Box Hill School Scholarship Programme

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We offer a small but important number of scholarships at entry into Years 7 and 9 as well as for the Sixth Form (Year 12) across a number of disciplines. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of achievements in chosen specialised subjects, the satisfactory completion of our examination papers, a scholarship assessment and interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

All our scholars are excellent role models inside and outside the classroom. They participate fully in the life of the school and represent the school at various functions.

Parents of candidates interested in a scholarship award should complete the scholarship application form which can be downloaded from the admissions page on the school website. Applications for external candidates should be endorsed by the candidate’s current school and candidates are asked to write a letter of application, stating why they should be considered for a scholarship.

All candidates for scholarship awards will be invited to ‘Scholars’ Day’. Applicants will have separate sessions relating to their particular discipline which will involve presenting to or performing for the appropriate Head of Department or undertaking skills tests.

We look forward to receiving your child’s application, after which we will inform you of the specific requirements for their scholarship assessment day should they be called by the review panel. Applicants will be notified of the result by the Headmistress as soon as possible after the Scholars’ Day.

Our Admissions team are happy to help and advise at any stage. E: T: 01372 384240


Academic scholarships are available to all registered candidates and are based on attainment in our entrance tests. Applications for academic scholarships are therefore not required. Scholars are recognised within the school and expected to be role models for their peers. All academic scholars are supported, encouraged and challenged in a variety of different ways.

Expectations of Academic Scholars

• Demonstrate a strong work ethic in their academic studies

• Take on advice from their academic mentors

• Be resourceful and ambitious about how they acquire knowledge and skills

• Demonstrate leadership in lessons and be a positive role model to others

• Take an active part in the scholarship programme and embrace the opportunities available

Academic Scholars will enjoy

• Academic mentoring to help guide them to reach their academic potential and goals

• Opportunities to enter both internal and external subject competitions for example the Science Crest Awards, UKMT Maths Challenges, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Senior Youth Speaks/Rotary Club Debating, Young Writers’, GCHQ and MI5 Spy

Challenge for French Speakers, BFI French into Film and several others.

• Taking the lead on projects and initiatives as part of nationally recognised events such as National Science Week which celebrates STEM, World Book Day, Pi Day and National Poetry Day to name just a few.

• Participation in cross-curricular projects such as the Spanish/Art departments’ Mexican Calveras project or the French/ Music departments’ junior scholars French singing project.

• Opportunities to develop leadership and mentoring skills by helping younger students, for example our linguists working with GCSE students to help with their language speaking.

Academic scholars are encouraged to foster and role model a love of learning in all that they do and to lead by example, bringing it alive in everyday school life. We guide and support them in their area of particular interest. We give close guidance and help with accessing chosen universities, with advice on personal statements, interview practice and preparation for any entrance exams which they may need to take.


Ezi has navigated her way through all the subjects successfully in her Prep school, and continues to do so at Box Hill School. Her favourite subjects at school at languages, and wishes to incorperate this into her future career in property law. She actively participates in Book Club and enjoys the opportunity to discuss literature. Ezi is grateful that she gets 1-to-1 mentoring with teachers which has been invaluable when deciding on her future pathway.


Asides from being Box Hill School’s Head Girl, Daisy spends a lot of her time in the Sports Centre learning about sports science and health. She enjoys Biology, English Language and languages. She continually shows determination, drive and commitment inside and outside of the classroom. Daisy is able to encourage teams, as well as improve individually in her subjects and extra curricular activities.


Sports scholars will be expected to showcase their talents in the major sports followed at Box Hill School. Boys: Football, Rugby, Hockey and Cricket. Girls: Hockey, Netball, Rounders and Cricket

The scholars will also be assessed on various components of fitness, which include, agility, coordination, flexibility and speed. Applicants with other sporting talents will be able to demonstrate their abilities during the day. Every applicant will also have an interview with the Director of Sport, where they will be questioned on the content of their application and their talents.

