Bowen Island Undercurrent June 29 2023

Page 3

New sculpture unveiled at Cultural Corner


A blessing ceremony for a new piece of artwork took place at the Cultural Corner on Sunday as part of Bowen’s National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations

The ceremony was held to recognize the debut of a new carving at the site, by local artist Simon Daniel James Titled ‘Eagle Descending’ , the sculpture which James, also known as Winadzi, created for the space now hangs at the new community stage outside the Bowen Island Public Library and Hearth Gallery for all of Nexwlélexwm (Bowen Island) to enjoy

The blessing was performed by S7aplek and Spakwus Slolem (Bob Baker and the Squamish Eagle Song Dancers) of Squamish Nation

The new Cultural Corner is now in full swing, including hosting a concert the day before (more on Page 5) and other events earlier this summer The covered space is managed by the Public Library and Hearth Gallery, and in addition to music performances will also be a home for artistic, literary, and cultural events Along with the stage, the project also includes outdoor seating, a redone landscaping, and a small park space

For more photos from Sunday’s event you can take a turn over to Page 3 of this issue

LOGGER PRACTICE SUNDAY JULY 2nd 12-4pm 350 Forest Ridge Rd. (Gary’s place) All welcome! OGGER $1 inc GST SILVER SLUGGERS Kids win hardware PAGE 6 STRAWBERRY SATURDAY: Annual tea draws a crowd PAGE 8 THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2023 VOL. 49 NO. 26 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50
EAGLE DESCENDING: Simon Daniel James stands underneath the carving he created for the Cultural Corner space in the Cove. James was joined on June 25 by Bob Baker and the Squamish Eagle Song Dancers for an unveiling and blessing ceremony for himself and his work / Kathleen Ainscough photo







Theapplicanthasappliedtooperateagardencenter/nurseryat511 SunsetRoadwhere,inadditiontoplantsgrownonsite,wholesale plantswillbeimportedforsaleduringtheinitialstagesofthebusiness operation Agricultureuse,currentlypermittedontheproperty,allows thesaleofplantsgrownon-sitebutnotthesaleofimportedplants

TheproposedtemporaryusewouldpermitaGardenCentreUse, limitedtotheretailsaleofnurseryplants,homegardeningsupplies andrelatedgoodsandservices

Seeking Public Comment





ADevelopmentVariancePermitapplicationhasbeensubmittedfor 361Cardena(shownonmap)toreducethefrontsetbackfrom75mto 06mfortheinstallationofasemi-ingroundpool(275m3)

StaffintroducedtheapplicationtoCouncilattheJune12th,2023, CouncilMeeting

MOREINFORMATIONATMUNICIPALHALL:Theapplicationmaybe viewedatMunicipalHallduringofficehoursoronlineat: wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/planning/


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore4:00 pmonMonday,July10,2023byemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca,inperson,bymailorfax VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting

Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,byphoneat604-947-4255ext 230orbyemailat dmartin@bimbcca

Fire Danger Rating

MOREINFORMATIONATMUNICIPALHALL:Theapplicationmaybe viewedatMunicipalHallduringofficehoursoronlineat: wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/planning/


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore4:00 pmonMonday,July10,2023byemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca,inperson,bymailorfax

VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting

Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,byphoneat604-947-4255ext 230orbyemailat dmartin@bimbcca

Property Taxes Due on Tues, July 4, 2023

Yourpaymentmustreachusby4:30pmonTues,July4,2023 10%latefeeappliedtoalloutstanding2023propertytaxes onJuly5,2023.ThisincludesunclaimedHomeOwnerGrants andtaxesthathavenotbeendeferred.


BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipalityca/subscribe Subscribe to our mailing list June29,2023 Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca
personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise
1, 2023 10:00 am - 1:00 pm CanadaDayReimagined @BICS
10, 2023 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting PAID ADVERTISEMENT
Seeking Public Comment
Thursday, June 29, 2023 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent com

National Indigenous Peoples Day celebration at the Cultural Corner

Simon Daniel James’ carving, called ‘Eagle Descending’ , was unveiled during a ceremony celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day on Sunday James’artwork wascreatedspecificallyforthenewCulturalCorner,locatedoutsidethePublicLibrary and Hearth Gallery The space was completed in May following months of work on the project, including significant contributions by Tina Nielsen, Jami Scheffer, Jennifer Streckmann, Tectonic Architecture, Tourand Engineering, the Bowen Island Municipality, and the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Grant Program / Kathleen Ainscough (below) & EdwardWachtman (right) photos

May’s top home sale passes




For the fifth month in a row Bowen’s most expensive home sale topped the previous month

And the difference between the most recent pair of months was not particularly close either Following a $2 6 million sale in April – which was more than $1 million over March’s top sale – May’s highest offering also outdid the previous high by more than seven figures at close.

The four-bedroom, six-bathroom home at 527 Collins Road is the property in question, selling for $3.625 million early in May. The two-storey home plus basement totals 6,717 square feet, and sits on a similarly large piece of land at 4.03 acres. The 16-year old house took 95 days to sell, and had originally been listed for $4.25 million.

Features of the home include a gym, pool, hot tub, and media and games rooms. There’s also plenty of space to explore around the four acres, with a two-bedroom guest suite, barn, and gazebo some of the stops spread among the grounds.

On the other side of the island, another four-bedroom house also went for an impressive sum, as the property at 1755 Emily Lane sold for $2.205 million. The relatively new two-storey build, constructed in 2010, has four bathrooms and measures 3,002 square feet on 0.73 acres of land.

It didn’t take long for the listing to sell, sitting on the market for just 72 hours while even managing a $5,000 boost from the original ask The King Edward Bay home has multiple decks and a fire pit for outside recreation, and is a short walk to Bowen Bay Beach South facing views of Bowen Bay are also a feature of the property

Not every home on Bowen goes for seven figures, though even the ones that don’t come pretty close The island’s third highest sale of May is another west side home at 492

Crag’s End Road which sold for exactly its asking price of $975,000 The two-bed, two-bath home flew off the market, selling the day after it was listed

Like its nearby neighbour on Emily Lane, the uniquely shaped 1,329 square foot, 39-year-old house in Sealeigh Park also has nearby beach access, including at Tunstall Bay The 0 4 acre lot features decks on both sides of the house, and there’s a wood fire stove inside

Leaving one island for another, Gambier Island saw a large sale in May’s final days, which would have been the second most expensive sale on Bowen during the month

The three-bedroom, three-bathroom home at 766 The Grove Road sold for $2 32 million after a brief 10 days of being listed

The 16-year-old 1 5 storey house measures 3,158 square feet and sits on 1 49 acres Perhaps its most attractive feature is a stretch of beachfront with an overlooking waterfront deck A pair of mooring buoys are available, there’s a guest cabin, plus an indoor loft library as well for reading lovers

Last month’s most expensive home sale was a 6,717 squarefoothomeat527CollinsRoadfor$3625million / photo

Proudly Celebrating 45 Years of Trusted Transport for Bowen Island & Howe Sound Cellular: 604-250-2630 Telephone: 604-947-2243 • PRIVATE CHARTERS AVAILABLE • SERVICE TO MANY LOCATIONS IN HOWE SOUND 604-250-2630 Since 1978 Water Taxi Water Taxi Water Taxi email: web: Home Rental Wanted on Bowen: 2-3 bedroom home wanted. Deep Bay or close to the Cove and ferry. Non smoking, no pets. Professional resume on request. Deposit available and date is negotiable. P L E A S E C A L L 6 0 4 - 6 2 6 - 8 5 2 3 bowenislandundercurrent com • A3 Thursday, June 29, 2023 ISLAND NEWS

It’s wonderful to see so much happening on the island as Summer rolls along, fully evidenced by last Saturday which had a flurry of events A trip to the Strawberry Tea was a great start to the day, with a delicious beyond burger providing the cornerstone of a nutritious breakfast It’s getting fun now that I’ve been here for a while to experience events for the 2nd time around, and see what little changes and additions take place from yearto-year The Tea was, of course, as wonderful as the 2022 version, kudos to all the volunteers who make it possible each year

After a trip up to BICS to see some Island gymnasts in action (sadly not in time for the Gym Dads performance, though I’m assured it was magnificent), there was a performance down at the Cultural Corner to check out (pics on the adjoining page) And even a trip to see the Catching Stars team, who were celebrating an impressive 5 years in business

Congratulations team!

