Bowen Island Undercurrent July 13 2023

Page 7

Metro Van report on Cape Roger Curtis park is‘flawed’: BIM council and staff


Contributing Editor

The message is cordial but the intent is a warning: if Metro Vancouver wants Bowen Island council to seriously consider the impact of 100 proposed campsites at Cape Roger Curtis, then Metro Vancouver is going to have to take the island’s concerns a lot more seriously

At Monday night’s meeting, council directed its staff to meet with Metro Vancouver’s staff “to explore a collaborative approach to share aspirations, concerns and perspectives on the extensive list of issues raised in the materials presented [by Metro Vancouver ]”

Representatives of Squamish Nation will also be asked to attend

The tone of what that conversation might sound like was summed up by CAO

“It’s very clear there are numerous inaccuracies” in Metro Vancouver’s assessment of the impact of allowing camping on the 24 lots it recently bought at Cape Roger Curtis, he said. “Based on that, it’s difficult for us to accept the report.”

Later in the meeting Edwards said, “It’s very clear they don’t actually understand the environment they’re talking about The report is flawed in data collecting”

That viewpoint is partly shaped by MV’s assessment of the impact on ferry traffic , a major concern from islanders ’ perspective

Particularly damning is that MV partly based its expectations of summer ferry travel numbers on statistics from the weekend in May when BC Ferries cancelled all Saturday afternoon and night sailings because of staff shortages

Continued page 3

FRAZER B. ELLIOTT Personal Real Estate Corporation 604 910 3401 felliottbowen@gmail com | bowenhomes ca Specializing in BOWEN ISLAND and HOWE SOUND Top 10% of Realtors in the Rea Estate Board of Greater Vancouver 2020-2022 Bowen’s Top Producing REALTOR® for 2021 & 2022* *based on reported MLS sales While away the hours on Whitesails while you soak up the intoxicating view from this spectacular Tunstall Bay log home. Airy yet cozy, like a ski chalet above the beach. Inside features vaulted ceilings, two bedrooms on the main, a lofted primary bedroom above, and workshop/rec room below Wrapped on three sides by nearly 2,400 sf of sundecks Renovated and well-maintained, with a fenced-in yard. Right near the path down to Tunstall Bay Beach and the Club Housecomplete with dock, pool, kayak/SUP storage and tennis/pickleball courts. NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, July 16th, 2-4pm 1624 WHITESAILS DRIVE $1,899,000 $1 inc GST ROUND BOWEN Two swimmers circumnavigate island PAGE 5 SWIMBOWEN: Saturday’s event reaches $36,000 in fundraising! PAGE 5 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 VOL. 49 NO. 28 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50
Gary Anderson (in the cowboy hat) susses out the size of“the cookie”in the double bucking competition at Saturday’s Loggers Show The move to Bowfest Field proved to be a hit with participants and spectators For more photos of lumberjacks and jills at work, please turn to pages 8 and 9 Alex Kurial photo


AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise

July 24, 2023

6:15 pm




BIMhasimmediateopenings fortwotemporaryRoadsand ParksOperationsCrew Formore informationandpayrate:

www. bowenislandmunicipalityca/ work-with-us

Seeking Public Comment





Councilwillbeconsideringanapplicationforadevelopmentvariance permittoreducetherequiredsetbackstotherearandsidelotlines andthesetbacktotheseatopermitarenovationofanexistinghouse thatislocatedwithinthosesetbacks

Thepropertyrequiresa75metresetbacktotherearproperty lineanda30metresetbacktothesidepropertyline Thereisalso ageneral30metresetbackrequiredtothesea Toallowforthe proposedchangestheapplicantisrequestingtherequiredvariance tobevariedto:240mtothesea;132mtothesidelotline;and49mto therearpropertyline

Theapplicationseekstoreplaceportionsofanexistingdeck,remove someportions,andcreateanewaccesspointtothelowerdeckon thepropertybybuildinganewdoorandstaircase

Seeking Public Comment





CouncilwillbeconsideringanapplicationfromBowenIslandResilient CommunityHousing(BIRCH)foradevelopmentvariancepermitto toallowtheconstructionofa24-unitaffordablehousingprojectat 1033MillerRoad ThepropertyisownedbytheMunicipalitywhich hasenteredintoanAgreementtoLeasewithBIRCHtoprovidethe landforthisaffordablehousingproject Thevariancewouldincrease thepermittedheightofthebuildingfrom90metresto1329metres andreducetherequiredparkingfrom24parkingspacesdownto10 spacesonsite

