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Quilting Time Re: Unsung BowenVolunteers

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Missed last year ’ s community sewing project? Well, you are in luck – “Fabric at Play” is back! Come join the Bowen Island Fibre Arts Guild on May 9 at the Hearth Gallery for another community project

This year ’ s quilt for raffle is in support of the Colin Ruloff Community Field House at Island Pacific School Two sessions are being offered: 2 to 4 pm or 7 to 9 pm Classes are FREE and no sewing experience is required – sewing machines and sewing mentors are available to help you create your own unique block – open to all ages!


Contact the Hearth at hello@thehearthartsonbowen ca or 604-947-2454 to preregister

- Bowen Island Fibre Arts Guild

A Place for our Elders

To the Editor,

Snug Cove House is $306,525 closer to being built 160 Bowen households have, in the last nine weeks, pledged that impressive sum towards the construction of a supportive residence for island seniors Snug Cove House will now let our elders stay instead of having to find suitable housing somewhere else, far away from their friends, neighbours and community If they have to leave, they lose their community and the community loses them

Providing interesting and supportive accommodation for our most elderly citizens takes a special building, a building with safe and comfortable private and common areas and wellequipped services This doesn’t come cheap The 24 apartments, commercial kitchen and laundry, dining and recreation areas will cost $18m to build Many island volunteers have worked for more than two decades to assemble $16m of that, but still need, at the last minute, nearly $2m more thanks to inflationary cost increases

Snug Cove House Society is approaching philanthropic foundations and senior levels of government in the hope of getting to the finish line Large individual and institutional donors are best motivated by a motivated community The more island households that contribute a sum of whatever size, the more likely the really big donors will be interested

So it’s not too late for you to chip in You don’t even have to fill in a form, just e-mail the sentence “I pledge $ towards the construction of Snug Cove House” to info@snugcovehouse com or drop it off at the pharmacy We’ll ask you to turn your pledge into money when we ’ ve enough to start construction.

- With gratitude, the board of directors of

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Dear Editor:

Thank you, Alex, for including articles and photos of some of our volunteers on Bowen in the April 20 edition. We are very fortunate to have so many residents willing to step up and do what is needed to make our community a better place. Thank you to all who do this

The Bowen Island Conservancy is grateful to its many volunteers as we are a totally volunteer organization without any paid staff and could not operate without them I am writing to mention one unsung volunteer and to express gratitude to him for all he does

Mark Edmonds, who many of you may know as he is often seen driving the local bus, is our volunteer extraordinaire with the Bowen Island Conservancy

Since the Conservancy was fortunate enough to buy three lots at Cape Roger Curtis - thanks to donors extraordinaire - Mark has been our volunteer “Operations Lead” in implementing our management plan for the lands, coordinating the volunteers who monitor the lands and arranging for placement of fences, signs and pathways, usually doing a lot of the heavy lifting himself

For Mark, all this is a labour of love, as he spends about an average of 60 hours a month working on issues that may arise related to the Wild Coast Nature Refuge (WCNR), as well as doing physical work at the WCNR For the Conservancy Board and our various committees, we are the grateful beneficiaries of his dedication to these lands

We so appreciate you, Mark!

- The BI Conservancy Board of Directors (Ellen Coburn, Allie Drake, Joyce Ganong, Jennifer Hall, Paula Hay, Louise Loik, Owen Plowman, Nerys Poole, John Rich, Bob Turner, Peter Williamson)

Snug Cove House Society (Martine Sampath, Pernille Nielsen, Cindy Macleod, Graham Ritchie, Rev Lorraine Ashdown, Holly Mackintosh, Andy Powell-Williams, Sheilagh Sparks)

EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com

Bowen Island Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com

All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs

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