Create Your own Custom tuCk Box Design for Your PlaYing CarDs
introDuCtion Custom PlaYing CarD Boxes • Custom Playing Card Box comes in sleeve style and tuck top design for the packaging of playing cards placed in plastic covers.
aBout us • We at the BoxesMe provide our customers plenty of customization options to beautify their product outlook through special playing card packaging boxes with printing designs and free design assistance.
ProCessing of PlaYing CarD Boxes • We process your order by taking the design suggestions from you. After finalizing the printing styles, color, logo and all the necessary aspects of creating the box, we start manufacturing them using high quality cardboard material.
free shiPPing serviCes • We offer free shipping in the United States at your door stop without any hidden charges.
sPeCial DisCount offers • Get special discount offers by ordering us now and get 40% off wholesale rates for your order.
Question, Comment, ConCern • Discuss with our experts about any concerns related to your product packaging. BoxesMe will answer all your questions and value your feedback.
ContaCt us Address# One Liberty Plaza 165 Broadway, 23rd Floor, New York City, NY, 10006, United States +1-845-582-1499