Carl Martin Gilbert

Urgentlyseeking informationregardingthe whereaboutsof:


Pleasecontact BowenIslandMunicipalityat 604-947-4255ext8

ifyouhaveinformationor knowhowtheycanbe reached

Thankyou, KristenWatson,Collector kwatson@bimbcca

MOREINFORMATIONATMUNICIPALHALL:Theapplicationmaybe viewedatMunicipalHallduringofficehoursoronlineat: wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/planning/


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore4:00 pmonMonday,July24,2023byemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca,inperson,bymailorfax VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting

Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,byphoneat604-947-4255ext 230orbyemailat dmartin@bimbcca

Council Meeting time change



CouncilisthinkingaboutchangingthetimeofRegularCouncil Meetingstoearlierinthedayat1:00pmfrom6:15pm.Thiswould makemeetingsmoreefficientandfacilitatebetterdecisionmaking Councilisabletosetmeetingtimeswithoutconsultationwiththe public,however,they’reinterestedinhowthisimpactsresidents Withthehybridmeetingformat,it’seasierthanevertoattendfrom anywhere,however,theremaybeotherconsiderations wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/what-do-you-think/

MOREINFORMATIONATMUNICIPALHALL:Theapplicationmaybe viewedatMunicipalHallduringofficehoursoronlineat:


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore4:00 pmonMonday,July24,2023byemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca,inperson,bymailorfax VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting

Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,byphoneat604-947-4255ext 230orbyemailat dmartin@bimbcca

Use of roadway & streets

Pleaseavoidusinganyportionoftheroadforparkingunattached trailers,dumping“free”stuff,pilingtopsoilorotherlandscaping materials,orplacingobjectstopreventpeoplefromparking Inadditionpleasedon’tplaceanyobstructionsthatimpede pedestrianmovementwithin20moftheedgeofthetravelportionof aroad

OccupyinganyportionoftheroadrequiresapermitfromPublic Works

Questions?EmailBylawServicesatbylaw@bimbccaorcall 604-947-4255extension2


BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC
Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipalityca/subscribe Subscribe to our mailing list
Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca
V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday
Thursday, July 13, 2023 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent com

Metro Van’s estimates on campers’ ferry impact don’t

Contined from page 1

MV says campers will likely access the new park in the same way they get to Crippen Park, which it also owns About 21 percent of off-island park visitors are ferry walk-ons.

However, the entrance to Crippen Park is a few hundred metres from the ferry dock; to get to Cape Roger Curtis, campers and daytrippers will have to travel roughly eight kilometres across the island

MV has proposed a shuttle for May to October, with pick-up in Snug Cove But it hasn’t said how big the shuttle will be or how often it will run, raising council concerns that there will be more passengers than spaces. (Its report uses a photo of an electric bus at Iona Beach Regional Park in Richmond ) It also says it can limit the day-use parking spaces to 30 to 50 to mitigate people arriving at the same time It will “explore options” for a day-use reservation system

Verbally, MV has said it will continue to work with the municipality on the remaining length of the pedestrian and bike path across the island but in its report, MV says it will pay for the portion of the path within its property. Council wants a commitment in writing and has only committed to helping pay for the portion to Adams Road

This path would be key if MV plans to reduce vehicular traffic by encouraging bikes

MV expects 163 vehicles arriving and departing on a Fridays and 186 on a Saturday Peak travel time would be Saturday afternoons with 52 two-way trips

It says that measures can be taken to control when campers arrive by ferry without stating what those measures will be

add up: BIM

Mayor Leonard says that as a single voice on the 41-member Metro Vancouver board, it’s challenging to ensure Bowen’s voice is heard “The challenges with the transportation studies aren’t being validated to politicians in the room by their staff Which makes it difficult for me to say, ‘This isn’t accurate.’… I’m a bit of a leaf in the wind.

“People at Metro Vancouver are accepting the reports [We need to] make more of an assertive thrust If not, the voting members in the room aren’t going to see any different”

What’s to be done about $1.6M community centre shortfall?

