34 minute read
Country Club Contacts
ALBANY Bowling Club
1 Barrett Street Albany WA 6330 Postal: PO Box 140 Albany DC WA 6331 Ph: 9841 1837 Email: albanybowlingclub@bigpond.com Web: www.albanybowlingclub Secretary: Alan Barnett - 0438 205 858 President: Phil Tomlinson - 0498 037 707 Mens Bowls: Fred Capper - 0427 744 074 Womens Bowls: Dianne Bevilaqua - 0420 474 398
AUGUSTA Social & Bowling Club
Allnut Terrace Augusta WA 6290 Postal: PO Box 175 Augusta WA 6290 Ph: 9758 1706 Email: memevans@icloud.com Secretary: Mem Evans - 0408 273 182 President: Chris Watson - 9758 0128 Mens Bowls: Gary Dial - 0413 159 256 Womens Bowls: Mem Evans - 0408 273 182 Umpire’s Contact: Mem Evans - ABOVE Club Coach Contact: Mem Evans - ABOVE
Cnr Brand Highway & North West Road Badgingarra WA 6521 Postal: PO Box 72 Badgingarra WA 6521 Ph/Email - Contact Secretary Secretary: NicoleWilkinson - 0429 965 291 Email: glen_nic@bigpond.com President: Ian Kerr - 0427 860 181 Mens Bowls: Hamish Stalker - 0418 628 492 Womens Bowls: Trudy Williams - 0427 529 022
BALINGUP Bowling Club
South West Highway Balingup WA 6253 Postal: PO Box 12 Balingup WA 6253 Ph: 9799 0270 Email: See SEC Email Secretary: Julie Davison - 9799 0270 Email: juliebluegirl@hotmail.com
BALLIDU Bowling Club
Northam Pithara Road Ballidu WA 6606 Postal: PO Box 79 Ballidu WA 6606 Ph / Email - Contact Secretary Secretary: Daryl Sermon - 0429 103 533 Email: btpsermon@wn.com.au
BEACON Bowling Club
Shemeld Street Beacon WA 6472 Postal: PO Box 14 Beacon WA 6472 Ph: 9686 1030 Email: See SEC Email Secretary: Brett Clark - 0427 486 012 Email: brettlisaclark@live.com.au
BENCUBBIN Bowling Club
4 Marsh Street Bencubbin WA 6477 Postal: PO Box 186 Bencubbin WA 6477 Phone/Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Leeanne Gobbart - 0429 848 042 Email: leetezza@gmail.com
BEVERLEY Bowling Club
68 Forrest Street Beverley WA 6304 Postal: PO Box 96 Beverley WA 6304 Ph 9646 1340 Email: bevbowls@gmail.com Secretary: not advised President: Jeff Murray - 0428 925 662 Mens Bowls: Daniel Fleay - 0458 088 674 Womens Bowls: Lyn MacTaggart - 0439 461 634
BINDOON & Districts Bowling Club Inc
Chinkabee Complex, Great Northern Highway Bindoon WA 6502 Postal: PO Box 214 Bindoon WA 6502 Ph: 9576 1105 Email: bindoonbowlingclub@outlook.com President: Michael Whitely - 0429 988 998 Mens Bowls: David Brisbane - 0408 009 505 Womens Bowls: Heather Boyanich - 0429 611 256 Umpires Contact: Debra Whitely - 0428 017 777 or David Bam - 0419 904 511
BINNINGUP Bowling Club
Lakes Parade Binningup WA 6233 Postal: 11 Georgia Street Binningup WA 6233 Ph:Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Frank O’Hehir - 0418 440 639 Email: fohehir@bigpond.net.au
Club Drive Boddington WA 6390 Postal: PO Box 87 Boddington WA 6390 Ph/Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Rod Porter - 0417 326 282 Email: rodneyporter8@bigpond.com President: David Smart - 0427 900 609 Mens Bowls: Nigel Bellotti - 0418 902 928 Womens Bowls: Pip Wilson - 0429 370 034 Umpires Contact: Not Listed
BOLGART Bowling Club
Bolgart East Road Bolgart WA 6568 Postal: PO Box 64 Bolgart WA 6568 Ph / Email:: Contact Secretary Secretary: Dale McGill - 0428 101 286 Email: dalemargaretmcgill@gmail.com President: Lester Snooke - 0409 997 935 Mens Bowls: Not Listed Womens Bowls: Pam McGill - 0427 527 505 Umpire’s Contact: Pam McGill - 0427 527 505
BORDEN Bowling Club (Inc)
Stone Street Borden WA 6338 Postal: PO Box 57 Borden WA 6338 Ph/Email - Contact Secretary Secretary: Shirley Moir - 0427 279 274 Email: glenelg.estate@bigpond.com President: Tim O’Meehan - 0428 279 296 Mens Bowls: Gary Jansen - 0438 289 000
54 Richardson Street Boulder WA 6432 Postal: PO Box 2014 Boulder WA 6432 Ph: 9093 1453 Email: bbc@boulderbowlingclub.com.au Secretary: Richard Cowcher - 0417 934 731 President: Steven Binder - 0439 864 834 Mens Bowls: Paul Hayes - 0427 426 989 Umpire’s Contact: Paul Hayes - AS ABOVE
BOYANUP Bowling Club (Inc)
Cnr Charlotte & Thomas Streets Boyanup WA 6237 Postal: PO Box 144 Boyanup WA 6237 Email: boyanupbowlingclub@gmail.com Web: www.boyanupbowlingclub.bowls.com.au Secretary: Peter VanDeWyngaard - 0407 373 927 President: Paul Meadows - 0410 845 369 Mens Bowls: Peter Arrowsmith - 0427 988 404 Womens Bowls: Peter VanDeWyngaard Umpires Contact: Robert Wells - 9728 1088
BOYUP BROOK Bowling Club
Railway Road Boyup Brook WA 6244 Postal: PO Box 65 Boyup Brook WA 6244 Ph: Contact Secretary Email: rpparkland@gmail.com Secretary: Rhonda Parker - 0428 653 079 President: Peter Dearden - 0421 478 720 Mens Bowls: Ken Ritson - 0447 651 074 Womens Bowls: Marie Uren - 0436 360 713 Umpires Contact: Ken Ritson - 0447 651 074
South West Highway Bridgetown WA 6255 Postal: PO Box 194 Bridgetown WA 6255 Ph/Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Shirley Streeter - 0429 808 833 Email: shirleyj53@hotmail.com President: Murray Waters - 0498 090 441 Mens Bowls: Ray Deall - 0427 101 389 Womens Bowls: Lyn Whitney - 0417 948 426 Umpires Contact: Kim Beale - 0428 750 063
Nova Village 502 Bussell Hwy Broadwater WA 6280 Postal: Nova Village, C/- Unit 48, 502 Bussell Hwy Broadwater WA 6280 Ph / Email: Contact Sec or President Secretary: Patricia Etherington - 0434 155 283 Email: ethers@bigpond.com President: Doug King - 0439 389 556 Mens Bowls: Peter Etherington - 0412 050 332
