Favo coming soon to a desktop near you
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An inbox for your bookmarks Tags, labels and categories Easy and instant search tools
Recommend bookmarks to friends Share topics and tags automatically Publish your bookmark to the world
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Multiple computers and browsers Backup your favorite bookmarks Access your favorites from anywhere
Get recommendations Surf the Favo channels Join special interest groups
An inbox for your bookmarks
Recommend bookmarks to friends
Favo uses the very familiar inbox
Recommend a website or a video link to
concept for all incoming favorites. Your surfing experience does not get interrupted by dialogs that ask you to pause and organize the content you are collecting. Favorites are collected from
a friend without having to bombard their email inbox. Favo users can exchange favorite bookmarks using the Favo a p p l i c a t i o n . Yo u r f r i e n d s ' recommendations will appear in your
your browser and from your friends' recommendations.
Favo inbox for you to review when you are ready to surf. Share topics and tags automatically Share single bookmarks or whole topics (tags) with friends and peers. You select the topic you want to share and the friends you would like to share it with. The next time you archive a favorite bookmark under that topic, your friends will be notified of your recommendation.
Tags, labels and categories Catalog and label your favorite bookmarks under different topics. Favo can automatically label and tag your favorites for you based on its intelligent tagging engine. You can use and edit Favo's recommended tags as you wish. Once your favorites are tagged you can archive the item and retrieve it anytime.
Publish your bookmark to the world
Easy and instant search tools
Publish your "Favo Roll" to your blog or
Search your favorites and bookmarks with speed and accuracy. No more sifting through hundreds of history pages to find the one website you archived a few months back.
to a profile page on your favorite social and professional networks. Favo Rolls can be created with specific topics, allowing you to have different Favo Rolls for different targets.
Multiple computers and browsers
Get recommendations from "like minds"
Keep your favorite bookmarks
Favo will recommend favorites for you
synchronized across multiple computers and web browsers. Syncing is automatic -- just install Favo on the computers you use on a regular basis and sign in to your account. Save your favorites at
based on your interests and your match with other web surfers who have similar taste, all while protecting your and others' identity and privacy. Favo's suggestions are based on your own
home and access them from work or on the road.
bookmarks and how closely your favorites matches others' favorites.
Backup your favorite bookmarks Never lose your favorites again! Even if you have a single computer, Favo will backup your complete collection of bookmarks for retrieval at any time. Your data is securely saved and stored using your account access information and is available to you at any time. Access your bookmarks from anywhere Access your favorite links from anywhere even if you don’t have your computer with you. Favo provides you with a webonly version that you can access from friends' computers or internet cafes.
Surf the Favo channels Favo channels are published based on currently popular items within Favo’s user base. See what is hot on the Internet across many channels and t o p i c s . Yo u c a n s u b s c r i b e a n d unsubscribe at any time to any Favo channel. Join special interest groups You can create your own group, join a friend's group or subscribe to public groups. Meet people online or just collaborate with friends, family or coworkers to share and discuss your favorite spots on the Internet.
A message from the developers Over the past decade, operating systems and web browsers have been trying to address the problem of
The power of Favo's non-intrusive user experience becomes obvious when you decide to add a link or a web page to
organizing and managing web favorites. Our email inboxes are cluttered with messages from friends wanting to share a link or a video with us. Online bookmarking sites are struggling to
your inbox. Or when you are looking for a very specific topic that only a few users on the network are familiar with. Or when you decide to share a whole topic of favorite bookmarks with a friend
attract a wide customer base because of many limitations including a disruptive user experience.
or peer.
Group-thought is overly consuming
This ease-of-use combined with a patent pending tagging engine allows Favo to eliminate the obstacles facing other
online content aggregation services. We asked ourselves: How do I find, explore, manage and share the cool websites that I like? How can I contribute to the opinion of the masses without disrupting
bookmark management tools available today.
my user experience? How can I find my "birds of a feather" to discover new content? How do I catalog the thousands (or even tens of thousands) of favorite bookmarks that I've collected
things you need to keep track of. It is your IM for sending cool links to friends. It is your catalog of what you should explore next.
Favo is the bridge between your desktop and your online world. It is your inbox of
over the years? The favo development team Our answer was to combine the power of a desktop tool like Microsoft Outlook or Google’s Picasa with an online service and social network. We wanted to catalog and manage our bookmarks with a rich user experience, discover content based on our unique tastes from others who share the same discriminating taste, synchronize our favorites online with our different desktops and laptops, and share selective topics with friends, family and peers.
Get notified when the beta is available beta@favo.com