2 minute read
From the Country Director
From the Country Director Ross WARBURTON
Good luck to players during Country week
With our borders closed over the festive season, catching up with family and friends has been difficult.
Our Premier has shut down the border again because of new outbreaks of Covid 19 occurring on the eastern seaboard in the early New Year. Let’s hope this outbreak is brought under control as this may have an effect on whether the Australian Open goes ahead.
At this stage our country bowls are continuing on where they left off at the end of 2020 with all Zones holding the Men’s ILRR on the second weekend in January.
Well done to Batavia Red on winning the ILRR in the Northern Zone, Avon League in the Eastern Zone, South East Coastal League in the Southern Zone and South West League in the South West Zone.
The ladies ILRR Pairs were held in November. Congratulations to Central Stirling on winning the Southern Zone, Batavia Red on winning the Northern Zone, Murray League on winning the South West Zone and Avon on winning the Eastern Zone.
Country Week entries for the Men have closed and at this early stage numbers are similar to last year. Ladies Country Week Entries close early February and I wish everyone an enjoyable Country Week.
Bowls Australia is working with all States to reduce the level of administration. The SWZ has moved a motion to abolish the administration of the Country Zones because technology has made it easier to communicate with Leagues in our Country areas. This does not mean we abolish IZRR’s or the All Stars for men and Country verses Metro for women before Country Week.
At the moment the leagues in each Zone rotate to hold the IZRRs. The Country Committee who hold meetings three times a year would still operate but would ask members of each League to attend these meetings.
I feel we would have better discussion from our Clubs as at the moment a lot of information is not getting to our playing members. The next meeting of the Country Committee is to be held on the 22nd February where this motion will be discussed.
I would like to thank Aaron Delaporte for the time and effort he has put into getting the Bowls Link system up and running for this year’s pennants. Could I stress that each home team put the pennant scores on the system within 24 hours of the game finishing.

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*Excluding bowls. Bring in this booklet between 26 Feb-5 March or 22-28 March to claim your discount.
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