BROOKTON Bowling Club
Brookton Country Club 11207 Brookton Highway Brookton WA 6306 Postal: PO Box 190 Brookton WA 6306 Ph: 9642 1190 Email: bowls@brooktoncountryclub.com.au Secretary: Lindsay Eva - 0427 426 049 President: Trevor Allington - 0437 837 105 Mens Bowls: Neil Walker - 0408 424 018 Womens Bowls: Chris Eyre - 0437 208 381 Umpires Contact: Dennis Wilkinson 0428 426 022
22820 Tie Line Road Broomehill WA 6318 Postal: PO Box 39 Broomehill WA 6318 Ph: 9824 1308 Secretary: Andrew Webster - 0429 464 672 Email: aswebster@bigpond.com President: Chris Richardson - 0428 175 591
BRUCE ROCK Bowling Club
59 Dunstall Street Bruce Rock WA 6418 Postal: PO Box 100 Bruce Rock WA 6418 Ph: 0428 651 070 Email: brucerockbowls@hotmail.com
BRUNSWICK District Bowling Club Inc
1 Ommaney Road Brunswick WA 6224 Postal: PO Box 76 Brunswick WA 6224 Ph: 9726 1081 Email: brunswick.bc@bigpond.com Secretary: Alan Mersh - 9726 1081 President: Maurice Rodgers - 0428 913 317 Mens Bowls: Keith James - 0447 285 883 Womens Bowls: Noleene McCormack - 0447 317 457 Umpires Contact: John Exton - 0419 991 537 Club Coach Contact: John Exton - 0419 991 537
BUNBURY Bowling & Social Club
72 Forrest Ave Bunbury WA 6230 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9721 3291 Email: secretary@bunburybowlingclub.org.au Web: www.bunburybowlingclub.org.au Secretary: Garry Baker - 0438 926 380 President: David Delaporte - 0400 396 779 Mens Bowls: Not Listed - Contact Club Womens Bowls: Lyn Rodda - Club Umpires Contact: Leon White - Club Club Coach Contact: Norm Bazzo and Gail Ecclestone - Contact Club
BUSSELTON Bowling Club Inc
Brown & Kent Streets Busselton WA 6280 Postal: PO Box 99 Busselton WA 6280 Ph: 9752 2164 Email: bsnbowl@westnet.com.au Web: www.busseltonbowling.club Secretary: Geoff Singleton - 9752 2164 President: Wiebe Tieleman - 0418 920 918 Mens Bowls: Peter Hodgson - 0417 971 041 Womens Bowls: Jennie Bruce - 0409 936 621 Umpires Contact: Not Listed Club Coach Contact: Helen Paganoni - 0478 641 121
CAPEL Bowls Club
11 Goodwood Road Capel WA 6271 Postal: PO Box 125 Capel WA 6271 Ph: Contact Sec Email: capelbowlsclubinc@gmail.com Web: www.capelbowlsclub Secretary: Jayne Warren - 0416 566 499 President: Ron Bickers - 0436 019 366 Mens Bowls: Peter Earl - 0417 189 895 Womens Bowls: Bev McKenna - 0459 592 649 Umpires/Club Coach: Ron Bickers - AS ABOVE
CARNAMAH Bowling Club (Inc)
6 Niven Crescent Carnamah WA 6517 Postal: PO Box 65 Carnamah WA 6517 Ph: 9951 1131 Email: carnamahbowler@gmail.com
CARNARVON Bowling Club
12 Rushton Street Carnarvon WA 6701 Postal: PO Box 407 Carnarvon WA 6701 Ph: 9941 1075 Email: carnarvonbowlingclub@outlook.com
CERVANTES Bowling Club
Aragon Street Cervantes WA 6511 Postal: PO Box 147 Cervantes WA 6511 Email: cervantesbc@hotmail.com
CIVIC Bowling Club Merredin (Inc)
Merredin Regional Community & Leisure Centre Bates Street Merredin WA 6415 Postal: PO Box 182 Merredin WA 6415 Ph: Contact Secretary Email: merredincivic@gmail.com Secretary: John Gearing - 0428 411 301 President: Darren Postans - 0429 415 800 Mens Bowls: Scott Cooper - 0427 082 908 Womens Bowls: Norma Henderson 0402 364 440 Umpire’s Contact: Allan Walker - 0428 938 601
COLLIE Bowling Club (Inc)
Cnr Medic & Steere Streets Collie WA 6225 Postal: PO Box 121 Collie WA 6225 Ph: 9734 1266 Email: colliebowlingclub@bigpond.com Secretary: Rose Godfrey - 0417 231 656 President: Valdis Brojanowski -0429 686 137 Mens Bowls: Ian Corley - 0418 933 330 Womens Bowls: Lyn Mitchell - 0409 341 587 Umpire’s Contact: Ian Corley - As Above Club Coach Contact: Kerry Scott - 9734 3661
COMET BAY Bowling Club
Lawrie Stanford Reserve 24 Cavender Street Singleton WA 6175 Postal: PO Box 7028 Secret Harbour WA 6173 Ph: 9537 3953 Email: cometbaybowlingclub@yahoo.com.au
CONDINGUP Bowling Club
Ridgelands Road Condingup WA 6450 Postal: PO Box 732 Esperance WA 6450 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Helen Perks - 0428 766 067 Email: ghperks@westnet.com.au President: Michael Young - 0427 787 036 Mens Bowls: Jayson Fiegert - 0437 760 006 Womens Bowls: Helen Perks - ABOVE Umpire’s Contact: Helen Perks - ABOVE Club Coach Contact: Jayson Fiegert - ABOVE
COOROW Bowling Club
13 Main Street Coorow WA 6515 Postal: C/- Post Office Coorow WA 6515 Email: coorowbowls@outlook.com Secretary: John Willis President: Doug Brenton - 0428 521 186 Mens Bowls: Doug Brenton - 0428 521 186
CORRIGIN Bowling Club (Inc)
Lot 255 Walton Street Corrigin WA 6375 Postal: PO Box 217 Corrigin WA 6375 Ph: 9063 2344 Email: See SEC Email Secretary: Ian Smith - 0417 105 502 Email: ianbett3@bigpond.com President: Mark Szczecinski - 0428 629 026 Mens Bowls: Phil Barber - 0429 841 156 Womens Bowls: Kay Ferrari - 0429 891 022 Umpire’s Contact: Mark Szczecinski - As Above
COWARAMUP Bowling Club
10 Memorial Drive Cowaramup WA 6284 Postal: C/- PO Box 745 Cowaramup WA 6284 Ph: 9755 5190 Email: cowbowling@gmail.com Secretary: Jon Bowden - 0402 840 486 President: Jim Whitfield - 0427 980 040 Mens Bowls: Keith Simmonds - 0499 309 854 Womens Bowls: Vicki Williams - 0407 235 110 Umpire’s Contact: Keith Simmonds - Above Club Coach Contact: Keith Simmonds - Above
CRANBROOK Bowling Club