The next couple of Saturdays are lining up to be busy too, especially this Saturday as Bowen celebrates Canada Day at BICS The Canada Day Reimagined celebration puts a focus on reconciliation through games, activities, and learning inspired by Indigenous Peoples Come check it out (it was super fun last year), and don’t forget to stick around for the Fire Truck spray down at the end

The following Saturday is one of everybody’s favourites, the Bowen Island Logger Show This was perhaps my favourite event to cover last year (and not just cause it won me a photo award) The entire day is super fun, the challenges are exciting, and the atmosphere stays lively all day This year instead of Veterans Park it’s taking place at Bowfest Field, so perhaps will draw an even bigger crowd Certainly anyone who sees the Gary cutouts around the Cove (a spitting image of the man if I may say, expertly designed by local artist Mia Savage) will surely be curious to see what this show is all about

There’s no slowing down in the back half of July either (or August for that matter), so keep an eye on our calendar and notice boards around the island to see what else is taking place There always seems to be something fun and creative popping up, which is why Summer is my favourite season on Bowen


Summer Fun It’s Easy to be Kind

Dear Editor,

On Saturday, June 24 I witnessed a beautiful random act of kindness in the Cove In the afternoon a young woman named Wendy approached a senior in the Library parking lot and

handed her a plastic container with a sandwich, cheese slices, and an apple

She invited the recipient to a nearby bench to eat

There is so much bad news in the world these days that I wanted to share something positive We should all feel

good that we have in our midst citizens like Wendy I want to acknowledge her and thank her for her kindness

She makes me grateful to be living on Bowen Island

THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Bowen Island Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email

wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163

Thursday, June 29, 2023 A4 • bowenislandundercurrent com
Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs National NewsMedia Council.
The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com or call 604-947-2442
additional information 2011 CCNA A N A D A N OMMUN Y N WS AP R AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent com EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604 947 2442 Fax: 604 947 0148 DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p m DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m. Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55 including GST Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1 50 per copy including GST ISSN 7819-5040
If you are not satisfied with the response and

SwimBowen 2023 is set to Dive In

SwimBowen 2023 will be diving into Tunstall Bay Beach on July 15 at 10:30 am Swimmers, volunteers, donors and sponsors, we love your enthusiasm, and can’t wait to host you all for the best little open water event in the Salish Sea!

Swimmers, we trust your swim training and fundraising is going well There are amazingprizesfortopfundraisers,andifyou raisemorethan$300,wewillrefundyourregistration fee upon request with an email to swimbowensociety@gmail com

A few things to note for swimmers: the deadline to change your event distance and your estimated swim time is July 8 To edit your registration, you can log into your registration and make changes from there As in previous years, the swim is an “in water” start There will be two waves set five minutes apart for the 1500-metre event with faster swimmers in the first wave starting at 10:30

The 750 metre event is self-seeded with faster swimmers in front, and relaxed/casual swimmers behind. To improve safety and comfort for all participants, fins are not allowed this year. You can find full event details at and select 2023 event from the menu.

Volunteers! Thank you to those who have signed up to help with SwimBowen - we are so grateful for your time. We are short a few volunteers, and have spots to be filled including a parking attendant, videographer and/or drone operator, and a few others. If you would like to help out in any of these roles, please email s w i m b o w e n s o c i e t y @ gmail com and we can get you set up

Every year SwimBowen attracts an incredible range of swimmers from ringers to beginners We also attract participants with stories of strength and spirit that far surpass what it takes to swim an open water course Like SwimBowen participant Tanya Voormeij-de Zwart, who will be finishing her chemotherapy in time

Prairie Vibes

to swim SwimBowen All while rocking the kind of contagious joy and hope that manages to light us all up Inspired? We sure are

