ISI & The Good Schools Guide Report Hihglights

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ISI Report M AY 2 0 1 9

Pupils of all abilities are well-supported by a balanced curriculum that is increasingly personalised to nurture the strengths of each individual.

Pupils achieve well, in line with the school’s aims to fulfil potential and prepare pupils for life.

Social development is excellent. Pupils are confident with their dealings with adults For day pupils and boarders, the high level of participation and achievement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activity

and show high levels of empathy when supporting and collaborating with each other and their teachers.

is a strength of the school. Very good collaborative learning was observed in a range of subject areas, and this was noted as a strength of the learning culture.

Pupils are exceptionally positive in their commitment to making a difference to the lives of others and fully realise the values encapsulated by the Round Square IDEALS that encourage service in all its forms.

To read the full report please visit our website • t: 01372 384240 • e: • London Road, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6EA

Good Schools Guide Report


Some key highlights from our latest review… HEADMASTER Since 2014, Corydon Lowde BSc MEd NPQH, previously school’s deputy head – as such has ‘spent my entire 40s at the school’. Before that, nearly three years’

handy overseas experience in similar role at British International School of Boston, preceded by seven-year stint at Hampshire Collegiate School, starting career at

their wellbeing for each and every child. ‘The teachers are the reason I stayed on after GCSEs’, one pupil told us – ‘they understand what makes you tick as an individual and do everything in their power to ensure you succeed’.”

PASTORAL CARE, WELL-BEING AND DISCIPLINE Commitment to democracy and leadership is visible. Boarders nominate two reps from each of the six houses to discuss issues – often food related. Head boy and girl

large state comprehensive.

lead a 13-strong pupil syndicate who supervise breaks,

Pupils interact easily with him – no sudden straightening

Known as Guardians, the superhero connotations are a

of backs or rabbit-in-headlight smiles when they spot

highly successful recruitment tool. Handover speech to

him approaching. This is not wasted on the parents,

successors an annual tear-jerker.

administer telling’s off for minor uniform infringements.

with one commenting, ‘In other schools we visited, it felt like the pupils were on parade, but at Box Hill they are completely comfortable around him’. Doesn’t teach (‘my schedule doesn’t allow it’) but regularly pops

GAMES, OPTIONS, THE ARTS If we had a pound for every time a school told us it offers a truly holistic education,

into lessons (‘to make sure they are friendly, fun and

we’d probably have our head

focused’) and is never far from sight during break times

office in the Maldives, but

and at the beginning and end of the day. ‘Very down-

whole-character education

to-earth’ and ‘really interested in us as individuals,’

really does seem to be

pupils report, while parents laud his commitment to the

the raison d’être here. It

‘development of character education’.


won’t be for everyone – the single-minded academic or ultra-competitive, for example, but for a good all-round

The paragraph below, as quoted by The Good Schools

education to find, unlock and nurture key strengths, this

Guide journalist, perfectly encapsulates our ethos:

is a safe bet.

“Tonnes of tracking, mentoring, small group (and

Sport seen as key to this approach – all major sports on

sometimes individual) teaching, lunchtime clinics,

offer (main players are netball, rugby, football, cricket

giving out of teacher email addresses and relationship-

and rounders) and lots of minor ones (table tennis,

driven steering all help. So does the fact that the school

badminton, tennis, horse riding, among others), with

promotes pupils focusing on their own growth, learning

strong teams which, crucially, are regularly readjusted

and success instead of comparing themselves to others.

to encourage widespread participation. ‘Most of us get

Ethos derives in part from membership of Round Square

a go in a top team,’ said one pupil proudly, with school

group of schools, linked to ideals of eccentric but hugely

favouring a professional approach over the win-win-win

influential educationalist Kurt Hahn, who stressed

mind set of some other local schools.

compassion coupled with ‘just do it’ mentality. Teachers’ bonds with pupils have clear in loco parentis feel and you are left under no illusion as to their commitment to

To read the full report please visit our website • t: 01372 384240 • e: • London Road, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6EA

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