48 King Street Cranbrook WA 6321 Postal: PO Box 26 Cranbrook WA 6321 Ph 9826 1004 Email: See Sec Email Secretary: Bernie Climie - 0407 261 123 Email: bernieclimie@bigpond.com President: Peter Denton - 0409 088 269 Mens Bowls: Barry Rendell - 0447 576 006 Womens Bowls: Elizabeth Van Zeyl - 0427 517 232 Umpires Contact: Contact Secretary
CUNDERDIN Bowling Club
Lundy Ave Cunderdin WA 6407 Postal: PO Box 79 Cunderdin WA 6407 Ph: Contact President Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Victor Bridge - 0427 180 950 Email: vicarb@gmail.com President: Clive Gibsone - 0409 290 786 Mens Bowls: Clint Carter Womens Bowls: Vicki Quinn - 0429 637 105 Umpire’s Contact: Vicki Quinn - As Above
Colin Anderson Drive Dalwallinu WA 6609 Postal: PO Box 58 Dalwallinu WA 6609 Ph/Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Gordon McNeill - 0427 611 645 Email: gimcneill@bigpond.com President: Mike Dodd - 0427 642 078 Mens Bowls Glen Jones - 0437 584 107 Womens Bowls: Helen Pipe - 0429 621 097
DAMPIER Bowling Club
77 Church Road Dampier WA 6713 Postal: AS ABOVE Email: dampierbowlingclub@gmail.com Web: www.dampierbowlingclub.com Secretary: Luke Malone President: Jason Leitch
DANDARAGAN Bowling Club (Inc)
3580 Dandaragan (Caro Road) Dandaragan WA 6507 Postal: PO Box 69 Dandaragan WA 6507 Ph / Email: Contact SECRETARY Secretary: Trevor McMillen - 0429 113 045 Email: trevor@mapitt.com.au President: Laurie Armstrong - 0427 773 340 Mens Bowls: Jim Deaker - 0447 906 711 Womens Bowls: Janet McGinlay 0427 531 648
DARKAN Bowling Club
Memorial Drive Darkan WA 6392 Postal: PO Box 90 Darkan WA 6392 Ph/Email: Contact Secretaryl Secretary: Judy Wunnenberg - 0447 361 161 Email: iwja@activ8.net.au President: Mark Wunnenberg - 0429 361 513 Mens Bowls: Hayden Lubcke - 0427 361 167 Umpires Contact: Ray Harrington - 0427 363 004
DENISON Bowling & Recreation Club (Inc)
137 Pt Leander Drive Port Denison WA 6525 Postal: PO Box 47 Dongara WA 6525 Ph: 9927 1168 Email: denisonbowlingclub@bigpond.com Secretary: Michelle Leeson - 0427 272 067 President: Robert McTaggart - 0427 281 198 Mens Bowls: Not Listed Womens Bowls: Colleen Cruickshank - Club
3 Morgan Road Denmark WA 6333 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9848 1517 Email: denmarkbowls@gmail.com Web: www.riversideclub.org.au Secretary: Margaret Norcross - 0409 021 994 President: Not Listed Mens Bowls: Not Listed Womens Bowls: Lind Paull - 0457 021 282 Umpires Contact: Linda Humphries - 0428 351 014 Club Coach Contact: Linda Humphries - Above
Donnybrook Country Club South Western Highway Donnybrook WA 6239 Postal: PO Box 87 Donnybrook WA 6239 Ph: 9731 1268 Email: dcclub@bigpond.net.au Secretary: Kevin Porch - 0419 142 067 President: Darren Pulford - 0417 929 487 Mens Bowls: Bruce Thompson - 0427 441 325 Umpire Co-Ordinator: Kevin Porch - 0419 142 067
DOODLAKINE Bowling Club Inc
Spring Street Doodlakine WA 6411 Postal: PO Box 106 Kellerberrin WA 6410 Ph: 0427 459 015 Email: SEC. Secretary: Gavin Morgan - 0427 459 015 Email: gavmorg@wn.com.au
DOWERIN Bowling Club
East Street Dowerin WA 6461 Postal: C/- Post Office Dowerin WA 6461 Phone: 9631 1098 Email: dowerinbc@gmail.com Secretary: Suzanne Crippen - 0456 701 957 President: Trevor Gerrard - 0428 311 186 Mens Bowls: Trevor Gerrard - Above Womens Bowls: Diane Hudson 0427 311 062 Umpires Contact: Trevor Gerrard - Above Club Coach Contact: Darrel Hudson 0428 311 063
DUDLEY PARK Bowling & Recreation Club
28 Eden Street Dudley Park WA 6210 Postal: PO Box 545 Mandurah WA 6210 Ph: 9535 2695 Email: dudleypark.bc@bigpond.com Web: dudleyparkbowlingclub.bowls.com.au Secretary: Silvana Evans - 9535 2695 President: Ian Aitkins - 0434 880 433 Mens Bowls: John Groves - 0419 834 710 Womens Bowls: Mary Cunningham 0428 250 647 Umpires Contact: John Walker - 0407 744 722 Club Coach Contact: Jenni Rogalski - 0439 925 457
20 Bennett Street Dumbleyung WA 6350 Postal: 80 Taylor Street Dumbleyung WA 6350 Ph:/Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Helen Gooding - 0427 530 204 Email: mlhigooding@bigpond.com President: Karen Ward - 0427 634 155 Mens Bowls: Russell Hall - 0428 642 038 Womens Bowls: Audrey Bateup - 0488 948 354 Umpires Contact: Karen Ward - 0427 634 155
40 Gifford Road Dunsborough WA 6281 Postal: PO Box 57 Dunsborough WA 6281 Ph: 9755 3250 Email: manager@dunsboroughcountryclub.org.au Web: dunsboroughcountryclub.org.au Secretary: Linton Thomas - Contact Club Email: ozzepop@gmail.com President: John Eggleton - 0407 195 400 Mens Bowls: Contact Club Womens Bowls: Sharon Sharpe 0488 568 595 Umpires Contact: Lorraine Bell - 0407 022 371 Club Coach Contact: Wayne Coyle - 0413 993 651
EATON Bowling & Social Club Inc
Pratt Road Eaton WA 6232 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9725 1074 Email: sec@eatonbowling.com.au Web: www.eatonbowlingclub.com.au Secretary: Patricia Wainwright - 0417 993 850 President: Les Brook - 0448 866 371 Mens Bowls: Gregory Slavin - 0448 119 002 Womens Bowls: Anne Edwards - 0427 131 972 Umpires Contact: Elaine McDonald - 0418 304 817 Club Coach Contact: Elaine McDonald - Above
EMU POINT Bowling Club
2 Birss Street Emu Point WA 6330 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9844 1156 Email: emupointbowls@gmail.com Web: www.emupointsportingclub.net Secretary: Bruce Seymour - 0438 522 058 President: James Hyde - 0487 057 955 Mens Bowls: Allen Poor - 9842 8590 Womens Bowls: Helen McFarlane 0429 331 218 Umpire’s Contact: Wal Mycock - 0427 448 678 Club Coach Contact: Carl Connell 0429 849 966
