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Preparations in full swing for Interstates
The best will be heading West for the Inter State competitions and host clubs Joondalup, Warwick and Sorrento have put together talented working groups to show case their clubs and bowls in WA.

This October 6th – 20th is an opportunity to see up close some of the best bowlers in the world and support our local stars at the same time.
BA new CEO, Matthew Kennedy and President Matt Burgess will be meeting with our Bowls WA Board, then attending our 125th Awards evening to be held at Optus Stadium this year.
High performance
Welcome aboard to Gordon King who has joined the group as our new over 60’s selector. Gordon is well respected and his experience and knowledge will be a great addition to BWA.
It is also fantastic to see Laura Butler join the selection panel and is a very welcome surprise.
With Laura opting to take up some international commitments around World Bowls, she becomes unavailable for State duties. Her knowledge, experience and ideas therefore become very useful on our State Selection panel. The squads are nearing announcement and the BLITZ in July will have a significant bearing on the final selections for October.
President’s role
I frequently get asked about my role and different aspects of it, so as I near the half way mark of my term, a good time to stop and reflect.
Firstly, I respect the position, it is a privilege and as the custodian of the job I intend to hand it on as I received it, hopefully untarnished. It is primarily about people, building and maintaining contacts in the bowls community.
This can mean a lot of travel and since I took this on I have been from the Gold Coast to Denison, from Halls Head to Exmouth, from Melbourne to Leonora and even snuck in a game of bowls in Meckering on New Year’s Day.
During the State Singles I got to five venues for the day, and no I am not mad, but was told it’s harder to hit a moving target! Only joking, but the truth is I learn by listening and enjoy the feedback and insight into people and clubs.
Bowls helping the community
Bowls as a sport in the community is diverse and welcoming.
It caters for all age groups and all abilities. In our midst we have a Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist to bare foot bowlers with refreshments in hand.
But, it is the social awareness that makes the bowling community so important. You care and keep an eye out for those around and help, visit and assist as needed.
I played in the Inter Nations and again saw bowls used as a vehicle to raise money for Variety, a worthwhile and important group. Bowls has assisted many other charities and organisations, from bush fire appeals to Legacy.
A generous bunch and enormously socially aware and significant in the wider community, well done Cockburn and our bowls community.
Respect our umpires
Volunteers in any sport are essential to the operation of that sport. Bowls is no different.
Umpires give their time selflessly and are also essential to our game. Please respect and show your appreciation to someone who at times has to make some difficult decisions.