The following are briefreports of Kristen Watson’s, the municipality’s chief financial officer, report to Bowen IslandcouncilonJuly 10

This autumn, there will have to be a serious discussion about the $1 6 million shortfall in fundraising for the community centre, Watson said

“Staff are hopeful that the budgeted revenue will still be raised in the community,” her report said. “Otherwise, council will be required to allocate additional reserve funds or issue new debt to complete construction”

late payments contributed to this high percentage, she said Watson is pleased with the shift to online payments, making it more efficient and less costly

There are two options for deferring taxes One is for people 55 and older; the other is for people with children under 18 or children older than 18 living at home while attending post-secondary education. In both cases, the applicant must own the home and be residing there full-time.

“These strategies aren’t fully fleshed out,” said director of planning Daniel Martin

MV notes there is lots of ferry space on the very early morning ferries and late-night Sunday ferry

Mayor Andrew Leonard said that BC Ferries’ previous attempts to get people to travel during nonpeak hours by adjusting rates have failed If people want to camp on a weekend, it’s going to hard to convince them they should arrive on an empty six o ’clock ferry on Friday morning or go home on a 10 p m ferry on Sunday night

Council has the ability to restrict vehicle-access campsites to onethird of the total And while council has relatively little control over how Metro Vancouver uses the regional parkland, it can say that overnight camping is not allowed.

In further discussions, councillors said that the report is wrong in saying there is 800 metres of twolane ferry trafficking in Snug Cove It’s single lane through most of the Cove and then it doubles near the top of the hill Councill also disagrees that there’s enough ferrying space for a two-ferry wait

Leonard said, “I think what’s presented is their vision There doesn’t seem to be a lot of appetite to move off that If we send a long list of demands, I don’t know how that’s going to play We have to make our ask and if we want to change the vision we need to say that. If we want out of this project, we might have to say that as well”

It was Councillor Tim Wake who suggested that a collaborative approach having all the players in a room together would be more effective than back-andforth responses to reports

“How do we get to the answers we need? We need to find what works for everyone, ” he said Councillor Judi Gedye noted that MV is considering an application for neighbouring Crown lands (Block 6.).

“I don’t think we should rush this,” she said “I don’t like playing card games without all the cards on the table”

In the end, council passed a motion to request a collaborative meeting between staff, including an invitation to Squamish Nation

It also broadened the list of local committees and organizations which will be asked to comment on MV’s report. Given the August hiatus, those responses aren’t expected until September.

She noted that none of the $2 2 million in the Growing Community Fund has been committed to the project

After delays in construction, crews are working diligently to make up for lost time Almost all the windows are in and there’s a focus on trenching for sewer services The contractor is confident that construction will be on target for its expected completion date this fall.

Dutiful taxpayers

Ninety-three per cent of property owners paid their tax bill by the July 4 deadline The post-pandemic return to a 10 per cent penalty for

In essence, the deferral is a loan from the provincial government, with no financial impact on the municipality’s coffers The deferral loan interest rate is generally one per cent below prime and does not have to be repaid to the province until the home changes ownership

This year there were 268 deferral applicants, up from 244 last year Many applicants own properties of higher value.


A surplus was not budgeted for but is expected to be $200,000 This will add to $1 6 million currently in the municipality’s surplus account This provides a necessary cushion for unexpected or emergency costs

New garden centre gets green light

The following are briefreports of itemsdiscussedattheJuly10meetingofBowen Islandcouncil

A proposed garden centre on Sunset Road will be able to sell plants that are not grown on site

Current zoning allows for agricultural use and the sale of plants grown on the property only. The approved temporary use permit also allows the retail sale of home gardening supplies and related goods and services

The vast majority of letters were in favour of the application

Carter Road bridge

Allnorth Consultants has been awarded $73,000 to design a new bridge to replace the aging bridge which provides access to Cates Hill Chapel, Island Pacific School and Belterra on Carter Road. Current capacity has been reduced to 5,500 kg because of its deterioration The new single-lane bridge, which is planned for 2024, will withstand the weight of the fire department’s heaviest truck, which is 30,000 kg

“We’re looking for something the samesizebutmorerobust,”saiddirector of engineering Patrick Graham

Sign up for the Undercurrent newsletter (it's free) • A3 Thursday, July 13, 2023
This is Metro Vancouver’s map of the 10 campsites it’s proposing for Cape Roger Curtis

