February 21, 2025

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The West Vancouver Thunder U11 A1 team - featuring Islanders

Lochlan Stevenson & Eli Montgomery - travelled to Seattle over the long weekend and came home with Gold medals after dispatching all the competition in the CAN/AM Hockey Tournament. / Submitted photo

3-4 beds •2 baths •2966 sf •900 sf garage

Bowen celebrates Heritage Week

February 17 to 23 is Heritage Week in BC, and Bowen is recognizing the occasion with a display featuring memories of moments gone by on the island.

The project is a collaboration of the Bowen Island Museum & Archives, Bowen Island Heritage Preservation Association, and the Bowen Island Public Library. Hosted in the Library annex, the display features photos, documents, art, textiles, and more which recognize the theme of this year’s Heritage Week - Pastimes and Past Times.

A heavy focus is placed on local events, including past versions of the island’s premiere festival Bowfest, fishing derbies, and Bowen’s deep history with the game of baseball. Many moments are also explored from more day-today activities, such as camping, dancing and swimming around town.

The display is open to visit at the Library until this Sunday, Feb. 23. Meanwhile, take a look throughout the paper for a preview of what you can find there - and see which Islanders you recognize from past decades.


These 3.24 FLATACRES,substantially cleared, offeraRAREOPPORTUNITY to live your dreamrural lifestylewitha beautiful home, expansive garden, andoversize2-car garagewith workshop and storage. If goodsun exposureisatthe top of your listyou’ll love it here.


AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.

February 24,2025 1:00pm RegularCouncilMeeting

February 27,2025 6:00 pm BudgetOpenHouseviaZoom

March 3, 2025

1:00 pm CommitteeoftheWhole MeetingreWaterandSewer SystemBudgets

2025 Water& SewerBudget Presentation

The2025WaterandSewerBudgetPresentationhasbeen rescheduledtoMarch3,2025attheCommitteeoftheWhole meetingcommencingat1:00pm.Thispresentationwillprovide valuableinsightsintotheupcomingbudgetandplansforthe waterandsewerservicesinourcommunity




Weinviteallmembersofthepublictoattend,askquestions,and sharefeedback.Yourparticipationisessentialinhelpingusshape thefutureofouressentialservices


We’reHiring:Climate Action Intern

TheClimateActionInternwillworkonupdatingBIM’sClimate ActionStrategyoverafourmonthterm.

ThisinternshipissupportedbythePacificInstituteforClimate Solutions(PICS)ClimateInternshipProgram.Thesuccessful candidatemustbeacurrentfull-timestudentatUBC,UVic,SFUor UNBC


We’re Hiring: Custodians

BIMhasmultipleopeningsforcustodiansatthenewCommunity Centrefacility

Applicationswillbeacceptedonanongoingbasis.Pleasesee thefulljobdescriptionforcompensationandmoredetailed informationhere:


Library RoofRepair Project

Crewswillbereplacingthedeterioratedupperbeamsintheroof oftheBowenIslandLibrary.WorkwillstartonFebruary24,2025and continueforabouttendays

Libraryaccesswillberestrictedtothedoorsattherearofthe building,adjacenttotheparkinglot,duringthistime.

Questions?ContactPublicWorksat604-947-4255ext.4or publicworks@bimbc.ca



Whatstartedasanemptyplotoflandhasgrownintoaspacethatwill soonbebuzzingwithactivity,bringingpeopletogether,andcreating newopportunitiesforthecommunity.It’shardtobelievehowmuch haschangedsincethoseearlyconstructiondays,butthevisionisfinally becomingareality



CLR-01-2024(479BowenIslandTrunkRoad) 1:00PMonMonday,February24,2025 RegularCouncilMeeting


AttheFebruary24,2025RegularCouncilmeeting,Councilwill considerareferralfromtheLiquorandCannabisRegulationBranch (LCRB)regardinganapplicationfromtheBowenIslandPubforaNew OutdoorPatio.

