than the burning of coal in China. (Source: B.C. LNG: Myths and realities, J.D. Hughes, Feb 19 2016) Although the Woodfibre LNG oracle is exclaiming ‘It’s a go!’, the political reality is that: - the Squamish Nation doesn’t think ‘It’s a go’ with the Nation’s

Environmental Assessment for the project not yet concluded - more than 10,000 people have signed the Howe Sound Declaration calling on provincial and federal governments to reject the Woodfibre LNG project - all Atl’Kitsem / Howe Sound municipalities have spoken out against the project. In terms of safety, Transport Canada still hasn’t started its LNG tanker safety review. And last but not least, Woodfibre LNG states in its letter of January 6, 2017, that its intentions were clear regarding a possible extension of the project from 25 to 40 years: it was in section 2.2.7 of their environmental assessment application.

Indeed it says so, but it also says ‘[the] Decommission Phase [of the project is to start in] 2042.’ Yet the Application’s Executive Summary leaves little doubt: ‘The LNG plant design life is 25 years:...’(page 1). But clearest is the glossy Woodfibre LNG brochure distributed to Howe Sound households in early 2015: ‘The Woodfibre LNG project is licensed to export approximately 2.1 million tonnes of LNG each year for 25 years.’ Again it leaves us wondering: How can Woodfibre LNG ever become a good neighbour when we constantly have to guess what its intentions are? On behalf of Concerned Citizens Bowen Anton van Walraven





Meribeth Deen

Maureen Sawasy

Ron Woodall

Peter Kvarnstrom

Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $45, including GST. Within Canada: $65 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy)$1 per copy, including GST

2011 CCNA



FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017 • 5

‘Smart Growth’ fights climate change JAMES GLAVE CONTRIBUTOR

Ask the nearest Bowen Islander what our municipality should be doing to tackle climate change and odds are good he or she will come back at you with a shrug. After all, what difference can an island community of 3,500 or so possibly make on a massive global challenge? Our carbon contribution is almost too small to measure when compared with that of China, right? Why is it our job to save the planet? The answer a two-parter. First, addressing climate change is not about saving the planet. This isn’t about polar bears anymore. It is about averting untold human misery. In many parts of the world, rising temperatures are driving resource scarcity, which is leading to conflict and creating the conditions for civil war. Mass migrations will come next, as billions of people, confronting failing crops, seawater inundation, and rising political tensions, will hit the road and the seas in search of food, water, and safety. In a cruel irony, those most likely to suffer the worst impacts are those who did the least to cause the problem. On Bowen, compassion is a community value. We’ve opened our wallets, homes, and families to refugees, we’ve organized warm clothing donations to the Downtown Eastside, and we quickly fill the bank accounts of families rebuilding their lives after tragedies. Our volunteer first responders drop the fork mid-bite when the pager sounds. We do these things not because we have to. We do them because they are the right things to do. On a global basis, climate is now a part of this commitment. It is about justice and what is fair. But we have another good reason

to act: The solutions help us, too. The most effective basket of municipal climate-action strategies also helps address many of our other challenges, namely affordability, social diversity, and public health. We’ve neglected these brewing issues for years. Fortunately, we have a fresh opportunity to really make up for lost time. Bowen Island Municipality is in the process of creating a new Community Energy and Emissions Plan. Working with funding from B.C. Hydro, late last year the nonprofit Community Energy Association connected with stakeholders to produce a draft plan for Bowen, and presented it to council. Our elected leaders will bring it to the community later this month. It quantifies our greenhouse gas emissions and identifies an array of measures to reduce them, along with electricity use. Unlike previous plans, this one explicitly excludes the emissions of cars leaving the island and the ferry in our carbon-pollution inventory. Our original (now vintage, and largely ignored) climate plan identified these as our two top sources of carbon pollution. Whether or not we can fairly consider the Queen of Capilano’s greenhouse gas emissions someone else’s responsibility is a matter for community discussion. Unfortunately, the existing draft takes a “go slow” approach on land-use planning reform, the one basket of strategies that holds the most potential to reduce our emissions while solving our other pressing challenges. The draft plan states the potential plainly: “Community form, including smart growth and road design, offer the greatest single opportunity for many communities to reduce emissions.” Put simply, if we embrace smart growth principles and use every policy lever in the box to really focus new