VIEWPOINTS A night and day difference

As a person who has had to stifle a yawn at the threehour mark of a night meeting, I can fully appreciate Bowen Island council being open to the idea of switching to meetings during the day

It’s not boredom that makes you crave an extra hit of oxygen at 9:30 p m , with three or four items still on the council agenda Your brain is simply too tired to keep absorbing all the new information Everyone in that council chamber staff, council members, people making a delegation, reporters has had a full day of activities and responsibilities leading up to the meeting. Often, the councillors have had meetings before the council meeting, or have just grabbed something to eat after putting in eight hours at their day job. Sitting at a table for that long, not able to go for a refreshing five-minute walk, just makes things worse.

And are the best decisions made at the end of a long day when really all you want is to be able to go home and get some well-deserved sleep?

Traditionally there have been two barriers to day meetings. First, it might discourage young people from running for council because they have to fit their work schedule around the meetings. The alternative is a council full of retirees who, while they bring many strengths to the table, might not have full awareness of the challenges and expectations of younger residents

However, it could be argued that the prospect of having to attend long night meetings after work is just as daunting as fitting in one afternoon every other week for a day meeting

The second barrier is for those wishing to make a delegation before council It can be hard enough to tell your boss that you need an hour off because there’s an important zoning issue you have to attend to, but many residents work off the island That requires serious time off

While it’s impossible to know how many working people would be discouraged from running to council if there are day meetings, the pandemic has made it easy to address the second concern The introduction of Zoom has made it possible to attend a meeting virtually, from anywhere, not just your office computer Council continues to embrace the technology that helped keep the municipality running as smoothly as possible when no one could gather together in the council chambers

Is a switch to day meetings a serious impediment to your ability to be fully engaged in island democracy? Are there ways to make sure everyone can be fully involved? There’s an “informal” feedback form on the BIM website State your case

Give residents the voice they deserve

Editor’s note: this letter was originally sent to Bowen Island council in advance of the July 10 discussion on how toproceedwithMetroParks’requesttoallowcampingonits new Cape Roger Curtislands It has been editedforlength

I am deeply concerned that if MV satisfactorily responds to all of BIM’s conditions, or perhaps just some of them, that MV will automatically interpret that as a commitment for BIM to approve their application

Julie Vik’s No Camping at Metro Vancouver’s Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis petition, which now has 1,565 signatures and growing, reinforces the position of a significant portion of us community residents/property taxpayers, many of whom are strong environmentalists, on this delicate and divisive matter The strong opposition to camping is not simply because 1,565 residents do not like camping as a recreational activity; we have performance-based concerns for our overcrowded, late and too-often cancelled ferries, under the present vehicle/passenger demand levels, which as BC Ferries CEO Nicholas Jimenez admits: (a)

is a problem that has not just occurred overnight; (b) and will take many years at great expense with great frustration, disappointment and disruption to resolve

The reality of the record number of forest fires, over half of which are caused by irresponsible and uncaring individuals, with surely the prospects of a catastrophic fire on our island community, is worthy of a “ no ” second reading vote by council

I encourage BIM to conduct a non-binding opinion poll, at MV’s expense Why not give local residents the “official voice” we deserve? Why subject both MV and BIM to the excessive investment of time, effort and money on the overall initiative if the majority of residents still said NO to camping?

An unprecedented negative change/compromise to our community’s way of life should not have to be made/forced upon us just because MV made an irresponsible and questionable decision to invest $40 million for the purchase of the 240-acre Cape site, without the certainty of having permission for their, not ours, beloved camping sites

Bruce and Dorene Russell

BowenTrunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0

604 947 2442 Fax: 604 947 0148

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Here are some issues to get heated up about

This month’s open house treat was a Nanaimo bar with a layer of fresh raspberries over the custard and under the melted chocolate I’m calling it Deep Bay bar They are fantastic More importantly, our conversation started with why cars idle in the ferry line-up How about a school art contest for banners to advertise our ban on idling? But then there’s enforcement – sigh! If you roll up your car windows to avoid the ocean breeze and burn gas to cool off, will you understand a ban on idling? Where to start? And are there already too many signs?

Next we talked about various Fire Smart lessons An ember from another fire smoldered in an open field for two days before turning to flame A jogger noticed the smoke and our firefighters got it extinguished quickly The combination of alert passersby and prompt professional help was praised What about if there were a larger fire and we had to evacuate? Where do we find information?

