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2020-21 Major Events

Country Inter League and Inter Zone Events

Women’s Inter League Round Robin Pairs Northern Nov 20-22 Geraldton Women’s Inter League Round Robin Pairs South West Nov 18-19 Augusta Women’s Inter League Round Robin Pairs Eastern Nov 21-22 York Women’s Inter League Round Robin Pairs Southern Nov 21-22 Espernace Men’s Inter League Round Robin Fours Eastern Jan 9-10 Merredin Men’s Inter League Round Robin Fours Northern Jan 9-10 to be advised Men’s Inter League Round Robin Fours Southern Jan 9-10 Gnowangerup Men’s Inter League Round Robin Fours South West Jan 9-10 Busselton Women’s Inter League Round Robin Fours South West Feb 3-4 Donnybrook Women’s Inter League Round Robin Fours Eastern Feb 6-7 Civic Merredin Women’s Inter League Round Robin Fours Northern March 12-14 Jurien Bay Women’s Inter League Round Robin Fours Southern March 12-14 Gnowangerup Men’s Inter Zone Round Robin Fours Feb 6-7 Busselton Women’s Inter Zone Round Robin Pairs Feb 13-14 Mandurah Women’s Inter Zone Round Robin Fours April 17-18 Civic Merredin

Masters Events

Sorrento Mixed Masters Fours September 27 & 28 Bassendean Men’s Master Triples November 22 & 29 Manning Men’s Master Singles Dec 13, 20-21 North Beach Women’s Master Pairs Jan 8-10 Doubleview Men’s Master Pairs Feb 7, 14-16 Mosman Park Women’s Master Singles Feb 19-21 Doubleview Men’s Master Fours March 14 & 21 Osborne Park Women’s Master Triples Women’s May 1-2 Stirling Mixed Masters Pairs May 14-16

Prestigious and Other Events

The Everest $100,000 Dudley Park Oct 8-11 Bowls WA Community Shield April 17 Internations Bowls Carnival May 1-2 Bowls WA Awards Night May 21


ARMADALE District Bowling Club

8 Millman Way Armadale WA 6112 Postal: PO Box 40 Armadale WA 6992 Ph: 9497 1381 Email: armadalebowlingclub@bigpond.com



10 Whitfield Street Bassendean WA 6054 Postal: PO Box 444 Bassendean WA 6934 Ph: 9279 1949 Email: admin@bassendeanbc.com.au Web: www.bassendeanbc.com.au Secretary: David Snelgar - 0413 183 932 President: Linton Pike - 0403 191 924 Men’s Bowls: Russell Ellis - 0400 023 846 Women’s Bowls: Brenda Killisch von Horn - 0400 119 003 Umpire’s Contact: Russell Ellis - AS ABOVE Club Coach: Simon Alden - 0414 485 521

BAYSWATER Bowling Club

58 Murray Street Bayswater WA 6053 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9271 4515 Email: admin@bbrcwa.com Web: www.bayswater.bowls.com.au

BEDFORD Bowling Club

145 Grand Promenade Bedford WA 6052 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9370 2454 Email: bedfbowl@bigpond.com Secretary: David Watson - 9370 2454 President: Neil Dwyer - 9370 2454 Men’s Bowls: Stanley Kelly - 9370 2454 Women’s Bowls: Lynda Mohr - 9370 2454

BELMONT City Bowling Club

400 Abernethy Road Cloverdale WA 6105 Postal: PO Box 158 Cloverdale WA 6985 Phone: Contact Secretary Email: belmontcitybowling@bigpond.com Web:: www.belmontcitybowling.com.au Secretary: Robert Tait - 0490 362 241 President: Marlene Robinson - 0437 000 638 Men’s Bowls: Paul Forde - 0415 049 596 Women’s Bowls: Valerie Sims - 9361 5231 Umpire’s Contact: Trevor Metcalf 0418 259 056 Club Coach: Marlene Robinson - AS ABOVE


RAAFA Estate 2 Bullcreek Drive Bullcreek WA 6149 Postal: AS ABOVE Phone: 9311 4465 Email: bullcreekafa@gmail.com Web: bullcreekafa.bowls.com.au Secretary: Kathleen Hancock - 9311 4465 President: Pat Love - 0418 929 688 Men’s Bowls: Pat Love - As Above Women’s Bowls: Kathleen Hancock - As Above Umpire’s Contact: Kathleen Hancock - As Above Club Coach Contact: Angus Watson - 9311 4465

BULLSBROOK Bowling Club Inc

Pickett Park Chittering Road Bullsbrook WA 6084 Postal: PO Box 105 Bullsbrook WA 6084 Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Susan De Jager - 0410 104 075 Email: susandejageroz@gmail.com President: Carel De Jager - 0437 411 477 Men’s Bowls: Mark Evans - 0411 447 234 Women’s Bowls: Susan De Jager - AS ABOVE Umpire’s Contact: Charmian Tonkovich - 0428 946 552 Club Coach Contact: Barry Bettens - 0417 995 393

BYFORD Bowling Club

88 Linton Street North, Byford WA 6122 Postal: PO Box 45 Byford WA 6122 Ph: 9525 1276 Email: byfordbowlingclub1@bigpond.com Secretary: Peter Vanderburgh - 0417 864 594 President: Alan Walters - 0407 971 223 Men’s Bowls: Les Harris - 0421 974 123 Women’s Bowls: Lauris Gibb - 0408 510 219 Umpires Contact: Peter Vanderburgh- As Above Club Coach: Kerryn Rakich - 0408 956 033


CAMBRIDGE Bowling & Recreation Club (Inc)

39 Chandler Ave West, Floreat WA 6014 Postal: PO Box 80 Floreat WA 6014 Ph: 9387 3018 Email: bowlssecretary@outlook.com Web: www.cambridgebowlingclub.com.au Secretary: Don Quin - 0427 874 651 President: Geoff Jones - 0417 927 820 Men’s Bowls: Steven Rushforth - 0439 868 630 Women’s Bowls: Maryann Hart - 0407 450 452 Umpire’s Contact: Stephen Buckley - 0435 624 479

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