ABOUT THE KITTYHAWKS During a break at an open tournament at Okahu Bay in 1977 a germ of an idea from Bos Kostinich and Bob McDonald took life. From a table in the clubhouse doorway they compiled a short list of willing prospects on show and so started what was to become the Kittyhawk Bowling Club! Soon after this on 20th December 1977 this initial group of 25 met and threw ideas around. The principle thoughts were to develop a loosely structured club along the lines of the Eagles Golfing Society. The main objective was to draw together bowlers who had already contributed time and effort to their own clubs, and could now enjoy the company of a wider group. From this a steering committee of Bos Kostinich, Marshall Smith, Cliff Shanks, Colin Brown and Bob McDonald was formed and known as the ‘Crusaders’ to put together some ideas. A meeting called for the 8th March 1978 was attended by 50 bowlers. After much discussion and good humour, with many ideas shared, the ‘Kittyhawk Bowling Club’ was born. The first Annual Meeting was held in June 1978. Bos Kostinich was elected Founder President and Cliff Shanks presented a draft set of regulations. Colin Brown’s ideas were considered best! So started the now familiar soft gold colour Blazers. Original ties and badges and monograms, which were soon replaced by the present discreet design. The Auckland Kittyhawk also includes Counties and North Harbour, and in recent years have spread to Northland, Taranaki, Tauranga and Dunedin. Both Kittyhawk and Bowls New Zealand’s wish to see Kittyhawk have a more national flavour. The membership of the Kittyhawks is kept at around 120 people and the administration has done their utmost to have a membership who; a. Have a profile in the sport OR b. Are well known people in the bowling community OR c. Have a commitment to fund raising events They also endeavour to have a membership who are able to take an active role, rather than members who just want to be members or who are unable to take an active role. Over the years the Kittyhawks have raised many thousands of dollars for the Halberg Trust and this involvement is acknowledged each year at the Halberg NZ Sports Award function.
Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles
CONTENTS About the Kittyhawks
Messages of Welcome
For Your Information
National Event Regulation 10
Conditions of Play
Past Winners
WELCOME Kia Ora On behalf of Bowls New Zealand a very warm welcome to Auckland for the 2015 Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles. Congratulations on being here. Whether you win or lose we hope we you enjoy this experience. This tournament, being held for the 24th time, holds an important place in our ‘Pathways’ programme. Youth bowlers are certainly coming to the fore in our National events and most learned their trade at tournaments like this. I am confident that with the calibre of the field this year, we will continue to see players from this age group go on to succeed at higher levels both nationally and for the Blackjacks. Pakuranga Bowling Club is once again hosting this event and we thank them for their continued support. Like all major tournaments this would not be possible without the support of many people. To those volunteers, we thank you sincerely for the amazing job we know you will do for the bowlers over the next few days. Please enjoy not only the competition but also the social side of bowls. I look forward to meeting you all and helping ensure that the memories of this event are ones to remember. Good luck! Ann Muir President, Bowls New Zealand
Bowls New Zealand Incorporated
WELCOME On behalf of Auckland Bowls I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all the players, supporters and officials to the 2015 Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles Championships. This is a tournament of great prestige in the bowls calendar and has launched the bowling career of many top players. It is great to see the women’s field increase in size this year, giving opportunity for more young women to compete. Special thanks to the Kittyhawk Bowling Club members and to the Pakuranga Bowling Club members for once again hosting this event. The many hours put in by the various volunteers to organise and run this event is very much appreciated. I would also like to thank the Blue Waters Community Trust for their financial support of this event. Good bowling and enjoy the experience. Peter McKechnie President, Auckland Bowls