First, sign up for “Alertable”(alertable ca) BIM has a booklet with excellent information: bowenislandmunicipality ca/services/emergency-program/emergency-preparedness-week And the blue/white NERP kiosks have good information –organizing your own evacuation plan, what’s in your emergency kit, your closest muster point There is an evacuation plan for Bowen with localized maps of where to go if you need to evacuate As the ferry docks and visitors arrive, BC Ferries is announcing a total ban on fires More signs along all park trails for increased awareness would be helpful There’s a bright yellow one with a hand and a cigarette which admonishes: “Don’t be a flicking idiot” . We agreed a little fear is good, but not to be paralyzed by it: spend time now to be prepared so that if you need to act fast you will be ready.

I’m reading John Vaillant’s newest book, Fire Weather

It focuses on the 2016 apocalyptic fire that wiped out Fort McMurray: the climate crisis worsening with drier winters and warmer, earlier summers and the human folly of ignoring vital signs Fire is our 21st Century nemesis and we need to smarten up – a lot!

Updates on capital projects: the water treatment plant – had it passed inspection and gone “ on stream”? And the Cove’s sewage treatment – what’s happening there? I didn’t have answers There is a wider policy issue about sharing costs island-wide that needs work, possibly in the fall Funding gaps and constantly increasing costs for both the health centre and the community centre were worries I sincerely hope we can find ways to finish both as they will add so much to our community, but I’ve only just been gifted a magic wand (thank you, Bonnie) and have yet to test it

The last question was when the review of short-term rentals would happen We mentioned pros and cons with general agreement that we need to be careful not to demonize but work on the problems A tourism tax to contribute to increased infrastructure costs should be considered

Finally, a person living beside the provincial park on Cortez –we couldn’t not talk about parks – reported that a full-time, livein ranger made a huge difference to enforcing their strict fire ban Today’s theme was clearly about fire and how important it is to be well-informed and ready for such an emergency Take note: each of us is responsible for our own preparation

There are no council meetings in August so there will probably not be an open house If that changes, I’ll put an ad in the Undercurrent and on Facebook Most likely, the next will be in September

Judi Gedye is a Bowen Island councillor and Islands Trust trustee She regularly hosts open houses for anyone wanting to enjoy home-baked treats while sharing their views on the issues facing Bowen Island

One of SwimBowen’s favourite and best-dressed participants

Anne Chollat received a prize at last year’s event (pictured). Anne is again a top fundraiser this year with $2,834 raised to date for the Cancer Care Fund. Come see everyone in action this Saturday, July 15, with 10:30 start Tunstall Bay Photo by Scott Robart

SwimBowen reaches the $36,000 fundraising mark



Hey SwimBowen community! So far we have raised $36,007 for the Cancer Care Fund... Holy Toledo! Nice work everyone! Swimmers, please carefully visit the website, for important details for the 5th Annual SwimBowen on Saturday July 15, 10:30 start.

This year we have registered massage therapist Jenni Griffiths providing complimentary 15-minute treatments from 9 to 11:30 a.m.. Please consider making a small contribution to the massage donation jar as all proceeds benefit the Cancer Care Fund

As always, there will be delicious refreshments, cold drinks and fresh coffee for swimmers Friends and family

are welcome, too, with a suggested $5 donation per person


9 – 10 a m Swimmer check in, Tunstall Bay Beach

Please be on time; the event kicks off at 10:30am sharp You must check in yourself and can’t do so for a friend Failure to check-in during above times will result in entry being cancelled There will be no race day registration available

Please note that race start time is approximate and may be delayed There is a swim cut-off time of one hour

10:30am 1500m Wave 1: Red Cap faster swimmers

10:35am 1500m Wave 2: Yellow Cap slower swimmers

10:40am 750m: Pink Cap self-seeded; faster swimmers in front, slower swimmers in back