ESPERANCE Bowling Club
Black Street Esperance WA 6450 Postal: PO Box 623 Esperance WA 6450 Ph: 9071 2035 Email: espbowlsecretary@westnet.com.au Secretary: Elaine Rule - 0448 674 994 President: Wayne (Buck) Rodgers - 0427 720 093 Mens Bowls: Scott Willis - 0409 682 744 Womens Bowls: Ollie Austin - 0428 142 421 Umpire’s Contact: Bill Gurney - 0475 244 765 Club Coach Contact: Not Listed
EXMOUTH Bowling Club
Payne Street Exmouth WA 6707 Postal: PO Box 6 Exmouth WA 6707 Ph: 9949 1092 Email: exmouthbowlingclub@bigpond.com
Wingbellup Road Frankland River WA 6396 Postal: As Above Ph: 9855 2245 Email: franklandbowlsecretary@gmail.com Secretary: Lesley Moore - 0451 826 497
GERALDTON Bowling Club
Onslow Street Geraldton WA 6530 Postal: PO Box 1167 Geraldton PO WA 6531 Ph: 0497 395 329 Email: geraldtonbowlingclub@westnet.com.au Web: www.geraldtonbowlingclub.com.au Secretary: Terri Lamont - 0497 395 329 President: Neil Exten - 0497 395 329 Mens Bowls: Rolf Schreyvogel - 0477 836 385 Womens Bowls: Fay Sudilowski - 0477836 385 Umpire’s Contact: Ian Thomas - 0477 836 385 Club Coach Contact: Kim Trotter 0477 836 385
GINGIN Bowling Club
4 Robinson Street Gingin WA 6503 Postal: PO Box 155 Gingin WA 6503 Ph: 9575 2342 Email: ginginbcwa@gmail.com Secretary: Allan Hollington - 0408 914 003 President: John Fewster - 0409 575 226 Mens Bowls: Stephen Fewster - 0407 920 954 Womens Bowls: Kathy Gobbart - 0427 091 952 Umpire / Club Coach: Stephen Beckwith - 0436 027 487
GNOWANGERUP Bowling Club (Inc)
Corbett Street Gnowangerup WA 6335 Postal: PO Box 114 Gnowangerup WA 6335 Ph / Email: Contact SECRETARY Secretary: Geoff Carberry - 0408 895 694 Email: geoff303@westnet.com.au President: Kevin Heberle - 0488 271 268 Mens Bowls: Michael Harris - 0428 271 413 Womens Bowls: Mary Wellstead 0427 182 672 Umpire’s Contact: Arthur Crabbe - 0498 964 568 Club Coach Contact: Arthur Crabbe - Above
Cnr Quinlan & Lockyer St Goomalling WA 6460 Postal: PO Box 56 Goomalling WA 6460 Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Julie Chester - 0427 291 223 Email: mungilan@activ8.net.au President: Royce Smith - 0430 679 694 Mens Bowls: Murray Siegert - 0428 232 288 Womens Bowls: Gail Lemos - 0417 963 147
GREEN HEAD Bowling Club
Postal: The Lakes Road Green Head WA 6514 Phone: 0418 913 337 Email: ghscsecretary@gmail.com Secretary: Ainslie Maeda - 0409 925 580 President: Vic Oakes - 0418 913 337
GREEN RANGE Country Club
40521 South Coast Highway Green Range WA 6328 Postal: As Above Ph: Contact President Email: greenrangecountryclub@hotmail.com Secretary: Kim Daniel President: Scott Smith - 0429 466 037 Mens Bowls: Jeffrey MacTaggart - 0428 472 031
GUILDERTON Bowling Club Inc
1 Wedge Street Guilderton WA 6041 Postal: PO Box 1053 Guilderton WA 6041 Ph / Email - Contact Secretary Secretary: Dot Branch - 0429 969 889 Email: branchys@bigpond.com Vice President: Phil Rouse - 0408 122 191 Club Captain: Ian Hastings - 0428 842 090
HALLS HEAD Bowling & Rec Club Inc
3 Sticks Boulevard Erskine WA 6210 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9581 1726 Email: admin@hallsheadbowling.com.au Web: www.hallsheadbowls.com.au
HARVEY Bowling Club
Cnr Young & Roy Streets Harvey WA 6220 Postal: PO Box 93 Harvey WA 6220 Ph: 9729 1704 Email: president@harveybowlingclub.com.au Secretary: Eileen How - 0432 830 089 President: Rosemary Cumine - 0427 862 750 Mens Bowls: David Goddard - 0429 348 158 Womens Bowls: Michelle Thompson 0409 101 527 Umpires Contact: Annette Italiano - 0417 962 318
HOPETOUN Bowling Club
Veal Street Hopetoun WA 6348 Postal: PO Box 43 Hopetoun WA 6348 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Coral Grant - 0438 949 527 Email: coralangrant@bigpond.com President: Lance Goddard - 0428 838 152 Mens Bowls: Dani Carter - 0400 077 858 Womens Bowls: Leonie McNamara - 0427 520 484 Umpire’s Contact: Coral Grant - Above Club Coach Contact: Coral Grant - Above
Derrick Street Sports Complex Jerramungup WA 6337 Postal: As Above Ph: Contact Secretary Email: jerramungupbowlsclub@gmail.com Secretary: Vanessa Maskey - 0476 416 843 President: Malcolm Turner - 0488 281 164 Mens Bowls: Siwel Solomon - 0429 111 877 Womens Bowls: Ronni Lee - 0488 531 156 Umpires Contact: Malcolm Turner - 0488 281 164 Club Coach Contact: Malcolm Turner
JURIEN Bowling Club
1 Bashford Street (Cnr Nineteenth Ave) Jurien Bay WA 6516 Postal: PO Box 469 Jurien Bay WA 6516 Ph: 9652 1339 Email: jurienbowls@bigpond.com Web: jurien.bowls.com.au Secretary: Ian Davies - 0428 944 881 President: Dennis Stokes - 0428 558 022 Mens Bowls: Alan Carlton - 0428 484 040 Womens Bowls: Irene Stokes - 0428 558 022
KALANNIE Bowling Club
27 Stanley Street Kalannie WA 6468 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Garry Crossman - 0487 529 369 Email: garrycrossman@rocketmail.com
KALBARRI Bowling Club
Haselby Street Kalbarri WA 6536 Postal: PO Box 312 Kalbarri WA 6536 Ph: 0408 345 241 Email - See SEC Email Secretary: Mark Hancock - 0473 551 323 Email: bjkcatattack@bigpond.com