On behalf of Kittyhawk Bowling Club a very warm welcome to all concerned with the 2015 Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles tournament. Again the entries are of a very high standard which augurs well for a great weekend of bowls. I offer my congratulations to those who have qualified and wish you every success in this weekend’s tournament. I sincerely hope it is just the beginning of your involvement with the top tier of bowls events nationally and for some of you even internationally. There is no better example of this than last year’s winner Ashleigh Jeffcoat who this year has already gone on to being a member of the Development Trans Tasman team. In addition to this, friendships are formed and renewed every year on the bowling greens around the country and because bowls is a game for life these friendships can, and do, literally last a lifetime. Enjoy the tournament, play well and good luck. Don Wilson President, Kittyhawk Bowling Club
Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles
PROGRAMME FRIDAY 3 APRIL 2015 8.00am 8.30am 10.15am approx. 10.30am 12.15pm 12.45pm 2.30pm 2.45pm
Welcome Round One commences Morning Break Round Two commences Lunch Round Three commences Afternoon Break Round Four commences
SATURDAY 4 APRIL 2015 8.00am 10.15am approx. 10.30am 12.15pm 12.45pm 2.30pm 3.00pm
Round Five commences Morning Break Round Six commences Lunch Round Seven commences Afternoon Break Post Section Round 1 for Men and Women
SUNDAY 5 APRIL 2015 8.00am 10.15am approx. 10.30am 12.15pm approx. 12.45pm 3.30pm
Post Section Men and Women Morning Break Play continues Lunch Play continues to Final Prize giving
SURVEY To have your say and continue to improve this event moving forward visit the Bowls New Zealand website (www.bowlsnz.co.nz) to fill in the Kittyhawk Under 21 Singles survey. This will be available from 3 April to 10 April.
Bowls New Zealand Incorporated
FOR YOUR INFORMATION CLUB DIRECTORY Pakuranga Bowling Club Sir Lloyd Drive, Lloyd Elsmore Park Pakuranga Phone: 09 535 4618
CATERING Lunch will be available at the host club for purchase each day. Please ensure that you place your order prior to the commencement of play each day. The cost of lunch will be $10 and will consist of two filled rolls, a piece of cake or slice and a piece of fruit.
MEDICAL CONTACTS East Care Medical Centre 260 Botany Rd, Howick Phone: 09 277 1540
TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS Tournament Director Helen Stallard, Bowls New Zealand Phone: 021 966 024 Please contact the Tournament Director upon arrival in Auckland. Technical Officials Chief Technical Official: Les Smith 3 April - Les Smith, Bill Day, Rae Hammond and Jeanette Sinclair 4 April - Les Smith, Bill Day, Joy Baughan and Jeanette Sinclair 5 April - Les Smith and Joy Baughan Jury of Appeal Kerry Clark, Ann Muir and Graeme Bennett
NATIONAL EVENTS REGULATION 10 The requirement of this regulation applies to all national events. This is available on the Bowls NZ website (www.bowlsnz.co.nz).
Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles
These Conditions of Play are supplementary to Bowls New Zealand Regulation 10 - National Events.
These Conditions of Play are also made in accordance with Law 17.2 of the Laws of the Sport, which permits Bowls New Zealand as a Controlling Body to establish conditions of play to cover certain aspects of the sport. These Conditions of Play set out the conditions of play that apply to the Kittyhawk National Under 21 Men’s and Women’s Singles Event and apply to all players, Clubs and Centre’s participating in this Event.
These Conditions of Play do not apply to International Competition which must be played strictly in accordance with the Laws of the Sport.
These Conditions of Play have been developed and issued by the Bowls New Zealand Chief Executive in accordance with Regulation 10 – National Events.
The words and phrases used in these Conditions of Play shall have the same meaning as defined in Regulation 10 - National Events and the Constitution of Bowls New Zealand, unless otherwise specified in these Conditions of Play. For avoidance of doubt, the conventions used in the Laws of the Sport shall not apply to these Conditions of Play unless expressly stated.
