2 minute read
From the Country Director Phil MANNING Introducing Phil Manning – Country Director
Hello, my name is Philip Manning and I am the newest member of the Board. I have the old role as Country Director. Nowadays the directorships have changed, and we all share responsibility.
I am a one-eyed country boy and still see myself as representing them, so please, country friends, contact me any time.
I must admit that being on the Board has really been an eye opener. This organisation is a lot bigger than I realised. We have a CEO, Ken Pride and six full time staff. We own our own premises in Main Street Osborne Park and rent part of it to supplement our income. Bowls WA turns over about $1.4m/ year and is the envy of most other state bowls associations. The running of the office and all WA bowls events is not an easy task by any means and is done to entirety.
Firstly, congratulations to all our Pennant winners for another great season. Later in this edition there is a summary of all the winners including some great photos of celebration. Of course, while we have winners it takes us all to have a competition, so thank you to everyone for their dedication and passion for our sport.
There is a couple of things that I would like to talk about, firstly a very important subject being men’s health. Bowls WA has a wonderful partnership with Regional Men’s Health where we have seen forums held across the state – from Binningup to Exmouth and many in between.
Some clubs have held multiple sessions and have definitely seen the benefit in opening up discussions and engaging with each other and the community.
Beverley combined their event with the football club and Dowerin invited their Local Government, while others have incorporated a guest speaker into a bigger event. Some events are combined with a Bowls Open Day but this is not crucial – it is the great message and information that is crucial.
Whether it is our physical or mental wellbeing, RMH deliver the story and show you the avenues to follow should you choose to follow-up.
So, when planning your fixtures for the coming year, think about how you might work one of these sessions into one of your key days. It might be that the one session makes a big difference, and at the very least you will be remunerated for hosting the session.
Secondly, a thought about Country Week.
I’ve had some enquiries made about the men’s pairs. We presently play 2x2x2x2 and in my opinion I think this is the best game you can play. The question is, is it right for our Country week format?
The women’s competition is 3x3, so is it time for the men to follow and play the game that is played in Australian Championships and the Commonwealth Games? Country Week can be a hard slog so maybe 3x3 pairs may take a bit of pressure off.
This is by no means a directive from either staff or the board, it is my observation and thoughts only. Please be assured that Country Week in its present format will not change unless you the players think it should. I would love your thoughts and comments. Please send to me and me alone, not the staff.
My phone number is 0428 511 022 and my email address is philip.manning5@bigpond.com
Have a good break and enjoy any winter bowls you may play.
Metro Pennant Results 2023
Men's Saturday Pennants
MANNING Premier League
BASSENDEAN Division 1 White
MANNING Division 1 Blue
BEDFORD Division 5
Men's Midweek Pennants
OSBORNE PARK Premier League North
SOUTH PERTH Premier League South
FREMANTLE Division 1 Blue
MERRIWA AFA Division 3
KARDINYA Division 4
MELVILLE Division 5
NORTH PERTH Division 6
Women's Tuesday Pennants
MANNING Premier League
NORTH BEACH Division 1 White
MORLEY Division 1 Green North
COCKBURN Division 1 Green South
JOONDALUP Division 3
SOUTH PERTH Division 4
Women's Saturday Pennants
MANNING Premier League
NORTH BEACH Division 1 Blue North
THORNLIE Division 1 Blue South
SOUTH PERTH Division 3
Women's Friday Night Pennants
BAYSWATER Friday Night