Bowen Island Undercurrent June 15 2023

Page 7

LOOK FOR THE LIGHT: It was a fairly grey and wind-starved Saturday morning as more than 100 boats took off for the 2023 Round Bowen Race But while conditions could have been better, the annual race from the Bowen Island Yacht Club went ahead with all the usual fanfare, including one of the biggest mass starts on the Pacific For more photos head on back to Page 12. / Brad Hawthorn photo

Where can you camp on Bowen?


The municipality is making efforts to clear up what the official status of camping is on the island.

Currently the only allowable camping area on Bowen is at Apodaca Provincial Park on the island’s east coast Four tent pads were recently completed at the remote site, which is meant to be accessed by marine travel only such as kayaks or canoes The campground links Bowen Island to the Sea to Sky Marine Trail, which is maintained by BC Parks and Recreations Sites and Trails BC

And, while it continues to generate much debate, the potential 100 campsites at the proposed Metro Vancouver Park at Cape Roger Curtis are likely several years from becoming a reality, and still have many hurdles to overcome There’s no camping currently allowed on the 97-hectare space, and Metro Vancouver has erected a roadblock to keep would-be travellers out of the waterfront areas of their new purchase

Camping isn’t permitted anywhere on municipal land, but differing views have long existed regarding camping on Crown land, which is owned by the provincial government. Bowen has plenty of this land spread across the island, perhaps most noticeably Mount Gardner, and it has long attracted campers and claims that camping on Crown land is legal


604 220 7085 buyonbowen com of all Realtors in 2022 REBGV MLS Meda l on Club Member TOP 10% MARY LYNN MACHADO PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION VIEWS THAT TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY From Black Tusk to the Coastal Mountains, Mount Baker, UBC, and beyond. You feel like you are a world away, yet on a clear day you re reminded how close you are to Vancouver when the sunset lights up the city This 0 59 acre lot has incredible privacy with only a single neighbour to the north Design plans for a 1-level home with garage are available 801 VALHALLA PLACE $1,250,000 NEW0.59ACRELOT $1 inc GST 25 YEARS OF ARTS PACIFIC Gallery celebrates! PAGE 6 NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY: Cultural Corner event PAGE 8 THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2023 VOL. 49 NO. 24 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50


2022 Annual Report

The2022DraftAnnualReportforBowenIslandMunicipalitywillbe presentedtoCouncilatitsRegularmeetingonMonday,June26,2023

WeinviteyoutoreviewthedraftAnnualReportandtoprovideyour commentsandquestionsinwritingorinpersonatthemeeting

The2022AnnualReportisavailableonourwebsite wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/reports-publications oratMunicipalHallduringregularbusinesshours


1 SpeakattheCouncilmeetingduringPublicComments

2 SubmityourwrittencommenttoMayorandCouncilat mayorandcouncil@bimbcca

Foryourwrittensubmissiontobeincludedintheagendapackage, pleasereviewthepublicsubmissiondeadlines: wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/council-meetings

We’re hiring:

Temporary par


time Planning Clerk

BIMhasavacancyforatemporary,part-timePlanningClerkstarting immediately Thisisasixmonthcontract

Thepositionisresponsibleforallclerical-relatedfunctionsofthe Planning&DevelopmentDepartment,includingcustomerserviceand digitaldocumentation

Temporary full-time

Public Works Admin Assistant

BIMhasavacancyforatemporary,part-timePlanningClerkstarting immediately Thisisatwoyearcontract

Thepositionisresponsibleforallclerical-relatedfunctionsofthe Planning&DevelopmentDepartment,includingcustomerserviceand digitaldocumentation



Community Session on Accessibility

Sunday,June25 10am-2pm


BIMisholdingaCommunitySessiontogatherinformationabout barrierstoaccessibilityonBowenIslandandbrainstormpotentialfor overcomingthem



Fire Ban in Effect

BC’sCoastalFireCentrehasissuedaBURNBAN.Thismeansnofires anywhereontheislandatanytime


Property Taxes


Ifyouhaven’treceivedyourpropertytaxnotice,pleasecontactusby emailatfinance@bimbccaorbyphone604-947-4255ext8

ClaimyourHomeOwnerGrantonlineatgovbcca/homeownergrant orcall1-888-355-2700

HomeOwnerGrantsclaimedafterJuly4willbesubjecttoa10% penalty



Thursday, June 15, 2023 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent com BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipalityca/subscribe Subscribe to our mailing list June15,2023 Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca
AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise June 21, 2023 6:00 pm BluewaterParkCommunity InformationMeetingviaZoom June 26, 2023 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeetingvia Zoomonly July 1, 2023 10:00 am - 1:00 pm CanadaDayReimagined @BICS PAID ADVERTISEMENT

No camping rules often prove difficult to enforce


But it now seems there is a more definitive answer to the question of whether you can pitch a tent there