TheBowenIslandPubreceivedtemporaryapprovalforanexpanded patiounderCOVID-erapermissionsfromtheLCRB.Thatpermission isnowexpiring,andtheBowenIslandPubisapplyingtoseek permanentapproval.Underthetermoftheirliquorlicensethisdoes notincreasetheoveralllicensecapacity.Whenthepatioisinuse thepubisrequiredtolessentheinsidecapacitybythenumberof occupantsaccommodatedontheupperpatio

StaffintroducedtheapplicationtoCouncilattheJanuary13,2025 Councilmeeting,andtherearenochangestotheapplicationfrom thatmeeting


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore 11:00amonMonday,February24,2025:

• ByE-mailtomayyorandcouncil@@bimbc.ca,

• inperson,

• bymailto981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BC,V0N1G2or

• byfax604-947-0193

Toensureafairprocess,writtensubmissionscannotbeaccepted afterthedeadline VerbalsubmissionscanbemadetoMayorand Councilatthemeeting


Moreinformationavailableonourwebsiteorbycontactingthe PlanningDepartmentduringofficehours

Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanning& Development,at604-947-4255ext230ordmartin@@bimbc.ca.



DVP-2025-0007(DormanPoint,930WF) 1:00PMonMonday,February24,2025 RegularCouncilMeeting


ADevelopmentVariancePermitapplicationhasbeensubmittedby MetroVancouverforDormanPoint(shownonmap)topermitthe replacementofabeachaccessstaircasewithintheminimumsetback fromthenaturalboundaryofthesea,whichtheapplicantswishto constructontheprop

Theirapplicationistorequestareductionoftheminimumsetback fromthenaturalboundaryoftheseafrom30mto2.0mforthebeach staircase.


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore 11:00amonMonday,February24,2025:

• ByE-mailtomayyorandcouncil@@bimbc.ca,

• inperson,

• bymailto981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BC,V0N1G2or

• byfax604-947-0193

VerbalsubmissionscanbemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting.


Moreinformationavailableonourwebsiteorbycontactingthe PlanningDepartmentduringofficehours

Questions?PleasecontactDrewBakken,IslandCommunityPlanner, at604-947-4255ext233ordbakken@@bimbc.ca.


ContactBowen IslandMunicipality





Heritage Moments

Hope everybodyhad a greatlongweekend! We’re back this week looking at what some localorganizations have beenupto, howwe canhelp some of ourspecial winged neighbours, and settlinginfor astory of aclose up encounterwith anothernatureneighbour hereonthe island. We alsodiveintoHeritage Week,and takealook at howBowen’s history is remembered. It wasneattosee the display at the Libraryfeaturesapastissue of the Undercurrentwherelocal heritageisdiscussed.This is definitelyone of thecoolest partsofthis job, to know that decadesfrom now people will be able to flipbackthroughthe newspaperpages and seewhatlifewas like for amomentintime.Bowen hasavery rich history,and alongwith groups such as theMuseum &Archives,Heritage Preservation,Library,and more, it is reallyneattoplayapartinrecording and preservingall of it for well into thefuture.

THE WRITE STUFF. TheUndercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper.You mustinclude your fullname and adaytime phone number (for verification only) Theeditor reservesthe righttoeditfor clarity,legality,brevity and taste. Pleaselimittounder 500 words. HERE’S HOW:Tosubmita letter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to PO Box 130, BowenIsland,BC, V0N 1G0 or emaileditor@bowenislandundercurrent.com

#102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box130, BowenIsland BC,V0N 1G0

Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148

$85 includingGST Newsstand (Single Copy)$1.50 per copy,includingGST ISSN 7819-5040

All Advertising and newscopycontent arecopyrightof the Undercurrent Newspaper.All editorial contentsubmittedtothe Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. The Undercurrent is not responsiblefor unsolicited manuscripts,art work and photographs.

National NewsMedia Council.

TheUndercurrent is amember of theNational NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization established to deal withacceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If youhave concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ bowenislandundercurrent.comorcall 604-947-2442. If youare not satisfied withthe response and wishtofile a formal complaint, visit the websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information



Close Encounters of the Cougar kind

A wild thing happened to me here on Bowen Island, on the last night of January 2025.

Like the anticipation of the death of a parent, you know it’s going to happen eventually, but at the same time it seems like it never will... until it does. Being the nocturnal vampire I am, I spend what I estimate to be an hour each work night walking around Bowen Island alone in the darkness, which is my favourite part of the day. After my bar shift, well past midnight, I put on my beat blasting headphones and walk from the Cove, up the hillside trails through Artisan Square to the top of Cates Hill, switchback down the roads, back to the Cove and to the local gym where I help clean and set up for the following day.