Proudly Celebrating 45 Years of Trusted Transport for Bowen Island & Howe Sound Cellular: 604-250-2630 Telephone: 604-947-2243 • PRIVATE CHARTERS AVAILABLE • SERVICE TO MANY LOCATIONS IN HOWE SOUND 604-250-2630 Since 1978 Water Taxi Water Taxi Water Taxi email: web: Home Rental Wanted A non smoking, no pet, renter looking for a 2 bedroom/den home, ideally on the East side of the island. Professional resume on request Date is negotiable Please call 604-626-8523 a Bowen Island Coffee Date WITH JEREMY VALERIOTE & SONIA FURSTENAU at Tell Your Friends Cafe WEDNESDAY JULY 19 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Please join us! bowenislandundercurrent com • A5 Thursday, July 13, 2023
These two dudes are swimming all the way around Bowen Island as their own version of SwimBowen Dave Bellringer and Michael Henrichsen started about a month ago They divided up the 34 km distance into five legs between five and eight km long. Their final “champagne lap“ will be from the Cape into the SwimBowen event.


July 13,14 15

Ocean Roaring

Live dance and violin performances on the shore of the ocean at Alder Cove Beach Tickets at

Friday, July 14


These two West Coast collaborators will be performing songs from their upcoming albums and new songwriting project, Lady Mountaineer Between the two of them, they have a Juno award, a Genie award, three Juno nominations and eight Canadian Folk Music Award nominations. Doors open at 7:30 and the concert starts at 8 at Tir-naNOg. Tickets are $30/$35 and are available at

Saturday, July 15

Swim Bowen

Come to watch this annual fundraiser for the Cancer Care Fund. Course lengths are 750m and 1500m The action starts at 10:30 a.m at Tunstall Bay.

Sunday, July 16

Write on Bowen early bird deadline

Get 20 per cent off tickets to this year ’ s festival on Sept 16 and 17 Workshop presentations feature Wade Davis, Cristy Watson, Kevin Chong, Julie Burtinshaw, Taslim Jaffer, Sara Leach, Tanya Boteju, K A Wiggins and Michael Nankin. Go to for details

Monday, July 17

Vancouver Canucks Junior Golf Week

Bowen Golf hosts the week’s last single-day camp for children and youth aged five and older Participants will have fun

learning the game from certified PGA of BC Golf professionals All skill levels are encouraged to register – no previous golf experience, or equipment, is necessary to participate Class times are 4, 5 and 6 p.m All spots during the day have been sold out

Monday, July 17

Colleen Elizabeth Celebration of Life

In remembrance of Colleen Elizabeth Bergin, a celebration of life will be held at 3 pm at 681 Buchanan Road. Please join our family as we celebrate this extraordinary person. Reception to follow. Questions or concerns please contact Larry Morse 604209-7609 or Nichole Ma 778-989-8563

Wednesday July 19

Bowen Coffee Date

Meet with with BC Greens MLA candidate, West Vancouver - Sea to Sky, Jeremy Valourite, and BC Greens leader, Sonia Furstenau from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at Tell your Friends Café, 400 Bowen Trunk Road. Everyone welcome

Thursday, July 20

The Three Muskateers preview

The Lakeside Players bring their irreverent adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ classic, TheThreeMusketeers, to Bowen Island! The performance previews at The Hearth on July 20 at 6:30p.m Tickets are $10 plus fees; children younger than six are free

Future performances include July 25 (7 p.m only), July 26 and 27 (4 and 7 p.m.) at Cates Hill Neighbourhood Park and August 1 at 4 and 7 p.m at Tir-na-NOg Theatre Go to for tickets

Saturday, July 22

Snug Cove Musicfest

Union Steamship Marina from 10 a.m to midnight Tickets at

Saturday, July 22

Art in the Garden

A festive evening featuring original work by Bowen Island artists, music and wine tasting in a beautiful three-acre garden. 7 to 9 p.m Tickets $20 at

Thursday, July 27

Sip, Dip and Spin a Painting Poolside fundraiser for Here’s Bowen Arts! Tour 2024. Your $55 ticket includes a can of Rileys Cider, appetizers, an afternoon by the pool at Liz Nankin’s house and a chance to create a painting using a spin art technique Drop in with ticket purchase any time between 2 and 6 p.m Purchase ticket online at bowenartstour com or etransfer $55 to

To August 31

Summer Reading Challenge @ the Library Bowen Library challenges you to a summer of great reading! Pick up your tracker at the Library and complete seven Reading Challenges and three Bonus Challenges Books can be hard copies, graphic novels, ebooks, audiobooks and braille On your tracker check off the challenges you complete, list the books you ’ ve read, and tell us which challenge was your favourite and why Submit the finished tracker to us (at the front desk

or through the book drop), or email it to info@bowenlibrary ca to enter the grand prize draw!