Cnr Dugan & Maritana Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Postal: (MEN) PO Box 294 Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Postal: (WOMEN) PO Box 566 Kalgoorlie WA Ph: 9021 2230 Email: kalbowlsclub@bigpond.com Web: kalgoorliebowls.com.au Secretary: Des Steel - 0416 086 172 President: Brian Osmetti - 0417 936 257 Mens Bowls: Brian Osmetti - As Above Womens Bowls: Lynne Grace - 0400 058 285 Umpires Contact: John Gittings - 0438 564 205 Club Coach Contact: Eric Johannes Email: eric.johannes@live.com
KARLGARIN Bowling Club
21 Federal Street Karlgarin WA 6358 Postal: PO Box 31 Karlgarin WA 6358 Ph 9889 5045 Email: kbclub21@outlook.com Secretary: Leonie James - 0427 895 045 President: Jill Fotheringhame - 0428 895 054 Mens Bowls: Graeme Smith - 0407 193 903 Womens Bowls: Leonie James - Above Umpires Contact: Leonie James - Above
KARRATHA Bowling Club
Searipple Road Karratha WA 6714 Postal: PO Box 1253 Karratha WA 6714 Email: karrathabowlingclub@gmail.com
KATANNING Bowling Club
Braeside Road Katanning WA 6317 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: Contact SEC Email: katanningbowlingclub@gmail.com Secretary: Travis Ellison - 0466 361 101 President: Ernie Maples - 0419 884 600 Mens Bowls: Damien Perrett - 0487 119 378 Womens Bowls: Val Jolly - 0408 929 769 Umpires Contact: Wally O’Halloran 0427 204 042
Lot 260 Connelly Street Kellerberrin WA 6410 Postal: PO Box 156 Kellerberrin WA 6410 Ph: 0417 927 637 Email: kellerbowlingclub@gmail.com Secretary: Sam Griffiths President: Scott O’Neill Mens Bowls: Phil Graham
KOJONUP Bowling Club (Inc)
2 Delaney Street Kojonup WA 6395 Postal: PO Box 49 Kojonup WA 6395 Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Bev Broom - 0427 089 430 Email: theblackcattrust@bigpond.com President: Syd Loveland - 0428 770 276 Mens Bowls: Rod Fulmer - 0460 401 989 Womens Bowls: Sue Matthews - 0400 198 341
KONDININ Bowling Club **
49 Gordon Street Kondinin WA 6367 Postal: PO Box 5 Kondinin WA 6367 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Jenny Browning - 0429 637 040 Email: emmaville@bigpond.com President: Chris Browning - 0427 988 598 Mens Bowls: Mark Burgess - 0427 981 812 Womens Bowls: Trish Barrett - 0427 543 301
KOORDA Bowling Club
Greenham Street Koorda WA 6475 Postal: PO Box 96 Koorda WA 6475 Ph: 9684 1204 Secretary: John McMiles - 0428 956 387 Email:: putty007@westnet.com.au
KUKERIN Bowling Club
Bath Street Kukerin WA 6352 Postal: PO Box 31 Kukerin WA 6352 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Timothy Adams - 0428 646 105 Email: timmy29du@bigpond.com President: Matthew King - 0428 647 885 Mens Bowls: Timothy Adams - Above Womens Bowls: Claudia Faulkner 0428 647 915 Umpires Contact: Not Listed
KULIN Bowling Club
Freebairn Recreation Centre Johnston Street Kulin WA 6365 Postal: PO Box 151 Kulin WA 6365 Ph: Contact Secretary Email: kulinbowls@gmail.com Secretary: Judd Hobson - 0427 801 241 Mens Bowls: Mike Robins - 0429 465 278 Womens Bowls: Corrie Spark - 0427 886 034
LAKE GRACE Bowling Club
Lot 250 Stubbs Street Lake Grace WA 6353 Postal: PO Box 45 Lake Grace WA 6353 Ph/Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Lynda Trawinski - 0429 651 403 Email: waynetrawinski@bigpond.com President: Geoff Sabourne - 0429 651 171 Mens Bowls: Kelvin O’Neill - 0429 850 586
Sewell Street Yealering WA 6372 Postal: C/- Post Office Yealering WA 6372 Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Lois Shipley - 0400 542 704 Email: brian_lois@westnet.com.au President: Todd Hill - 0400 677 719
LANCELIN Bowling Club
Lancelin Community & Sporting Club Lancelin Road Lancelin WA 6044 Postal: PO Box 101 Lancelin WA 6044 Ph/Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Pat Williams - 0417 096 876 Email: pjwilliams576@gmail.com President: Graham Williams - 0428 551 147 Mens Bowls: Graham Williams - As Above Womens Bowls: Pat Williams - AS ABOVE
LATHAM Bowling Club
Lot 1 Summers Road Latham WA 6616 Postal: PO Box 24 Coorow WA 6515 Email: lathambowlsclub@gmail.com
LEDGE POINT Bowling Club
381 Turner Street Ledge Point WA 6043 Postal: PO Box 416 Lancelin WA 6044 Ph / Email: Contact SEC. Secretary: Helen Schell - 0417 170 698 Email: retra2@bigpond.com President: Donald Woodfield - 0488 905 702 Mens Bowls: Frank Hazell - 0428 117 202 Womens Bowls: Helen Schell - Above Umpires Contact: Garry Groves - 0407 381 432
LEEMAN Bowling Club
Cnr Nairn & Rudduck Street Leeman WA 6514 Postal: PO Box 30 Leeman WA 6514 Ph: Contact Secretary Email: leemanbowls@gmail.com Secretary: Neil Rowles - 0419 771 437 President: Sandra Trenowden - 0417 178 592 Mens Bowls: Noel Tilbrook - 0409 113 787 Womens Bowls: Chris Lewis - 0409 116 296 Umpire’s Contact: Sandra Trenowden - Above
MANDURAH Bowling & Recreation Club (Inc)
89 Allnutt Street Mandurah WA 6210 Postal: PO Box 3477 Mandurah East WA 6210 Ph: 9535 1438 Email: info@mbrc.com.au Web: www.mbrc.com.au Secretary: Deanne Tyers - 0439 820 803 President: Denise Willcock - 0408 900 617 Mens Bowls: Mark Willcock - 0400 235 268 Womens Bowls - Deb Rundell - 0414 815 054
MANJIMUP Bowling Club
Manjimup Country Club Golflinks Road off Perup Road Manjimup WA 6258 Postal: 114 Perup Road Manjimup WA 6258 Ph/Email: See SEC details Secretary: Peter Cully - 0428 195 455 Email: petercully1954@gmail.com Web: www.manjimupcountryclub.com President: Pat Martin - 0419 949 173 Mens Bowls: Damian Lloyd - 0427 981 246 Womens Bowls: Fran Wood - 0428 711 720 Umpire’s Contact: Phil Hampson - 9772 3565 Club Coach Contact: Pat Martin - As Above