“SwimBowen’s Cancer Care Fund helped my family stay afloat, both in 2021 and 2022, for which I’m forever grateful! Powered by my love for swimming and my desire to give back to my community, I pledge to take part in the heart-lifting SwimBowen event! I’m swimming a little every morning at the moment, and will slowly increasing my distance to 750 metres I can do this, with my awkward breaststroke!” says Voormeij-de Zwart

We are stoked to say we have an amazing lineup of prizes again this year First Prize for top Fundraiser is our famous three Night Whistler Get Away at the Delta Suites, lift tickets and dinner out for two amazing! And yes, thanks to the generosity of our community sponsors we have a stack of other marvelous prizes to give away for fastest swimmer and last swimmer out, best swimmer profile story, swimmer from farthest away, youngest/oldest swimmer and more!

Thank you to our corporate and community sponsors: Vail Resorts, The Orchard Recovery Centre, Barry Thomas Realtor, Positively Fit, Rainforest Digital, Mary Lynn Machado Realtor, and Brian Smallwood (Mr California!), First Credit Union, Bowen Event Rentals, Ratcliff LLP, The Cheese Man, Kathy Clarke Jewelry, Karen Shea Massage, Cates Pharmacy, Phoenix, Ruddy Potato, Tell Your Friends Café, Katherine Wolters, Out of the Blue, BI Sea Kayaking, Artisan Suites

This year ’ s event has raised $20,000 so far for the Bowen Island Cancer Care fund Since 2018 we have gifted $69,800 to island residents working the full time job of active cancer treatment. Our little event is making a big impact to our friends and neighbours that find themselves up against a cancer diagnosis. How beautiful that we can come together and lighten the load. All while having a really good time in the ocean. To donate, go to and select “Sponsor a Swimmer” . See you on the beach!

Edmonton-based hip hop artist Tzadeka performed a show at the Cultural Corner last Saturday. Tzadeka, who has family living on Bowen, has established a niche in ‘Prairie Hip Hop’, performing in the scence since 2003 She released her fifth album ‘Cities on Fire’ in 2021. / Alex Kurial photos

P A T R I C K W E I L E R M e m b e r o f P a r l i a m e n t f o r W e s t V a n c o u v e rS u n s h i n e C o a s t - S e a t o S k y C o u n t r y patrick weiler@parl gc ca 604-913-2660 @patrickbweiler Happy Canada Day! • A5 Thursday, June 29, 2023
Phil Evans and Lisa Holland at SwimBowen’s 2018 event. / Submitted photo



Bowen Diamondbacks Coach

The11UBaseballteam“TheDiamondbacks” had a great season and this past Sunday they finished it off with an epic battle!

The Bowen Diamondbacks had never beaten the undefeated Reds when Avery Vincent-Layzell took to the mound determined to do just that! Avery pitched the first two innings with sharp focus and precision In his two innings on the mound, Avery held the usually hard-hitting Reds to only one run However, the Diamondbacks were highly motivated at bat and in moving around the bases and they cleaned up those two innings with a maximum allowed 6 runs scored

From there the game shifted - Andy Molinski pitched two stellar innings, every batter that got on was left stranded as he continued to deliver the heat Parker Montgomery came in to polish off the innings and he did just that! The Reds had little opportunity to make anything happen and Andy and Parker walked off with no runs scored against them

The Diamondbacks had to face two of the best pitchers in the league for the next 4 innings - it wasn’t easy to get on base They fought hard to get hits, but were unable to get enough together to move around the bases and score Next up on the mound was Owen Vincent-Layzell to close out the last two innings. A few Reds were able to get on base with him on the mound - but none could score! A highlight of the game was a barehanded scoop from Kellan Turnbull on third base with a zinger of a toss to Royston Khoele at first base, who nabbed it with the biggest stretch a kid could possibly make, landing in the splits!

The Diamondbacks walked away from this game with their heads held high, knocking out the top team 6 to 1. This secured their spot in the Sunday finals! Jack Scott and Dillon Price-Jones were unable to play in this match-up, but their enthusiasm and sportsmanship helped keep the dugout upbeat and energized.