I’d rather decompress and get warmed up with a spiritual night hike in the moonlight than take a treadmill to nowhere. On my walk through the trails and trees I regularly see raccoons, skunks, house cats, deer... plenty of deer, rarely humans, a couple dogs. Most of the creatures I see are skittish, but as many of you know, the old saying ‘a deer in headlights’ also rings true with a beanie headlamp

On this night, around 1 am, as per usual, I was switching back from the top of Cates Hill down towards Bowen Island Trunk Road listening to my favourite playlist. I always walk on the left side of the yellow line to keep a line of sight for any oncoming cars... fighting the urge to let my eyes wander to the moon, beautiful clouds or iconic Bowen Island tree line. Safety first of course.

That night, half way down the hill, a set of unusually

bright emerald green eyes appeared dead ahead... staring at me from 25 feet away, down in a small ditch from the same side I was walking on. The torso of the mammal was covered from the crest of an upcoming driveway. Nothing new, no need to panic. I kept walking forward anticipating a deer, but the approaching ditch revealed how low to the ground the stomach was.

It’s gotta be a lost dog, a big lost dog. Its eyes reflected so bright that I couldn’t make out its face, and I was so close at this point that my head had to turn 45 degrees to aim to its hind quarters, and I remember my mind went blank, panning from its gigantic tail, to its long body only inches from the ground, and finally making eye contact with it again.

But now I was so close that its eyes no longer reflected the shimmering green and its eyes became dark, which revealed its entire feline face and round ears. There was no mistaking it, I was less than 15 feet from the cougar, and I was walking directly towards it. It was just the two of us, just me, and what I personally consider to be the island’s only apex predator, face to face on one of the darkest nights of the month.

Any human may as well be a galaxy away, I’m all alone for this one. No time to react, running would be suicidal, I didn’t act large or scream like I’m supposed to, I just calmly, without much decision, kept walking forwards as the cat stayed as calm as a grazing deer. As I approached I slowly changed my line of course, avoiding panic, and veered to the right, just as a ship would to avoid an iceberg. I kept looking forward, but could see its round ears and head follow me curiously as it faded to the left of my peripheral, and back into the darkness.

As I passed, it felt like it was so close that I could have

On the importance of Courage


Things are spinning around our heads these days faster than we could have ever imagined. It’s so important that we stop, take some time to process and ask some big questions. What is asked of us these days? One thing is certain; we are required to be courageous.

You may recall the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration when a prayer service took place at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC. Rev Mariann Budde delivered a sermon emphasizing the importance of unity, dignity, honesty, humility… and mercy Much has been said about Rev. Budde’s sermon since that morning.

On Sunday, February 23, at 10:30 am, Bowen Island United Church will be showing a video, in Collins Hall, of a panel discussion with Rev. Budde and two of her colleagues. In the video, Rev Budde talks about her new book, ‘How We Learn to Be

Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith.’

In her book, she hones in on the role courage plays in all of our lives at this crucial time where truthfulness, authentic conversation and dialogue are so vitally important. And at a time when many of our fundamental values, truths and practices as human beings are being threatened.

The gathering will be in Collins Hall and all are welcome. There will be a discussion after the video along with coffee and goodies.

Please join us. I believe it is fair to say that many of are us are struggling with the head spinning events of the last several weeks on the global stage. It’s important to gather and share our thoughts, opinions, fears and responses. It is my hope that this video, along with Rev. Budde’s wisdom and that of her colleagues, will inspire discussion and sharing in a safe, respectful space. Courage will be the main topic of the day.

Peace to all, Rev. Lorraine Ashdown

given it a pat on the head. I carefully drifted to the right as I continued down the hill, eventually crossing the yellow line to the right side of the road about 10 paces later. I never looked back as it felt like I would be pushing my luck, and would also be disrespecting the current outcome of the situation I also never felt fear, probably due to the sudden randomness of the encounter, but did feel a clear mental awareness, as well as an understanding, that I may have to fight for my survival at any second.

Eventually a few hundred feet later, just as it does on the PNE Rollercoaster, an uncontrollable laughter set in as my brain released all its natural self defense chemicals, and I realized what just happened. I coasted on foot safely back into the Cove. Ten feet may seem like a ways away, but that being said, 10 feet from a skunk will make you jump... 10 feet from an untamed mountain lion who is giving you its full attention in the middle of night, and further it lets you pass unscathed... it’s nothing short of a spiritual experience that rivals an orca breaching beside ones kayak.