Gloucester Park Sporting Complex, Wallcliffe Road Margaret River WA 6285 Postal: PO Box 176 Margaret River WA 6285 Ph: 9757 3666 Email: mrbc2@bigpond.com Web: www.margaretriverbowlingclub.com.au Secretary: Ian Colmer - 0418 929 222 President: Graeme Lance - 0412 913 207 Mens Bowls: Bill Stolk - 0448 504 674 Womens Bowls: Jenny Campbell 0439 726 267 Umpires Contact: Yvonne Coffey 0456 822 449
Box 286 / 41 Portrush Parade Meadow Springs WA 6210 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9582 5373 Email: bowls@msvillage.com.au Web: www.meadowsprings.bowlsnet.com.au Secretary: Paul Taylor - 9582 0649 President: Mike Lee - 0422 442 260 Mens Bowls: Neville Sutherland - 0451 061 556 Womens Bowls: Kaye Wilson - 9582 5069 Umpire’s Contact: Contact Club Club Coach Contact: Contact Club
MECKERING Bowling Club
Dempster Street Meckering WA 6405 Postal: PO Box 14 Meckering WA 6405 Ph: 9625 1271 Email: meckeringbowls@gmail.com Secretary: Rod Carter - 0428 251 209 President: Ian Siegert - 0409 088 850 Mens Bowls: Clint Caffell - 0487 620 634
MERREDIN Bowling Club
23 Coronation Street Merredin WA 6415 Postal: PO Box 46 Merredin WA 6415 Ph: 9041 1015 Email: merredinclub@gmail.com
MIDDLETON BEACH Bowling & Community Club Inc
25 Garden Street Middleton Beach WA 6330 Postal: PO Box 1017 Albany DC WA 6331 Ph: 9841 2503 Email: midbeach1953@outlook.com Secretary: Michael Pooley - 0429 447 817 President: Kevin Gleeson - 0428 936 898 Mens Bowls: Brian Osman - 0472 551 961 Womens Bowls: Lynne Danks - 0427 480 121 Umpires Contact: Gladys Richardson 0422 785 812 Club Coach Contact: Lynne Danks - ABOVE
MINGENEW Bowling Club Inc
28 Bride Street Mingenew WA 6522 Postal: PO Box 16 Mingenew WA 6522 Email: mingenewbowlingclub@gmail.com
Boyup Brook/Arthur Road Moodiarrup WA 6393 Postal: C/- 1054 Eulin Crossing Road Duranillin WA 6393 Ph: 9863 1100 Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Jenny Hosking - 0499 355 319 Email: nickjen76@bigpond.com President: Gary Abbott - 0429 631 012 Mens Bowls: Craig Flintoff - 0408 863 781 Womens Bowls: Jodie Simons - 0439 570 361 Umpires Contact: Nick Hosking - 0428 360 273 Club Coach Contact: Nick Hosking - ABOVE
MOORA Bowling Club
101 Gardiner Street Moora WA 6510 Postal: PO Box 45 Moora WA 6510 Ph:: Contact SECRETARY Email: moorabowlingclub@outlook.com Secretary: Peter Van Der Ende - 0437 029 489 President: Peter Jorissen - 0428 171 012 Mens Bowls: David Wyllie - 0419 214 931 Womens Bowls: Dianne McCuish - 9654 9041 Umpires Contact: Wllliam Hobden 0428 911 203
MORAWA Bowling Club
Club Road Morawa WA 6623 Postal: PO Box 28 Morawa WA 6623 Ph: Contact Secretary Email: kenneth.stokes@bigpond.com Secretary: Ken Stokes - 0428 711 362 President: Greg Hughes - 0429 980 749 Mens Bowls: Greg Hughes - ABOVE Womens Bowls: 0429 980 749 Umpires Contact: Greg Hughes - ABOVE Club Coach Contact: Ken Stokes - ABOVE
MOUNT BARKER Bowls & Sporting Club Inc
1 Lowood Road Mt Barker WA 6324 Postal: PO Box 22 Mt Barker WA 6324 Ph: 9851 1636 Email: mtbarkerbowls@bigpond.com Secretary: Hazel Rutter - 0407 778 723 President: Colin Toone - 0458 512 297 Mens Bowls: Shane Nunan - 0432 477 119 Womens Bowls: Sheila Rose - 0400 216 725 Umpire’s Contact: Shane Nunan - Above
32175 Albany Highway Mt Barker WA 6324 Postal: PO Box 4 Mt Barker WA 6324 Ph: 9851 1197 Email: mtbarkergolf@westnet.com.au Secretary: Gillian Woodyard - 0414 829 892 President: Don Pomery - 0418 273 532 Mens Bowls: Tony Henderson - 0428 511 048 Womens Bowls: Marj Silvester - 9851 1537 Umpires Contact: Tony Henderson - Above
Cruickshank Road Mukinbudin WA 6479 Postal: PO Box 121 Mukinbudin WA 6479 Ph: 0428 487 066 Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Di Maddock - 0408 444 484 Email: dandanning@bigpond.com.au President: Steve Lange - 0427 471 153 Mens Bowls: Athol Ventris - 0428 487 090 Womens Bowls: Clare Smith - 0428 449 063 Umpire’s Contact: Di Maddock - AS ABOVE
MULLEWA Bowling Club
Mullewa Recreation Centre Main Road Mullewa WA 6630 Postal: PO Box 610 Geraldton PO WA 6531 Ph: Contact Secretary Email: mullewabowlsclub@outlook.com Secretary: Kerry Koltasz - 0407 996 425 President: Lloyd Morgan - 0418 104 031 Mens Bowls: Terry Koltasz - 0437 626 425 Umpires Contact: Terry Koltasz - 0437 626 425
NANNUP Bowling Club Inc
Warren Road Nannup WA 6275 Postal: PO Box 57 Nannup WA 6275 Ph: 9756 0056 Email: nannupbowls@gmail.com
NAREMBEEN Bowling Club
Currall Street Narembeen WA 6369 Postal: PO Box 259 Narembeen WA 6369 Ph/Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Eric Tenardi - 9064 8373 Email: eric.tenardi@dpird.wa.gov.au President: Arthur Cousins - 0429 647 330 Men’s Bowls: Arthur Cousins - Above Women’s Bowls: Syliva Yangle Umpire’s Contact: Allan Yandle - 0408 945 452
NARROGIN Bowling Club (Inc)
58 Earl Street Narrogin WA 6312 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9881 1414 Email: narroginbowlsclub@gmail.com Secretary: Tania Harris - 9881 1414 President: Steven Strahan - 0427 880 976 Mens Bowls: Steven Strahan - As Above Womens Bowls: Dorothy Trefort - 9881 1414 Umpire’s Contact: David Harris - 9881 1414 Club Coach Contact: David Harris - 9881 1414
NEWDEGATE Bowling Club
Magenta Road Newdegate WA 6355 Postal: PO Box 167 Newdegate WA 6355 Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Lynne Ellard - 0427 711 504 Email: lynneellard@hotmail.com President: Barry Rick - 0499 776 676 Mens Bowls: Peter Walker - 0427 719 044 Womens Bowls: Judy Walker 0429 937 733
