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CEO’s Report
From the Chief Executive Officer Ken PRIDE
G O T TA L O V E T H E B O W L O. C O M . A U
WA Bowls shows resilience during crisis
At the time of writing it was fast approaching 12 months since we had ever heard of a virus COVID-19, let alone have our season and in many cases lives and livelihoods destroyed because of it. To suggest that this time a year later we would still be dealing daily with the restrictions it would bring and most likely continue to bring for some time yet beggars belief – but there we have it. To say we are fortunate here in WA is a massive understatement.
To be selfish and only consider bowls for a moment, our events have bounced back to such an extent the majority of entries for state championships are now running at decade old highs.
The state singles has seen entries (258) the highest since 2013/14, the Pairs (151) since 2014/15 and Fours (88) since prior to 2008/09 and this was only the men. The ladies are even more impressive with Singles (99) since prior to 2008/09, Pairs (77) since 2009/10 and Fours (41) since 2012/13.
With early indications suggesting Country Week numbers are also strong winning major events has never been more challenging. Let’s hope this may continue into the years ahead (the entries not COVID!).
Looking ahead never more important
Given the past year, being prepared for the future has never been more important and in doing so reviewing current practices to ensure the sport is in the best shape possible is the obvious starting point. To that end the Board has commissioned two sub-committees to review and make recommendations for any change to current practice; both on and off green.
The first is off-green with the Governance Review Committee chaired by Board Director Brian Lucas. This committee will consider all matters of the Association’s governance, from the Constitution, to By Laws, and Committee structures to ensure all are up to the task and readying the sport for the next decade.
The second is the Innovations Committee, borne out of the Bowls 2025 Committee from recent times. As its name suggests this group of experienced current bowlers, chaired by Board Director Marc Abonnel are considering all matters on-green, including not only current but potential future competitions and formats.
Each committee in its own right is important to keep ahead of modern trends and ensure as best we can the game is structured on and off green for the future.
Association funding through DLGSC
DLGSC, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has agreed to continue funding for the Winning Drive program that has seen many metropolitan and particularly country clubs provided the opportunity for training and development in areas such as Bowls Link, Social Media, Marketing and Sponsorship acquisition.
The funding support provided will be over two years and enable continued training and development of clubs, continuing to assist in their important objective of financial self-sufficiency; a key mission of Bowls WA.
In addition, the Association also received funding for the Governance Review mentioned earlier allowing us to appoint a specialist consultant. From this funding Purpose Driven Performance will conduct a comprehensive review of the Association’s governance structures. The continued support by the State Government department DLGSC is as always much appreciated.
CSRFF success
It has also been a great recent few months for clubs that have applied for state government infrastructure funding through the CSRFF scheme.
Denison (two synthetics), Narrogin (one synthetic), Manning and Como (new toilets/change facilities), Sorrento (one synthetic), Northampton (one synthetic), Brunswick (one synthetic) and Pinjarra (one synthetic) are just some of the recipients of funding.
Word has it that Belmont City and Forrestfield have been granted funds in the lead up to the state election, no doubt welcome boosts for both clubs.
New off-season high performance comp.
To aid in the development of our state squads over the offseason as they prepare (hopefully) for the October Nationals on the Gold Coast a new high performance event is to be run.
Eight teams of eight will battle it out over several rounds in varying disciplines between May and September in the lead up to state selection. The teams will have a Manager and Captain who will select their teams from the Open state squad and following that a combination of Over 60s and Academy squad members.
The opportunity for other players to be considered will also be available, with all sides selecting via an on-line draft which players can nominate for if they wish.
It should make for some very competitive bowls as team members battle it out for Sides selection.