“Camping is not allowed on Bowen Island, including Crown land,” said chief administrative officer Liam Edwards during Monday’s council meeting He went on to explain, “Just to be explicitly clear, staff have confirmed with the province that the provincial land use policy for use of Crown land does not apply to municipal crown land – crown land that’s wholly within municipal boundary Because of that clari-

fication, and since camping is not an allowable use in our land use bylaw, it’s therefore not allowed on Bowen,” says Edwards But while that may be the case on paper, the reality of enforcing Bowen’s no camping rules are another matter Edwards says this is partly due to the lack of a clear bylaw regarding camping on Crown land “In the courts it would be better if we had a bylaw that was really explicit about no camping on municipal Crown land Without any clear definition about that in our bylaws, and without any bylaws that speak to enforcement and fining and such,

See you at StrawberryTea


Bowen Island United Church

For decades now, The Strawberry Tea has been a favourite annual event on the island This year, Bowen Island United Church brings it to you again on Saturday, June 24 from 10 am to 3 pm, and it’s bound to be better than ever!

We will have our regular features such as strawberry shortcake; sandwiches; a barbecue with hot dogs, hamburgers and veggie burgers; raffles and a silent auction; gently used clothing for sale; a lemonade stand in our new children’s play area, music, and pies and strawberries for sale

If you would like to pre-order strawberries, strawberry rhubarb pies and strawberry tarts and pay (see prices below) by e-transfer please send to msmccall@telus net and be sure to list exactly what you ordered and quantity in the message

For info regarding paying by cash or

cheque, email mazakreski@gmail com


$20 per pie

$16 per 2 5 pound box of strawberries

$96 per 15 pound flat of strawberries

e-transfer msmccall@telus net and be sure to list exactly what you ordered and quantity in the message To pay by cash or cheque, email mazakreski@gmail com to place your order and arrange payment

Pick up for berries is Friday, June 23 from 5 to 6:30 pm in the church parking lot We don’t have the storage space to keep berries overnight

There will be a limited number of these items for sale on the day

All items for the gently used clothing will be $2 or $5

We are very excited to host our tea once more and to invite the community to gather, visit with old friends and new and enjoy an age old Bowen tradition So grab your favourite fancy tea outfit and join us!

Hope to see you there 1122 Miller Road

All are welcome Always

that becomes even more difficult to enforce at this point in time,” said Edwards

The CAO added that municipal staff currently have little capacity to tackle a bylaw of this nature anyway

Even if a bylaw was crafted in the future, the logistics of monitoring the large swaths of Crown land on Bowen pose a practical problem Edwards says many of the reports he receives of Crown land camping take place at the summit of Mount Gardner, which would require staff to travel up the mountain to enforce Others lie deep in the woods or other remote areas, and would be difficult and time-consuming to access

Metro Vancouver staff have run into the same issue with campers on their land, including Crippen Park Mayor Andrew Leonard says local parks staff have seen

camping taking place, but are nervous they might “ run into a shaky situation” if they approach the campers Metro Vancouver employees who could enforce the organization’s current no camping rules are stationed on the mainland, and would need to make the trip over to pursue any enforcement

For now, municipal staff will be focusing on signage to dissuade campers from setting up on Bowen, including postings at BC Ferries and other access points to the island

Edwards added that while the municipality can enforce camping prohibitions on Crown land, campfires remain a provincial decision. As an example, if the fire rating were at a lower level and allowed for campfires, Bowen staff could not make somebody put one out on Crown land.

