3 minute read
President’s Report
From the President Larry BANDY
Brian Lucas joins board of directors
Good Governance – I am pleased to advise your Board of Directors appointed Brian Lucas from Sorrento last August as an Appointed Director, with the sole purpose of overseeing a complete review of Bowls WA's governance.
He has formed a strong Committee and with the inclusion of Peter Minchin from "Purpose Driven Performance" will undertake a complete review of our Constitution, our objectives, our strategic plan and the role of all the underlying Committees to ensure we are covering all bases in the development and future of the game of Bowls in WA.
The cost of the external consultant is being funded by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries via a Grant. Such a review has not been undertaken in the last 10 years.
Obviously, our Association is financially very viable but there are always opportunities to improve our game for the enjoyment of more participants. I am optimistic the review will result in many benefits as to how the game is managed in the future.
Innovations Committee
A further recent development has been the creation of the Innovations Committee chaired by Marc Abonnel. The purpose of the Committee is to seek out new ideas in regard to how we play the game in WA. I'm sure if any player not on the Committee, wants to present a sound proposition in writing to the Committee, they would certainly welcome it.
This is an opportunity for all bowlers throughout the State to have your say as to how you think the game can change for the better. Reasoned proposals please?
Congratulations Kristina
Congratulations to Kristina Krstic for making the Australian Jackaroos Squad and to Cody Packer for making the Emerging Jackaroos Squad - a fantastic effort and a just reward for the superb bowls they have both played in the BPL's, Masters events and State events.
Kristina just won her fourth State Singles in January. Cody recently won the Masters Triples. On behalf of every WA bowler I wish you both the very best in your endeavours to represent Australia.
Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor win Pairs
The Men's State Pairs played over 3 very hot days after Christmas saw two teams from Sorrento play off in the final. Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor defeated Chris Lander and Ross Cunningham and all four players are aged over 60 - a supreme effort.
It is also in part a result of good governance by Sorrento Bowling Club in so much over the last few years have built up a club of 800 members, including 300 pennant bowlers. In addition they have 80 corporate bowlers that play through summer.
The Club appointed a Club Coach in John Goddard and they have risen from a steady One Blue team to a contender for the Premier League pennant this year. All of this is a result of good management and planning.
I'm sure Sorrento is willing to assist any other Club Boards that are interested in their processes. Personally I would love to see a lot more clubs replicate their success.
State Singles at Bassendean
I recently attended the finals of the Men's and Women's State Singles at Bassendean. Kristina Kristic defeated Chris AceWatson from Boulder in the final.
However, Chris is in the State squad and has the ability and drive to achieve State selection. Well done Kristina. In the Men's final Blake Nairn won his second title over a former winner in Warren Holt from Wagin. Blake had beaten John Goddard (a two time winner) in the semi final 25-24.
Blake had a great day. Whilst we were able to live stream the Women's final, due to technical difficulties we were not able to live stream the Men's final!
Apologies to all those who missed out on seeing the game especially our members in the Country. We will certainly review the reasons why it didn't happen and rectify it for future events.
Wishing you good bowling in the second half of the season when promotions and pennants take on more significance.