development in the cove, we reduce the need for driving and its associated pollution in the first place. A young family moving to a future thriving Snug Cove Village would not actually need to own a vehicle at all. With enough people, the neighbourhood could support a small car-sharing co-op for those Saturday runs to the building centre, or an evening out with friends in Bluewater. Smart growth is a multi-faceted approach to development that encourages a mix of building types and uses, diverse housing and transportation options, and community engagement. It seeks to protect green space by focusing growth in already developed areas (for a fuller explanation, look online for “This is Smart Growth,” a document from the U.S.-based Smart Growth Network). Some may dismiss this approach as too “urban” for Bowen Island. But by focusing our inevitable growth in Snug Cove – by building up, instead of out – we will protect our cherished ecosystems and forests from further splintering and sprawl. We will also reduce our infrastructure costs, as servicing our extensive road network presents a serious burden to taxpayers.(And remember, we’ll fight climate change!) In its draft plan, the Community Energy Association combines a set of smart growth policies into two bundles. The current version (not yet adopted by council) suggests Bowen Island pursue a “light” package of actions this year, and consider the more ambitious recommendations in 2018. Our draft climate plan suggests we “go slow” on land-use reform, the strategy that the experts agree could do the most to reduce our contribution to the global climate emergency while also addressing our urgent affordability and social inclusion crisis.

BC Ferries REGULAR SCHEDULE REGULAR SCHEDULE Jan May 3 to15May 17, 2017 In Effect to October 13, 2014

Leave Snug Cove

^ 5:30 am** 5:30 am 6:30 am 6:30 am 7:30 am*^* 7:30 am 8:30 am 8:35 am 9:30 am# 9:35 am # 10:30 am 10:35 am 11:30 am 11:40 am 12:30 pm 12:45 pm 3:00 pm 3:10 pm 4:15 pm 4:00 pm†† 5:15 pm 5:00 pm * 6:20 pm 6:00 pm 7:20 pm 7:00 pm** 8:15 pm # 8:00 pm# 9:10 pm 9:00 pm 10:05 pm 10:00 pm

VANCOUVER Horseshoe Bay

6:00am am 6:00 **^ 7:00am am 7:00 8:00 8:00am am 9:05 9:00am# am††# 10:05 10:00am am 11:05 am 11:00 am 12:10 pm 12:00 pm 2:35 pm 2:25 pm 3:45 pm 3:30 pm 4:45 pm 4:30pm pm 5:50 * 5:30pm pm 6:50 6:30pm pm 7:50 * 8:40 7:30pm pm#* 9:40 8:30pm pm# 9:30 pm

Leave Horseshoe Bay


Distance: 3 NAUTICAL MILES Crossing Time: 20 MINUTES







^ **


On the calendar SUNDAY, JAN. 15 Mad Hatters Spontanai-Tea & Puppets, Four Seasons Art Café, 2–5 p.m.



This is a missed opportunity on multiple levels. It is high time we took greater responsibility to address our role in a global challenge that will deeply impact vulnerable people in far-off places, and eventually our own front yard. The recently adopted Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change calls local governments such as ours “important partners in developing and implementing climate solutions locally.” Our municipality has a suite of proven solutions at its fingertips. Let’s not leave this one to others, like China, which by the way is now a global climate and clean energy leader. Let’s not kick the can down the road with a go-slow approach. Let’s do everything in our power to step up to the challenge and reap the benefits that come with real leadership, right here at home. There is no such thing as “too small to make a difference.” Bowen Island resident James Glave is the principal of Glave Communications, which supports companies, organizations, and governments that are working to advance the global low-carbon economy. He is the co-founder, with Merran Smith, of Clean Energy Canada.

Seniors Keeping Young (SKY) at Bowen Court: Exercises starting at 9 a.m., followed by coffee and speaker’s corner with Carol Petersen and Ali Drake on African Safaris; Yoga with Jeff starts at 11:15 a.m. Bowen Island Garden Club annual general meeting and speaker series discussion, Gallery at Artisan Square, 1 p.m.

TUESDAY, JAN. 24 The Magic of Soil, a talk by Phil Gregory, 7–9 p.m. at the Gallery at Artisan Square Bowen Ag Alliance and Bowen in Transition

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25 Learn more about the Community Energy and Emissions Plan, council chambers 7-9 p.m.

FRIDAY, JAN. 27 Montessori open house, 9:3011:30 a.m.

SUNDAY, JAN. 29 Three ways to see Europe, a fundraiser for Komera Canada, Collins Hall, 3p.m., $15 for adults, $12 for students

Places of Worship Welcome You BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH Rev. Shelagh MacKinnon

Service and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Collins Hall Bookings: Helen Wallwork Minister of Music: Lynn Williams


BOWEN ISLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Clinton Neal 1070 1070 Miller Road 604-947-0384 604-947-0441 Service 10:30Service a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. 10:30 School a.m.