Tuesday June 27th, 7:30pm Tir-na-nOg Theatre 585 Rivendell Drive, Bowen Island Tickets $25 at Cates Pharmacy or at the door CARMINA
Bowen’s Vocal Consort
Father's day THIS Sunday B O W E N I S L A N D P U B T H E R E A L R A P U N Z E L G I F T S D O C M O R G A N ' S P U B & R E S T A U R A N T T H E R U D D Y T H E S N U G C A F E C A T C H I N G S T A R S G A L L E R Y S A N G R E D E F R U T A B O T A N I C A L S P H O E N I X B O O K S & T O Y S M O V E M E N T G L O B A L D E S I G N A L D E R W O O D F A R M T H E G Y M O N B O W E N B O W E N I S L A N D G O L F C L U B A R T I S A N E A T S B A K E R Y & C A F E B O W E N S U S H I N E A T O N B O W E N C A T E S P H A R M A C Y W R E N B O U T I Q U E T H E H E A R T H G A L L E R Y B R A N C H 0 N B O W E N B O W E N I S L A N D F L O W E R S H O P B O W E N B U I L D I N G C E N T R E S N U G C O V E G E N E R A L S T O R E C A N D Y I N T H E C O V E T E L L Y O U R F R I E N D S C A F E S H E D H O ME F U R N I S H I N G C O C O A W E S T C H O C O L A T I E R T H E V I L L A G E B A K E R C A F E F A B U L O U S F I N D S O N B O W E N B O W E N I S L A N D K A Y A K I N G H A P P Y I S L E C A N N A B I S C O M P A N Y K N I C K K N A C K N O O K P O S I T I V E L Y F I T S T U D I O S A L O N C A L Y P S O O U T O F T H E B L U E B O U T I Q U E U N I O N S T E A M S H I P C O M P A N Y S T O R E M O S S H A I R S T U D I O B O W E N E - B I K E S R E D D I N G S B O A T C H A R T E R S B O W E N I S L A N D L E G I O N B A R C E L O N A T A P A S & W I N E B A R S Q U I R R E L O N B O W E N A R T S P A C I F I C G A L L E R Y M I K I T A N A K A J E W E L R Y C O P P E R S P I R I T D I S T I L L E R Y F L O R A S H A M A N A B L O O M S T U S C A N Y I T A L I A N T R A T T O RI A B O W E N P E T S U P P L Y B O W E N B E E R & W I N E C E L L A R B O W E N I S L A N D C O M M U N I T Y R E C R E A T I O N H O M E F A R M G A R D E N S N E C T A R Y O G A B O W E N I S L A N D S O A P C O P E A C H F U Z Z W A X B A R B O W E N I S L A N D T A T T O O S H O P B O W E N I S L A N D E V E N T R E N T A L S M R P O T S R I L E Y ' S C I D E R Y B O W E N F A R M E R S M A R K E T B O W E N V E T S W E E T S A L A L F L O R A L B O W E N B A R B E R M E A D O W B R O O K M A R K E T B O W E N C I D E R H O U S E T H E S H E D E A T E R Y T O S H H O M E D E C O R S U N S E T G A R D E N C E N T R E H I G H T I D E G R I L L M O R N I N G S T A R W O O L L E N S W E A T T H E T E C H N I Q U E C O R E P I L A T E S B O W E N D I S C G O L F T H E B U R R O W B O W E N I S L A N D F I S H I N G C H A R T E R S B O W E N I S L A N D M U S E U M & A R C H I V E S • A3 Thursday, June 15, 2023
DAd's a local.

Grad reminder!

Hey there parents, and grads too One last reminder that next week the Undercurrent pages will feature the many impressive young graduates of Bowen Island, thanks to all the great submissions you ’ ve been sending in We want everybody for our Grad Issue though, and there is still plenty of time to send your piece in! We’re taking submissions through end of day Monday (and honestly right up to Wednesday too, though it certainly helps if you have them in a little earlier!) for this year ’ s edition.

As a reminder, we ’ re looking for around 100 words about your Grad, and a photo to pair with it. High school, Grade 7, college or university, you name it and we want to make sure they’re showcased. To submit please send your writeup and photo to the email below my picture on this page, and make sure to stay on my case to make sure I got it, and that it hasn’t ventured into the depths of the junk folder by mistake

Next week is National Indigenous Peoples Day on Wednesday There’s a great way you can get involved locally with an event at the local Cultural Corner a few days later (details on Page 8), and be sure to check out some of the other methods of taking part in this important day of recognition and celebration

Last weekend I was fortunate to get away and enjoy the breathtaking Shuswap Lake

The size and beauty of this body of water are difficult to put into words, and its many different paths could easily lead to weeks or months of exploring The lake is a good temperature for swimming (and only gets better into the summer), and if you ’ re into water sports there’s so much open space you’ll never get in anybody’s way I personally experienced the joys of jet skiing for the first time, and naturally I am now fully addicted to this method of exhilarating and speedy transport

So if you need a new spot in B C to explore (the drive up is lovely too and has nice cities and towns to stop in along the way) give Shuswap Lake a look this summer!


Coho BonVoyage at the Hatchery

What a great way for Dad to spend Father’s Day! Children, their families, and everyone from the Bowen community are invited to help Bowen Island Fish and Wildlife Club volunteers release Coho Fry raised at the hatchery into nearby Terminal Creek

There will also be an interactive display of creepy crawly bugs from under rocks in the creek, and a Metro Vancouver Parks

interactive display Fun for all so please join in Refer to the poster in this edition of the Undercurrent or go to our website (www bowenhatchery org) for more details The fun takes place this Sunday, June 18, from 11 am to 2 pm

THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Bowen Island Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email

Thursday, June 15, 2023 A4 • bowenislandundercurrent com
Advertising and news
of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs National NewsMedia Council.
for additional information 2011 CCNA A N A A N OMMUN Y N WS AP R AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent com EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604 947 2442 Fax: 604 947 0148 DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p m DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m. Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55 including GST Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1 50 per copy, including GST ISSN 7819-5040 VIEWPOINTS
are copyright
is a member of
Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable
practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com or call 604-947-2442 If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163


Nexwlélexwm Ecospiritual Regional Peace Park

Imagine Nexwlélexwm (Bowen Island)

500 years from now with abundant healthy old growth forest, sitting like a green jewel in the sparkling blue Salish Sea, alive with herring, leaping salmon, tail slapping seals, and whales spouting and breaching