Sunday’s game against the Blue Jays was no walk in the park. The team placed second overall in the season, having taken down the Diamondbacks just a few weeks prior The boys entered with a fierce determination to get their bats going and fight with all they had! Lead-off pitchers were Marcus Cacao in the first inning and Liam O’Brien in the second. This was Liam’s first appearance on the mound. Each team scored 2 runs in the opening innings, with a score of 4-4 going into the 3rd

Royston Koehle was next on the mound and was chucking bombs at the Blue Jays They struggled to get on and make much happen. They gave back the same heat to the Diamondbacks Some highlights on the bats were some huge hits by Owen VincentLayzell and Fraser Kenney - both sent express mail to the outfield almost clearing the home run fence Fraser’s wheels landed him third base with his hit! Unfortunately, he was left stranded at third base as the opposition pitcher continued to deliver some great strikes

In the end, the Blue Jays were able to cash in on two great hits for 3 runs over the last two innings Leaving the final score at 7-4. The Diamondbacks walked away with their heads held high and some well deserved silver hardware! It was a tight match-up and could have gone either direction- but that’s baseball and that is why they created next year!

Coaches and parents alike noted how well


Wednesday, June 21

Shakers (8) vs. Brewers (7)

Thursday, June 22

Firemen (3) vs. Diggers (8)

Friday, June 23

Brewers (12) vs. Twins (10)

Monday, June 26

Cruisers (12) / Shakers (13)

Wednesday, June 28

Brewers vs. Firemen

UPCOMING GAMES (All starttimes6:30pm)

Thursday, June 29

Twins vs. Diggers

Friday, June 30

Firemen vs. Shakers

Monday, July 3

Diggers vs. Cruisers

Wednesday, July 5

Twins vs. Firemen

*Thru 6/26 games RF - Runs For, RA - Runs Against

the team came together and how much they progressed throughout the season Our rookie of the year award was a tie, both Gage Dansie and Zach Carrathers Den Hoed both deserve a shout out for their determination and growth We hooked them into this great game!

A huge thank you to the coaches, Pete

Scott, Brent Molinski, Noah Pryce-Jones and Andrea Layzell, and to our managers, Linda Giusti and Maria Turnbull. And to all the parents who washed the filthy ball pants and helped in warmups or stepped in to run the bench We are so lucky to live in a community rich in baseball culture

DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm - except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20pm DEPART BO EN ISL ND 5:20 am - except Sundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40 am 12:05 pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm - except ednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm - except Saturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50 pm Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule MAY 18 - OCT 9 2023 Note: Schedules subject to change without notice Please check BCFERRIES COM Schedule changes on statutory holidays Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact aryana Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown | 1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT
Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Thursday, June 29, 2023 A6 •

Ellie Yaron

Congratulations Ellie for graduating from Rockridge Secondary! We’re so happy to see grade 12 behind you and so excited to see what lies ahead as you continue to explore and discover Congratulations also on your acceptance to the University of Victoria, where you plan to pursue English and a possible career as a teacher As one of your grade 12 teacher’s said, “Are you sure?” We’re so pleased to see your hard work, grit and perseverance pay off in spades You know we love you!!!! You’ve got this!

Chiara Zamalloa

I’m so very proud of you Chiara Graduating in a different country is such a big milestone and a great achievement Thank you IDLC, you guys were great to her I know that the next chapter in your life will be full of new challenges and accomplishments I can’t wait to see you pursue your dreams of becoming a Criminologist Always remember that you are capable of amazing things and to be kind, humble and free On behalf of our family here in Canada and Peru, we want to say FELICITACIONES It is such a great honor to be your mom


To nobody’s surprise Bowen has so many impressive grads that, like last year, it takes another week to recognize them all Congrats Ellie and Chiara! Maesyn and Justin meanwhile are being celebrated twice after the editor bungled the spelling of their last names last week, and wanted to make up for it with a proper entry to save for the memory book Thank you so much again to everybody who sent in entries to make our Grad Issues possible And a major con-grad-ulations to all of you!

Maesyn & Justin Hartwick

Grade 12 Rockridge Cannot believe these 2 have finished high school Seems like only 2 years ago they were playing in the front yard! What’s going to work - team work! Well done you guys! We wish you all the best of luck finding your passions and taking in the world! Love you Maesy! So proud of you! Lots of Love mum, dad, nana and Teagan!