The name of the Event is: Kittyhawk National Under 21 Men’s and Women’s Singles Championship
All Clubs and Centres must refer to the Event by this name, or any other name notified by Bowls NZ in the event of a change of name and/or sponsor for the Event
DATES: Friday 3rd April – Sunday 5th April 2015 (Reserve Day Monday 6th April)
VENUE: Pakuranga Bowling Club, Pakuranga, Auckland
The Controlling Body is Bowls New Zealand
The Kittyhawk Tournament is owned jointly by the Kittyhawk Bowling Club, Auckland Bowls and Bowls New Zealand on the terms set out in a tripartite arrangement between the parties, and is promoted in the name of the three owners. Each organization has designated areas of responsibility in the financial and sponsorship arrangements for the event as follows: a)
Kittyhawk Bowling Club: Transport, Event Committee Representation, Funding Support.
Auckland Bowls: Markers, Technical Officials, Venue.
Bowls New Zealand: Conditions of Play - Centre and Region, Event Regulations, Application Forms, Media, Secretarial, Tournament Director, Programme, Budget
Bowls New Zealand Incorporated
DEFINITIONS Auckland Bowls means Auckland Bowls Incorporated. Bowls New Zealand means Bowls New Zealand Incorporated. Bowls New Zealand Tournament Director means the person appointed by Bowls New Zealand for the National Finals on such terms and conditions as Bowls New Zealand determines. Event means the Kittyhawk National Under 21 Men’s and Women’s Singles and includes the Centre Qualifying Competitions, Regional Playoffs and National Finals. Laws of the Sport means the World Bowls Laws of the Sport of Bowls (Crystal Mark Third Edition) and includes the domestic regulations of Bowls New Zealand. Kittyhawk means Kittyhawk Bowling Club Incorporated. Season is the period of competition for the game of bowls which for the purposes of these Conditions of Play shall commence on 1st July and end on 30th June the following year.
All entrants shall be playing members of any Club or Clubs affiliated to Bowls New Zealand or any other authority in membership with World Bowls. Bowls New Zealand may require such members to satisfy it as to such qualification.
All players will be aged under 21 years on Good Friday of the year in which the Event is run.
The 4 semi-finalists in the men’s Event and the 4 semi-finalists in the women’s Event held the previous year will be accorded direct entry into the current Season’s Event provided they still meet the eligibility criteria set out in clause 5 above
Should any Direct Entry Player be ineligible for the current Event the Controlling Body will institute a “Wild Card” and issue an invitation to any player/s they consider of sufficient quality.
Direct Entry Players will be written to by Bowls New Zealand, and expected to confirm or otherwise their availability for the current Event by 15th December.
Upon confirmation or otherwise of the Direct Entry Players, the Bowls NZ High Performance Team will issue any “Wild Card” invitation and notify all Centres of same. The “Wild Card” invitee/s will also be expected to confirm or otherwise their availability to take part.
Scoring will be as follows: (a)
21 Shots up or 1¾ hour Time Limit whichever comes first.
Three points for a win. One point for a draw.
In the case of the score being tied at the end of the time limit, no extra ends will be played.
If game points are equal then the player with the highest net total of shots shall be the winner. (Net total of shots means the total shots scored minus the total shots scored against)
Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles
If the match points and the net total of shots are equal the player with the “lowest shots against� shall be the winner.
Should the end in progress become dead after the bell has been rung that end shall be replayed in accordance with Law 20.2 of the Laws of the Sport.
Pursuant to Law 5.1.2 of the Laws of the Sport, trial ends will be allowed before competition commences each day. Should players be required to change greens during the day then an extra set of trial ends will be allowed.
Restricting movement of players during play will be as follows: (a)
Players will only be allowed to visit the head after delivery of their third and fourth bowls.
In exceptional and limited circumstances, a Singles player can ask the marker for permission to walk up to the head earlier.
If a player does not meet the terms of this law, Law 13 will apply.