What if our community has an essential role to play today in creating this beautiful future and helping ourselves and others to live in harmony and peace with each other and with Nature? I’ve recently submitted a proposal for the new Park called Nexwlélexwm Ecospiritual Regional Peace Park: Restoring, Regenerating and Rewilding Nature to Mayor and Council and Metro Vancouver Regional District In it, I ask us to consider questions of our relationship with the proposed land for the park that is in the unceded territory of Squamish Nation

I also suggest that the current model for the park with 100 campsites proposed by Metro Vancouver is an old model I invite you to consider whether it has truly

served in the face of continued habitat destruction, collapsing biodiversity, accelerated climate change There are many including children and youth who are feeling anxious, depressed, hopeless, and powerless to do anything about all these issues facing them

It’s time to consider a new leading edge model for parks that connects people more deeply to nature, inspires them, and that provides opportunities for learning how to give back to Nature An ecospiritual connection to Nature is essential for our survival and the survival of remaining species By learning to listen to and be guided by the spirit of the land and waters, together with understanding Nature’s laws, we are capable of making wiser decisions

The Park will serve people of all generations, and what if it has a special focus on serving children and youth as leaders of the future What if we can equip them with spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical knowledge, wisdom and tools to begin making those wise decisions now?

Thoughts on Bowen camping

In the context of the camping proposition of Metro Vancouver at Cape Roger Curtis, the present structure and economic possibility of Bowen Island do not allow any financial expenditure to meet the demands of Metro Vancouver with regard to the fire risks which is eminent as we have witnessed recently in Apodaca Park. Can Metro

Vancouver provide the factual assurance of the security of rangers 24 hours a day throughout the year and most of all in drought time!

In case of a dramatic event where will the water evacuation site be possible given that there is only one access to CRC by road? Furthermore, if a fire were to start, where will the water available be found in

What if there is a special focus on outdoor experiential ecospiritual education for children and youth, that gives them powerful experiences of awe and wonder in nature and opportunities to participate in restoring, regenerating, and rewilding Nature?

Because the vision is to maximize rewilding of the Park, including restoring old growth forest, human infrastructure would be minimized and clustered Instead of 100 campsites there would be 2 group campsites for 40 people and/or a Big House for winter use that can accommodate children, youth, teachers, and supervisors throughout the school year In the summers, and on weekends, other groups who are enrolled in ecospiritual park programmes including adults could use these facilities

For day use of the park, advance reservations would be necessary and bus access only with 2 buses into the park and 2 buses out of the park/day This combined with a policy that only residents can bring their

the present context?

At the present time we do not have any more legal camping possibility on the island Historically the only one that existed was in the Davies Orchard with cabins that had become low cost housing on the island The cabins of Davies Orchard were dismantled by Metro Vancouver and are part of Crippen Park

To conclude, Cape Roger Curtis as a recreational park does not provide any return

cars on the ferry would keep traffic and the Park and island green It has worked well for Iona in Scotland since 1978, a slightly smaller island, with 177 residents who host 133,000 visitors/year

To view the full details of the proposal for the Nexwlélexwm (Bowen Island) Ecospiritual Regional Peace Park, see Section 12 3 of the Bowen Island Municipality’s June 12, 2023 agenda package.

If you support having an Ecospiritual Regional Peace Park at the Cape or have other ideas for the Park, I encourage you to write a letter to Mayor and Council and to Metro Vancouver Together let’s cocreate a Park for this time, that leaves an inspiring legacy of living in peace and harmony with each other and Nature that will serve past, present and future generations!

With Love and In Spirit and Peace,

of profitability and well being for Bowen Islanders As a small municipality, we cannot afford a financial participation to the structural development of such a project meant to accommodate the recreational needs of the urban municipalities of the greater Vancouver


Ithasbeenanhonourandaprivilege tohavelivedonBowenIslandforthe pastdecade.Whatajoyous experiencewalkingoutatTheCape everydaywithmydogs-livingwith Orcas,HumpbackWhales,Sealions, BarredOwlsandourLandlords-the MajesticBaldEagles.

I’veenjoyedincrediblefriendshipsand immersedmyselfintheCommunity throughtheArts.Educationand Communicationarekeytorespecting andprotectingthefutureofourisland. Iamsettingoutonmynext adventuretotheFrenchCountryside. BonChance, AnneBoa • A5 Thursday, June 15, 2023
- André H Chollat & Anne Franc de Ferrière Chollat
A group of collector vehicles was spotted on the island over the weekend, including this old-time truck and car. The colourful automobiles were once rulers of the road, but still manage to make their way out to relive the glory days now and then / Murray Atherton photo BOWENISLANDHASLEFTANIMPRINTONMYHEART.

Arts Pacific Gallery Celebrates 25Years in Artisan Square

JANI CARROLL Arts Pacific Gallery

The Arts Pacific Gallery is celebrating an impressive 25 years since we opened our doors in Artisan Square in June 1998. Please join us on Saturday and Sunday, June 17-18, from 11 am to 4 pm for refreshments and a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to spend at the gallery.