In retrospect, I feel the cougar said ‘sup?’ as I walked by, but then again, probably not. Absolutely wild. I understand there are two camps on the island with respect to the politics of the cougar, and I understand the dangers of committing to either, so I try to stay neutral. That being said, up until the time of writing this, I will say this. If we are gonna have a cougar on this island... I honestly believe, we’re lucky to have this one, it seems to have proven to be one of the good ones, and I’m grateful for the experience.

Murphy’s Law, I’ll end up being its meal on my next night hike, but I guess that’ll just be my time to go. Wild.

Bowen Island United Church
Pat Buchanan drives the tractor as part of the Endswell Farm float during the 1970 Bowfest Parade. Find more Pastime photos on Page 8.

Queers, Beers, and Board Games: BIPS Hosts First Event of the Year



Telephone: 604-947-2243 •PRIVATE

email: cormorantmarine@telus.net web: cormorantwatertaxi.com

Feeling the winter blues? Shake them off with a cozy night of board games, good company, and rainbow fun, hosted by the newly formed Bowen Island Pride Society (BIPS)! When: Wednesday, February 26, 6 to 9 pm Where: The Legion Who: 19+ (don’t worry, we’ve got all-ages events coming up too)

Even on our wonderful island, winter can feel isolating Many Boweners find ourselves thinking wistfully of summer, of the parties, festivals, and parades that bring us together BIPS is here to keep that spirit of celebration and connection alive for our 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies, all year round.

BIPS was born from the incredible energy of last year’s

first-ever Pride Stride, Ride, and Community Picnic. The overwhelming support from Boweners and local organizations made one thing clear: our island needed a way for people to celebrate who they are and who they love not just once a year, but all year long

BIPS is an entirely volunteer-run organization, and our values include joy, connection, safety, and advocacy. And we’re just getting started! Mark your calendars for our upcoming events, like a Legion Dinner on May 23 and, of course, the 2025 Pride Parade on June 7. Plus, Bowen Pride merch is on the way, so you can wear your pride all year round!

Want to stay in the loop? Follow us on Instagram (@ bowenpride), Facebook (bowenislandpride), or reach out via our website at: www.bowenislandpride.com/contact-us We’d love to hear from you! And we can’t wait to see you on February 26.

Areyou hostingan event?

Youcan list it for free in our weekly community calendar!

To include your listing please email Alex by Tuesday5 p.m. of theweek you’d like your event to appear in the calendar.


The success of last year’s Pride Stride, Ride, and Community Picnic has sparked more events from the Bowen Island Pride Society. / Alex Kurial photo

Stamp Collecting continues for a cause

For many years. thoughtful people have been bringing used postal stamps to the Post Office on Bowen Island.

In the past, my recently departed sister, Susan Tennant, would collect these donations and send them to a group who could monetize them with collectors and then donate that money to the Save the Children Charity (www.savethechildren.org) an international non-governmental organization.

It was founded in the United Kingdom in 1919, the goal being to improve the lives of children worldwide, raising money to improve children’s lives by creating better educational opportunities, better health care, and improved economic opportunities

Last year, the Bowen Island Community School leader-

ship club spearheaded a donation drive to bring in a great number of interesting and valuable stamps from the families of students. There was also a lifetime of stamp collecting given by a widow. Many stamps have been clipped from envelopes and saved. It was an interesting bounty!

The stamps are given to a friend who volunteers for the Save The Children Fund. She goes to a stamp market to exchange the stamps for money. It is not a lot of money, but it goes to needy children for water, seeds, food and shelter.

The stamp donations have shrunk since the postal strike as well as from a reduction in Christmas card giving this year. We want to remind you that this fundraiser is still happening, and you can drop off any old stamp collections that are accumulating dust or interesting hand-cancelled stamps that you see coming from other countries.

Please bring them to the counter at the Bowen Island Post Office and the friendly staff there will send the stamps along.

Science and Local Knowledge Join Forces to Protect Bowen’s Biodiversity


What happens when scientists, conservationists, and nature lovers put their heads together? They build a better plan for protecting Bowen Island’s biodiversity!

On February 1, the Bowen Island Conservancy’s Caring for Nature initiative brought together 28 experts scientists, naturalists, and conservationists who share a deep love for Bowen’s landscapes and wildlife. Their goal? To help shape a biodiversity plan, based on science and local knowledge, that will guide future conservation efforts and land management decisions for Bowen Island.