Alterations to the Format & Length of Games (a)
The Controlling Body reserves the right to alter the format, times of play and greens to suit local unforeseen circumstances, giving as much notice as practical
Where a programme is interrupted or cannot be completed due to inclement weather or local conditions, the Controlling Body may amend the format and length of games to achieve a result
Shoes or sandals may be worn by players when playing on a bowling green. All shoes must be flat soled and heel-less. Soles may be of a non-slip material with a slightly abrasive surface.
Any Player with a physical disability may use an appropriate support, wheelchair or bowling aid, provided that the same is so made that its use causes no damage to the green.
For any Tournament other than a Club Tournament, players in Singles and members of Teams or Sides must wear garments of the same colour/design as determined by the Tournament Controlling Body. This means all members of a Team or Side wearing the same trouser/shorts as well as shirts/tops. Any garment may have logos displayed, but the Controlling Body may impose conditions relating to sponsors logos to ensure there is no conflict with a Tournament Sponsor.
Failure to comply with clause 8.3 will result in the offending Player being defaulted for each round until they comply with clause 8.3
Subject to any further restrictions in specific Conditions of Play, the following smoking and alcohol policies apply: (a)
There shall be no smoking anywhere in a Club house or on the greens at a
Bowls New Zealand Incorporated
National Event. (b)
No players will be permitted to purchase or drink alcohol for the duration of the event.
The Tournament Director shall appoint the Chief Technical Official/Umpire. All Technical Official/Umpires must be Level 2 or above.
The Chief Technical Official/Umpire will be responsible for the appointment of Markers.
A Jury of Appeal shall be appointed by the Bowls NZ CEO on the recommendation of the Bowls NZ Tournament Director for the purpose of deciding upon any points not provided in the conditions of play and/or for dealing with any referrals or appeals from decisions made by Technical Officials (Law 43.2.6 of the Laws of the Sport and Rule 14.4 of Regulation 10).
The top four boys and top four girls from each section will play in the Championship events, and the remaining 16 boys and 16 girls will play in the plate event.
The championship winners, men’s and women’s, will receive a set of bowls and a bowls bag from Bowls Planet, plus Bowls NZ certificates. The winners will also each receive a trophy provided by the Kittyhawk Bowling Club to be held for one year, plus a miniature. The runner-up in the main event, boys and girls, will receive a Bowls NZ Certificate Third equal place getters in the main event will receive Bowls NZ Certificates All placegetters in the plate event, including third equal, will receive Bowls NZ certificates
Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles
Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
Player Sheldon Bagrie-Howley Ashleigh Jeffcoat
Centre Southland Waikato
Club Gore Raglan
Liam Eathorne Selina Goddard Monte Pawa Holly McIlroy Sheldon Bagrie-Howley Mandy Boyd Scott Evans Mandy Boyd Sam Morton Kirsten Griffin Hamish Wilson Amy Brenton Mark Shine Misty Arnold Stephen Wood Keitha Heta Matthew Gallop Shannon McIlroy Jason Lindsay Raika Gregory Raika Gregory Jamie Hil Jamie Hill Richard Collett Ben Thurston Delane Berryman Justin Goodwin T Clark S Hall Gavin Brown
Canterbury Auckland Far North Auckland Southland Wellington Auckland Hawkes Bay South Canterbury Wellington Nelson Nelson Auckland Nelson Wellington Counties Manukau Marlborough Gisborne East Coast Auckland Kapiti Coast Kapiti Coast Auckland Auckland Counties Manukau Bay of Plenty Waikato Auckland Auckland Canterbury Waikato
Riccarton Racecourse Carlton Cornwall Kaitaia RSA Onehunga Gore Johnsonville Onehunga Taradale Pleasant Point Victoria United Stoke Onehunga Stoke Victoria Homai Blenheim Kaiti Rawhiti Central Levin Central Levin Okahu Bay Okahu Bay Papakura Tauranga Frankton Railway Hillsboro Papatoetoe South Brighton Waitoa
Bowls New Zealand Incorporated
Kittyhawk National Under 21 Singles