NORTHAM Bowling Club (Inc)
44 Robinson Street Northam WA 6401 Postal: PO Box 111 Northam WA 6401 Ph: 9622 2002 Email: northam.bowls@bigpond.com Secretary: Adele Clarke - 0428 232 205 President: Brian Shepherd - 0416 803 286 Mens Bowls: Wayne Butler - 0429 880 505 Womens Bowls: Lynn Murphy - 0437 779 793
NORTHAMPTON District Bowling Club Inc
Lot 7 Hampton Road Northampton WA 6535 Postal: PO Box 215 Northampton WA 6535 Ph: 9934 1052 Email: northamptonbowlingclub@gmail.com Secretary: Heather Kaye Simkin 0428 501 606 Email: kayesimkin@bigpond.com President: Allan Carson - 0427 653 853 Mens Bowls: Peter Coleman - 0429 602 946 Womens Bowls: Dion Delamotte - 0499 744 192 Club Coach: Norman Cowan - 9934 3131
NUNGARIN Bowling Club
Danberrin Road Nungarin WA 6490 Postal: PO Box 68 Nungarin WA 6490 Ph / Email: Contact SECRETARY Secretary: Paul Cosson - 0438 367 024 Email: paulcosson@hotmail.com
ONGERUP Bowling Club
Jaekel Street Ongerup WA 6336 Postal: C/- Post Office Ongerup WA 6336 Phone:: Contact SEC Email: ongerupbowlingclub@gmail.com Secretary: Vicki O’Neill - 0428 282 282 President: Darren Baum - 0427 471 015 Mens Bowls: Darren Baum - 0427 471 015 Womens Bowls: Vicki O’Neill - 0428 282 282
PEMBERTON Bowling Club
Club Road Pemberton WA 6260 Postal: PO Box 129 Pemberton WA 6260 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Brian Morris - 0417 952 427 Email: bandtmorris@westnet.com.au President: Felix Ditri - 0428 910 215 Mens Bowls: John Omodei - 0407 761 214 Womens Bowls: Vicki Omodei - 0408 096 376 Club Coach Contact: Felix Ditri - 0428 910 215
PERENJORI Bowling Club
Wubin-Mullewa Road Perenjori WA 6620 Postal: PO Box 9 Perenjori WA 6620 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Womens Secretary: Elaine King 0428 736 011 Email: begkin@wn.com.au Mens Bowls Contact: Chris King 0427 734 042 Womens Bowls Contact: Elaine King - Above Umpires Contact: Dene Solomon - 0427 731 425
PINGELLY Bowling Club
18 Somerset Street Pingelly WA 6308 Postal: PO Box 97 Pingelly WA 6308 Ph: Contact SEC Email: pingellybowls@outlook.com Secretary: Eileen McCahon - 0429 009 708 President: Tim Haslam - 0429 112 976 Mens Bowls: Alan Hodges - 0429 871 169 Womens Bowls: Robyn Narducci-0427 997 573 Umpire Contact: Tim Haslam - Above
PINJARRA Bowling & Recreation Club Inc
Lovegrove Street Pinjarra WA 6208 Postal: PO Box 136 Pinjarra WA 6208 Ph: 531 1840 Email: pinjbowls@bigpond.com Web: www.pinjarra.bowls.com.au Secretary: Jacqueline Bond - 0412 790 272 President: Margaret Steel - 0476 057 773 Mens Bowls: Keith Mullins - 0412 002 647 Womens Bowls: Val Groves - 0408 889 354 Umpire’s Contact: Anne Carter - 0427 182 843 Club Coach Contact: Steven Unsworth 0448 804 017
1 Thisbe Drive Dawesville WA 6211 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9582 2871 Email: admin@pbrsc.org.au Web: www.pbrsc.org.au Secretary: Carolyn Bell - 0400 288 475 President: Ray Ball - 0428 882 234 Mens Bowls: Bart Mavrick - 0478 213 762 Womens Bowls: Jill Brierley - 0408 414 563
50 McLennan Street Quairading WA 6383 Postal: PO Box 113 Quairading WA 6383 Ph/Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Gwen Hards - 0491 701 124 Email: jghards@bigpond.com.au President: Margaret Dall - 0428 451 096 Mens Bowls: Jeff Dalton - 0427 450 072 Womens Bowls: Pamela Caporn 0455 050 479
Hopetoun Road Ravensthorpe WA 6346 Postal: PO Box 280 Ravensthorpe WA 6346 Ph: 9838 1181 or Contact SEC Email: SEC Email Secretary: Ken Norman - 0428 396 055 Email: kandmnorman@bordernet.com.au President: Joe Jones - 0427 838 935 Mens Bowls: Rodney Edwards - 0429 381 201 Womens Bowls: Denise Edwards - 0429 146 315
SCADDAN Bowling Club
Cable Street Scaddan WA 6447 Postal: PO Box 39 Scaddan WA 6447 Ph: 9075 6025 Email: scaddanbowls@gmail.com Secretary: Trudi Ietto - 0427 757 029 President: Tony Ietto - 0427 202 445 Men’s Bowls: Rod McCrea - 0427 796 014 Women’s Bowls: Trish Stone - 0428 172 825 Umpire’s Contact: Trish Stone - 0428 172 825 Club Coach Contact: Wally Vanderbrghe 0438 713 070
26 Mill Street Shackleton WA 6386 Postal: PO Box 52 Shackleton WA 6386 Ph / Email: Contact Secretary Secretary: Phil Bradley - 0428 337 019 Email: prbradley3@gmail.com President: Marilyn Crooks - 0429 704 985 Mens Bowls: Phil Bradley - 0428 337 019 Umpire’s Contact: Trevor Cosgrove - 0429 906 411 Club Coach Contact: Trevor Cosgrove
SHARK BAY Bowling Club
14 Francis Road Denham WA 6537 Postal: PO Box 85 Denham WA 6537 Ph: 9948 1353 Email: sharkbaybowls@westnet.com.au
1 Hedditch Street South Hedland WA 6722 Postal: PO Box 2155 South Hedland WA 6722 Ph: 9140 1168 Email: southhedlandbowlingclub@outlook.com
TAMBELLUP Bowling Club Inc
East Terrace Tambellup WA 6320 Postal: PO Box 101 Tambellup WA 6320 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Belinda Hankinson - 0428 251 065 Email: belhank@hotmail.com President: Martin Sadler - 0428 253 041 Mens Bowls: Allan Hankinson - 0409 657 371 Womens Bowls: Eleanor Swinburn 0447 191 734 Umpire’s Contact: Martin Sadler - ABOVE
TAMMIN Bowling Club Inc