The gallery was born out of the determined initiative of Jeanette Zwanenburg and other local artists including Pierre Beaudry, Bill Hoopes, and Jane Dunfield to create a space to support each other and sell their work. The original mandate was, and still is, to feature only Bowen Island artists in a co-operative business.

With help from the community along with support from Artisan Square developer Doug Berry and a grant from the Bowen Island Arts Council, the gallery opened June 1, 1998. As for choice of name, according to a submission to the Undercurrent in June of that year, David Cameron wrote “What do you call an artists’ run co-operative gallery that offers for sale a range of work as diverse as the 14 people who created them?”

Well, to solve the problem like that “committee style” took

five meetings and at least a few pints of hemp ale at Doc Morgan’s (or a similar alcohol-based location, the history is hazyonthisone)beforeaconsensuswasreachedwith“Bowen Island Arts Pacific Guild” And have you ever wondered about the intriguing mosaic on the wall between the gallery and the Montessori preschool? This work of art was designed and crafted by some of the original members, including Bob Bates, using the Kokopelli figure as a symbol of creativity for their logo

We are transitioning to a more contemporary logo using our name on a turquoise blue background. And we will be keeping our storefront sign in a place of honor somewhere in the gallery. Since the beginning, we have welcomed over 80 local Bowen artists to share their unique creations such as paintings, jewelry, fiber arts, pottery, and much more We are grateful to all these artists and the local community that have supported us year-round and even through Covid. We’d also like to thank our landlords, (Alain and Caroline) for their consideration in keeping our rent reasonable so we can continue to thrive

The gallery is currently comprised of 12 full members and four guest artists We are open to submissions from established or emerging artists to share their work and help with hosting and running of the gallery. We are open Wednesday

Bowen Island Football Club partners with Community Foundation to create Founders Award Scholarship

Rain can’t stop them Wind doesn’t deter them And, thanks to the lights, they play through the darkness The Bowen Island Football Club teaches generations of Islanders the joys of the ‘beautiful game ’ Many have gone on to great success in both life and soccer and the lessons imparted upon them by coaches and peers are not forgotten

Though the Club’s path to excellence (and the installation of the lights at Bowen Island Community School) was not without obstacles, BI Football Club has earned

a well-deserved place in the hearts of thousands of Islanders

In recognition of its 15th anniversary, BI Football Club is proud to offer a Scholarship to its former players Established in partnership with the Bowen Island Community Foundation, this $1,000 award is available to Applicants who:

• Participated in at least one year of BIFC league play, no matter at which level (i.e U8-U13);

• Have continued to embody the spirit of the BIFC beyond their membership in the club and;

• Have contributed to the Bowen community in some way;

• There is no age limit or minimum for Applicants

through Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm (with occasional popup Mondays).

Please drop by on June 17 or 18 to help us celebrate with refreshments and draw to win a $50 gift certificate - and here’s to at least another 25 years of bringing you local Bowen artists

All aspects of an Applicant’s life will be taken into consideration. It is not necessarily the most academically strong applicant who will be chosen. This Scholarship is for education at an accredited Canadian school.

The BI Football Club Founders Award is generated from an Endowment Fund through the Bowen Island Community Foundation. If you would like to make a tax-receipted donation to the BI Founders Award to grow the Scholarship, please contact the Club, the Community Foundation, or donate through Canada Help to the BI Football Club Founders Award directly here:

For more information on the BI Founders Award, and other available Scholarships and Bursaries, please visit the Community Foundation’s website: https ://

Application Deadline: 11:59 pm, July 5, 2023

Thursday, June 15, 2023 A6 •
Pierre Beaudry and Jeannette Zwanenburg at the gallery’s founding in June 1998 / Submitted photo
CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown www biuc ca | 1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm - except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20pm DEPART BO EN ISL ND 5:20 am - except Sundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40 am 12:05 pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm - except ednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm - except Saturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50 pm
of Capilano
MAY 18 - OCT 9 2023 Note: Schedules subject to change without notice Please check BCFERRIES COM Schedule changes on statutory holidays
Places of Worship WelcomeYou
Ferry Schedule

New play starring Bowen actress tackles the complexities of aging and caregiving

A new North Shore play starring a veteran Bowen actress highlights an inevitable challenge of life which every family has likely dealt, or will deal with, at some point

The Window Outside, written by Belinda Lopez, is now playing at Presentation House in North Vancouver, holding its opening night last Friday and running through June 25

Directed by William B Davis, the show follows an aging couple and their two children as they navigate the decisions involved with illnesses, caretaking responsibilities, and even discussions on end-of-life options

One of the characters involved in this struggle – the mother Evelyn – is played by well-known Bowen actress Susan Hogan Evelyn is suffering from dementia, and at one point in the play even goes missing Hogan says there were several factors attracting her to the role

“I think she’s kind of the catalyst that moves the play forward,” says Hogan of her on-stage presence, noting the two daughters, played by Sarah Jane Redmond and Liz Connors, in the play visit home in the first place since Evelyn and her husband Frank, played by Douglas Abel, are developing health issues. Once there, the main theme of the play comes to the surface.