The workshop was the result of months of data development by a team from Simon Fraser University’s Earth-toOcean Research Group, led by Bowen residents Dr. Wendy Palen and Dr. Tom Sisk. The team has been mapping Bowen’s biodiversity gathering key data on species, habitats, and ecological trends to identify priority places on Bowen that need our attention to ensure species and ecosystems continue to thrive.

“Science benefits from early input and technical review. We are lucky on Bowen to have so many resident biologists and skilled naturalists, each bringing their unique experience and perspective to the challenge of protecting Bowen’s natural heritage,” said Sisk.

During the workshop, experts shared insights about species at risk, unique ecosystems, and the impact of human activity on Bowen’s environment. Through mapping demonstrations and breakout dialogues, the group dis-

cussed biodiversity hotspots key areas rich in wildlife that could benefit from restoration or extra protection.

A major focus of the effort is to leverage biodiversity data to support smart land-use decisions. By mapping out critical habitats, wildlife corridors, and vulnerable species, the team is creating a framework that balances conservation with community needs.

“Protecting biodiversity depends on public support and long-term engagement, as well as sound data and analysis,” said Bob Turner, a Conservancy board member and Caring for Nature coordinator. “What we saw today lays the foundation for a first-class biodiversity plan for Bowen.”

Protecting nature isn’t just about science or policy it’s about people. The choices we make today will shape the future of Bowen’s ecosystems for generations Whether you’re a lifelong resident, new to Bowen, or simply someone who loves the island’s natural beauty, your voice matters

We invite you to share your knowledge, get involved, and help shape the future of Bowen’s biodiversity. Together, we can ensure that Bowen Island’s natural heritage thrives for years to come.

Stay tuned for more updates and resources from the Caring for Nature initiative in the months ahead!

The Bowen Island Conservancy is a land trust and registered charity that works to protect and preserve the natural environment of the island from endangered coastal bluffs, to inland lakes, to wetlands and fens. For more information on the Bowen Island Conservancy’s Caring for Nature initiative, visit https://bowenislandconservancy. org/biodiversity/

The Bowen Island Conservancy hosted a workshop focused on the island’s biodiversity at Collins Hall earlier this month. / Len Gilday photo

Pastimes in Past Times

The BowenIslandSchool choir,led by Muriel Nielson, performsatthe CBC Studio in Vancouver in 1950 (above). Thefirsteverissue of theBowen Times from 1988 (below, left) and the ‘Bowen Belles’strike apose during September’s ‘Farewell to Summer’(below,right).

PlacesofWorship WelcomeYou


Sunday Worship 10:30am Rev.Lorraine Ashdown www.biuc.ca| 1122 MillerRoad 778-688-2061


CATESHILL CHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST.GERARD’SROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH

Sunday Massat9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515

BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Worship10:00

SHIRATHAYAM (Songofthe Sea)


Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays

Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com•www.shirathayam.ca

Competitors take partinthe boatraceportion of the Pebbly PitPentathlon, ahotly contestedevent of the 1970 Bowfest (above).Ifyourbusinesses sponsored thelocal SalmonDerby in 1976, your name and phone number wentonthe big boardduring the tournament(below).

DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -exceptWednesdays. 10:15am 11:25am 12:35pm 2:20 pm 3:30 pm 4:35 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 8:00 pm -exceptSaturdays 9:00 pm 10:00pm QUEEN OF

DEPART BOWENISLAND 5:20 am -exceptSundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:40 am 10:50am 12:00pm 1:10 pm 2:55 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:25 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:30 pm 9:30 pm 10:30pm

BCBatsShowNoSign of Infection from White-noseSyndrome


TheBCCommunityBat Programs,incollaborationwith the Province of BC,are asking thepublic forhelp inthe effort to detectand preventthe spread of white-nosesyndrome (WNS) in bats.Residents areurged to report anybat activity observedinwinterand anysickordeadbatsfound before May 31.

Therehavenot been anybatswith WNSfound to date inBC, butPseudogymnoascusdestructans (Pd), the fungusthat causes the disease,was confirmedin 2022 in the BoundaryRegion. Recently, the B.C. Ministry of Water, Land andResourceStewardship released results from 413 samples taken last winter and spring,and they all came back as negative.