AUG 4, SEPT 1 & † 13 OCT


604-988-6304 Administration Office: 604-682-6774



Mass: 10:30 Sunday a.m. Priest: James Comey Mass:Father 10:30 a.m.

CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260

(661 Carter Rd.)

10:00 a.m. Worship • Sunday School: Tots to Teens Phil James Adkins B. Krohn Pastor: Dr.

6 •< FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017


Critical donation makes toddlers’ wing at Bowen Children’s Centre possible NEIL BOYD

G. RobeRt AdAms (bob) 1938-2017 devoted and caring family man, Bob was committed to ensure the comfort, opportunities and security of his loved ones. Shortly after retiring, he suffered a severe stroke but over the next eighteen years bore the limitations it brought with courage, humour, optimism and grace. Sadly, he passed away on January 1, 2017. Bob is survived by his wife, Patricia, and sons, Tom (Anita), Michael (Catharine), John (Deborah Neville) and grandchildren, Kyler, Danielle, Brennan, Madison, Ryleigh, Mackenzie, Aiden and Fergus. Upon graduating from UBC, Bob’s career path led him into the field of computer systems, and he was witness to the evolution of information technology from the early days of mainframe computers to the hand held devices so prolific today. On retiring, his position was that of Director of Management Information Systems, Scott Paper. Ltd. Bob’s hands-on projects involved the whole family in building a cabin at Sealeigh Park where summers were spent fishing and boating in the waters off Bowen Island., and later, renovating the house at Snug Point. A memorial service will be held on January 28, 2017 at 2:30 pm at Mount Seymour United Church, 1200 Parkgate Ave., North Vancouver. The family acknowledges with profound appreciation the reliable services of the emergency response personnel on Bowen Island.. We also thank the staff at Evergreen House for their attention while Bob was in their care.


Memorial contributions can be made in Bob’s name to the North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre ( whose essential work assists those living with stroke and their families.


A directed donation of $50,000, given through the Bowen Island Community Foundation to the Bowen Children’s Centre, will allow the construction of the planned toddlers’ wing to begin. As many islanders know from first-hand experience, our community is overflowing with children under the age of five. In fact, on a per capita basis, we lead the province in this category. This donation is particularly timely as we enter 2017, giving the board of the children’s centre the confidence to plan for construction, with the opening scheduled for September. Ann Silberman, executive director of the centre, expressed her gratitude for the funding, noting that it will provide a licensed space for children aged three and younger. “I believe this donation speaks to an acknowledgement of both the importance of the early years in human development, as well as the work we do in care and education,” she said. “To the directing donor and the Bowen Island Community Foundation, I would like to

say a heartfelt thank you. You have certainly made a difference in the lives of children and families on Bowen Island.” The addition of eight fulltime (or 16 part-time) spaces will allow the centre to meet a current shortfall in care for our youngest residents. Many Bowen parents returning to the workforce are currently unable to find this kind of assistance. The licensed facility will be built to Vancouver Coast Health specifications, and the board of the children’s centre anticipates leveraging many in-kind donations from local builders and contractors in the months ahead. The description provided by Silberman was that of “a community barn raising” – hands-on involvement from all of those islanders who have the time and the ability to support this project. There are many ways in which the Bowen Children’s Centre is already a community project in progress. The building that houses the centre is owned and operated as a non-profit facility, with annual contributions from the Bowen Island Municipality to lease the lower floor for our Youth Centre and Family

Place. These lease payments enhance the services provided to the youngest children in our community. And it’s not too late for other Bowen Islanders to contribute to this project. The Bowen Island Community Foundation will provide funds directly to the Bowen Children’s Centre, and issue a tax receipt for your contribution. The Bowen Children’s Centre itself, also as a registered non-profit society, can

and will similarly happily accept your donations. An emerging series of findings from the realm of science has made clear that the first three years of life are often crucial in charting the life course of an individual. A collective thanks, then, to the donor of this grant, and congratulations to Silberman and the board of the Bowen Children’s Centre for all the work that they have done – and continue to do.