Justin Hartwick

So proud of you Justin keep being awesome! Love Sasha


My, how you ’ ve grown!

We are so proud of you all!

The Board, Staff and Families of BCC • A7 Thursday, June 29, 2023

StrawberryTea Delight

REV. LORRAINE ASHDOWN Bowen Island United Church

It was a beautiful, late June day at Bowen Island United Church From 10 am until 3 pm a steady stream of islanders and visitors stopped by the annual Strawberry Tea There was the usual fare of strawberry shortcake, sandwiches, a barbecue, children’s games, music, a silent auction, gently used clothing, and general high spirits and laughter

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our church’s annual fundraiser It was one of our most successful years ever and we could not have achieved our goals without all of the wonderful community members who came out in your tea dresses, your high heeled shoes, your hats with fascinators, and your smiles and good cheer

Thank you to all of the volunteers who worked tirelessly to make sure things ran as smoothly as they did A very large thank you to the many Bowen merchants and artistsand some off island businesses - who contributed items to our silent auction

There are some things about Bowen, despite the many changes, that remain the same over the decades The Bowen Island United Church Strawberry Tea is one of the constants Thank you all for helping to keep this tradition alive We are enormously grateful and let’s do it all over again in a year

Help fill gaps in BC Government services. Take the BC Demographic Survey Visit or scan the QR code Take the BC Demographic Survey. Information collected will help us identify inequities in government services and improve access for more people. We need people of all backgrounds to participate. Do your part to help address systemic racism and make BC more equitable and inclusive. Thursday, June 29, 2023 A8 •
Maureen Bowen (left) and husband Ed Garstin (right) enjoyed Strawberry Tea with theBruchesiFamily,decoratingtheeventwithmanycolourfulhats./AlexKurialphoto be in touch with your community. anywhere.
Mary Ann Zakreski and Sue Clarke were major organizers of the event, working hard in the leadup and during the Strawberry Tea too / Lorraine Ashdown photo

Final Flips of the year

The Bowen Island Gymnastics Club held their year-end show at Bowen Island Community School on Saturday, with all age groups performing the skills and routines they’ve learned throughout the year We’ll have more on the team next week as a dozen Bowen athletes prepare for the World Gymnaestrada in Amsterdam next month

Oct 14, 2015 -

How sweet life can be just being together, enjoying each moment and the simple pleasures of being alive. Ketut lived to love and receive love which is the condition of angels. Loyalty, a sense of joy, bliss in the moment, a sense of wonder, teaching a shy dog how to play, watching the hummingbirds, or just simply being with us on a walk or at home were some of his many attributes. All of the love we poured into him he returned tenfold the wondrous gift of truly loving a dog.

604 947 9247

CANADA DAY REIMAGINED Bowen Island's Reconciliation, celebration, & community PAIDADVERTISEMENTJune29,2023 InuitGamesChallenge BannockChallenge DecolonizingLandscapesChallenge IndigenousReadsChallenge CanadianSports-Basketball,Hockey,DiscGolf ProjectHummingbird IndianHorseFilmTrailer CommunityArtProject MadeinCanada? MusicalTreats Facepainting&gamesforlittles YouthMusicians EcosystemJenga ArtisanEats 10:00-12:30 #Next150Challenges: JULY 1 AT BICS 10:30&11:30 CanadianTriviaContests 12:15 Doorprizesdrawing 12:30 Sackraces,Tug-of-War 12:45 FirefightersSprayDown REGULAR HOURS CONTACT Mon-Thur 9 Fri 9-1 Closed Sat & reception@bowenvet com
June • A9 Thursday, June 29, 2023
13, 2023 Photo credit: Chanelle Walker
Alex Kurial photos

Your Community



Position Status: Full-Time Temporary (3-6 months)

Department: Parks & Environment

Employee Group: GVRDEU

Locations: Crippen Regional Park, Bowen Is and, and Capilano River Regiona Park, North Vancouver