Expectations of Sport Scholars

• Be fully committed to school sport, including Inter-Thirds competitions, participation in all appropriate teams and full availability for fixtures

• Take advice from their coaches and teachers

• Be resourceful and ambitious about how they develop their skills and improve their athletic ability to progress through their chosen sporting pathway

• Demonstrate leadership in lessons, training and fixtures and be a positive role model to others

• Take an active part in the scholarship programme and embrace the opportunities available

Sport Scholars will enjoy

• Termly skills coaching with an external specialist coach

• Bespoke sports-specific fitness tests each term

• Weekly strength and conditioning sessions

• Regular review of areas for specific improvement relevant to their chosen sports

• A programme of lectures and talks from leading sports professionals

• Termly mentoring sessions with staff to review goals and aspirations for the future

We highly value sport and physical activity at Box Hill School with a focus across the school on ‘healthy body, healthy mind’. Being active is important, not only for physical health but also for mental health and this is reflected in the provision of a large and varied programme of physical activities as well as our excellent sporting facilities.

Our sports scholars play an important role in demonstrating the benefits of keeping active, of pursuing excellence and achieving their goals. They learn though the ups and downs of competition, through teamwork and through their personal growth. Skills for life are gained in many ways and we celebrate those for whom sport is their passion, with all that this brings to them personally and to School.


Maia started gymnastics when she was 3 years old. She transitioned to TeamGym when she was 10 years old at her current club, Leatherhead & Dorking, where her team hold the current British TeamGym championships title. Maia has won various medals and trophies in her journey including winning the National Milano Trios. Maia aspires to be part of Team GB, hopefully in time for the Olympics in 2028!


Football has always been Luca’s biggest passion, but he has the ability and desire to play a majority of sports to a good level. Luca is a keen golfer, being previously selected for Surrey golf. He dedicates his time mostly to the Dorking Wanderers Youth Development football squad. He is a determined sportman and shows great desire to be the top of his game and progress into the sports industry.


Potential art scholars are expected to bring a portfolio of previous work along with them on the day of their scholarship assessment. This provides a good indication of their artistic ability and evidence of their commitment to the subject. Sketch books are also a valuable source of information indicating a candidate’s particular interest and their ability to develop an idea from inception to conclusion across a range of disciplines and materials.

On the day of the scholarship test there is an observational drawing test which is still the ultimate barometer of a pupil’s ability and a true measure of their dexterity and perception. Whatever they possess or don’t possess is revealed by this process.

The Creative Arts department encompasses Art, 3D Design and Fashion/ Textiles offering students a broad and varied range of subjects. Practical ‘hands on’ skills development alongside digital and CAD/CAM facilities and teaching provides students with the technical abilities to progress into many and varied courses of study and future careers.

Expectations of Art Scholars

• Commitment to take creative arts subjects at GCSE

• Engage with the advice and guidance provided through the programme

• Be resourceful and ambitious about how they develop their skills and improve their artistic and creative progression

• Demonstrate leadership in lessons, workshops and guest lectures and be a positive role model to others

• Keep a personal sketchbook of their work produced outside of school which will be reviewed termly by our Head of Creative Arts

• Their artwork will be displayed around the school campus

• Take an active part in the scholarship programme and embrace the opportunities available including being an ambassador for the subject at open days and other events

Art scholars will enjoy

• Termly scholars’ mentoring sessions to explore and review Art and Design ambitions, ongoing projects and skills progression

• Opportunities to be entered for relevant competitions internally and externally

• Experimental practical workshops with focus on broader skills development

• Internal and external exhibitions of their work where scholars also learn to curate and present their work


Selina has kept a sketch book ever since she was a child. Starting out with collaging, she now creates stunning paintings and mixed media art. She enjoys being a scholar at Box Hill School because she can express her beliefs, feelings and desires outside of art classes. Her portrait triptych (pictured above) now has a proud home in Dalewood. She wants to go to more life drawing classes and continue working with acrylic paint in years to come.


Coco has always enjoyed exploring a broad range of art and design. After deciding on 3D Design for one of her A Level subjects, she spends a lot of her time in the DT workshop and says she feels at home there! One of Coco’s most impressive pieces is her virtual reality walk through of her bedroom in China. She wishes to continue her studies in architecture, sculptural forms and functional spaces after Box Hill School with an Architecture degree.


The Drama department welcomes applications from talented performers. Potential scholars are expected to prepare a monologue of their own choice for audition on the day. The piece selected should be a published monologue or extract and enable scholars to demonstrate their vocal, movement and characterisation skills.

There will also be an interview with the Head of Department where the candidate will have the opportunity to talk about productions and shows that they have been involved with, seen or are rehearsing for.