Bowen Bridge

We meet from 1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court on Wednesdays Fee is $6 per person per session. Your place at the table must be arranged - by email - no later than 6 pm on the Monday before To make your booking or to seek more information, please email We look forward to seeing you.

Thursday Art Group

The Thursday Art Group (TAG) meets every Thursday at Collins Hall from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm to create, paint, sketch and enjoy meeting like minded souls If you think this group might be for you, pop by and see what we are all about


Saturday Farmers Market at BICS

Annual market at Bowen Island Community School. Browse food, crafts, snacks, and more! 10 am to Noon.

Yoga on the Pier

Saturday & Sunday from 10:15 to 11:15 am. Join the Nectar Yoga team for a relaxing yoga session at the Snug Cove North Dock (left of the ferry ramp). Bring a yoga mat, water, and sunscreen Sessions are weather permitting Pre-registration is recommended, but dropping in can be accomodated if space allows Find more details and sign up at nectaryoga ca

Swimming at Sandy Beach isn’t safe: Coastal Health

Please be reminded that there is still no swimming recommended at Sandy Beach in Snug Cove

Vancouver Coastal Health says “When the level of bacteria is high there is an

increased risk of illness to swimmers The public is advised not to swim or wade in the water until the advisory is removed. Seniors, infants and children, and people with weakened immunity are the most susceptible”

DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm - except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20pm DEPART BO EN ISL ND 5:20 am - except Sundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40 am 12:05 pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm - except ednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm - except Saturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50 pm
of Capilano Ferry Schedule MAY 18 - OCT 9 2023
Schedules subject to change without notice Please check BCFERRIES COM Schedule changes on statutory holidays Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact aryana Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev Lorraine Ashdown | 1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Thursday, July 13, 2023 A6 •

Ouch. That loss had to hurt

The Cruisers and Brewers each took to the Snug Cove Field last Friday for what turned out to be an explosive affair While they took their time actually starting the game, shortly before 7 things finally did get underway, and it turned out to be well worth the wait

It was a fast start for the Cruisers as they plated two runs in the 1st and three in the 2nd to open up a quick 5-0 lead To the surprise of few, Erik Hunter-James was the driving force at bat with three of those RBI, including bringing the speedy Keelan Hondro home twice

The Brewers got on the board with a run in the bottom of the 2nd, and combined with the momentum of finally keeping the Cruisers off the board next inning, they completely flipped the script during their turn to bat in the 3rd Justin Wheatley got the party started with a triple and was brought home the next at-bat by his Brewer teammate and fellow rec hockey star Randy Poulin A double from James Strang, who also locks things down in the rec hockey crease, two batters later scored two to bring his team within one. And finally Iishan Cruz smacked a single to score Brad Rypien and give the Brewers a full five-run inning to take a 6-5 lead.

The game continued to flip back and forth, starting the very next inning as the Cruisers sent all nine batters to the plate while scoring

four runs to restore their lead The Brewers scored a pair of their own runs in the 4th and 5th themselves to go up 10-9 after 5 But the Cruisers came out in the 6th and said we can max out the run count, too, sending their first five batters of the inning to base The Brewers got a run back in the 6th but after three more Cruisers runs in the 7th, including a clutch two RBI single by Clayton with two outs, the Cruisers took a commanding 17-11 lead into the bottom of the 7th

With the sun starting to set, one of the most improbable scenes of the year began to play out on the diamond Robert Clayton was first up and reached on a walk, sparking some hope in the home dugout Wheatley and Poulin both made it aboard next, and by the time Rypien stepped up three batters later the score had been cut to 4 He promptly turned that into a two-run deficit with a triple, bringing the tying run to the plate.