Salary Range/ Wage Rate: $2 352 00 b -week y plus 6 25%

deferred compensation

Have a passion for nature and the outdoors? Enjoy connecting with the community? Experience variety and excitement in this healthy work environment Learn new skills and earn competitive wages operating and maintaining a regional park. Help us to protect Metro Vancouver’s natural areas and connect people with them


• Performs a variety of routine ma ntenance dut es such as: collecting garbage and itter; cleaning and sanitiz ng toi et facilities; grass cutting and trimming; mainta ning trai s buildings bridges, boardwalks, picnic and camp sites; repairing tools; and washing and staining tables

• Patrols park areas as required to help ensure pub ic safety

• Assists with construction improvements in parks such as bridges, trails, culverts, buildings, boardwa ks, gates, fences, corrals, water lines and docking faci ities

• Operates and maintains equipment such as smal tractors and attached mowers, trucks, push mowers, weed eaters, vacuums, and rock dri ls

• Provides information, education and assistance to the public


• M nimum Grade 10 or equivalent

• Abi ity to deal w th the public n a courteous and effective manner

• Demonstrated good judgment in interpreting park regulations.

• Proficient English language skills, both verbal and written.

• Valid Class 5 BC Driver’s License.

• Demonstrated ability to negotiate difficult terrain, walk long distances, and carry out a variety of tasks that require considerable physical exertion.

• Available to work flexible days and hours, including weekends evenings and holidays


Wildfire Suppression (S‐100), Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), Occupational First Aid (Level 1), Equipment Operations (such as small tractor ride‐mower weed eater, chainsaw), Safe Boating Operations, Radio Communications, Bear Awareness, Park Officer, Incident Command System (ICS), Workplace Safety and more.

HOURS OF WORK: 40 hours per week.

Our Vision:

Metro Vancouver embraces collaboration and innovation in providing sustainable regional services that contribute to a livable and resilient region and a healthy natural environment for current and future generations.

We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and being representative of the region we serve. We invite all qualified candidates to apply including Indigenous People, visible minorities, mmigrants, 2SLGBTQI+, all genders and persons with disabilities. Please follow this link careers/ to our Careers page where you can submit your application by July 7, 2023.

While we greatly appreciate all the replies we receive, regretfully only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851

HEALTH & WELLNESS on Bowen To advertise in Health & Wellness please call 604-947-2442 email Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND DR. GLORIA CHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30 PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOE BAY 604-921-8522 Thursday, June 29, 2023 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent com ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY S Jointhe conversationat
Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 &AWNINGS &AWNINGS 604-987-7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticket certified #00012-RO-96 COURIER SERVICE TO AND FROM THE CONTINENT MONDAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 604-947-9703 oremailusatbowenislandfreight@gmailcom toscheduleapickupordropoff BOWEN TOWING Local towing and recovery, battery boosting, unlock vehicles, tire change……. Call 604-341-6351 Tim Rhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING going that extra mile RoB Complete Home Renovations Complete Home Renovations Complete Interior & Exterior Interior & Exterior QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP WORKMANSHIP RED SEAL TICKETED & INSURED RED SEAL TICKETED & INSURED TICKETED SNUG COVE SNUG COVE SNUG COVE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION 604 925 8711 604 925 "We do good work!" "We do good work!" good work!" LANDSCAPE CARPENTRY STONE & MASONRY | Serving Bowen & the North Shore for 15+ years From the simple repair of a failing structure, to the complete design and build of your dream outdoor space, no job is too big or small FULLY INSURED 604-928-6926 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. Vehicles • Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers • Scrap Car Removal Michael Bingham 604-947-1717 | ianditowhaul@gmail com I&.ITOWING HAULING LTD AND • • Bowen Island Greater Vancouver WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND BC PHONE 1 (778) 999-3434 BUILT GREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARY STRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOOR SPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTATION 604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger On Bowen serving Sea to Sky • Irrigation • Landscape Lighting • Hydroseeding Office: 604-947-9686 Call now for Landscape Lighting Services and Installations BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live bowenislandundercurrent com • A11 Thursday, June 29, 2023


Friday, June 30

Canada Day Party at the Pub

Weekend Kickoff Party featuring the Jason Lane Band from 9 pm to Midnight. $10 cover at the door.