“This wassurprising, butgreat news,asbatswith WNS have been confirmed in Albertaand in northern Washington State,justsouth of the border,”saysDanielleDagenais,coordinator for the MetroVancouver-Sea-to-SkyRegionfor the BC CommunityBat Programs

FirstdetectedinNew York Statein2006, the diseasecontinues to spread, with detectionsinnorthwestern and central Washington and in south-central Alberta. Thefungus does not causedisease in humans andpets,but WNShas devastated NorthAmerican batpopulations. Thefungus attacks bats while theyare hibernating, growing on their faces to giveanappearance of awhitenose. Batsoften wake

to cleanthe fungus from their skin.This uses valuable energy,and eventuallythe bats die from starvation.

“AcrossNorth America,millionsofbatshavebeenkilled, and sevenofour 15 BC species could be severely affected by the disease,”saysDagenais.The Little BrownMyotis and the Northern Myotis arebothlistedasEndangeredinCanada due to WNS. Though thereisnot yetaprovencurefor WNS, severalpromisingtreatment options arebeingdeveloped, and it maybepossibletomitigatethe effects of this wildlife health crisis.

If youfinda dead batorhavesightings of winter batactivity, pleasereporttothe BC CommunityBat Programs online at www.bcbats.ca,via email at vancouver@bcbats.caorby calling1-855-922-2287 ext. 11. All livebatsshould be left alone —keepyourdistance,snapaphoto, and report it to the BC CommunityBat Programs.Ifyou must move abat, visit www.bcbats.ca for advice andnever touchabat with yourbarehands

Please note that if you or your pethas been in directcontact with the batyou will need further informationregarding theriskofrabiestoyou and your pet. Contact the BC CommunityBat Programs formoreinformation.“Themore batreports from the public that we receive,the better we canunderstand howWNS mightspreadand affect localbat populations,” says Dagenais.

“The bats of BC arekey predatorsofmanynight-flying insects.Theyare essentialparts of BC’s ecosystems and provide ahugeeconomic benefit by helpingcontrol agricultural, forest,and urbanpests,” says Dagenais.Inpartnershipwith


White-nose syndrome is causedbyafungusthat covers the skin and wings of bats whiletheyare hibernating.Reporting any wintersightings or dead bats helpsresearchers monitor and learn about bats./Jordi Segers photo

the BC MinistryofWater,Land and Resource Stewardship, the BC Community Bat Programs provideinformationand promotelocal stewardship and citizen science

TheBCCommunityBat Programs MetroVancouver-Seato-Sky Region extends itsgratitude to partnersinvolvedin batconservationand ourthree Bat-friendlyCommunities, Richmond, Delta,and Port Moody. Theprograms aresupported by fundingfromthe Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, Forest Enhancement Society of BC,the Habitat Stewardship Program, the Province of BC.

Youcan find outmoreabout the BC Community Bat Programs and options forhelping localbat populations at www.bcbats.ca,vancouver@bcbats.ca,or1-855-922-2287, ext. 11

Meet Ziggy- he turned 11 last month. Since starting Librela treatment for

To renew or subscribe please call our subscription line at 604-947-2426

or emailusat subscribe@bowenislandundercurrent.com

We,atBowen Veterinary Services arehappy to contribute to your fury family members’playful times at the beach, their wellness, and good health.


Friday, February 21

Songwriters Circle

Come share your original songs with other songwriters! This is a welcoming space for all ages and experiences of songwriters to share what you’ve been working on, and support other songwriters. Keyboard, mic, & acoustic guitar available to use, vocalists also welcome At the Bowen Island Library Annex from 6 to 8 pm. Register to attend by shooting us a quick email at songsnstuff444@gmail.com

Friday, February 21

The Tempest Opening Night

Bard on the Rock presents Shakespeare’s comedy the Tempest, directed by Graham Ritchie Shows are Feb. 21, 22, 28, & March 1, all 7:15 pm at Cates Hill Chapel. Tickets are $25 and available at Cates Pharmasave.

Saturday, February 22

Author Talk at the Library

Join author and Bowen Island local Vince Beiser as he speaks on his 2024 book, Power Metal: The Race for the Resources that Will Shape the Future. Free event starting at 1 pm, drop in. Read more on Page 11. bipl ca/author

Saturday, February 22

Dance Party at the Legion

DJs Big Rube and MAD Mike Matters spinning everything under the sun: Hip Hop, RnB, EDM, Funk, Reggae, Dancehall with plenty of 90s and 2000s throwbacks! Tickets $15 at the Legion with partial proceeds to support the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre. 19+ event.