Loic Winny with Ann Silberman, executive director of the Bowen Island Children’s Centre. photo Debra Stringfellow

Bowen Island Community School Association “Wraps Up” at BIRD The CSA concluded our 6th annual fundraiser taking care of refundable beverage containers at BIRD on December 31st. We would like to take a moment to thank the amazing Dave and Louise McIntosh for generously allowing the CSA this wonderful fundraising opportunity. We really appreciate it! Having the filled green bins of refundables taken care of and transported to the North Shore at deeply discounted rates is an act of community generosity. We would also like to thank the great BIRD staff: Sean, Judith and Bonnie for all their help moving mega bins and answering multiple questions. The CSA this year had Debbie Ross acting as our BIRD Fundraising Coordinator. This means putting together a roster of willing (and somewhat unwilling) volunteers, creating and keeping track of the calendar and generally staying on top of everything to make sure we take care of our responsibilities at BIRD. Thank you Debbie.

On Wednesday evening January 18, Bowen Vet is hosting an

Open House

for YOU Drop by between 4pm-7pm to enjoy some snacks & refreshments, stroll through the clinic, and mingle with friendly faces! Friends and family are welcome - hope to see you there!

Finally, the Community School Association would like to thank the fabulous community volunteers who helped with refundables at BIRD. These wonderful Bowenians included: Deb Blenkhorn, Katherine Gish, Debbie Ross, Sarah Winny, Dawn Brett-Hauschild, Kristin and Geoff Jarvis, Carmen Lane, Caroline Parker, Pernille Nielsen, Mary Ann Zakreski, Sarah Cormier, Shauna Jennings, Frazer Elliott, Dan McBurney, Milena Robledo, Wendy Cellik, Maryam Erfani, Alex Sinclair, Penny Naldrett, Jason Morton, Casey Grundy, Christine Walker, Maria Turnbull, Ann Walters, Nadine Mitchell, Ken Simpson, Loretta O’Brien, Sujinder Juneja, Alison Greig, Sheana Stevenson, Erika Mitchell, Shayle Duffield, Andrea Layzell, Stephan Pocekovic, Vera Keogh, and Bryn Elliott. Thank you very much to the Bowen community for bringing your refundables to BIRD during the month of December. You really showed “The Spirit of Community!” The Community School Association supports Bowen Island Community School as the hub of community life by encouraging community development and life-long learning, leading to strong families, a healthier community and enhancement of the quality of life for all ages.

Frazer Elliot, CSA Co-Chair Sheana Stevenson, CSA Co-Chair Debbie Ross, CSA BIRD Coordinator


FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017 • 7



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8 •< FRIDAY JANUARY 13 2017


Travelogue: three ways to see Europe



Tired of this weather? Planning a get-away? Here are some ideas for you. Almost everyone on Bowen has spent time in Europe, but how many of us have tried walking, boating or caravancamping as a means of transport? Three sets of Bowen Islanders are looking forward to sharing their adventures with you. Firstly, Robin and Hilary Butler will be talking about their favorite Camino de Santiago – the Via de la Plata – a walk unhampered by the crowds on the “traditional” Camino, and just as scenic. Then, well-known photographer Peter Baumgartner and his interior designer wife Barbara Wahler will share with you their extensive experience on the canals of France and the Netherlands aboard Vincent, their trusty canal boat. Finally, Judith McBride, traveler and photographer extraordinaire, will tell you about travelling in “Hymer,” her trusty camper-van, in various countries in Europe. All these presentations will provide useful information on these three ways of visiting Europe. Bring some cash so as to

WE VALUE YOUR PROPERTY AS MUCH AS YOU DO. If you’re among BC’s approximately 2 million property owners, you should receive your 2017 property assessment in the mail early in January. If you haven’t, call us toll-free at 1-866-valueBC. Access and compare property assessment information using our free e-valueBC service on The 2017 assessments are based on market value as of July 1, 2016. If you have questions or want more information, contact us at 1-866-valueBC or online at The deadline to file an appeal for your assessment is January 31, 2017.

For more property information, assessment highlights and videos visit We Value BC

HEALTH & WELLNESS Dr. Susanne Schloegl

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Hilary Butler on the Camino de Santiago. photo submitted

sample tasty snacks from France, Spain and other European countries. All this between 3 and 5 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 29 at Collins Hall. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $12 for seniors and students, and are available at Phoenix and at the door. All proceeds go to Komera Canada, one of Bowen Island’s well-known charities that supports Rwandan girls endeavouring to graduate from high school and university. Donations of $20 and above will merit a charitable tax receipt.

At entrance to Artisan Square Suite #597

CATHERINE SHAW Dr. Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncturist


Registered Massage Therapist

SANDY LOGAN Registered Physiotherapist

Psychologist Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt PhD, R.Psych #1484


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