“It’s about choice. It’s about choices that people make, whether it’s the daughters choices when they come home, how they feel they want to deal with the parents, or the parents deciding how they want to deal with their own lives,” says Hogan. “There’s just so many circumstances within the play where it comes down to choice. And everyone has their own ideas and perspectives on these issues.”

Importantly, Hogan says The Window Outside is not meant to offer a definitive stance on what is right or wrong.

Bowen Island's

She expects the choices made by the characters during the play will elicit a range of responses from the audience, especially if they’ve gone through these family situations themselves

“It’s about time this came out of the closet… these issues are going to start to come up more and more so we ’ ve got to look at it. We’ve got to talk about it and bring it out into the light,” says Hogan, noting in particular the conversations around end-of-life care and even the potential to pursue medically assisted dying, known in Canada as MAID, are the most likely to invoke passionate responses.

“You’ll probably choose a side, but maybe you haven’t even chosen yet and won’t. But it will definitely make you think about both sides of the issue,” explains Hogan. How people feel about these choices will likely lead them to identify more or less with the four main characters as well. In fact, Hogan explains that as someone forced into a caretaker role for family members in her own life, she identifies most with the show’s daughters Sharon and Miranda, who themselves are thrust into the taxing role unexpectedly.

“They’re both trying to make their way through this mess of a family situation, not knowing what to do with everyone and trying not to hurt anyone We’re trying to do what’s best for everyone, it’s very convoluted within families,” says Hogan

In addition to the challenging subject matter, Hogan says she was also excited to join the play to work with her fellow cast members “It’s a really strong cast, the four of us It’s very strong and very safe,” she says of castmates Abel, Redmond, and Connors

“You really trust that the other actor has your back, and everyone is totally there for the other actors as well as there own stuff,” says Hogan

She also has strong praise for the show’s director Davis, who Hogan previously worked with when she attended the


Reconciliation, celebration, & community



DecolonizeLandscapes, BannockChallenge& InuitGames.

Staytocelebrate Canada,ourcultural diversity,andourfuture withgames,musicand triviaforallages.


10 am - 1 pm

@ Bowen Island Community School

National Theatre School in Montreal, where he served as artistic director “He’s a wonderful director, very insightful and he listens, which is a huge thing for a director,” she explains.

“When you ’ re put in a power position like that it’s so easy to just enforce your own vision on people. But he never did that, if someone said ‘oh I didn’t see it like that’ , he’d say ‘oh how did you see it then?’ He’d open a conversation and it was just lovely. I’d work with him again in a heartbeat,” says Hogan.

The Window Outside runs Tuesday to Saturday at 7:30 pm, with a matinee showing on Sundays at 2 pm. Tickets are available at . In keeping with the subject matter, a portion of the show’s proceeds will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society of British Columbia.

Bowen Island Fish and Wildlife Club

Salmon Enhancement, Streamkeeping and Education (since 1967)


will take place Sunday June 18th, between 11 AM and 2 PM at the Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery in Crippen Park. Parking is available across from the Public Works Yard and gas station on Mount Gardner Road. Please

Everybody is welcome.

Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club

bowenislandundercurrent com • A7 Thursday, June 15, 2023
Susan Hogan as Evelyn in The Window Outside. / Submitted photo
join us to see the smiles on
faces as they carry and release
Terminal Creek.
salmon fry into

Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day

The Hearth Gallery and the Bowen Island Public Library welcome you to attend our National Indigenous Peoples Day celebration at the new Cultural Corner stage and patio. The event is taking place on Sunday, June 25 from 2 to 4 pm. NIPD falls on June 21 officially, but there is always reason to celebrate for more than one day!

We will be unveiling a beautiful cedar carving created by local artist, and recent BC Achievement Foundation Community Award winner, Simon Daniel James Winadzi.

Simon’s carving, titled “Eagle Descending” was created specifically to grace the new Cultural Corner stage located on the Library lands outside the Hearth Gallery. We will be unveiling Simon’s carving, and witnessing a ceremony to honour the carver and to bless the carving that will then belong to the Nexwlélexwm (Bowen Island) community.

Along with the blessing ceremony and carving unveiling, we are privileged to have Bob Baker and the Eagle Song Dancers performing at the event Join us on Sunday, June 25 at 2 pm to celebrate local Indigenous art and culture at the Cultural Corner stage outside the Library and Hearth Gallery.