A walk and an out brought the winning run to bat, but with two out. It was Connor McLeod, who had already been thrown into the fire this game by being sent out to pitch for the first time McLeod had gotten some key outs to limit the Cruisers damage though, and bolstered by his efforts, delivered his biggest impact of the night by smashing a double into the outfield which brought home two teammates and tied the

Meet Juneau, this sweet girl has arthritis which is present in in 80% of dogs over 8 and 35% of dogs of all ages. She received her first Librela injection this week which neutralizes nerve growth factor to help alleviate the pain associated with arthritis in dogs. Signs of arthritis in dogs can be subtle, it is important to look for limping, slowing down on walks, or even hesitating to jump.



were three of the driving forces behind the Brewers‘ memorable win last week Clayton hit the game-winning RBI in his second at bat of the 7th, and also scored the first run of the comeback inning Strang went an impressive 4/5, driving in 5 RBI and crossing home plate three times himself And McLeod saved his best bat for last, his lone hit of the game setting him up to be the winning run during the next at bat by Clayton.

game at 17

By this point it simply seemed the comeback was meant to be, and the very next at bat it was Robert Clayton stepped into the batter’s box, and it took the man who had started the rally just two pitches to send the ball to the outfield wall A stunned Cruisers side could only watch as McLeod easily

came home, capping off a seven-run inning and giving the Brewers an incredible 18-17 win The crowd certainly got their time’s worth out of this one, erupting in cheers of shock, joy, and a bit of relief at the conclusion of the marathon 2 5 hour game

Reportingby Kat, Cheri, George, &Alex Scores & Standings return next week

most special pal, companion, my best friend Sept 26th, 2009 - July 6th,
JUNEAU REGULAR HOURS Mon-Fri 9-5 Closed Sat & Sun CONTACT 604 947 9247
River The
2023 • A7 Thursday, July 13, 2023
Clayton (#13), James Strang (#14), Cody McLeod (#9)

Both participants and spectators enjoyed the change in venue to Bowfest Field. Logger Show events included axe throwing, pole climbing, stock saw, double buck and choker race, where particapants run to a log, thorw it over in any way they can and then run back to the finish line Mia Savage provided a fun break in the competition when she played the saw and people tried to harmonize although the competition was serious, the caraderie was sincere Some of the competitors included team members from the UBC Thunderjacks

Thursday, July 13, 2023 A8 • bowenislandundercurrent com

Islander wins Logger of the Year as competitors sharpen saws at 7th annual event

The sawdust was flying at the 7th Annual Bowen Island Logger Show at the Bowfest Field on Saturday, July 8

Dozens of competitors from here on the island, the Sea to Sky region, Sunshine Coast, and even as far as New Zealand, took part in the day of competition hosted by the Bowen Island Logger Sports Society

At the end of the day, local logger Robert Clayton took the honour of Logger of the Year for having the most points. Events included axe throwing, pole climbing, stock saw, double buck and choker race.

This was the first time in its seven-year history that the event took place at Bowfest Field. Kelly Miller, one of the

event’s lead organizers, says the new location was a hit with participants and spectators Hundreds of people turned up throughout the day to catch the action of this electric Bowen Island tradition

“It was nice to be right in the Cove,” she says. “Events like this can bring the community together.”

Judging from everyone ’ s enthusiastic response, Miller says “It feels like we ’ ve won a lot of hearts.”

The impressive league of volunteers is “pretty eager ” to get together to start planning next year ’ s event, which Miller hopes can include musical entertainment.

The Undercurrent hopes to have more results in next week’s paper.

Notice of Open Water Swim Event

Tunstall Bay July 15th, 9:30am - 11:30am


SwimBowen's annual Cancer Care fundraising event will host 75 open-water swimmers along with a crew of water safety marshals in kayaks, paddleboards and zodiacs on Saturday, July 15th between 9:30 and 11:30 To ensure everyone's safety, we would be ever so grateful if boaters (and boat launchers) could avoid the south end of Tunstall Bay during this time Additionally, if you can relocate any boats moored in the area for that 2-hour window, we’d be doubly appreciative, as that will help us provide a clear line-of-sight between course-marker buoys for swimmers and safety marshals If you have questions or concerns, please email us: swimbowensociety@gmail com

With Oceans of Gratitude!

Mary Letson & the SwimBowen Team

bowenislandundercurrent com • A9 Thursday, July 13, 2023
HEALTH & WELLNESS on Bowen To advertise in Health & Wellness please call 604-947-2442 email Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND DR. GLORIA CHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30 PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOE BAY 604-921-8522 Thursday, July 13, 2023 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent com BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'S MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 Your Community gnome matter it is what s People love a bargain! 604-653-7851
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Thursday, July 13, 2023 A12 • bowenislandundercurrent com

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