Sunday, February 23

Youth Baking Workshop

Join talented baker Lise Goumeniouk for a fun and inter-

active workshop where you’ll learn how to make delicious baked donuts from scratch! At the Bowen Island Community School kitchen from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Ages 12-17, $15.

Tuesday, February 25

Service Canada Presentation at the Library

Presentation overviewing what they can help you with, with a focus on the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and also covering the new Canadian Dental Care Plan, Employment Insurance, and more. Starts at 10:30 am After the talk until 2 pm, get one-on-one drop-in help with the Service Canada agent, as well as a Canada Revenue agent. More info at bipl.ca/get-help

Tuesday, February 25 & Wednesday, February 26

SKY Hangouts

Drop in at the Seniors Cottage on Cardena Drive. We will be offering a welcoming place to stop in for a drink & visit with friends Both hangouts 1 to 3 pm

Wednesday, February 26

Queers & Beers at the Legion

Bowen Island Pride Society welcomes everyone for a night of games and fun. 6 to 9 pm, more info on Page 6.

Thursday, February 27

Movie Night at the Library

Come watch Radioactive (2019), a dramatic biopic about Marie Curie, in honour of International Day for Women and Girls in Science this month. Runs 1 hour, 49 minutes. Rated PG-13. Drop in, no registration required Starts 6 pm Come a little early and grab a comfy chair From director Marjane Satrapi (PERSEPOLIS) and starring Rosamund Pike as Marie Curie, chronicling her groundbreaking scientific discoveries alongside her husband Pierre. bipl.ca/movies.

Saturday, March 1

Men’s Shed Meetup

Bowen Island Men’s Shed will be gathering at Collins Hall from 11 am to Noon. There will be some displays available as conversation starters Complimentary coffee/tea Men of all ages (or who identify as male) are welcome.

Thursday, March 6

Scottish Country Dancing at Tir-na-nOg

Come try out Scotland’s social dancing. Beginners welcome, runs 7 to 9 pm Contact alison.imbriaco@gmail.com

Saturday, March 8

Intro to Emergency Support Services

This free course is ideal for anyone wanting to know about ESS, and for those who may be interested in helping evacuees in the case of a disaster. At the Main Fire Hall at 1045 Miller Road from 1 to 4 pm. Register by writing to ESSresponder1@bimbc.ca or phone 604-803-3130.


Storytime at the Library

A free, drop-in program of stories and songs for 2-4 yearolds and their caregivers! 10:30 to 11 am. bipl.ca/storytime


Babytime at the Library

A free, 30-minute drop-in program of songs, books, and rhymes for babies 0-24 months and their caregivers! Starts at 11:30 am. Join us afterwards, at 12 pm, for a casual baby & caregiver social hour in the Annex bipl.ca/babytime

Thursday Art Group

Join the Thursday Art Group (TAG) at Collins Hall to see what’s new. Meetings from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. For further information please contact shannonrondeau@shaw.ca

Cove Bay WaterSystemWater Quality Advisory


VancouverCoastalHealthisremindingusersoftheongoingWaterQuality Advisory(WQA).


Drinkingwatersystemswithasurfacewatersourcesuchasalakeorriver, includingtheCoveBayWaterSystem,areatriskofcontainingpathogens thatcancauseillnessifuntreated.Thevastmajorityofthesepathogens,like bacteriaandviruses,canbeadequatelyaddressedusingchlorinedisinfection. Somepathogens,suchasprotozoanparasites,maybepresentinsurface waterandarenoteasilydisinfectedbychlorine.Forthisreason,anadditional treatmentstepisrequiredforsurfacewatersuppliesinBritishColumbia.Until thenewwatertreatmentplanthasbeenfullycommissioned,thisWQAwill continue.


AWaterQualityAdvisorymeanstheriskislow;however,certainwaterusers areadvisedtotakeextraprecautionswheningestingthewater



cancersandtransplantprocesses),theincreasedhealthrisksassociatedwith protozoaparasitescanhaveseriousimplications.Thisisnotageneral boil-wateradvisoryforthegeneralpublic.


Extraprecautionsforpeopleathigherriskmayincludeboilingwaterforatleast oneminutepriortouseorobtainingfullytreatedwaterfromanothersource

Moreinformationisavailablehere:https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbcfiles/preventing-water-borne-infections-people-weakened-immune-systems orscantheQRcodebelow.

Questions?ContactPublicWorksbyemailingpublicworks@bimbc.caor calling604-947-4255ext.4.

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