4 minute read
Volleyball is a lucrative and popular attraction
By Mike Fernandez
Historically bowling has provided the main source of organized recreation for Americans. Now, other sports and activities are hopping on the organized recreation bandwagon.
Cornhole and bowling were the sports played by most Americans last year. Pickleball is the fastestgrowing sport in the nation. Promotions for kickball and volleyball leagues are posted all over my city and others around our great country. My social media feed is constantly buzzing with recommendations for organized recreation.*
Let’s get specific and dive into offering a new league at your center: sand volleyball!
Volleyball became an official Olympic sport in 1996 and has only gained traction. After hearing about many proprietors’ success with adding this sport to their recreation mix, we reached out to operators who have pushed the profits of their centers by offering this sandy stream of revenue.
Servin’ Up the Sun
What’s in it for guests? Ask the 46 million Americans who play volleyball or the 800 million worldwide who play it at least once a week. Sand volleyball provides
“To put it in a nutshell, beach volleyball is the best thing that ever happened to bowling. It utilizes our expertise in leagues and peaks in our slowest season. Most importantly, it allowed us to go from using a summer line of credit to cash flowing year-round.” the most affordable cost of entry since the ol’ game of Kick the Can. When you factor in the changing seasons, offering the sport at your center is a great way to attract guests who want to be outside catching a few rays while still competing in a fun league and spending money with you.
Colleen O’Brien of Bowl-A-Vard in Madison, WI, has been hosting volleyball leagues at her center for over 28 years. “Volleyball is an excellent option once the bowling season is done. It gets you and your guests out of the building and into
“I’ve been running volleyball leagues for a very long time. We enjoy when mid-January sign-ups come and we see what the nice weather. Just like the bowling community, there is a volleyball community. They are just as wonderful with a different passion,” exclaims O’Brien.

Tim Voss, the owner of Sequoia Pro Bowl in Columbus, OH, brings a taste of sunny Florida beaches to the Midwest with the Volley Park addition to his center. Sequoia’s sand volleyball setup features Izzee’s Barefoot Bar (where it’s always 5 o’clock!), five courts, a cornhole area, and space for the annual VolleyBeer Olympics. “We got into it 18 years ago. Sand volleyball took my business from ok to great! What it does for our summers is hard to explain; we’re as busy in the summer as we are in the winter,” says Voss. “My wife and I love visiting Naples, FL; we always try to return with something that adds to that beach vibe.”
*Source: https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/cornhole-andbowling-are-sports-most-americans-played-last-year

An Awesome Experience for Operators
When we asked O’Brien if Bowl-A-Vard offers special packages or offerings to entice all these new players, she said there’s no need. “Volleyball is such a huge event during the summers here in Madison. We have a waitlist on certain nights due to the high demand.” She tells us it has improved other sectors of her business as well. “We have a great patio and bar for our volleyball area. It draws spectators looking to relax in the sun with cocktails, bringing more traffic to our bowling and bar areas. Many teams like to come inside for some food before heading home.” those got used. It’s just a different crowd. Sometimes [my volleyball guests] ask me, ‘Hey, what’s that big wall next to the court?’ And I say, ‘That’s my bowling alley that’s been here for 60 years!’”

“Sand volleyball is a great attraction to bring in summer business. From a risk perspective, you want to ensure the court is under video surveillance, the sand is inspected daily, and glass containers are prohibited on the court.”

Both O’Brien and Voss went into detail about labor, agreeing that it hasn’t been a concern, although there are a few days of setting up at the start of the season. You’ll need a bartender if there’s an outside bar and someone to maintain the area. They’ve done all inhouse marketing through flyers, websites, and Facebook. Many players run their own tournaments and know just who to invite.
Conclusions from the Court
Voss had a similar uptick in food and beverage sales, explaining, “It boosted our food and beverage sales. We had to change up the menu; the demographic playing sand volleyball wanted healthier options after a game,” said Voss. Voss didn’t see the same business spillover to his bowling lanes. “I offered coupons for free bowling when we were starting,” said Voss. “Maybe a couple of
These operators told us that getting started was a lot of work, but it’s become a considerable part of their business and an invaluable experience they provide guests. Taking advantage of usable space near a deck or parking area is challenging and isn’t possible at every center; it takes work and patience to renovate a property. A bit of research reveals the average price to install a sand volleyball court is $35,000. Otherwise, you might end up with a very expensive sandbox.
The ball is in your court!•
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