Bowes-Lyon Partnership - What to consider when looking for a potential partner

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Bowes-Lyon Partnership Dating Hints & Tips What to consider when looking for a potential partner - August 2010

What to consider when looking for your ideal partner is something that is individual to everyone. There really are no rights and wrongs, but if you have been single and searching for over a year, at Bowes-Lyon Partnership we always recommend revisiting what you take into consideration when meeting new potential matches. The last thing anybody wants is to pass opportunities by for the sake of a list of rigid criteria. 1. Age Men in particular often (not always!) feel they should date ladies younger than them. This could be due to them wanting to have children but it is often the case that they have a preconceived view that ladies who are much younger than them will be more youthful in spirit as well as looks. This may be generally true, but if you are one of these men, remember not to automatically discount ladies who are the same age as you or even older, it doesn’t automatically mean they won’t have a youthful sprit or looks – make opinions about each person as you meet them, rather than before. 2. Hobbies If a potential partner doesn’t share the same hobbies as you, try not to automatically discount him or her on this basis. One of the most exciting things about relationships is sharing new experiences with someone else. Be open to trying new things and going to new places. A relationship with someone who will enable you to experience different things can only serve to broaden your horizons. 3. Shyness Many people who are normally outgoing individuals can come across as rather shy on the first few dates. Try not to judge these individuals too soon as it will often be the case that they will come out of their shell given a little time and you may be surprised that by your third date, he or she has a subtle wit that has you in stitches for hours! 4. Desire to have children Finding out if someone wants to have children is not recommended on a first date or first encounter, it can be very easy to scare people away or give the wrong impression if you enquire too soon. Try not to assume someone doesn’t want to have children due to their lifestyle or perhaps the fact they simply don’t mention them. Many people are open to having children if they meet the right partner. Try to get to know someone first before allowing such thoughts to pop into your head. 5. Appearance Being physically attractive to your partner is obviously a key element with almost everyone. But remember not to hold this quality above all others as it will be the other qualities that will see you through the highs and lows of any relationship rather than a person’s looks. So whilst looks are important to enable you to feel attracted to someone, be mindful they do not dwarf all the other attributes a potential partner may have. Hayley & Natalie Bystram are the founders and directors of Bowes-Lyon Partnership Ltd., a Londonbased, exclusive, international introductions company specialising in bringing together successful, likeminded individuals. For more information, please see their website or call 020 7152 6011.

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