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Reports President
I have pleasure in presenting my report for the 2020/2021 season.
Although COVID-19 was ever present we were able to complete a full season of bowls in the West.
There are a lot of people I want to thank for their services over the last twelve months.
Larry Bandy
BOARD, STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Brian Lucas (Sorrento) and Glenda Cooper (North Beach) joined the Board at the last AGM. Brian has brought a wealth of experience to the Board relating to governance and is Chairman of our new Governance Review Committee. Glenda is on our Finance Committee and has been involved with bowls for over 50 years through her family via father Mal Dempsey and brother Ross Dempsey. I express my sincere thanks for the hard work all our Board members have put in during the year. Ken Pride and his staff have completed another successful year in trying times. Aaron Delaporte, our Operations Manager has made a significant contribution to Bowlslink during the year. Pieter Harris created the new Bowls Blitz to develop our State squads training and development. He also coached our BPL Perth Suns team amidst COVID-19 mayhem, our team missing the finals by one bowl at Pine Rivers. Denise McMillan has done a wonderful job with our disability and arm bowlers. Our staff are highly respected by Bowls Australia I can assure you. Likewise our two Regional Bowls Managers Clive Adams (North/East) and Steven Unsworth (South) employed through Bowls Australia are a tremendous asset to our sport. I have seen first hand the help they provide and I encourage clubs to utilise their services as they will only make your club a better place. Our Association has numerous volunteers involved with Coaching at all levels, Umpires, Greens and other Sub-Committee members. It is their love of our wonderful game that drives them to contribute innumerable hours and tons of energy and enthusiasm in their roles. For this we are all truly grateful and thank you one and all.
DEVELOPMENT & PARTICIPATION Our Club Development Committee with Vince Del Prete and his Committee have been very active during the year. They have produced a number of short videos demonstrating the enjoyment of bowls and utilising a variety of characters in the WA bowls fraternity. I ask that you peruse the videos and where possible send them viral to friends and family. Brad Hogg continues as our BWA Ambassador and does a fantastic job promoting our great game at all times. I’m also pleased to advise Bowls Australia will be increasing its marketing and advertising of bowls throughout Australia via various media outlets in the coming 12 months. The Board endorsed the creation of the Innovations Committee with Marc Abonnel as Chairman and I’m sure this Committee will provide valuable advice for the future of bowls. Although our membership numbers have again fallen there has been a huge increase in the number of social and corporate bowlers. Some Clubs have recently rejuvenated themselves - for example Mt Lawley, Joondalup, Sorrento and Bayswater. We call them Golden Nuggets - please refer to our website for further details. I recommend current Club Boards develop a sound Strategic Plan to ensure their future viability. Obviously some clubs are better located than others but in essence going forward every club has to increase its involvement in community affairs.To rely on pennant bowlers only is not a sound strategy. SPONSORSHIP & GRANTS Our Association is extremely mindful of sponsorship income. We are very grateful to all our sponsors - BCIB, Dyenamic Sublimation, Henselite, Seniors Recreation Council,Liquor Traders Association and Blooms the Chemist - for
their generosity and ask for all our members to support them where possible. Virtually all of our State events are sponsored. Your Board is also very cognizant of funding from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and an integral part of our Strategic Planning is to achieve desired outcomes to maximise our Government Grants.
Bowls Australia were very generous last year granting all States a 20% rebate on national affiliation fees as shown in the Financial Report.. I advise WA has one of the highest percentages of income from Grants, Sponsorship and other sources which in turn means we are less reliant on affiliation fees compared to other States and Territories.
FINANCIAL VIABILITY The Association is in a very sound financial position going forward. We have derived a healthy income this year due in part to always watching our bottom line and some year end Government funding for which the related expenses will be incurred next year. Our surplus was somewhat higher due to the fact we didn’t have any Sides Series expenses and we received further Government funds because of COVID19. In addition our conservative investment portfolio has performed very well over the last 12 months. CEO Ken Pride, Finance Director Lisa Featherby, together with her Finance Committee and Accounts Manager Liz Rolt have been very assiduous in their efforts during the year for which I thank them wholeheartedly. The Association has been in the same premises for 18 years and because of our sound financial position, the Board as part of its Strategic Planning, will look at options for the longer term to house our offices.
Also, it was extremely pleasing to me that all Clubs survived COVID-19 financially. Indeed it seems to have made a lot of Club Boards more aware of their financial affairs and that augurs well for the future.
HIGH PERFORMANCE I believe the combination of the creation of the new Coaching Structure, now under Kerry Andersen (Kerry said in last year’s report she would take a keen interest in our future direction!), the revamping of the High Performance Academy under Linda Warburton and the reinvigoration of the Junior Development Committee has seen an improvement in the standard of our top level and junior bowlers. The new Bowls Blitz has also been an exciting innovation and given many bowlers a chance to prove themselves eligible for higher honours.
This proved to be the case when Cody Packer recently won the Australian Open Pairs with his NSW teammate . Also, Kristina Kristic skippered the runner-up team in the women’s Australian Open Pairs and Fours. A sensational effort from both of them. There were a lot of other commendable performances and I extend my hearty congratulations to all who participated. Our last Australian Open winner was Therese Hastings (in 2016), who is now WA’s Pathway Coach for Bowls Australia to overview the progress of our State players to potential Australian representation. Within WA Joondalup won Metropolitan Club of the Year and Geoff Stevenson was named Coach of the Year. They had a staggering 51 new members during the year! Boulder won Country Club of the Year on the back of performances from Christine Ace-Watson. Kristina Kristic and Blake Nairn won our Bowler of the Year medals - both had outstanding years.It was great to see a Mt Lawley team win the Mens State Fours - their clubs first State title in over 60 years! There were numerous nominations for all the Club awards and that is very encouraging going forward. In summary Bowls in WA is in a healthy position. But let us not get complacent! A lot of sports are experiencing a depletion in the number of participants. I ask all Club Boards to review their Strategic Plans and progress the future strength and viability of their club. I also ask all bowlers to invite family, friends and work associates to enjoy the fellowship and comraderie we all enjoy at our club. This way we all participate in the future of our great game. May you all stay safe through our current COVID times.
Larry Bandy