The Drama department is a vibrant and innovative space where scholars are encouraged to develop their individual talents as well as lead in the contribution to the school’s performing arts programme. The school has a rich history of delivering exceptional and ambitious productions across several genres.

Expectations of Drama Scholars

• Demonstrate a strong work ethic in their Drama studies

• Commitment to take GCSE Drama

• Actively work to improve knowledge and understanding of Drama and the theatre

• Demonstrate leadership in lessons, performances and rehearsals and be a positive role model to others

Drama scholars will enjoy

• Regular performance opportunities throughout the school year, such as the major whole school Productions and at the Musical Theatre showcase evening.

• Termly workshops led by Drama professionals and other experienced practitioners in areas such as auditioning and physical theatre.

• Theatre visits to key venues including The Globe, National Theatre and the Old Vic

• Termly scholars’ meetings with staff to support and encourage auditions for youth theatre places

Facilities for Drama teaching and performance include our dedicated and well-equipped Drama Studio and the recently updated McComish Hall. This large performance space at the heart of the school benefits from a high-spec digital sound system, full digital lighting rig and all-round ‘arena’ curtaining. The space is flexible and lends itself to multiple performance formats.


Ruby started on stage at the age of 5 singing and dancing to It’s a hard knock life from Annie. Since then, she has been involved in various productions with her performing arts school. More recently she has performed in The Snow Queen and Skellig at The Hawth Theatre. She is described by her theatre school teacher as a ‘triple threat’ as she is equally strong in all three disciplines of acting, singing and dancing.


From the age of 4, Khloe has been acting, dancing and singing with her performing arts school Stagecoach. She has taken part in every production and holiday workshop and most recently starred as High Witch in Witches. She loves all 3 disciplines (acting, singing and dancing), however has a passion for singing, where she holds a Grade 4 distinction and won her primary school singing competition singing Adele’s ‘Someone like you’. She loves supporting younger students with their lines and routines.


At Box Hill School we understand that there are many different ways of being musical. We are principally looking for pupils who are passionate about music and who can demonstrate a commitment to the subject.

The scholarship audition is quite informal and provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate what they can do. This would typically involve performing on the candidate’s main instrument(s); a conversation with the Director of Music about their musical experiences and aspirations, and some simple aural tests.

The expected minimum standard for Year 7 applications would be around grade 3/4; for Year 9, grade 4/5 and Sixth Form applicants should be at grade 6 or above. That said, talented and dedicated pupils who do not meet these requirements should not be discouraged from applying.

Expectations of Music Scholars

• Demonstrate a strong work ethic in their music studies

• Commitment to take GCSE music

• Be resourceful and ambitious about how they acquire knowledge and skills

• Demonstrate leadership in lessons, performances and rehearsals and be a positive role model to others

• Take an active part in the scholarship programme and embrace the opportunities available

Music Scholars will enjoy

• Mentoring and progress reviews with music staff to help guide them to reach their potential

• Masterclasses and workshops with professional musicians and specialist practitioners, for example in composing and conducting

• Regular performance opportunities to internal and external audiences throughout the school year. For example, ensembles, soirees, showcase evenings and Inter-Thirds competitions as well performances supporting whole school Drama productions

• Scholars’ forums with the Head of Music to explore and develop an area of musical interest and music in the wider school context

• Visits to operas and concerts at external venues

Music scholars play a central role in enriching school life with their contribution to school productions, concerts and other performance events.

Our scholarship programme is designed to stretch and challenge our most able musicians. They benefit from developing their individual talent as well as in other areas such as teamwork, leadership and independence. Focus on developing skills in music technology, analysis and appraisal as well as interpretation and competing further enhances their musicianship, creative approach and technical ability.


Krystal is one of our Year 10 Music scholars and has always had a passion for music from a young age. Throughout her early school life, she has always been selected for solos, representing her primary school and now Box Hill School. She gained her first solo when she was just in Reception, then every year thereafter up to her leavers’ show in Year 6. She plays the piano too. In a world of possibilities, Krystal plans on being a high level athlete, as well as a singer songwriter.


Ben is a Year 13 Music scholar. Ben started playing the guitars at a young age and was a member of ACM. The guitar has opened up a whole world of music opportunities for him as he enjoys playing along to a wide range of music. He has taken grade 7, and has performed solos in and out of school. Ben loves all kinds of music, and has written and sung his own. He would love a career in the performing arts.

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