Saturday, July 1

Canada Day Reimagined

Reconciliation, Celebration, and Community. Activities include trivia, door prizes, Tug-of-War, #Next150 challenges including Inuit Games, Bannock, Decolonizing Landscapes, and Indigenous Reads challenges, Project Hummingbird, music, community art project, the Fire Truck spray down, and more fun. More details on Page 9.

Monday, July 3

Riley’s Cidery 2-Year Anniversary

Music, treats, and prizes to be won! Stop by Riley’s Cidery on Laura Road during the day to celebrate

Saturday, July 8

7th Annual Bowen Island Logger Show

This year at the Bowfest Field. Opening ceremonies at 11 am $10 admission, kids 12 and under free Food and drink on-site, cash only event No dogs Practice takes place Sunday, July 2 at Gary’s place from 12 to 4 pm, 350 Forest Ridge Road. More information on the front page banner.

Saturday, July 8

Author Talk: Ingrid Hauss

Local author, artist, and art educator Ingrid Hauss speaks on her new book, Toward Renewal and Belonging: Art, Movement, and Community, which invites readers to engage in a creative process of self-discovery. 2 pm start

Saturday, July 8

Judith Gedye Open House

Collins Hall at 3 pm Please note the date, open house will be the second Saturday in July instead of the first due to the July 1 Canada Day holiday.

To August 31

Summer Reading Challenge at the Library

Bowen Library challenges you to a summer of great reading! Pick up your tracker at the Library and complete seven Reading Challenges and three Bonus Challenges Books can be hard copies, graphic novels, ebooks, audiobooks and braille On your tracker check off the challenges you complete, list the books you ’ ve read, and tell us which challenge was your favourite and why Submit the finished tracker to us (at the front desk or through the book drop), or email it to info@ bowenlibrary ca to enter the grand prize draw!


Bowen Bridge

We meet from 1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court on Wednesdays Fee is $6 per person per session. Your place at the table must be arranged - by email - no later than 6 pm on the Monday before To make your booking or to seek more information, please email We look forward to seeing you.

Thursday Art Group

The Thursday Art Group (TAG) meets every Thursday at Collins Hall from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm to create, paint, sketch and enjoy meeting like minded souls If you think this group might be for you, pop by and see what we are all about


Saturday Farmers Market at BICS

Annual market at Bowen Island Community School

Browse food, crafts, snacks, and more! 10 am to Noon Please note: No Farmers Market this Saturday, Canada Day The market will return on Saturday, July 8 Yoga on the Pier Saturday & Sunday from 10:15 to 11:15 am Join the Nectar Yoga team for a relaxing yoga session at the Snug

Cove North Dock (left of the ferry ramp). Bring a yoga mat, water, and sunscreen. Sessions are weather permitting. Pre-registration is recommended, but dropping in can be accomodated if space allows Find more details and sign up at nectaryoga ca

SKY Walks

Friday, June 30 & Wednesday, July 5

Both at 10:30 am June 30 walk from Catholic Church parking lot, and July 5 walk from Bowfest Field picnic tables, with Noon lunch after at Doc Morgan’s

‘MERGE: wilderness within’ is on at the Hearth Gallery until Monday, July 3 Don’t miss Sally Podmore’s beautiful paintings of the West Coast / Kathleen Ainscough photo

$1,699,000 OCEANVIEW | PRIVACY | REVENUE An extensive list of upgrades comes with this home, and the licensed 2 bedroom B&B suite is an excellent mortgage helper LISTED! 1 1 5 6 S E N A T O R R O A D just 4 BEDROOM | 2 BATHROOM HOME IN THE HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER DEEP BAY NEIGHBORHOOD! PERCHED AT THE TOP OF A PRIVATE CUL DE SAC, JUST STEPS FROM PEBBLY BEACH AND A SHORT WALK TO SNUG COVE AND THE FERRY a n g i e k i r k r e a l t o r . c a 604-916-3429 A lifelong career in Real Estate has brought me so much joy assisting clients with Buying and Selling homes Thursday, June 29, 2023 A12 •

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