Wednesday, June 7

Cruisers (14) vs. Diggers (11)

Thursday, June 8

Firemen (10) vs. Twins (2)

Friday, June 9

Diggers (0) vs. Shakers (10)

Sunday, June 11

Firemen (13) vs. Shakers (9)

Monday, June 12

Brewers (16) vs. Cruisers (7)

Wednesday, June 14

Shakers vs. Twins

UPCOMING GAMES (All starttimes6:30pm)

Thursday, June 15

Diggers vs. Brewers

Friday, June 16

Cruisers vs. Firemen

Monday, June 19

Twins vs. Cruisers

Wednesday, June 21

Shakers vs. Brewers

The midway mark of the season is here, and the Shakers continue to hold the pole position with their 7-3 record The Firemen have charged up the standings though, they’ve won 2 in a row and are the only other

team with a winning record. But the gap is not wide, every other team is within striking distance of 2nd place, and perhaps even the Shakers too It will be a good 2nd half!

- Reporting from Kat, Cheri, George, & Alex

*Thru 6/12 games RF - Runs For, RA - Runs Against

Thursday, June 15, 2023 A8 •
Simon Daniel James at work on the start of ‘Eagle Descending’ carving for the Cultural Corner stage / Kathleen Ainscough photo
Proudly Celebrating 45 Years of Trusted Transport for Bowen Island & Howe Sound Cellular: 604-250-2630 Telephone: 604-947-2243 • PRIVATE CHARTERS AVAILABLE • SERVICE TO MANY LOCATIONS IN HOWE SOUND 604-250-2630 Since 1978 Water Taxi Water Taxi Water Taxi email: web: Find the application on our website Call to Artists - 2024 season Submit your Application Hearth Gallery on Bowen Island Deadline: Tuesday Aug 1, 2023 CALL TO ARTISTS BE PART OF OUR 2024 GALLERY EXHIBITION SCHEDULE Home Rental Wanted on Bowen: 2-3 bedroom home wanted Deep Bay or close to the Cove and ferry Non smoking, no pets Professional resume on request Deposit available and date is negotiable P L E A S E C A L L 6 0 4 - 6 2 6 - 8 5 2 3


June 17/18

Arts Pacific Gallery’s 25th Anniversary

Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and enter the gift certificate draw. 11to 4 pm at Artisan Square Fine out more about the event on Page 6.

Sunday, June 18

Coho Bon Voyage

The annual event at Terminal Creek Salmon Hatchery in Crippen Park Bring your kids and watch them release Salmon Fry into the creek, or give it a try yourself! 11 am to 2 pm Presented by Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club

Wednesday, June 21

Summer Reading Challenge at the Library

Bowen Library challenges you to a summer of great reading! Pick up your tracker at the Library and complete seven Reading Challenges and three Bonus Challenges Books can be hard copies, graphic novels, ebooks, audiobooks and braille On your tracker check off the challenges you complete, list the books you ’ ve read, and tell us which challenge was your favourite and why. Feel free to include any work you produced to meet the challenges. Submit the finished tracker to us (at the front desk or through the book drop), or email it to info@bowenlibrary ca by August 31, 2023 to enter the grand prize draw! Winners will be contacted

Thursday, June 22

Yoga with Diana

10 am at the Bowen Court Multi-Purpose Room

Saturday, June 24

Strawberry Tea

Come to the Little Red Church for the annual fruit-based tea Fancy hats welcome 10 am to 3 pm More on Page 3.

Saturday, June 24

Benefit Party at the Legion

Save the date! Come dressed as your favourite Bowen celebrity. Games, prizes and an auction too All proceeds go toward helping our local Bowen family with fire recovery. Starts at 4:30 pm and runs to late at night Tickets $25 online at Eventbrite.

Sunday, June 25

National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration

Join us at the Cultural Corner stage outside the Hearth Gallery and the Bowen Library for a performance by the Eagle Song Dancers There will also be an unveiling and blessing of Simon Winadzi James’ artwork, “Eagle Descending,” which will grace the new outdoor stage Takes place from 2 to 4 pm, more info to the left on Page 8.

Tuesday, June 27

Carmina Bowena in Concert

Our program of songs from the serene to the saucy is mainly drawn from the Renaissance period, with some modern pieces as well. 7:30pm Tickets can be purchased at Cates Pharmacy or at the door for $25.

Saturday, July 8

Author Talk: Ingrid Hauss

Local author, artist, and art educator Ingrid Hauss speaks on her new book, Toward Renewal and Belonging: Art, Movement, and Community, which invites readers to engage in a creative process of self-discovery 2 pm start


Babytime at the Library

A free, 1/2 hr drop-in program of songs, books, and rhymes for babies 0-18 months and their caregivers! 11:30 am Runs to June 27.


Storytime at the Library

10:30 to 11 am. A free drop-in program of stories and songs for 2-4 year-olds and their caregivers! Runs to June 14.

Bowen Bridge

We meet from 1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court on Wednesdays Fee is $6 per person per session. Your place at the table must be arranged - by email - no later than 6 pm on the Monday before. To make your booking or to seek more information, please email bowcates04@gmail com We look forward to seeing you


SKY Writing Workshops on Zoom with Diana Jewel Attend as many as you wish but space is limited so RSVP to Every Thursday from 1 to 2 pm, until June 8.