1 Station Road Tammin WA 6409 Postal: PO Box 105 Tammin WA 6409 Ph: 9637 1183 Email: Contact SECRETARY Secretary: Haydn Dixon - 0429 045 205 Email: carolyn.haydn@bigpond.com President: Trevor Ryan - 0428 381 014 Mens Bowls: Wayne Button - 0428 887 988 Womens Bowls: Carol Crane - 0429 689 087 Umpire’s Contact: Ashley Mackin - 0408 381 033 Club Coach Contact: Don Thomson 0417 452 005
8 Slaughter Street Three Springs WA 6519 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 0448 483 476 Email: Contact SECRETARY Secretary: Jeffrey Moody - 0439 691 646 Email: jeffrey-moody@bigpond.com President: Adrian Stokes - 0448 483 476 Mens Bowls: Adrian Stokes - Above Womens Bowls: Zanda Stokes - 0429 041 859 Umpires Contact: Chad Eva - 0427 541 778
TOODYAY Bowling Club
1 Oddfellows Street Toodyay WA 6566 Postal: PO Box 368 Toodyay WA 6566 Ph: 9574 2207 Email: toodyaybowlingclub@gmail.com Secretary: Not Listed President: Lawrie Chitty - 0437 738 363 Mens Bowls: Andrew Watson - 0418 269 773 Womens Bowls: Maureen Adams 0415 772 341
TRAYNING Bowling Club
Kellerberrin/Bencubbin Road (1 Sutherland Street)Trayning WA 6488 Postal: PO Box 63 Trayning WA 6488 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Lyn Yates - 0429 831 182 Emal: yatesylyn@hotmail.com President: Greg Yates - 0429 884 639 Mens Bowls: Mick McCormack - 0429 831 148 Womens Bowls: Lyn Yates - As Above
VARLEY Bowling Club
Postal: RMB 229, Holt Rock WA 6355 Ph/Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Naomi Cornwall - 0427 752 056 Email: reddam@activ8.net.au
WAGIN Bowling Club Inc
Cnr Thornton & Theta Streets Wagin WA 6315 Postal: PO Box 194 Wagin WA 6315 Ph: 9861 1475 Email: waginbowls@gmail.com Secretary: Janette Innes - 0418 902 481 President: Ron Walker - 0447 611 522 Mens Bowls: John Barber - 0438 166 308 Womens Bowls: Jenny Ewen - 0428 611 197 Umpires Contact: David Hill - 0439 981 548
WALPOLE Country Club Bowls (Inc)
Walpole Country Club 127 Rest Point Road Walpole WA 6398 Postal: PO Box 50 Walpole WA 6398 Ph: 9840 1082 Email: countryclub@walpole.org.au Web: www.walpole.org.au/countryclub Secretary: Patricia Ann Armstrong - 0428 401 138 Email: armstron@comswest.net.au President: Betty Cooper - 9840 1082 Mens Bowls: David Tapley - 0400 968 251 Womens Bowls: Heather McConchie 0447 858 214
WAROONA Bowling & Social Club Inc
WESTONIA Bowling Club
Wanderers Stadium 128 Diorite Street Westonia WA 6423 Postal: C/- Post Office Westonia WA 6423 Ph: Contact SEC Email - westoniawanderers@outlook.com Secretary: Ainslie Faithfull - 0409 573 097 President: Mark Crees - 0428 447 034 Mens Bowls: Aaron Smith - 0408 449 020 Womens Bowls: Kay Geier - 0417 842 246 Umpires Contact: Ainslie Faithfull - Above
WICKEPIN Bowling Club
Wogolin Road Wickepin WA 6370 Postal: PO Box 78 Wickepin WA 6370 Ph: 9888 1080 Email: wickepinbowlingclub@gmail.com Secretary: Claire Bayley - 0427 811 677 President: Greg White - 0427 881 057 Mens Bowls: Warren Thompson 0428 424 051 Womens Bowls: Robyn Mullan 0427 831 027 Umpire’s Contact: Chris Moore - 0427 801 027 Club Coach: Samuel Horley - 0427 785 012
WILLIAMS Bowling Club Inc
Cnr Williams-Pinjarra Road & Millbrook Place Williams WA 6391 Postal: PO Box 174 Williams WA 6391 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Jeremy Genders - 0429 689 920 Email: genderjn@gmail.com President: Robert Duff - 0428 858 035 Mens Bowls: Graham Ilich - 0474 351 422 Womens Bowls: Charmaine Duff - 0408 020 889
WONGAN HILLS Bowling Club Inc
100 Ninan Street (Calingiri Rd) Wongan Hills WA 6603 Postal: PO Box 176 Wongan Hills WA 6603 Ph: 9671 1545 Email: wonganhillsbowling@bigpond.com Secretary: Eddie Bullock - 9671 1545 President: Ray Holden - 0428 415 369 Mens Bowls: Noel Reed - 0418 951 103 Womens Bowls: Lyn Dawe - 0428 711 289 Umpires Contact: Eddie Bullock - Above
WONTHELLA Bowling Club
258 Eighth Street Wonthella WA 6530 Postal: PO Box 489 Geraldton PO WA 6531 Ph: 9921 2970 Email: wonthellabowlingclub@westnet.com.au Web: www.clubwonthella.bowls.com.au
501 Grace Street Wyalkatchem WA 6485 Postal: PO Box 11 Wyalkatchem WA 6485 Ph / Email: Contact SEC Secretary: Jennie Dagnall - 0407 931 039 Email: jenniedagnall@gmail.com President: Darrell Stratford - 0427 681 191 Mens Bowls: Anthony Ryan - 0429 815 010 Womens Bowls: Dianne Davies - 0429 976 203
YARLOOP Bowling Club
35 Teesdale Street Yarloop WA 6218 Postal: PO Box 59 Yarloop WA 6218 Ph: 9733 5279 Email: yarloopbowlingclub@gmail.com Web: yarloopbowlingandreacreationclub.com
YILGARN Bowling Club
Cnr Spica & Canopus Streets Southern Cross WA 6426 Postal: PO Box 98 Southern Cross WA 6426 Ph/Email: See SEC Details Secretary: Cheryl Auld - 0427 900 051 Email: aulddc@bigpond.com President: Nick Warren - 0427 775 325 Mens Bowls: Cheryl Auld - ABOVE Womens Bowls: Cheryl Auld - ABOVE
YORK Bowling Club Inc
Forrest Oval Recreation Reserve Forrest Street York WA 6302 Postal: PO Box 122 York WA 6302 Ph: 9641 0605 Email: york.bowls@gmail.com Secretary: Peter Wright - 0400 295 819 President: Pat Hooper - 0417 935 998 Mens Bowls: Wayne Collins - 0417 099 589 Womens Bowls: Jenny Jones - 0428 301 777
YUNDERUP Sport & Recreation Club
2 Delta Drive South Yunderup WA 6208 Postal: AS ABOVE Ph: 9537 6587 Email: mail@yunderupsportclub.org.au Web: yunderupsportclub.org.au Secretary: Susan Moore - 0439 473 671 President: Geoff Hull - 0431 489 660 Mens Bowls: Leo Harwood - 0448 377 622 Womens Bowls: Susan Moore - Above Umpire’s Contact: Adam Danes - 0417 957 960 Club Coach Contact: Contact Club