Thursday Art Group

The Thursday Art Group (TAG) meets every Thursday at Collins Hall from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm to create, paint, sketch and enjoy meeting like minded souls If you think this group might be for you, pop by and see what we are all about


Saturday Farmers Market at BICS

Annual market at Bowen Island Community School Browse food, crafts, snacks, and more! 10 am to Noon Yoga on the Pier

Saturday & Sunday from 10:15 to 11:15 am Join the Nectar Yoga team for a relaxing yoga session at the Snug Cove North Dock (left of the ferry ramp) Bring a yoga mat, water, and sunscreen Sessions are weather permitting Pre-registration is recommended, but dropping in can be accomodated if space allows Find more details and sign up at nectaryoga ca

SKY Walks

Friday, June 16 & Wednesday, June 21

Both at 10:30 am. June 16 walk from Golf Club parking lot, and June 21 walk from Killarney Lake picnic tables. • A9 Thursday, June 15, 2023
JUNO REGULAR HOURS Mon-Fri 9-5 Closed Sat & Sun CONTACT reception@bowenvet com 604.947.9247
islander and Bowen Vet client his entire life, Juno still enjoys his daily walk, and he loves to visit with anyone he sees. Regular checkups and immunizations have helped him thrive at every age and stage. ONLY A FEW SPOTS OPEN FOR GRADE 6 AND GRADE 8 APPLY TODAY! LEARNINGTOMAKEADIFFERENCE. INSPIREDTOMAKEWAVES. Grades 6-9 | IB World School
Juno turns 15 this
Thursday, June 15, 2023 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent com BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS @BowUndercurrent ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'S 604-653-7851 gnome matter it is what s... People love a bargain! MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 Your Community HEALTH & WELLNESS on Bowen To advertise in Health & Wellness please call 604-947-2442 email Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND DR. GLORIA CHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30 PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOE BAY 604-921-8522
bowenislandundercurrent com • A11 Thursday, June 15, 2023 Stories and photos from In print and online all the time your community THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. II I&I TOWING HAULING LTD Vehicles • Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers • Tiny Homes Bowen Island • Greater Vancouver Vancouver Island • Sunshine Coast Michael Bingham • 604 947 1717 LANDSCAPE CARPENTRY STONE & MASONRY | Serving Bowen & the North Shore for 15+ years From the simple repair of a failing structure, to the complete design and build of your dream outdoor space, no job is too big or small FULLY INSURED 604-928-6926 604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger On Bowen serving Sea to Sky Complete Home Renovations Complete Home Renovations Interior & Exterior Interior Exterior Exterior QUALITY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP WORKMANSHIP RED SEAL TICKETED & INSURED RED SEAL TICKETED & INSURED & SNUG COVE SNUG COVE SNUG COVE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 604 925 8711 604 925 8711 "We do good work!" "We do good work!" "We do good BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live 604-987-7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticket certified #00012-RO-96 WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND BC PHONE 1 (778) 999-3434 BUILT GREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARY STRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOOR SPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTATION Tim Rhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING going that extra mile RoB Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 &AWNINGS &AWNINGS BOWEN TOWING Local towing and recovery, battery boosting, unlock vehicles, tire change……. Call 604-341-6351 COURIER SERVICE TO AND FROM THE CONTINENT MONDAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 604-947-9703 oremailusatbowenislandfreight@gmailcom toscheduleapickupordropoff • Irrigation • Landscape Lighting • Hydroseeding Office: 604-947-9686 Call now for Landscape Lighting Services and Installations

Round Bowen Race 2023

Bowen’s biggest nautical tradition returned last Saturday with the annual Round Bowen Race As usual more than 100 boats signed up to take to the sea on a grey June morning, with participants in the Bowen Island Yacht Club’s event being informed that unlike last year, this year they’d be travelling in a clockwise direction

It was a difficult trip around the island as poor wind hampered race conditions Still, more than half the boats entered managed to finish the race, including a trio of Bowen vessels - captained by Trevor Tunnacliffe on Bee, Allard Ockeloen on Seamist, and Alan

Boniface on Sea of Tranquility

Prior to the race a pancake breakfast was held to help fundraise for the Bowen Island Football Club Following the race, an after-party was held on the Marina lawn with awards, a barbecue, and live music from Black Molly

The race is one of the largest mass starts on the West Coast, and in addition to bringing hundreds of talented sailors together, it also serves as a fundraiser for the local Yacht Club’s Kids Learn to Sail program Look for more photos from the race online soon

Brad Hawthorn photos

Thursday, June 15, 2023 A12 • bowenislandundercurrent com
Bowen Island Undercurrent Annual GRAD Feature publishing Thursday June 22 Free to submit grad photo & bio (100 words max.) Please email your submission to Alex BY MONDAY JUNE 19 5 PM Feel free to submit photo memories from over the school years too!

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